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  1. #!/bin/sh
  2. # File Name: RemoveSymantecMacFiles.command
  3. Version=7.0.61
  4. # Author: Corey Swertfager, Symantec Corporation
  5. # Created: 10/04/2001
  6. # Modified: 06/16/2017
  7. #
  8. # WARNING: This script will remove all files and folders created by
  9. # Symantec OS X products (except Symantec Adminstration Console
  10. # for Macintosh files) and any files within those folders.
  11. # Therefore, you will lose ALL files that reside in those folders,
  12. # including any that you have created.
  13. #
  14. # Usage: RemoveSymantecMacFiles.command [options] [volume ...]
  15. #
  16. # Summary: See ShowHelp() function.
  17. #
  18. # *** Variable Initializations ***
  20. PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin
  21. SymantecCleanupRestartFile="/private/tmp/"
  22. AbbreviatedScriptName=`basename "$0" .command 2>/dev/null`
  23. AutoRunScript=false
  24. BackupLogLocationRootDirName="SymantecDiagnosticLogs"
  25. BackupLogLocationRootDir="/private/var/tmp/$BackupLogLocationRootDirName"
  26. CurrentVolumeBeingUsed="/"
  27. ExitCodeWhenSomeFileWasNotRemoved=0
  28. ExitCodeWhenFilesRemain=7
  29. # FilesThatDoNotRequireRebootPattern: paths that match this pattern will not trigger a reboot
  30. FilesThatDoNotRequireRebootPattern='\.log|\.txt|\.rtf|Caches/|/log/|/Logs/|/tmp/'
  31. FilesRemovedList="/private/tmp/${AbbreviatedScriptName}RemovesThese.txt"
  32. FilesRemovedFilesOnlyList="/private/tmp/${AbbreviatedScriptName}RemovesThese-FilesOnly.txt"
  33. FilesRemovedListOfOld="/Users/Shared/${AbbreviatedScriptName}RemovesThese.txt"
  34. FilesWereSaved=false
  35. FinishedExitCode=0
  36. FullScriptName=`basename "$0" 2>/dev/null`
  37. LANG=""
  38. LaunchLocationGrepPattern='/Library/Application Support/Symantec/Uninstaller\|\.app/Contents/Resources'
  39. # ----- ListOfProgramsThatShouldNotBackUpLogs BEGIN ------------------------------------------------
  40. ListOfProgramsThatShouldNotBackUpLogs="RemoveSymantecMacFiles.command
  41. SymantecRemovalTool
  42. SymantecRemovalTool.command"
  43. # ----- ListOfProgramsThatShouldNotBackUpLogs END --------------------------------------------------
  44. ListOfProgramsThatShouldNotKillProcesses="SymantecRemovalTool"
  45. ListOfProgramsThatShouldNotRemoveFSDFolders="SymantecRemovalTool"
  46. ListOfProgramsThatShouldNotRemoveInstallerLaunchAgents="SymantecRemovalTool"
  47. ListOfProgramsThatShouldNotRemoveLogs="SymantecRemovalTool"
  48. ListOfProgramsThatShouldNotRemoveSymantecIPUA="SymantecRemovalTool"
  49. LogFile="/private/tmp/${AbbreviatedScriptName}Log.txt"
  50. LogFileOfOld="/Users/Shared/${AbbreviatedScriptName}Log.txt"
  51. # ----- LoginKeychainPasswordsToDelete BEGIN ------------------------------------------------
  52. # (2 fields, tab delimited):
  53. # Item to delete / help text to show
  54. LoginKeychainPasswordsToDelete=" Norton Internet Security account info
  55. Norton Zone saved sessions"
  56. # ----- LoginKeychainPasswordsToDelete END --------------------------------------------------
  57. LogsToBackUpPattern="/Logs/"
  58. LogsToNotBackUpPattern="SymantecTestPatchers\.log"
  59. # ----- NotRemovedByNIS6Uninstaller BEGIN ------------------------------------------------
  60. # A list of paths or partial paths that aren't removed by NIS 6 uninstaller.
  61. # Add only items that cannot be isolated by the -u option.
  62. NotRemovedByNIS6Uninstaller='/
  63. /etc/liveupdate.conf'
  64. # ----- NotRemovedByNIS6Uninstaller END --------------------------------------------------
  65. NotRemovedByNIS6UninstallerText=" [should not be removed by NIS 6 uninstaller]"
  66. # ----- NotRemovedBySymantecUninstaller BEGIN ------------------------------------------------
  67. # A list of paths or partial paths that aren't removed by Symantec
  68. # Add only items that cannot be isolated by the -u option.
  69. NotRemovedBySymantecUninstaller='/Library/LaunchAgents/
  70. /Library/LaunchDaemons/
  71. /Library/LaunchDaemons/
  72. /Library/Logs/SymantecTestPatchers.log
  73. /Library/Preferences/
  74. /Library/Preferences/'
  75. # ----- NotRemovedBySymantecUninstaller END --------------------------------------------------
  76. NotRemovedBySymantecUninstallerText=" [should not be removed by Symantec]"
  77. PrivateLinksPattern='^/etc/|^/tmp/|^/var/'
  78. PrivateDirectoriesPattern='^/private/etc/|^/private/tmp/|^/private/var/'
  79. PublicVersion=true
  80. # ----- ReceiptsTable BEGIN ------------------------------------------------
  81. # (2 fields, tab delimited):
  82. # Receipt name / Receipt option (-a = delete receipt*, -s = skip run of predelete script)
  83. ReceiptsTable='
  84. # Check to make sure there are no vague receipts that may be used by
  85. # third party software before releasing to the public.
  86. # This line may need to be removed to avoid deleting third party files:
  87. CompatibilityCheck.pkg
  88. # This line may need to be removed to avoid deleting third party files:
  89. Decomposer.pkg
  90. # This line may need to be removed to avoid deleting third party files:
  91. DeletionTracking.pkg
  92. FileSaver.pkg
  93. LiveUpdate -a
  94. NATRemoteLock.pkg
  95. NATSDPlugin.pkg
  96. NAVContextualMenu.pkg
  97. NAVcorporate.pkg
  98. NAVDefs.pkg
  99. NAVEngine.pkg
  100. NAVWidget.pkg
  101. navx.pkg
  102. NAV_App -a
  103. NAV_AutoProtect -a
  104. NFSCore.pkg
  105. NISLaunch.pkg
  106. Norton AntiVirus Application.pkg
  107. Norton AntiVirus Product Log.rtf
  108. Norton AntiVirus.pkg
  109. Norton AutoProtect.pkg
  110. Norton Disk Editor X.pkg
  111. Norton Internet Security Log.rtf
  112. Norton Personal Firewall 3.0 Log.rtf
  113. Norton Scheduled Scans.pkg
  114. Norton Scheduler.pkg
  115. Norton SystemWorks 3.0 Log.rtf
  116. Norton Utilities 8.0 Log.rtf
  117. nortonanti-theftPostflight.pkg
  118. nortonantitheftPostflight.pkg
  119. NortonAutoProtect.pkg
  120. # Remove all NortonAVDefs receipts
  121. NortonAVDefs -a
  122. NortonDefragger.pkg
  123. NortonDiskDoctor.pkg
  124. NortonFirewall -a
  125. NortonInternetSecurity -a
  126. NortonLauncher.pkg
  127. NortonParentalControl.pkg
  128. NortonPersonalFirewall.pkg
  129. NortonPersonalFirewallMenu.pkg
  130. NortonPrivacyControl.pkg
  131. NortonQuickMenu -a
  132. NPC Installer Log
  133. NPC.pkg
  134. NSMCore.pkg
  135. NSMCore.Universal.pkg
  136. NSWLaunch.pkg
  137. NUMCompatibilityCheck.pkg
  138. NumDocs.pkg
  139. NUMLaunch.pkg
  140. PredeleteTool.pkg
  141. SavLog.pkg
  142. # This line may need to be removed to avoid deleting third party files:
  143. Scheduled Scans.pkg
  144. # This line may need to be removed to avoid deleting third party files:
  145. Scheduler.pkg
  146. SDProfileEditor.pkg
  147. SMC.pkg
  148. SNAC.pkg
  149. SpeedDisk.pkg
  150. # NAV 9 installs the StuffIt engine if it needs to and creates the
  151. # StuffIt.pkg receipt for it. The following line may need to be removed
  152. # (but should not need to be) to avoid deleting third party files:
  153. StuffIt.pkg
  154. Symantec Alerts.pkg
  155. Symantec AntiVirus.pkg
  156. Symantec AutoProtect Prefs.pkg
  157. Symantec AutoProtect.pkg
  158. Symantec Decomposer.pkg
  159. Symantec Endpoint Protection.pkg
  160. Symantec Scheduled Scans.pkg
  161. Symantec Scheduler.pkg
  162. # Remove all SymantecAVDefs receipts
  163. SymantecAVDefs -a
  164. SymantecClientFirewall.pkg
  165. SymantecDecomposer.pkg
  166. SymantecDeepSightExtractor.pkg
  167. SymantecParentalControl.pkg
  168. SymantecQuickMenu.pkg
  169. SymantecSAQuickMenu.pkg
  170. SymantecSharedComponents -a
  171. SymantecUninstaller -a
  172. SymantecURLs.pkg
  173. SymAV10StuffItInstall.pkg
  174. SymAVScanServer.pkg
  175. SymConfidential -a
  176. SymConfidentialData.pkg
  177. SymDaemon -a
  178. SymDC.pkg
  179. SymDiskMountNotify.pkg
  180. SymErrorReporting.pkg
  181. SymEvent.pkg
  182. SymFileSecurity -a
  183. SymFirewall -a
  184. SymFS.pkg
  185. SymHelper.pkg
  186. SymHelpScripts.pkg
  187. SymInstallExtras.pkg
  188. SymInternetSecurity.pkg
  189. SymIntrusionPrevention -a
  190. SymIPS.pkg
  191. SymLicensing -a
  192. SymNCOApplication -a
  193. SymOxygen.pkg
  194. SymOSXKernelUtilities.pkg
  195. SymPersonalFirewallCore -a
  196. SymPersonalFirewallUI -a
  197. SymProtector.pkg
  198. SymPseudoLicensing -a
  199. SymSetupAssistant -a
  200. SymSharedFrameworks -a
  201. SymSharedSettings -a
  202. SymStuffit.pkg
  203. SymSubmission.pkg
  204. SymUIAgent -a
  205. SymWebFraud -a
  206. SymWebKitUtils.pkg
  207. Unerase.pkg
  208. # This line may need to be removed to avoid deleting third party files:
  209. URL.pkg
  210. VolumeAssist.pkg
  211. VolumeRecover.pkg
  212. WCIDEngine.pkg
  213. Wipe Info.pkg
  214. ZoneStandalone.pkg
  215. '
  216. # ----- ReceiptsTable END --------------------------------------------------
  217. # ----- RequiredPrograms BEGIN ------------------------------------------------
  218. RequiredPrograms='
  219. awk
  220. basename
  221. cat
  222. cd
  223. chmod
  224. cp
  225. crontab
  226. date
  227. defaults
  228. dirname
  229. echo
  230. egrep
  231. expr
  232. find
  233. grep
  234. head
  235. kill
  236. ls
  237. mkdir
  238. more
  239. printf
  240. ps
  241. pwd
  242. read
  243. rm
  244. sed
  245. sort
  246. sudo
  247. tail
  248. tr
  249. uniq
  250. '
  251. # ----- RequiredPrograms END --------------------------------------------------
  252. SavedFilesDir="/private/tmp/${AbbreviatedScriptName}SavedFiles"
  254. # *** Function Declarations ***
  256. AssignVolume()
  257. {
  258. # Usage: AssignVolume $1
  259. # Argument: $1 = Volume name. The name can begin with "/Volumes/"
  260. # unless it is "/" (boot volume).
  261. # Summary: Assigns the name of the volume passed as $1 to VolumesToUse.
  262. # If volume is assigned, 0 is returned; else, 1 is returned.
  263. #
  264. # If nothing passed, skip assignment
  265. [ -z "$1" ] && return 1
  266. VolumeToAssign=`CheckIfValidVolume "$1"`
  267. if [ -z "$VolumeToAssign" ] ; then
  268. VolumeToAssign=`CheckIfValidVolume "/Volumes/$1"`
  269. [ -z "$VolumeToAssign" ] && return 1
  270. fi
  271. [ "$VolumeToAssign" = "/" ] && BootVolumeWillBeSearched=true
  272. VolumesToUse="$VolumesToUse
  273. $VolumeToAssign"
  274. return 0
  275. }
  277. BackupLog()
  278. {
  279. # Usage: BackupLog file
  280. # Summary: Copies file into BackupLogLocationDir.
  281. # BackupLogLocationDir must be defined prior
  282. # to running this function.
  283. #
  284. local FileToBackUp="$1"
  285. local BackupNumber=0
  286. FileToBackupBase=`basename "$FileToBackUp"`
  287. local DestinationFileName
  288. if ! $DoBackupLogs ; then
  289. return
  290. elif [ ! -f "$FileToBackUp" ] ; then
  291. return
  292. # Else if this is not a file that should be backed up
  293. elif [ -z "`printf "%s" "$FileToBackUp" | egrep -ie "$LogsToBackUpPattern" | egrep -ive "$LogsToNotBackUpPattern"`" ] ; then
  294. return
  295. fi
  296. if [ ! -d "$BackupLogLocationDir" ] ; then
  297. mkdir -p "$BackupLogLocationDir"
  298. chmod 777 "$BackupLogLocationDir" "$BackupLogLocationRootDir"
  299. fi
  300. DestinationFileName="$FileToBackupBase"
  301. while [ -f "$BackupLogLocationDir/$DestinationFileName" ] ; do
  302. let BackupNumber=$BackupNumber+1
  303. # If file name contains a period with a character on each side and no other periods
  304. if [ "`printf "%s" "$FileToBackupBase" | grep -e '.\..' | grep -ve '\..*\.'`" ] ; then
  305. DestinationFileName=`printf "%s" "$FileToBackupBase" | awk -v NUM="$BackupNumber" '{
  306. # Put hyphen + NUM in front of the period
  307. sub("\\\.", "-" NUM ".", $0)
  308. print $0}'`
  309. else
  310. # Put hyphen + NUM at end of the file name
  311. DestinationFileName="$FileToBackupBase-$BackupNumber"
  312. fi
  313. done
  314. ditto "$FileToBackUp" "$BackupLogLocationDir/$DestinationFileName"
  315. chmod 666 "$BackupLogLocationDir/$DestinationFileName"
  316. }
  318. CheckIfValidVolume()
  319. {
  320. # Usage: CheckIfValidVolume volume
  321. # Summary: If volume is a valid volume path, the path, with extra
  322. # slashes removed, is written to standard output.
  323. #
  324. local PathToPrint=""
  325. local VolumePathToCheck="$1"
  326. # If VolumePathToCheck is the boot volume
  327. if [ "$VolumePathToCheck" -ef / ] ; then
  328. PathToPrint=/
  329. # Else if VolumePathToCheck begins with /
  330. elif [ "`printf "%s" "$VolumePathToCheck" | grep '^/'`" ] ; then
  331. # If it is a directory and not a link
  332. if [ -d "$VolumePathToCheck" -a ! -L "$VolumePathToCheck" ] ; then
  333. # Strip any extra slashes
  334. VolumePathToCheck=`printf "%s" "$VolumePathToCheck" | sed 's|//*|/|g'`
  335. if [ "`dirname "$VolumePathToCheck"`" = "/Volumes" ] ; then
  336. PathToPrint="/Volumes/`basename "$VolumePathToCheck"`"
  337. fi
  338. fi
  339. fi
  340. [ "$PathToPrint" ] && echo "$PathToPrint"
  341. }
  343. DeleteCrontabEntries()
  344. {
  345. # Usage: DeleteCrontabEntries [$1]
  346. # Argument: $1 = Volume name. The name should begin with "/Volumes/"
  347. # unless it is "/" (boot volume). If NULL, then / is
  348. # used as volume name.
  349. # Authors: John Hansen, Corey Swertfager
  350. # Summary: Deletes from / or volume specified the crontab entries
  351. # created by Norton Scheduler and Symantec Scheduler.
  352. # Note: User must be root when calling this function.
  353. #
  354. if [ "z$1" = z/ ] ; then
  355. VolumeToDeleteCrontabsFrom=""
  356. else
  357. VolumeToDeleteCrontabsFrom="$1"
  358. fi
  359. CRONDIRNEW="$VolumeToDeleteCrontabsFrom/private/var/at/tabs" # OS 10.5 and later crontab directory
  360. CRONDIROLD="$VolumeToDeleteCrontabsFrom/private/var/cron/tabs" # OS 10.4 and earlier crontab directory
  361. if [ ! -d "$CRONDIRNEW" -a ! -d "$CRONDIROLD" ] ; then
  362. if $CreateFilesRemovedListOnly ; then
  363. if [ -z "$VolumeToDeleteCrontabsFrom" ] ; then
  364. echo "No crontab directory was found on on the current boot volume." >> "$FilesRemovedList"
  365. else
  366. echo "No crontab directory was found on on the volume \"`basename "$VolumeToDeleteCrontabsFrom"`\"." >> "$FilesRemovedList"
  367. fi
  368. echo "" >> "$FilesRemovedList"
  369. else
  370. if [ -z "$VolumeToDeleteCrontabsFrom" ] ; then
  371. echo "No crontab directory was found on on the current boot volume."
  372. else
  373. echo "No crontab directory was found on on the volume \"`basename "$VolumeToDeleteCrontabsFrom"`\"."
  374. fi
  375. fi
  376. return 1
  377. fi
  378. TEMPFILETEMPLATE="/private/tmp/NortonTemp"
  379. GREP1="^#SqzS"
  381. GREP3="^#PLEASE DO NOT EDIT\.$"
  382. GREP4="EvType1=.*EvType2=.*Sched="
  383. GREP5="Norton Solutions Support/Scheduler/schedLauncher"
  384. GREP6="Symantec/Scheduler/"
  385. SymantecCrontabEntryExists=false
  386. CurrentDir="`pwd`" # Save initial directory location
  387. # Set IFS to only newline to get all crontabs
  388. IFS='
  389. '
  390. for CRONDIR in `ls -d "$CRONDIRNEW" "$CRONDIROLD" 2>/dev/null` ; do
  391. cd "$CRONDIR"
  392. # List each crontab, pipe through grep command and replace
  393. for user in $ComputerUsers ; do
  394. # If there is no crontab file for this user, skip user
  395. [ ! -f "$user" ] && continue
  396. # If deleting from boot volume
  397. if [ -z "$VolumeToDeleteCrontabsFrom" ] ; then
  398. # Check to see if there is a Symantec crontab entry
  399. if [ "`crontab -u "$user" -l | grep -c "$GREP1\|$GREP2\|$GREP3\|$GREP4\|$GREP5\|$GREP6"`" != 0 ] ; then
  400. SymantecCrontabEntryExists=true
  401. else
  402. continue # Nothing to remove, skip user
  403. fi
  404. $CreateFilesRemovedListOnly && break
  405. TEMPFILE="$TEMPFILETEMPLATE`date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S"`"
  406. crontab -u "$user" -l | grep -v "$GREP1\|$GREP2\|$GREP3\|$GREP4\|$GREP5\|$GREP6" > $TEMPFILE
  407. # Restore crontab file if it has more entries, else remove
  408. if [ -s "$TEMPFILE" ] ; then
  409. crontab -u "$user" $TEMPFILE &>/dev/null
  410. else
  411. echo "y" | crontab -u "$user" -r &>/dev/null
  412. fi
  413. else
  414. # Check to see if there is a Symantec crontab entry
  415. if [ "`grep -c "$GREP1\|$GREP2\|$GREP3\|$GREP4\|$GREP5\|$GREP6" "$user"`" != 0 ] ; then
  416. SymantecCrontabEntryExists=true
  417. else
  418. continue # Nothing to remove, skip user
  419. fi
  420. $CreateFilesRemovedListOnly && break
  421. TEMPFILE="$TEMPFILETEMPLATE`date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S"`"
  422. grep -v "$GREP1\|$GREP2\|$GREP3\|$GREP4\|$GREP5\|$GREP6" "$user" > $TEMPFILE
  423. # Restore crontab file if it has more entries, else remove
  424. if [ -s "$TEMPFILE" ] ; then
  425. cat $TEMPFILE >"$user"
  426. else
  427. rm -f "$user" 2>/dev/null
  428. fi
  429. fi
  430. /bin/rm "$TEMPFILE" 2>/dev/null
  431. done
  432. [ $CreateFilesRemovedListOnly = true -a $SymantecCrontabEntryExists = true ] && break
  433. done
  434. cd "$CurrentDir" # Return to intial directory
  435. if $SymantecCrontabEntryExists ; then
  436. if $CreateFilesRemovedListOnly ; then
  437. if [ -z "$VolumeToDeleteCrontabsFrom" ] ; then
  438. echo "Symantec crontab entries would be deleted from the current boot volume." >> "$FilesRemovedList"
  439. else
  440. echo "Symantec crontab entries would be deleted from the volume" >> "$FilesRemovedList"
  441. echo "\"`basename "$VolumeToDeleteCrontabsFrom"`\"." >> "$FilesRemovedList"
  442. fi
  443. echo "" >> "$FilesRemovedList"
  444. else
  445. if [ -z "$VolumeToDeleteCrontabsFrom" ] ; then
  446. echo "Symantec crontab entries were deleted from the current boot volume."
  447. else
  448. echo "Symantec crontab entries were deleted from the volume"
  449. echo "\"`basename "$VolumeToDeleteCrontabsFrom"`\"."
  450. fi
  451. fi
  452. NoFilesToRemove=false
  453. else
  454. if $CreateFilesRemovedListOnly ; then
  455. if [ -z "$VolumeToDeleteCrontabsFrom" ] ; then
  456. echo "There are no Symantec crontab entries on the current boot volume;" >> "$FilesRemovedList"
  457. echo "no crontab entries would be removed from it." >> "$FilesRemovedList"
  458. else
  459. echo "There are no Symantec crontab entries on the volume \"`basename "$VolumeToDeleteCrontabsFrom"`\";" >> "$FilesRemovedList"
  460. echo "no crontabs would be adjusted on that volume." >> "$FilesRemovedList"
  461. fi
  462. echo "" >> "$FilesRemovedList"
  463. elif [ -z "$VolumeToDeleteCrontabsFrom" ] ; then
  464. echo "There are no Symantec crontab entries to delete from the current boot volume."
  465. else
  466. echo "There are no Symantec crontab entries to delete from the volume"
  467. echo "\"`basename "$VolumeToDeleteCrontabsFrom"`\"."
  468. fi
  469. fi
  470. return 0
  471. }
  473. DeleteLaunchdPlists()
  474. {
  475. # Usage: DeleteLaunchdPlists [$1]
  476. # Argument: $1 = Volume name. The name should begin with "/Volumes/"
  477. # unless it is "/" (boot volume). If NULL, then / is
  478. # used as volume name.
  479. # Summary: Deletes from / or volume specified the launchd plists
  480. # created by Symantec Scheduler.
  481. # Note: User must be root when calling this function.
