
TaiYang Logs

Nov 14th, 2019
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  1. The prison must keep Grimm away by giving them eye-strain. Tons and tons of barbed wire, seething with cheap Dust clouds, surrounded the complex - heck, it was even on the complex itself, dropped by warbirds bearing the slashmarks of a thousand Grimm. Whatever wasn't salted by the wire was being dug out for bunkers, stuffed with machine guns and explosives - the barrels following Taiyang the entire time.
  2. Prison guards aren't known for their joviality, but whatever happened at Beacon managed to suck out any possibility of a smile or a joke from them. Turn off your car, follow the spotlight, no sudden movements, hand on the wheel. We'll search your car a thousand times and you still won't be any closer to the pick-up zone.
  3. It feels like an eternity of dogs sniffing for drugs or whatever and inching bit by bit that he gets somewhere - steel gates, enclosed by dour-faced marksmen and, for a change of scenery, razor wire this time.
  4. Out of all the doom and gloom and pitch-black of the prison guards, he can see a spot of gold.
  5. It's her, and she's obviously cracking a joke to the uninterested platoon leading her towards Dear Ol' Dad. That, or flirting. Maybe both. It's like she was never even in jail- save the black-and-white prison getup and the slightly frazzled hair of someone without access to conditioner, she was happily chatting away, even as she dragged the manacles around her ankles and wrists.
  7. All his life he'd lived in Vale, and he wasn't sure how, when, or why they'd put up a prison like this. Maybe it was even before his time, and had simply been expanded as technology grew more and more advanced. Not like he'd have much time to inspect anything; Taiyang was just there to pick up his daughter.
  8. Lord, he'd been watching her the whole time, and he couldn't blame her for having attacked out of turn. Whatever his name was, he seemed like a rather smug asshole, and he would've done the same damn thing. Complying with the prison guards, he was lucky to be a rather clean man, who had always favored being unarmed anyhow. His guns? They were attached to his body.
  9. Every checkpoint has him drumming his fingers against the wheel of his Jeep a bit more impatiently, and by the time he spots a glint of familiar gold in the midst of all the dust clouds and bright lights, it's no wonder a relieved sigh leaves him. Especially considering that she seems to be acting normal.
  10. Prison must've been like some sort of sleepover for her.
  11. Finally instructed to park his car and get out for the last time, he followed close behind what he assumed to be the warden, considering the mustache and lack of a weapon - that was drawn, anyhow. Hands by his side, no sudden movements, as though a respected Huntsman was going to attempt a prison break with his daughter a few strides away from him. Tai waited, quietly as he could, tapping his foot as handheld radios buzzed around the facility to announce what was about to happen, as though the lot of them weren't already well aware. All along, his eyes were trained on the young lady in cuffs, as he tried to keep a straight face.
  13. After all, no one wanted to screw with the woman who snapped a leg in half that was built to withstand tank shells and explosives.
  14. The guards were stiff and formal, but at least they weren't dickheads. None of them moved to shut her up or drag her along - either she got the point of her incarceration (unlikely, given how she chattered away), or the guards didn't want to risk shoving the woman known for breaking robot legs in front of her father, who was still armed.
  15. As the pack gets closer, his daughter's voice crept closer, too - bits and pieces audible over the jangle of wires being moved or jets flying low above.
  16. Steel doors open and shut, and Yang's a few steps closer to freedom. The turrets - no longer automated, not with that little glitch Atlas suffered - swung to cover both the jeep, Yang, and her escort. Paranoia was free and everywhere these days.
  17. Yang shuts up, opting to smile as she steps toward the jeep - no big strides, but the excitement's crackling off her with each step, smile getting wider as she gets closer.
  18. ...or as close as she can, the weapons rattling to ready as the warden and his goons halt near his jeep.
  19. "...Hi, dad."
  21. He could hear what she said clearly enough to make out that she was flirting. Yup, that was his daughter alright; clearly, whatever form of punishment they'd put her through here hadn't been enough. Not that he minded - he'd just be happy to know she was safe this whole time. As safe as a young woman can be around a bunch of real criminals, anyhow.
