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  1. Intel(R) VTune(TM) Profiler Self Check Utility
  2. Copyright (C) 2009 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
  3. Build Number: 623516
  5. Ignored warnings: ['To profile kernel modules during the session, make sure they are available in the /lib/modules/kernel_version/ location.', 'To enable hardware event-based sampling, PRODUCT_LEGAL_SHORT_NAME has disabled the NMI watchdog timer. The watchdog timer will be re-enabled after collection completes.']
  6. Check of files: Ok
  7. ================================================================================
  8. Context values:
  9. Command line:
  10. C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\vtune\2022.2.0\bin64\amplxe-runss.exe --context-value-list
  11. Stdout:
  12. targetOS: Windows
  13. OS: Windows
  14. OSBuildNumber: 22000
  15. OSBitness: 64
  16. AdministratorPrivileges: true
  17. isPtraceScopeLimited: false
  18. isCATSupportedByCPU: false
  19. isL3MonitoringSupportedByCPU: false
  20. isTSXAvailable: false
  21. isPTAvailable: true
  22. isHTEnabled: true
  23. fpgaOnBoard: None
  24. omniPathOnBoard: None
  25. genArchOnBoard: 10
  26. pciClassParts:
  27. tidValuesForIO:
  28. populatedIoParts:
  29. populatedIoUnits:
  30. populatedTidValuesForIO:
  31. isSGXAvailable: false
  32. Hypervisor: Microsoft Hv
  33. PerfmonVersion: 5
  34. isMaxDRAMBandwidthMeasurementSupported: true
  35. preferedGpuAdapter: 0:0:2.0
  36. gpuAdapterNameList: 0:0:2.0|Intel(R) UHD Graphics 770;
  37. gpuAdapterTileNameList: 0:0:2.0|Intel(R) UHD Graphics 770|0,;
  38. gpuOpenCLDeviceOrder: none
  39. isEHFIAvailable: true
  40. areGpuHardwareMetricsAvailableList: 0:0:2.0|true;
  41. gpuPlatformIndexList: 0:0:2.0|17;
  42. ETW: OK
  43. isGpuBusynessAvailable: yes
  44. isGpuBusynessDetailsAvailable: notAccessible
  45. isGpuWaitAvailable: no
  46. isEtwCLRSupported: yes
  47. isFtraceAvailable:
  48. isMdfEtwAvailable: false
  49. isCSwitchAvailable: yes
  50. isFunctionTracingAvailable: no
  51. isIowaitTracingAvailable: no
  52. isVSyncAvailable: na
  53. HypervisorType: Hyper-V
  54. isDeviceOrCredentialGuardEnabled: false
  55. isSEPDriverAvailable: true
  56. SEPDriverVersion: 5.33
  57. isPAXDriverLoaded: true
  58. PAXDriverVersion: 1.0
  59. platformType: 145
  60. CPU_NAME: Intel(R) microarchitecture code named Alderlake-S
  61. PMU: alderlake
  62. availablePmuTypes: bigcore,smallcore,imc,power
  63. referenceFrequency: 3187000000
  64. isPStateAvailable: true
  65. isVTSSPPDriverAvailable: true
  66. isNMIWatchDogTimerRunning: false
  67. isAOCLAvailable: false
  68. isTPSSAvailable: true
  69. isPytraceAvailable: true
  70. isGENDebugInfoAvailableList: 0:0:2.0|true;
  71. isGTPinCollectionAvailableList: 0:0:2.0|true;
  72. forceShowInlines: false
  73. isEnergyCollectionSupported: true
  74. isSocwatchDriverLoaded: true
  75. isCPUSupportedBySocwatch: false
  76. isCpuThrottlingAvailable: false
  77. isIPMWatchReady: true
  78. isNvdimmAvailable: false
  79. osCountersCollectorAvailability: available
  80. l0LoaderStatus: Ok
  81. l0DevicesAvailable: true
  82. l0VPUDevicesAvailable: false
  83. l0GPUDevicesAvailable: true
  85. Getting context values: OK
  86. ================================================================================
  87. Check driver:
  88. isSEPDriverAvailable: true
  89. isPAXDriverLoaded: true
  90. Ok
  91. ================================================================================
  92. SEP version:
  93. Command line:
  94. C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\vtune\2022.2.0\bin64\sep.exe -version
  95. Stdout:
  96. Sampling Enabling Product Version: 5.33 built on Mar 1 2022 17:57:13
  97. SEP Driver Version: 5.33 (public)
  98. PAX Driver Version: 1.0
  99. Platform type: 145
  100. CPU name: Intel(R) microarchitecture code named Alderlake-S
  101. PMU: alderlake
  102. Driver configs: Maskable Interrupt, MULTI PEBS OFF (tracepoints not accessible), OFFCORE OFF (by OS security), REGISTER CHECK ON
  103. Virtualization platform: Host VM on Hyper-V with VBS enabled
  104. Copyright(C) 2007-2020 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
  106. Check driver with sep -version: Ok
  107. ================================================================================
  108. HW event-based analysis (counting mode)...
  109. Command line:
  110. C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\vtune\2022.2.0\bin64\vtune.exe -collect performance-snapshot -r C:\Users\EMELRA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\vtune-tmp-emelrad12\self-checker-2022.04.16_17.12.00\result_ps -data-limit 0 -finalization-mode none -source-search-dir C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\vtune\2022.2.0\samples\en\C++\matrix\src -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\vtune\2022.2.0\samples\en\C++\matrix\matrix.exe
  111. Stdout:
  112. Addr of buf1 = 00000000009D7040
  113. Offs of buf1 = 00000000009D7180
  114. Addr of buf2 = 00000000029E3040
  115. Offs of buf2 = 00000000029E31C0
  116. Addr of buf3 = 00000000049F2040
  117. Offs of buf3 = 00000000049F2100
  118. Addr of buf4 = 0000000006A04040
  119. Offs of buf4 = 0000000006A04140
  120. Threads #: 16 Win threads
  121. Matrix size: 2048
  122. Using multiply kernel: multiply1
  123. Execution time = 7.630 seconds
  124. Stderr:
  125. vtune: Peak bandwidth measurement started.
  126. vtune: Peak bandwidth measurement finished.
  127. vtune: Collection started. To stop the collection, either press CTRL-C or enter from another console window: vtune -r C:\Users\EMELRA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\vtune-tmp-emelrad12\self-checker-2022.04.16_17.12.00\result_ps -command stop.
  128. vtune: Collection stopped.
  129. vtune: Using result path `C:\Users\EMELRA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\vtune-tmp-emelrad12\self-checker-2022.04.16_17.12.00\result_ps'
  131. vtune: Executing actions 0 %
  132. vtune: Executing actions 100 %
  133. vtune: Executing actions 100 % done
  135. HW event-based analysis (counting mode) (Intel driver)
  136. Example of analysis types: Performance Snapshot
  137. Collection: Ok
  138. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  139. Running finalization...
  140. Command line:
  141. C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\vtune\2022.2.0\bin64\vtune.exe -finalize -r C:\Users\EMELRA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\vtune-tmp-emelrad12\self-checker-2022.04.16_17.12.00\result_ps
  142. Stderr:
  143. vtune: Using result path `C:\Users\EMELRA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\vtune-tmp-emelrad12\self-checker-2022.04.16_17.12.00\result_ps'
  145. vtune: Executing actions 0 %
  146. vtune: Executing actions 0 % Finalizing results
  147. vtune: Executing actions 0 % Finalizing the result
  148. vtune: Executing actions 0 % Clearing the database
  149. vtune: Executing actions 14 % Clearing the database
  150. vtune: Executing actions 14 % Loading raw data to the database
  151. vtune: Executing actions 14 % Loading '' file
  152. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading '' file
  153. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'gen_metrics0_0_2_0_0.0.vtss' file
  154. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'emon.0.bwhist' file
  155. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'C:\Users\EMELRA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\vtu
  156. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Updating precomputed scalar metrics
  157. vtune: Executing actions 28 % Updating precomputed scalar metrics
  158. vtune: Executing actions 28 % Processing profile metrics and debug information
  159. vtune: Executing actions 39 % Processing profile metrics and debug information
  160. vtune: Executing actions 39 % Setting data model parameters
  161. vtune: Executing actions 39 % Resolving module symbols
  162. vtune: Executing actions 39 % Resolving thread name information
  163. vtune: Executing actions 43 % Resolving thread name information
  164. vtune: Executing actions 43 % Resolving call target names for dynamic code
  165. vtune: Executing actions 48 % Resolving call target names for dynamic code
  166. vtune: Executing actions 48 % Resolving interrupt name information
  167. vtune: Executing actions 53 % Resolving interrupt name information
  168. vtune: Executing actions 53 % Processing profile metrics and debug information
  169. vtune: Executing actions 56 % Processing profile metrics and debug information
  170. vtune: Executing actions 57 % Processing profile metrics and debug information
  171. vtune: Executing actions 58 % Processing profile metrics and debug information
  172. vtune: Executing actions 60 % Processing profile metrics and debug information
  173. vtune: Executing actions 62 % Processing profile metrics and debug information
  174. vtune: Executing actions 63 % Processing profile metrics and debug information
  175. vtune: Executing actions 64 % Processing profile metrics and debug information
  176. vtune: Executing actions 65 % Processing profile metrics and debug information
  177. vtune: Executing actions 67 % Processing profile metrics and debug information
  178. vtune: Executing actions 67 % Preparing output tree
  179. vtune: Executing actions 67 % Parsing columns in input tree
  180. vtune: Executing actions 67 % Creating top-level columns
  181. vtune: Executing actions 69 % Creating top-level columns
  182. vtune: Executing actions 69 % Creating top-level rows
  183. vtune: Executing actions 70 % Creating top-level rows
  184. vtune: Executing actions 70 % Preparing output tree
  185. vtune: Executing actions 70 % Parsing columns in input tree
  186. vtune: Executing actions 71 % Parsing columns in input tree
  187. vtune: Executing actions 71 % Creating top-level columns
  188. vtune: Executing actions 72 % Creating top-level columns
  189. vtune: Executing actions 72 % Creating top-level rows
  190. vtune: Executing actions 74 % Creating top-level rows
  191. vtune: Executing actions 74 % Preparing output tree
  192. vtune: Executing actions 74 % Parsing columns in input tree
  193. vtune: Executing actions 74 % Creating top-level columns
  194. vtune: Executing actions 76 % Creating top-level columns
  195. vtune: Executing actions 76 % Creating top-level rows
  196. vtune: Executing actions 77 % Creating top-level rows
  197. vtune: Executing actions 78 % Creating top-level rows
  198. vtune: Executing actions 78 % Preparing output tree
  199. vtune: Executing actions 78 % Parsing columns in input tree
  200. vtune: Executing actions 78 % Creating top-level columns
  201. vtune: Executing actions 79 % Creating top-level columns
  202. vtune: Executing actions 79 % Creating top-level rows
  203. vtune: Executing actions 81 % Creating top-level rows
  204. vtune: Executing actions 81 % Preparing output tree
  205. vtune: Executing actions 81 % Parsing columns in input tree
  206. vtune: Executing actions 81 % Creating top-level columns
  207. vtune: Executing actions 83 % Creating top-level columns
  208. vtune: Executing actions 83 % Creating top-level rows
  209. vtune: Executing actions 84 % Creating top-level rows
  210. vtune: Executing actions 85 % Creating top-level rows
  211. vtune: Executing actions 85 % Preparing output tree
  212. vtune: Executing actions 85 % Parsing columns in input tree
  213. vtune: Executing actions 85 % Creating top-level columns
  214. vtune: Executing actions 86 % Creating top-level columns
  215. vtune: Executing actions 86 % Creating top-level rows
  216. vtune: Executing actions 88 % Creating top-level rows
  217. vtune: Executing actions 89 % Creating top-level rows
  218. vtune: Executing actions 90 % Creating top-level rows
  219. vtune: Executing actions 91 % Creating top-level rows
  220. vtune: Executing actions 92 % Creating top-level rows
  221. vtune: Executing actions 92 % Preparing output tree
  222. vtune: Executing actions 92 % Parsing columns in input tree
  223. vtune: Executing actions 92 % Creating top-level columns
  224. vtune: Executing actions 93 % Creating top-level columns
  225. vtune: Executing actions 93 % Creating top-level rows
  226. vtune: Executing actions 95 % Creating top-level rows
  227. vtune: Executing actions 95 % Preparing output tree
  228. vtune: Executing actions 95 % Parsing columns in input tree
  229. vtune: Executing actions 96 % Parsing columns in input tree
  230. vtune: Executing actions 96 % Creating top-level columns
  231. vtune: Executing actions 97 % Creating top-level columns
  232. vtune: Executing actions 97 % Creating top-level rows
  233. vtune: Executing actions 98 % Creating top-level rows
  234. vtune: Executing actions 99 % Creating top-level rows
  235. vtune: Executing actions 99 % Setting data model parameters
  236. vtune: Executing actions 100 % Setting data model parameters
  237. vtune: Executing actions 100 % Precomputing frequently used data
  238. vtune: Executing actions 100 % Precomputing frequently used data
  239. vtune: Executing actions 100 % Updating precomputed scalar metrics
  240. vtune: Executing actions 100 % Discarding redundant overtime data
  241. vtune: Executing actions 100 % Saving the result
  242. vtune: Executing actions 100 % done
  244. Finalization: Ok
  245. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  246. Command line:
  247. C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\vtune\2022.2.0\bin64\vtune.exe -R summary -r C:\Users\EMELRA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\vtune-tmp-emelrad12\self-checker-2022.04.16_17.12.00\result_ps
  248. Stdout:
  249. Elapsed Time: 7.693s
  250. CPU
  251. IPC: 0.585
  252. | The IPC may be too low. This could be caused by issues such as memory
  253. | stalls, instruction starvation, branch misprediction or long latency
  254. | instructions. Explore the other hardware-related metrics to identify
  255. | what is causing low IPC.