  482. #
  483. if [ "z$1" = z/ ] ; then
  484. VolumeToDeleteLaunchdPlistsFrom=""
  485. else
  486. VolumeToDeleteLaunchdPlistsFrom="$1"
  487. fi
  488. LaunchdPlists=`ls -d "$VolumeToDeleteLaunchdPlistsFrom/Library/LaunchDaemons/"*.plist 2>/dev/null`
  489. if [ "$LaunchdPlists" ] ; then
  490. if $CreateFilesRemovedListOnly ; then
  491. if [ -z "$VolumeToDeleteLaunchdPlistsFrom" ] ; then
  492. echo "Symantec Scheduler launchd plists would be deleted from the current boot volume." >> "$FilesRemovedList"
  493. else
  494. echo "Symantec Scheduler launchd plists would be deleted from the volume" >> "$FilesRemovedList"
  495. echo "\"`basename "$VolumeToDeleteLaunchdPlistsFrom"`\"." >> "$FilesRemovedList"
  496. fi
  497. echo "" >> "$FilesRemovedList"
  498. else
  499. IFS='
  500. '
  501. for EachPlist in $LaunchdPlists ; do
  502. rm -f "$EachPlist" 2>/dev/null
  503. done
  504. if [ -z "$VolumeToDeleteLaunchdPlistsFrom" ] ; then
  505. echo "Symantec Scheduler launchd plists were deleted from the current boot volume."
  506. else
  507. echo "Symantec Scheduler launchd plists were deleted from the volume"
  508. echo "\"`basename "$VolumeToDeleteLaunchdPlistsFrom"`\"."
  509. fi
  510. fi
  511. NoFilesToRemove=false
  512. else
  513. if $CreateFilesRemovedListOnly ; then
  514. if [ -z "$VolumeToDeleteLaunchdPlistsFrom" ] ; then
  515. echo "There are no Symantec Scheduler launchd plists on the current boot volume," >> "$FilesRemovedList"
  516. echo "so none would be removed from it." >> "$FilesRemovedList"
  517. else
  518. echo "There are no Symantec Scheduler launchd plists on the volume" >> "$FilesRemovedList"
  519. echo "\"`basename "$VolumeToDeleteLaunchdPlistsFrom"`\", so none would be removed from it." >> "$FilesRemovedList"
  520. fi
  521. echo "" >> "$FilesRemovedList"
  522. elif [ -z "$VolumeToDeleteLaunchdPlistsFrom" ] ; then
  523. echo "There are no Symantec Scheduler launchd plists to delete from the current boot"
  524. echo "volume."
  525. else
  526. echo "There are no Symantec Scheduler launchd plists to delete from the volume"
  527. echo "\"`basename "$VolumeToDeleteLaunchdPlistsFrom"`\"."
  528. fi
  529. fi
  530. return 0
  531. }
  533. DeleteSymantecLoginItems()
  534. {
  535. # Usage: DeleteSymantecLoginItems [volume]
  536. #
  537. # Argument: volume - volume from which to remove login items; volume must
  538. # begin with "/Volumes/" unless it is "/" (boot volume); if
  539. # nothing is passed, / is assumed.
  540. #
  541. # Summary: Deletes Symantec items from all and
  542. # loginwindow.plist files on volume specified.
  543. #
  544. # If a file is purged on the boot volume, file path defined by
  545. # SymantecCleanupRestartFile is created so that reboot messaging
  546. # can be displayed by scripts that use this function.
  547. #
  548. # Returns: The number of files purged.
  549. #
  550. # Note: If this function is run while booted in OS 10.1.x, it will
  551. # not be able to adjust loginwindow.plist files on an OS 10.4
  552. # or later volume because plutil did not ship with OS 10.1.x.
  553. #
  554. # The files are not purged if
  555. # /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy does not exist (PlistBuddy first
  556. # appeared in OS 10.5).
  557. #
  558. # GetComputerUsers() function must be run before calling this
  559. # function so that ComputerUsersHomeDirsAndRootDir is defined.
  560. #
  561. # CreateFilesRemovedListOnly and FilesRemovedList variables are
  562. # used only in Norton Cleanup scripts.
  563. #
  564. # Version: 3.0.2
  565. #
  566. local ArrayItem
  567. local Base
  568. local Buffer
  569. local CheckSyntax
  570. local CreateFilesRemovedListOnly="$CreateFilesRemovedListOnly"
  571. local Line
  572. local NameKeyValue
  573. local NumberOfFilesPurged=0
  574. local OriginalPlistFile
  575. local PatternOfKeyNames="Norton WiFi Privacy\.app"
  576. local PatternOfKeyNamesToExclude="Norton Solutions|Symantec|SymSecondaryLaunch|Norton"
  577. local PlistBuddyError
  578. local PropertyKeyToUse
  579. local SavedIFS="$IFS"
  580. local StartupPathPatterns="/Applications/Norton
  581. /Applications/Norton Internet
  582. /Applications/Norton
  583. /Applications/Symantec Cloud
  584. /Applications/Symantec Unified Endpoint
  585. /Library/Application Support/Norton Solutions
  586. /Library/Application Support/Symantec
  587. /Library/StartupItems/Norton
  588. /Norton
  589. /Scheduler/
  590. Norton WiFi Privacy"
  591. local SymantecLoginItemsWereFound=false
  592. local SymantecLoginItemWasFound
  593. local TargetVolume="$1"
  594. local TempFileTemplate=/private/tmp/Delete_Symantec_Login_Items
  595. local TempScrapFile=${TempFileTemplate}`date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S"`-Scrap
  596. local TempPlistFile=${TempFileTemplate}`date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S"`-PlistCopy
  597. [ "$1" -ef / ] && TargetVolume=""
  598. [ "z$CreateFilesRemovedListOnly" != ztrue -o ! -f "$FilesRemovedList" ] && CreateFilesRemovedListOnly=false
  599. [ -z "$SymantecCleanupRestartFile" ] && SymantecCleanupRestartFile="/private/tmp/"
  600. which plutil &>/dev/null
  601. # If plutil program is not installed
  602. if [ $? != 0 ] ; then
  603. # If running OS 10.4 or later
  604. if [ $OSXmajorVersion -gt 3 ] ; then
  605. # Show message and skip plist adjustments because plists are in binary format in OS 10.4 and later
  606. if $CreateFilesRemovedListOnly ; then
  607. echo "NOTE: plutil is not installed, so loginwindow.plist files cannot be adjusted." >> "$FilesRemovedList"
  608. else
  609. echo "NOTE: plutil is not installed, so loginwindow.plist files cannot be adjusted."
  610. fi
  611. return
  612. fi
  613. fi
  614. IFS='
  615. '
  616. for Line in $StartupPathPatterns ; do
  617. Base=`basename "$Line" .app`
  618. if [ -z "`echo "$Base" | egrep -xe "$PatternOfKeyNamesToExclude"`" ] ; then
  619. PatternOfKeyNames="${PatternOfKeyNames}|$Base"
  620. fi
  621. done
  622. # Remove login items from loginwindow.plist files
  623. for EachHomeDir in $ComputerUsersHomeDirsAndRootDir ; do
  624. if [ "$EachHomeDir" = / ] ; then
  625. OriginalPlistFile="$TargetVolume/Library/Preferences/loginwindow.plist"
  626. else
  627. OriginalPlistFile="$TargetVolume$EachHomeDir/Library/Preferences/loginwindow.plist"
  628. fi
  629. [ ! -f "$OriginalPlistFile" ] && continue
  630. rm -rf "$TempPlistFile" 2>/dev/null
  631. cp "$OriginalPlistFile" "$TempPlistFile"
  632. CheckSyntax=true
  633. plutil -convert xml1 "$TempPlistFile" 2>/dev/null
  634. # If plutil failed to convert the plist, don't check syntax later
  635. [ $? != 0 ] && CheckSyntax=false
  636. IsBinaryFormat=false
  637. # If original plist is different than converted plist, treat it as a binary file
  638. [ -n "`diff "$OriginalPlistFile" "$TempPlistFile" 2>/dev/null`" ] && IsBinaryFormat=true
  639. # If no Symantec login item was found, skip to next file
  640. [ `grep -c -F "$StartupPathPatterns" "$TempPlistFile"` = 0 ] && continue
  641. SymantecLoginItemsWereFound=true
  642. if $CreateFilesRemovedListOnly ; then
  643. echo "Symantec login items would be removed from:" >> "$FilesRemovedList"
  644. echo " \"$OriginalPlistFile\"" >> "$FilesRemovedList"
  645. continue
  646. fi
  647. # Purge Symantec login item(s)
  648. printf "" > "$TempScrapFile"
  649. Buffer=""
  650. DoWriteBuffer=true
  651. for Line in `cat "$TempPlistFile"` ; do
  652. # If beginning of a dictionary key
  653. if [ "`printf "%s" "$Line" | grep '<dict>$'`" ] ; then
  654. [ "$Buffer" ] && echo "$Buffer" >> "$TempScrapFile"
  655. Buffer="$Line"
  656. DoWriteBuffer=true
  657. else
  658. if [ "$Buffer" ] ; then
  659. Buffer="$Buffer
  660. $Line"
  661. else
  662. Buffer="$Line"
  663. fi
  664. # If end of a dictionary key
  665. if [ "`printf "%s" "$Line" | grep '</dict>$'`" ] ; then
  666. $DoWriteBuffer && echo "$Buffer" >> "$TempScrapFile"
  667. Buffer=""
  668. DoWriteBuffer=true
  669. # Else if Symantec path was found
  670. elif [ "`printf "%s" "$Line" | grep -F "$StartupPathPatterns"`" ] ; then
  671. DoWriteBuffer=false
  672. fi
  673. fi
  674. done
  675. [ "$Buffer" ] && echo "$Buffer" >> "$TempScrapFile"
  676. # If some login item information is missing
  677. if [ `grep -c '<dict>$' "$TempScrapFile"` != `grep -c '</dict>$' "$TempScrapFile"` ] ; then
  678. echo "ERROR: Could not remove Symantec login items from:"
  679. echo " $OriginalPlistFile"
  680. # Else if syntax is to be checked and plist contains bad syntax
  681. elif [ $CheckSyntax = true -a -n "`plutil -s "$TempScrapFile" 2>/dev/null`" ] ; then
  682. echo "ERROR: Could not remove Symantec login items (plutil conversion failed) from:"
  683. echo " $OriginalPlistFile"
  684. else
  685. echo "Removing Symantec login items from:"
  686. echo " \"$OriginalPlistFile\""
  687. cat "$TempScrapFile" > "$OriginalPlistFile"
  688. $IsBinaryFormat && plutil -convert binary1 "$OriginalPlistFile" 2>/dev/null
  689. let NumberOfFilesPurged=$NumberOfFilesPurged+1
  690. fi
  691. done
  692. rm -f "$TempScrapFile" 2>/dev/null
  693. # Remove login items from files if PlistBuddy is installed
  694. if [ -f /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy ] ; then
  695. for EachHomeDir in $ComputerUsersHomeDirsAndRootDir ; do
  696. if [ "$EachHomeDir" = / ] ; then
  697. OriginalPlistFile="$TargetVolume/Library/Preferences/"
  698. else
  699. OriginalPlistFile="$TargetVolume$EachHomeDir/Library/Preferences/"
  700. fi
  701. [ ! -f "$OriginalPlistFile" ] && continue
  702. rm -rf "$TempPlistFile" 2>/dev/null
  703. cp "$OriginalPlistFile" "$TempPlistFile"
  704. PropertyKeyToUse=':privilegedlist:CustomListItems'
  705. NameKeyValue=`/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy "$TempPlistFile" -c "print ${PropertyKeyToUse}:0:Name" 2>/dev/null`
  706. if [ -z "$NameKeyValue" ] ; then
  707. PropertyKeyToUse=':SessionItems:CustomListItems'
  708. NameKeyValue=`/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy "$TempPlistFile" -c "print ${PropertyKeyToUse}:0:Name" 2>/dev/null`
  709. [ -z "$NameKeyValue" ] && continue
  710. fi
  711. PlistBuddyError=0
  712. SymantecLoginItemWasFound=false
  713. ArrayItem=0
  714. while [ "$NameKeyValue" ] ; do
  715. # If this is a Symantec login item that should be deleted
  716. if [ "`printf "%s" "$NameKeyValue" | egrep -xe "$PatternOfKeyNames"`" ] ; then
  717. SymantecLoginItemWasFound=true
  718. $CreateFilesRemovedListOnly && break
  719. /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy "$TempPlistFile" -c "delete ${PropertyKeyToUse}:$ArrayItem" 2>/dev/null
  720. PlistBuddyError=$?
  721. [ $PlistBuddyError != 0 ] && break
  722. else
  723. let ArrayItem=$ArrayItem+1
  724. fi
  725. NameKeyValue=`/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy "$TempPlistFile" -c "print ${PropertyKeyToUse}:$ArrayItem:Name" 2>/dev/null`
  726. done
  727. $SymantecLoginItemWasFound && SymantecLoginItemsWereFound=true
  728. if $CreateFilesRemovedListOnly ; then
  729. if $SymantecLoginItemWasFound ; then
  730. echo "Symantec login items would be removed from:" >> "$FilesRemovedList"
  731. echo " \"$OriginalPlistFile\"" >> "$FilesRemovedList"
  732. fi
  733. # Else if some login item could not be deleted
  734. elif [ $PlistBuddyError != 0 ] ; then
  735. echo "ERROR: Could not remove Symantec login items from:"
  736. echo " $OriginalPlistFile"
  737. elif $SymantecLoginItemWasFound ; then
  738. echo "Removing Symantec login items from:"
  739. echo " \"$OriginalPlistFile\""
  740. cp "$TempPlistFile" "$OriginalPlistFile"
  741. let NumberOfFilesPurged=$NumberOfFilesPurged+1
  742. fi
  743. done
  744. fi
  745. rm -f "$TempPlistFile" 2>/dev/null
  746. if ! $SymantecLoginItemsWereFound ; then
  747. if $CreateFilesRemovedListOnly ; then
  748. echo "No Symantec login items were found." >> "$FilesRemovedList"
  749. else
  750. echo "No Symantec login items were found."
  751. fi
  752. fi
  753. $CreateFilesRemovedListOnly && echo "" >> "$FilesRemovedList"
  754. # If some Symantec items were purged from files on boot volume, trigger restart
  755. [ $NumberOfFilesPurged -gt 0 -a -z "$TargetVolume" ] && touch "$SymantecCleanupRestartFile"
  756. IFS="$SavedIFS"
  757. return $NumberOfFilesPurged
  758. }
  760. DetermineAction()
  761. {
  762. # Usage: DetermineAction
  763. # Summary: Determines which action to take based on user input.
  764. #
  765. clear
  766. echo
  767. ShowVersion
  768. echo "
  769. WARNING: This script will remove all files and folders created by Symantec
  770. OS X products (except Symantec Adminstration Console for Macintosh
  771. files) and any files within those folders. Therefore, you will
  772. lose ALL files that reside in those folders, including any that
  773. you have created.
  774. "
  775. echo "1 - Remove all Symantec files/folders."
  776. echo
  777. echo "2 - Quit. Do not remove any files."
  778. echo
  779. printf "Enter choice (1 or 2): "
  780. choice=1
  781. echo
  782. case "`echo "z$choice" | awk '{print tolower(substr($0,2))}'`" in
  783. 1) # Remove files
  784. CreateFilesRemovedListOnly=false
  785. ;;
  786. 2|q|quit) # Quit
  787. echo "Program cancelled. No files were removed."
  788. ExitScript 0
  789. ;;
  790. *) # Show choices again
  791. DetermineAction
  792. ;;
  793. esac
  794. }
  796. DisableBrowserExtensionHostAssignment()
  797. {
  798. # Usage: DisableBrowserExtensionHostAssignment
  799. # Summary: Comments out browser extension host assignment in /etc/hosts.
  800. #
  801. local BrowserExtensionHost=""
  802. local BrowserExtensionHostPattern=`echo "$BrowserExtensionHost" | sed 's/\./\\\./g'`
  803. local BrowserExtensionHostCommentedOutPattern
  804. local HostsContent=""
  805. local HostsFile="/etc/hosts"
  806. local Line
  807. BrowserExtensionHostPattern="[[:space:]]$BrowserExtensionHostPattern[[:space:][:cntrl:]]*$"
  808. BrowserExtensionHostCommentedOutPattern="^[[:space:]]*#.*$BrowserExtensionHostPattern"
  809. # If host assignment was found in hosts file that wasn't already commented out
  810. if [ "`grep "$HostsFile" -e "$BrowserExtensionHostPattern" 2>/dev/null | egrep -ve "$BrowserExtensionHostCommentedOutPattern"`" ] ; then
  811. echo "Commenting out $BrowserExtensionHost host assignment in $HostsFile"
  812. for Line in `cat "$HostsFile" 2>/dev/null` ; do
  813. # If line is a host assignment that has not been commented out
  814. if [ "`printf "%s" "$Line" | egrep -e "$BrowserExtensionHostPattern" | egrep -ve "$BrowserExtensionHostCommentedOutPattern"`" ] ; then
  815. # Comment it out
  816. HostsContent="$HostsContent
  817. #$Line"
  818. else
  819. # Leave it as is
  820. HostsContent="$HostsContent
  821. $Line"
  822. fi
  823. done
  824. echo "$HostsContent" | grep . > "$HostsFile"
  825. fi
  826. }
  828. ExitScript()
  829. {
  830. # Usage: ExitScript [-b] [-e] [exit_number [error_string]]
  831. # Summary: Checks to see if ShowQuitMessage and RunScriptAsStandAlone
  832. # variables are set to true. If so, a message is displayed;
  833. # otherwise, no message is displayed. The script is then
  834. # exited and passes exit_number to exit command. If no
  835. # exit_number is passed, then 0 is passed to exit command. If
  836. # a non-integer is passed as exit_number, 255 is passed to
  837. # exit command. If error_string is passed, it is printed to
  838. # to standard out before exiting and is padded by blank lines
  839. # if error_string is not "". Pass -b before exit_number to
  840. # suppress beginning padding line, -e to suppress ending
  841. # padding line, both to suppress both. Also removes temp
  842. # files and kills Terminal if need be.
  843. #
  844. local PadBeginning=true
  845. local PadEnd=true
  846. while [ "$1" ] ; do
  847. case "$1" in
  848. -b)
  849. PadBeginning=false
  850. ;;
  851. -e)
  852. PadEnd=false
  853. ;;
  854. *)
  855. break
  856. ;;
  857. esac
  858. shift
  859. done
  860. rm -f "$FilesRemovedList" "$FilesRemovedFilesOnlyList" "$LogFile" 2>/dev/null 1>&2
  861. if $QuitTerminalForcefully ; then
  862. KillTerminal
  863. fi
  864. if [ $# -gt 1 ] ; then
  865. if [ -z "$2" ] ; then
  866. PadBeginning=false
  867. PadEnd=false
  868. fi
  869. $PadBeginning && echo
  870. printf "%s\n" "$2"
  871. $PadEnd && echo
  872. fi
  873. if [ "z$ShowQuitMessage" = ztrue -a "z$RunScriptAsStandAlone" = ztrue ] ; then
  874. [ $# -lt 2 -o \( $PadEnd = false -a -n "$2" \) ] && echo
  875. echo "NOTE: If you double-clicked this program, quit Terminal application now."
  876. [ $PadEnd = true -o -z "$2" ] && echo
  877. fi
  878. [ -z "$1" ] && exit 0
  879. [ -z "`expr "$1" / 1 2>/dev/null`" ] && exit 255 || exit $1
  880. }
  882. FinishCleanup()
  883. {
  884. # Usage: FinishCleanup
  885. # Summary: Displays then deletes the file named by LogFile, a log
  886. # of files not removed by RemoveItem function, if ErrorOccurred
  887. # is true. If NoFilesToRemove is true, a message is shown
  888. # and the function is exited. If RemoveInvisibleFilesOnly
  889. # is true, a message is shown and the function is exited;
  890. # otherwise, a message is shown. Returns value assigned to
  891. # ExitCodeWhenSomeFileWasNotRemoved if ErrorOccurred is true,
  892. # 0 otherwise.
  893. #
  894. if $DoShowOnlyFilesThatShouldHaveBeenUninstalled ; then
  895. # Translate [ into \[ to avoid text in between [ and ] being treated as a bracket expression
  896. PatternForOmission=`echo "$NotRemovedByNIS6UninstallerText|$NotRemovedBySymantecUninstallerText" | sed 's|\[|\\\[|g'`
  897. FilesThatRemain=`cat "$FilesRemovedList" 2>/dev/null | grep '^/' | egrep -ve "$PatternForOmission"`
  898. if [ "$FilesThatRemain" ] ; then
  899. echo "$FilesThatRemain"
  900. return $ExitCodeWhenFilesRemain
  901. else
  902. return 0
  903. fi
  904. elif $CreateFilesRemovedListOnly ; then
  905. clear >&2
  906. if $UseMore ; then
  907. ShowContents "$FilesRemovedList"
  908. else
  909. cat "$FilesRemovedList"
  910. fi
  911. echo "" >&2
  912. echo "NOTE: No files have been removed." >&2
  913. echo "" >&2
  914. /bin/rm -rf "$FilesRemovedList" "$FilesRemovedFilesOnlyList" 2>/dev/null 1>&2
  915. return 0
  916. elif $ErrorOccurred ; then
  917. echo
  918. # Display LogFile
  919. ShowContents "$LogFile"
  920. # Remove LogFile
  921. /bin/rm -rf "$LogFile" 2>/dev/null 1>&2
  922. echo
  923. if $RemoveInvisibleFilesOnly ; then
  924. echo "NOTE: Not all of the invisible Symantec files were removed."
  925. echo " Make sure each volume passed is unlocked and accessible."
  926. else
  927. echo "NOTE: Not all folders/files were removed."
  928. echo " Perhaps a file or folder listed above is in use or a folder"
  929. echo " listed above is not empty."
  930. if $RestartMayBeNeeded ; then
  931. echo
  932. echo "Some Symantec product files have been removed from the boot volume."
  933. else
  934. if $SomeFileWasRemoved ; then
  935. echo
  936. echo "Some folders or files have been removed."
  937. fi
  938. fi
  939. fi
  940. return $ExitCodeWhenSomeFileWasNotRemoved
  941. fi
  942. if $RemoveInvisibleFilesOnly ; then
  943. if $NoFilesToRemove ; then
  944. echo "There were no invisible Symantec files to be removed."
  945. else
  946. echo "AntiVirus QuickScan and/or Norton FS files have been removed."
  947. fi
  948. return 0
  949. fi
  950. if $NoFilesToRemove ; then
  951. echo "There were no files that needed to be removed. No files were removed."
  952. return 0
  953. fi
  954. $RemoveCrontabEntriesOnly && return 0
  955. echo
  956. if $RestartMayBeNeeded ; then
  957. printf "Symantec product files have been removed from the boot volume"
  958. if $SomeFileWasRemovedFromNonBootVolume ; then
  959. echo
  960. echo "and from other volume(s) listed above."
  961. else
  962. echo "."
  963. fi
  964. else
  965. echo "Symantec product files have been removed from the above volume(s)."
  966. fi
  967. return 0
  968. }
  970. GetAdminPassword()
  971. {
  972. # Usage: GetAdminPassword [$1]
  973. # Argument: $1 - Prompt for password. If true is passed, a user that
  974. # is not root will always be asked for a password. If
  975. # something other than true is passed or if nothing is
  976. # passed, then a user that is not root will only be
  977. # prompted for a password if authentication has lapsed.
  978. # Summary: Gets an admin user password from the user so that
  979. # future sudo commands can be run without a password
  980. # prompt. The script is exited with a value of 1 if
  981. # the user enters an invalid password or if the user
  982. # is not an admin user. If the user is the root user,
  983. # then there is no prompt for a password (there is
  984. # no need for a password when user is root).
  985. # NOTE: Make sure ExitScript function is in the script.