  22. Her greeting was all too cheeky for the situation at hand, and looking in his eyes, she could likely tell he was moments away from cracking up. But, Tai put on a stern expression as the guards made one final check, and his impatience grew to a boiling point.
  23. "What the hell are you waiting for? The sooner you uncuff my daughter, the sooner we get out of your hair, and I don't have to look at your ugly mugs anymore," he spat, arms crossing over his broad chest. Despite being surrounded, the guards probably knew their place. Taiyang was a huntsman, and they, were just hired guns to keep this place under control.
  25. They were too professional - and too closely monitored - to react, but there was a clear bristling. Frowns managed to get deeper, eyes narrowed behind bullet-proof visors. Any more of a reaction and you risked the Grimm.
  26. "Calm down, dad, I'm sure they're handsome as the Hells underneath those masks," Yang said, leaning close to the guard by her side and smirking. The guard, much to his credit, acted as rocks do when flirted with.
  27. The warden had something to say, but kept silent - he had other issues to deal with, after all, stepping forward to unlock Yang's handcuffs. No one moved to push her at the jeep, no usual prison movie cliches - well, save for Yang rubbing her wrists.
  28. The guns were still trained on the two, so Yang did her best slow-mo impression of running over, hazard-sliding over the hood (still in slow-mo), and giving Taiyang a big, stroooooong hug.
  30. Unable to help but roll his eyes at his daughter's comment, it clearly didn't get much of a reaction out of the guards, either. Unfolding his arms, one hand settled on his hip, as that foot began tapping once again.
  31. It didn't take long for the warden to finally release her, and Yang was fortunately slow enough in her dramatic movements toward her father that she didn't qualify for the breaking of a rule. With the girl's unbelievably strong arms wrapping around him, he grunted in distress, as several joints in his back popped audibly enough for even the armored men to hear.
  32. Not one to be outdone, he laughed and quickly returned the hug, squeezing just as tight and lifting her off the ground. After a moment of this, he set Yang back down and put a hand on her shoulder. "I'm glad to see you too, but we're not home free just yet. Get in the car, and put on your seatbelt for [b]once[/b], please."
  34. Yang had, since she found punching and/or shooting things was the best in life, demanded to buy a Rumble Seat for the jeep. "Wow, you aged. Losin' your touch yet, old man?" Here's that grin as she dangles for a moment. "Yes, dad. Not trying to go to jail again."
  35. She does glance at all the barbed wire, still more gunships dropping it on the building and around the perimeter. "Think I'll miss the holiday decorations... it's cozy, here."
  37. The rumble seat had actually been a great idea, on her part. It was easier for three people to sit up front, with a certain little Rose in the middle, and Zwei at their feet. Unfortunately, their beloved dog couldn't accompany him - he'd go apeshit, seeing Yang like this. "Shut up and get comfy," he commanded, locking their doors.
  38. As they started the arbitrarily long trip back out, Tai took a moment to stare at all the fencing as well. "...I'm not even sure when this place went up, and I've lived in Vale almost twenty years now. Guess they call it 'supermax' for a reason..."
  40. Summer would probably go nuts at underaged kids without seatbelts risking a rollover in the hot open sun. [sub]Raven probably would've loved it, or also have a heart attack.[/sub]
  41. "Heck, I didn't even know they'd stick me here for a tournament violation. ...Uh, dad?" Yang had an inkling of what was going on as her father's voice turned commanding and the doors shut, glancing at the heavy machine guns following as the jeep started, more and more manned turrets and armed guards trained their barrels on the vehicle. Hunter or not, at some point, enough guns could turn anything into chunky salsa.
  42. "Did something happen while I was away?" Oh, Yang.
  44. Yang herself was the only one who refused to wear a seatbelt, and by the gods, did Tai try and make her wear it. Lucky for them, he always made sure to drive with their safety in mind, before his own.
