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Jul 11th, 2020
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text 25.71 KB | None | 0 0
  2. mac address: c8:63:14:70:4c:e9
  3. [KM]Error:f[key_manage_query_size]L515:key[deviceid] not programed yet
  4. [KM]Error:f[key_manage_query_size]L515:key[region_code] not programed yet
  5. gpio: pin GPIOAO_7 (gpio 7) value is 1
  6. port mode is usb3.0
  7. Command: bcb uboot-command
  8. Start read misc partition datas!
  9. BCB hasn't any datas,exit!
  10. amlkey_init() enter!
  11. amlkey_init() 71: already init!
  12. [EFUSE_MSG]keynum is 1
  14. usid: c86314704ce9
  16. mac address: c8:63:14:70:4c:e9
  17. [KM]Error:f[key_manage_query_size]L515:key[deviceid] not programed yet
  18. [KM]Error:f[key_manage_query_size]L515:key[region_code] not programed yet
  19. Hit Enter or space or Ctrl+C key to stop autoboot -- : 0
  20. kvim3l#
  21. kvim3l#
  22. kvim3l#
  23. kvim3l#
  24. kvim3l#
  25. kvim3l#
  26. kvim3l#
  27. kvim3l#
  28. kvim3l#
  29. kvim3l#
  30. kvim3l#
  31. kvim3l#
  32. kvim3l#printenv
  33. 1080p60hz_deepcolor=444,8bit
  34. 2160p60hz_deepcolor=420,12bit
  35. EnableSelinux=permissive
  36. Irq_check_en=0
  37. ab=0
  38. active_slot=normal
  39. avb2=0
  40. baudrate=115200
  41. bcb_cmd=get_avb_mode;get_valid_slot;
  42. board_defined_bootup=bootup_D3
  43. boot_part=boot
  44. bootargs=init=/init console=ttyS0,115200 no_console_suspend earlycon=aml-uart,0xff803000 ramS
  45. bootcmd=run start_autoscript; run storeboot
  46. bootdelay=1
  47. bootup_offset=0x1081ec8
  48. bootup_size=0xafcc8
  49. burn_mac=kbi init;
  50. cmdline_keys=if keyman init 0x1234; then kbi usid;setenv bootargs ${bootargs};
  51. colorattribute=444,8bit
  52. cvbs_drv=0
  53. cvbsmode=576cvbs
  54. display_bpp=16
  55. display_color_bg=0
  56. display_color_fg=0xffff
  57. display_color_index=16
  58. display_height=576
  59. display_layer=osd0
  60. display_width=720
  61. dtb_mem_addr=0x1000000
  62. eth_mac=c8:63:14:70:4c:e9
  63. ethact=dwmac.ff3f0000
  64. ethaddr=02:00:00:1c:14:01
  65. factory_mac=C8:63:14:70:4C:E9
  66. factory_reset_poweroff_protect=echo wipe_data=${wipe_data}; echo wipe_cache=${wipe_cache};if
  67. factorytest=0
  68. fb_addr=0x3d800000
  69. fb_height=1080
  70. fb_width=1920
  71. fdt_high=0x20000000
  72. fdtaddr=1000000
  73. filesize=2c5
  74. firstboot=0
  75. frac_rate_policy=1
  76. fs_type=rootfstype=ramfs
  77. fusb302_state=1
  78. gatewayip=
  79. hdmi_read_edid=1
  80. hdmimode=1080p60hz
  81. hostname=arm_gxbb
  82. hwver=VIM3.V12
  83. hwver_check=kbi hwver;
  84. init_display=get_rebootmode;echo reboot_mode:::: ${reboot_mode};if test ${reboot_mode} = qui;
  85. initargs=init=/init console=ttyS0,115200 no_console_suspend earlycon=aml-uart,0xff803000 ram
  86. initrd_high=7f800000
  87. ipaddr=
  88. irremote_update=if irkey 2500000 0xe31cfb04 0xb748fb04; then echo read irkey ok!; if itest $\
  89. fi;fi;fi;
  90. jtag=disable
  91. loadaddr=1080000
  92. lock=10001000
  93. netmask=
  94. osd_reverse=0
  95. otg_device=1
  96. outputmode=576cvbs
  97. panel_type=lcd_1
  98. port_mode=0
  99. port_mode_change=fdt addr ${dtb_mem_addr}; kbi portmode r;if test ${port_mode} = 0; then fdt;
  100. power_state=0
  101. preboot=run bcb_cmd; run burn_mac;run factory_reset_poweroff_protect;run upgrade_check;run i;
  102. reboot_mode=cold_boot
  103. reboot_mode_android=normal
  104. recovery_from_flash=get_valid_slot;echo active_slot: ${active_slot};if test ${active_slot} =;
  105. recovery_from_sdcard=if fatload mmc 0 ${loadaddr} aml_autoscript; then autoscr ${loadaddr}; ;
  106. recovery_from_udisk=if fatload usb 0 ${loadaddr} aml_autoscript; then autoscr ${loadaddr}; f;
  107. recovery_offset=0
  108. recovery_part=recovery
  109. rpmb_state=0