  986. #
  987. # If root user, no need to prompt for password
  988. [ "`whoami`" = "root" ] && return 0
  989. echo >&2
  990. # If prompt for password
  991. if [ "$1" = "true" -o "$1" = "true" ] ; then
  992. ShowVersion >&2
  993. echo >&2
  994. sudo -k >&2 # Make sudo require a password the next time it is run
  995. echo "You must be an admin user to run this script." >&2
  996. fi
  997. # A dummy sudo command to get password
  998. sudo -p "Please enter your admin password: " date 2>/dev/null 1>&2
  999. if [ ! $? = 0 ] ; then # If failed to get password, alert user and exit script
  1000. echo "You entered an invalid password or you are not an admin user. Script aborted." >&2
  1001. ExitScript 1
  1002. fi
  1003. }
  1005. GetComputerUsers()
  1006. {
  1007. # Usage: GetComputerUsers [-r] [volume]
  1008. #
  1009. # Version: 1.0.1
  1010. #
  1011. # Summary: Defines the following variables:
  1012. #
  1013. # ComputerUsers
  1014. # ComputerUsersHomeDirs
  1015. # ComputerUsersHomeDirsAndRootDir
  1016. # ComputerUsersTable
  1017. #
  1018. # Omitted are users whose home directories contain no Library
  1019. # directory and users that are not root whose home directory is
  1020. # /var/root. If volume is passed and there is no /Users on that
  1021. # volume, variables are all set to "". ComputerUsersTable is a
  1022. # list of users and their home directories, separated by tabs.
  1023. #
  1024. # Note: This function must be run as root to find all users. When an
  1025. # OS X volume other than / is passed or if the dscl program fails
  1026. # or does not exist, non-root users that do not have their home
  1027. # directories in /Users are not included and root's home directory
  1028. # is assumed to be /var/root.
  1029. #
  1030. # History: 1.0.1 - 08/11/2014 - Corey Swertfager:
  1031. # * Added ComputerUsersTable variable assignment.
  1032. # * Now always includes root user in case this function
  1033. # is not run as root.
  1034. # * Added volume argument.
  1035. #
  1036. local CurrentDir
  1037. local GCUHomeDir
  1038. local CGLibraryDir
  1039. local CGLibraryDirs
  1040. local GCUUser
  1041. local GCUUsers
  1042. local SavedIFS="$IFS"
  1043. local VolumePassed="$1"
  1044. ComputerUsers=""
  1045. ComputerUsersHomeDirs=""
  1046. ComputerUsersHomeDirsAndRootDir=""
  1047. ComputerUsersTable=""
  1048. # If a directory other than / is passed
  1049. if [ -d "$VolumePassed" -a ! "$VolumePassed" -ef / ] ; then
  1050. # If not an OS X volume, skip it
  1051. [ ! -d "$VolumePassed/Users" ] && return
  1052. CurrentDir=`pwd`
  1053. cd "$VolumePassed"
  1054. CGLibraryDirs=`ls -d Users/*/Library 2>/dev/null | grep -v 'Users/Shared'`
  1055. cd "$CurrentDir"
  1056. # If no Library folders were found, skip
  1057. [ -z "$CGLibraryDirs" ] && return
  1058. CGLibraryDirs="$CGLibraryDirs
  1059. var/root/Library"
  1060. IFS='
  1061. '
  1062. for CGLibraryDir in $CGLibraryDirs ; do
  1063. GCUHomeDir="/`dirname "$CGLibraryDir"`"
  1064. GCUUser=`basename "$GCUHomeDir"`
  1065. ComputerUsersHomeDirs="$ComputerUsersHomeDirs
  1066. $GCUHomeDir"
  1067. ComputerUsers="$ComputerUsers
  1068. $GCUUser"
  1069. ComputerUsersTable="$ComputerUsersTable
  1070. $GCUUser $GCUHomeDir"
  1071. done
  1072. else
  1073. GCUUsers=`dscl . list /Users 2>/dev/null | egrep '^[[:alnum:]]' | egrep -vx 'daemon|nobody'`
  1074. if [ -z "$GCUUsers" ] ; then
  1075. GCUUsers="`ls /Users | egrep '^[[:alnum:]]' | grep -vx Shared`
  1076. root"
  1077. fi
  1078. IFS='
  1079. '
  1080. for GCUUser in $GCUUsers ; do
  1081. GCUHomeDir=`echo $(eval echo ~"$GCUUser")`
  1082. # If home directory could not be evaluated
  1083. if [ "`printf "%s" "$GCUHomeDir" | grep '^~'`" ] ; then
  1084. continue
  1085. elif [ "$GCUUser" != root ] ; then
  1086. if [ ! -d "$GCUHomeDir/Library" ] ; then
  1087. continue
  1088. elif [ "$GCUHomeDir" = /var/root ] ; then
  1089. continue
  1090. fi
  1091. fi
  1092. ComputerUsers="$ComputerUsers
  1093. $GCUUser"
  1094. ComputerUsersHomeDirs="$ComputerUsersHomeDirs
  1095. $GCUHomeDir"
  1096. ComputerUsersTable="$ComputerUsersTable
  1097. $GCUUser $GCUHomeDir"
  1098. done
  1099. fi
  1100. IFS="$SavedIFS"
  1101. ComputerUsers=`echo "$ComputerUsers" | grep . | sort -f | uniq`
  1102. ComputerUsersHomeDirs=`echo "$ComputerUsersHomeDirs" | grep / | sort -f | uniq`
  1103. ComputerUsersHomeDirsAndRootDir="/
  1104. $ComputerUsersHomeDirs"
  1105. ComputerUsersTable=`echo "$ComputerUsersTable" | grep / | sort -f | uniq`
  1106. }
  1108. KillNortonZone()
  1109. {
  1110. $CreateFilesRemovedListOnly && return
  1111. ZoneProcesses=`ps -axww | grep "Norton Zone" | grep -v grep | awk '{print $1}'`
  1112. for EachZoneAppPID in $ZoneProcesses ; do
  1113. kill -9 "$EachZoneAppPID"
  1114. done
  1115. [ "$ZoneProcesses" ] && killall Finder
  1116. }
  1118. KillSymantecProcesses()
  1119. {
  1120. # Usage: KillSymantecProcesses [-n] [ProcessPattern [ProductName]]
  1121. #
  1122. # Kills Symantec processes that match extended regular expression
  1123. # ProcessPattern. If ProcessPattern is not passed, all processes
  1124. # that match those in ProcessPatternDefault are used. If ProductName
  1125. # is passed, that name is shown when kill attempt is made; otherwise
  1126. # "Symantec" is shown.
  1127. #
  1128. # If -n is passed as the first argument, no kill is attempted and no
  1129. # output is shown.
  1130. #
  1131. # Returns 1 if there remains some matching process in memory, 0 if not.
  1132. #
  1133. # Version: 1.0.2
  1134. #
  1135. # History: 1.0.1 - 07/24/2014 - Corey Swertfager:
  1136. # * Added ProcessPattern and ProductName arguments.
  1137. # * Added definitions of ProcessesToSkipPattern and
  1138. # ProcessPatternDefault.
  1139. # * Added -n option.
  1140. # 1.0.2 - 08/27/2014 - Corey Swertfager:
  1141. # * Now uses egrep instead of grep for process matching.
  1142. # * Now excludes process that include the name of the
  1143. # script that is running this function.
  1144. # * Now excludes Symantec and SymantecRemovalTool
  1145. # when no ProcessPattern is passed.
  1146. # * Changed -c to -n in Usage.
  1147. #
  1148. local aUID
  1149. local DoKill=true
  1150. local ExclusionPattern
  1151. local NoKillOption="-n"
  1152. local ProcessesToSkipPattern="/LiveUpdateAdminUtility/|/RemoveSymantecMacFiles\.command|/RemoveSymantecMacFiles\.command|/Symantec|/SymantecRemovalTool"
  1153. local ProcessPattern
  1154. local ProcessPatternDefault="/Application Support/Norton|/Application Support/Symantec|/Applications/Norton|/Applications/Symantec|PrivateFrameworks/NPF|PrivateFrameworks/Sym|/StartupItems/.*Norton|/StartupItems/NUMCompatibilityCheck|/StartupItems/SMac Client|/StartupItems/Sym|/StartupItems/TrackDelete|/StartupItems/VolumeAssist"
  1155. local ProductName
  1156. local SavedIFS="$IFS"
  1157. local UIAGENT_USERS
  1158. if [ "z$1" = "z$NoKillOption" ] ; then
  1159. shift
  1160. DoKill=false
  1161. fi
  1162. ProcessPattern="$1"
  1163. ProductName="$2"
  1164. ExclusionPattern=`basename "$0" 2>/dev/null | sed 's/\./\\\./g'`
  1165. # If script name was successfully obtained
  1166. if [ "$ExclusionPattern" ] ; then
  1167. # Add / + current script name to ExclusionPattern
  1168. ExclusionPattern=" egrep -|/$ExclusionPattern$|/$ExclusionPattern "
  1169. else
  1170. ExclusionPattern=" egrep -"
  1171. fi
  1172. if [ -z "$ProcessPattern" ] ; then
  1173. ProcessPattern="$ProcessPatternDefault"
  1174. ProcessesToSkipPattern="$ExclusionPattern|$ProcessesToSkipPattern"
  1175. else
  1176. ProcessesToSkipPattern="$ExclusionPattern"
  1177. fi
  1178. if [ -z "$ProductName" ] ; then
  1179. ProductName="Symantec"
  1180. fi
  1181. Processes=`ps -wwax | egrep -i "$ProcessPattern" | egrep -v "$ProcessesToSkipPattern" | sort -f | uniq`
  1182. if [ $DoKill = true -a -n "$Processes" ] ; then
  1183. IFS='
  1184. '
  1185. # If launchctl program exists, unload SymUIAgent
  1186. if which launchctl &>/dev/null ; then
  1187. # Code by Haridharan Nattamaig to unload SymUIAgent
  1188. UIAGENT_USERS=`ps -aef | grep SymUIAgent | grep -v grep | awk '{print $1}' | sort | uniq`
  1189. for aUID in ${UIAGENT_USERS} ; do
  1190. id -u ${aUID} >& /dev/null
  1191. if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then
  1192. echo "Unloading SymUIAgent for UID $aUID"
  1193. sudo -u \#${aUID} launchctl unload /Library/LaunchAgents/ >& /dev/null
  1194. fi
  1195. done
  1196. fi
  1197. echo "Ending $ProductName processes..."
  1198. for TheProcess in $Processes ; do
  1199. echo "$TheProcess"
  1200. kill -9 `echo "z $TheProcess" | awk '{print $2}'`
  1201. done
  1202. IFS="$SavedIFS"
  1203. Processes=`ps -wwax | egrep -i "$ProcessPattern" | egrep -v "$ProcessesToSkipPattern" | sort -f | uniq`
  1204. fi
  1205. if [ "$Processes" ] ; then
  1206. if $DoKill ; then
  1207. echo "*** $ProductName processes still in memory:"
  1208. echo "$Processes"
  1209. fi
  1210. return 1
  1211. else
  1212. if $DoKill ; then
  1213. echo "*** There are no $ProductName processes in memory"
  1214. fi
  1215. return 0
  1216. fi
  1217. }
  1219. KillTerminal()
  1220. {
  1221. ProcessLines=`ps -axww | grep -e "/Applications/Utilities/" | grep -v grep | sort -f`
  1222. if [ -z "$ProcessLines" ] ; then
  1223. return
  1224. elif [ `echo "$ProcessLines" | grep . -c` -gt 1 -a $QuitTerminalForcefullyForAll = false ] ; then
  1225. echo "NOTE: Terminal was launched more than once so it could not be quit."
  1226. echo " Use the -QQ option to force Terminal to be quit for all users."
  1227. return
  1228. else
  1229. echo "WARNING: Quitting Terminal."
  1230. fi
  1231. IFS='
  1232. '
  1233. for ProcessLine in $ProcessLines ; do
  1234. ProcessID=`printf "%s" "$ProcessLine" | awk '{print $1}'`
  1235. kill -9 "$ProcessID"
  1236. done
  1237. }
  1239. ProcessArguments()
  1240. {
  1241. # Usage: ProcessArguments [ --OptionTakesUnparsedArgument=string ] [ --OptionIsOneArgument=string ] "$@"
  1242. #
  1243. # Version: 1.0.1
  1244. #
  1245. # Summary: Processes arguments passed to script. Arguments beginning with a
  1246. # single hyphen (-) are parsed into separate options except when an
  1247. # argument is negative integer. Arguments beginning with two hypens
  1248. # are treated as one argument; if the argument contains is an equals
  1249. # sign (=), the string after the first "=" is treated as a separate
  1250. # argument (i.e., the value assigned to the double-hyphen argument).
  1251. #
  1252. # For each --OptionTakesUnparsedArgument passed before "$@", the string
  1253. # after "=" is used as an option that takes the next argument in full
  1254. # without parsing it (see examples below); string must be a hyphen
  1255. # followed by a single character.
  1256. #
  1257. # For each --OptionIsOneArgument passed before "$@", the string after
  1258. # "=" is used as an option that should be treated as a single argument.
  1259. # This is useful when processing an argument that begins with a single
  1260. # hyphen to avoid having that argument parsed into separate options.
  1261. # The referenced option cannot be embedded within other options (see
  1262. # final example below).
  1263. #
  1264. # "$@" must be the last argument passed to ProcessArguments. Put all custom
  1265. # option handling between "--- Customized argument handling begins here ---"
  1266. # and "--- Customized argument handling ends here ---".
  1267. #
  1268. # Note: ProcessArgumentsNextArgument may be called to verify and obtain the
  1269. # next argument after or before a given option; see that function's usage
  1270. # for more details. OriginalArgumentNumber can be used to determine if
  1271. # two arguments were originally passed within the same string of options.
  1272. #
  1273. # Examples: These examples have expanded the arguments passed as "$@".
  1274. #
  1275. # ProcessArguments -ab -c
  1276. # Would process three arguments: -a, -b, and -c
  1277. # ProcessArguments --ab -c
  1278. # Would process two arguments: --ab and -c
  1279. # ProcessArguments --equation=a=b+c
  1280. # Would process two arguments: --equation and a=b+c
  1281. # ProcessArguments -10
  1282. # Would process one argument: -10
  1283. # ProcessArguments -10a
  1284. # Would process three arguments: -1, -0, -a
  1285. # ProcessArguments --OptionTakesUnparsedArgument=-e -e -ger
  1286. # Would process two arguments: -e and -ger
  1287. # ProcessArguments --OptionTakesUnparsedArgument=-e -peer
  1288. # Would process three arguments: -p, -e, and er
  1289. # ProcessArguments --OptionTakesUnparsedArgument=-e --OptionTakesUnparsedArgument=-t -eter -ter
  1290. # Would process four arguments: -e, ter, -t, and er
  1291. # ProcessArguments --OptionIsOneArgument=-hi -hi
  1292. # Would process one argument: -hi
  1293. # ProcessArguments --OptionIsOneArgument=-hi -his
  1294. # Would process three arguments: -h, -i, and -s
  1295. #
  1296. # History: 1.0.1 - 06/23/2013 - Corey Swertfager:
  1297. # * Added processing of options within a string that begins
  1298. # with a single hyphen.
  1299. # * Added --OptionTakesUnparsedArgument option.
  1300. # * Added --OptionIsOneArgument option.
  1301. #
  1302. local ArgList=""
  1303. local ArgsToAdd
  1304. local ArgWasAdded=false
  1305. local CurrentArgNumber=1
  1306. local CurrentArgument
  1307. local CurrentCharacter
  1308. local DoNotParseNextArgument=false
  1309. local NextArgument=""
  1310. local NumberOfArgumentsPassed
  1311. local NumberOfArgumentsToUse=0
  1312. local OptionToAdd
  1313. local OriginalArgumentNumber=0
  1314. local OriginalArgumentNumberList=""
  1315. local RemainingOptionsInString
  1316. local TableOfOptionsWithoutParsing="*** Each option in this table will have its succeeding argument left unparsed. ***"
  1317. local TableOfUndividedArguments="*** Each item in this table should each be treated as single argument. ***"
  1318. while [ "$1" ] ; do
  1319. case "$1" in
  1320. --OptionIsOneArgument)
  1321. ExitScript 99 "WARNING: Bad use of --OptionIsOneArgument passed to ProcessArguments:
  1322. \"$1\""
  1323. ;;
  1324. --OptionIsOneArgument=*)
  1325. OptionToAdd=`printf "%s" "$1" | awk '{match($0,"=") ; print substr($0,RSTART+1)}'`
  1326. [ -z "$OptionToAdd" ] && ExitScript 99 "WARNING: Bad use of --OptionIsOneArgument passed to ProcessArguments:
  1327. \"$1\""
  1328. TableOfUndividedArguments="$TableOfUndividedArguments
  1329. $OptionToAdd"
  1330. ;;
  1331. --OptionTakesUnparsedArgument|--OptionTakesUnparsedArgument=*)
  1332. OptionToAdd=`printf "%s" "$1" | awk '{match($0,"=") ; print substr($0,RSTART+1)}'`
  1333. [ -z "`printf "%s" "$OptionToAdd" | grep -xe '-.'`" ] && ExitScript 99 "WARNING: Bad use of --OptionTakesUnparsedArgument passed to ProcessArguments:
  1334. \"$1\""
  1335. TableOfOptionsWithoutParsing="$TableOfOptionsWithoutParsing
  1336. $OptionToAdd"
  1337. ;;
  1338. *)
  1339. break
  1340. ;;
  1341. esac
  1342. shift
  1343. done
  1344. NumberOfArgumentsPassed=$#
  1345. while [ $# != 0 ] ; do
  1346. let OriginalArgumentNumber=$OriginalArgumentNumber+1
  1347. # If argument is in the list of arguments whose next argument should not be parsed
  1348. if [ "`printf "%s" "$1" | grep -xF "$TableOfOptionsWithoutParsing"`" ] ; then
  1349. ArgsToAdd="$1"
  1350. OriginalArgumentNumberList="$OriginalArgumentNumberList
  1351. $OriginalArgumentNumber"
  1352. DoNotParseNextArgument=true
  1353. # Else if argument is in the list of arguments that should be treated as one argument
  1354. elif [ "`printf "%s" "$1" | grep -xF "$TableOfUndividedArguments"`" ] ; then
  1355. ArgsToAdd="$1"
  1356. OriginalArgumentNumberList="$OriginalArgumentNumberList
  1357. $OriginalArgumentNumber"
  1358. else
  1359. case "$1" in
  1360. -|-?)
  1361. # If argument was a hyphen or a hyphen followed by a single character
  1362. ArgsToAdd="$1"
  1363. OriginalArgumentNumberList="$OriginalArgumentNumberList
  1364. $OriginalArgumentNumber"
  1365. DoNotParseNextArgument=false
  1366. ;;
  1367. --*)
  1368. # If a value was passed to the option that begins with --
  1369. if [ "`printf "%s" "$1" | grep =`" ] ; then
  1370. # Add the option and its value as separate arguments
  1371. ArgsToAdd="`printf "%s" "$1" | awk -F = '{print $1}'`
  1372. `printf "%s" "$1" | awk '{match($0,"=") ; print substr($0,RSTART+1)}'`"
  1373. OriginalArgumentNumberList="$OriginalArgumentNumberList
  1374. $OriginalArgumentNumber
  1375. $OriginalArgumentNumber"
  1376. else
  1377. ArgsToAdd="$1"
  1378. OriginalArgumentNumberList="$OriginalArgumentNumberList
  1379. $OriginalArgumentNumber"
  1380. fi
  1381. DoNotParseNextArgument=false
  1382. ;;
  1383. -*)
  1384. # If argument should not be parsed or is a negative integer
  1385. if [ $DoNotParseNextArgument = true -o -z "`printf "%s" "$1" | awk '{print substr($0,2)}' | tr -d '[:digit:]'`" ] ; then
  1386. # Treat argument as a single argument
  1387. ArgsToAdd="$1"
  1388. OriginalArgumentNumberList="$OriginalArgumentNumberList
  1389. $OriginalArgumentNumber"
  1390. DoNotParseNextArgument=false
  1391. else
  1392. # Parse string into separate arguments
  1393. ArgsToAdd=""
  1394. RemainingOptionsInString=`printf "%s" "$1" | awk '{print substr($0,2)}'`
  1395. while [ "$RemainingOptionsInString" ] ; do
  1396. CurrentCharacter=`printf "%s" "$RemainingOptionsInString" | awk '{print substr($0,1,1)}'`
  1397. # Prefix the character with a hyphen and add as an argument
  1398. if [ "$ArgsToAdd" ] ; then
  1399. ArgsToAdd="$ArgsToAdd
  1400. -$CurrentCharacter"
  1401. else
  1402. ArgsToAdd="-$CurrentCharacter"
  1403. fi
  1404. OriginalArgumentNumberList="$OriginalArgumentNumberList
  1405. $OriginalArgumentNumber"
  1406. RemainingOptionsInString=`printf "%s" "$RemainingOptionsInString" | awk '{print substr($0,2)}'`
  1407. # If this is an option whose next string should not be parsed
  1408. if [ "`printf "%s" "$TableOfOptionsWithoutParsing" | grep -xe "-$CurrentCharacter"`" ] ; then
  1409. # If string has characters remaining after that option
  1410. if [ "$RemainingOptionsInString" ] ; then
  1411. # Add remainder of string as the unparsed string argument
  1412. ArgsToAdd="$ArgsToAdd
  1413. $RemainingOptionsInString"
  1414. OriginalArgumentNumberList="$OriginalArgumentNumberList
  1415. $OriginalArgumentNumber"
  1416. else
  1417. # Use next argument passed as unparsed string argument
  1418. DoNotParseNextArgument=true
  1419. fi
  1420. break
  1421. fi
  1422. done
  1423. fi
  1424. ;;
  1425. *)
  1426. ArgsToAdd="$1"
  1427. OriginalArgumentNumberList="$OriginalArgumentNumberList
  1428. $OriginalArgumentNumber"
  1429. DoNotParseNextArgument=false
  1430. ;;
  1431. esac
  1432. fi
  1433. if $ArgWasAdded ; then
  1434. ArgList="$ArgList
  1435. $ArgsToAdd"
  1436. else
  1437. ArgList="$ArgsToAdd"
  1438. fi
  1439. ArgWasAdded=true
  1440. shift
  1441. done
  1442. if [ $NumberOfArgumentsPassed -gt 0 ] ; then
  1443. # Add a non-blank line to ArgList in case last argument passed was ""
  1444. ArgList="$ArgList
  1445. TheEnd"
  1446. OriginalArgumentNumberList=`echo "$OriginalArgumentNumberList" | grep .`
  1447. NumberOfArgumentsToUse=`printf "%s" "$ArgList" | grep "" -c`
  1448. let NumberOfArgumentsToUse=$NumberOfArgumentsToUse-1
  1449. fi
  1450. # --- Customized argument handling begins here ---
  1451. BootVolumeWillBeSearched=false
  1452. CreateFilesRemovedListOnly=false
  1453. DoBackupLogs=true
  1454. DoKillProcesses=true
  1455. DoRemoveFSDFolders=true
  1456. DoRemoveInstallerLaunchAgents=true
  1457. DoRemoveIPUA=true
  1458. DoRemoveLogs=true
  1459. DoRunPredeleteScripts=true
  1460. DoShowOnlyFilesThatShouldHaveBeenUninstalled=false
  1461. FindOption1=""
  1462. FindOption2=""
  1463. ListOnlyFilesThatExist=false
  1464. NoFilesToRemove=true
  1465. PauseBeforeRestarting=true
  1466. QuitTerminalForcefully=false
  1467. QuitTerminalForcefullyForAll=false
  1468. QuitWithoutRestarting=false
  1469. $AutoRunScript && QuitWithoutRestarting=true
  1470. RemoveCrontabEntries=true
  1471. RemoveCrontabEntriesOnly=false
  1472. RemoveInvisibleFiles=true
  1473. RemoveInvisibleFilesOnly=false
  1474. RemoveFromAllVolumes=false
  1475. RemoveFromOtherVolumes=false
  1476. RestartAutomatically=false
  1477. RestartMayBeNeeded=false
  1478. ShowFilesAsRemoved=true
  1479. ShowOnlyRegularFiles=false
  1480. ShowPredeleteErrors=false
  1481. ShowQuitMessage=true
  1482. SomeFileWasRemoved=false
  1483. SomeFileWasRemovedFromNonBootVolume=false
  1484. SomeFileWasRemovedFromBootVolume=false
  1485. UseMore=false
  1486. while [ $CurrentArgNumber -le $NumberOfArgumentsToUse ] ; do
  1487. CurrentArgument=`printf "%s" "$ArgList" | head -n $CurrentArgNumber | tail -n 1`
  1488. OriginalArgumentNumber=`echo "$OriginalArgumentNumberList" | head -n $CurrentArgNumber | tail -n 1`
  1489. case "$CurrentArgument" in
  1490. -A)
  1491. RemoveFromAllVolumes=true
  1492. BootVolumeWillBeSearched=true
  1493. ;;
  1494. -c)
  1495. RemoveCrontabEntriesOnly=true
  1496. RemoveCrontabEntries=true
  1497. RemoveInvisibleFilesOnly=false
  1498. RemoveInvisibleFiles=false
  1499. ;;
  1500. -C)
  1501. RemoveCrontabEntriesOnly=false
  1502. RemoveCrontabEntries=false
  1503. ;;
  1504. -d)
  1505. DoRunPredeleteScripts=false
  1506. ;;
  1507. -e)
  1508. ShowPredeleteErrors=true
  1509. ;;
  1510. -F)
  1511. CreateFilesRemovedListOnly=true
  1512. ListOnlyFilesThatExist=true
  1513. ShowOnlyRegularFiles=true
  1514. FindOption1=-type
  1515. FindOption2=f
  1516. ;;
  1517. -f)
  1518. ShowFilesAsRemoved=false
  1519. ;;
  1520. -g)
  1521. DoRemoveLogs=false
  1522. ;;
  1523. -H)
  1524. ShowUsage 0
  1525. ;;
  1526. -h)
  1527. ShowHelp 0
  1528. ;;
  1529. -i)
  1530. RemoveInvisibleFilesOnly=true
  1531. RemoveInvisibleFiles=true
  1532. RemoveCrontabEntries=false
  1533. RemoveCrontabEntriesOnly=false
  1534. ;;
  1535. -I)
  1536. RemoveInvisibleFilesOnly=false
  1537. RemoveInvisibleFiles=false
  1538. ;;
  1539. -k)
  1540. DoKillProcesses=false
  1541. ;;
  1542. -l|-R)
  1543. CreateFilesRemovedListOnly=true
  1544. ListOnlyFilesThatExist=true
  1545. ;;
  1546. -L)
  1547. CreateFilesRemovedListOnly=true
  1548. ListOnlyFilesThatExist=false
  1549. ;;
  1550. -m)
  1551. UseMore=true
  1552. ;;
  1553. -p)
  1554. PauseBeforeRestarting=false
  1555. ;;
  1556. -q)
  1557. QuitWithoutRestarting=true
  1558. RestartAutomatically=false
  1559. ;;
  1560. -Q)
  1561. # If -Q was previously passed, treat as -QQ
  1562. if $QuitTerminalForcefully ; then
  1563. # Treat as if -QQ was passed
  1564. QuitTerminalForcefullyForAll=true
  1565. else
  1566. QuitTerminalForcefullyForAll=false
  1567. fi
  1568. QuitTerminalForcefully=true
  1569. QuitWithoutRestarting=true
  1570. RestartAutomatically=false
  1571. ;;
  1572. -QQ)
  1573. QuitTerminalForcefully=true
  1574. QuitTerminalForcefullyForAll=true
  1575. QuitWithoutRestarting=true
  1576. RestartAutomatically=false
  1577. ;;
  1578. -r|-re)
  1579. RestartAutomatically=true
  1580. QuitWithoutRestarting=false
  1581. ;;
  1582. -u)
  1583. DoShowOnlyFilesThatShouldHaveBeenUninstalled=true
  1584. ;;
  1585. -V)
  1586. echo $Version
  1587. ExitScript 0
  1588. ;;
  1589. *)