  256. |
  257. P-Core: 0.574
  258. | The IPC may be too low. This could be caused by issues such as
  259. | memory stalls, instruction starvation, branch misprediction or
  260. | long latency instructions. Explore the other hardware-related
  261. | metrics to identify what is causing low IPC.
  262. |
  263. E-Core: 0.614
  264. | The IPC may be too low. This could be caused by issues such as
  265. | memory stalls, instruction starvation, branch misprediction or
  266. | long latency instructions. Explore the other hardware-related
  267. | metrics to identify what is causing low IPC.
  268. |
  269. SP GFLOPS: 0.189
  270. DP GFLOPS: 1.755
  271. x87 GFLOPS: 0.000
  272. Average CPU Frequency: 4.503 GHz
  273. GPU
  274. Time: 0.0% (0s) of Elapsed time
  275. | GPU utilization is low. Consider offloading more work to the GPU to
  276. | increase overall application performance.
  277. |
  278. Logical Core Utilization: 72.2% (17.323 out of 24)
  279. | The metric value is low, which may signal a poor logical CPU cores
  280. | utilization. Consider improving physical core utilization as the first step
  281. | and then look at opportunities to utilize logical cores, which in some cases
  282. | can improve processor throughput and overall performance of multi-threaded
  283. | applications.
  284. |
  285. Physical Core Utilization: 70.5% (11.284 out of 16)
  286. | The metric value is low, which may signal a poor physical CPU cores
  287. | utilization caused by:
  288. | - load imbalance
  289. | - threading runtime overhead
  290. | - contended synchronization
  291. | - thread/process underutilization
  292. | - incorrect affinity that utilizes logical cores instead of physical
  293. | cores
  294. | Run the HPC Performance Characterization analysis to estimate the
  295. | efficiency of MPI and OpenMP parallelism or run the Locks and Waits
  296. | analysis to identify parallel bottlenecks for other parallel runtimes.
  297. |
  298. Microarchitecture Usage
  299. P-Core
  300. Retiring
  301. Front-End Bound
  302. Bad Speculation
  303. Back-End Bound: 0.0% of Pipeline Slots
  304. Memory Bound: 0.0% of Pipeline Slots
  305. L1 Bound: 1.3% of Clockticks
  306. L2 Bound: 0.5% of Clockticks
  307. L3 Bound: 28.8% of Clockticks
  308. DRAM Bound: 45.3% of Clockticks
  309. Memory Bandwidth: 0.0% of Clockticks
  310. Memory Latency: 0.0% of Clockticks
  311. Core Bound: 0.0% of Pipeline Slots
  312. E-Core
  313. Retiring: 13.2% of Pipeline Slots
  314. Front-End Bound: 8.3% of Pipeline Slots
  315. Bad Speculation: 6.9% of Pipeline Slots
  316. Back-End Bound: 71.3% of Pipeline Slots
  317. | A significant portion of pipeline slots are remaining empty. When
  318. | operations take too long in the back-end, they introduce bubbles in
  319. | the pipeline that ultimately cause fewer pipeline slots containing
  320. | useful work to be retired per cycle than the machine is capable to
  321. | support. This opportunity cost results in slower execution. Long-
  322. | latency operations like divides and memory operations can cause this,
  323. | as can too many operations being directed to a single execution port
  324. | (for example, more multiply operations arriving in the back-end per
  325. | cycle than the execution unit can support).
  326. |
  327. Resource Bound: 71.3% of Pipeline Slots
  328. | Resource Bound
  329. |
  330. Alternative Back-End Bound: 71.3% of Pipeline Slots
  331. | A significant portion of pipeline slots are remaining empty. When
  332. | operations take too long in the back-end, they introduce bubbles in
  333. | the pipeline that ultimately cause fewer pipeline slots containing
  334. | useful work to be retired per cycle than the machine is capable to
  335. | support. This opportunity cost results in slower execution. Long-
  336. | latency operations like divides and memory operations can cause this,
  337. | as can too many operations being directed to a single execution port
  338. | (for example, more multiply operations arriving in the back-end per
  339. | cycle than the execution unit can support).
  340. |
  341. Core Bound: 24.4%
  342. | This metric represents how much Core non-memory issues were of a
  343. | bottleneck. Shortage in hardware compute resources, or
  344. | dependencies software's instructions are both categorized under
  345. | Core Bound. Hence it may indicate the machine ran out of an OOO
  346. | resources, certain execution units are overloaded or dependencies
  347. | in program's data- or instruction- flow are limiting the
  348. | performance (e.g. FP-chained long-latency arithmetic operations).
  349. |
  350. Memory Bound: 46.9%
  351. | The metric value is high. This can indicate that the significant
  352. | fraction of execution pipeline slots could be stalled due to
  353. | demand memory load and stores. Use Memory Access analysis to have
  354. | the metric breakdown by memory hierarchy, memory bandwidth
  355. | information, correlation by memory objects.
  356. |
  357. L2 Bound: 3.9%
  358. L3 Bound: 15.1%
  359. | This metric shows how often CPU was stalled on L3 cache, or
  360. | contended with a sibling Core. Avoiding cache misses (L2
  361. | misses/L3 hits) improves the latency and increases
  362. | performance.
  363. |
  364. DRAM Bound: 27.9%
  365. | This metric shows how often CPU was stalled on the main
  366. | memory (DRAM). Caching typically improves the latency and
  367. | increases performance.
  368. |
  369. Memory Bound: 0.0% of Pipeline Slots
  370. P-Core
  371. Memory Bound: 0.0% of Pipeline Slots
  372. Cache Bound: 30.6% of Clockticks
  373. | A significant proportion of cycles are being spent on data
  374. | fetches from caches. Check Memory Access analysis to see if
  375. | accesses to L2 or L3 caches are problematic and consider applying
  376. | the same performance tuning as you would for a cache-missing
  377. | workload. This may include reducing the data working set size,
  378. | improving data access locality, blocking or partitioning the
  379. | working set to fit in the lower cache levels, or exploiting
  380. | hardware prefetchers. Consider using software prefetchers, but
  381. | note that they can interfere with normal loads, increase latency,
  382. | and increase pressure on the memory system. This metric includes
  383. | coherence penalties for shared data. Check Microarchitecture
  384. | Exploration analysis to see if contested accesses or data sharing
  385. | are indicated as likely issues.
  386. |
  387. DRAM Bound: 45.3% of Clockticks
  388. E-Core
  389. Memory Bound: 46.9%
  390. | The metric value is high. This can indicate that the significant
  391. | fraction of execution pipeline slots could be stalled due to demand
  392. | memory load and stores. Use Memory Access analysis to have the metric
  393. | breakdown by memory hierarchy, memory bandwidth information,
  394. | correlation by memory objects.
  395. |
  396. Cache Bound: 19.0% of Clockticks
  397. DRAM Bound: 27.9%
  398. | This metric shows how often CPU was stalled on the main memory
  399. | (DRAM). Caching typically improves the latency and increases
  400. | performance.
  401. |
  402. Vectorization: 1.5% of Packed FP Operations
  403. | A significant fraction of floating point arithmetic instructions are scalar.
  404. | This indicates that the code was not fully vectorized. Use Intel Advisor to
  405. | see possible reasons why the code was not vectorized.
  406. |
  407. Instruction Mix
  408. SP FLOPs: 0.1% of uOps
  409. Packed: 51.1% from SP FP
  410. 128-bit: 7.7% from SP FP
  411. | A significant fraction of floating point arithmetic vector
  412. | instructions is executed with a partial vector load. Make
  413. | sure you compile the code with the latest instruction set or
  414. | use Intel Advisor for vectorization help.
  415. |
  416. 256-bit: 43.4% from SP FP
  417. Scalar: 48.9% from SP FP
  418. | A significant fraction of floating point arithmetic instructions
  419. | are scalar. This indicates that the code was not fully
  420. | vectorized. Use Intel Advisor to see possible reasons why the
  421. | code was not vectorized.
  422. |
  423. DP FLOPs: 5.5% of uOps
  424. Packed: 0.3% from DP FP
  425. 128-bit: 0.3% from DP FP
  426. 256-bit: 0.0% from DP FP
  427. Scalar: 99.7% from DP FP
  428. | A significant fraction of floating point arithmetic instructions
  429. | are scalar. This indicates that the code was not fully
  430. | vectorized. Use Intel Advisor to see possible reasons why the
  431. | code was not vectorized.
  432. |
  433. x87 FLOPs: 0.0% of uOps
  434. Non-FP: 94.4% of uOps
  435. GPU Active Time: 0.0%
  436. | GPU utilization is low. Consider offloading more work to the GPU to increase
  437. | overall application performance.
  438. |
  439. Collection and Platform Info
  440. Application Command Line: C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\vtune\2022.2.0\samples\en\C++\matrix\matrix.exe
  441. Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10
  442. Computer Name: Desktop
  443. Result Size: 4.4 MB
  444. Collection start time: 15:12:10 16/04/2022 UTC
  445. Collection stop time: 15:12:17 16/04/2022 UTC
  446. Collector Type: Event-based sampling driver,Event-based counting driver
  447. CPU
  448. Name: Intel(R) microarchitecture code named Alderlake-S
  449. Frequency: 3.187 GHz
  450. Logical CPU Count: 24
  451. Max DRAM Single-Package Bandwidth: 67.000 GB/s
  452. Cache Allocation Technology
  453. Level 2 capability: not detected
  454. Level 3 capability: not detected
  455. GPU
  456. Name: Intel(R) UHD Graphics 770
  457. Vendor: Intel Corporation
  458. Driver:
  459. EU Count: 32
  460. Max EU Thread Count: 7
  461. Max Core Frequency: 1.550 GHz
  462. L3 size: 2.0 MB
  463. LLC size: 31.5 MB
  465. Recommendations:
  466. Hotspots: Start with Hotspots analysis to understand the efficiency of your algorithm.
  467. | Use Hotspots analysis to identify the most time consuming functions.
  468. | Drill down to see the time spent on every line of code.
  469. HPC Performance Characterization: Vectorization (1.5%) is low. A significant fraction of floating point arithmetic instructions are scalar. This indicates that the code was not fully vectorized. Use Intel Advisor to see possible reasons why the code was not vectorized.
  470. | Use HPC Performance Characterization analysis to examine the performance
  471. | of compute-intensive applications. Understand CPU/GPU utilization and get
  472. | information about OpenMP efficiency, memory access, and vectorization.
  473. Threading: There is poor utilization of logical CPU cores (72.2%) in your application.
  474. | Use Threading to explore more opportunities to increase parallelism in
  475. | your application.
  477. If you want to skip descriptions of detected performance issues in the report,
  478. enter: vtune -report summary -report-knob show-issues=false -r <my_result_dir>.
  479. Alternatively, you may view the report in the csv format: vtune -report
  480. <report_name> -format=csv.
  481. Stderr:
  482. vtune: Using result path `C:\Users\EMELRA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\vtune-tmp-emelrad12\self-checker-2022.04.16_17.12.00\result_ps'
  484. vtune: Executing actions 0 %
  485. vtune: Executing actions 0 % Finalizing results
  486. vtune: Executing actions 50 % Finalizing results
  487. vtune: Executing actions 50 % Generating a report
  488. vtune: Executing actions 50 % Setting data model parameters
  489. vtune: Executing actions 75 % Setting data model parameters
  490. vtune: Executing actions 75 % Generating a report
  491. vtune: Executing actions 100 % Generating a report
  492. vtune: Executing actions 100 % done
  494. Report: Ok
  496. ================================================================================
  497. Instrumentation based analysis check...
  498. Command line:
  499. C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\vtune\2022.2.0\bin64\vtune.exe -collect hotspots -r C:\Users\EMELRA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\vtune-tmp-emelrad12\self-checker-2022.04.16_17.12.00\result_tpss -data-limit 0 -finalization-mode none -source-search-dir C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\vtune\2022.2.0\samples\en\C++\matrix\src -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\vtune\2022.2.0\samples\en\C++\matrix\matrix.exe
  500. Stdout:
  501. Addr of buf1 = 0000000006C39040
  502. Offs of buf1 = 0000000006C39180
  503. Addr of buf2 = 0000000008C4F040
  504. Offs of buf2 = 0000000008C4F1C0
  505. Addr of buf3 = 000000000AC60040
  506. Offs of buf3 = 000000000AC60100
  507. Addr of buf4 = 000000000CC7C040
  508. Offs of buf4 = 000000000CC7C140
  509. Threads #: 16 Win threads
  510. Matrix size: 2048
  511. Using multiply kernel: multiply1
  512. Execution time = 9.016 seconds
  513. Stderr:
  514. vtune: Collection started. To stop the collection, either press CTRL-C or enter from another console window: vtune -r C:\Users\EMELRA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\vtune-tmp-emelrad12\self-checker-2022.04.16_17.12.00\result_tpss -command stop.
  515. vtune: Collection stopped.