  110. sdc_burning=sdc_burn ${sdcburncfg}
  111. sdcburncfg=aml_sdc_burn.ini
  112. sdr2hdr=2
  113. serial=c86314704ce9
  114. serverip=
  115. spi_check=kbi factorytest;if test ${factorytest} = 1; then if sf probe; then setenv spi_stat;
  116. spi_state=0
  117. start_autoscript=if mmcinfo; then run start_mmc_autoscript; fi; if usb start; then run startt
  118. start_emmc_autoscript=if fatload mmc 1 1020000 emmc_autoscript; then autoscr 1020000; fi;
  119. start_mmc_autoscript=if fatload mmc 0 1020000 s905_autoscript; then autoscr 1020000; fi;
  120. start_usb_autoscript=for usbdev in 0 1 2 3; do if fatload usb ${usbdev} 1020000 s905_autoscre
  121. stderr=serial
  122. stdin=serial
  123. stdout=serial
  124. storeargs=setenv bootargs ${initargs} ${fs_type} otg_device=${otg_device} reboot_mode_androi;
  125. storeboot=boot_cooling;get_system_as_root_mode;echo system_mode: ${system_mode};if test ${sy;
  126. switch_bootmode=get_rebootmode;if test ${reboot_mode} = factory_reset; then setenv reboot_mo;
  127. try_auto_burn=update 700 750;
  128. update=run usb_burning; run sdc_burning; if mmcinfo; then run recovery_from_sdcard;fi;if usb;
  129. upgrade_check=echo upgrade_step=${upgrade_step}; if itest ${upgrade_step} == 3; then run ini;
  130. upgrade_key=if gpio input GPIOAO_7; then echo detect upgrade key; run update;fi;
  131. upgrade_step=2
  132. usb_burning=update 1000
  133. usid=c86314704ce9
  134. video_reverse=0
  135. wipe_cache=successful
  136. wipe_data=successful
  137. wol_enable=0
  138. wol_init=kbi powerstate;kbi trigger wol r;setenv bootargs ${bootargs} wol_enable=${wol_enabl;
  140. Environment size: 9268/65532 bytes
  141. kvim3l#help
  142. ? - alias for 'help'
  143. aml_sysrecovery- Burning with amlogic format package from partition sysrecovery
  144. amlmmc - AMLMMC sub system
  145. amlnf - aml mtd nand sub-system
  146. autocali- auto cali - auto set cali value for exphy
  148. autoscr - run script from memory
  149. avb - avb
  150. base - print or set address offset
  151. bcb - bcb
  152. bmp - manipulate BMP image data
  153. boot_cooling- cpu temp-system
  154. booti - boot arm64 Linux Image image from memory
  155. bootm - boot application image from memory
  156. bootp - boot image via network using BOOTP/TFTP protocol
  157. cbusreg - cbus register read/write
  158. chpart - change active partition
  159. clkmsr - Amlogic measure clock
  160. cmp - memory compare
  161. cp - memory copy
  162. crc32 - checksum calculation
  163. cvbs - CVBS sub-system
  164. dcache - enable or disable data cache
  165. defenv_reserv- reserve some specified envs after defaulting env
  166. dhcp - boot image via network using DHCP/TFTP protocol
  167. dtimg - manipulate dtb/dtbo Android image
  168. echo - echo args to console
  169. efuse - efuse commands
  170. efuse_user- efuse user space read write ops
  171. emmc - EMMC sub system
  172. env - environment handling commands
  173. ethloop - ethloop - loopback test using ethernet test package
  175. exit - exit script
  176. false - do nothing, unsuccessfully
  177. fastboot- use USB Fastboot protocol
  178. fatinfo - print information about filesystem
  179. fatload - load binary file from a dos filesystem
  180. fatls - list files in a directory (default /)
  181. fatsize - determine a file's size
  182. fdt - flattened device tree utility commands
  183. forceupdate- forceupdate
  184. get_avb_mode- get_avb_mode
  185. get_rebootmode- get reboot mode
  186. get_system_as_root_mode- get_system_as_root_mode
  187. get_valid_slot- get_valid_slot
  188. go - start application at address 'addr'
  189. gpio - query and control gpio pins
  190. gpt - GUID Partition Table
  191. guid - GUID - generate Globally Unique Identifier based on random UUID