  1590. AssignVolume "$CurrentArgument" # Assign it to a Volume variable
  1591. # If not a valid volume
  1592. if [ $? = 1 ] ; then
  1593. ShowUsage 4 "ERROR: Invalid option or volume name: \"$CurrentArgument\"."
  1594. fi
  1595. RemoveFromOtherVolumes=true
  1596. ;;
  1597. esac
  1598. let CurrentArgNumber=$CurrentArgNumber+1
  1599. done
  1600. if $DoShowOnlyFilesThatShouldHaveBeenUninstalled ; then
  1601. CreateFilesRemovedListOnly=true
  1602. ListOnlyFilesThatExist=true
  1603. fi
  1604. [ "`echo "$ListOfProgramsThatShouldNotBackUpLogs" | grep -x "$FullScriptName"`" ] && DoBackupLogs=false
  1605. [ "`echo "$ListOfProgramsThatShouldNotKillProcesses" | grep -x "$FullScriptName"`" ] && DoKillProcesses=false
  1606. [ "`echo "$ListOfProgramsThatShouldNotRemoveFSDFolders" | grep -x "$FullScriptName"`" ] && DoRemoveFSDFolders=false
  1607. [ "`echo "$ListOfProgramsThatShouldNotRemoveInstallerLaunchAgents" | grep -x "$FullScriptName"`" ] && DoRemoveInstallerLaunchAgents=false
  1608. [ "`echo "$ListOfProgramsThatShouldNotRemoveLogs" | grep -x "$FullScriptName"`" ] && DoRemoveLogs=false
  1609. [ "`echo "$ListOfProgramsThatShouldNotRemoveSymantecIPUA" | grep -x "$FullScriptName"`" ] && DoRemoveIPUA=false
  1610. # --- Customized argument handling ends here ---
  1611. }
  1613. ProcessArgumentsNextArgument()
  1614. {
  1615. # Usage: ProcessArgumentsNextArgument [exit_code] [-F | -P] [-p | -r ] [operator]
  1616. #
  1617. # Version: 1.0.0
  1618. #
  1619. # Arguments: exit_code Pass integer in range 0-255 to ShowUsage when next
  1620. # argument is missing or invalid. If exit_code is not
  1621. # specified, 0 is assumed.
  1622. #
  1623. # -F Assign the full logical path to NextArgumentFullPath.
  1624. # This is the default. ShowFullFilePath function must
  1625. # be included in script. If no operator was passed, -E
  1626. # is the assumed operator.
  1627. #
  1628. # -P Assign the full physical path to NextArgumentFullPath.
  1629. # ShowFullFilePath function must be included in script.
  1630. # If no operator was passed, -e is the assumed operator.
  1631. #
  1632. # -p Get previous argument instead of next argument. If
  1633. # there is no previous argument, sets NextArgument to ""
  1634. # and returns 1.
  1635. #
  1636. # -r Return 1 instead of exiting script if there is no next
  1637. # argument. Sets NextArgument to "".
  1638. #
  1639. # operator Operator used to test next argument:
  1640. # -d Folder
  1641. # -E File, folder, or link
  1642. # -e File, folder, or link to an existing file/folder
  1643. # -f File
  1644. # -i [min [max]]
  1645. # Integer in range min-max; pass "" to min and
  1646. # an integer to max if there is no minimum but
  1647. # a maximum is desired; pass "" to to both min
  1648. # and max if passing another option after the -i
  1649. # option. Also tests to see if the value of the
  1650. # next argument is out of range for the currently
  1651. # running version of Mac OS.
  1652. # -L Link; does not check to see if link is broken
  1653. # unless -P option was also passed
  1654. # -l Link to an existing file/folder
  1655. # -n Non-null string
  1656. #
  1657. # Summary: Called by ProcessArguments 1.0.1 or later to assign values to:
  1658. #
  1659. # CurrentArgNumber
  1660. # NextArgument
  1661. # NextArgumentFullPath
  1662. # NextArgumentOriginalArgumentNumber
  1663. #
  1664. # using pre-existing values of:
  1665. #
  1666. # ArgList
  1667. # CurrentArgNumber
  1668. # CurrentArgument
  1669. # OriginalArgumentNumberList
  1670. # NumberOfArgumentsToUse
  1671. #
  1672. # Returns 0 if next or previous argument was assigned to NextArgument,
  1673. # CurrentArgNumber was incremented (or decremented if -p was passed),
  1674. # and NextArgumentOriginalArgumentNumber was assigned.
  1675. #
  1676. # Assigns "" to NextArgument and NextArgumentFullPath and returns 1 if
  1677. # -p is passed and there is no previous argument, or if -r is passed
  1678. # and there is no next argument; otherwise, calls ShowUsage to show
  1679. # error message and exit script if operator test fails or if there is
  1680. # no next or previous argument.
  1681. #
  1682. # Note: ShowFullFilePath function must be included in script in order to
  1683. # assign a value to NextArgumentFullPath.
  1684. #
  1685. # Examples: ProcessArgumentsNextArgument
  1686. # Returns 0 if there was a next argument; otherwise, passes 0 to
  1687. # ShowUsage and displays error message about missing argument.
  1688. # ProcessArgumentsNextArgument -r
  1689. # Returns 0 if there was a next argument; otherwise, assigns "" to
  1690. # NextArgument and NextArgumentFullPath, then returns 1.
  1691. # ProcessArgumentsNextArgument 2 -d
  1692. # Returns 0 if NextArgument was set to a folder; otherwise, passes
  1693. # 2 to ShowUsage and displays error message if the next argument is
  1694. # missing or is not a folder.
  1695. # ProcessArgumentsNextArgument 3 -r -d
  1696. # Returns 0 if NextArgument was set to a folder. If the next argument
  1697. # is missing, assigns "" to NextArgument and NextArgumentFullPath,
  1698. # then returns 1. If next argument is not a folder, passes 3 to
  1699. # ShowUsage and displays error message.
  1700. # ProcessArgumentsNextArgument 4 -i 1
  1701. # Returns 0 if NextArgument was set to an integer; otherwise, passes
  1702. # 4 to ShowUsage and displays error message if the next argument is
  1703. # missing, is not an integer, or is less than 1.
  1704. # ProcessArgumentsNextArgument -i "" 100 5
  1705. # Returns 0 if NextArgument was set to an integer; otherwise, passes
  1706. # 5 to ShowUsage and displays error message if the next argument is
  1707. # missing, is not an integer, or is greater than 100.
  1708. # ProcessArgumentsNextArgument -i "" "" 6
  1709. # Returns 0 if NextArgument was set to an integer; otherwise, passes
  1710. # 6 to ShowUsage and displays error message if the next argument is
  1711. # missing or is not an integer.
  1712. #
  1713. local DoShowMissingError=true
  1714. local DirectionText=after
  1715. local ExitCode=0
  1716. local ErrorText=""
  1717. local GoToPreviousArgument=false
  1718. local Max
  1719. local Min
  1720. local NextArgumentOriginal
  1721. local PathOption=""
  1722. local TestOperator=""
  1723. NextArgumentFullPath=""
  1724. while [ "$1" ] ; do
  1725. case "$1" in
  1726. -d)
  1727. ErrorText="folder"
  1728. TestOperator="$1"
  1729. ;;
  1730. -E)
  1731. ErrorText="file, folder, or link"
  1732. TestOperator="$1"
  1733. ;;
  1734. -e)
  1735. ErrorText="file or folder"
  1736. TestOperator="$1"
  1737. ;;
  1738. -F)
  1739. PathOption="$1"
  1740. if [ -z "$ErrorText" ] ; then
  1741. ErrorText="file, folder, or link"
  1742. TestOperator="-E"
  1743. fi
  1744. ;;
  1745. -f)
  1746. ErrorText="file"
  1747. TestOperator="$1"
  1748. ;;
  1749. -i)
  1750. ErrorText="integer"
  1751. TestOperator="$1"
  1752. Min="$2"
  1753. Max="$3"
  1754. shift 2
  1755. ;;
  1756. -L)
  1757. ErrorText="link"
  1758. TestOperator="$1"
  1759. [ "z$PathOption" = "z-P" ] && ErrorText="unbroken link"
  1760. ;;
  1761. -l)
  1762. ErrorText="unbroken link"
  1763. TestOperator="-L"
  1764. ;;
  1765. -n)
  1766. ErrorText="non-null string"
  1767. TestOperator="$1"
  1768. ;;
  1769. -P)
  1770. PathOption="$1"
  1771. if [ -z "$ErrorText" ] ; then
  1772. ErrorText="file or folder"
  1773. TestOperator="-e"
  1774. elif [ "$ErrorText" = "link" ] ; then
  1775. ErrorText="unbroken link"
  1776. fi
  1777. ;;
  1778. -p)
  1779. GoToPreviousArgument=true
  1780. DirectionText=before
  1781. ;;
  1782. -r)
  1783. DoShowMissingError=false
  1784. ;;
  1785. *)
  1786. ExitCode=`printf "%s" "$1" | tr -d -c "[:digit:]"`
  1787. [ -z "$ExitCode" ] && ExitCode=0
  1788. ;;
  1789. esac
  1790. shift
  1791. done
  1792. if $GoToPreviousArgument ; then
  1793. if [ $CurrentArgNumber -gt 1 ] ; then
  1794. let CurrentArgNumber=$CurrentArgNumber-1
  1795. NextArgument=`printf "%s" "$ArgList" | head -n $CurrentArgNumber | tail -n 1`
  1796. NextArgumentOriginalArgumentNumber=`echo "$OriginalArgumentNumberList" | head -n $CurrentArgNumber | tail -n 1`
  1797. else
  1798. NextArgument=""
  1799. NextArgumentFullPath=""
  1800. return 1
  1801. fi
  1802. # Else if there are no more arguments in ArgList
  1803. elif [ $CurrentArgNumber = $NumberOfArgumentsToUse ] ; then
  1804. if $DoShowMissingError ; then
  1805. ShowUsage $ExitCode "ERROR: Nothing was passed after $CurrentArgument" >&2
  1806. else
  1807. NextArgument=""
  1808. NextArgumentFullPath=""
  1809. return 1
  1810. fi
  1811. else
  1812. let CurrentArgNumber=$CurrentArgNumber+1
  1813. NextArgument=`printf "%s" "$ArgList" | head -n $CurrentArgNumber | tail -n 1`
  1814. NextArgumentOriginalArgumentNumber=`echo "$OriginalArgumentNumberList" | head -n $CurrentArgNumber | tail -n 1`
  1815. fi
  1816. NextArgumentFullPath=`ShowFullFilePath $PathOption "$NextArgument"`
  1817. if [ "z$ErrorText" = zinteger ] ; then
  1818. NextArgumentOriginal="$NextArgument"
  1819. if [ -z "$NextArgument" ] ; then
  1820. ShowUsage $ExitCode "ERROR: Argument passed $DirectionText $CurrentArgument is not an integer: \"$NextArgumentOriginal\"" >&2
  1821. # Else if argument contains something other than a hyphen or digits
  1822. elif [ "`printf "%s" "$NextArgument" | tr -d "[:digit:]-"`" ] ; then
  1823. ShowUsage $ExitCode "ERROR: Argument passed $DirectionText $CurrentArgument is not an integer:
  1824. \"$NextArgumentOriginal\"" >&2
  1825. # Else if argument contains a hyphen that is not at the beginning
  1826. elif [ "`printf "%s" "$NextArgument" | grep '..*-'`" ] ; then
  1827. ShowUsage $ExitCode "ERROR: Argument passed $DirectionText $CurrentArgument is not an integer:
  1828. \"$NextArgumentOriginal\"" >&2
  1829. fi
  1830. NextArgument=`expr "$NextArgument" / 1 2>/dev/null`
  1831. test "$NextArgumentOriginal" -eq "$NextArgument" 2>/dev/null
  1832. if [ $? != 0 ] ; then
  1833. ShowUsage $ExitCode "ERROR: Value passed $DirectionText $CurrentArgument is out of range for this OS:
  1834. $NextArgumentOriginal" >&2
  1835. fi
  1836. # If minimum value was specified
  1837. if [ "$Min" ] ; then
  1838. [ $NextArgument -lt $Min ] && ShowUsage $ExitCode "ERROR: Value passed $DirectionText $CurrentArgument ($NextArgumentOriginal) is less than
  1839. minimum value ($Min)." >&2
  1840. fi
  1841. # If maximum value was specified
  1842. if [ "$Max" ] ; then
  1843. [ $NextArgument -gt $Max ] && ShowUsage $ExitCode "ERROR: Value passed $DirectionText $CurrentArgument ($NextArgumentOriginal) is greater than
  1844. maximum value ($Max)." >&2
  1845. fi
  1846. elif [ "z$ErrorText" = "zfile, folder, or link" ] ; then
  1847. [ ! -e "$NextArgument" -a ! -L "$NextArgument" ] && ShowUsage $ExitCode "ERROR: Argument passed $DirectionText $CurrentArgument is not a $ErrorText:
  1848. \"$NextArgument\"" >&2
  1849. elif [ "z$ErrorText" = "zunbroken link" ] ; then
  1850. if [ ! -L "$NextArgument" ] ; then
  1851. ShowUsage $ExitCode "ERROR: Argument passed $DirectionText $CurrentArgument is not a link:
  1852. \"$NextArgument\"" >&2
  1853. # Else if link is broken
  1854. elif [ ! -e "$NextArgument" ] ; then
  1855. ShowUsage $ExitCode "ERROR: The target of the link passed $DirectionText $CurrentArgument does not exist:
  1856. \"$NextArgument\"" >&2
  1857. fi
  1858. elif [ "$ErrorText" ] ; then
  1859. [ ! $TestOperator "$NextArgument" ] && ShowUsage $ExitCode "ERROR: Argument passed $DirectionText $CurrentArgument is not a $ErrorText:
  1860. \"$NextArgument\"" >&2
  1861. fi
  1862. if [ "$PathOption" ] ; then
  1863. if [ -z "$NextArgumentFullPath" ] ; then
  1864. if [ -L "$NextArgument" ] ; then
  1865. ShowUsage $ExitCode "ERROR: The target of the link passed $DirectionText $CurrentArgument does not exist:
  1866. \"$NextArgument\"" >&2
  1867. else
  1868. ExitScript $ExitCode "WARNING: ShowFullFilePath function could not resolve path for:
  1869. \"$NextArgument\"" >&2
  1870. fi
  1871. fi
  1872. fi
  1873. return 0
  1874. }
  1876. RemoveAllNortonFiles()
  1877. {
  1878. # Usage: RemoveAllNortonFiles $1
  1879. # Argument: $1 = Volume name. The name should begin with "/Volumes/"
  1880. # unless it is "/" (boot volume).
  1881. # Summary: Removes all OS X Norton products' files and folders
  1882. # from volume named by $1 if RemoveInvisibleFilesOnly
  1883. # equals false; otherwise, removes only the invisible Norton
  1884. # files. Removes the invisible Norton files from other
  1885. # volumes that are passed to the script. Symantec crontab
  1886. # entries are removed if RemoveCrontabEntries = true.