  516. vtune: Using result path `C:\Users\EMELRA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\vtune-tmp-emelrad12\self-checker-2022.04.16_17.12.00\result_tpss'
  518. vtune: Executing actions 0 %
  519. vtune: Executing actions 100 %
  520. vtune: Executing actions 100 % done
  522. Instrumentation based analysis check
  523. Example of analysis types: Hotspots and Threading with user-mode sampling
  524. Collection: Ok
  525. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  526. Running finalization...
  527. Command line:
  528. C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\vtune\2022.2.0\bin64\vtune.exe -finalize -r C:\Users\EMELRA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\vtune-tmp-emelrad12\self-checker-2022.04.16_17.12.00\result_tpss
  529. Stderr:
  530. vtune: Using result path `C:\Users\EMELRA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\vtune-tmp-emelrad12\self-checker-2022.04.16_17.12.00\result_tpss'
  532. vtune: Executing actions 0 %
  533. vtune: Executing actions 0 % Finalizing results
  534. vtune: Executing actions 0 % Finalizing the result
  535. vtune: Executing actions 0 % Clearing the database
  536. vtune: Executing actions 14 % Clearing the database
  537. vtune: Executing actions 14 % Loading raw data to the database
  538. vtune: Executing actions 14 % Loading '' file
  539. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading '' file
  540. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading '28880-16604.0.trace' file
  541. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'C:\Users\EMELRA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\vtu
  542. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Updating precomputed scalar metrics
  543. vtune: Executing actions 28 % Updating precomputed scalar metrics
  544. vtune: Executing actions 28 % Processing profile metrics and debug information
  545. vtune: Executing actions 39 % Processing profile metrics and debug information
  546. vtune: Executing actions 39 % Setting data model parameters
  547. vtune: Executing actions 39 % Resolving module symbols
  548. vtune: Executing actions 39 % Resolving information for `KERNEL32.DLL'
  549. vtune: Executing actions 39 % Resolving information for `KERNELBASE.dll'
  550. vtune: Warning: Cannot locate debugging information for file `C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNEL32.DLL'.
  551. vtune: Warning: Cannot locate debugging information for file `C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNELBASE.dll'.
  553. vtune: Executing actions 39 % Resolving information for `ntdll.dll'
  554. vtune: Executing actions 40 % Resolving information for `ntdll.dll'
  555. vtune: Executing actions 41 % Resolving information for `ntdll.dll'
  556. vtune: Executing actions 41 % Resolving information for `matrix.exe'
  557. vtune: Executing actions 41 % Resolving information for `ucrtbase.dll'
  558. vtune: Executing actions 41 % Resolving information for `tpsstool.dll'
  559. vtune: Warning: Cannot locate debugging information for file `C:\WINDOWS\System32\ucrtbase.dll'.
  560. vtune: Warning: Cannot locate debugging information for file `C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll'.
  562. vtune: Executing actions 42 % Resolving information for `tpsstool.dll'
  563. vtune: Executing actions 43 % Resolving information for `tpsstool.dll'
  564. vtune: Warning: Cannot locate debugging information for file `C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\vtune\2022.2.0\bin64\tpsstool.dll'.
  566. vtune: Executing actions 44 % Resolving information for `tpsstool.dll'
  567. vtune: Executing actions 45 % Resolving information for `tpsstool.dll'
  568. vtune: Executing actions 45 % Resolving bottom user stack information
  569. vtune: Executing actions 46 % Resolving bottom user stack information
  570. vtune: Executing actions 47 % Resolving bottom user stack information
  571. vtune: Executing actions 47 % Resolving thread name information
  572. vtune: Executing actions 48 % Resolving thread name information
  573. vtune: Executing actions 48 % Resolving call target names for dynamic code
  574. vtune: Executing actions 50 % Resolving call target names for dynamic code
  575. vtune: Executing actions 50 % Resolving interrupt name information
  576. vtune: Executing actions 53 % Resolving interrupt name information
  577. vtune: Executing actions 53 % Processing profile metrics and debug information
  578. vtune: Executing actions 56 % Processing profile metrics and debug information
  579. vtune: Executing actions 60 % Processing profile metrics and debug information
  580. vtune: Executing actions 62 % Processing profile metrics and debug information
  581. vtune: Executing actions 63 % Processing profile metrics and debug information
  582. vtune: Executing actions 63 % Setting data model parameters
  583. vtune: Executing actions 64 % Setting data model parameters
  584. vtune: Executing actions 64 % Precomputing frequently used data
  585. vtune: Executing actions 64 % Precomputing frequently used data
  586. vtune: Executing actions 67 % Precomputing frequently used data
  587. vtune: Executing actions 70 % Precomputing frequently used data
  588. vtune: Executing actions 73 % Precomputing frequently used data
  589. vtune: Executing actions 76 % Precomputing frequently used data
  590. vtune: Executing actions 76 % Updating precomputed scalar metrics
  591. vtune: Executing actions 78 % Updating precomputed scalar metrics
  592. vtune: Executing actions 78 % Discarding redundant overtime data
  593. vtune: Executing actions 82 % Discarding redundant overtime data
  594. vtune: Executing actions 82 % Saving the result
  595. vtune: Executing actions 85 % Saving the result
  596. vtune: Executing actions 89 % Saving the result
  597. vtune: Executing actions 100 % Saving the result
  598. vtune: Executing actions 100 % done
  600. Finalization: Ok
  601. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  602. Command line:
  603. C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\vtune\2022.2.0\bin64\vtune.exe -limit 5 -format csv -csv-delimiter comma -report hotspots -group-by function -r C:\Users\EMELRA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\vtune-tmp-emelrad12\self-checker-2022.04.16_17.12.00\result_tpss
  604. Stdout:
  605. Function,CPU Time,CPU Time:Effective Time,CPU Time:Spin Time,CPU Time:Overhead Time,Module,Function (Full),Source File,Start Address
  606. multiply1,138.148181,138.148181,0.0,0.0,matrix.exe,multiply1,multiply.c,0x1400017f0
  607. init_arr,0.030568,0.030568,0.0,0.0,matrix.exe,init_arr,matrix.c,0x1400010a0
  608. WaitForMultipleObjects,0.017303,0.0,0.017303,0.0,KERNELBASE.dll,WaitForMultipleObjects,[Unknown],0x18004f8e0
  609. free_base,0.003697,0.003697,0.0,0.0,ucrtbase.dll,free_base,[Unknown],0x180012170
  610. Stderr:
  611. vtune: Using result path `C:\Users\EMELRA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\vtune-tmp-emelrad12\self-checker-2022.04.16_17.12.00\result_tpss'
  613. vtune: Executing actions 0 %
  614. vtune: Executing actions 0 % Finalizing results
  615. vtune: Executing actions 50 % Finalizing results
  616. vtune: Executing actions 50 % Generating a report
  617. vtune: Executing actions 50 % Setting data model parameters
  618. vtune: Executing actions 75 % Setting data model parameters
  619. vtune: Executing actions 75 % Generating a report
  620. vtune: Executing actions 100 % Generating a report
  621. vtune: Executing actions 100 % done
  623. Report: Ok
  625. ================================================================================
  626. HW event-based analysis check...
  627. Command line:
  628. C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\vtune\2022.2.0\bin64\vtune.exe -collect hotspots -knob sampling-mode=hw -r C:\Users\EMELRA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\vtune-tmp-emelrad12\self-checker-2022.04.16_17.12.00\result_ah -data-limit 0 -finalization-mode none -source-search-dir C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\vtune\2022.2.0\samples\en\C++\matrix\src -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\vtune\2022.2.0\samples\en\C++\matrix\matrix.exe
  629. Stdout:
  630. Addr of buf1 = 0000000000A67040
  631. Offs of buf1 = 0000000000A67180
  632. Addr of buf2 = 0000000002A7F040
  633. Offs of buf2 = 0000000002A7F1C0
  634. Addr of buf3 = 0000000004A93040
  635. Offs of buf3 = 0000000004A93100
  636. Addr of buf4 = 0000000006AA2040
  637. Offs of buf4 = 0000000006AA2140
  638. Threads #: 16 Win threads
  639. Matrix size: 2048
  640. Using multiply kernel: multiply1
  641. Execution time = 9.663 seconds
  642. Stderr:
  643. vtune: Collection started. To stop the collection, either press CTRL-C or enter from another console window: vtune -r C:\Users\EMELRA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\vtune-tmp-emelrad12\self-checker-2022.04.16_17.12.00\result_ah -command stop.
  644. vtune: Collection stopped.
  645. vtune: Using result path `C:\Users\EMELRA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\vtune-tmp-emelrad12\self-checker-2022.04.16_17.12.00\result_ah'
  647. vtune: Executing actions 0 %
  648. vtune: Executing actions 100 %
  649. vtune: Executing actions 100 % done
  651. HW event-based analysis check (Intel driver)
  652. Example of analysis types: Hotspots with HW event-based sampling, HPC Performance Characterization, etc.
  653. Collection: Ok
  654. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  655. Running finalization...
  656. Command line:
  657. C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\vtune\2022.2.0\bin64\vtune.exe -finalize -r C:\Users\EMELRA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\vtune-tmp-emelrad12\self-checker-2022.04.16_17.12.00\result_ah
  658. Stderr:
  659. vtune: Using result path `C:\Users\EMELRA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\vtune-tmp-emelrad12\self-checker-2022.04.16_17.12.00\result_ah'
  661. vtune: Executing actions 0 %
  662. vtune: Executing actions 0 % Finalizing results
  663. vtune: Executing actions 0 % Finalizing the result
  664. vtune: Executing actions 0 % Clearing the database
  665. vtune: Executing actions 14 % Clearing the database
  666. vtune: Executing actions 14 % Loading raw data to the database
  667. vtune: Executing actions 14 % Loading '' file
  668. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading '' file
  669. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  670. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  671. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  672. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  673. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  674. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  675. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  676. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  677. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  678. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  679. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  680. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  681. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  682. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  683. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  684. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  685. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  686. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  687. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  688. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  689. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  690. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  691. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  692. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  693. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  694. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  695. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  696. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  697. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  698. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  699. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  700. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  701. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  702. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  703. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  704. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  705. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  706. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  707. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  708. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  709. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  710. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  711. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  712. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  713. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  714. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  715. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  716. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  717. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  718. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  719. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  720. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  721. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  722. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  723. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  724. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  725. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  726. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  727. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  728. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  729. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  730. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  731. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  732. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  733. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  734. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  735. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  736. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  737. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  738. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  739. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  740. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  741. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  742. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  743. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  744. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  745. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  746. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  747. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  748. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  749. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  750. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  751. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  752. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  753. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  754. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  755. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  756. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  757. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  758. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  759. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  760. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  761. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  762. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  763. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  764. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  765. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  766. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  767. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  768. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  769. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep5618.20220416T171242.996850.tb7' file
  770. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Updating precomputed scalar metrics
  771. vtune: Executing actions 28 % Updating precomputed scalar metrics
  772. vtune: Executing actions 28 % Processing profile metrics and debug information
  773. vtune: Executing actions 39 % Processing profile metrics and debug information
  774. vtune: Executing actions 39 % Setting data model parameters
  775. vtune: Executing actions 39 % Resolving module symbols
  776. vtune: Executing actions 39 % Resolving information for `fwpkclnt.sys'
  777. vtune: Executing actions 39 % Resolving information for `cng.sys'
  778. vtune: Executing actions 39 % Resolving information for `wdf01000.sys'
  779. vtune: Executing actions 39 % Resolving information for `usbaudio.sys'
  780. vtune: Executing actions 39 % Resolving information for `nvlddmkm.sys'
  781. vtune: Executing actions 39 % Resolving information for `hidbth.sys'
  782. vtune: Executing actions 39 % Resolving information for `usbxhci.sys'
  783. vtune: Executing actions 39 % Resolving information for `magicmouse.sys'
  784. vtune: Warning: Cannot locate debugging information for file `c:\windows\system32\drivers\usbxhci.sys'.
  785. vtune: Warning: Cannot locate debugging information for file `c:\windows\system32\drivers\cng.sys'.
  787. vtune: Executing actions 39 % Resolving information for `tcpip.sys'
  788. vtune: Executing actions 39 % Resolving information for `ks.sys'
  789. vtune: Executing actions 39 % Resolving information for `bthport.sys'
  790. vtune: Warning: Cannot locate debugging information for file `c:\windows\system32\drivers\wdf01000.sys'.
  792. vtune: Executing actions 40 % Resolving information for `bthport.sys'
  793. vtune: Executing actions 40 % Resolving information for `watchdog.sys'
  794. vtune: Warning: Cannot locate debugging information for file `c:\windows\system32\drivers\fwpkclnt.sys'.
  796. vtune: Executing actions 40 % Resolving information for `ntoskrnl.exe'
  797. vtune: Warning: Cannot locate debugging information for file `c:\windows\system32\drivers\usbaudio.sys'.
  799. vtune: Executing actions 40 % Resolving information for `dxgkrnl.sys'
  800. vtune: Warning: Cannot locate debugging information for file `c:\windows\system32\drivers\hidbth.sys'.
  802. vtune: Executing actions 41 % Resolving information for `dxgkrnl.sys'
  803. vtune: Executing actions 41 % Resolving information for `intelppm.sys'
  804. vtune: Warning: Cannot locate debugging information for file `c:\windows\system32\drivers\tcpip.sys'.
  806. vtune: Executing actions 41 % Resolving information for `matrix.exe'
  807. vtune: Warning: Cannot locate debugging information for file `c:\windows\system32\drivers\ks.sys'.