  192. hdmitx - HDMITX sub-system 20190123
  193. help - print command description/usage
  194. i2c - I2C sub-system
  195. icache - enable or disable instruction cache
  196. img_osd - image osd sub-system
  197. imgread - Read the image from internal flash with actual size
  198. itest - return true/false on integer compare
  199. jtagoff - disable jtag
  200. jtagon - enable jtag
  201. kbi - Khadas Bootloader Instructions sub-system
  202. keyman - Unify key ops interfaces based dts cfg
  203. keyunify- key unify sub-system
  204. lcd - lcd sub-system
  205. ld_bl40 - load bl40 and run bl40.bin from bl33
  206. loadb - load binary file over serial line (kermit mode)
  207. loadx - load binary file over serial line (xmodem mode)
  208. loady - load binary file over serial line (ymodem mode)
  209. loop - infinite loop on address range
  210. macreg - ethernet mac register read/write/dump
  211. md - memory display
  212. mm - memory modify (auto-incrementing address)
  213. mmc - MMC sub system
  214. mmcinfo - display MMC info
  215. mtdparts- define flash/nand partitions
  216. mw - memory write (fill)
  217. mwm - mw mask function
  218. nand - NAND sub-system
  219. nboot - boot from NAND device
  220. nm - memory modify (constant address)
  221. open_scp_log- print SCP messgage
  222. osd - osd sub-system
  223. phyreg - ethernet phy register read/write/dump
  224. ping - send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network host
  225. printenv- print environment variables
  226. query - SoC query commands
  227. rarpboot- boot image via network using RARP/TFTP protocol
  228. read_temp- cpu temp-system
  229. reboot - set reboot mode and reboot system
  230. reset - Perform RESET of the CPU
  231. ringmsr - Amlogic measure ring
  232. rpmb_state- RPMB sub-system
  233. rsvmem - reserve memory
  234. run - run commands in an environment variable
  235. saradc - saradc sub-system
  236. saradc_12bit- saradc sub-system
  237. saveenv - save environment variables to persistent storage
  238. sdc_burn- Burning with amlogic format package in sdmmc
  239. sdc_update- Burning a partition with image file in sdmmc card
  240. set_active_slot- set_active_slot
  241. set_trim_base- cpu temp-system
  242. set_usb_boot- set usb boot mode
  243. setenv - set environment variables
  244. sf - SPI flash sub-system
  245. showvar - print local hushshell variables
  246. sleep - delay execution for some time
  247. sspi - SPI utility command
  248. store - STORE sub-system
  249. systemoff- system off
  250. tee_log_level- update tee log level
  251. temp_triming- cpu temp-system
  252. test - minimal test like /bin/sh
  253. testcache- cache test
  254. testsmp - test each CPU power on/off
  255. tftpboot- boot image via network using TFTP protocol
  256. true - do nothing, successfully
  257. ubi - ubi commands
  258. ubifsload- load file from an UBIFS filesystem
  259. ubifsls - list files in a directory
  260. ubifsmount- mount UBIFS volume
  261. ubifsumount- unmount UBIFS volume
  262. ui - ui sub-system
  263. unpackimg- un pack logo image into pictures
  264. update - Enter v2 usbburning mode
  265. usb - USB sub-system
  266. usb_burn- Burning with amlogic format package in usb
  267. usb_update- Burning a partition with image file in usb host
  268. usbboot - boot from USB device
  269. uuid - UUID - generate random Universally Unique Identifier
  270. version - print monitor, compiler and linker version
  271. viu_probe- enable viu probe in no secure chip
  272. vout - VOUT sub-system
  273. vout2 - VOUT2 sub-system
  274. vpp - vpp sub-system
  275. vpu - vpu sub-system
  276. write_trim- cpu temp-system
  277. write_version- cpu temp-system
  278. kvim3l#
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