  1887. #
  1888. # If not a valid volume, return 1
  1889. [ -z "`CheckIfValidVolume "$1"`" ] && return 1
  1890. CurrentVolumeBeingUsed="$1"
  1891. GetComputerUsers "$CurrentVolumeBeingUsed"
  1892. if $CreateFilesRemovedListOnly ; then
  1893. printf "" > "$FilesRemovedFilesOnlyList"
  1894. echo "" >> "$FilesRemovedList"
  1895. if [ `echo "$ListOfVolumesToUse" | grep -c .` -gt 1 ] ; then
  1896. if [ "$1" = / ] ; then
  1897. echo "------ Volume: / (current boot volume) ------" >> "$FilesRemovedList"
  1898. else
  1899. echo "------ Volume: \"`basename "$1"`\" ------" >> "$FilesRemovedList"
  1900. fi
  1901. echo "" >> "$FilesRemovedList"
  1902. fi
  1903. fi
  1904. $RemoveCrontabEntries && DeleteCrontabEntries "$1"
  1905. $RemoveCrontabEntries && DeleteLaunchdPlists "$1"
  1906. $RemoveCrontabEntriesOnly && return 0
  1907. ! $RemoveInvisibleFilesOnly && DeleteSymantecLoginItems "$1"
  1908. if $CreateFilesRemovedListOnly ; then
  1909. if ! $RemoveInvisibleFilesOnly ; then
  1910. RunPredeleteScripts "$1"
  1911. echo "" >> "$FilesRemovedList"
  1912. fi
  1913. if $ListOnlyFilesThatExist ; then
  1914. echo "The following files/folders currently exist and would be removed unless" >> "$FilesRemovedList"
  1915. echo "otherwise noted:" >> "$FilesRemovedList"
  1916. else
  1917. echo "$FullScriptName would attempt to find and remove the following:" >> "$FilesRemovedList"
  1918. fi
  1919. echo "" >> "$FilesRemovedList"
  1920. fi
  1921. RemoveInvisibleFilesFromVolume "$1"
  1922. $RemoveInvisibleFilesOnly && return 0
  1923. # If not just creating a list of removed files
  1924. if ! $CreateFilesRemovedListOnly ; then
  1925. RunPredeleteScripts "$1"
  1926. # If removing files from the boot volume
  1927. if [ "z$CurrentVolumeBeingUsed" = z/ ] ; then
  1928. echo "Removing system profile if it exists: com.symc.enroll"
  1929. profiles -R -p com.symc.enroll &>/dev/null
  1930. # 7.0.55: If Norton WiFi Privacy Service is installed
  1931. if [ -e "/Library/LaunchDaemons/" ] ; then
  1932. # Unload it
  1933. launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/
  1934. fi
  1935. # Kill Symantec processes before attempting to remove visible files (Etrack 3442959)
  1936. $DoKillProcesses && KillSymantecProcesses
  1937. fi
  1938. fi
  1939. # If not an OS X volume, return 1
  1940. [ ! -d "$1/Library/Application Support" ] && return 1
  1941. if $CreateFilesRemovedListOnly ; then
  1942. $DoShowOnlyFilesThatShouldHaveBeenUninstalled || echo "Finding visible Symantec files on: $1" >&2
  1943. elif $ShowFilesAsRemoved ; then
  1944. echo "Locating visible Symantec files in: $1"
  1945. else
  1946. echo "Removing visible Symantec files from: $1"
  1947. fi
  1948. cd "$1"
  1949. if [ "`pwd`" = "/" ] ; then
  1950. VolumePrefix=""
  1951. else
  1952. VolumePrefix="`pwd`"
  1953. fi
  1954. KillNortonZone
  1955. RemoveItem "/.com_symantec_symfs_private"
  1956. RemoveItem "/.symSchedScanLockxz"
  1957. RemoveItem "/Applications/{0e10f3d7-07f6-4f12-97b9-9b27e07139a5}"
  1958. RemoveItem "/Applications/{29dd9c80-9ea1-4aaf-9305-a0314aba24e3}"
  1959. RemoveItem "/Applications/"
  1960. RemoveItem "/Applications/GatherSymantecInfo"
  1961. RemoveItem "/Applications/Late Breaking News"
  1962. RemoveItem "/Applications/LiveUpdate"
  1963. RemoveItem "/Applications/LiveUpdate Folder"
  1964. RemoveItem "/Applications/LiveUpdate Folder (OS X)"
  1965. # Remove navx incorrectly installed by NAV 800.007 installer:
  1966. RemoveItem "/Applications/navx"
  1967. # 7.0.55: Exclude NWP so that it doesn't show up when -u script option is used
  1968. RemoveItem "/Applications/Norton " "*" -x "Norton WiFi"
  1969. # 7.0.55: Remove NWP app
  1970. RemoveItem "/Applications/Norton WiFi" -u
  1971. RemoveItem "/Applications/Symantec AntiVirus"
  1972. RemoveItem "/Applications/Symantec Cloud"
  1973. RemoveItem "/Applications/Symantec Endpoint"
  1974. RemoveItem "/Applications/Symantec Endpoint Protection"
  1975. RemoveItem "/Applications/Symantec Solutions"
  1976. RemoveItem "/Applications/Symantec Unified Endpoint"
  1977. # The next 3 items are erroneously created by early builds of NAV 10 installer
  1978. RemoveItem "/Applications/Symantec/"
  1979. RemoveItem "/Applications/Symantec/Read Me Files"
  1980. RemoveItem "/Applications/Symantec" -e
  1981. RemoveItem "/Applications/Trash Running Daemons"
  1982. RemoveItem "/Applications/uDelete Preferences"
  1983. RemoveItem "/Applications/Register Your Software"
  1984. RemoveItem "/etc/liveupdate.conf"
  1985. RemoveItem "/etc/mach_init.d/SymSharedSettings.plist"
  1986. RemoveItem "/etc/Symantec.conf"
  1987. # Folder erroneously created by NPF 300.001 - removed if empty:
  1988. RemoveItem "/Firewall" -e -u
  1989. RemoveItem "/Library/Application Support/" -u
  1990. RemoveItem "/Library/Application Support/NAVDiagnostic.log"
  1991. RemoveItem "/Library/Application Support/NAV.history"
  1992. RemoveItem "/Library/Application Support/nat_" "*" -u
  1993. RemoveItem "/Library/Application Support/nat_" "*" -u
  1994. RemoveItem "/Library/Application Support/nav_" "*" -u
  1995. RemoveItem "/Library/Application Support/nis_" "*" -u
  1996. RemoveItem "/Library/Application Support/nsm_" "*" -u
  1997. RemoveItem "/Library/Application Support/Norton Application Aliases"
  1998. RemoveItem "/Library/Application Support/Norton Solutions Support"
  1999. RemoveItem "/Library/Application Support/norton_" "*" -u
  2000. RemoveItem "/Library/Application Support/o2spy.log"
  2001. RemoveItem "/Library/Application Support/" "*"
  2002. RemoveItem "/Library/Application Support/Symantec"
  2003. $DoRemoveIPUA && RemoveItem "/Library/Application Support/Symantec_IPUA"
  2004. RemoveItem "/Library/Application Support/symantec_uninstalldashboard" "*"
  2005. RemoveItem "/Library/Application Support/SymRun"
  2006. RemoveItem "/Library/Authenticators/SymAuthenticator.bundle"
  2007. RemoveItem "/Library/CFMSupport/Norton Shared Lib"
  2008. RemoveItem "/Library/CFMSupport/Norton Shared Lib Carbon"
  2009. RemoveItem "/Library/Contextual Menu Items/NAVCMPlugIn.plugin"
  2010. RemoveItem "/Library/Contextual Menu Items/SAVCMPlugIn.plugin"
  2011. RemoveItem "/Library/Contextual Menu Items/SymFileSecurityCM.plugin"
  2012. RemoveItem "/Library/Documentation/Help/LiveUpdate Help"
  2013. RemoveItem "/Library/Documentation/Help/LiveUpdate-Hilfe"
  2014. RemoveItem "/Library/Documentation/Help/Norton AntiVirus Help"
  2015. RemoveItem "/Library/Documentation/Help/Norton AntiVirus-Hilfe"
  2016. RemoveItem "/Library/Documentation/Help/Norton Help"
  2017. RemoveItem "/Library/Documentation/Help/Norton Help Scripts"
  2018. RemoveItem "/Library/Documentation/Help/Norton Help Scripts Folder"
  2019. RemoveItem "/Library/Documentation/Help/Norton Utilities Help"
  2020. RemoveItem "/Library/Extensions/FileSecurity.kext"
  2021. RemoveItem "/Library/Extensions/ndcengine.kext"
  2022. RemoveItem "/Library/Extensions/NortonForMac.kext"
  2023. RemoveItem "/Library/Extensions/SymAPComm.kext"
  2024. RemoveItem "/Library/Extensions/SymFirewall.kext"
  2025. RemoveItem "/Library/Extensions/SymInternetSecurity.kext"
  2026. RemoveItem "/Library/Extensions/SymIPS.kext"
  2027. RemoveItem "/Library/Extensions/SymPersonalFirewall.kext"
  2028. RemoveItem "/Library/Extensions/SymXIPS.kext"
  2029. RemoveItem "/Library/Frameworks/mach_inject_bundle.framework"
  2030. RemoveItem "/Library/InputManagers/Norton Confidential for Safari"
  2031. RemoveItem "/Library/InputManagers/Norton Safety Minder"
  2032. RemoveItem "/Library/InputManagers/SymWebKitUtils"
  2033. RemoveItem "/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/Norton Confidential for Safari.plugin"
  2034. RemoveItem "/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/Norton Family Safety.plugin"
  2035. RemoveItem "/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/Norton Safety Minder.plugin"
  2036. RemoveItem "/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/NortonFamilyBF.plugin"
  2037. RemoveItem "/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/NortonInternetSecurityBF.plugin"
  2038. RemoveItem "/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/NortonSafetyMinderBF.plugin"
  2039. RemoveItem "/Library/LaunchDaemons/" "*"
  2040. RemoveItem "/Library/LaunchDaemons/" "*" -x 'com\.symantec\.saturn\.plist'
  2041. RemoveCrashReporterLogs
  2042. RemoveItem "/Library/Plug-ins/DiskImages/NUMPlugin.bundle"
  2043. RemoveItem "/Library/Plug-ins/DiskImages/VRPlugin.bundle"
  2044. RemoveItem "/Library/Plug-ins/DiskImages" -e -u
  2045. RemoveItem "/Library/Plug-ins" -e -u
  2046. RemoveItem "/Library/PreferencePanes/APPrefPane.prefPane"
  2047. RemoveItem "/Library/PreferencePanes/FileSaver.prefPane"
  2048. RemoveItem "/Library/PreferencePanes/Norton Family Safety.prefPane"
  2049. RemoveItem "/Library/PreferencePanes/Norton Safety Minder.prefPane"
  2050. RemoveItem "/Library/PreferencePanes/Ribbon.Norton.prefPane"
  2051. RemoveItem "/Library/PreferencePanes/SymantecQuickMenu.prefPane"
  2052. RemoveItem "/Library/PreferencePanes/SymAutoProtect.prefPane"
  2053. RemoveItem "/Library/PrivateFrameworks/NPF.framework"
  2054. RemoveItem "/Library/PrivateFrameworks/NPFCoreServices.framework"
  2055. RemoveItem "/Library/PrivateFrameworks/NPFDataSource.framework"
  2056. RemoveItem "/Library/PrivateFrameworks/PlausibleDatabase.framework"
  2057. RemoveItem "/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SymAppKitAdditions.framework"
  2058. RemoveItem "/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SymAVScan.framework"
  2059. RemoveItem "/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SymBase.framework"
  2060. RemoveItem "/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SymConfidential.framework"
  2061. RemoveItem "/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SymDaemon.framework"
  2062. RemoveItem "/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SymFirewall.framework"
  2063. RemoveItem "/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SymInternetSecurity.framework"
  2064. RemoveItem "/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SymIPS.framework"
  2065. RemoveItem "/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SymIR.framework"
  2066. RemoveItem "/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SymLicensing.framework"
  2067. RemoveItem "/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SymNetworking.framework"
  2068. RemoveItem "/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SymOxygen.framework"
  2069. RemoveItem "/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SymPersonalFirewall.framework"
  2070. RemoveItem "/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SymScheduler.framework"
  2071. RemoveItem "/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SymSEP.framework"
  2072. RemoveItem "/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SymSharedSettings.framework"
  2073. RemoveItem "/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SymSubmission.framework"
  2074. RemoveItem "/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SymSystem.framework"
  2075. RemoveItem "/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SymUIAgent.framework"
  2076. RemoveItem "/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SymUIAgentUI.framework"
  2077. if [ ! -e "$VolumePrefix/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SymWebKitUtils.framework/Versions/A/Resources/SymWKULoader.dylib" \
  2078. -o \( $CreateFilesRemovedListOnly = true -a $ListOnlyFilesThatExist = false \) ] ; then
  2079. RemoveItem "/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SymWebKitUtils.framework"
  2080. fi
  2081. RemoveItem "/Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/" "*" -x "com\.symantec\.NWPService"
  2082. RemoveItem "/Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/" -u
  2083. RemoveItem "/Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/"
  2084. IFS='
  2085. '
  2086. for EachReceiptLine in `echo "$ReceiptsTable" | grep . | grep -v '^#'` ; do
  2087. ReceiptName=`echo "$EachReceiptLine" | awk -F " " '{print $1}'`
  2088. ReceiptArg=`echo "$EachReceiptLine" | awk -F " " '{print $2}'`
  2089. if [ "z$ReceiptArg" = z-a ] ; then
  2090. RemoveItem "/Library/Receipts/$ReceiptName" "*"
  2091. RemoveItem "/Library/Receipts/$ReceiptName"Dev "*"
  2092. else
  2093. if [ "z$ReceiptName" = zSymWebKitUtils.pkg -o "z$ReceiptName" = zSymWebKitUtilsDev.pkg ] ; then
  2094. # If SymWKULoader exists and CleanUpSymWebKitUtils does not, skip deletion of SymWebKitUtils receipt
  2095. [ -e "$VolumePrefix/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SymWebKitUtils.framework/Versions/A/Resources/SymWKULoader.dylib" -a ! -e /Library/StartupItems/CleanUpSymWebKitUtils ] && continue
  2096. fi
  2097. RemoveItem "/Library/Receipts/$ReceiptName"
  2098. if [ "`echo "$ReceiptName" | grep '\.pkg$'`" ] ; then
  2099. ReceiptName="`basename "$ReceiptName" .pkg`Dev.pkg"
  2100. RemoveItem "/Library/Receipts/$ReceiptName"
  2101. fi
  2102. fi
  2103. done
  2104. RemoveItem "/Library/ScriptingAdditions/SymWebKitUtils.osax"
  2105. RemoveItem "/Library/ScriptingAdditions/SymWebKitUtilsSL.osax"
  2106. RemoveItem "/Library/Services/Norton for Mac.service"
  2107. RemoveItem "/Library/Services/ScanService.service"
  2108. RemoveItem "/Library/Services/Symantec" "*"
  2109. RemoveItem "/Library/Services/SymSafeWeb.service"
  2110. RemoveItem "/Library/Services" -e -u
  2111. RemoveItem "/Library/StartupItems/NortonAutoProtect"
  2112. RemoveItem "/Library/StartupItems/NortonAutoProtect.kextcache"
  2113. RemoveItem "/Library/StartupItems/NortonLastStart"
  2114. RemoveItem "/Library/StartupItems/NortonMissedTasks"
  2115. RemoveItem "/Library/StartupItems/NortonPersonalFirewall"
  2116. RemoveItem "/Library/StartupItems/NortonPrivacyControl"
  2117. RemoveItem "/Library/StartupItems/NUMCompatibilityCheck"
  2118. RemoveItem "/Library/StartupItems/SMC"
  2119. RemoveItem "/Library/StartupItems/SymAutoProtect"
  2120. RemoveItem "/Library/StartupItems/SymAutoProtect.kextcache"
  2121. RemoveItem "/Library/StartupItems/SymDCInit"
  2122. RemoveItem "/Library/StartupItems/SymMissedTasks"
  2123. RemoveItem "/Library/StartupItems/SymProtector"
  2124. RemoveItem "/Library/StartupItems/SymQuickMenuOSFix"
  2125. RemoveItem "/Library/StartupItems/SymWebKitUtilsOSFix"
  2126. RemoveItem "/Library/StartupItems/TrackDelete"
  2127. RemoveItem "/Library/StartupItems/VolumeAssist"
  2128. RemoveItem "/Library/Symantec/tmp"
  2129. RemoveItem "/Library/Symantec" -E -u
  2130. RemoveItem "/Library/Widgets/NAV.wdgt"
  2131. RemoveItem "/Library/Widgets/Symantec Alerts.wdgt"
  2132. RemoveItem "/Library/Widgets" -E -u
  2133. RemoveItem "/Norton AntiVirus Installer Log"
  2134. # Folder with files erroneously created by an early Corsair installer:
  2135. RemoveItem "/opt/Symantec"
  2136. # Folder erroneously created by that Corsair installer - removed if empty:
  2137. RemoveItem "/opt" -E -u
  2138. # Folder erroneously created by NPF 300.001 - removed if empty:
  2139. RemoveItem "/Personal" -e -u
  2140. # Folder erroneously created by NPF 300.001 - removed if empty:
  2141. RemoveItem "/Solutions" -e -u
  2142. # Folder erroneously created by NPF 300.001 - removed if empty:
  2143. RemoveItem "/Support/Norton" -e -u
  2144. # Folder erroneously created by NPF 300.001 - removed if empty:
  2145. RemoveItem "/Support" -e -u
  2146. RemoveItem "/symaperr.log"
  2147. RemoveItem "/symapout.log"
  2148. # Four frameworks erroneously installed by early builds of NAV 9.0.1:
  2149. RemoveItem "/SymAppKitAdditions.framework"
  2150. RemoveItem "/SymBase.framework"
  2151. RemoveItem "/SymNetworking.framework"
  2152. RemoveItem "/SymSystem.framework"
  2153. RemoveItem "/System/Library/Authenticators/SymAuthenticator.bundle"
  2154. RemoveItem "/System/Library/CFMSupport/Norton Shared Lib Carbon"
  2155. RemoveItem "/System/Library/CoreServices/NSWemergency"
  2156. RemoveItem "/System/Library/CoreServices/NUMemergency"
  2157. RemoveItem "/System/Library/Extensions/DeleteTrap.kext"
  2158. RemoveItem "/System/Library/Extensions/KTUM.kext"
  2159. RemoveItem "/System/Library/Extensions/ndcengine.kext"
  2160. RemoveItem "/System/Library/Extensions/NortonForMac.kext"
  2161. RemoveItem "/System/Library/Extensions/NPFKPI.kext"
  2162. RemoveItem "/System/Library/Extensions/SymDC.kext"
  2163. RemoveItem "/System/Library/Extensions/SymEvent.kext"
  2164. RemoveItem "/System/Library/Extensions/symfs.kext"
  2165. RemoveItem "/System/Library/Extensions/SymInternetSecurity.kext"
  2166. RemoveItem "/System/Library/Extensions/SymIPS.kext"
  2167. RemoveItem "/System/Library/Extensions/SymOSXKernelUtilities.kext"
  2168. RemoveItem "/System/Library/Extensions/SymPersonalFirewall.kext"
  2169. RemoveItem "/System/Library/Extensions/SymXIPS.kext"
  2170. RemoveItem "/System/Library/StartupItems/NortonAutoProtect"
  2171. RemoveItem "/System/Library/StartupItems/SymMissedTasks"
  2172. RemoveItem "/System/Library/Symantec"
  2173. RemoveItem "/System/Library/SymInternetSecurity.kext"
  2174. RemoveItem "/SystemWorks Installer Log"
  2175. RemoveItem "/tmp/"
  2176. RemoveItem "/tmp/"
  2177. RemoveItem "/tmp/"
  2178. RemoveItem "/tmp/jlulogtemp"
  2179. RemoveItem "/tmp/LiveUpdate." "*"
  2180. RemoveItem "/tmp/liveupdate"
  2181. RemoveItem "/tmp/lulogtemp"
  2182. RemoveItem "/tmp/O2Spy.log"
  2183. RemoveItem "/tmp/SymSharedFrameworks" "*"
  2184. RemoveItem "/tmp/symask"
  2185. RemoveItem "/Users/dev/bin/smellydecode"
  2186. RemoveItem "/Users/dev/bin" -E -u
  2187. RemoveItem "/Users/dev" -E -u
  2188. RemoveItem "/Users/Shared/NAV Corporate"
  2189. RemoveItem "/Users/Shared/NIS Corporate"
  2190. RemoveItem "/Users/Shared/RemoveSymantecMacFilesRemovesThese.txt"
  2191. RemoveItem "/Users/Shared/RemoveSymantecMacFilesLog.txt"
  2192. RemoveItem "/Users/Shared/RemoveSymantecMacFilesRemovesThese.txt"
  2193. RemoveItem "/Users/Shared/RemoveSymantecMacFilesLog.txt"
  2194. RemoveItem "/Users/Shared/SymantecRemovalToolRemovesThese.txt"
  2195. RemoveItem "/Users/Shared/SymantecRemovalToolLog.txt"
  2196. RemoveItem "/usr/bin/nortonscanner"
  2197. RemoveItem "/usr/bin/nortonsettings"
  2198. RemoveItem "/usr/bin/MigrateQTF"
  2199. RemoveItem "/usr/bin/navx"
  2200. RemoveItem "/usr/bin/npfx"
  2201. RemoveItem "/usr/bin/savx"
  2202. RemoveItem "/usr/bin/scfx"
  2203. RemoveItem "/usr/bin/symsched"
  2204. RemoveItem "/usr/lib/libsymsea." "dylib"
  2205. RemoveItem "/usr/lib/libwpsapi.dylib"
  2206. RemoveItem "/usr/local/bin/CoreLocationProviderTest"
  2207. RemoveItem "/usr/local/bin/KeyGenerator"
  2208. RemoveItem "/usr/local/bin/LocationProviderInterfaceTest"
  2209. RemoveItem "/usr/local/bin/LocationProviderTest"
  2210. RemoveItem "/usr/local/bin/MigrateQTF"
  2211. RemoveItem "/usr/local/bin/navx"
  2212. RemoveItem "/usr/local/bin/nortonscanner"
  2213. RemoveItem "/usr/local/bin/nortonsettings"
  2214. RemoveItem "/usr/local/bin/npfx"
  2215. RemoveItem "/usr/local/bin/SkyhookProviderTest"
  2216. RemoveItem "/usr/local/bin" -E -u
  2217. RemoveItem "/usr/local/lib/libAPFeature.a"
  2218. RemoveItem "/usr/local/lib/"
  2219. RemoveItem "/usr/local/lib/libecomlodr.dylib"
  2220. RemoveItem "/usr/local/lib/libgecko3parsers.dylib"
  2221. RemoveItem "/usr/local/lib/" "*"
  2222. RemoveItem "/usr/local/lib/libnlucallback.dylib"
  2223. RemoveItem "/usr/local/lib/libsymsea." "dylib"
  2224. RemoveItem "/usr/local/lib" -E -u
  2225. RemoveItem "/usr/share/man/man1/NAVScanIDs.h"
  2226. RemoveItem "/var/db/NATSqlDatabase.db"
  2227. RemoveItem '/var/db/receipts/$(SYM_SKU_REVDOMAIN)'
  2228. RemoveItem '/var/db/receipts/$(SYM_SKU_REVDOMAIN).install.plist'
  2229. RemoveItem "/var/db/receipts/" "*" -x "com\.symantec-it\..*"
  2230. RemoveItem "/var/db/receipts/com.Symantec" "*" -x "com\.Symantec-it\..*"
  2231. RemoveItem "/var/log/du.log" "*"
  2232. RemoveItem "/var/log/dulux.log" "*"
  2233. RemoveItem "/var/log/lut.log" "*"
  2234. RemoveItem "/var/log/lux.log" "*"
  2235. RemoveItem "/var/log/luxtool.log" "*"
  2236. RemoveItem "/var/log/mexd.log" "*"
  2237. RemoveItem "/var/log/microdef.log" "*"
  2238. RemoveItem "/var/log/nortondns.log"
  2239. RemoveItem "/var/log/Npfkernel.log.fifo"
  2240. RemoveItem "/var/root/Applications/Norton Internet"
  2241. RemoveItem "/var/root/Applications" -E
  2242. RemoveItem "/var/root/Library/Bundles/NAVIR.bundle"
  2243. RemoveItem "/var/root/Library/Bundles" -E -u
  2244. RemoveItem "/var/root/Library/Contextual Menu Items/NAVCMPlugIn.plugin"
  2245. RemoveItem "/var/root/Library/Contextual Menu Items" -E -u
  2246. RemoveItem "/var/tmp/" "*"
  2247. RemoveItem "/var/tmp/com.Symantec" "*"
  2248. RemoveItem "/var/tmp/symantec_error_report" "*"
  2249. # Delete logs listed in logging conf files within /etc/symantec
  2250. IFS='
  2251. '
  2252. for LUXLogFile in `cat "/Library/Application Support/Symantec/Silo/NFM/LiveUpdate/Conf/lux.logging.conf" /etc/symantec/dulux.logging.conf /etc/symantec/lux.logging.conf /etc/symantec/microdef.logging.conf 2>/dev/null | tr '\015' '\012' | grep logger.sink.file.filePath= | awk -F = '{print $2}' | sort -f | uniq` ; do
  2253. RemoveItem "$LUXLogFile" "*"
  2254. done
  2255. if [ -f /etc/symantec/defutils.conf ] ; then
  2256. DefUtilsLogContents=`cat /etc/symantec/defutils.conf 2>/dev/null | tr '\015' '\012'`
  2257. DefUtilsLogDir=`printf "%s" "$DefUtilsLogContents" | grep defutillog_dir= | awk -F = '{print $2}'`
  2258. if [ "$DefUtilsLogDir" ] ; then
  2259. DefUtilsLogBaseName=`printf "%s" "$DefUtilsLogContents" | grep defutillog_name= | awk -F = '{print $2}'`
  2260. [ "$DefUtilsLogBaseName" ] && RemoveItem "$DefUtilsLogDir/$DefUtilsLogBaseName".log "*"
  2261. fi
  2262. fi
  2263. RemoveItem "/etc/symantec" -d -x "saturn"
  2264. RemoveItem "/etc/symantec" -E -u
  2265. if [ -f "$VolumePrefix/etc/syslog.conf" -a $CreateFilesRemovedListOnly = false ] ; then
  2266. # Remove Norton Personal Firewall entries from /etc/syslog.conf
  2267. sed -e "/Norton Personal Firewall/d" -e "/Npfkernel.log.fifo/d" "$VolumePrefix/etc/syslog.conf" > /tmp/NPF.syslog.conf
  2268. if [ -s /tmp/NPF.syslog.conf ] ; then
  2269. /bin/cp -f /tmp/NPF.syslog.conf "$VolumePrefix/etc/syslog.conf"
  2270. fi
  2271. /bin/rm -f /tmp/NPF.syslog.conf
  2272. fi
  2273. RemoveFilesFromLibraryAndUserDirectories "$1"
  2274. RemoveItem /Library/Preferences/Network -E -u
  2275. if [ -s "$FilesRemovedFilesOnlyList" ] ; then
  2276. sort -f "$FilesRemovedFilesOnlyList" | uniq | grep . >> "$FilesRemovedList"
  2277. fi
  2278. RemoveLoginKeychainPasswords "$CurrentVolumeBeingUsed"
  2279. # If removing files from the boot volume
  2280. if [ $CreateFilesRemovedListOnly = false -a "z$CurrentVolumeBeingUsed" = z/ ] ; then
  2281. # Kill Symantec processes and attempt to remove Symantec folder again in case Symantec
  2282. # folder was re-created with incorrect permissions (Etrack 3442959) while other files
  2283. # were removed
  2284. $DoKillProcesses && KillSymantecProcesses &>/dev/null
  2285. RemoveItem "/Library/Application Support/Symantec"
  2286. fi
  2287. }
  2289. RemoveCrashReporterLogs()
  2290. {
  2291. # Usage: RemoveCrashReporterLogs
  2292. # Summary: Removes CrashReporter logs. GetComputerUsers function must be run
  2293. # and VolumePrefix must be defined before running this function.
