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Nov 17th, 2019
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  1. DT_WeaponX -> DT_WeaponX ( no ) [0x00000000]
  2. DT_WeaponX -> LocalWeaponData ( no ) [0x00000000]
  3. DT_WeaponX -> m_iWorldModelIndex ( no ) [0x00001318]
  4. DT_WeaponX -> m_worldModelIndexOverride ( no ) [0x00001314]
  5. DT_WeaponX -> m_holsterModelIndex ( no ) [0x0000131c]
  6. DT_WeaponX -> m_droppedModelIndex ( no ) [0x00001320]
  7. DT_WeaponX -> m_ActiveState ( no ) [0x00001330]
  8. DT_WeaponX -> m_weaponOwner ( no ) [0x00001300]
  9. DT_WeaponX -> m_nIdealSequence ( no ) [0x00001324]
  10. DT_WeaponX -> m_IdealActivity ( no ) [0x00001328]
  11. DT_WeaponX -> m_weaponActivity ( no ) [0x0000132c]
  12. DT_WeaponX -> m_weaponNameIndex ( no ) [0x000016a0]
  13. DT_WeaponX -> m_scriptActivated ( no ) [0x00001695]
  14. DT_WeaponX -> m_isLoadoutPickup ( no ) [0x00001696]
  15. DT_WeaponX -> m_weapState ( no ) [0x00001344]
  16. DT_WeaponX -> m_utilityEnt ( no ) [0x00001698]
  17. DT_WeaponX -> m_allowedToUse ( no ) [0x00001348]
  18. DT_WeaponX -> m_discarded ( no ) [0x00001349]
  19. DT_WeaponX -> m_forcedADS ( no ) [0x0000134c]
  20. DT_WeaponX -> m_tossRelease ( no ) [0x00001350]
  21. DT_WeaponX -> m_customActivity ( no ) [0x00001354]
  22. DT_WeaponX -> m_customActivitySequence ( no ) [0x00001358]
  23. DT_WeaponX -> m_customActivityOwner ( no ) [0x0000135c]
  24. DT_WeaponX -> m_customActivityEndTime ( no ) [0x00001360]
  25. DT_WeaponX -> m_customActivityFlags ( no ) [0x00001364]
  26. DT_WeaponX -> m_playerData ( no ) [0x00001368]
  27. DT_WeaponX -> m_smartAmmoEnable ( no ) [0x00001448]
  28. DT_WeaponX -> m_smartAmmo ( no ) [0x00001450]
  29. DT_WeaponX -> m_needsReloadCheck ( no ) [0x00001640]
  30. DT_WeaponX -> m_needsEmptyCycleCheck ( no ) [0x00001641]
  31. DT_WeaponX -> m_networkedFlags ( no ) [0x00000394]
  32. DT_WeaponX -> m_skinOverride ( no ) [0x00001644]
  33. DT_WeaponX -> m_skinOverrideIsValid ( no ) [0x00001648]
  34. DT_WeaponX -> predictingClientOnly ( no ) [0x00000000]
  35. DT_WeaponX -> m_shouldPlayIdleAnims ( no ) [0x000016ac]
  36. DT_WeaponX -> m_oaActiveOverride ( no ) [0x000016b0]
  37. DT_WeaponX -> m_bClientSideAnimation ( no ) [0x00000ff0]
  38. DT_WeaponX -> m_chargeStartTime ( no ) [0x0000164c]
  39. DT_WeaponX -> m_chargeEndTime ( no ) [0x00001650]
  40. DT_WeaponX -> m_sustainedDischargeEndTime ( no ) [0x00001678]
  41. DT_WeaponX -> m_sustainedLaserCurrentSpread ( no ) [0x0000167c]
  42. DT_WeaponX -> m_sustainedDischargeIsInPrimaryAttack ( no ) [0x00001680]
  43. DT_WeaponX -> m_sustainedLaserNextRandomSeed ( no ) [0x00001681]
  44. DT_WeaponX -> m_lastChargeFrac ( no ) [0x00001654]
  45. DT_WeaponX -> m_modBitfieldFromPlayer ( no ) [0x00001684]
  46. DT_WeaponX -> m_modBitfieldInternal ( no ) [0x00001688]
  47. DT_WeaponX -> m_modBitfieldCurrent ( no ) [0x0000168c]
  48. DT_WeaponX -> m_curSharedEnergyCost ( no ) [0x00001690]
  49. DT_WeaponX -> m_grappleWeaponNeedsDryfire ( no ) [0x00001694]
  50. DT_Zipline -> DT_Zipline ( no ) [0x00000000]
  51. DT_Zipline -> m_ziplinePhysics ( no ) [0x00000a00]
  52. DT_Zipline -> m_ziplineMaterialIndex ( no ) [0x00000d48]
  53. DT_Zipline -> m_prevZipline ( no ) [0x00000d4c]
  54. DT_Zipline -> m_nextZipline ( no ) [0x00000d50]
  55. DT_Zipline -> m_detachEndOnUse ( no ) [0x00000d54]
  56. DT_Zipline -> m_dropToBottom ( no ) [0x00000d55]
  57. DT_Zipline -> m_ziplineAutoDetachDistance ( no ) [0x00000d58]
  58. DT_Zipline -> m_ziplineVerticalPushOffInDirectionX ( no ) [0x00000d5c]
  59. DT_Zipline -> m_ziplineVerticalPreserveVelocity ( no ) [0x00000d5d]
  60. DT_Zipline -> m_ziplineWidth ( no ) [0x00000d60]
  61. DT_Zipline -> m_ziplineEnabled ( no ) [0x00000d64]
  62. DT_Zipline -> m_ziplineRestPositions ( no ) [0x00000d68]
  63. DT_Zipline -> m_numZiplineRestPositions ( no ) [0x00000e28]
  64. DT_Zipline -> m_ziplineFadeDist ( no ) [0x00000e2c]
  65. DT_Zipline -> m_ziplineSpeedScale ( no ) [0x00000e30]
  66. DT_Zipline -> m_numZiplinePoints ( no ) [0x00000008]
  67. DT_Zipline -> m_ziplinePositions ( no ) [0x0000000c]
  68. DT_ZiplineEnd -> DT_ZiplineEnd ( no ) [0x00000000]
