
Sea of JJPs-Launcher

May 22nd, 2022 (edited)
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  1. set /p current=<ver.txt
  2. cd Dev Opt
  3. cd Notices
  4. call notices_checker.bat
  5. ping -n 1 >nul
  6. if %errorlevel%==0 (
  7.     cd ..
  8.     cd Patches
  9.     del patches_checker.bat
  10.     download patches_checker.bat
  11.     call patches_checker.bat
  12. )
  13. cd ..
  14. cd ..
  15. cd audio
  16. start /min mainmusic.bat
  17. cd ..
  18. :main
  19. color a0
  20. title Sea of JJPs Launcher
  21. cd..
  22. cd Settings
  23. if exist "Echo.set" @echo on
  24. if not exist "Echo.set" mode con cols=50 lines=22 & @echo off & cls
  25. cd..
  26. cd Launcher
  27. echo ==========================
  28. echo           %current%          
  29. echo    Sea of JJPs Launcher  
  30. echo --------------------------
  31. cmdMenuSel a070 "Play" "Web Page" "Notices" "Options" "Changelog" "Exit"
  32. if %errorlevel%==1 goto Play
  33. if %errorlevel%==2 start
  34. if %errorlevel%==3 goto Notices
  35. if %errorlevel%==4 goto Options
  36. if %errorlevel%==5 (
  37.     title Sea of JJPs Launcher - Changelog
  38.     echo.
  39.     echo ===============
  40.     echo    Changelog  
  41.     echo     ver%current%    
  42.     echo ---------------
  43.     type CHANGE.log
  44.     pause>nul
  45.     goto main
  46. )
  47. if %errorlevel%==6 (
  48.     taskkill/F /IM dlc.exe
  49.     exit
  50. )
  51. goto main
  53. :Play
  54. title Sea of JJPs Launcher - Play Selection
  55. echo.
  56. echo -=-SELECT VERSION-=-
  57. cmdMenuSel a070 "Back" "0.41" "0.52" "0.60"
  58. if %errorlevel%==1 goto main
  59. if %errorlevel%==2 (
  60.     cd..
  61.     cd profiles
  62.     if not exist 0.41 (
  63.         echo.
  64.         echo The version '0.41' does not exist.
  65.         echo Download Page Opened.
  66.         pause>nul
  67.         cd..
  68.         cd launcher
  69.         goto Play
  70.     )
  71.     cd 0.41
  72.     call runner.bat
  73.     cd..
  74.     cd..
  75.     cd launcher
  76.     cd audio
  77.     taskkill/F /IM dlc.exe
  78.     start /min mainmusic.bat
  79.     cd ..
  80.     goto main
  81. )
  82. if %errorlevel%==3 (
  83.     cd..
  84.     cd profiles
  85.     if not exist 0.52 (
  86.         echo.
  87.         echo The version '0.52' does not exist.
  88.         echo Download Page Opened.
  89.         pause>nul
  90.         cd..
  91.         cd launcher
  92.         goto Play
  93.     )
  94.     cd 0.52
  95.     call runner.bat
  96.     cd..
  97.     cd..
  98.     cd launcher
  99.     cd audio
  100.     taskkill/F /IM dlc.exe
  101.     start /min mainmusic.bat
  102.     cd ..
  103.     goto main
  104. )
  105. if %errorlevel%==4 (
  106.     cd..
  107.     cd profiles
  108.     if not exist 0.60 (
  109.         echo.
  110.         echo The version '0.60' does not exist.
  111.         echo Download Page Opened.
  112.         pause>nul
  113.         cd..
  114.         cd launcher
  115.         goto Play
  116.     )
  117.     cd 0.60
  118.     call runner.bat
  119.     cd..
  120.     cd..
  121.     cd launcher
  122.     cd audio
  123.     taskkill/F /IM dlc.exe
  124.     start /min mainmusic.bat
  125.     cd ..
  126.     goto main
  127. )
  128. goto main
  130. :Notices
  131. goto main
  133. :Options
  134. title Sea of JJPs Launcher - Options
  135. cd ..
  136. cd settings
  137. set advopt=
  138. find /n "1" Advanced.set
  139. if not errorlevel 1 (
  140.     set advopt= "Reset Settings to Default" "Uninstall Versions" "Echo"
  141. )
  142. if not exist "Echo.set" cls
  143. cd..
  144. cd launcher
  145. echo ===============
  146. echo.
  147. echo     Options
  148. echo ---------------
  149. cmdMenuSel a070 "Audio" "Modifications" "Show Advanced" "Back"%advopt%
  150. if %ERRORLEVEL%==1 goto AudioSetting
  151. if %ERRORLEVEL%==2 goto ModificationSetting
  152. if %ERRORLEVEL%==3 goto AdvancedSetting
  153. if %ERRORLEVEL%==4 goto main
  154. if %ERRORLEVEL%==5 goto defaultsettings
  155. if %ERRORLEVEL%==6 goto verunin
  156. if %ERRORLEVEL%==7 goto EchoAdvSetting
  157. :AudioSetting
  158. title Sea of JJPs Launcher - Options\Audio.set
  159. cd..