  2294. #
  2295. # CrashLogGrepPattern will match visible or invisible (name begins with a period) Symantec files
  2296. local CrashLogGrepPattern='/\.?com\.norton|/\.?com\.symantec|/\.?LiveUpdate|\.?/LUTool|/\.?NFM|/\.?Norton|/\.?Sym'
  2297. local LogsToDelete=""
  2298. local LogToDelete
  2299. local UserDir
  2300. IFS='
  2301. '
  2302. for UserDir in $ComputerUsersHomeDirsAndRootDir ; do
  2303. [ "$UserDir" = / ] && UserDir=""
  2304. LogsToDelete="$LogsToDelete
  2305. `find "$VolumePrefix$UserDir/Library/Application Support/CrashReporter" "$VolumePrefix$UserDir/Library/Application Support/DiagnosticReports" "$VolumePrefix$UserDir/Library/Logs/CrashReporter" "$VolumePrefix$UserDir/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports" -type f 2>/dev/null | egrep -i "$CrashLogGrepPattern"`"
  2306. done
  2307. LogsToDelete=`echo "$LogsToDelete" | grep / | sort -f`
  2308. if [ "$VolumePrefix" ] ; then
  2309. # Remove VolumePrefix from beginning of paths
  2310. LogsToDelete=`echo "$LogsToDelete" | awk -v VOLUME="$VolumePrefix" '{print substr($0,length(VOLUME)+1)}'`
  2311. fi
  2312. if [ "$LogsToDelete" ] ; then
  2313. for LogToDelete in $LogsToDelete ; do
  2314. RemoveItem "$LogToDelete" -u
  2315. done
  2316. fi
  2317. }
  2319. RemoveEmptyDirectory()
  2320. {
  2321. # Usage: RemoveEmptyDirectory $1
  2322. # Argument: $1 = Full path name of directory
  2323. # Summary: Removes directory $1 if it is empty or if it contains
  2324. # only .DS_Store and/or .localized (the next best thing
  2325. # to being empty).
  2326. #
  2327. # If $1 is a directory and not a link
  2328. if [ -d "$1" -a ! -L "$1" ] ; then
  2329. # If folder contains only .DS_Store and/or .localized, or is empty
  2330. if [ -z "`ls "$1" 2>/dev/null | grep -v "^\.DS_Store\|^\.localized"`" ] ; then
  2331. $ShowFilesAsRemoved && echo " Removing: \"$1\""
  2332. # Clear immutable bit to remove any Finder lock
  2333. chflags -R nouchg "$1" 2>/dev/null 1>&2
  2334. /bin/rm -rf "$1" 2>/dev/null 1>&2 # Remove folder
  2335. fi
  2336. fi
  2337. }
  2339. RemoveFilesFromLibraryAndUserDirectories()
  2340. {
  2341. # Usage: RemoveFilesFromLibraryAndUserDirectories $1
  2342. # Argument: $1 = Name of volume from which to remove preferences.
  2343. # The name must begin with "/Volumes/"
  2344. # unless it is "/" (boot volume).
  2345. # Summary: Removes all Symantec files & folders from each user's
  2346. # preferences, /Library/Caches, and /Library/Preferences.
  2347. # Removes help files from /Library/Documentation. Removes
  2348. # folders incorrectly created by NAV 7.0.2 from each
  2349. # user's home directory.
  2350. #
  2351. local FSDDir
  2352. local UserHomeDir
  2353. local UserLibraryDir
  2354. CurrentVolumeBeingUsed="$1"
  2355. if [ "$1" = "/" ] ; then
  2356. VolumeToCheck=""
  2357. else
  2358. VolumeToCheck="$1"
  2359. fi
  2360. # set IFS to only newline to get all user names
  2361. IFS='
  2362. '
  2363. for UserHomeDir in $ComputerUsersHomeDirsAndRootDir ; do
  2364. if [ "$UserHomeDir" = "/" ] ; then
  2365. UserHomeDir=""
  2366. fi
  2367. UserLibraryDir="$UserHomeDir/Library"
  2368. # If UserLibraryDir is not a directory, skip to the next name
  2369. [ ! -d "$VolumeToCheck$UserLibraryDir" ] && continue
  2370. cd "$VolumeToCheck/"
  2371. # If a user's home directory, delete folders from user's home directory
  2372. # that were incorrectly created by NAV 7.0.2
  2373. if [ "$UserHomeDir" ] ; then
  2374. RemoveItem "$UserHomeDir/Applications/LiveUpdate Folder (OS X)"
  2375. RemoveItem "$UserHomeDir/Applications/Norton AntiVirus (OS X)"
  2376. RemoveItem "$UserHomeDir/Applications" -e -u
  2377. fi
  2378. FirefoxExtensions=`find "$UserLibraryDir/Application Support/Firefox/Profiles/"*/extensions/*"" 2>/dev/null`
  2379. for FirefoxExtension in $FirefoxExtensions ; do
  2380. RemoveItem "$FirefoxExtension"
  2381. done
  2382. RemoveItem "$UserLibraryDir/Application Support/Norton" "*"
  2383. # If a user directory
  2384. if [ "$UserHomeDir" ] ; then
  2385. RemoveItem "$UserLibraryDir/Application Support/Symantec"
  2386. RemoveItem "$UserHomeDir/Application Support/Symantec"
  2387. RemoveItem "$UserHomeDir/Application Support" -e
  2388. # If .fsd folders should be removed
  2389. if $DoRemoveFSDFolders ; then
  2390. # For each .fsd folder in user's Downloads folder
  2391. for FSDDir in `find "$UserHomeDir/Downloads" -type d -name ".fsd" 2>/dev/null` ; do
  2392. RemoveItem "$FSDDir"
  2393. done
  2394. fi
  2395. elif ! $CreateFilesRemovedListOnly ; then
  2396. # Make second attempt to remove "/Application Support/Symantec/ErrorReporting"
  2397. RemoveItem "$UserLibraryDir/Application Support/Symantec/ErrorReporting"
  2398. RemoveItem "$UserLibraryDir/Application Support/Symantec"
  2399. fi
  2400. RemoveItem "$UserLibraryDir/Documentation/Help/Norton Privacy Control Help"
  2401. RemoveItem "$UserLibraryDir/Documentation/Help/Norton Personal Firewall Help"
  2402. RemoveItem "$UserLibraryDir/Caches/" "*" -u
  2403. RemoveItem "$UserLibraryDir/Caches/" "*" -u
  2404. RemoveItem "$UserLibraryDir/Caches/" "*" -u
  2405. RemoveItem "$UserLibraryDir/Caches/" "*" -u
  2406. RemoveItem "$UserLibraryDir/Caches/Norton" "*" -u
  2407. RemoveItem "$UserLibraryDir/Caches/Symantec" "*" -u
  2408. if $DoRemoveIPUA ; then
  2409. # If not a user directory
  2410. if [ -z "$UserHomeDir" ] ; then
  2411. RemoveItem "$UserLibraryDir/LaunchAgents/" "*"
  2412. elif $DoRemoveInstallerLaunchAgents ; then
  2413. RemoveItem "$UserLibraryDir/LaunchAgents/" "*"
  2414. else
  2415. RemoveItem "$UserLibraryDir/LaunchAgents/" "*" -x 'com\.symantec\..*Installer\.plist'
  2416. fi
  2417. else
  2418. # If not a user directory
  2419. if [ -z "$UserHomeDir" ] ; then
  2420. RemoveItem "$UserLibraryDir/LaunchAgents/" "*" -x 'com\.symantec\.ipua\.plist'
  2421. elif $DoRemoveInstallerLaunchAgents ; then
  2422. RemoveItem "$UserLibraryDir/LaunchAgents/" "*" -x 'com\.symantec\.ipua\.plist'
  2423. else
  2424. RemoveItem "$UserLibraryDir/LaunchAgents/" "*" -x 'com\.symantec\..*Installer\.plist' -x 'com\.symantec\.ipua\.plist'
  2425. fi
  2426. fi
  2427. RemoveItem "$UserLibraryDir/Logs/.ipuaint"
  2428. RemoveItem "$UserLibraryDir/Logs/.ipualog"
  2429. RemoveItem "$UserLibraryDir/Logs/LUTool.txt"
  2430. RemoveItem "$UserLibraryDir/Logs/Norton" "*"
  2431. RemoveItem "$UserLibraryDir/Logs/o2spy.log"
  2432. RemoveItem "$UserLibraryDir/Logs/Symantec" "*"
  2433. # RemoveItem "$UserLibraryDir/Logs/Symantec" "*" -u # May need to add this back with refined matching
  2434. RemoveItem "$UserLibraryDir/Logs/SymaIpua" "*"
  2435. RemoveItem "$UserLibraryDir/Logs/SymAPErr.log"
  2436. RemoveItem "$UserLibraryDir/Logs/SymAPOut.log"
  2437. RemoveItem "$UserLibraryDir/Logs/SymBfw_NFM.log"
  2438. RemoveItem "$UserLibraryDir/Logs/SymCommP" "*"
  2439. RemoveItem "$UserLibraryDir/Logs/SymDebugLeaks.log"
  2440. RemoveItem "$UserLibraryDir/Logs/SymDeepsight" "*"
  2441. RemoveItem "$UserLibraryDir/Logs/SymFWDeepSightTrie.txt"
  2442. RemoveItem "$UserLibraryDir/Logs/SymFWLog.log"
  2443. RemoveItem "$UserLibraryDir/Logs/SymFWRules.log" "*"
  2444. RemoveItem "$UserLibraryDir/Logs/SymHTTPSubmissions.txt"
  2445. RemoveItem "$UserLibraryDir/Logs/SymInstall" "*"
  2446. RemoveItem "$UserLibraryDir/Logs/SymIpua" "*"
  2447. RemoveItem "$UserLibraryDir/Logs/SymOxygen" "*"
  2448. RemoveItem "$UserLibraryDir/Logs/SymQual" "*"
  2449. RemoveItem "$UserLibraryDir/Logs/SymScanServerDaemon.log"
  2450. RemoveItem "$UserLibraryDir/Logs/SymSharedSettingsd.log"
  2451. RemoveItem "$UserLibraryDir/Logs/SymUninstall" "*"
  2452. RemoveItem "$UserLibraryDir/Logs/UIAgent" "*"
  2453. RemoveItem "$UserLibraryDir/Preferences/ByHost/" "*"
  2454. RemoveItem "$UserLibraryDir/Preferences/" "*"
  2455. if $DoRemoveIPUA ; then
  2456. RemoveItem "$UserLibraryDir/Preferences/" "*" -x 'com\.symantec\.sacm.*' -x 'com\.symantec\.smac.*'
  2457. else
  2458. RemoveItem "$UserLibraryDir/Preferences/" "*" -x 'com\.symantec\.sacm.*' -x 'com\.symantec\.smac.*' -x 'com\.symantec\.ipua\.plist'
  2459. fi
  2460. RemoveItem "$UserLibraryDir/Preferences/" "*"
  2461. RemoveItem "$UserLibraryDir/Preferences/" "*"
  2462. RemoveItem "$UserLibraryDir/Preferences/LiveUpdate Preferences"
  2463. RemoveItem "$UserLibraryDir/Preferences/LU Admin Preferences"
  2464. RemoveItem "$UserLibraryDir/Preferences/LU Host Admin.plist"
  2465. RemoveItem "$UserLibraryDir/Preferences/NAV8.0.003.plist"
  2466. RemoveItem "$UserLibraryDir/Preferences/Network/" "*"
  2467. RemoveItem "$UserLibraryDir/Preferences/Norton AntiVirus Prefs Folder"
  2468. RemoveItem "$UserLibraryDir/Preferences/Norton Application Aliases"
  2469. RemoveItem "$UserLibraryDir/Preferences/Norton Personal Firewall Log"
  2470. RemoveItem "$UserLibraryDir/Preferences/Norton Scheduler OS X.plist"
  2471. RemoveItem "$UserLibraryDir/Preferences/Norton Utilities Preferences"
  2472. RemoveItem "$UserLibraryDir/Preferences/Norton Zone"
  2473. RemoveItem "$UserLibraryDir/Preferences/wcid"
  2474. RemoveItem "$UserLibraryDir/Safari/Extensions/Norton" "*"
  2475. RemoveItem "$UserLibraryDir/Safari/Extensions/Symantec" "*"
  2476. RemoveItem "$UserLibraryDir/Saved Application State/" "*" -u
  2477. done
  2478. }
  2480. RemoveInvisibleFilesFromVolume()
  2481. {
  2482. # Usage: RemoveInvisibleFilesFromVolume $1
  2483. # Argument: $1 = Volume name. The name should begin with "/Volumes/"
  2484. # unless it is "/" (boot volume).
  2485. # Summary: Removes the invisible Symantec for OS X files - Norton FS
  2486. # and AntiVirus QuickScan files - from $1.
  2487. #
  2488. ! $RemoveInvisibleFiles && return
  2489. CurrentVolumeBeingUsed="$1"
  2490. cd "$1"
  2491. if $CreateFilesRemovedListOnly ; then
  2492. $DoShowOnlyFilesThatShouldHaveBeenUninstalled || echo "Finding invisible Symantec files on: $1" >&2
  2493. elif $ShowFilesAsRemoved ; then
  2494. echo "Locating invisible Symantec files in: $1"
  2495. else
  2496. echo "Removing invisible Symantec files from: $1"
  2497. fi
  2498. RemoveItem "/.SymAVQSFile"
  2499. RemoveItem "/NAVMac800QSFile"
  2500. RemoveItem "/Norton FS Data"
  2501. RemoveItem "/Norton FS Index"
  2502. RemoveItem "/Norton FS Volume"
  2503. RemoveItem "/Norton FS Volume 2"
  2504. }
  2506. RemoveItem()
  2507. {
  2508. # Usage: RemoveItem ["private_was_added"] FilePath [-d] [-e | -E] [-u] [-x <pattern>] [FileExtension]
  2509. #
  2510. # Summary: Deletes the file or folder passed, FilePath, from the
  2511. # current directory. FilePath should be full path beginning
  2512. # with /.
  2513. #
  2514. # Options:
  2515. # -d Treat FilePath as a directory in which to match FileExtension
  2516. # or when using the -x option. See FileExtension and -x option
  2517. # below. The -d must be passed prior to passing the -x option.
  2518. # FilePath itself will not be deleted, only the matching items
  2519. # within it will be deleted. If no FileExtension is passed, "*"
  2520. # is assumed.
  2521. # -e Delete FilePath only if it is a directory that is empty or
  2522. # that contains only ".DS_Store" and/or ".localized" files.
  2523. # If the folder could not be deleted, error message is shown.
  2524. # -E Same as the -e option, except no error message is shown if
  2525. # the folder could not be deleted.
  2526. # -u Item is not removed by Symantec
  2527. # -x <Pattern>
  2528. # Pattern to exclude from file list. Pattern will become
  2529. # ^FilePathPattern$ (or ^FilePath/Pattern$ if -d was passed
  2530. # before -x was passed) so add wildcards as needed. Make sure
  2531. # to prefix special characters you wish to match with \
  2532. # (example: to match a period, \.). You may pass several
  2533. # -x <pattern> groupings. Pattern is an extended regular
  2534. # expression. Letter case is ignored.
  2535. # <FileExtension>
  2536. # All files are deleted that match FilePath.*FileExtension or
  2537. # if -d was passed that match FilePath/.*FileExtension.
  2538. # To match any files that begin with FilePath, pass "*" as
  2539. # FileExtension (don't pass * unquoted). Only the last
  2540. # FileExtension passed will be used. Periods will be escaped
  2541. # (i.e., each . will become \.).
  2542. # "private_was_added"
  2543. # This gets passed as the first argument by RemoveItem() when
  2544. # FilePath is a link in PrivateLinksPattern. This option is
  2545. # only to be passed by RemoveItem() itself.
  2546. #
  2547. # Note: Make sure to run the SetupCleanup function before the
  2548. # first run of this function and run the FinishCleanup
  2549. # function before exiting the script.
  2550. #
  2551. # Make sure to change directory to root of the volume you
  2552. # want the file or folder removed from before calling this
  2553. # function.
  2554. #
  2555. # FilePath must be the first argument unless "private_was_added"
  2556. # was passed as the first. The other options may appear after
  2557. # FilePath in any order.
  2558. #
  2559. local ExclusionPattern=""
  2560. local FilePath="$1"
  2561. shift
  2562. # If / or no file name passed
  2563. if [ "z$FilePath" = z/ -o -z "$FilePath" ] ; then
  2564. return
  2565. # Else if this is a call by RemoveItem() with /private added to original path
  2566. elif [ "z$FilePath" = zprivate_was_added ] ; then
  2567. FilePath="$1"
  2568. shift
  2569. # Else if original path begins with /private/ and is targeted by a link in /
  2570. elif [ "`echo "$FilePath" | egrep -e "$PrivateDirectoriesPattern"`" ] ; then
  2571. # Remove /private from beginning of path
  2572. FilePath=`echo "$FilePath" | awk '{print substr($0,9)}'`
  2573. fi
  2574. VolumeFromWhichToRemove="`pwd`"
  2575. # If path passed begins with /etc/, /tmp/, or /var/
  2576. if [ "`echo "$FilePath" | egrep -e "$PrivateLinksPattern"`" ] ; then
  2577. PrivateLinkName=`echo "$FilePath" | awk -F / '{print $2}'`
  2578. PrivateLinkRoot="$VolumeFromWhichToRemove/$PrivateLinkName"
  2579. PrivateDirRoot="$VolumeFromWhichToRemove/private/$PrivateLinkName"
  2580. # If path does not point to the same file as "/private/" + path
  2581. if [ ! "$PrivateLinkRoot" -ef "$PrivateDirRoot" ] ; then
  2582. FilePathOriginal="$FilePath"
  2583. # Attempt to remove path from within /private first
  2584. RemoveItem "private_was_added" "/private$FilePath" "$@"
  2585. # Then attempt to remove path itself
  2586. FilePath="$FilePathOriginal"
  2587. fi
  2588. fi
  2589. if [ "$VolumeFromWhichToRemove" = "/" ] ; then
  2590. FullFilePath="$FilePath"
  2591. else
  2592. FullFilePath="$VolumeFromWhichToRemove$FilePath"
  2593. fi
  2594. # If logs should not be removed
  2595. if ! $DoRemoveLogs ; then
  2596. # If file path contains "/Library/Logs/", skip removal
  2597. if [ "`echo "$FullFilePath" | egrep '/Library/Logs/'`" ] ; then
  2598. return
  2599. fi
  2600. fi
  2601. PathDir=`dirname "$FullFilePath"`
  2602. [ -z "$PathDir" ] && return
  2603. # Set PathBasePattern = basename of path with each . translated to \.
  2604. PathBasePattern=`basename "$FullFilePath" | sed s/"\."/"\\\\\."/g`
  2605. [ -z "$PathBasePattern" ] && return
  2606. DeleteOnlyIfEmptyDir=false
  2607. ExtensionPassed=""
  2608. PathIsDirectory=false
  2609. SkipErrorMessageIfEmptyDirNotFound=false
  2610. ShouldNotBeRemovedBySymantecUninstaller=false
  2611. while [ "$1" ] ; do
  2612. case "$1" in
  2613. -d)
  2614. PathDir="$FullFilePath"
  2615. PathBasePattern=""
  2616. PathIsDirectory=true
  2617. ;;
  2618. -e)
  2619. DeleteOnlyIfEmptyDir=true
  2620. SkipErrorMessageIfEmptyDirNotFound=false
  2621. ;;
  2622. -E)
  2623. DeleteOnlyIfEmptyDir=true
  2624. SkipErrorMessageIfEmptyDirNotFound=true
  2625. ;;
  2626. -u)
  2627. ShouldNotBeRemovedBySymantecUninstaller=true
  2628. ;;
  2629. -x)
  2630. if [ "$2" ] ; then
  2631. shift
  2632. if [ "$ExclusionPattern" ] ; then
  2633. ExclusionPattern="$ExclusionPattern|^$PathDir/$1$"
  2634. else
  2635. ExclusionPattern="^$PathDir/$1$"
  2636. fi
  2637. fi
  2638. ;;
  2639. *)
  2640. ExtensionPassed="$1"
  2641. ;;
  2642. esac
  2643. shift
  2644. done
  2645. if [ "z$ExtensionPassed" = "z*" ] ; then
  2646. ListOfPaths=`find "$PathDir" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 2>/dev/null | grep -i "^$PathDir/$PathBasePattern" | sort -f`
  2647. PathToShow="$FullFilePath`$PathIsDirectory && echo /`*"
  2648. elif [ "$ExtensionPassed" ] ; then
  2649. ExtensionPassedPattern=`printf "%s" "$ExtensionPassed" | sed s/"\."/"\\\\\."/g`
  2650. ListOfPaths=`find "$PathDir" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 2>/dev/null | grep -i "^$PathDir/$PathBasePattern.*$ExtensionPassedPattern$" | sort -f`
  2651. PathToShow="$FullFilePath*$ExtensionPassed"
  2652. elif $PathIsDirectory ; then
  2653. ListOfPaths=`find "$FullFilePath" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 2>/dev/null | sort -f`
  2654. PathToShow="$FullFilePath/*"
  2655. else
  2656. ListOfPaths=`ls -d "$FullFilePath" 2>/dev/null`
  2657. PathToShow="$FullFilePath"
  2658. fi
  2659. # If there are items to exclude from the list and there are matching items
  2660. if [ "z$ExclusionPattern" != z -a -n "$ListOfPaths" ] ; then
  2661. ListOfPaths=`printf "%s" "$ListOfPaths" | egrep -i -v -e "$ExclusionPattern"`
  2662. fi
  2663. if $CreateFilesRemovedListOnly ; then
  2664. # If -E passed, then don't list the item
  2665. $SkipErrorMessageIfEmptyDirNotFound && return
  2666. if ! $ListOnlyFilesThatExist ; then
  2667. echo "$PathToShow`$DeleteOnlyIfEmptyDir && echo " [folder deleted only if empty]"`" >> "$FilesRemovedList"
  2668. # Else if file exists
  2669. elif [ "$ListOfPaths" ] ; then
  2670. ItemsToAddToList=""
  2671. IFS='
  2672. '
  2673. if $DeleteOnlyIfEmptyDir ; then
  2674. $ShowOnlyRegularFiles || ItemsToAddToList="$ListOfPaths"
  2675. else
  2676. for EachItemListed in $ListOfPaths ; do
  2677. if [ -f "$EachItemListed" ] ; then
  2678. ItemsToAddToList="$ItemsToAddToList
  2679. $EachItemListed"
  2680. elif [ -L "$EachItemListed" -a $ShowOnlyRegularFiles = false ] ; then
  2681. ItemsToAddToList="$ItemsToAddToList
  2682. $EachItemListed"
  2683. else
  2684. ItemsToAddToList="$ItemsToAddToList
  2685. `find "$EachItemListed" $FindOption1 $FindOption2 2>/dev/null`"
  2686. fi
  2687. done
  2688. fi
  2689. for EachItemFound in $ItemsToAddToList ; do
  2690. if $ShouldNotBeRemovedBySymantecUninstaller ; then
  2691. AddedText="$NotRemovedBySymantecUninstallerText"
  2692. elif [ "`echo "$EachItemFound" | grep -F "$NotRemovedByNIS6Uninstaller"`" ] ; then
  2693. AddedText="$NotRemovedByNIS6UninstallerText"
  2694. elif [ "`echo "$EachItemFound" | grep -F "$NotRemovedBySymantecUninstaller"`" ] ; then
  2695. AddedText="$NotRemovedBySymantecUninstallerText"
  2696. else
  2697. AddedText=""
  2698. fi
  2699. if $ShowOnlyRegularFiles ; then
  2700. # If would be an empty folder or would not be removed by Symantec Uninstaller, don't add item to the list
  2701. [ $DeleteOnlyIfEmptyDir = true -o -n "$AddedText" ] && continue
  2702. fi
  2703. echo "$EachItemFound`$DeleteOnlyIfEmptyDir && echo " [folder deleted only if empty]"`$AddedText" >> "$FilesRemovedFilesOnlyList"
  2704. done
  2705. NoFilesToRemove=false
  2706. FilesFoundOnThisVolume=true
  2707. fi
  2708. return
  2709. fi
  2710. IFS='
  2711. '
  2712. for EachFullPath in $ListOfPaths ; do
  2713. # If -e or -E was passed
  2714. if $DeleteOnlyIfEmptyDir ; then
  2715. # remove directory only if empty
  2716. RemoveEmptyDirectory "$EachFullPath"
  2717. # If -E passed, then skip error reporting
  2718. $SkipErrorMessageIfEmptyDirNotFound && continue
  2719. else
  2720. $ShowFilesAsRemoved && echo " Removing: \"$EachFullPath\""
  2721. # Clear immutable bit to remove any Finder lock
  2722. chflags -R nouchg "$EachFullPath" 2>/dev/null 1>&2
  2723. BackupLog "$EachFullPath"
  2724. /bin/rm -rf "$EachFullPath" 2>/dev/null 1>&2 # Remove file/folder
  2725. fi
  2726. # If file still exists
  2727. if [ "`ls -d "$EachFullPath" 2>/dev/null`" ] ; then
  2728. TheFileWasRemoved=false
  2729. else
  2730. TheFileWasRemoved=true
  2731. SomeFileWasRemoved=true
  2732. fi
  2733. # If the file/folder was not removed
  2734. if ! $TheFileWasRemoved ; then
  2735. if ! $ErrorOccurred ; then
  2736. # Create LogFile
  2737. echo "Symantec files/folders not removed:" >"$LogFile"
  2738. chmod a=rw "$LogFile"
  2739. ErrorOccurred=true
  2740. fi
  2741. echo " $EachFullPath" >>"$LogFile"
  2742. # Else if boot volume
  2743. elif [ "$CurrentVolumeBeingUsed" = "/" ] ; then
  2744. RestartMayBeNeeded=true
  2745. # If it's not a file that does not require a restart (Etrack 3925328)
  2746. if [ -z "`printf "%s" "$EachFullPath" | egrep -ie "$FilesThatDoNotRequireRebootPattern"`" ] ; then
  2747. touch "$SymantecCleanupRestartFile"
  2748. fi
  2749. SomeFileWasRemovedFromBootVolume=true
  2750. else
  2751. SomeFileWasRemovedFromNonBootVolume=true
  2752. fi
  2753. NoFilesToRemove=false
  2754. FilesFoundOnThisVolume=true
  2755. done
  2756. }
  2758. RemoveLoginKeychainPasswords()
  2759. {
  2760. # Usage: RemoveLoginKeychainPasswords volume
  2761. # Summary: Removes items from login keychains.