  69. DT_ZiplineEnd -> m_autoDetachDistance ( no ) [0x00000a00]
  70. DT_ZiplineEnd -> m_verticalPushOffInDirectionX ( no ) [0x00000a04]
  71. DT_ZiplineEnd -> m_prevZipline ( no ) [0x00000a08]
  72. DT_Missile -> DT_Missile ( no ) [0x00000000]
  73. DT_Missile -> m_hSpecificTarget ( no ) [0x00002864]
  74. DT_Missile -> m_targetPosition ( no ) [0x00002874]
  75. DT_Missile -> m_useTargetPosition ( no ) [0x00002880]
  76. DT_CrossbowBolt -> DT_CrossbowBolt ( no ) [0x00000000]
  77. DT_VortexSphere -> DT_VortexSphere ( no ) [0x00000000]
  78. DT_VortexSphere -> m_spawnflags ( no ) [0x00000094]
  79. DT_VortexSphere -> m_enabled ( no ) [0x00000a00]
  80. DT_VortexSphere -> m_radius ( no ) [0x00000a04]
  81. DT_VortexSphere -> m_height ( no ) [0x00000a08]
  82. DT_VortexSphere -> m_bulletFov ( no ) [0x00000a0c]
  83. DT_VortexSphere -> m_bulletAbsorbedCount ( no ) [0x00000a10]
  84. DT_VortexSphere -> m_projectileAbsorbedCount ( no ) [0x00000a14]
  85. DT_VortexSphere -> m_ownerWeapon ( no ) [0x00000a18]
  86. DT_VortexSphere -> m_vortexEffect ( no ) [0x00000a1c]
  87. DT_VortexSphere -> m_vortexLocalAngles ( no ) [0x00000a20]
  88. DT_VortexSphere -> m_gunAttachment ( no ) [0x00000a30]
  89. DT_VortexSphere -> m_iHealth ( no ) [0x000003e0]
  90. DT_Turret -> DT_Turret ( no ) [0x00000000]
  91. DT_Turret -> m_settingsIndex ( no ) [0x00001888]
  92. DT_Turret -> m_iHealth ( no ) [0x000003e0]
  93. DT_Turret -> m_iMaxHealth ( no ) [0x00000510]
  94. DT_Turret -> m_forceAimPitch ( no ) [0x000018ac]
  95. DT_Turret -> m_forceAimYaw ( no ) [0x000018b0]
  96. DT_Turret -> m_inventory ( no ) [0x000016b0]
  97. DT_Turret -> m_title ( no ) [0x000018b4]
  98. DT_ScriptTraceVolume -> DT_ScriptTraceVolume ( no ) [0x00000000]
  99. DT_ScriptTraceVolume -> m_shapeType ( no ) [0x00000a00]
  100. DT_ScriptTraceVolume -> m_sphereRadius ( no ) [0x00000a04]
  101. DT_ScriptTraceVolume -> m_boxMins ( no ) [0x00000a08]
  102. DT_ScriptTraceVolume -> m_boxMaxs ( no ) [0x00000a14]
  103. DT_ScriptTraceVolume -> m_drawDebug ( no ) [0x00000a20]
  104. DT_TEProjectileTrail -> DT_TEProjectileTrail ( no ) [0x00000000]
  105. DT_TEProjectileTrail -> m_owner ( no ) [0x00000028]
  106. DT_TEProjectileTrail -> m_startPos ( no ) [0x0000002c]
  107. DT_TEProjectileTrail -> m_endPos ( no ) [0x00000038]
  108. DT_TEProjectileTrail -> m_weaponClassIndex ( no ) [0x00000044]
  109. DT_TEProjectileTrail -> m_modBitfield ( no ) [0x00000048]
  110. DT_TEProjectileTrail -> m_projectileTrailIndex ( no ) [0x0000004c]
  111. DT_TEProjectileTrail -> m_impactEffectTable ( no ) [0x00000050]
  112. DT_Projectile -> m_cellX ( no ) [0x00000048]
  113. DT_Projectile -> m_cellY ( no ) [0x0000004c]
  114. DT_Projectile -> m_cellZ ( no ) [0x00000050]
  115. DT_Projectile -> m_localOrigin ( no ) [0x00000054]
  116. DT_Projectile -> m_localAngles ( no ) [0x00000428]
  117. DT_Projectile -> m_nModelIndex ( no ) [0x00000060]
  118. DT_Projectile -> m_CollisionGroup ( no ) [0x000004d8]
  119. DT_Projectile -> m_PredictableID ( no ) [0x00000764]
  120. DT_Projectile -> m_hOwnerEntity ( no ) [0x0000043c]
  121. DT_Projectile -> m_weaponDataIsSet ( no ) [0x00001300]
  122. DT_Projectile -> m_forceAdjustToGunBarrelDisabled ( no ) [0x00001301]
  123. DT_Projectile -> m_weaponClassIndex ( no ) [0x00001304]
  124. DT_Projectile -> m_destructionDistance ( no ) [0x00001308]
  125. DT_Projectile -> m_passThroughDepthTotal ( no ) [0x0000130c]
  126. DT_Projectile -> m_impactEffectTable ( no ) [0x0000131c]
  127. DT_Projectile -> m_reducedEffects ( no ) [0x00001320]
  128. DT_Projectile -> m_modBitfield ( no ) [0x00001310]
  129. DT_Projectile -> m_overrideMods ( no ) [0x00001314]
  130. DT_Projectile -> m_projectileTrailIndex ( no ) [0x00001318]
  131. DT_Projectile -> m_projectileCreationTimeServer ( no ) [0x00001324]
  132. DT_Projectile -> m_weaponSource ( no ) [0x00001328]
  133. DT_Projectile -> m_vecVelocity ( no ) [0x0000041c]
  134. DT_Projectile -> m_networkedFlags ( no ) [0x00000394]
  135. DT_Projectile -> m_iTeamNum ( no ) [0x000003f0]
  136. DT_Projectile -> m_realmsBitMask ( no ) [0x000009e8]
  137. DT_GrappleHook -> m_cellX ( no ) [0x00000048]