  160. cd settings
  161. set/p audioset=Value:
  162. if %audioset%==1 (
  163. echo %audioset% > Audio.set
  164. cd ..
  165. cd launcher
  166. cd audio
  167. taskkill/F /IM dlc.exe >nul
  168. start /min mainmusic.bat
  169. cd..
  170. )
  171. if %audioset%==0 (
  172. DEL /F /A "%cd%\Audio.set" >nul
  173. taskkill/F /IM dlc.exe >nul
  174. )
  175. if /I %audioset%==D (
  176.     echo %audioset% > Audio.set
  177.     cd..
  178.     cd launcher
  179.     cd audio
  180.     taskkill/F /IM dlc.exe >nul
  181.     start /min mainmusic.bat
  182.     cd..
  183. )
  184. cd ..
  185. cd launcher
  186. goto Options
  187. :ModificationSetting
  188. title Sea of JJPs Launcher - Options\Modifications.set
  189. cd..
  190. cd settings
  191. set/p modificationset=Value:
  192. if %modificationset%==1 (
  193.     echo %modificationset% > Modifications.set
  194.     )
  195. if %modificationset%==0 (
  196.     DEL /F /A "%cd%\Modifications.set" >nul
  197. )
  198. if /I %modificationset%==D (
  199.     echo %modificationset% > Modifications.set
  200. )
  201. cd ..
  202. cd launcher
  203. goto Options
  204. :AdvancedSetting
  205. title Sea of JJPs Launcher - Options\Advanced.set
  206. cd..
  207. cd settings
  208. set/p advancedset=Value:
  209. if %advancedset%==1 (
  210.     echo %advancedset% > Advanced.set
  211.     )
  212. if %advancedset%==0 (
  213.     DEL /F /A "%cd%\Advanced.set" >nul
  214. )
  215. if /I %advancedset%==D (
  216.     DEL /F /A "%cd%\Advanced.set" >nul
  217. )
  218. cd ..
  219. cd launcher
  220. goto Options
  221. :EchoAdvSetting
  222. title Sea of JJPs Launcher - Options\Echo.set
  223. cd..
  224. cd settings
  225. set/p echoset=Value:
  226. if %echoset%==1 (
  227.     echo %echoset% > Echo.set
  228.     )
  229. if %echoset%==0 (
  230.     DEL /F /A "%cd%\Echo.set" >nul
  231. )
  232. if /I %echoset%==D (
  233.     DEL /F /A "%cd%\Echo.set" >nul
  234. )
  235. cd ..
  236. cd launcher
  237. cls
  238. echo Game restart recommended.
  239. goto Options
  240. :defaultsettings
  241. cd audio
  242. taskkill/F /IM dlc.exe >nul
  243. start /min mainmusic.bat
  244. cd..
  245. cd..
  246. cd settings
  247. echo Default > Audio.set
  248. echo Default > Modifications.set
  249. DEL /F /A "%cd%\Advanced.set" >nul
  250. DEL /F /A "%cd%\Echo.set" >nul
  251. cd..
  252. cd launcher
  253. cls
  254. echo Settings reset to default values.
  255. timeout /t 3 >nul
  256. goto Options
  257. :verunin
  258. title Sea of JJPs Launcher - Version Uninstallation
  259. echo.
  260. echo :::SELECT VERSION:::
  261. cmdMenuSel a070 "Back" "0.41" "0.52" "0.60"
  262. if %ERRORLEVEL%==1 goto Options
  263. if %ERRORLEVEL%==2 (
  264.     cd..
  265.     cd profiles
  266.     rd /S /Q "0.41"
  267.     cd..
  268.     cd launcher
  269.     cls
  270.     echo Uninstalled Version: 0.41
  271.     timeout /T 3 >nul
  272.     goto verunin
  273. )
  274. if %ERRORLEVEL%==3 (
  275.     cd..
  276.     cd profiles
  277.     rd /S /Q "0.52"
  278.     cd..
  279.     cd launcher
  280.     cls
  281.     echo Uninstalled Version: 0.52
  282.     timeout /t 3 >nul
  283.     goto verunin
  284. )
  285. if %ERRORLEVEL%==4 (
  286.     cd..
  287.     cd profiles
  288.     rd /S /Q "0.60"
  289.     cd..
  290.     cd launcher
  291.     cls
  292.     echo Uninstalled Version: 0.60
  293.     timeout /t 3 >nul
  294.     goto verunin
  295. )
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