  2762. # If volume is not / (current boot volume), removal is skipped.
  2763. # If volume is not specified, / is assumed.
  2764. #
  2765. local VolumeBeingPurged="$1"
  2766. local ComputerUserEntry
  2767. local EachLoginKeychain
  2768. local HelpTextToShow
  2769. local LoginKeychainPasswordToDelete
  2770. local LoginKeychainPasswordToDeleteLine
  2771. local UserDir
  2772. local UserOfKeychain
  2773. # If volume not specified, assume it is boot volume
  2774. [ -z "$VolumeBeingPurged" ] && VolumeBeingPurged=/
  2775. # If volume being cleaned up is not the boot volume, skip purge
  2776. [ "z$VolumeBeingPurged" != z/ ] && return
  2777. $DoShowOnlyFilesThatShouldHaveBeenUninstalled || echo "Looking for Symantec login keychain items" 2>/dev/null
  2778. IFS='
  2779. '
  2780. for ComputerUserEntry in $ComputerUsersTable ; do
  2781. UserOfKeychain=`echo "$ComputerUserEntry" | awk -F ' ' '{print $1}'`
  2782. UserDir=`echo "$ComputerUserEntry" | awk -F ' ' '{print $2}'`
  2783. EachLoginKeychain="$UserDir/Library/Keychains/login.keychain"
  2784. [ ! -f "$EachLoginKeychain" ] && continue
  2785. for LoginKeychainPasswordToDeleteLine in $LoginKeychainPasswordsToDelete ; do
  2786. LoginKeychainPasswordToDelete=`echo "$LoginKeychainPasswordToDeleteLine" | awk -F ' ' '{print $1}'`
  2787. HelpTextToShow=`echo "$LoginKeychainPasswordToDeleteLine" | awk -F ' ' '{print $2}'`
  2788. /usr/bin/security find-generic-password -s "$LoginKeychainPasswordToDelete" "$EachLoginKeychain" 2>/dev/null 1>&2
  2789. if [ $? = 0 ] ; then
  2790. if $CreateFilesRemovedListOnly ; then
  2791. echo "$HelpTextToShow ($LoginKeychainPasswordToDelete) would be removed" >> "$FilesRemovedList"
  2792. echo "from $UserOfKeychain's login keychain" >> "$FilesRemovedList"
  2793. echo "" >> "$FilesRemovedList"
  2794. else
  2795. echo "Removing $HelpTextToShow ($LoginKeychainPasswordToDelete)"
  2796. echo "from $UserOfKeychain's login keychain"
  2797. /usr/bin/security delete-generic-password -s "$LoginKeychainPasswordToDelete" "$EachLoginKeychain" 2>/dev/null 1>&2
  2798. fi
  2799. fi
  2800. done
  2801. done
  2802. }
  2804. RemoveNortonZoneDirectories()
  2805. {
  2806. # Usage: RemoveNortonZoneDirectories user_home_directory
  2807. # Summary: Removes Norton Zone paths listed in zoneDirectoryManagerRegistryKey in
  2808. # user_home_directory/Preference/
  2809. #
  2810. local UserHomeDir="$1"
  2811. local ZonePath
  2812. local ZonePaths
  2813. [ ! -d "$UserHomeDir" ] && return
  2814. ZonePaths=`defaults read "$UserHomeDir/Library/Preferences/" zoneDirectoryManagerRegistryKey 2>/dev/null | grep = | awk -F '"' '{print $2}'`
  2815. IFS='
  2816. '
  2817. for ZonePath in $ZonePaths ; do
  2818. RemoveItem "$ZonePath"
  2819. done
  2820. RemoveItem "$UserHomeDir/Norton Zone" "*"
  2821. }
  2823. RestartComputer()
  2824. {
  2825. # Usage: RestartComputer
  2826. # Summary: Prompts to see if user would like to restart. Restarts
  2827. # computer using 'reboot' command if 'yes' or 'y' is
  2828. # entered; exits the script otherwise.
  2829. # Note: User must be root or an admin for reboot to work, so this
  2830. # function should only be used in scripts run as root or
  2831. # admin user.
  2832. #
  2833. echo
  2834. if $RunningFromWithinAppBundleOrSupportFolder ; then
  2835. ExitScript $FinishedExitCode
  2836. elif $QuitWithoutRestarting ; then
  2837. echo "Exited the script without restarting the computer."
  2838. ExitScript $FinishedExitCode
  2839. fi
  2840. if $RestartAutomatically ; then
  2841. if $PauseBeforeRestarting ; then
  2842. printf "Computer will restart in 3 seconds (ctrl-C to cancel restart)..."
  2843. sleep 1 &>/dev/null
  2844. printf " 3"
  2845. sleep 1 &>/dev/null
  2846. printf " 2"
  2847. sleep 1 &>/dev/null
  2848. printf " 1"
  2849. sleep 1 &>/dev/null
  2850. fi
  2851. echo
  2852. echo "Computer is restarting..."
  2853. reboot
  2854. else
  2855. echo "Exited the script without restarting the computer."
  2856. ExitScript $FinishedExitCode
  2857. fi
  2858. }
  2860. RunPredeleteScripts()
  2861. {
  2862. # Usage: RunPredeleteScripts [$1]
  2863. # Argument: $1 = Path of current volume.
  2864. # Summary: If $1 is "" or /, predelete scripts in receipts listed in
  2865. # ReceiptsTable are run.
  2866. #
  2867. local EachReceiptLine
  2868. local EachReceiptMatchingAll
  2869. local ReceiptList
  2870. local ReceiptListMatchingAll=""
  2871. local VolumePathPassed="$1"
  2872. [ "z$VolumePathPassed" = z/ ] && VolumePathPassed=""
  2873. if $CreateFilesRemovedListOnly ; then
  2874. if [ "$VolumePathPassed" ] ; then
  2875. echo "Receipt predelete scripts would not be run on that volume." >> "$FilesRemovedList"
  2876. elif $DoRunPredeleteScripts ; then
  2877. echo "Receipt predelete scripts would be run as they are found." >> "$FilesRemovedList"
  2878. else
  2879. echo "Receipt predelete scripts would not be run because the -d option was specified." >> "$FilesRemovedList"
  2880. fi
  2881. return
  2882. elif [ "$VolumePathPassed" ] ; then
  2883. echo "Receipt predelete scripts were not run on that volume."
  2884. return
  2885. elif ! $DoRunPredeleteScripts ; then
  2886. echo "Receipt predelete scripts were not run because the -d option was specified."
  2887. return
  2888. fi
  2889. SYMANTEC_SAVED_DATA_DIR="/private/tmp/$FullScriptName-SYMANTEC_SAVED_DATA_DIR-`date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S"`"
  2890. mkdir -p "$SYMANTEC_SAVED_DATA_DIR" 2>/dev/null
  2891. IFS='
  2892. '
  2893. echo "Looking for predelete scripts in Symantec Uninstaller's Receipts folder"
  2894. for PredeleteScript in `find "/Library/Application Support/Symantec/Uninstaller" 2>/dev/null | grep -E 'predelete$|pre_delete$'` ; do
  2895. if [ -x "$PredeleteScript" ] ; then
  2896. echo "--- Running $PredeleteScript ---"
  2898. if $ShowPredeleteErrors ; then
  2899. "$PredeleteScript"
  2900. else
  2901. "$PredeleteScript" 2>/dev/null 1>&2
  2902. fi
  2903. fi
  2904. done
  2905. echo "Looking for predelete scripts in /Library/Receipts"
  2906. ReceiptList=`echo "$ReceiptsTable" | grep '\.pkg' | grep -v '^#'`
  2907. for EachReceiptMatchingAll in `echo "$ReceiptsTable" | grep ' -a' | grep -v '^#' | awk -F ' ' '{print $1}'` ; do
  2908. ReceiptListMatchingAll="$ReceiptListMatchingAll
  2909. `ls -d "/Library/Receipts/$EachReceiptMatchingAll"* 2>/dev/null`"
  2910. done
  2911. for EachReceiptMatchingAll in $ReceiptListMatchingAll ; do
  2912. ReceiptList="$ReceiptList
  2913. `basename "$EachReceiptMatchingAll"`"
  2914. done
  2915. for EachReceiptLine in $ReceiptList ; do
  2916. ReceiptArg=`echo "$EachReceiptLine" | awk -F " " '{print $2}'`
  2917. [ "z$ReceiptArg" = z-s ] && continue
  2918. ReceiptName=`echo "$EachReceiptLine" | awk -F " " '{print $1}'`
  2919. [ -z "`echo "$ReceiptName" | grep '\.pkg$'`" ] && continue
  2920. if [ -d "/Library/Receipts/$ReceiptName" ] ; then
  2921. for PredeleteScript in `find "/Library/Receipts/$ReceiptName" 2>/dev/null | grep -E 'predelete$|pre_delete$'` ; do
  2922. if [ -x "$PredeleteScript" ] ; then
  2923. echo "--- Running $PredeleteScript ---"
  2925. if $ShowPredeleteErrors ; then
  2926. "$PredeleteScript"
  2927. else
  2928. "$PredeleteScript" 2>/dev/null 1>&2
  2929. fi
  2930. fi
  2931. done
  2932. fi
  2933. ReceiptName="`basename "$ReceiptName" .pkg`Dev.pkg"
  2934. if [ -d "/Library/Receipts/$ReceiptName" ] ; then
  2935. for PredeleteScript in `find "/Library/Receipts/$ReceiptName" 2>/dev/null | grep -E 'predelete$|pre_delete$'` ; do
  2936. if [ -x "$PredeleteScript" ] ; then
  2937. echo "--- Running $PredeleteScript ---"
  2939. if $ShowPredeleteErrors ; then
  2940. "$PredeleteScript"
  2941. else
  2942. "$PredeleteScript" 2>/dev/null 1>&2
  2943. fi
  2944. fi
  2945. done
  2946. fi
  2947. done
  2948. rm -rf "$SYMANTEC_SAVED_DATA_DIR" 2>/dev/null
  2949. }
  2951. SetupCleanup()
  2952. {
  2953. # Usage: SetupCleanup
  2954. # Summary: Initializes variables needed for the RemoveItem function.
  2955. #
  2956. BackupLogLocationDir="$BackupLogLocationRootDir/`date +"%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S"`"
  2957. ErrorOccurred=false
  2958. NoFilesToRemove=true
  2959. /bin/rm -rf "$FilesRemovedList" "$FilesRemovedFilesOnlyList" 2>/dev/null 1>&2
  2960. if $CreateFilesRemovedListOnly ; then
  2961. if $ListOnlyFilesThatExist ; then
  2962. echo "Summary of what $FullScriptName would do, based on files" > "$FilesRemovedList"
  2963. echo "`$RemoveCrontabEntries && echo "and crontab entries "`that currently exist:" >> "$FilesRemovedList"
  2964. else
  2965. echo "Summary of what $FullScriptName would attempt to do:" > "$FilesRemovedList"
  2966. fi
  2967. fi
  2968. }
  2970. ShowContents()
  2971. {
  2972. # Usage1: ShowContents [-c] [-w] File [TextToShow]
  2973. # Usage2: ShowContents [-c] [-w] -s String [TextToShow]
  2974. # Summary: Displays contents of File or String. If there are more than
  2975. # $LINES or 23 lines, more command is used, using TextToShow as
  2976. # the name of the file; if TextToShow is not passed, "....." is
  2977. # used. If -c is specified, screen is cleared beforehand.
  2978. # If -w is specified, then width of strings will be factored
  2979. # into the line count (this option makes output slower when
  2980. # the number of lines is less than $LINES or 23).
  2981. #
  2982. local SCLineCount
  2983. local SCCurrentDir
  2984. local SCTempFolder
  2985. local SCTempFile
  2986. local SCColumns
  2987. local SCColumnsMax
  2988. local SCColumnsMaxDefault=80
  2989. local SCColumnsRemainder
  2990. local CSDoAdjustForWidth=false
  2991. local CSDoUseString=false
  2992. local SCEachLine
  2993. local SCGrepPattern='.'
  2994. local SCLineFactor
  2995. local SCLines
  2996. local SCLinesMax
  2997. local SCLinesMaxDefault=23
  2998. local SCText
  2999. while [ "$1" ] ; do
  3000. if [ "z$1" = z-c ] ; then
  3001. clear
  3002. elif [ "z$1" = z-s ] ; then
  3003. CSDoUseString=true
  3004. elif [ "z$1" = z-w ] ; then
  3005. CSDoAdjustForWidth=true
  3006. else
  3007. break
  3008. fi
  3009. shift
  3010. done
  3011. [ "$COLUMNS" ] && SCColumnsMax=`expr "$COLUMNS" - 0 2>/dev/null`
  3012. [ -z "$SCColumnsMax" ] && SCColumnsMax=$SCColumnsMaxDefault
  3013. [ "$LINES" ] && SCLinesMax=`expr "$LINES" - 1 2>/dev/null`
  3014. [ -z "$SCLinesMax" ] && SCLinesMax=$SCLinesMaxDefault
  3015. [ $SCColumnsMax -ge $SCColumnsMaxDefault ] && SCGrepPattern='.................................................................................'
  3016. if $CSDoUseString ; then
  3017. SCLineCount=`printf "%s\n" "$1" | grep -c ""`
  3018. $CSDoAdjustForWidth && SCText=`printf "%s\n" "$1" | grep "$SCGrepPattern"`
  3019. elif [ -f "$1" ] ; then
  3020. SCLineCount=`grep -c "" "$1"`
  3021. $CSDoAdjustForWidth && SCText=`grep "$SCGrepPattern" "$1"`
  3022. else
  3023. return 1
  3024. fi
  3025. if $CSDoAdjustForWidth ; then
  3026. if [ $SCLineCount -le $SCLinesMax ] ; then
  3027. IFS='
  3028. '
  3029. for SCColumns in `printf "%s" "$SCText" | awk '{print length($0)}'` ; do
  3030. [ $SCLineCount -gt $SCLinesMax ] && break
  3031. SCLineFactor=`expr $SCColumns / $SCColumnsMax`
  3032. [ `expr $SCColumns % $SCColumnsMax` -gt 0 ] && let SCLineFactor=$SCLineFactor+1
  3033. [ $SCLineFactor -gt 1 ] && let SCLineCount=$SCLineCount+$SCLineFactor-1
  3034. done
  3035. fi
  3036. fi
  3037. if $CSDoUseString ; then
  3038. if [ $SCLineCount -gt $SCLinesMax ] ; then
  3039. SCCurrentDir=`pwd`
  3040. SCTempFolder="/private/tmp/$FullScriptName-SC-`date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S"`"
  3041. mkdir "$SCTempFolder" 2>/dev/null
  3042. [ ! -d "$SCTempFolder" ] && return 1
  3043. cd "$SCTempFolder" 2>/dev/null
  3044. [ "$2" ] && SCTempFile="$2" || SCTempFile="....."
  3045. printf "%s\n" "$1" >"$SCTempFile"
  3046. more -E "$SCTempFile"
  3047. cd "$SCCurrentDir" 2>/dev/null
  3048. rm -rf "$SCTempFolder" 2>/dev/null
  3049. else
  3050. printf "%s\n" "$1"
  3051. fi
  3052. elif [ -f "$1" ] ; then
  3053. if [ $SCLineCount -gt $SCLinesMax ] ; then
  3054. SCCurrentDir=`pwd`
  3055. SCTempFolder="/private/tmp/$FullScriptName-SC-`date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S"`"
  3056. mkdir "$SCTempFolder" 2>/dev/null
  3057. [ ! -d "$SCTempFolder" ] && return 1
  3058. [ "$2" ] && SCTempFile="$2" || SCTempFile="....."
  3059. cat "$1" >"$SCTempFolder/$SCTempFile"
  3060. cd "$SCTempFolder" 2>/dev/null
  3061. more -E "$SCTempFile"
  3062. cd "$SCCurrentDir" 2>/dev/null
  3063. rm -rf "$SCTempFolder" 2>/dev/null
  3064. else
  3065. cat "$1"
  3066. fi
  3067. fi
  3068. return 0
  3069. }
  3071. ShowFullFilePath()
  3072. {
  3073. # Usage: ShowFullFilePath [-a] [-P | -L] [-e] Path [[-e] Path]
  3074. # Version: 1.0.2
  3075. # Summary: Prints the full path starting at / of Path if Path exists
  3076. # and Path is accessible by the user calling this function.
  3077. # Run this function as root to ensure full path displaying.
  3078. # If there is more than one existing file that matches the
  3079. # name, then only the first path that the shell matches is
  3080. # printed unless -a or more than one path is specified.
  3081. # You can specify wild card characters ? and * and other
  3082. # argument operators in the Path (e.g., "../*", "a?.txt",
  3083. # "[ab]*").
  3084. # Options: -a Show all matching paths, sorted alphanumerically. If
  3085. # -P is not passed, the same file may be shown multiple
  3086. # times if there is more than one matching link that
  3087. # points to it.
  3088. # -e <Path>
  3089. # Treat argument after -e as a path. Use -e to treat
  3090. # -a, -e, -L, or -P as a path.
  3091. # -L Show logical path, even if a file pointed to by a link
  3092. # doesn't exist. This is the default.
  3093. # -P Show physical path. If a link points to a file that
  3094. # does not exist, the path won't be shown.
  3095. # History: 1.0.1 - Added -e option and ability to pass multiple paths.
  3096. # Arguments can now be passed in any order.
  3097. # Fixed error that could occur when resolving links
  3098. # with long paths.
  3099. # 1.0.2 - Modified for case-sensitive volume compatibility.
  3100. # Made temporary file names more distinctive.