  138. DT_GrappleHook -> m_cellY ( no ) [0x0000004c]
  139. DT_GrappleHook -> m_cellZ ( no ) [0x00000050]
  140. DT_GrappleHook -> m_localOrigin ( no ) [0x00000054]
  141. DT_GrappleHook -> m_localAngles ( no ) [0x00000428]
  142. DT_GrappleHook -> m_hOwnerEntity ( no ) [0x0000043c]
  143. DT_GrappleHook -> moveparent ( no ) [0x0000001c]
  144. DT_GrappleHook -> m_parentAttachmentType ( no ) [0x00000020]
  145. DT_GrappleHook -> m_parentAttachmentIndex ( no ) [0x000007f0]
  146. DT_GrappleHook -> m_parentAttachmentHitbox ( no ) [0x000007f4]
  147. DT_GrappleHook -> m_grappleZipline ( no ) [0x00001300]
  148. DT_GrappleHook -> m_nModelIndex ( no ) [0x00000060]
  149. DT_GrappleHook -> m_visibilityFlags ( no ) [0x000003e8]
  150. DT_GrappleHook -> m_realmsBitMask ( no ) [0x000009e8]
  151. DT_PredictedFirstPersonProxy -> DT_PredictedFirstPersonProxy ( no ) [0x00000000]
  152. DT_FirstPersonProxy -> DT_FirstPersonProxy ( no ) [0x00000000]
  153. DT_FirstPersonProxy -> m_viewModelOwner ( no ) [0x00001330]
  154. DT_Titan_Cockpit -> DT_Titan_Cockpit ( no ) [0x00000000]
  155. DT_PortalPointPush -> DT_PortalPointPush ( no ) [0x00000000]
  156. DT_PortalPointPush -> m_bEnabled ( no ) [0x00000a00]
  157. DT_PortalPointPush -> m_flMagnitude ( no ) [0x00000a04]
  158. DT_PortalPointPush -> m_flRadius ( no ) [0x00000a08]
  159. DT_PortalPointPush -> m_flInnerRadius ( no ) [0x00000a0c]
  160. DT_PortalPointPush -> m_flConeOfInfluence ( no ) [0x00000a10]
  161. DT_InfoPlacementHelper -> m_localOrigin ( no ) [0x00000004]
  162. DT_InfoPlacementHelper -> m_localAngles ( no ) [0x00000428]
  163. DT_InfoPlacementHelper -> moveparent ( no ) [0x0000001c]
  164. DT_InfoPlacementHelper -> m_parentAttachmentType ( no ) [0x000007ec]
  165. DT_InfoPlacementHelper -> m_parentAttachmentIndex ( no ) [0x000007f0]
  166. DT_InfoPlacementHelper -> m_parentAttachmentHitbox ( no ) [0x000007f4]
  167. DT_InfoPlacementHelper -> m_parentAttachmentModel ( no ) [0x000007f8]
  168. DT_HealthKit -> DT_HealthKit ( no ) [0x00000000]
  169. DT_HealthKit -> m_minimapData ( no ) [0x00000908]
  170. DT_BaseParticleEntity -> DT_BaseParticleEntity ( no ) [0x00000000]
  171. DT_TriggerSlip -> DT_TriggerSlip ( no ) [0x00000000]
  172. DT_TriggerSlip -> m_defaultSlipDirection ( no ) [0x00000a80]
  173. DT_TriggerSlip -> m_slipSpeed ( no ) [0x00000a8c]
  174. DT_TriggerSlip -> m_slipAcceleration ( no ) [0x00000a90]
  175. DT_TriggerPlayerMovement -> DT_TriggerPlayerMovement ( no ) [0x00000000]
  176. DT_TriggerPointGravity -> DT_TriggerPointGravity ( no ) [0x00000000]
  177. DT_TriggerPointGravity -> m_pullOuterRadius ( no ) [0x00000a80]
  178. DT_TriggerPointGravity -> m_pullInnerRadius ( no ) [0x00000a84]
  179. DT_TriggerPointGravity -> m_reduceSpeedOuterRadius ( no ) [0x00000a88]
  180. DT_TriggerPointGravity -> m_reduceSpeedInnerRadius ( no ) [0x00000a8c]
  181. DT_TriggerPointGravity -> m_pullAccel ( no ) [0x00000a90]
  182. DT_TriggerPointGravity -> m_pullSpeed ( no ) [0x00000a94]
  183. DT_TriggerCylinderHeavy -> DT_TriggerCylinderHeavy ( no ) [0x00000000]
  184. DT_TriggerCylinderHeavy -> m_triggerFilterMask ( no ) [0x00000a80]
  185. DT_TriggerCylinderHeavy -> m_radius ( no ) [0x00000a88]
  186. DT_TriggerCylinderHeavy -> m_aboveHeight ( no ) [0x00000a8c]
  187. DT_TriggerCylinderHeavy -> m_belowHeight ( no ) [0x00000a90]
  188. DT_TriggerCylinderHeavy -> m_teslaTrapBaseHeight ( no ) [0x00000a94]
  189. DT_TriggerCylinderHeavy -> m_vertOverride ( no ) [0x00000a98]
  190. DT_TriggerCylinderHeavy -> m_launchPower ( no ) [0x00000a9c]
  191. DT_TriggerCylinderHeavy -> m_punchSoftAmount ( no ) [0x00000aa0]
  192. DT_TriggerCylinderHeavy -> m_punchHardAmount ( no ) [0x00000aa4]
  193. DT_TriggerCylinderHeavy -> m_punchRandomBoost ( no ) [0x00000aa8]
  194. DT_TriggerCylinderHeavy -> m_triggerType ( no ) [0x00000aac]
  195. DT_TriggerCylinderHeavy -> m_teslaTrapFXVisible ( no ) [0x00000ab0]
  196. DT_TriggerCylinderHeavy -> m_teslaTrapObstructedEndTime ( no ) [0x00000ab8]
  197. DT_TriggerCylinderHeavy -> m_teslaTrapStart ( no ) [0x00000abc]
  198. DT_TriggerCylinderHeavy -> m_teslaTrapEnd ( no ) [0x00000ac0]