  809. vtune: Executing actions 41 % Resolving information for `mouhid.sys'
  810. vtune: Warning: Cannot locate debugging information for file `c:\windows\system32\drivers\bthport.sys'.
  812. vtune: Executing actions 42 % Resolving information for `mouhid.sys'
  813. vtune: Executing actions 42 % Resolving information for `ucx01000.sys'
  814. vtune: Warning: Cannot locate debugging information for file `c:\windows\system32\driverstore\filerepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_3b12ac0f95b18b9d\nvlddmkm.sys'.
  815. vtune: Warning: Cannot locate debugging information for file `c:\windows\system32\drivers\watchdog.sys'.
  816. vtune: Warning: Cannot locate debugging information for file `c:\windows\system32\ntoskrnl.exe'.
  817. vtune: Warning: Cannot locate debugging information for file `c:\windows\system32\drivers\dxgkrnl.sys'.
  818. vtune: Warning: Cannot locate debugging information for file `c:\windows\system32\drivers\intelppm.sys'.
  819. vtune: Warning: Cannot locate debugging information for file `c:\windows\system32\drivers\mouhid.sys'.
  820. vtune: Warning: Cannot locate debugging information for file `c:\windows\system32\drivers\ucx01000.sys'.
  822. vtune: Executing actions 42 % Resolving information for `wpprecorder.sys'
  823. vtune: Executing actions 42 % Resolving information for `hidclass.sys'
  824. vtune: Executing actions 43 % Resolving information for `hidclass.sys'
  825. vtune: Executing actions 43 % Resolving information for `dxgmms2.sys'
  826. vtune: Warning: Cannot locate debugging information for file `c:\windows\system32\drivers\wpprecorder.sys'.
  828. vtune: Executing actions 43 % Resolving information for `hdaudbus.sys'
  829. vtune: Warning: Cannot locate debugging information for file `c:\windows\system32\drivers\hidclass.sys'.
  831. vtune: Executing actions 44 % Resolving information for `hdaudbus.sys'
  832. vtune: Warning: Cannot locate debugging information for file `c:\windows\system32\drivers\dxgmms2.sys'.
  833. vtune: Warning: Cannot locate debugging information for file `c:\windows\system32\drivers\hdaudbus.sys'.
  835. vtune: Executing actions 45 % Resolving information for `hdaudbus.sys'
  836. vtune: Executing actions 45 % Resolving bottom user stack information
  837. vtune: Executing actions 46 % Resolving bottom user stack information
  838. vtune: Executing actions 47 % Resolving bottom user stack information
  839. vtune: Executing actions 47 % Resolving thread name information
  840. vtune: Executing actions 48 % Resolving thread name information
  841. vtune: Executing actions 48 % Resolving call target names for dynamic code
  842. vtune: Executing actions 50 % Resolving call target names for dynamic code
  843. vtune: Executing actions 50 % Resolving interrupt name information
  844. vtune: Executing actions 53 % Resolving interrupt name information
  845. vtune: Executing actions 53 % Processing profile metrics and debug information
  846. vtune: Executing actions 56 % Processing profile metrics and debug information
  847. vtune: Executing actions 57 % Processing profile metrics and debug information
  848. vtune: Executing actions 58 % Processing profile metrics and debug information
  849. vtune: Executing actions 60 % Processing profile metrics and debug information
  850. vtune: Executing actions 60 % Setting data model parameters
  851. vtune: Executing actions 60 % Precomputing frequently used data
  852. vtune: Executing actions 60 % Precomputing frequently used data
  853. vtune: Executing actions 62 % Precomputing frequently used data
  854. vtune: Executing actions 63 % Precomputing frequently used data
  855. vtune: Executing actions 64 % Precomputing frequently used data
  856. vtune: Executing actions 65 % Precomputing frequently used data
  857. vtune: Executing actions 66 % Precomputing frequently used data
  858. vtune: Executing actions 67 % Precomputing frequently used data
  859. vtune: Executing actions 68 % Precomputing frequently used data
  860. vtune: Executing actions 70 % Precomputing frequently used data
  861. vtune: Executing actions 71 % Precomputing frequently used data
  862. vtune: Executing actions 72 % Precomputing frequently used data
  863. vtune: Executing actions 72 % Updating precomputed scalar metrics
  864. vtune: Executing actions 75 % Updating precomputed scalar metrics
  865. vtune: Executing actions 75 % Discarding redundant overtime data
  866. vtune: Executing actions 78 % Discarding redundant overtime data
  867. vtune: Executing actions 78 % Saving the result
  868. vtune: Executing actions 82 % Saving the result
  869. vtune: Executing actions 85 % Saving the result
  870. vtune: Executing actions 100 % Saving the result
  871. vtune: Executing actions 100 % done
  873. Finalization: Ok
  874. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  875. Command line:
  876. C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\vtune\2022.2.0\bin64\vtune.exe -limit 5 -format csv -csv-delimiter comma -report hotspots -group-by function -r C:\Users\EMELRA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\vtune-tmp-emelrad12\self-checker-2022.04.16_17.12.00\result_ah
  877. Stdout:
  878. Function,CPU Time,CPU Time:Effective Time,CPU Time:Spin Time,CPU Time:Overhead Time,Instructions Retired,Microarchitecture Usage(%),Microarchitecture Usage:Microarchitecture Usage(%),Microarchitecture Usage:CPI Rate,Module,Function (Full),Source File,Start Address
  879. multiply1,39.964524,39.964524,0.0,0.0,80525929000,10.9,10.9,1.835556,matrix.exe,multiply1,multiply.c,0x1400017f0
  880. func@0x1404184b0,0.035998,0.035998,0.0,0.0,22309000,5.1,5.1,7.428571,ntoskrnl.exe,func@0x1404184b0,[Unknown],0x1404184b0
  881. func@0x14041e750,0.028998,0.028998,0.0,0.0,0,9.6,9.6,,ntoskrnl.exe,func@0x14041e750,[Unknown],0x14041e750
  882. KeClockInterruptNotify,0.027998,0.027998,0.0,0.0,0,2.2,2.2,,ntoskrnl.exe,KeClockInterruptNotify,[Unknown],0x140252520
  883. func@0x14041da8a,0.026998,0.026998,0.0,0.0,9561000,5.2,5.2,13.666667,ntoskrnl.exe,func@0x14041da8a,[Unknown],0x14041da8a
  884. Stderr:
  885. vtune: Using result path `C:\Users\EMELRA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\vtune-tmp-emelrad12\self-checker-2022.04.16_17.12.00\result_ah'
  887. vtune: Executing actions 0 %
  888. vtune: Executing actions 0 % Finalizing results
  889. vtune: Executing actions 50 % Finalizing results
  890. vtune: Executing actions 50 % Generating a report
  891. vtune: Executing actions 50 % Setting data model parameters
  892. vtune: Executing actions 75 % Setting data model parameters
  893. vtune: Executing actions 75 % Generating a report
  894. vtune: Executing actions 100 % Generating a report
  895. vtune: Executing actions 100 % done
  897. Report: Ok
  899. ================================================================================
  900. HW event-based analysis check...
  901. Command line:
  902. C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\vtune\2022.2.0\bin64\vtune.exe -collect uarch-exploration -r C:\Users\EMELRA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\vtune-tmp-emelrad12\self-checker-2022.04.16_17.12.00\result_ge -data-limit 0 -finalization-mode none -source-search-dir C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\vtune\2022.2.0\samples\en\C++\matrix\src -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\vtune\2022.2.0\samples\en\C++\matrix\matrix.exe
  903. Stdout:
  904. Addr of buf1 = 00000000009E1040
  905. Offs of buf1 = 00000000009E1180
  906. Addr of buf2 = 00000000029FC040
  907. Offs of buf2 = 00000000029FC1C0
  908. Addr of buf3 = 0000000004A0A040
  909. Offs of buf3 = 0000000004A0A100
  910. Addr of buf4 = 0000000006A1A040
  911. Offs of buf4 = 0000000006A1A140
  912. Threads #: 16 Win threads
  913. Matrix size: 2048
  914. Using multiply kernel: multiply1
  915. Execution time = 8.564 seconds
  916. Stderr:
  917. vtune: Collection started. To stop the collection, either press CTRL-C or enter from another console window: vtune -r C:\Users\EMELRA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\vtune-tmp-emelrad12\self-checker-2022.04.16_17.12.00\result_ge -command stop.
  918. vtune: Collection stopped.
  919. vtune: Using result path `C:\Users\EMELRA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\vtune-tmp-emelrad12\self-checker-2022.04.16_17.12.00\result_ge'
  921. vtune: Executing actions 0 %
  922. vtune: Executing actions 100 %
  923. vtune: Executing actions 100 % done
  925. HW event-based analysis check (Intel driver)
  926. Example of analysis types: Microarchitecture Exploration
  927. Collection: Ok
  928. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  929. Running finalization...
  930. Command line:
  931. C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\vtune\2022.2.0\bin64\vtune.exe -finalize -r C:\Users\EMELRA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\vtune-tmp-emelrad12\self-checker-2022.04.16_17.12.00\result_ge
  932. Stderr:
  933. vtune: Using result path `C:\Users\EMELRA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\vtune-tmp-emelrad12\self-checker-2022.04.16_17.12.00\result_ge'
  935. vtune: Executing actions 0 %
  936. vtune: Executing actions 0 % Finalizing results
  937. vtune: Executing actions 0 % Finalizing the result
  938. vtune: Executing actions 0 % Clearing the database
  939. vtune: Executing actions 14 % Clearing the database
  940. vtune: Executing actions 14 % Loading raw data to the database
  941. vtune: Executing actions 14 % Loading '' file
  942. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading '' file
  943. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  944. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  945. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  946. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  947. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  948. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  949. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  950. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  951. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  952. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  953. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  954. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  955. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  956. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  957. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  958. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  959. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  960. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  961. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  962. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  963. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  964. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  965. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  966. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  967. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  968. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  969. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  970. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  971. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  972. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  973. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  974. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  975. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  976. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  977. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  978. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  979. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  980. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  981. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  982. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  983. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  984. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  985. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  986. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  987. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  988. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  989. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  990. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  991. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  992. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  993. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  994. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  995. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  996. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  997. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  998. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  999. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  1000. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  1001. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  1002. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  1003. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  1004. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  1005. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  1006. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  1007. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  1008. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  1009. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  1010. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  1011. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  1012. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  1013. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  1014. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  1015. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  1016. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  1017. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  1018. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  1019. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  1020. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  1021. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  1022. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  1023. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  1024. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  1025. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  1026. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  1027. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  1028. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  1029. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  1030. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  1031. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  1032. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  1033. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  1034. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  1035. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  1036. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  1037. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  1038. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  1039. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  1040. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  1041. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  1042. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep3fd4.20220416T171301.974625.tb7' file
  1043. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Updating precomputed scalar metrics
  1044. vtune: Executing actions 28 % Updating precomputed scalar metrics
  1045. vtune: Executing actions 28 % Processing profile metrics and debug information
  1046. vtune: Executing actions 39 % Processing profile metrics and debug information
  1047. vtune: Executing actions 39 % Setting data model parameters
  1048. vtune: Executing actions 39 % Resolving module symbols
  1049. vtune: Executing actions 39 % Resolving information for `ks.sys'
  1050. vtune: Executing actions 39 % Resolving information for `dxgkrnl.sys'
  1051. vtune: Warning: Cannot locate debugging information for file `c:\windows\system32\drivers\ks.sys'.
  1053. vtune: Executing actions 39 % Resolving information for `usbaudio.sys'
  1054. vtune: Executing actions 39 % Resolving information for `ntoskrnl.exe'
  1055. vtune: Warning: Cannot locate debugging information for file `c:\windows\system32\drivers\dxgkrnl.sys'.
  1057. vtune: Executing actions 39 % Resolving information for `wdf01000.sys'
  1058. vtune: Warning: Cannot locate debugging information for file `c:\windows\system32\drivers\usbaudio.sys'.
  1060. vtune: Executing actions 39 % Resolving information for `nvlddmkm.sys'
  1061. vtune: Executing actions 40 % Resolving information for `nvlddmkm.sys'
  1062. vtune: Executing actions 40 % Resolving information for `intelppm.sys'
  1063. vtune: Executing actions 40 % Resolving information for `matrix.exe'
  1064. vtune: Executing actions 40 % Resolving information for `hidbth.sys'
  1065. vtune: Executing actions 40 % Resolving information for `watchdog.sys'
  1066. vtune: Warning: Cannot locate debugging information for file `c:\windows\system32\ntoskrnl.exe'.
  1068. vtune: Executing actions 40 % Resolving information for `hdaudbus.sys'
  1069. vtune: Warning: Cannot locate debugging information for file `c:\windows\system32\drivers\wdf01000.sys'.
  1070. vtune: Warning: Cannot locate debugging information for file `c:\windows\system32\drivers\intelppm.sys'.
  1072. vtune: Executing actions 40 % Resolving information for `usbxhci.sys'
  1073. vtune: Executing actions 40 % Resolving information for `cng.sys'
  1074. vtune: Warning: Cannot locate debugging information for file `c:\windows\system32\drivers\watchdog.sys'.
  1075. vtune: Warning: Cannot locate debugging information for file `c:\windows\system32\drivers\hdaudbus.sys'.
  1076. vtune: Warning: Cannot locate debugging information for file `c:\windows\system32\driverstore\filerepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_3b12ac0f95b18b9d\nvlddmkm.sys'.