  3101. #
  3102. local SFFPArgCount=$#
  3103. local SFFPCurrentDir
  3104. local SFFPCurrentDirTranslated
  3105. local SFFPEachLine
  3106. local SFFPEachPath
  3107. local SFFPFile
  3108. local SFFPLDir
  3109. local SFFPLLinkLS
  3110. local SFFPLLinkPath
  3111. local SFFPLPath
  3112. local SFFPPathOption=-L
  3113. local SFFPSaveIFS="$IFS"
  3114. local SFFPShowAll=false
  3115. local SFFPTempBase=/private/tmp/ShowFullFilePath-`/usr/bin/basename "$0"`-`/bin/date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S"`
  3116. local SFFPTempFile="$SFFPTempBase.tmp"
  3117. local SFFPTempFile2="$SFFPTempBase-2.tmp"
  3118. /bin/rm -f "$SFFPTempFile" 2>/dev/null
  3119. while [ $SFFPArgCount != 0 ] ; do
  3120. case "$1" in
  3121. -a)
  3122. SFFPShowAll=true
  3123. ;;
  3124. -L|-P)
  3125. SFFPPathOption="$1"
  3126. ;;
  3127. *)
  3128. [ "z$1" = z-e ] && shift
  3129. if [ "$1" ] ; then
  3130. [ -s "$SFFPTempFile" ] && SFFPShowAll=true
  3131. /usr/bin/printf "%s\n" "$1" >>"$SFFPTempFile"
  3132. fi
  3133. ;;
  3134. esac
  3135. shift
  3136. let SFFPArgCount=$SFFPArgCount-1
  3137. done
  3138. [ ! -s "$SFFPTempFile" ] && return
  3139. SFFPCurrentDir=`/bin/pwd`
  3140. SFFPCurrentDirTranslated=`/bin/pwd $SFFPPathOption 2>/dev/null`
  3141. if [ ! -d "$SFFPCurrentDirTranslated" ] ; then
  3142. /bin/rm -f "$SFFPTempFile" 2>/dev/null
  3143. return
  3144. fi
  3145. cd "$SFFPCurrentDirTranslated" 2>/dev/null
  3146. if [ $? != 0 ] ; then
  3147. /bin/rm -f "$SFFPTempFile" 2>/dev/null
  3148. return
  3149. fi
  3150. /usr/bin/printf "" >"$SFFPTempFile2"
  3151. IFS='
  3152. '
  3153. for SFFPEachLine in `/bin/cat "$SFFPTempFile" 2>/dev/null` ; do
  3154. cd "$SFFPCurrentDirTranslated" 2>/dev/null
  3155. [ $? != 0 ] && break
  3156. if [ "z$SFFPPathOption" = z-P ] ; then
  3157. SFFPLPath="$SFFPEachLine"
  3158. while [ -L "$SFFPLPath" ] ; do
  3159. [ ! -e "$SFFPLPath" ] && break
  3160. cd "`/usr/bin/dirname "$SFFPLPath" 2>/dev/null`" 2>/dev/null
  3161. [ $? != 0 ] && break
  3162. SFFPLDir=`/bin/pwd -P 2>/dev/null`
  3163. [ ! -d "$SFFPLDir" ] && break
  3164. SFFPLLinkLS=`/bin/ls -ld "$SFFPLPath" 2>/dev/null`
  3165. [ -z "$SFFPLLinkLS" ] && break
  3166. # If link or link target contains " -> " in its name
  3167. if [ "`echo "z$SFFPLLinkLS" | grep ' -> .* -> '`" ] ; then
  3168. SFFPLLinkPath=`/usr/bin/printf "%s" "$SFFPLLinkLS" | /usr/bin/awk -v THESTR="$SFFPLPath -> " '{ match($0,THESTR) ; print substr($0,RSTART+RLENGTH)}'`
  3169. else
  3170. SFFPLLinkPath=`echo "$SFFPLLinkLS" | awk -F " -> " '{print $2}'`
  3171. fi
  3172. # If link target begins with /
  3173. if [ "`/usr/bin/printf "%s" "$SFFPLLinkPath" | grep '^/'`" ] ; then
  3174. SFFPLPath="$SFFPLLinkPath"
  3175. else
  3176. SFFPLPath="$SFFPLDir/$SFFPLLinkPath"
  3177. fi
  3178. [ "`/usr/bin/printf "%s" "$SFFPLPath" | grep '^//'`" ] && SFFPLPath=`echo "$SFFPLPath" | /usr/bin/awk '{print substr($0,2)}'`
  3179. done
  3180. cd "$SFFPCurrentDirTranslated" 2>/dev/null
  3181. [ $? != 0 ] && break
  3182. if [ ! -e "$SFFPLPath" ] ; then
  3183. $SFFPShowAll && continue || break
  3184. fi
  3185. SFFPEachPath="$SFFPLPath"
  3186. else
  3187. SFFPEachPath="$SFFPEachLine"
  3188. fi
  3189. if [ -d "$SFFPEachPath" ] ; then
  3190. cd "$SFFPEachPath" 2>/dev/null
  3191. if [ $? != 0 ] ; then
  3192. $SFFPShowAll && continue || break
  3193. fi
  3194. SFFPFile=""
  3195. elif [ -d "`/usr/bin/dirname "$SFFPEachPath" 2>/dev/null`" ] ; then
  3196. cd "`/usr/bin/dirname "$SFFPEachPath" 2>/dev/null`" 2>/dev/null
  3197. if [ $? != 0 ] ; then
  3198. $SFFPShowAll && continue || break
  3199. fi
  3200. SFFPFile=`basename "$SFFPEachPath" 2>/dev/null`
  3201. [ "z$SFFPFile" = z/ -o "z$SFFPFile" = z. -o "z$SFFPFile" = z.. ] && SFFPFile=""
  3202. elif $SFFPShowAll ; then
  3203. continue
  3204. else
  3205. break
  3206. fi
  3207. SFFPDir=`/bin/pwd $SFFPPathOption 2>/dev/null`
  3208. if [ ! -d "$SFFPDir" ] ; then
  3209. $SFFPShowAll && continue || break
  3210. fi
  3211. SFFPPath="$SFFPDir`[ "z$SFFPFile" != z -a "z$SFFPDir" != z/ -a "z$SFFPDir" != z// ] && echo /`$SFFPFile"
  3212. if [ ! -e "$SFFPPath" -a ! -L "$SFFPPath" ] ; then
  3213. $SFFPShowAll && continue || break
  3214. fi
  3215. [ "`echo "$SFFPPath" | grep '^//'`" ] && SFFPPath=`echo "$SFFPPath" | /usr/bin/awk '{print substr($0,2)}'`
  3216. echo "$SFFPPath" >>"$SFFPTempFile2"
  3217. # If neither option -a nor more than one path was passed, don't show any more names
  3218. ! $SFFPShowAll && break
  3219. done
  3220. IFS=$SFFPSaveIFS
  3221. [ -s "$SFFPTempFile2" ] && /usr/bin/sort -f "$SFFPTempFile2" | /usr/bin/uniq
  3222. /bin/rm -f "$SFFPTempFile" "$SFFPTempFile2" 2>/dev/null
  3223. cd "$SFFPCurrentDir" 2>/dev/null
  3224. }
  3226. ShowHelp()
  3227. {
  3228. # Usage: ShowHelp [$1]
  3229. # Argument: $1 = Exit code.
  3230. # Summary: Displays script usage and help then exits script.
  3231. # If a number is passed to $1, then script exits with
  3232. # that number; else, script is not exited.
  3233. #
  3234. TEMPFILETEMPLATE="/private/tmp/SymantecTemp"
  3235. TEMPFILE="$TEMPFILETEMPLATE`date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S"`-1"
  3236. ShowVersion >>"$TEMPFILE"
  3237. $AutoRunScript && echo "
  3238. Note: This script requires no user interaction if run as root. You can
  3239. run this script on several machines at once by using Symantec
  3240. Endpoint Protection to push this script to client Macs." >>"$TEMPFILE"
  3241. echo "
  3242. WARNING: This script will remove all files and folders created by Symantec
  3243. Mac OS X products (LiveUpdate Administration Utility files) and
  3244. any files within those folders. Therefore, you will lose ALL files
  3245. that reside in those folders, including any that you have created.
  3247. Usage: $FullScriptName [-CcdeFfghIikLlmpQqRrV] [-QQ] [-re] [volume ...]
  3249. Summary: If no option or volume is specified, then all Symantec files are
  3250. removed from the current boot volume, including the invisible
  3251. Symantec files (i.e., AntiVirus QuickScan and Norton FS files),
  3252. and Symantec crontab entries are removed from all users' crontabs;
  3253. otherwise, for each volume specified, all Symantec files and
  3254. Symantec crontab entries will be removed from that volume if no
  3255. options are specified. If files are removed from the current boot
  3256. volume, receipt predelete scripts are run unless -d is passsed
  3257. and Symantec processes are killed unless -k is passed.
  3259. If a volume does not have OS X installed on it, then only the
  3260. invisible Symantec files are removed from that volume.
  3262. Each volume name may begin with \"/Volumes/\", unless it is \"/\".
  3263. The easiest way to specify a volume is to drag the volume onto the
  3264. Terminal window.
  3266. Note: The Terminal application does not support high ASCII or
  3267. double-byte character entry via keyboard or via drag-and-drop.
  3268. If you want to have files removed from a volume that is not
  3269. the current boot volume and that has a name containing high
  3270. ASCII or double-byte characters, use the -A option.
  3272. Options: -A Remove all Symantec files from all mounted volumes.
  3273. Crontab entries are also removed from the current boot
  3274. volume, but not from other volumes. If a volume does not
  3275. have OS X installed on it, then only the invisible Symantec
  3276. files are removed from that volume.
  3277. -C Do not remove crontab entries.
  3278. -c Only remove crontab entries from all users' crontabs.
  3279. Nothing is removed from any volume.
  3280. -d Bypass the running of receipt predelete scripts. It is best
  3281. to have predelete scripts run for more thorough uninstalls.
  3282. -e Show errors and other output when run predelete scripts are
  3283. run. Predelete scripts are run only when removing files from
  3284. the current boot volume.
  3285. -F List only regular files that are currently installed and
  3286. that would be deleted. No note is added if a file is not
  3287. supposed to be removed by Symantec Uninstaller.
  3288. -f Do not show files as they are removed. If -f is not
  3289. specified, file names are shown as files are removed.
  3290. -g Do not remove items located within:
  3291. /Library/Logs
  3292. {each user's home}/Library/Logs
  3293. -h Display help.
  3294. -I Do not remove invisible Symantec files.
  3295. -i Only remove invisible Symantec files.
  3296. -k Do not attempt to kill Symantec processes.
  3297. -l List only files that are currently installed and that
  3298. would be deleted. As of version 6.0.0, contents of folders
  3299. are also shown. Nothing is deleted by this option.
  3300. -L List all files that $FullScriptName will attempt
  3301. to find and delete. Nothing is deleted by this option.
  3302. -m Show output from -l, -L, or -R options using more program.
  3303. This is no longer the default action as of version 5.52
  3304. of $FullScriptName.
  3305. -p Eliminate pause before restarting computer. If option -p
  3306. is not specified, then there is a three second delay
  3307. before the restart occurs.
  3308. -q Quit script without restarting. This also suppresses
  3309. the prompt to restart.
  3310. -Q Quits Terminal application when script is done. If
  3311. Terminal is being run by more than one user at once,
  3312. Terminal is not quit. If passed a second time, it is
  3313. the same as -QQ option.
  3314. -QQ Quits Terminal application for all users when script is
  3315. done.
  3316. -R This option is equivalent to the -l option.
  3317. -r Automatically restart computer when script is done if
  3318. there are Symantec processes and/or kexts in memory and
  3319. there were non-invisible files removed from /.
  3320. -re Same as -r option. Though -re is deprecated, it remains
  3321. for backwards compatibility.
  3322. -u Only output files that are installed that should have been
  3323. removed by the UI uninstaller. If there are files found,
  3324. exit with $ExitCodeWhenFilesRemain; otherwise, exit with 0. No progress is shown
  3325. and nothing is deleted.
  3326. -V Show version only.
  3328. Examples:
  3329. $FullScriptName
  3330. Deletes all Symantec files and Symantec crontab entries
  3331. from the boot volume.
  3333. $FullScriptName /Volumes/OS\ 10.2
  3334. Deletes all Symantec files and Symantec crontab entries
  3335. from the volume named \"OS 10.2\".
  3336. Nothing is deleted from the boot volume.
  3338. $FullScriptName Runner /
  3339. Deletes all Symantec files and Symantec crontab entries
  3340. from the volume named \"Runner\" and from the boot volume.
  3342. $FullScriptName -i \"Test Disk\"
  3343. Deletes only invisible Symantec files from the volume named
  3344. \"Test Disk\".
  3346. $FullScriptName -A -r
  3347. Deletes all Symantec files and Symantec crontab entries
  3348. from all mounted volumes that have OS X installed on them.
  3349. Deletes only invisible Symantec files from volumes that do
  3350. not have OS X installed on them.
  3351. Computer is restarted automatically if necessary.
  3353. $FullScriptName -Ai
  3354. Deletes only invisible Symantec files from all volumes.
  3356. $FullScriptName -I
  3357. Deletes all but the invisible Symantec files from the boot
  3358. volume. Crontab entries are removed from the boot volume.
  3360. $FullScriptName -C
  3361. Deletes all Symantec files from the boot volume. No crontab
  3362. entries are removed.
  3364. $FullScriptName -L -A
  3365. Lists all the files that $FullScriptName looks
  3366. for on all volumes. The files may or may not be currently
  3367. installed. Nothing is deleted.
  3369. $FullScriptName -R -A
  3370. Lists only the Symantec files that are currently installed
  3371. on all volumes. Files within existing folders will also be
  3372. shown. Nothing is deleted.
  3374. $FullScriptName -l -i
  3375. Lists the invisible Symantec files that are currently
  3376. installed on the boot volume. Nothing is deleted.
  3378. Note: You must be root or an admin user to run this script. You can
  3379. simply double-click on $FullScriptName to remove all
  3380. Symantec files and crontab entries from the boot volume.
  3381. " >>"$TEMPFILE"
  3382. ShowContents "$TEMPFILE"
  3383. /bin/rm "$TEMPFILE" 2>/dev/null
  3384. [ "$1" ] && exit $1
  3385. }
  3387. ShowUsage()
  3388. {
  3389. # Usage: ShowUsage [$1 [$2]]
  3390. # Arguments: $1 = Exit code.
  3391. # $2 = Error message to display before showing usage.
  3392. # Summary: Displays script usage. If an exit code is passed,
  3393. # script is exited with that value.
  3394. #
  3395. if [ "$2" ] ; then
  3396. echo
  3397. echo "$2"
  3398. echo
  3399. fi
  3400. ShowHelp | grep "^Usage.*:"
  3401. [ "$2" ] && echo
  3402. [ -n "$1" ] && exit "$1"
  3403. }
  3405. ShowVersion()
  3406. {
  3407. # Usage: ShowVersion
  3408. # Summary: Displays the name and version of script.
  3409. #
  3410. echo "********* $FullScriptName $Version *********"
  3411. }
  3413. SymantecIsInMemory()
  3414. {
  3415. # Usage: SymantecIsInMemory
  3416. # Summary: If a Symantec process or kext is in memory,
  3417. # 0 is returned; 1 is returned.
  3418. #
  3419. local SymantecIsInMemoryResult=1
  3420. # If there are no more Symantec processes in memory
  3421. if KillSymantecProcesses -n ; then
  3422. : # 7.0.49: Commented out the following to avoid potential hang of kextstat (Etrack 3925328)
  3423. # # Check to see if Symantec kexts are in memory
  3424. # kextstat 2>/dev/null 1>&2
  3425. # # If kextstat failed to run
  3426. # if [ $? -gt 0 ] ; then
  3427. # # try running kmodstat (for old versions of OS X)
  3428. # if [ "`kmodstat | grep -i Symantec | grep -v " grep -"` 2>/dev/null" ] ; then
  3429. # SymantecIsInMemoryResult=0
  3430. # fi
  3431. # elif [ "`kextstat | grep -i Symantec | grep -v " grep -"`" ] ; then
  3432. # SymantecIsInMemoryResult=0
  3433. # fi
  3434. # if [ $SymantecIsInMemoryResult = 0 ] ; then
  3435. # echo "*** There are Symantec kexts loaded."
  3436. # fi
  3437. else
  3438. SymantecIsInMemoryResult=0
  3439. fi
  3440. return $SymantecIsInMemoryResult
  3441. }
  3443. YesEntered()
  3444. {
  3445. # Usage: YesEntered
  3446. # Summary: Reads a line from standard input. If "y" or "yes"
  3447. # was entered, true is shown and 0 is returned; otherwise,
  3448. # false is shown and 1 is returned. The case of letters is
  3449. # ignored. Sample call:
  3450. # if `YesEntered`
  3451. #
  3452. read YesEnteredString
  3453. YesEnteredString=`echo "z$YesEnteredString" | awk '{print tolower(substr($0,2))}'`
  3454. if [ "'$YesEnteredString" = "'y" -o "'$YesEnteredString" = "'yes" ] ; then
  3455. echo true
  3456. return 0
  3457. fi
  3458. echo false
  3459. return 1
  3460. }
  3462. # *** Beginning of Commands to Execute ***
  3464. # Verify that all required programs are installed - Etrack 3539262
  3465. which which &>/dev/null
  3466. if [ $? = 0 ] ; then
  3467. MissingRequiredPrograms=""
  3468. SavedIFS="$IFS"
  3469. IFS='
  3470. '
  3471. for RequiredProgram in $RequiredPrograms ; do
  3472. which "$RequiredProgram" &>/dev/null
  3473. [ $? != 0 ] && MissingRequiredPrograms="$MissingRequiredPrograms
  3474. $RequiredProgram"
  3475. done
  3476. IFS="$SavedIFS"
  3477. else
  3478. MissingRequiredPrograms="
  3479. which"
  3480. fi
  3481. if [ "$MissingRequiredPrograms" ] ; then
  3482. echo
  3483. echo "WARNING: Could not continue because the following program(s) could not be found:"
  3484. echo "$MissingRequiredPrograms"
  3485. echo
  3486. exit 2
  3487. fi
  3488. ScriptPath=`ShowFullFilePath "$0" -P`
  3489. ScriptDir=`dirname "$ScriptPath"`
  3490. if [ $# -eq 0 ] ; then # If no arguments were passed to script
  3491. # Run script as if it was double-clicked in Finder so that
  3492. # screen will be cleared and quit message will be displayed.
  3493. RunScriptAsStandAlone=true
  3494. else
  3495. # Run script in command line mode so that
  3496. # screen won't be cleared and quit message won't be displayed.
  3497. RunScriptAsStandAlone=false
  3498. fi
  3499. # If script was run from support folder or from within an app bundle
  3500. if [ "`echo "$ScriptDir" | grep -e "$LaunchLocationGrepPattern"`" ] ; then
  3501. RunScriptAsStandAlone=false
  3502. RunningFromWithinAppBundleOrSupportFolder=true
  3503. else
  3504. RunningFromWithinAppBundleOrSupportFolder=false
  3505. fi
  3506. if $RunScriptAsStandAlone ; then
  3507. clear >&2
  3508. fi
  3509. ProcessArguments --OptionIsOneArgument="-QQ" --OptionIsOneArgument="-re" "$@"
  3510. if [ "`whoami`" != "root" ] ; then # If not root user,
  3511. if $PublicVersion ; then
  3512. GetAdminPassword true # Prompt user for admin password
  3513. elif ! $DoShowOnlyFilesThatShouldHaveBeenUninstalled ; then
  3514. ShowVersion >&2
  3515. echo >&2
  3516. fi
  3517. # Run this script again as root
  3518. sudo -p "Please enter your admin password: " "$0" "$@"
  3519. ErrorFromSudoCommand=$?
  3520. # If unable to authenticate
  3521. if [ $ErrorFromSudoCommand -eq 1 ] ; then
  3522. echo "You entered an invalid password or you are not an admin user. Script aborted." >&2
  3523. ExitScript 1
  3524. fi
  3525. if $PublicVersion ; then
  3526. sudo -k # Make sudo require a password the next time it is run
  3527. fi
  3528. exit $ErrorFromSudoCommand # Exit so script doesn't run again
  3529. fi
  3530. OSXVersion=`cat /System/Library/CoreServices/SystemVersion.plist 2>/dev/null | tr '\015' '\012' | grep . | grep -A1 '<key>ProductVersion' | tail -n 1 | grep '<string>10\.' | awk -F '>' '{print $2}' | awk -F '<' '{print $1}'`
  3531. OSXmajorVersion=`printf "%s" "$OSXVersion" | awk -F . '{print $2}'`
  3532. # If no volumes were passed to script, the boot volume will be searched
  3533. if [ -z "$VolumesToUse" ] ; then
  3534. BootVolumeWillBeSearched=true
  3535. fi
  3536. if [ $PublicVersion = true -a $CreateFilesRemovedListOnly = false -a \
  3537. $RemoveCrontabEntriesOnly = false -a $RemoveInvisibleFilesOnly = false -a \
  3538. $AutoRunScript = false -a $RunningFromWithinAppBundleOrSupportFolder = false ] ; then
  3539. DetermineAction
  3540. fi
  3541. if [ $RemoveFromAllVolumes = true -a $CreateFilesRemovedListOnly = false -a $RemoveCrontabEntriesOnly = false -a $RemoveInvisibleFilesOnly = false -a $AutoRunScript = false -a $RunningFromWithinAppBundleOrSupportFolder = false ] ; then
  3542. echo
  3543. printf "Are you sure you want to remove Symantec files from ALL mounted volumes (y/n)? "
  3544. if `YesEntered` ; then
  3545. echo
  3546. else
  3547. echo
  3548. echo "Script aborted. No files were removed."
  3549. ExitScript 0
  3550. fi
  3551. fi
  3552. SetupCleanup
  3553. WillTense=will
  3554. if $CreateFilesRemovedListOnly ; then
  3555. if ! $DoShowOnlyFilesThatShouldHaveBeenUninstalled ; then
  3556. echo "Generating a list of files that would be removed by" >&2
  3557. echo " $FullScriptName (no files will be removed at this time)..." >&2
  3558. fi
  3559. WillTense=would
  3560. elif $RemoveInvisibleFilesOnly ; then
  3561. echo "Removing AntiVirus QuickScan files and Norton FS files..."
  3562. else
  3563. if $BootVolumeWillBeSearched ; then
  3564. if [ $RestartAutomatically = true -a $RemoveCrontabEntriesOnly = false ] ; then
  3565. echo
  3566. echo "Note: Computer will be restarted automatically if necessary."
  3567. echo
  3568. elif $QuitWithoutRestarting ; then
  3569. echo
  3570. echo "Note: This script will automatically quit when finished."
  3571. echo
  3572. fi
  3573. fi
  3574. echo "Removing Symantec files..."
  3575. ! $RemoveInvisibleFiles && echo "Invisible Symantec files will not be deleted."
  3576. fi
  3577. if $RemoveCrontabEntriesOnly ; then
  3578. echo "Only crontab entries $WillTense be removed."
  3579. fi
  3580. ! $RemoveCrontabEntries && echo "Symantec crontab entries $WillTense not be removed."
  3581. ! $RemoveInvisibleFiles && echo "AntiVirus QuickScan and Norton FS files $WillTense not be removed."
  3582. if $RemoveFromAllVolumes ; then
  3583. VolumesToUse="/
  3584. "`ls -d /Volumes/*`
  3585. elif ! $RemoveFromOtherVolumes ; then
  3586. VolumesToUse=/
  3587. fi
  3588. ListOfVolumesToUse=`echo "$VolumesToUse" | sort -f | uniq`
  3589. IFS='
  3590. '
  3591. for EachVolume in $ListOfVolumesToUse ; do
  3592. [ -L "$EachVolume" ] && continue
  3593. FilesFoundOnThisVolume=false
  3594. RemoveAllNortonFiles "$EachVolume"
  3595. if [ $CreateFilesRemovedListOnly = true -a $FilesFoundOnThisVolume = false -a $ListOnlyFilesThatExist = true ] ; then
  3596. echo "No matching files were found on \"`basename "$EachVolume"`\"." >> "$FilesRemovedList"
  3597. fi
  3598. done
  3599. FinishCleanup
  3600. FinishedExitCode=$?
  3601. if [ $BootVolumeWillBeSearched = true -a $CreateFilesRemovedListOnly = false ] ; then
  3602. # If some Symantec process or kext is in memory, touch restart file
  3603. if SymantecIsInMemory ; then
  3604. # touch of Extensions folders may not be necessary, since restart is triggered (Etrack 3925328)
  3605. touch "$SymantecCleanupRestartFile" # /Library/Extensions /System/Library/Extensions
  3606. # May run kextcache in a future release:
  3607. # echo "Rebuilding kext caches"
  3608. # kextcache -u /
  3609. fi
  3610. if [ -f "$SymantecCleanupRestartFile" ] ; then
  3611. echo
  3612. echo "NOTE: You should now restart the computer to get Symantec processes"
  3613. echo " and kexts out of memory and/or to remove login items."
  3614. RestartComputer
  3615. elif [ -e /Library/StartupItems/CleanUpSymWebKitUtils ] ; then
  3616. echo
  3617. echo "NOTE: You should now restart the computer to have CleanUpSymWebKitUtils"
  3618. echo " finish removing SymWebKitUtils.framework."
  3619. RestartComputer
  3620. fi
  3621. fi
  3622. ExitScript $FinishedExitCode
  3624. # *** End of Commands to Execute ***
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