  199. DT_TriggerCylinderHeavy -> m_teslaTrapUp ( no ) [0x00000ac4]
  200. DT_TriggerCylinderHeavy -> m_launchDir ( no ) [0x00000ad0]
  201. DT_StatusEffectPlugin -> m_hOwnerEntity ( no ) [0x0000043c]
  202. DT_StatusEffectPlugin -> m_statusEffectsTimedPluginNV ( no ) [0x00000a00]
  203. DT_StatusEffectPlugin -> m_statusEffectsEndlessPluginNV ( no ) [0x00000a18]
  204. DT_SpriteOriented -> DT_SpriteOriented ( no ) [0x00000000]
  205. DT_Sprite -> DT_Sprite ( no ) [0x00000000]
  206. DT_Sprite -> m_hAttachedToEntity ( no ) [0x00000a18]
  207. DT_Sprite -> m_nAttachment ( no ) [0x00000a1c]
  208. DT_Sprite -> m_flScaleDuration ( no ) [0x00000a3c]
  209. DT_Sprite -> m_flSpriteScale ( no ) [0x00000a38]
  210. DT_Sprite -> m_flSpriteFramerate ( no ) [0x00000a20]
  211. DT_Sprite -> m_flGlowProxySize ( no ) [0x00000a44]
  212. DT_Sprite -> m_flHDRColorScale ( no ) [0x00000a48]
  213. DT_Sprite -> m_flFrame ( no ) [0x00000a24]
  214. DT_Sprite -> m_flBrightnessDuration ( no ) [0x00000a34]
  215. DT_Sprite -> m_nBrightness ( no ) [0x00000a30]
  216. DT_Sprite -> m_clrRenderFriendly ( no ) [0x00000a2c]
  217. DT_Sprite -> m_iTeamNum ( no ) [0x000003f0]
  218. DT_Sprite -> m_bWorldSpaceScale ( no ) [0x00000a40]
  219. DT_ScriptMoverTrainNode -> m_cellX ( no ) [0x00000048]
  220. DT_ScriptMoverTrainNode -> m_cellY ( no ) [0x0000004c]
  221. DT_ScriptMoverTrainNode -> m_cellZ ( no ) [0x00000050]
  222. DT_ScriptMoverTrainNode -> m_localOrigin ( no ) [0x00000054]
  223. DT_ScriptMoverTrainNode -> m_firstChildEntityLink ( no ) [0x000009e0]
  224. DT_ScriptMoverTrainNode -> m_firstParentEntityLink ( no ) [0x000009e4]
  225. DT_ScriptMoverTrainNode -> m_scriptNameIndex ( no ) [0x00000628]
  226. DT_ScriptMoverTrainNode -> m_numSmoothPoints ( no ) [0x00000a00]
  227. DT_ScriptMoverTrainNode -> m_trainNodeMakeSmoothPointsParity ( no ) [0x00000a04]
  228. DT_ScriptMoverTrainNode -> m_tangentType ( no ) [0x00000a08]
  229. DT_ScriptMoverTrainNode -> m_perfectCircularRotation ( no ) [0x00000a0c]
  230. DT_DoorMover -> m_cellX ( no ) [0x00000048]
  231. DT_DoorMover -> m_cellY ( no ) [0x0000004c]
  232. DT_DoorMover -> m_cellZ ( no ) [0x00000050]
  233. DT_DoorMover -> m_localOrigin ( no ) [0x00000054]
  234. DT_DoorMover -> m_localAngles ( no ) [0x00000428]
  235. DT_DoorMover -> m_vecVelocity ( no ) [0x0000041c]
  236. DT_DoorMover -> m_vecAngVelocity ( no ) [0x00000128]
  237. DT_DoorMover -> moveparent ( no ) [0x0000001c]
  238. DT_DoorMover -> m_parentAttachmentType ( no ) [0x00000020]
  239. DT_DoorMover -> m_parentAttachmentIndex ( no ) [0x000007f0]
  240. DT_DoorMover -> m_parentAttachmentHitbox ( no ) [0x000007f4]
  241. DT_DoorMover -> m_parentAttachmentModel ( no ) [0x000007f8]
  242. DT_DoorMover -> m_nModelIndex ( no ) [0x00000060]
  243. DT_DoorMover -> m_fadeDist ( no ) [0x00000804]
  244. DT_DoorMover -> m_fEffects ( no ) [0x00000040]
  245. DT_DoorMover -> m_networkedFlags ( no ) [0x00000394]
  246. DT_DoorMover -> m_usableType ( no ) [0x00000044]
  247. DT_DoorMover -> m_usablePriority ( no ) [0x000008c8]
  248. DT_DoorMover -> m_usableDistanceOverride ( no ) [0x000008cc]
  249. DT_DoorMover -> m_usableFOV ( no ) [0x000008d0]
  250. DT_DoorMover -> m_usePromptSize ( no ) [0x000008d4]
  251. DT_DoorMover -> m_holdUsePrompt ( no ) [0x000006b0]
  252. DT_DoorMover -> m_pressUsePrompt ( no ) [0x000006b8]
  253. DT_DoorMover -> m_scriptNameIndex ( no ) [0x00000628]
  254. DT_DoorMover -> m_iSignifierName ( no ) [0x00000518]
  255. DT_DoorMover -> m_CollisionGroup ( no ) [0x000004d8]
  256. DT_DoorMover -> m_Collision ( no ) [0x00000458]
  257. DT_DoorMover -> m_doorFlags ( no ) [0x00001540]
  258. DT_ScriptMoverLightweight -> m_useNonPhysicsMoveInterpolation ( no ) [0x00001544]
  259. DT_ScriptMoverLightweight -> m_moveModeNonPhysics ( no ) [0x00001444]
  260. DT_ScriptMoverLightweight -> m_moveModeIsLocal ( no ) [0x00001448]
  261. DT_ScriptMoverLightweight -> m_moveToStartPos ( no ) [0x0000144c]
  262. DT_ScriptMoverLightweight -> m_moveToEndPos ( no ) [0x00001458]
  263. DT_ScriptMoverLightweight -> m_moveToTimeStart ( no ) [0x00001464]
  264. DT_ScriptMoverLightweight -> m_moveToTimeEnd ( no ) [0x00001468]
