

Jan 21st, 2018
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  1. Willhart - Today at 6:34 AM
  2. Also was that server just randomly deleted?
  3. Aposke - Today at 6:35 AM
  4. No, it's still there, you're just banned
  5. Willhart - Today at 6:35 AM
  6. I hear other people could not enger either.
  7. *enter
  8. Also I would like to talk about it with mable, assuming they run that place.
  9. Aposke - Today at 6:38 AM
  10. yeah, good luck with that
  11. she hates you
  12. Willhart - Today at 6:38 AM
  13. pholtos yesterday: seems like discordhaus 1 is gone
  14. Completely
  15. Also why is that?
  16. I don't think I have done anything to them.(edited)
  17. What would be the best way to contact them?
  18. I still want to be part of the talkhaus community. I don't think that is a crime.
  19. And they did not even contact me or anything.
  20. I did not plan on causing any drama there either. Just to be present.
  21. I'm kinda tired of how people have been treating me recently.
  22. Did they give any reason for it afterwards?(edited)
  23. Aposke - Today at 7:00 AM
  24. ...not that I'm aware
  25. Apparently mabel just short-circuited?
  26. Willhart - Today at 7:07 AM
  27. Sounds worrying.
  28. Willhart - Today at 10:15 AM
  29. I don't get how it is so damn hard for Horikawa to allow me to comment on her videos again.
  30. Aposke - Today at 2:11 PM
  31. Because she's sick of you
  32. And also because you creep her out
  33. And also because you never stop
  34. And you never see the fundamental problem that you have
  35. Willhart - Today at 2:14 PM
  36. It was not always like this.
  37. Aposke - Today at 2:15 PM
  38. Of course it wasn't, and then you started obsessing over her
  39. Willhart - Today at 2:19 PM
  40. I ended up harassing her and did a lot of mistakes, but I never wanted to hurt her. Again I just want to be her fan now.
  41. I wanted to be able to comment on her videos to show that I could handle it and not use them obsessively.
  42. Aposke - Today at 2:20 PM
  43. You offered her money for her to let you comment again
  44. You can obviously not handle it
  45. I've met a lot of insane people on the internet during the last 10 years and just from having seen your posts and talked to you for a few days, you're by far the worst I've ever encountered
