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Hitler christianitt quotes mein kampf

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  1. Hitler on christianity-Mein Kampf Quotes
  5. Such stories eventually educated me about the man and the movement which then governed Vienna’s destiny—Dr. Karl Lueger and the Christian Socialist Party. (Karl Lueger was a member of the Christian Socialist Party which was an anti-Semitic party. He was also the mayor of Vienna in 1897- 1910, which made him mayor until Hitler was almost 21 yearsold.) When I came to Vienna, I was hostile to both. In my eyes, the man and the movement were opposed to political and social change.
  7. Mein Kampf page 39
  11. The position of its great competitor, the Christian Socialist Party, seemed to be reversed. The road it took was clever and correctly chosen, but a clear understanding of the goal was missing. In almost every matter where the Pan-German movement was lacking, the attitude of the Christian Socialist Party was right and was deliberately planned to achieve results.
  13. Mein Kampf page 78
  15. There were two shortcomings in its method: the means they employed, and the lack of a clear goal. The anti-Semitism of the new movement was founded on a religious concept instead of a racial insight. The reason this mistake occurred was the same reason that caused the second error. If the Christian Socialist Party was to save Austria, the founders felt it must not take its stand on the race principle because they feared the State would collapse from the pressure. In the party leaders’ view, the multi-ethnic situation in Vienna made it necessary to put aside anything that divided people, and in their place, emphasize anything that united the public.
  17. This half-hearted attempt destroyed the value of the Christian Socialist Party’s anti-Semitic attitude. It was a movement that made no pretenses to anti-Semitism, and that was worse than having no leaning towards anti-Semitism at all. The people were being lulled into a sense of security and thought they had the enemy by the ears, while in reality, they were being led around by the nose.
  19. Mein kampf page 79
  23. The Jew, however, soon became so accustomed to this sort of anti-Semitism that he probably would have missed it more if it wasn’t there than he was bothered by its presence. Submitting to a State of mixed nationalities demanded one great sacrifice, and the upholding of German culture demanded a greater sacrifice. The party could not be “nationalistic”, and if they were, they would lose the ground under their feet in Vienna. By gently evading any question of nationalism, they hoped to save the Hapsburg State and that is what ruined the movement. At the same time, the movement lost a great source of inner strength—a strength that can fill a political party with an inner driving force for the long run. The Christian Socialist movement became a party no different from any other.
  25. Mein kampf page79
  29. A politician must not judge the value of a religion by its faults. Instead he should ask if there is an available substitute which fits his needs more closely.
  31. As long as there is no substitute for religion, only a fool or criminal would consider abolishing an existing religion.
  33. The Church must take its share of responsibility for those who overload religion with purely earthly concerns and unnecessarily battle against exact science. They spend too much time arguing about physical matters when they should be focused on the spirit. After a difficult struggle, science will almost always win. In the eyes of people unable to see through the superficial nature of science, religion will be severely damaged. The worst chaos is created when religion is used for political purposes. Such miserable deceivers who see religion as a means for gaining themselves political, or rather business power and should be harshly condemned. Of course, these bold liars shout their claims of faith to all the world in a very loud tone so that the other sinners will have no choice but to hear their proclamation clearly. Their smiles do not express a willingness to die for their beliefs, but instead their aim is to improve their own lives. For enough money or political favors, they would sell the meaning of an entire faith and they would do it for a single fraudulent gain if they felt the value was a fair exchange. For ten seats in Parliament, they will join the deadly Marxists who are enemies of all religions. For a seat in the Cabinet they would marry the Devil himself, that is, if he was not prevented by some trace of decency which is more than these charlatans possess.
  35. Religious life in pre-war Germany had left an unpleasant taste in many people’s mouths because of the abuse of Christianity by “Christian” political parties and as a result of boldness from those who attempted to associate the Catholic faith with a political party. This bold attempt to connect Catholicism with politics was a fatal stroke that gave a number of good-for-nothings seats in Parliament and the political games seriously damaged the Church.