  45. The questions were bound to come eventually, and even if he was prepared, his hands still gripped the wheel a little tighter. Tight enough, in fact, to make his knuckles turn pale. Her father glanced at the radio, then focused his eyes back on the dirt before them. It was going to be a tough subject, one way or another.
  46. "...I'll tell you when we get home. You missed... well, you missed a lot."
  48. Don't worry, Yang wasn't keen on breaking minor laws to join her [s]soap buddies[/s] [s]gal pals[/s] cellmates again, and it didn't take much for the belt to click in. Her eyes go from Taiyang's face, to the way he tried to rip the steering wheel out of the car, and back again.
  49. Fuck.
  50. " Ruby okay, at least?"
  51. Overhead, jets slashed through the air; in the distance, AA fire threw lightning into the sky. Maybe the two of them see a massive raven's shadow circling around in the blinding fire; maybe they don't.
  52. She didn't like where the silence was headed.
  54. Breaking some minor laws probably wouldn't get her anywhere near the people that'd been thrown in there, unless she was still on probation. Tai was keeping his eyes on the road, even if there was chaos going by in the air above them. Ironwood was putting his army to use, one way or another.
  55. "All of your friends are safe and sound. Although one of them got hurt real bad, she's... stable. Not conscious, but stable."
  56. Wow, maybe he shouldn't have said that so soon. Now he had to explain it, even amidst the slow burning stress of making it out of the supermax.
  57. "...Beacon's under siege. White Fang, Grimm, even some Atlas droids got hacked. Most of the students barely made it out in time, but... they're not all accounted for yet." He paused, letting her take that in for just a moment.
  59. The Warden hadn't said anything, and neither had any political red tape barfed out of any judges; hard to deliver subpoenas when the city's flying apart.
  60. "Fuck," and it's a wonder Ruby never picked up swearing from big sis. "Is Ruby okay?" it was a little forceful this time - never mind Taiyang would never saw Ruby was JUST Yang's friend. This wasn't her fault. Couldn't. Was it? "I saw the rest of the team kick butt, though," but she doesn't bring up the lockdown, the total media blackout, or the nights spent sweating in a cell, watching prison guards nervously flood the hallways as silently as they could as gunshots got closer.
  61. They're not out of the woods yet. Or... barbed wire savannah.
  62. "I mean, they should be okay, right? It's Beacon. We can handle anything." She's just so earnest - least her sister picked that up instead of swearing, even throwing in a good jab that was still bone-crunching from where she sat.
  63. The city lights seemed to flicker; it shouldn't be foggy this time of the year.
  64. Behind them, the prison lit up - old-school spotlights crisscrossing the air, guards double-timing and shouts. The sky seemed to move.
  66. His eldest daughter had picked up swearing from her uncle, and after a very stern argument between the two of them, he managed to keep Qrow from cursing in front of his youngest as well.
  67. "Ruby's fine. She's probably just hoping her big sister makes it home safe." Tai was barely even approved to come out this far, considering the prison's proximity to the city of Vale, and of course, the academy of Beacon. It took more than a few strings being pulled for him to get Yang released.
  68. "...This is a lot worse than you're imagining it, Yang. I don't think I've seen so many Grimm in one place since - well, I haven't. Ever."
  69. Speaking of which, something catches his eye just out of the corner of his vision, and his head turns to see a guard frantically signaling for them to drive out. Turrets turning to the sky, spotlights trying desperately to single out a target, and soldiers running further into the prison's defenses gave them more than enough room to hit the gas.
  70. "Hold on to something!" he warned, just before flooring it. What took him half an hour to get through, they careened out of in just under a minute, driving into the woods a bit recklessly.
  72. That wouldn't defend Ruby from Yang's natural swears, though.
  73. "Is she at home? I hope she didn't run out on us." That went for Blake, too. They were both dorks who got along surprisingly well, even though Ruby was probably the closest thing to being a dog in human form.
  74. "Nothing I can't handle." Her bravado repartee would fall flat if she saw how many were outside the walls.
  75. She must have seen it in the rear-view mirror, too, because she got uncharacteristically quiet. ...well, save for the usual Branwen Family smart-ass remark.