  265. DT_ScriptMoverLightweight -> m_moveToTimeEaseIn ( no ) [0x0000146c]
  266. DT_ScriptMoverLightweight -> m_moveToTimeEaseOut ( no ) [0x00001470]
  267. DT_ScriptMoverLightweight -> m_moveVelocity ( no ) [0x00001474]
  268. DT_ScriptMoverLightweight -> m_moveGravity ( no ) [0x00001480]
  269. DT_ScriptMoverLightweight -> m_trainStartTime ( no ) [0x0000148c]
  270. DT_ScriptMoverLightweight -> m_trainStopTime ( no ) [0x00001490]
  271. DT_ScriptMoverLightweight -> m_trainStartDistance ( no ) [0x00001494]
  272. DT_ScriptMoverLightweight -> m_trainCurrentNode ( no ) [0x00001498]
  273. DT_ScriptMoverLightweight -> m_trainStopNode ( no ) [0x0000149c]
  274. DT_ScriptMoverLightweight -> m_trainInitialSpeed ( no ) [0x000014a0]
  275. DT_ScriptMoverLightweight -> m_trainGoalSpeed ( no ) [0x000014a4]
  276. DT_ScriptMoverLightweight -> m_trainAcceleration ( no ) [0x000014a8]
  277. DT_ScriptMoverLightweight -> m_trainLastNode ( no ) [0x000014ac]
  278. DT_ScriptMoverLightweight -> m_trainLastDistance ( no ) [0x000014b0]
  279. DT_ScriptMoverLightweight -> m_trainLastSpeed ( no ) [0x000014b4]
  280. DT_ScriptMoverLightweight -> m_trainFollowMover ( no ) [0x000014b8]
  281. DT_ScriptMoverLightweight -> m_trainFollowDistance ( no ) [0x000014bc]
  282. DT_ScriptMoverLightweight -> m_trainBreadcrumb ( no ) [0x000014c0]
  283. DT_ScriptMoverLightweight -> m_trainBreadcrumbBegin ( no ) [0x000014e0]
  284. DT_ScriptMoverLightweight -> m_trainBreadcrumbCount ( no ) [0x000014e4]
  285. DT_ScriptMoverLightweight -> m_trainAutoRollStrength ( no ) [0x000014e8]
  286. DT_ScriptMoverLightweight -> m_trainAutoRollLookAheadDistance ( no ) [0x000014ec]
  287. DT_ScriptMoverLightweight -> m_trainAutoRollMax ( no ) [0x000014f0]
  288. DT_ScriptMoverLightweight -> m_moverNetworkCellX ( no ) [0x00000048]
  289. DT_ScriptMoverLightweight -> m_moverNetworkCellY ( no ) [0x0000004c]
  290. DT_ScriptMoverLightweight -> m_moverNetworkCellZ ( no ) [0x00000050]
  291. DT_ScriptMoverLightweight -> m_moverNetworkLocalOrigin ( no ) [0x00000054]
  292. DT_ScriptMoverLightweight -> m_moverNetworkLinearVelocity ( no ) [0x0000041c]
  293. DT_ScriptMoverLightweight -> m_rotateModeNonPhysics ( no ) [0x000014f4]
  294. DT_ScriptMoverLightweight -> m_scriptNameIndex ( no ) [0x00000628]
  295. DT_ScriptMoverLightweight -> m_rotateModeIsLocal ( no ) [0x000014f8]
  296. DT_ScriptMoverLightweight -> m_RotateToAnglesStart ( no ) [0x000014fc]
  297. DT_ScriptMoverLightweight -> m_RotateToAnglesEnd ( no ) [0x00001508]
  298. DT_ScriptMoverLightweight -> m_rotateToTimeStart ( no ) [0x00001514]
  299. DT_ScriptMoverLightweight -> m_rotateToTimeEnd ( no ) [0x00001518]
  300. DT_ScriptMoverLightweight -> m_rotateToTimeEaseIn ( no ) [0x0000151c]
  301. DT_ScriptMoverLightweight -> m_rotateToTimeEaseOut ( no ) [0x00001520]
  302. DT_ScriptMoverLightweight -> m_rotateAxis ( no ) [0x00001524]
  303. DT_ScriptMoverLightweight -> m_rotateSpeed ( no ) [0x00001530]
  304. DT_ScriptMoverLightweight -> m_moverNetworkLocalAngles ( no ) [0x00000428]
  305. DT_ScriptMoverLightweight -> m_moverNetworkAngularVelocity ( no ) [0x00000128]
  306. DT_ScriptMoverLightweight -> moveparent ( no ) [0x0000001c]
  307. DT_ScriptMoverLightweight -> m_parentAttachmentType ( no ) [0x00000020]
  308. DT_ScriptMoverLightweight -> m_parentAttachmentIndex ( no ) [0x000007f0]
  309. DT_ScriptMoverLightweight -> m_parentAttachmentHitbox ( no ) [0x000007f4]
  310. DT_ScriptMoverLightweight -> m_parentAttachmentModel ( no ) [0x000007f8]
  311. DT_ScriptMoverLightweight -> m_nModelIndex ( no ) [0x00000060]
  312. DT_ScriptMoverLightweight -> m_fadeDist ( no ) [0x00000804]
  313. DT_ScriptMoverLightweight -> m_fEffects ( no ) [0x00000040]
  314. DT_ScriptMoverLightweight -> m_networkedFlags ( no ) [0x00000394]
  315. DT_ScriptMover -> DT_ScriptMover ( no ) [0x00000000]
  316. DT_ScriptMover -> m_localAngles ( no ) [0x00000428]
  317. DT_ScriptMover -> m_vecVelocity ( no ) [0x0000041c]
  318. DT_ScriptMover -> m_vecAngVelocity ( no ) [0x00000128]
  319. DT_ScriptMover -> m_parentAttachmentType ( no ) [0x00000020]
  320. DT_ScriptMover -> m_parentAttachmentHitbox ( no ) [0x000007f4]