  37. The whole nation suffered the consequences. The weakening of religious ties spread at a time when morality and culture were beginning to waver and give way too.
  39. Mein Kampf page 179
  43. The Jewish religious teachings consist mainly of rules to keep the blood of Jews pure and to regulate the dealings of Jews among themselves and even more with the rest of the world, with the non-Jews. Even here, their rules consist of extremely petty economic guides and are not concerned with ethical problems. For a long time, there have been very detailed studies made which reviewed the moral value of Jewish religious teachings. These studies were certainly not made by Jews because the Jews twist their statements to suit their own purpose. The Aryans who conducted these studies found this kind of “religion” to be detestable. The clearest indication of what this religious education can produce is the Jew himself.
  45. Mein kampf page 203
  49. This capacity always exists and only needs to be awakened by certain outside conditions. Culturally and creatively gifted nations or races have these abilities hidden within them, even though, at the moment, unfavorable outside circumstances do not allow the development of these tendencies. It is an unbelievable outrage to represent the native Germans of pre-Christian times as “uncivilized” or as barbarians. They were never barbarians. The rugged climate of their northern home simply forced conditions on them that prevented the development of their creative powers. If they had come to the more favorable regions of the south, their previously undeveloped capabilities would have blossomed just as what happened with the Hellenes (the early Greek tribes). This would have occurred even though there was no old history to build on and as long as they were culture-building power did not come about just because of their presence in the northern climate. Had the Lapps (meaning Laplanders which is a derogatory term for the people of Sami, the cultural equivalent of Eskimos living in Europe) been brought to the South, they would have had no more culture-building capacity than the Eskimo. No, this magnificent creative capacity and growth capacity was granted to the Aryan. It may be dormant within him or it may be awakened in his life. It depends on how favorable the circumstances are, or whether an inhospitable force of Nature prevents it.
  51. Mein Kampf p263
  55. How worldly and lacking in ideals and shameful this whole system is! People no longer strive to do their best for the future race, but rather let things just happen. Our churches also sin against the Lord’s image, and then they turn around only to preach the importance of the Lord’s image. This attitude matches what they are doing; they keep talking about the spirit, but let mankind, the possessor of that spirit, sink into a corrupt and ever lower class. In light of this, people gaze stupidly at how ineffective the Christian faith is in their own country and at the horrible “Godlessness” of this physically degenerate and spiritually ragged group of riffraff and filthy people. To try and correct the balance, they attempt to convert the Hottentots (offensive term for Khoikhoin people in South Africa) and the Zulus (Bantu people of southeast Africa) and the Kaffirs (offensive term used in South Africa meaning Black African) to their religious cause and to bestow on them the blessings of the Church. While our European people are abandoned, thanks and praise to God for that much, by the missionaries and our people are left to become physical and moral outcasts, the pious missionary travels to Central Africa and sets up negro missions so that our “higher culture” may turn healthy, but primitive and low-grade human beings into a corrupt brood of bastards even there.
  57. Mein Kampf p269/271
  61. Christianity could never be content with building its own altar. It was driven to destroy pagan altars. The faith could only grow when there was no controversy, and it did grow out of this fanatical intolerance. In fact, intolerance is absolutely indispensable for the growth of any faith. Now one may object and say such occurrences in world history are related mainly to Jewish ways of thinking, and it is true that this kind of intolerance and fanaticism are common symptoms of Jewish nature. This may be right a thousand times over; however, it is part of all history, and though deeply regrettable, and though we may only grudgingly admit it is part of history, and you can even say this intolerance is not part of human nature, yet it does not change the fact that this is how the world exists today. The men who want to rescue our German people from the current troubles cannot dwell on how wonderful it would be if things were different, but they must determine how those current conditions can be wiped away. A World-Concept full of hellish intolerance cannot be shattered, except by an idea that is promoted with a similar spirit of intolerance, an idea that is defended by the same intense will, and at the same time is pure and absolutely true in itself.
