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Dec 8th, 2019
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  2. Command /Dropparty <Text> [<text>]:
  3. permission: sk.Dropparty
  4. usage: &cdo /Dropparty Help for more help!
  5. trigger:
  6. if arg-1 is "Help":
  7. send "&7[&e&lDrop&b&lParty&7]"
  8. send "&7---- Dropparty (Help 1/1) ----"
  9. send "&7/Dropparty Start &e&oSend 'A Dropparty has started'"
  10. send "&7/Dropparty End &e&oSend 'Dropparty ended!'"
  11. send "&7/Dropparty Items &e&oGet Items that will give keys etc"
  12. send "&7/Dropparty Help &e&oSends this help guide"
  13. send "&7-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --"
  14. send "&7/Dropparty Warp-All (&oOptional&7 -S) &e&oTeleports all players to the Event Warp, (-S Won't show your name but &6&oConsole&E&o!)"
  15. send "&7/Dropparty Rank-Giveaway &e&oSelects a random player that wins a rank"
  16. send "&7---- Dropparty (Help 1/1) ----"
  17. if arg-1 is "Start":
  18. send "&eSending the message..."
  19. wait 5 seconds
  20. broadcast "{@prefix} Dropparty is starting in 30 seconds! &6/Warp Event&e!"
  21. wait 10 seconds
  22. broadcast "{@prefix} Dropparty is starting in 20 seconds!"
  23. wait 10 seconds
  24. broadcast "{@prefix} Dropparty is starting in 10 seconds!"
  25. wait 5 seconds
  26. broadcast "{@prefix} Dropparty is starting in 5 seconds!"
  27. wait 2 seconds
  28. broadcast "{@prefix} Dropparty is starting in 3"
  29. wait 1 second
  30. broadcast "{@prefix} Dropparty is starting in 2"
  31. wait 1 second
  32. broadcast "{@prefix} Dropparty is starting in 1"
  33. wait 1 second
  34. broadcast "{@prefix} Dropparty has started! &6/Warp Event&e!"
  35. if arg-1 is "End":
  36. send "&eSending the message..."
  37. wait 5 seconds
  38. broadcast "{@prefix} &cDropparty has ended!"
  39. if arg-1 is "Items":
  40. send "{@prefix} Items are Being given in a short amount of time."
  41. wait 1 second
  42. give player stick named "&7Key-All - Rare key" with lore "&7Right click me to give everyone &e1&7 Rare key!"
  43. give player Stick named "&7Key-All - Ultra key" with lore "&7Right click me to give everyone &e1&7 Ultra key!"
  44. give player diamond_pickaxe named "&7Cash-All - &625,000$" with lore "&7Right click me to give everyone &625,000$&7!"
  45. #This is the line that you See above in the guide. '-- -- --' --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  46. if arg-1 is "Warp-All":
  47. Send "{@prefix} Teleporting all players to the &6Event warp&e!"
  48. wait 2 seconds
  49. broadcast "{@prefix} Everyone is being warped to the &6Event-Warp&e In 10 seconds!"
  50. wait 9 seconds
  51. broadcast "{@prefix} Everyone was warped to the &6Event Warp &EBy &6%executor%&E!"
  52. if arg-1 is "Warp-All":
  53. if arg-2 is "-s":
  54. Send "{@prefix} Teleporting all players to the &6Event warp&e!"
  55. wait 2 seconds
  56. broadcast "{@prefix} Everyone is being warped to the &6Event-Warp&e In 10 seconds!"
  57. wait 9 seconds
  58. broadcast "{@prefix} Everyone was warped to the &6Event Warp &EBy &6Console&E!"
  59. if arg-1 is "Rank-GiveAway":
  60. broadcast "{@prefix} A &7[&e&lVIP&7]&e Rank is being randomly given away in 3 seconds!"
  61. add all players to {_playerslist::*}
  62. set {_playernumber} to size of {_playerslist::*}
  63. set {_x} to a random integer between 1 and {_playernumber}
  64. wait 2 seconds
  65. broadcast "{@prefix} Randomly picked 'Player: %{_playerslist::%{_x}%}%' GG!"
  66. give {_playerslist::%{_x}%} paper named "&7[&EVIP&7] Rank" with lore "&7Give this to an Admin to redeem your rank!"
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