  321. DT_ScriptNetDataGlobal -> DT_ScriptNetDataGlobal ( no ) [0x00000000]
  322. DT_ScriptNetData_SNDC_DEATH_BOX -> DT_ScriptNetData_SNDC_DEATH_BOX ( no ) [0x00000000]
  323. DT_ScriptNetData_SNDC_DEATH_BOX -> m_bools[0] ( no ) [0x00000c40]
  324. DT_ScriptNetData_SNDC_DEATH_BOX -> m_bools ( no ) [0x00000000]
  325. DT_ScriptNetData_SNDC_DEATH_BOX -> m_ranges[0] ( no ) [0x00000c42]
  326. DT_ScriptNetData_SNDC_DEATH_BOX -> m_ranges ( no ) [0x00000000]
  327. DT_ScriptNetData_SNDC_DEATH_BOX -> m_int32s[0] ( no ) [0x00000c64]
  328. DT_ScriptNetData_SNDC_DEATH_BOX -> m_int32s ( no ) [0x00000000]
  329. DT_ScriptNetData_SNDC_DEATH_BOX -> m_times[0] ( no ) [0x00000c68]
  330. DT_ScriptNetData_SNDC_DEATH_BOX -> m_times ( no ) [0x00000000]
  331. DT_ScriptNetData_SNDC_DEATH_BOX -> m_entities[0] ( no ) [0x00000c6c]
  332. DT_ScriptNetData_SNDC_DEATH_BOX -> m_entities ( no ) [0x00000000]
  333. DT_ScriptNetData_SNDC_TITAN_SOUL -> DT_ScriptNetData_SNDC_TITAN_SOUL ( no ) [0x00000000]
  334. DT_ScriptNetData_SNDC_TITAN_SOUL -> m_bools[0] ( no ) [0x00000c40]
  335. DT_ScriptNetData_SNDC_TITAN_SOUL -> m_bools ( no ) [0x00000000]
  336. DT_ScriptNetData_SNDC_TITAN_SOUL -> m_ranges[0] ( no ) [0x00000c48]
  337. DT_ScriptNetData_SNDC_TITAN_SOUL -> m_ranges ( no ) [0x00000000]
  338. DT_ScriptNetData_SNDC_TITAN_SOUL -> m_int32s[0] ( no ) [0x00000c68]
  339. DT_ScriptNetData_SNDC_TITAN_SOUL -> m_int32s ( no ) [0x00000000]
  340. DT_ScriptNetData_SNDC_TITAN_SOUL -> m_times[0] ( no ) [0x00000c70]
  341. DT_ScriptNetData_SNDC_TITAN_SOUL -> m_times ( no ) [0x00000000]
  342. DT_ScriptNetData_SNDC_TITAN_SOUL -> m_entities[0] ( no ) [0x00000c90]
  343. DT_ScriptNetData_SNDC_TITAN_SOUL -> m_entities ( no ) [0x00000000]
  344. DT_ScriptNetData_SNDC_PLAYER_EXCLUSIVE -> DT_ScriptNetData_SNDC_PLAYER_EXCLUSIVE ( no ) [0x00000000]
  345. DT_ScriptNetData_SNDC_PLAYER_EXCLUSIVE -> m_bools[0] ( no ) [0x00000c40]
  346. DT_ScriptNetData_SNDC_PLAYER_EXCLUSIVE -> m_bools ( no ) [0x00000000]
  347. DT_ScriptNetData_SNDC_PLAYER_EXCLUSIVE -> m_ranges[0] ( no ) [0x00000c50]
  348. DT_ScriptNetData_SNDC_PLAYER_EXCLUSIVE -> m_ranges ( no ) [0x00000000]
  349. DT_ScriptNetData_SNDC_PLAYER_EXCLUSIVE -> m_int32s[0] ( no ) [0x00000c90]
  350. DT_ScriptNetData_SNDC_PLAYER_EXCLUSIVE -> m_int32s ( no ) [0x00000000]
  351. DT_ScriptNetData_SNDC_PLAYER_EXCLUSIVE -> m_times[0] ( no ) [0x00000cb0]
  352. DT_ScriptNetData_SNDC_PLAYER_EXCLUSIVE -> m_times ( no ) [0x00000000]
  353. DT_ScriptNetData_SNDC_PLAYER_EXCLUSIVE -> m_entities[0] ( no ) [0x00000cd0]
  354. DT_ScriptNetData_SNDC_PLAYER_EXCLUSIVE -> m_entities ( no ) [0x00000000]
  355. DT_ScriptNetData_SNDC_PLAYER_GLOBAL -> DT_ScriptNetData_SNDC_PLAYER_GLOBAL ( no ) [0x00000000]
  356. DT_ScriptNetData_SNDC_PLAYER_GLOBAL -> m_bools[0] ( no ) [0x00000c40]
  357. DT_ScriptNetData_SNDC_PLAYER_GLOBAL -> m_bools ( no ) [0x00000000]
  358. DT_ScriptNetData_SNDC_PLAYER_GLOBAL -> m_ranges[0] ( no ) [0x00000c48]
  359. DT_ScriptNetData_SNDC_PLAYER_GLOBAL -> m_ranges ( no ) [0x00000000]
  360. DT_ScriptNetData_SNDC_PLAYER_GLOBAL -> m_int32s[0] ( no ) [0x00000c88]
  361. DT_ScriptNetData_SNDC_PLAYER_GLOBAL -> m_int32s ( no ) [0x00000000]
  362. DT_ScriptNetData_SNDC_PLAYER_GLOBAL -> m_times[0] ( no ) [0x00000cb8]
  363. DT_ScriptNetData_SNDC_PLAYER_GLOBAL -> m_times ( no ) [0x00000000]
  364. DT_ScriptNetData_SNDC_PLAYER_GLOBAL -> m_entities[0] ( no ) [0x00000cd8]
  365. DT_ScriptNetData_SNDC_PLAYER_GLOBAL -> m_entities ( no ) [0x00000000]
  366. DT_ScriptNetData_SNDC_GLOBAL -> DT_ScriptNetData_SNDC_GLOBAL ( no ) [0x00000000]
  367. DT_ScriptNetData_SNDC_GLOBAL -> m_bools[0] ( no ) [0x00000c40]
  368. DT_ScriptNetData_SNDC_GLOBAL -> m_bools ( no ) [0x00000000]
  369. DT_ScriptNetData_SNDC_GLOBAL -> m_ranges[0] ( no ) [0x00000c50]
  370. DT_ScriptNetData_SNDC_GLOBAL -> m_ranges ( no ) [0x00000000]
  371. DT_ScriptNetData_SNDC_GLOBAL -> m_int32s[0] ( no ) [0x00000c90]
  372. DT_ScriptNetData_SNDC_GLOBAL -> m_int32s ( no ) [0x00000000]
  373. DT_ScriptNetData_SNDC_GLOBAL -> m_times[0] ( no ) [0x00000cb0]
  374. DT_ScriptNetData_SNDC_GLOBAL -> m_times ( no ) [0x00000000]
  375. DT_ScriptNetData_SNDC_GLOBAL -> m_entities[0] ( no ) [0x00000d10]