  1077. vtune: Warning: Cannot locate debugging information for file `c:\windows\system32\drivers\hidbth.sys'.
  1079. vtune: Executing actions 41 % Resolving information for `cng.sys'
  1080. vtune: Warning: Cannot locate debugging information for file `c:\windows\system32\drivers\cng.sys'.
  1082. vtune: Executing actions 41 % Resolving information for `usbhub3.sys'
  1083. vtune: Warning: Cannot locate debugging information for file `c:\windows\system32\drivers\usbxhci.sys'.
  1085. vtune: Executing actions 41 % Resolving information for `hidclass.sys'
  1086. vtune: Executing actions 42 % Resolving information for `hidclass.sys'
  1087. vtune: Executing actions 42 % Resolving information for `bthport.sys'
  1088. vtune: Executing actions 42 % Resolving information for `magicmouse.sys'
  1089. vtune: Executing actions 42 % Resolving information for `wpprecorder.sys'
  1090. vtune: Warning: Cannot locate debugging information for file `c:\windows\system32\drivers\usbhub3.sys'.
  1092. vtune: Executing actions 42 % Resolving information for `hidparse.sys'
  1093. vtune: Warning: Cannot locate debugging information for file `c:\windows\system32\drivers\hidclass.sys'.
  1095. vtune: Executing actions 43 % Resolving information for `hidparse.sys'
  1096. vtune: Warning: Cannot locate debugging information for file `c:\windows\system32\drivers\bthport.sys'.
  1097. vtune: Warning: Cannot locate debugging information for file `c:\windows\system32\drivers\wpprecorder.sys'.
  1098. vtune: Warning: Cannot locate debugging information for file `c:\windows\system32\drivers\hidparse.sys'.
  1100. vtune: Executing actions 43 % Resolving information for `dxgmms2.sys'
  1101. vtune: Executing actions 44 % Resolving information for `dxgmms2.sys'
  1102. vtune: Warning: Cannot locate debugging information for file `c:\windows\system32\drivers\dxgmms2.sys'.
  1104. vtune: Executing actions 45 % Resolving information for `dxgmms2.sys'
  1105. vtune: Executing actions 45 % Resolving bottom user stack information
  1106. vtune: Executing actions 46 % Resolving bottom user stack information
  1107. vtune: Executing actions 47 % Resolving bottom user stack information
  1108. vtune: Executing actions 47 % Resolving thread name information
  1109. vtune: Executing actions 48 % Resolving thread name information
  1110. vtune: Executing actions 48 % Resolving call target names for dynamic code
  1111. vtune: Executing actions 50 % Resolving call target names for dynamic code
  1112. vtune: Executing actions 50 % Resolving interrupt name information
  1113. vtune: Executing actions 53 % Resolving interrupt name information
  1114. vtune: Executing actions 53 % Processing profile metrics and debug information
  1115. vtune: Executing actions 56 % Processing profile metrics and debug information
  1116. vtune: Executing actions 57 % Processing profile metrics and debug information
  1117. vtune: Executing actions 58 % Processing profile metrics and debug information
  1118. vtune: Executing actions 60 % Processing profile metrics and debug information
  1119. vtune: Executing actions 60 % Setting data model parameters
  1120. vtune: Executing actions 60 % Precomputing frequently used data
  1121. vtune: Executing actions 60 % Precomputing frequently used data
  1122. vtune: Executing actions 62 % Precomputing frequently used data
  1123. vtune: Executing actions 63 % Precomputing frequently used data
  1124. vtune: Executing actions 64 % Precomputing frequently used data
  1125. vtune: Executing actions 65 % Precomputing frequently used data
  1126. vtune: Executing actions 66 % Precomputing frequently used data
  1127. vtune: Executing actions 67 % Precomputing frequently used data
  1128. vtune: Executing actions 68 % Precomputing frequently used data
  1129. vtune: Executing actions 70 % Precomputing frequently used data
  1130. vtune: Executing actions 71 % Precomputing frequently used data
  1131. vtune: Executing actions 72 % Precomputing frequently used data
  1132. vtune: Executing actions 72 % Updating precomputed scalar metrics
  1133. vtune: Executing actions 75 % Updating precomputed scalar metrics
  1134. vtune: Executing actions 75 % Discarding redundant overtime data
  1135. vtune: Executing actions 78 % Discarding redundant overtime data
  1136. vtune: Executing actions 78 % Saving the result
  1137. vtune: Executing actions 82 % Saving the result
  1138. vtune: Executing actions 85 % Saving the result
  1139. vtune: Executing actions 100 % Saving the result
  1140. vtune: Executing actions 100 % done
  1142. Finalization: Ok
  1143. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1144. Command line:
  1145. C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\vtune\2022.2.0\bin64\vtune.exe -limit 5 -format csv -csv-delimiter comma -report hotspots -group-by function -r C:\Users\EMELRA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\vtune-tmp-emelrad12\self-checker-2022.04.16_17.12.00\result_ge
  1146. Stdout:
  1147. Function,CPU Time,Clockticks,Clockticks:P-Core,Clockticks:E-Core,Instructions Retired,Instructions Retired:P-Core,Instructions Retired:E-Core,CPI Rate,CPI Rate:P-Core,CPI Rate:E-Core,P-Core:Retiring(%),P-Core:Retiring:Light Operations(%),P-Core:Retiring:Light Operations:FP Arithmetic(%),P-Core:Retiring:Light Operations:FP Arithmetic:FP x87(%),P-Core:Retiring:Light Operations:FP Arithmetic:FP Scalar(%),P-Core:Retiring:Light Operations:FP Arithmetic:FP Vector(%),P-Core:Retiring:Light Operations:Memory Operations(%),P-Core:Retiring:Light Operations:Fused Instructions(%),P-Core:Retiring:Light Operations:Non Fused Branches(%),P-Core:Retiring:Light Operations:Nop Instructions(%),P-Core:Retiring:Light Operations:Other(%),P-Core:Retiring:Heavy Operations(%),P-Core:Retiring:Heavy Operations:Microcode Sequencer(%),P-Core:Retiring:Heavy Operations:Microcode Sequencer:Assists(%),P-Core:Retiring:Heavy Operations:Microcode Sequencer:CISC(%),P-Core:Front-End Bound(%),P-Core:Front-End Bound:Front-End Latency(%),P-Core:Front-End Bound:Front-End Latency:ICache Misses(%),P-Core:Front-End Bound:Front-End Latency:ITLB Overhead(%),P-Core:Front-End Bound:Front-End Latency:Branch Resteers(%),P-Core:Front-End Bound:Front-End Latency:Branch Resteers:Mispredicts Resteers(%),P-Core:Front-End Bound:Front-End Latency:Branch Resteers:Clears Resteers(%),P-Core:Front-End Bound:Front-End Latency:Branch Resteers:Unknown Branches(%),P-Core:Front-End Bound:Front-End Latency:DSB Switches(%),P-Core:Front-End Bound:Front-End Latency:Length Changing Prefixes(%),P-Core:Front-End Bound:Front-End Latency:MS Switches(%),P-Core:Front-End Bound:Front-End Bandwidth(%),P-Core:Front-End Bound:Front-End Bandwidth:Front-End Bandwidth MITE(%),P-Core:Front-End Bound:Front-End Bandwidth:Front-End Bandwidth MITE:Decoder-0 Alone(%),P-Core:Front-End Bound:Front-End Bandwidth:Front-End Bandwidth DSB(%),P-Core:Front-End Bound:Front-End Bandwidth:Front-End Bandwidth LSD(%),P-Core:Front-End Bound:Front-End Bandwidth:(Info) DSB Coverage(%),P-Core:Front-End Bound:Front-End Bandwidth:(Info) LSD Coverage(%),P-Core:Front-End Bound:Front-End Bandwidth:(Info) DSB Misses Cost(%),P-Core:Bad Speculation(%),P-Core:Bad Speculation:Branch Mispredict(%),P-Core:Bad Speculation:Machine Clears(%),P-Core:Back-End Bound(%),P-Core:Back-End Bound:Memory Bound(%),P-Core:Back-End Bound:Memory Bound:L1 Bound(%),P-Core:Back-End Bound:Memory Bound:L1 Bound:DTLB Overhead(%),P-Core:Back-End Bound:Memory Bound:L1 Bound:DTLB Overhead:Load STLB Hit(%),P-Core:Back-End Bound:Memory Bound:L1 Bound:DTLB Overhead:Load STLB Miss(%),P-Core:Back-End Bound:Memory Bound:L1 Bound:Loads Blocked by Store Forwarding(%),P-Core:Back-End Bound:Memory Bound:L1 Bound:Lock Latency(%),P-Core:Back-End Bound:Memory Bound:L1 Bound:Split Loads(%),P-Core:Back-End Bound:Memory Bound:L1 Bound:FB Full(%),P-Core:Back-End Bound:Memory Bound:L2 Bound(%),P-Core:Back-End Bound:Memory Bound:L3 Bound(%),P-Core:Back-End Bound:Memory Bound:L3 Bound:L3 Latency(%),P-Core:Back-End Bound:Memory Bound:L3 Bound:SQ Full(%),P-Core:Back-End Bound:Memory Bound:DRAM Bound(%),P-Core:Back-End Bound:Memory Bound:DRAM Bound:Memory Bandwidth(%),P-Core:Back-End Bound:Memory Bound:DRAM Bound:Memory Latency(%),P-Core:Back-End Bound:Memory Bound:Store Bound(%),P-Core:Back-End Bound:Memory Bound:Store Bound:Store Latency(%),P-Core:Back-End Bound:Memory Bound:Store Bound:Split Stores(%),P-Core:Back-End Bound:Memory Bound:Store Bound:DTLB Store Overhead(%),P-Core:Back-End Bound:Memory Bound:Store Bound:DTLB Store Overhead:Store STLB Hit(%),P-Core:Back-End Bound:Memory Bound:Store Bound:DTLB Store Overhead:Store STLB Hit(%),P-Core:Back-End Bound:Core Bound(%),P-Core:Back-End Bound:Core Bound:Divider(%),P-Core:Back-End Bound:Core Bound:Port Utilization(%),P-Core:Back-End Bound:Core Bound:Port Utilization:Cycles of 0 Ports Utilized(%),P-Core:Back-End Bound:Core Bound:Port Utilization:Cycles of 0 Ports Utilized:Serializing Operations(%),P-Core:Back-End Bound:Core Bound:Port Utilization:Cycles of 0 Ports Utilized:Serializing Operations:Slow Pause(%),P-Core:Back-End Bound:Core Bound:Port Utilization:Cycles of 0 Ports Utilized:Serializing Operations:Memory Fence(%),P-Core:Back-End Bound:Core Bound:Port Utilization:Cycles of 0 Ports Utilized:Mixing Vectors(%),P-Core:Back-End Bound:Core Bound:Port Utilization:Cycles of 1 Port Utilized(%),P-Core:Back-End Bound:Core Bound:Port Utilization:Cycles of 2 Ports Utilized(%),P-Core:Back-End Bound:Core Bound:Port Utilization:Cycles of 3+ Ports Utilized(%),P-Core:Back-End Bound:Core Bound:Port Utilization:Cycles of 3+ Ports Utilized:ALU Operation Utilization(%),P-Core:Back-End Bound:Core Bound:Port Utilization:Cycles of 3+ Ports Utilized:ALU Operation Utilization:Port 0(%),P-Core:Back-End Bound:Core Bound:Port Utilization:Cycles of 3+ Ports Utilized:ALU Operation Utilization:Port 1(%),P-Core:Back-End Bound:Core Bound:Port Utilization:Cycles of 3+ Ports Utilized:ALU Operation Utilization:Port 6(%),P-Core:Back-End Bound:Core Bound:Port Utilization:Cycles of 3+ Ports Utilized:Load Operation Utilization(%),P-Core:Back-End Bound:Core Bound:Port Utilization:Cycles of 3+ Ports Utilized:Store Operation Utilization(%),E-Core:Retiring(%),E-Core:Retiring:General Retirement(%),E-Core:Retiring:General Retirement:FP Arithmetic(%),E-Core:Retiring:General Retirement:Other(%),E-Core:Retiring:Microcode Sequencer(%),E-Core:Front-End Bound(%),E-Core:Front-End Bound:Front-End Latency(%),E-Core:Front-End Bound:Front-End Latency:ICache Misses(%),E-Core:Front-End Bound:Front-End Latency:ITLB Overhead(%),E-Core:Front-End Bound:Front-End Latency:BACLEARS(%),E-Core:Front-End Bound:Front-End Latency:Branch Resteers(%),E-Core:Front-End Bound:Front-End Bandwidth(%),E-Core:Front-End Bound:Front-End Bandwidth:Cisc(%),E-Core:Front-End Bound:Front-End Bandwidth:Decode(%),E-Core:Front-End Bound:Front-End Bandwidth:Pre-Decode Wrong(%),E-Core:Front-End Bound:Front-End Bandwidth:Front-End Other(%),E-Core:Bad Speculation(%),E-Core:Bad Speculation:Branch Mispredict(%),E-Core:Bad Speculation:Machine Clears(%),E-Core:Bad Speculation:Machine Clears:Machine Clear(%),E-Core:Bad Speculation:Machine Clears:MO Machine Clear Overhead(%),E-Core:Back-End Bound(%),E-Core:Back-End Bound:Resource Bound(%),E-Core:Back-End Bound:Resource Bound:Memory Scheduler(%),E-Core:Back-End Bound:Resource Bound:Non-memory Scheduler(%),E-Core:Back-End Bound:Resource Bound:Register(%),E-Core:Back-End Bound:Resource Bound:Full Re-order Buffer (ROB)(%),E-Core:Back-End Bound:Resource Bound:Allocation Restriction(%),E-Core:Back-End Bound:Resource Bound:Serializing Operations(%),E-Core:Alternative Back-End Bound(%),E-Core:Alternative Back-End Bound:Core Bound(%),E-Core:Alternative Back-End Bound:Memory Bound(%),E-Core:Alternative Back-End Bound:Memory Bound:L2 Bound(%),E-Core:Alternative Back-End Bound:Memory Bound:L3 Bound(%),E-Core:Alternative Back-End Bound:Memory Bound:DRAM Bound(%),Average CPU Frequency,Module,Function (Full),Source File,Start Address
  1148. multiply1,32.189005,119241605000,0,119241605000,67309440000,0,67309440000,1.771544,0.0,1.771544,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,100.0,0.0,100.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,11.4,11.3,30.3,0.0,0.1,0.5,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,54.4,27.2,27.2,0.0,0.1,98.9,16.4,16.5,0.0,16.4,98.9,98.9,100.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,100.0,0.1,98.9,41.0,57.9,1.2,12.0,44.7,3704420314.692150,matrix.exe,multiply1,multiply.c,0x1400017f0
  1149. func@0x1404184b0,0.024998,86049000,0,86049000,9561000,0,9561000,9.000000,0.0,9.000000,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,100.0,0.0,100.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,3.5,3.5,100.0,0.0,0.0,10.5,2.3,1.2,1.2,0.0,0.0,65.1,32.5,32.5,0.0,0.0,82.5,17.4,20.9,3.5,17.4,82.5,82.5,34.9,0.0,0.0,0.0,34.9,63.9,82.5,58.1,24.4,11.6,10.5,2.3,3442173296.760000,ntoskrnl.exe,func@0x1404184b0,[Unknown],0x1404184b0
  1150. KeClockInterruptNotify,0.016999,82862000,0,82862000,3187000,0,3187000,26.000000,0.0,26.000000,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,100.0,0.0,100.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,100.0,0.0,0.0,8.4,3.6,2.4,0.0,1.2,0.0,43.4,21.7,21.7,0.0,0.0,88.1,20.5,20.5,0.0,20.5,88.1,88.1,48.3,0.0,0.0,0.0,48.3,45.9,88.1,57.9,30.2,6.0,21.7,2.4,4874537348.352941,ntoskrnl.exe,KeClockInterruptNotify,[Unknown],0x140252520
  1151. func@0x14041e750,0.011999,12748000,0,12748000,3187000,0,3187000,4.000000,0.0,4.000000,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,100.0,0.0,100.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,100.0,0.0,0.0,54.9,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,100.0,86.3,86.3,0.0,7.8,100.0,39.2,39.2,0.0,39.2,100.0,100.0,94.1,0.0,0.0,0.0,94.1,100.0,100.0,62.8,70.6,7.8,54.9,7.8,1062399165.666667,ntoskrnl.exe,func@0x14041e750,[Unknown],0x14041e750
  1152. [ntoskrnl.exe],0.008000,12748000,0,12748000,6374000,0,6374000,2.000000,0.0,2.000000,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,100.0,0.0,100.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,23.5,0.0,100.0,0.0,31.4,62.8,23.5,23.5,0.0,0.0,0.0,100.0,100.0,100.0,0.0,0.0,100.0,31.4,31.4,0.0,31.4,100.0,100.0,100.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,100.0,54.9,100.0,78.4,100.0,23.5,62.8,15.7,1593598748.500000,ntoskrnl.exe,[ntoskrnl.exe],[Unknown],0x0