  76. "Well, that explains the drum show going outside the prison." For maybe the first time in her life, she checks her seatbelt as they tore into the woods.
  77. The din of guns grow dimmer and dimmer, strangled by the forest's thickness. Keep driving, Tai. Don't think about the flashes of red you might see in the branches, or how dark the woods seem.
  79. Tai had to do his best to stay calm, at least until they got home. He couldn't have the two of them be snatched up by some Nevermore - and potentially blown out of the sky later. Of course, it was hard not to be overcome with heavier, darker emotions in the dim light of the forest, likely surrounded by Grimm just beyond the treeline, with only a car and their bare hands to protect them. Not that their bare hands weren't deadly enough, mind.
  80. "I don't think she'd run off. Ruby's brave, but she's not stupid, we both know that." Even if she could be a little naive at times, the youngest member of their family wasn't going to run off to try and fight an army of Grimm on her own.
  81. "Hah," he snorted, unable to come up with a good comeback for that.
  82. The ride feels so much longer than it is. Eventually, they make it into the tunnel that leads them back to Patch, and not long after that they pull up towards their home - so familiar, so out of place compared to the warzone they'd just driven through.
  84. They're there. Thick as the branches, the snarling woods - they're there, but they're content to feed. Maybe they're full from Gods know how many villages and small towns and poor bastard soldiers and all the Hunters nowhere fit for combat. Maybe his fear was strong enough.
  85. The roads are cracked, like they'd seen hundreds of tons of weight over a million years, even though - it had to be a month, right? No one to take care of the roads when the home fires were burning in more ways than one. Occasionally, they sped past charred-out wrecks - some military, some... ...don't focus too much on what make they might be. The Grimm are still there.
  86. "I dunno about that," and how the HECK did Yang stay so cheerful? Must've learned a thing or two from her sister. "If you're gonna be dumb, you gotta be tough, and my sister's definitely tough.
  87. The horizon cleared up - save for AA fire and what had to be border clashes. Police cars were gunning it full blast as they approached the house, screaming through the roads.
  88. "So, uh..." Yang looked out at the cityline. She had SO MUCH to catch up with - classmates, gossip, boys, girls. "I'm not grounded, am I?"
  90. Tai had seen everything on his way to pick up Yang in the first place, but seeing it a second time only made his stomach sink a little more. People were dying, and yet, he was more worried about those closest to him, despite the fact that they were more prepared than the overwhelming majority of Vale. Maybe it was selfish, but he refused to lose anyone else.
  91. It was certainly a bumpy ride - it felt like someone had blown up a series of land mines along the roads in the past few weeks, when in reality it was simply an excessive amount of use, from both man and beast alike.
  92. "I suppose that's true, but you don't have to be dumb to be tough."
  93. Stepping out of the car, his sight was set in the same way hers was. "...You know I can't hold you down. But, Yang." Stepping around the Jeep, he set a hand on her shoulder, and looked into her eyes. "Stay here. Ruby misses you, Zwei misses you, I miss you - and I don't want to lose you." Her father pulls the girl in for a tight, tight hug, less of a show than their reunion, but with far more feeling to it. As though he were clinging on to her.
  95. That might balance things out. Light, dark. Keep your eyes on what was there, not the what-ifs.
  96. And yet, the what-ifs were always happening.
  97. Not that Yang seemed to mind being thrown up and down - heck, she just wanted to ask dad to keep speeding up.
  98. "I mean, true. ...uh, I hope that wasn't mean to Ruby..."
  99. Click. The soft chime of car doors being left open. Ping, ping. She'd had plenty of lectures from her father, but between what was obviously going on, her father being so... tense, for lack of a better word, and that look in his eyes?
  100.'s enough to splash a bucket of near-freezing water on her libido and the need to go out... but maybe it's not enough to keep Yang's fire from raging.
  101. Even so, she returns the hug, all the same. Don't worry, dad. I'll protect you.
  103. For what felt like the first time in his life, Tai was afraid. He'd been heartbroken, depressed, and certainly angry, but much like his daughter, the man had lived his life almost without fear. Until now.