  376. DT_ScriptNetData_SNDC_GLOBAL -> m_entities ( no ) [0x00000000]
  377. DT_ScriptNetData -> m_hOwnerEntity ( no ) [0x0000043c]
  378. DT_RopeKeyframe -> m_nChangeCount ( no ) [0x00000e40]
  379. DT_RopeKeyframe -> m_iRopeMaterialModelIndex ( no ) [0x00000b54]
  380. DT_RopeKeyframe -> m_hStartPoint ( no ) [0x00000ddc]
  381. DT_RopeKeyframe -> m_hEndPoint ( no ) [0x00000de0]
  382. DT_RopeKeyframe -> m_hPrevPoint ( no ) [0x00000de4]
  383. DT_RopeKeyframe -> m_iStartAttachment ( no ) [0x00000de8]
  384. DT_RopeKeyframe -> m_iEndAttachment ( no ) [0x00000dea]
  385. DT_RopeKeyframe -> m_fLockedPoints ( no ) [0x00000e34]
  386. DT_RopeKeyframe -> m_lockDirectionCutoffLength ( no ) [0x00000e38]
  387. DT_RopeKeyframe -> m_lockDirectionStrength ( no ) [0x00000e3c]
  388. DT_RopeKeyframe -> m_Slack ( no ) [0x00000e2c]
  389. DT_RopeKeyframe -> m_ropeLength ( no ) [0x00000e1c]
  390. DT_RopeKeyframe -> m_constraintIterations ( no ) [0x00000e24]
  391. DT_RopeKeyframe -> m_ropeDampening ( no ) [0x00000e28]
  392. DT_RopeKeyframe -> m_TextureScale ( no ) [0x00000e30]
  393. DT_RopeKeyframe -> m_RopeFlags ( no ) [0x00000b50]
  394. DT_RopeKeyframe -> m_TextureScale ( no ) [0x00000e30]
  395. DT_RopeKeyframe -> m_nSegments ( no ) [0x00000dd8]
  396. DT_RopeKeyframe -> m_bConstrainBetweenEndpoints ( no ) [0x00000ed0]
  397. DT_RopeKeyframe -> m_subdivStackCount ( no ) [0x00000e14]
  398. DT_RopeKeyframe -> m_subdivSliceCount ( no ) [0x00000e18]
  399. DT_RopeKeyframe -> m_Width ( no ) [0x00000e44]
  400. DT_RopeKeyframe -> m_flScrollSpeed ( no ) [0x00000b4c]
  401. DT_RopeKeyframe -> m_ropeZiplineAutoDetachDistance ( no ) [0x00000a00]
  402. DT_RopeKeyframe -> m_ziplineSagEnable ( no ) [0x00000a04]
  403. DT_RopeKeyframe -> m_ziplineSagHeight ( no ) [0x00000a08]
  404. DT_RopeKeyframe -> m_ziplineMoveSpeedScale ( no ) [0x00000b00]
  405. DT_RopeKeyframe -> m_wiggleFadeStartTime ( no ) [0x00000b04]
  406. DT_RopeKeyframe -> m_wiggleEndTime ( no ) [0x00000b08]
  407. DT_RopeKeyframe -> m_wiggleMaxLen ( no ) [0x00000b0c]
  408. DT_RopeKeyframe -> m_wiggleMagnitude ( no ) [0x00000b10]
  409. DT_RopeKeyframe -> m_wiggleSpeed ( no ) [0x00000b14]
  410. DT_RopeKeyframe -> m_localOrigin ( no ) [0x00000004]
  411. DT_RopeKeyframe -> moveparent ( no ) [0x0000001c]
  412. DT_RopeKeyframe -> m_parentAttachmentType ( no ) [0x00000020]
  413. DT_RopeKeyframe -> m_parentAttachmentIndex ( no ) [0x000007f0]
  414. DT_RopeKeyframe -> m_parentAttachmentHitbox ( no ) [0x000007f4]
  415. DT_RopeKeyframe -> m_parentAttachmentModel ( no ) [0x000007f8]
  416. DT_RopeKeyframe -> m_hOwnerEntity ( no ) [0x0000043c]
  417. DT_RopeKeyframe -> m_visibilityFlags ( no ) [0x000003e8]
  418. DT_RopeKeyframe -> m_fadeDist ( no ) [0x00000804]
  419. DT_PlayerWaypoint -> m_cellX ( no ) [0x00000048]
  420. DT_PlayerWaypoint -> m_cellY ( no ) [0x0000004c]
  421. DT_PlayerWaypoint -> m_cellZ ( no ) [0x00000050]
  422. DT_PlayerWaypoint -> m_localOrigin ( no ) [0x00000054]
  423. DT_PlayerWaypoint -> m_iTeamNum ( no ) [0x000003f0]
  424. DT_PlayerWaypoint -> m_teamMemberIndex ( no ) [0x000003f4]
  425. DT_PlayerWaypoint -> m_hOwnerEntity ( no ) [0x0000043c]
  426. DT_PlayerWaypoint -> moveparent ( no ) [0x0000001c]
  427. DT_PlayerWaypoint -> m_parentAttachmentIndex ( no ) [0x000007f0]
  428. DT_PlayerWaypoint -> m_parentAttachmentModel ( no ) [0x000007f8]
  429. DT_PlayerWaypoint -> m_iSignifierName ( no ) [0x00000518]
  430. DT_PlayerWaypoint -> m_visibilityFlags ( no ) [0x000003e8]
  431. DT_PlayerWaypoint -> m_networkedFlags ( no ) [0x00000394]
  432. DT_PlayerWaypoint -> m_realmsBitMask ( no ) [0x000009e8]
  433. DT_PlayerWaypoint -> m_waypointType ( no ) [0x00000a00]
  434. DT_PlayerWaypoint -> m_waypointBitfield ( no ) [0x00000a04]
  435. DT_PlayerWaypoint -> m_waypointEnts ( no ) [0x00000a08]
  436. DT_PlayerWaypoint -> m_waypointVectors ( no ) [0x00000a28]
  437. DT_PlayerWaypoint -> m_waypointGameTimes ( no ) [0x00000a88]
  438. DT_PlayerWaypoint -> m_waypointInts ( no ) [0x00000aa8]
  439. DT_PlayerWaypoint -> m_waypointFloats ( no ) [0x00000ac8]
  440. DT_PlayerWaypoint -> m_objectivePackedInt ( no ) [0x00000ae8]