  63. People today may be troubled to discover that the first intellectual terrorism was inflicted by Christianity on the unrestricted ancient world. However, he will not be able to dispute the fact that since that time, the world has been driven and dominated by Christian forces. Force can only be broken by force, and terrorism can only be broken by terrorism. Only then can a new order be created.
  65. Mein kampf page 308
  67. German Austria was the only place in the German-speaking territories where there was anything like a privileged-class party flag. Some of the nationalists from the privileged-class there had chosen the colors of 1848, black, red, and gold for their party flag. (There were a series of German revolutions in 1848 based on nationalist sentiment and political reform. The black-red-gold flag symbolized unity among the people.) This created a symbol which, while it had no importance for a World-Concept , it did have a revolutionary character from the perspective of State policy. We should remember today that the bitterest enemies of this black-red-gold flag at that time were Social Democrats and Christian Socialists or the clergy. In those days, the church parties especially were the very ones who insulted, slandered, and soiled those colors. Just as in 1918 when they dragged the blackwhite- red German flag in the gutter (the Pre-Weimar flag). True, the black, red, and gold of the German parties of old Austria were the colors from 1848, and this period may have been fantastic and was represented individually by the most honorable of German souls, even though the Jew stood invisibly in the background as the puppeteer. It was, therefore, treason to the Fatherland and a shameful sell-out of the German people and what they
  69. Mein kampf p344
  73. (Ultramontanism is a Catholic religious philosophy giving the Pope massive authority. The Ultramontane Problem refers to whether or not the Pope has authority as a foreign power to dictate local political or church activity. In Germany, the word is more common and basically identifies the conflict between church authority and state authority, Ultramontanes are those who support the Church’s authority and independence against the state. The Center Party was also known as the Ultramontane Party, and they were accused of having more loyalty to the Pope than the nation. To oppose Ultramontanism is to oppose Catholicism according to the Church. Protestant Germans who were nationalist accused the Center Party of placing Papal interests ahead of national interests. Otto von Bismark attempted to impede the power of the Catholic Church and limit their influence.) The men who introduced the Ultramontane Problem among our people have sinned so grievously against it that they will never be able to make restitution for their transgression. The Jew, however, attained the goal he wanted: Catholics and Protestants carried on a very nice war together while the mortal-enemy of Aryan humanity and of the whole Christian world laughed up his sleeve.
  75. The Jew kept the public preoccupied for years using the struggle between those who wanted independent-state government and central-national government, and he incited them to take sides in this struggle. All of this was happening while the Jew was bartering away the freedom of the nation and betraying our Fatherland to international high finance. He succeeded again by raising tensions between the two German religious denominations and causing them to fight against each other while the foundations of both were being destroyed and undermined by the poison of the international cosmopolitan Jew.
  77. We must remember how much destruction the Jewish bastardization forces on our people every day and realize that this poisoning of the blood can only be removed from the German people after centuries, that is, if it can ever be removed at all. We must also come to understand how this racial disintegration pulls down or even destroys the last Aryan values among our German people. We are the bearers of civilization, but we see our national strength declining and we are in danger, at least in our big cities, of becoming like Southern Italy. This infection of our blood, an infection that hundreds of thousands of our people seem to disregard, is carried out by the Jew according to a methodical plan. According to this plan, these negroid parasites of nations rape our innocent young blond girls and destroy something in this world that can never be replaced. Both Christian denominations are indifferent to this desecration and they ignore the destruction of a noble and unique spirit given to this world by the grace of God. The future of the world does not depend on whether the Protestants conquer the Catholics or vice versa, but on whether the Aryan race will survive or will die out. Yet, the two religious denominations are not fighting against the destroyer of the Aryan race, but they try to destroy each other instead. It would seem that anyone who cared about the nation would see it as his holy duty, each in his own religious denomination, to make certain they do not merely discuss the Will of God, but that they actually perform the Will of God and that they do not allow God’s Work to be defiled.
  79. Mein Kampf p3808
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