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Zion Sairin made a character

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Nov 7th, 2017
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  1. Lilly Sairin
  3. Physical Traits
  4. Gender: Female
  5. Birthdate: October 30th 1999 (18)
  6. Ethnicity: North America
  7. Height: 5' 6"
  8. Weight: 117
  9. Body: Small frame, healthy, with muscle tone. Ectomorphic - People with an ectomorphic body type are naturally thin and lightly build with flat chest and poorly muscled limbs. They can usually eat as much as they want without gaining fat. Extreme ectomorphs are commonly described as "skinny" individuals.. Minimal body hair, with color similar to skin tone.
  10. Face: Oval - Only slightly narrower at the jaw line than at the temples, with a gently rounded hairline. Blue green eyes that slant up. Large irises, average eye spacing, and average-sized eyes. Curved eyebrows, -height eyebrows. Average forehead with no features. for facial hair.
  11. Hair: Medium, black hair.
  12. Skin: Light beige, normal skin.
  13. Nose: A nose where the primary feature is an upward turning. A narrow bridge, rounded tip, and base. Underside of nose is .
  14. Lips: Lips are thin, especially when smiling.
  15. Teeth: Small teeth. Dental probems: None
  16. Hands: Small hands with short-length, thin-width fingers that have tapered tips. palms with . fingernails. Hand and fingernail condition: Callouses
  17. Palmistry - Types of Hands - Palmistry Basics - Fingernails - Diagonistic Tool
  18. Health Issues:
  19. Smell: Lavendar
  20. Voice: Middle pitch. Breathy quality - The sound of air is apparent (Technical: Noise is caused by turbulence in or near glottis, caused by loose valving of laryngeal muscles (lateral cricoarytenoid, interarytenoid and posterior cricoarytenoid).)
  21. Distinctive Voice or Speech Traits:
  22. Vocabulary: Average but unique
  23. Distinctive Features: Multiple scars in various places, most prominent on her forearms.
  24. Stance: Very on edge, always watching her surroundings
  25. Walk:
  26. Common Gestures:
  27. Facial Expressions: Often tries to put on a "cool" expression to hide emotion
  28. Clothes and Shoes: Long sleeves are a must, often skirts; sometimes jeans. Favors red and black colors as well as white.
  29. Cosmetics:
  32. Sociological
  33. Birthplace: Earth
  34. Current Home: Earth
  35. Sexual Orientation: On the Kinsey Sexuality Rating Scale, 2 - Predominantly heterosexual, but more than incidentally homosexual
  36. Number of Siblings: 1, 0 of whom are still living, and of which the character is youngest.
  37. Relationships within Family: Her mother passed when she was very young, and her father has never truly treated her properly, almost like he blames her for that.
  38. Character's History:
  39. Family Religious Background: Christian
  40. Importance: Very
  41. Father's Occupation: Law enforcement
  42. Mother's Occupation: None
  43. Family's Economic Class (while the character was growing up): Middle class
  44. Notable Relatives:
  45. Family Traditions:
  46. Character's Education: High school
  47. Character's Occupation: None
  48. Character's Economic Class: Poor
  49. Character's Religion: Atheist
  50. Importance: Little
  51. Number of Children: 0
  52. Personal Life: Relationship: Never married
  53. Special Talent:
  54. Hobbies:
  55. Friends:
  56. Reputation:
  57. Keepsakes:
  58. Favorites:
  59. Food:
  60. Color:
  61. Outfit:
  62. Passtime:
  63. Literary Genre:
  64. Items:
  65. Animal:
  66. Music:
  67. Plant:
  68. Annoyances: Questions, constant pestering from "do-gooders", religious zealotry
  69. Group Affiliation:
  72. Psychological
  73. Motto:
  74. Myers Briggs Personality Type: ISFP
  75. TypeLogic ISFP Profile (
  76. Lifexpolore ISFP Description (
  77. MBTI Types (Terse)
  78. Leadership: Outcast - Always on the outside, not willing to fit in to the group.
  79. Group Role:
  80. Innovator
  81. Innovators use their imagination to create new and different ideas and perspectives. They observe the world around them, then use their imaginations to consider what they have observed from a number of different perspectives, and dream up new ideas and insights. Innovators often produce radical solutions to problems, develop long-term vision and demonstrate an apparent understanding of what cannot be clearly known.
  82. This role most closely corresponds with INFJ, INTJ Myers Briggs personality types.
  83. For more information, see:
  84. The Role of Team Members
  85. Margerison-McCann Team Performance Wheel
  86. Team Management Profile
  87. Cooperation in a group setting:
  88. Style of Thinking:
  89. Realist
  90. "Realists tend to have a direct, forceful, frank appearance, not necessarily aggressive, but sometimes that too". They are no-nonsense people. The main strategy employed by a realist is that of Empirical Discovery. They like things concrete and rely very much on their senses to tell them about the world.
  91. The realist will ask the hard questions and believe that in order to accomplish anything you must first set objectives and come up with an agenda for accomplishing your goals. They like to have a clear picture of where they're heading. The realist relies on fact but not in the same way as the analyst. The analyst is more of a "data" person. There is definitely a strong correlation between data and facts but many facts can not be considered hard data.
  92. The realist understands the resources that they have at hand and has a much better grasp of just what can be accomplished with them. They like to simplify things. The more you break down complex problems into simpler problems the easier they are to solve and the clearer they become. Realists also have a much better idea of their limitations. They won't hesitate to bring in outside expert help when it's required.
  93. Harrison and Bramson talk about there being a lot of realist qualities in mothers and nurses. What they're getting at is the fact that everybody has a realist component and that there are circumstances where these qualities have to come out. Certain situations demand a realist response. Practically any other response will fail. The realist will take immediate corrective action under these circumstances and any other response could be disastrous.
  94. Realists are people with strong opinions and are "matter of fact" people. They have a low tolerance for ambiguity and prefer immediate facts. Their main strength comes in setting clear, near term objectives.
  96. For more information, see The Art of Thinking.
  97. Personality Flaws: Paranoid (Information)
  98. Antisocial (Information)
  99. Histrionic (Information)
  100. Avoidant (Information)
  101. Severity:
  102. Mental Health Complaints: Anxiety (Information)
  103. Impulse-control (Information)
  104. Mood (Information)
  105. Sleep (Information)
  106. Childhood (Information)
  107. Severity: Noticable, somewhat disruptive
  108. Fears: Worst fear is just trusting someone unconditionally. She finds this incredibly difficult.
  109. Weaknesses and Shortcomings: She doesn't want others to help her; she hates feeling indebted to anyone.
  110. Hopes and Dreams:
  111. Desperation: Finding a place where she can finally feel at home and safe.
  112. At Stake: Nothing special; she's searching for happiness in life.
  113. Most and Least Self-Serving Actions:
  114. Goals:
  115. Prejudices:
  116. Politics: Culturally liberal, , Anti-expansionist, , Apolitical
  117. Beliefs:
  118. Moral Code:
  119. Strengths:
  120. Secrets:
  121. Secrecy about Personal Information: Steers conversations away from personal topics
  122. Emotional Attack: To hurt this character, one would:
  123. Jab at her lack of trust after being kind, mention her family, call her out on her self-destructive behavior
  124. Reliability of Memory: Very reliable
  125. Sense of Humor:
  126. Vulgar
  127. Complex
  128. Dark
  129. Intellectual
  130. Reticient
  131. Unique
  132. Passive (provides commentary)
  133. Deviation from Type: She has a heart of gold buried underneath the thick layers of armor, but at the same time she can't just be "fixed" by having someone love her. Scars run deep.
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