  104. Letting go of her after a short, quiet moment, he turned back towards the house. The lights were still on, even up in Ruby's room, which was a great sign that nothing had happened... or something had happened quietly. Shaking that thought from his mind, he walked up to the door and went to unlock it, but found that the knob moved a little too easily for comfort. Turning it, he pushed the door open and peered inside, as Zwei padded down the steps to greet them.
  105. "Ruby, we're home!" he called out, taking a cautious step inside. After getting no response, he looked to Yang for a moment, hoping to whatever gods were out there that his youngest was just in the bathroom. "Your sister's here! She's a little raggedy, but she's still Yang! Ruby?" he shouted, once again.
  107. "She's probably out like a log," and if there was any doubt, Yang was hiding it really, really well. "ZWEI!!" ...and if there was any lingering doubt, it was shed when Zwei bounced over, burying the dog in an avalanche of hugs, belly rubs, and "who's a good boy"s. "Has he been behaving?" ...she takes a glance at her dad, and then she's definitely concerned. That look on his face...
  109. At least Zwei seemed happy. That dog would've run all the way to the supermax if something was wrong. And that was what concerned him the most. "He's still Zwei..." Tai assured her, staring up the staircase. "She seemed a little too anxious to take a nap... I'm gonna check on her."
  110. Shutting and pointedly locking the door behind the two of them, he wasted no time marching right up the stairs, and taking the singular turn necessary to reach Ruby's room. He found it ajar, and gave a knock before pushing inside. His daughter was gone, and in her place on one of the twin-sized beds, was an envelope with the word 'Dad' written across it. Yang, if she hasn't followed him, can likely hear the loud [i][b]thump[/b][/i] of his knees hitting the wooden floor above.
  112. [sub]Maybe Zwei had. Or maybe Zwei knew Yang was safe in lockup...[/sub]
  113. "Dad?" ...she knew that face and now she was getting concerned. She hadn't seen it in a long time, or the [i]other face[/i] it usually preceded, and she was invested in making sure it didn't surface. But Zwei wanted more pats, and more pats he got, and then-
  114. "[b]DAD?![/b] She was never as fast as Ruby, but she managed to beat Zwei up the stairs, footsteps thumping all the way. She half-expected Ruby dead in bed with the way he was slumped - and she felt sick, even thinking that was much of a relief - and rushes over.
  115. "...fuck."
  117. She found her father hunched over on the floor, clutching something to his chest as he rocked back and forth on his legs, mumbling something she just couldn't make out. There wasn't any blood on the scene, but Ruby was, of course, nowhere to be found.
  118. Whatever she said, for the first few minutes, he simply didn't answer. It very likely brought up memories of when Summer passed away, when her father seemed almost like a ghost living in their home for several months. Unlike that time, however, Tai actually managed to speak up.
  119. Weakly, he said, [sub]"I'm sorry, Yang..."[/sub]
  121. Half of her wants to cold-cock him and give him a rip-roaring speech - sorry? Sorry for what? You're being sorry and it's not your fault that Ruby's a hard-headed dumbo. You should be sorry for getting back into bad habits.
  122. Half of her wants to lie down on the bed and stare at the cieling, frowning.
  123. [sub]...several other halfs want to immediately get on Bumblebee and track her sister to the ends of Remnants and pull her back home by the ear. Hey, Yang was never good at math.[/sub]
  124. It takes her several minutes and Yang fucking hates herself for staying silent. She never could help him when Summer died, she couldn't help him when something reminded him of Raven. But she could've done something.
  125. ", don't be sorry. It's Ruby, remember...? She'll take care of herself..." ...if she wasn't flying straight into whoever had hired that asshat she punched. ...were the rumors true?
  127. He wouldn't have even chastised her for any of those decisions. And yet, here she is, staying quiet nearly as long as she is, before finally answering him. He can't muster the strength to look over in her direction - even if it isn't his fault, this certainly feels like it.