  1153. Stderr:
  1154. vtune: Using result path `C:\Users\EMELRA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\vtune-tmp-emelrad12\self-checker-2022.04.16_17.12.00\result_ge'
  1156. vtune: Executing actions 0 %
  1157. vtune: Executing actions 0 % Finalizing results
  1158. vtune: Executing actions 50 % Finalizing results
  1159. vtune: Executing actions 50 % Generating a report
  1160. vtune: Executing actions 50 % Setting data model parameters
  1161. vtune: Executing actions 75 % Setting data model parameters
  1162. vtune: Executing actions 75 % Generating a report
  1163. vtune: Executing actions 100 % Generating a report
  1164. vtune: Executing actions 100 % done
  1166. Report: Ok
  1168. ================================================================================
  1169. HW event-based analysis with uncore events...
  1170. Command line:
  1171. C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\vtune\2022.2.0\bin64\vtune.exe -collect memory-access -r C:\Users\EMELRA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\vtune-tmp-emelrad12\self-checker-2022.04.16_17.12.00\result_ma -data-limit 0 -finalization-mode none -source-search-dir C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\vtune\2022.2.0\samples\en\C++\matrix\src -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\vtune\2022.2.0\samples\en\C++\matrix\matrix.exe
  1172. Stdout:
  1173. Addr of buf1 = 0000000000A1B040
  1174. Offs of buf1 = 0000000000A1B180
  1175. Addr of buf2 = 0000000002A2C040
  1176. Offs of buf2 = 0000000002A2C1C0
  1177. Addr of buf3 = 0000000004A37040
  1178. Offs of buf3 = 0000000004A37100
  1179. Addr of buf4 = 0000000006A43040
  1180. Offs of buf4 = 0000000006A43140
  1181. Threads #: 16 Win threads
  1182. Matrix size: 2048
  1183. Using multiply kernel: multiply1
  1184. Execution time = 7.933 seconds
  1185. Stderr:
  1186. vtune: Peak bandwidth measurement started.
  1187. vtune: Peak bandwidth measurement finished.
  1188. vtune: Collection started. To stop the collection, either press CTRL-C or enter from another console window: vtune -r C:\Users\EMELRA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\vtune-tmp-emelrad12\self-checker-2022.04.16_17.12.00\result_ma -command stop.
  1189. vtune: Collection stopped.
  1190. vtune: Using result path `C:\Users\EMELRA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\vtune-tmp-emelrad12\self-checker-2022.04.16_17.12.00\result_ma'
  1192. vtune: Executing actions 0 %
  1193. vtune: Executing actions 100 %
  1194. vtune: Executing actions 100 % done
  1196. HW event-based analysis with uncore events (Intel driver)
  1197. Example of analysis types: Memory Access
  1198. Collection: Ok
  1199. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1200. Running finalization...
  1201. Command line:
  1202. C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\vtune\2022.2.0\bin64\vtune.exe -finalize -r C:\Users\EMELRA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\vtune-tmp-emelrad12\self-checker-2022.04.16_17.12.00\result_ma
  1203. Stderr:
  1204. vtune: Using result path `C:\Users\EMELRA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\vtune-tmp-emelrad12\self-checker-2022.04.16_17.12.00\result_ma'
  1206. vtune: Executing actions 0 %
  1207. vtune: Executing actions 0 % Finalizing results
  1208. vtune: Executing actions 0 % Finalizing the result
  1209. vtune: Executing actions 0 % Clearing the database
  1210. vtune: Executing actions 14 % Clearing the database
  1211. vtune: Executing actions 14 % Loading raw data to the database
  1212. vtune: Executing actions 14 % Loading '' file
  1213. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading '' file
  1214. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1215. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1216. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1217. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1218. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1219. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1220. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1221. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1222. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1223. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1224. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1225. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1226. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1227. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1228. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1229. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1230. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1231. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1232. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1233. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1234. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1235. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1236. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1237. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1238. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1239. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1240. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1241. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1242. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1243. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1244. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1245. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1246. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1247. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1248. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1249. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1250. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1251. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1252. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1253. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1254. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1255. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1256. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1257. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1258. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1259. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1260. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1261. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1262. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1263. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1264. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1265. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1266. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1267. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1268. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1269. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1270. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1271. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1272. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1273. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1274. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1275. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1276. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1277. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1278. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1279. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1280. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1281. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1282. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1283. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1284. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1285. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1286. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1287. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1288. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1289. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1290. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1291. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1292. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1293. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1294. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1295. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1296. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1297. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1298. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1299. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1300. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1301. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1302. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1303. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1304. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1305. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1306. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1307. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1308. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1309. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1310. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1311. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1312. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'sep7a04.20220416T171328.659634.tb7' file
  1313. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Updating precomputed scalar metrics
  1314. vtune: Executing actions 28 % Updating precomputed scalar metrics
  1315. vtune: Executing actions 28 % Processing profile metrics and debug information
  1316. vtune: Executing actions 39 % Processing profile metrics and debug information
  1317. vtune: Executing actions 39 % Setting data model parameters
  1318. vtune: Executing actions 39 % Resolving module symbols
  1319. vtune: Executing actions 39 % Resolving information for `usbaudio.sys'
  1320. vtune: Executing actions 39 % Resolving information for `dxgkrnl.sys'
  1321. vtune: Warning: Cannot locate debugging information for file `c:\windows\system32\drivers\usbaudio.sys'.
  1323. vtune: Executing actions 39 % Resolving information for `ucrtbase.dll'
  1324. vtune: Executing actions 39 % Resolving information for `netio.sys'
  1325. vtune: Executing actions 39 % Resolving information for `ntdll.dll'
  1326. vtune: Executing actions 39 % Resolving information for `nvlddmkm.sys'
  1327. vtune: Executing actions 39 % Resolving information for `matrix.exe'
  1328. vtune: Executing actions 39 % Resolving information for `ks.sys'
  1329. vtune: Executing actions 39 % Resolving information for `intelppm.sys'
  1330. vtune: Warning: Cannot locate debugging information for file `c:\windows\system32\drivers\dxgkrnl.sys'.
  1332. vtune: Executing actions 39 % Resolving information for `ntoskrnl.exe'
  1333. vtune: Warning: Cannot locate debugging information for file `c:\windows\system32\ucrtbase.dll'.
  1334. vtune: Warning: Cannot locate debugging information for file `c:\windows\system32\drivers\netio.sys'.
  1335. vtune: Warning: Cannot locate debugging information for file `c:\windows\system32\ntdll.dll'.
  1337. vtune: Executing actions 40 % Resolving information for `ntoskrnl.exe'
  1338. vtune: Executing actions 40 % Resolving information for `cng.sys'
  1339. vtune: Executing actions 40 % Resolving information for `usbxhci.sys'
  1340. vtune: Executing actions 40 % Resolving information for dangling locations
  1341. vtune: Executing actions 41 % Resolving information for dangling locations
  1342. vtune: Executing actions 41 % Resolving information for `dxgmms2.sys'
  1343. vtune: Warning: Cannot locate debugging information for file `c:\windows\system32\drivers\ks.sys'.
  1345. vtune: Executing actions 41 % Resolving information for `wdf01000.sys'
  1346. vtune: Warning: Cannot locate debugging information for file `c:\windows\system32\drivers\intelppm.sys'.
  1347. vtune: Warning: Cannot locate debugging information for file `c:\windows\system32\driverstore\filerepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_3b12ac0f95b18b9d\nvlddmkm.sys'.
  1349. vtune: Executing actions 41 % Resolving information for `hdaudbus.sys'
  1350. vtune: Warning: Cannot locate debugging information for file `c:\windows\system32\ntoskrnl.exe'.
  1351. vtune: Warning: Cannot locate debugging information for file `c:\windows\system32\drivers\dxgmms2.sys'.
  1352. vtune: Warning: Cannot locate debugging information for file `c:\windows\system32\drivers\usbxhci.sys'.
  1353. vtune: Warning: Cannot locate debugging information for file `c:\windows\system32\drivers\cng.sys'.
  1355. vtune: Executing actions 42 % Resolving information for `hdaudbus.sys'
  1356. vtune: Executing actions 42 % Resolving information for `classpnp.sys'
  1357. vtune: Executing actions 42 % Resolving information for `wpprecorder.sys'
  1358. vtune: Warning: Cannot locate debugging information for file `c:\windows\system32\drivers\wdf01000.sys'.
  1359. vtune: Warning: Cannot locate debugging information for file `c:\windows\system32\drivers\hdaudbus.sys'.
  1360. vtune: Warning: Cannot locate debugging information for file `c:\windows\system32\drivers\wpprecorder.sys'.
  1362. vtune: Executing actions 42 % Resolving information for `ucx01000.sys'
  1363. vtune: Executing actions 43 % Resolving information for `ucx01000.sys'
  1364. vtune: Executing actions 43 % Resolving information for `volsnap.sys'
  1365. vtune: Warning: Cannot locate debugging information for file `c:\windows\system32\drivers\classpnp.sys'.
  1366. vtune: Warning: Cannot locate debugging information for file `c:\windows\system32\drivers\ucx01000.sys'.
  1367. vtune: Warning: Cannot locate debugging information for file `c:\windows\system32\drivers\volsnap.sys'.