  46. Willhart - Today at 2:20 PM
  47. I hoped it would make it easier for her.
  48. And more sincere.
  49. Aposke - Today at 2:21 PM
  50. You just never stop. You never give up, even when it's abundantly clear you have less than a 0% chance of winning
  51. Willhart - Today at 2:21 PM
  52. That I had no second intentions.
  53. Aposke - Today at 2:22 PM
  54. Here's an easy question for you: How many times do you need to be told "No" before you stop
  55. Willhart - Today at 2:22 PM
  56. And I know the history and know there has got to be some way.
  57. Aposke - Today at 2:22 PM
  58. There is no way
  59. Willhart - Today at 2:22 PM
  60. Also depends on a question.
  61. Aposke - Today at 2:23 PM
  62. Most things are impossible, and if you act stupid, you're just making even more things impossible for you
  63. Sometimes people will refuse to listen to you and want nothing to do with you
  64. And there's nothing you can do about it
  65. Willhart - Today at 2:23 PM
  66. It is not a big thing to ask. I limited it to make it as easy as possible.
  67. Aposke - Today at 2:24 PM
  68. You have absolutely no capability of empathy
  69. Willhart - Today at 2:24 PM
  70. And there are still things I've not tried.
  71. Why do you say that?
  72. Aposke - Today at 2:24 PM
  73. You can't even see why she would turn that request down
  74. You can't for a moment imagine what other people might think of you
  75. Willhart - Today at 2:24 PM
  76. I am desperate.
  77. Aposke - Today at 2:24 PM
  78. No, you're clinically insane
  79. You're far beyond the realm of people one can take seriously(edited)
  80. Willhart - Today at 2:26 PM
  81. I just feel like that I did not explain it right or something.
  82. Aposke - Today at 2:27 PM
  83. That's not the issue.
  84. Someone like you could never explain it right
  85. It's like asking a fish to fly
  86. It's never going to do it
  87. Willhart - Today at 2:27 PM
  88. The way she described it was very different from how I intended it.
  89. And it shouldn't be that hard of an concept.
  90. Aposke - Today at 2:28 PM
  91. People who aren't you are going to think differently than you
  92. The more you try to "fix" this, the more you're gonna dig your own grave
  93. There is nothing left for you to do here, you can literally only make it worse
  94. Willhart - Today at 2:29 PM
  95. Hmm. I don't want to be in this situation though.
  96. Aposke - Today at 2:29 PM
  97. Shit happens
  98. Willhart - Today at 2:29 PM
  99. And as I said I still have hope.
  100. Aposke - Today at 2:29 PM
  101. You don't have hope, you have an obsession
  102. And you are not able to resolve every situation you don't want to be in
  103. That's how life works
  104. Willhart - Today at 2:30 PM
  105. And yeah that's true.
  106. I feel like it is more than that.
  107. I'll have to go now tho.
  108. Willhart - Today at 3:14 PM
  109. She has still not said neither yes or no for the offer yet, I don't think. Only said that I had done it.(edited)
  110. Aposke - Today at 3:14 PM
  111. As I have said before, you are incapable of empathy, and that's why you think she has not said yes or no yet
  112. Much of human communication is not explicit, and she does not need to explicitly say "Yes" or "No" in order for 99,9% of her viewership to get her message
  113. Willhart - Today at 3:35 PM
  114. I don't think I have complete lack of empathy. The therapy would have brought something like that up by now.
  115. I'm just kind of jaded to the current situation.
  116. I kinda lost a lot due to my actions.
  117. Aposke - Today at 3:38 PM
  118. It's very likely that your lack of empathy is simply a symptom of a more fundamental personality issue and that's simply why your therapist hasn't explicitly brought it up
  119. Not that you'd need to be a therapist to notice it
  120. Adding to your lack of empathy, you don't take other people seriously and never take a single thing they say to heart
  121. You always come up with your own excuses, why it's okay what you're doing currently, and why you'll be doing them in the future, too
  122. When people tell you to change your behavior, you never do, because you always think there's a way out for you
  123. But guess what, there isn't
  124. Willhart - Today at 3:40 PM
  125. It's hard for me to believe that there is absolutely no way out.
  126. Aposke - Today at 3:40 PM
  127. There is absolutely no way out
  128. This is, in fact, one of the defining features of human life
  129. You cannot change most things to your will
  130. Willhart - Today at 3:41 PM
  131. She had no problem with it earlier.
  132. Like I really don't think anything is impossible with some time. unless someone dies.
  133. Aposke - Today at 3:43 PM
  134. And that's where you're wrong
  135. A fish will never survive without water
  136. An elephant is never going to fly a plane
  137. Willhart - Today at 3:44 PM
  138. For a short while yes.
  139. Also I don't think the metaphors are helping much.
  140. Aposke - Today at 3:44 PM
  141. The sun is going to turn into a red giant and burn every living being on the planet
  142. Willhart - Today at 3:45 PM
  143. If I had a gun I would have probably already shot myself.
  144. Fortunately I don't.
  145. Aposke - Today at 3:45 PM
  146. Thermodynamics dictate that the entire universe will end in a state of uniform termperature
  147. All of those are facts that you cannot change
  148. You can't change that you'll eventually die, either
  149. You can't change the fact that winter will come, and it'll become cold
  150. Willhart - Today at 3:46 PM
  151. I don't think this is similar issue.
  152. Aposke - Today at 3:46 PM
  153. You can't change the fact that you need water to survive
  154. Willhart - Today at 3:46 PM
  155. People change.
  156. Aposke - Today at 3:46 PM
  157. Yeah, but not in the way you want them to
  158. You cannot make other people change to your will. Ever.
  159. Willhart - Today at 3:46 PM
  160. I know as much.
  161. Aposke - Today at 3:46 PM
  162. Unless you physically restrain them, and at that point you might as well keep them as your slave
  163. Good, then stop trying.
  164. Willhart - Today at 3:47 PM
  165. I still have not explained it properly.
  166. Like it was clear she did not understand it.
  167. Aposke - Today at 3:47 PM
  168. It was not "clear"
  169. Willhart - Today at 3:47 PM
  170. That I really need it.
  171. Aposke - Today at 3:47 PM
  172. Your entire 1-hour tirade wasn't "clear" in the slightest, either
  173. Willhart - Today at 3:47 PM
  174. I blame english.
  175. Aposke - Today at 3:47 PM
  176. You're radically misunderstanding everything everyone around you says
  177. And you keep thinking that, no, you are the one being misunderstood
  178. That it's everyone else's fault
  179. Willhart - Today at 3:48 PM
  180. It means I need to explain it better.
  181. Aposke - Today at 3:48 PM
  182. Heck, it doesn't even matter whose fault it is
  183. No
  184. It means you need to stop.
  185. You've done all you could, long ago
  186. Willhart - Today at 3:48 PM
  187. I really don't think it is the time yet.
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