  128. After a moment, he hands Yang the unfolded letter. "I know. I believe in your sister, and your friends but... Gods, I just wish she would've stayed. I can't keep anyone..." He knows that isn't true, but emotions are too high for proper, rational thinking. Tai clutches his heart, his chest feeling heavy, as he covers his eyes with his free hand. From beneath that hand, his eldest child can see her own father start to cry, though he doesn't sob aloud like some might. He bites his lip with some ferocity, almost harsh enough to draw blood, as the tears flow slowly down his cheeks.
  130. "Maybe she's just out to visit some friends," and it's trying to joke - but part of her hopes it's real. Godsdammit, Ruby. "" She keeps the word as neutrally as possible - those urges still persist, even surge into a confused, muddled mess.
  131. But all she can do is drop to her own knees and hug him. It was going to be another of those notes, but at least I'm here for you, dad.
  133. He couldn't bear it at that very moment, so of course the joke doesn't land. Once she comes down to his level, and wraps those strong arms of hers around him, he can't help but hug back. Just like a few moments earlier, it's as though he's clutching onto her, his fist balling into her shirt from behind. [sub]"Don't leave me, Yang,"[/sub] he whispers, his voice soft but desperate. [sub]"At least not without saying goodbye..."[/sub]
  135. "I won't." She won't, but the question was if she'd leave or stay. Her father crumbling again meant he needed someone to lean on - someone to care for him before the color returned to his world and he stopped staring at the wall for hours on end - but at the same time, if Ruby got hurt and she didn't find her... ...she wasn't looking forward to seeing her father turn into a zombie for life.
  136. "...I won't. You can trust me on that." She doesn't cry, even though she should.
  137. No wonder the Grimm were attacking in droves.
  139. He didn't say another word, not for a long time, simply holding tight to one of his few connections left to the world at that very moment. Zwei eventually pushed himself in between them, whining softly and licking at their faces, which prompted him to finally pull away and snort as the dog continued to lap despite his protest. A moment later, Tai finally got back to his feet, helping Yang off the ground as well, before dusting his legs off.
  140. He pulled out his scroll, before another realization hit him. "...Right. Communications are down right now..." Wiping his eyes, he stuffed the thing back into his pocket and looked to Yang once again. "...Let's get out of here. This room, I mean - I'm sure you're hungry, and you could probably use a shower too."
  142. Zwei to the rescue. ...she's not good at being an adult, she finds, even when she had to step up when Taiyang became one of those philosophical zombies they used to teach her about at Beacon. At least he had some life back in him again... and at least he recovered quicker.
  143. ...for now.
  144. "Are you sure you don't want me to go look for her? ...where's Bumblebee, anyway?" Please please PLEASE don't say it's in the police pound-
  146. Things weren't going to be very easy, at least until they heard something else from Ruby. Tai was going to be wrought with worry and anxiety - his appetite would likely fall, and his sleep schedule would certainly get fucked up. Gods help the garden. At that, Tai shook his head.
  147. "No, no... Ember Celica was confiscated, and I don't want you out there unarmed with all the Grimm around." Even if she was nearly as strong as he was without them. "Bumblebee is in the shed, but last I checked she's out of gas."
  149. "Maybe YOU should get in the shower, and I'll get food going once I run to the gas station, alright?" She'd normally have some quip about posing for a centerfold, but now wasn't the time for jokes. "My fists are still lethal weapons, don't worry. ...what DO we have to eat, anyway?" Yang could cook, but most of her nights out partying and drinking usually don't help in keeping practice with making anything that wasn't rice or something greasy.
  151. There was another short pause, a tense silence, before Tai let out a sigh and rubbed his face. "...Just promise me you'll come back. We've got everything we normally do, so if you wanna get some fast food for the first time in a month, that's fine. You already know what I like." With that, he steps out and moves just across the hall, opening the door to his own bedroom and leaving it slightly ajar thanks to a rather weak push back to close it. Hopefully some hot water would wipe away some of the anxiety he was starting to feel.
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