  1369. vtune: Executing actions 44 % Resolving information for `volsnap.sys'
  1370. vtune: Executing actions 45 % Resolving information for `volsnap.sys'
  1371. vtune: Executing actions 45 % Resolving bottom user stack information
  1372. vtune: Executing actions 46 % Resolving bottom user stack information
  1373. vtune: Executing actions 47 % Resolving bottom user stack information
  1374. vtune: Executing actions 47 % Resolving thread name information
  1375. vtune: Executing actions 48 % Resolving thread name information
  1376. vtune: Executing actions 48 % Resolving call target names for dynamic code
  1377. vtune: Executing actions 50 % Resolving call target names for dynamic code
  1378. vtune: Executing actions 50 % Resolving interrupt name information
  1379. vtune: Executing actions 53 % Resolving interrupt name information
  1380. vtune: Executing actions 53 % Processing profile metrics and debug information
  1381. vtune: Executing actions 54 % Processing profile metrics and debug information
  1382. vtune: Executing actions 55 % Processing profile metrics and debug information
  1383. vtune: Executing actions 56 % Processing profile metrics and debug information
  1384. vtune: Executing actions 57 % Processing profile metrics and debug information
  1385. vtune: Executing actions 58 % Processing profile metrics and debug information
  1386. vtune: Executing actions 60 % Processing profile metrics and debug information
  1387. vtune: Executing actions 62 % Processing profile metrics and debug information
  1388. vtune: Executing actions 63 % Processing profile metrics and debug information
  1389. vtune: Executing actions 63 % Preparing output tree
  1390. vtune: Executing actions 63 % Parsing columns in input tree
  1391. vtune: Executing actions 64 % Parsing columns in input tree
  1392. vtune: Executing actions 64 % Creating top-level columns
  1393. vtune: Executing actions 65 % Creating top-level columns
  1394. vtune: Executing actions 65 % Creating top-level rows
  1395. vtune: Executing actions 67 % Creating top-level rows
  1396. vtune: Executing actions 67 % Setting data model parameters
  1397. vtune: Executing actions 68 % Setting data model parameters
  1398. vtune: Executing actions 68 % Precomputing frequently used data
  1399. vtune: Executing actions 68 % Precomputing frequently used data
  1400. vtune: Executing actions 69 % Precomputing frequently used data
  1401. vtune: Executing actions 70 % Precomputing frequently used data
  1402. vtune: Executing actions 71 % Precomputing frequently used data
  1403. vtune: Executing actions 72 % Precomputing frequently used data
  1404. vtune: Executing actions 73 % Precomputing frequently used data
  1405. vtune: Executing actions 74 % Precomputing frequently used data
  1406. vtune: Executing actions 75 % Precomputing frequently used data
  1407. vtune: Executing actions 76 % Precomputing frequently used data
  1408. vtune: Executing actions 77 % Precomputing frequently used data
  1409. vtune: Executing actions 78 % Precomputing frequently used data
  1410. vtune: Executing actions 79 % Precomputing frequently used data
  1411. vtune: Executing actions 79 % Updating precomputed scalar metrics
  1412. vtune: Executing actions 82 % Updating precomputed scalar metrics
  1413. vtune: Executing actions 82 % Discarding redundant overtime data
  1414. vtune: Executing actions 85 % Discarding redundant overtime data
  1415. vtune: Executing actions 85 % Saving the result
  1416. vtune: Executing actions 89 % Saving the result
  1417. vtune: Executing actions 92 % Saving the result
  1418. vtune: Executing actions 100 % Saving the result
  1419. vtune: Executing actions 100 % done
  1421. Finalization: Ok
  1422. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1423. Command line:
  1424. C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\vtune\2022.2.0\bin64\vtune.exe -limit 5 -format csv -csv-delimiter comma -report hotspots -group-by function -r C:\Users\EMELRA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\vtune-tmp-emelrad12\self-checker-2022.04.16_17.12.00\result_ma
  1425. Stdout:
  1426. Function,CPU Time,P-Core:Memory Bound(%),P-Core:Memory Bound:L1 Bound(%),P-Core:Memory Bound:L2 Bound(%),P-Core:Memory Bound:L3 Bound(%),P-Core:Memory Bound:DRAM Bound(%),P-Core:Memory Bound:Store Bound(%),E-Core:Memory Bound(%),E-Core:Memory Bound:L2 Bound(%),E-Core:Memory Bound:L3 Bound(%),E-Core:Memory Bound:DRAM Bound(%),Loads,Stores,LLC Miss Count,Module,Function (Full),Source File,Start Address
  1427. multiply1,24.945454,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,100.0,0.9,12.1,95.5,27140814200,3120693618,223206696,matrix.exe,multiply1,multiply.c,0x1400017f0
  1428. KeClockInterruptNotify,0.037998,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,53.1,6.1,21.1,25.9,2600078,1200036,0,ntoskrnl.exe,KeClockInterruptNotify,[Unknown],0x140252520
  1429. func@0x1404184b0,0.029998,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,69.9,16.1,7.5,46.3,8600258,6200186,0,ntoskrnl.exe,func@0x1404184b0,[Unknown],0x1404184b0
  1430. func@0x14041e750,0.016999,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,76.4,3.4,30.8,42.2,2000060,800024,0,ntoskrnl.exe,func@0x14041e750,[Unknown],0x14041e750
  1431. func@0x14008f73c,0.011999,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,23.0,0.0,0.0,23.0,600018,0,0,nvlddmkm.sys,func@0x14008f73c,[Unknown],0x14008f73c
  1432. Stderr:
  1433. vtune: Using result path `C:\Users\EMELRA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\vtune-tmp-emelrad12\self-checker-2022.04.16_17.12.00\result_ma'
  1435. vtune: Executing actions 0 %
  1436. vtune: Executing actions 0 % Finalizing results
  1437. vtune: Executing actions 50 % Finalizing results
  1438. vtune: Executing actions 50 % Generating a report
  1439. vtune: Executing actions 50 % Setting data model parameters
  1440. vtune: Executing actions 75 % Setting data model parameters
  1441. vtune: Executing actions 75 % Generating a report
  1442. vtune: Executing actions 100 % Generating a report
  1443. vtune: Executing actions 100 % done
  1445. Report: Ok
  1447. ================================================================================
  1448. HW event-based analysis with stacks...
  1449. Command line:
  1450. C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\vtune\2022.2.0\bin64\vtune.exe -collect hotspots -knob sampling-mode=hw -knob enable-stack-collection=true -r C:\Users\EMELRA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\vtune-tmp-emelrad12\self-checker-2022.04.16_17.12.00\result_ah_with_stacks -data-limit 0 -finalization-mode none -source-search-dir C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\vtune\2022.2.0\samples\en\C++\matrix\src -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\vtune\2022.2.0\samples\en\C++\matrix\matrix.exe
  1451. Stdout:
  1452. Addr of buf1 = 0000000000856040
  1453. Offs of buf1 = 0000000000856180
  1454. Addr of buf2 = 0000000002867040
  1455. Offs of buf2 = 00000000028671C0
  1456. Addr of buf3 = 0000000004874040
  1457. Offs of buf3 = 0000000004874100
  1458. Addr of buf4 = 0000000006882040
  1459. Offs of buf4 = 0000000006882140
  1460. Threads #: 16 Win threads
  1461. Matrix size: 2048
  1462. Using multiply kernel: multiply1
  1463. Execution time = 9.923 seconds
  1464. Stderr:
  1465. vtune: Collection started. To stop the collection, either press CTRL-C or enter from another console window: vtune -r C:\Users\EMELRA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\vtune-tmp-emelrad12\self-checker-2022.04.16_17.12.00\result_ah_with_stacks -command stop.
  1466. vtune: Collection stopped.
  1467. vtune: Using result path `C:\Users\EMELRA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\vtune-tmp-emelrad12\self-checker-2022.04.16_17.12.00\result_ah_with_stacks'
  1469. vtune: Executing actions 0 %
  1470. vtune: Executing actions 100 %
  1471. vtune: Executing actions 100 % done
  1473. HW event-based analysis with stacks (Intel driver)
  1474. Example of analysis types: Hotspots with HW event-based sampling and call stacks
  1475. Collection: Ok
  1476. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1477. Running finalization...
  1478. Command line:
  1479. C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\vtune\2022.2.0\bin64\vtune.exe -finalize -r C:\Users\EMELRA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\vtune-tmp-emelrad12\self-checker-2022.04.16_17.12.00\result_ah_with_stacks
  1480. Stderr:
  1481. vtune: Using result path `C:\Users\EMELRA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\vtune-tmp-emelrad12\self-checker-2022.04.16_17.12.00\result_ah_with_stacks'
  1483. vtune: Executing actions 0 %
  1484. vtune: Executing actions 0 % Finalizing results
  1485. vtune: Executing actions 0 % Finalizing the result
  1486. vtune: Executing actions 0 % Clearing the database
  1487. vtune: Executing actions 14 % Clearing the database
  1488. vtune: Executing actions 14 % Loading raw data to the database
  1489. vtune: Executing actions 14 % Loading '' file
  1490. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading '' file
  1491. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading '31944.vtss' file
  1492. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Updating precomputed scalar metrics
  1493. vtune: Executing actions 28 % Updating precomputed scalar metrics
  1494. vtune: Executing actions 28 % Processing profile metrics and debug information
  1495. vtune: Executing actions 39 % Processing profile metrics and debug information
  1496. vtune: Executing actions 39 % Setting data model parameters
  1497. vtune: Executing actions 39 % Resolving module symbols
  1498. vtune: Executing actions 39 % Resolving information for dangling locations
  1499. vtune: Executing actions 39 % Resolving information for `ucrtbase.dll'
  1500. vtune: Executing actions 39 % Resolving information for `kernel32.dll'
  1501. vtune: Executing actions 39 % Resolving information for `ntdll.dll'
  1502. vtune: Executing actions 39 % Resolving information for `dxgmms2.sys'
  1503. vtune: Warning: Cannot locate debugging information for file `C:\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll'.
  1504. vtune: Warning: Cannot locate debugging information for file `C:\Windows\System32\ucrtbase.dll'.
  1506. vtune: Executing actions 39 % Resolving information for `nvlddmkm.sys'
  1507. vtune: Executing actions 39 % Resolving information for `tcpip.sys'
  1508. vtune: Executing actions 40 % Resolving information for `tcpip.sys'
  1509. vtune: Executing actions 40 % Resolving information for `matrix.exe'
  1510. vtune: Executing actions 40 % Resolving information for `ntoskrnl.exe'
  1511. vtune: Warning: Cannot locate debugging information for file `C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll'.
  1512. vtune: Warning: Cannot locate debugging information for file `C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\dxgmms2.sys'.
  1514. vtune: Executing actions 40 % Resolving information for `vtss.sys'
  1515. vtune: Executing actions 41 % Resolving information for `vtss.sys'
  1516. vtune: Executing actions 41 % Resolving information for `intelppm.sys'
  1517. vtune: Warning: Cannot locate debugging information for file `C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\tcpip.sys'.
  1519. vtune: Executing actions 42 % Resolving information for `intelppm.sys'
  1520. vtune: Warning: Cannot locate debugging information for file `C:\WINDOWS\system32\ntoskrnl.exe'.
  1522. vtune: Executing actions 43 % Resolving information for `intelppm.sys'
  1523. vtune: Warning: Cannot locate debugging information for file `C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\intelppm.sys'.
  1524. vtune: Warning: Cannot locate debugging information for file `C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\vtss.sys'.
  1526. vtune: Executing actions 44 % Resolving information for `intelppm.sys'
  1527. vtune: Warning: Cannot locate debugging information for file `C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_3b12ac0f95b18b9d\nvlddmkm.sys'.
  1529. vtune: Executing actions 45 % Resolving information for `intelppm.sys'
  1530. vtune: Executing actions 45 % Resolving bottom user stack information
  1531. vtune: Executing actions 46 % Resolving bottom user stack information
  1532. vtune: Executing actions 47 % Resolving bottom user stack information
  1533. vtune: Executing actions 47 % Resolving thread name information
  1534. vtune: Executing actions 48 % Resolving thread name information
  1535. vtune: Executing actions 48 % Resolving call target names for dynamic code
  1536. vtune: Executing actions 50 % Resolving call target names for dynamic code
  1537. vtune: Executing actions 50 % Resolving interrupt name information
  1538. vtune: Executing actions 53 % Resolving interrupt name information
  1539. vtune: Executing actions 53 % Processing profile metrics and debug information
  1540. vtune: Executing actions 56 % Processing profile metrics and debug information
  1541. vtune: Executing actions 57 % Processing profile metrics and debug information
  1542. vtune: Executing actions 58 % Processing profile metrics and debug information
  1543. vtune: Executing actions 60 % Processing profile metrics and debug information
  1544. vtune: Executing actions 60 % Setting data model parameters
  1545. vtune: Executing actions 60 % Precomputing frequently used data
  1546. vtune: Executing actions 60 % Precomputing frequently used data
  1547. vtune: Executing actions 62 % Precomputing frequently used data
  1548. vtune: Executing actions 63 % Precomputing frequently used data
  1549. vtune: Executing actions 64 % Precomputing frequently used data
  1550. vtune: Executing actions 65 % Precomputing frequently used data
  1551. vtune: Executing actions 66 % Precomputing frequently used data
  1552. vtune: Executing actions 67 % Precomputing frequently used data
  1553. vtune: Executing actions 68 % Precomputing frequently used data
  1554. vtune: Executing actions 69 % Precomputing frequently used data
  1555. vtune: Executing actions 71 % Precomputing frequently used data
  1556. vtune: Executing actions 72 % Precomputing frequently used data
  1557. vtune: Executing actions 72 % Updating precomputed scalar metrics
  1558. vtune: Executing actions 75 % Updating precomputed scalar metrics
  1559. vtune: Executing actions 75 % Discarding redundant overtime data
  1560. vtune: Executing actions 78 % Discarding redundant overtime data
  1561. vtune: Executing actions 78 % Saving the result
  1562. vtune: Executing actions 82 % Saving the result
  1563. vtune: Executing actions 85 % Saving the result
  1564. vtune: Executing actions 100 % Saving the result
  1565. vtune: Executing actions 100 % done
  1567. Finalization: Ok
  1568. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1569. Command line:
  1570. C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\vtune\2022.2.0\bin64\vtune.exe -limit 5 -format csv -csv-delimiter comma -report hotspots -group-by function -r C:\Users\EMELRA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\vtune-tmp-emelrad12\self-checker-2022.04.16_17.12.00\result_ah_with_stacks
  1571. Stdout:
  1572. Function,CPU Time,CPU Time:Effective Time,CPU Time:Spin Time,CPU Time:Overhead Time,Instructions Retired,Microarchitecture Usage(%),Microarchitecture Usage:Microarchitecture Usage(%),Microarchitecture Usage:CPI Rate,Module,Function (Full),Source File,Start Address
  1573. Stderr:
  1574. vtune: Using result path `C:\Users\EMELRA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\vtune-tmp-emelrad12\self-checker-2022.04.16_17.12.00\result_ah_with_stacks'
  1576. vtune: Executing actions 0 %
  1577. vtune: Executing actions 0 % Finalizing results
  1578. vtune: Executing actions 50 % Finalizing results
  1579. vtune: Executing actions 50 % Generating a report
  1580. vtune: Executing actions 50 % Setting data model parameters
  1581. vtune: Executing actions 75 % Setting data model parameters
  1582. vtune: Executing actions 75 % Generating a report
  1583. vtune: Executing actions 100 % Generating a report
  1584. vtune: Executing actions 100 % done
  1586. Report: Fail
  1588. ================================================================================
  1589. HW event-based analysis with context switches...
  1590. Command line:
  1591. C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\vtune\2022.2.0\bin64\vtune.exe -collect threading -knob sampling-and-waits=hw -knob enable-stack-collection=false -r C:\Users\EMELRA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\vtune-tmp-emelrad12\self-checker-2022.04.16_17.12.00\result_th -data-limit 0 -finalization-mode none -source-search-dir C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\vtune\2022.2.0\samples\en\C++\matrix\src -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\vtune\2022.2.0\samples\en\C++\matrix\matrix.exe
  1592. Stdout:
  1593. Addr of buf1 = 000000000080E040
  1594. Offs of buf1 = 000000000080E180
  1595. Addr of buf2 = 000000000281F040
  1596. Offs of buf2 = 000000000281F1C0
  1597. Addr of buf3 = 0000000004839040
  1598. Offs of buf3 = 0000000004839100
  1599. Addr of buf4 = 0000000006844040
  1600. Offs of buf4 = 0000000006844140
  1601. Threads #: 16 Win threads
  1602. Matrix size: 2048
  1603. Using multiply kernel: multiply1
  1604. Execution time = 9.473 seconds
  1605. Stderr:
  1606. vtune: Collection started. To stop the collection, either press CTRL-C or enter from another console window: vtune -r C:\Users\EMELRA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\vtune-tmp-emelrad12\self-checker-2022.04.16_17.12.00\result_th -command stop.
  1607. vtune: Collection stopped.
  1608. vtune: Using result path `C:\Users\EMELRA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\vtune-tmp-emelrad12\self-checker-2022.04.16_17.12.00\result_th'
  1610. vtune: Executing actions 0 %
  1611. vtune: Executing actions 100 %
  1612. vtune: Executing actions 100 % done
  1614. HW event-based analysis with context switches (Intel driver)
  1615. Example of analysis types: Threading with HW event-based sampling
  1616. Collection: Ok
  1617. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1618. Running finalization...
  1619. Command line:
  1620. C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\vtune\2022.2.0\bin64\vtune.exe -finalize -r C:\Users\EMELRA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\vtune-tmp-emelrad12\self-checker-2022.04.16_17.12.00\result_th
  1621. Stderr:
  1622. vtune: Using result path `C:\Users\EMELRA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\vtune-tmp-emelrad12\self-checker-2022.04.16_17.12.00\result_th'
  1624. vtune: Executing actions 0 %
  1625. vtune: Executing actions 0 % Finalizing results
  1626. vtune: Executing actions 0 % Finalizing the result
  1627. vtune: Executing actions 0 % Clearing the database
  1628. vtune: Executing actions 14 % Clearing the database
  1629. vtune: Executing actions 14 % Loading raw data to the database
  1630. vtune: Executing actions 14 % Loading '' file
  1631. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading '' file
  1632. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading '13688.vtss' file
  1633. vtune: Executing actions 25 % Updating precomputed scalar metrics
  1634. vtune: Executing actions 28 % Updating precomputed scalar metrics
  1635. vtune: Executing actions 28 % Processing profile metrics and debug information
  1636. vtune: Executing actions 39 % Processing profile metrics and debug information
  1637. vtune: Executing actions 39 % Setting data model parameters
  1638. vtune: Executing actions 39 % Resolving module symbols
  1639. vtune: Executing actions 39 % Resolving information for dangling locations
  1640. vtune: Executing actions 41 % Resolving information for dangling locations
  1641. vtune: Executing actions 41 % Resolving information for `ntdll.dll'
  1642. vtune: Executing actions 41 % Resolving information for `matrix.exe'
  1643. vtune: Warning: Cannot locate debugging information for file `C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll'.
  1645. vtune: Executing actions 43 % Resolving information for `matrix.exe'
  1646. vtune: Executing actions 45 % Resolving information for `matrix.exe'
  1647. vtune: Executing actions 45 % Resolving bottom user stack information
  1648. vtune: Executing actions 46 % Resolving bottom user stack information
  1649. vtune: Executing actions 46 % Resolving thread name information
  1650. vtune: Executing actions 47 % Resolving thread name information
  1651. vtune: Executing actions 48 % Resolving thread name information
  1652. vtune: Executing actions 48 % Resolving call target names for dynamic code
  1653. vtune: Executing actions 49 % Resolving call target names for dynamic code
  1654. vtune: Executing actions 49 % Resolving interrupt name information
  1655. vtune: Executing actions 53 % Resolving interrupt name information
  1656. vtune: Executing actions 53 % Processing profile metrics and debug information
  1657. vtune: Executing actions 56 % Processing profile metrics and debug information
  1658. vtune: Executing actions 57 % Processing profile metrics and debug information
  1659. vtune: Executing actions 58 % Processing profile metrics and debug information
  1660. vtune: Executing actions 60 % Processing profile metrics and debug information
  1661. vtune: Executing actions 62 % Processing profile metrics and debug information
  1662. vtune: Executing actions 63 % Processing profile metrics and debug information
  1663. vtune: Executing actions 63 % Setting data model parameters
  1664. vtune: Executing actions 64 % Setting data model parameters
  1665. vtune: Executing actions 64 % Precomputing frequently used data
  1666. vtune: Executing actions 64 % Precomputing frequently used data
  1667. vtune: Executing actions 66 % Precomputing frequently used data
  1668. vtune: Executing actions 67 % Precomputing frequently used data
  1669. vtune: Executing actions 68 % Precomputing frequently used data
  1670. vtune: Executing actions 69 % Precomputing frequently used data
  1671. vtune: Executing actions 70 % Precomputing frequently used data
  1672. vtune: Executing actions 71 % Precomputing frequently used data
  1673. vtune: Executing actions 73 % Precomputing frequently used data
  1674. vtune: Executing actions 74 % Precomputing frequently used data
  1675. vtune: Executing actions 76 % Precomputing frequently used data
  1676. vtune: Executing actions 76 % Updating precomputed scalar metrics
  1677. vtune: Executing actions 78 % Updating precomputed scalar metrics
  1678. vtune: Executing actions 78 % Discarding redundant overtime data
  1679. vtune: Executing actions 82 % Discarding redundant overtime data
  1680. vtune: Executing actions 82 % Saving the result
  1681. vtune: Executing actions 85 % Saving the result
  1682. vtune: Executing actions 89 % Saving the result
  1683. vtune: Executing actions 100 % Saving the result
  1684. vtune: Executing actions 100 % done
  1686. Finalization: Ok
  1687. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1688. Command line:
  1689. C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\vtune\2022.2.0\bin64\vtune.exe -limit 5 -format csv -csv-delimiter comma -report hotspots -group-by function -r C:\Users\EMELRA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\vtune-tmp-emelrad12\self-checker-2022.04.16_17.12.00\result_th
  1690. Stdout:
  1691. Function,CPU Time,CPU Time:Effective Time,CPU Time:Spin Time,CPU Time:Overhead Time,Inactive Wait Time,Inactive Wait Time:Inactive Sync Wait Time,Inactive Wait Time:Inactive Sync Wait Time:Idle,Inactive Wait Time:Inactive Sync Wait Time:Poor,Inactive Wait Time:Inactive Sync Wait Time:Ok,Inactive Wait Time:Inactive Sync Wait Time:Ideal,Inactive Wait Time:Inactive Sync Wait Time:Over,Inactive Wait Time:Preemption Wait Time,Inactive Wait Time:Preemption Wait Time:Idle,Inactive Wait Time:Preemption Wait Time:Poor,Inactive Wait Time:Preemption Wait Time:Ok,Inactive Wait Time:Preemption Wait Time:Ideal,Inactive Wait Time:Preemption Wait Time:Over,Inactive Wait Count,Inactive Wait Count:Inactive Sync Wait Count,Inactive Wait Count:Inactive Sync Wait Count:Idle,Inactive Wait Count:Inactive Sync Wait Count:Poor,Inactive Wait Count:Inactive Sync Wait Count:Ok,Inactive Wait Count:Inactive Sync Wait Count:Ideal,Inactive Wait Count:Inactive Sync Wait Count:Over,Inactive Wait Count:Preemption Wait Count,Inactive Wait Count:Preemption Wait Count:Idle,Inactive Wait Count:Preemption Wait Count:Poor,Inactive Wait Count:Preemption Wait Count:Ok,Inactive Wait Count:Preemption Wait Count:Ideal,Inactive Wait Count:Preemption Wait Count:Over,Module,Function (Full),Source File,Start Address
  1692. LdrInitializeThunk,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.004729,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.004729,0.004729,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,7,0,0,0,0,0,0,7,7,0,0,0,0,ntdll.dll,LdrInitializeThunk,[Unknown],0x18007a8b0
  1693. NtConnectPort,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.000042,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.000042,0.000042,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,ntdll.dll,NtConnectPort,[Unknown],0x1800a4b70
  1694. NtCreateFile,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.000137,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.000137,0.000137,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,ntdll.dll,NtCreateFile,[Unknown],0x1800a41e0
  1695. NtCreateThreadEx,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.000083,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.000083,0.000083,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,2,0,0,0,0,ntdll.dll,NtCreateThreadEx,[Unknown],0x1800a4fd0
  1696. NtDeviceIoControlFile,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.000304,0.000096,0.000096,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.000208,0.000208,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,13,5,5,0,0,0,0,8,8,0,0,0,0,ntdll.dll,NtDeviceIoControlFile,[Unknown],0x1800a3820
  1697. Stderr:
  1698. vtune: Using result path `C:\Users\EMELRA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\vtune-tmp-emelrad12\self-checker-2022.04.16_17.12.00\result_th'
  1700. vtune: Executing actions 0 %
  1701. vtune: Executing actions 0 % Finalizing results
  1702. vtune: Executing actions 50 % Finalizing results
  1703. vtune: Executing actions 50 % Generating a report
  1704. vtune: Executing actions 50 % Setting data model parameters
  1705. vtune: Executing actions 75 % Setting data model parameters
  1706. vtune: Executing actions 75 % Generating a report
  1707. vtune: Executing actions 100 % Generating a report
  1708. vtune: Executing actions 100 % done
  1710. Report: Fail
  1712. Getting available devices:
  1713. Command line:
  1714. sycl-ls
  1715. Exception: [WinError 2] The system cannot find the file specified
  1716. Checking DPC++ application as prerequisite for GPU analyses...
  1717. Checking sycl.dll library
  1718. Command line:
  1719. where.exe sycl.dll
  1720. Stderr:
  1721. INFO: Could not find files for the given pattern(s).
  1723. Unable to find sycl.dll
  1724. Checking DPC++ application as prerequisite for GPU analyses: Fail
  1725. Unable to run DPC++ application on GPU connected to this system. If you are using an Intel GPU and want to verify profiling support for DPC++ applications, check these requirements:
  1727. * Install Intel(R) GPU driver.
  1729. * Install Intel(R) Level Zero GPU runtime.
  1731. * Install Intel(R) oneAPI DPC++ Runtime and set the environment.
  1733. The check observed a product failure on your system.
  1734. Review errors in the output above to fix a problem or contact Intel technical support.
  1737. The system is ready for the following analyses:
  1738. * Performance Snapshot
  1740. * Hotspots and Threading with user-mode sampling
  1742. * Hotspots with HW event-based sampling, HPC Performance Characterization, etc.
  1744. * Microarchitecture Exploration
  1746. * Memory Access
  1749. The following analyses have failed on the system:
  1750. * Hotspots with HW event-based sampling and call stacks
  1752. * Threading with HW event-based sampling
  1754. * GPU Compute/Media Hotspots (characterization mode)
  1756. * GPU Compute/Media Hotspots (source analysis mode)
  1758. Log location: C:\Users\EMELRA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\vtune-tmp-emelrad12\self-checker-2022.04.16_17.12.00\log.txt
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