  441. DT_PlayerWaypoint -> m_waypointGroupName ( no ) [0x00000aec]
  442. DT_PlayerWaypoint -> m_waypointGroupFlags ( no ) [0x00000b0c]
  443. DT_PlayerWaypoint -> m_waypointCustomType ( no ) [0x00000b10]
  444. DT_PlayerWaypoint -> m_waypointStringA ( no ) [0x00000b30]
  445. DT_PlayerWaypoint -> m_waypointStringB ( no ) [0x00000b70]
  446. DT_PlayerWaypoint -> m_waypointAssetA ( no ) [0x00000bb8]
  447. DT_PlayerWaypoint -> m_waypointAssetB ( no ) [0x00000c38]
  448. DT_PlayerTasklist -> DT_PlayerTasklist ( no ) [0x00000000]
  449. DT_PlayerTasklist -> m_notifyTime ( no ) [0x00000a00]
  450. DT_PlayerTasklist -> m_customInt ( no ) [0x00000a04]
  451. DT_PlayerTasklist -> m_taskStatus ( no ) [0x00000a08]
  452. DT_PlayerTasklist -> m_taskType ( no ) [0x00000a3c]
  453. DT_PlayerTasklist -> m_taskCountGoal ( no ) [0x00000a70]
  454. DT_PlayerTasklist -> m_taskCountNow ( no ) [0x00000aa4]
  455. DT_PlayerTasklist -> m_taskFlags ( no ) [0x00000ad8]
  456. DT_PlayerTasklist -> m_taskGameTimes ( no ) [0x00000b0c]
  457. DT_PlayerTasklist -> m_taskInts ( no ) [0x00000b40]
  458. DT_PlayerTasklist -> m_taskFloats ( no ) [0x00000b74]
  459. DT_PlayerTasklist -> m_taskEnts ( no ) [0x00000ba8]
  460. DT_PlayerTasklist -> m_taskStringA ( no ) [0x00000bdc]
  461. DT_PlayerTasklist -> m_taskStringB ( no ) [0x00000c1c]
  462. DT_PlayerTasklist -> m_taskStringC ( no ) [0x00000c5c]
  463. DT_PlayerTasklist -> m_taskStringD ( no ) [0x00000c9c]
  464. DT_PlayerTasklist -> m_taskStringE ( no ) [0x00000cdc]
  465. DT_PlayerTasklist -> m_taskStringF ( no ) [0x00000d1c]
  466. DT_PlayerTasklist -> m_taskStringG ( no ) [0x00000d5c]
  467. DT_PlayerTasklist -> m_taskStringH ( no ) [0x00000d9c]
  468. DT_PlayerTasklist -> m_taskStringI ( no ) [0x00000ddc]
  469. DT_PlayerTasklist -> m_taskStringJ ( no ) [0x00000e1c]
  470. DT_PlayerTasklist -> m_taskStringK ( no ) [0x00000e5c]
  471. DT_PlayerTasklist -> m_taskStringL ( no ) [0x00000e9c]
  472. DT_PlayerTasklist -> m_taskStringM ( no ) [0x00000edc]
  473. DT_PlayerDecoy -> DT_PlayerDecoy ( no ) [0x00000000]
  474. DT_PlayerDecoy -> m_currentState ( no ) [0x00001300]
  475. DT_PlayerDecoy -> m_decoyFlags ( no ) [0x00001304]
  476. DT_PlayerDecoy -> m_lastPulseTime ( no ) [0x0000130c]
  477. DT_PlayerDecoy -> m_currentClass ( no ) [0x00001310]
  478. DT_PlayerDecoy -> m_classModsActive ( no ) [0x00001318]
  479. DT_PlayerDecoy -> m_iHealth ( no ) [0x000003e0]
  480. DT_PlayerDecoy -> m_iMaxHealth ( no ) [0x00000510]
  481. DT_PlayerDecoy -> m_cloakEndTime ( no ) [0x0000019c]
  482. DT_PlayerDecoy -> m_cloakFadeInEndTime ( no ) [0x000001a0]
  483. DT_PlayerDecoy -> m_cloakFadeOutStartTime ( no ) [0x000001a4]
  484. DT_PlayerDecoy -> m_cloakFadeInDuration ( no ) [0x000001a8]
  485. DT_PlayerDecoy -> m_cloakFlickerAmount ( no ) [0x000001ac]
  486. DT_PlayerDecoy -> m_cloakFlickerEndTime ( no ) [0x000001b0]
  487. DT_PlayerDecoy -> m_nameVisibilityFlags ( no ) [0x00000958]
  488. DT_GlobalNonRewinding -> m_playerObserver ( no ) [0x00000a00]
  489. DT_EntityBlocker -> DT_EntityBlocker ( no ) [0x00000000]
  490. DT_TEScriptParticleSystemOnEntityWithPos -> DT_TEScriptParticleSystemOnEntityWithPos ( no ) [0x00000000]
  491. DT_TEScriptParticleSystemOnEntityWithPos -> m_origin ( no ) [0x00000040]
  492. DT_TEScriptParticleSystemOnEntityWithPos -> m_angles ( no ) [0x0000004c]
  493. DT_TEScriptParticleSystemOnEntity -> DT_TEScriptParticleSystemOnEntity ( no ) [0x00000000]
  494. DT_TEScriptParticleSystemOnEntity -> m_effectIndex ( no ) [0x00000028]
  495. DT_TEScriptParticleSystemOnEntity -> m_ent ( no ) [0x0000002c]
  496. DT_TEScriptParticleSystemOnEntity -> m_attachType ( no ) [0x00000030]
  497. DT_TEScriptParticleSystemOnEntity -> m_attachType2 ( no ) [0x00000038]
  498. DT_TEScriptParticleSystemOnEntity -> m_attachmentIndex ( no ) [0x00000034]
  499. DT_TEScriptParticleSystemOnEntity -> m_attachmentIndex2 ( no ) [0x0000003c]
  500. DT_TEScriptParticleSystem -> DT_TEScriptParticleSystem ( no ) [0x00000000]
  501. DT_TEScriptParticleSystem -> m_effectIndex ( no ) [0x00000028]
  502. DT_TEScriptParticleSystem -> m_origin ( no ) [0x0000002c]
  503. DT_TEScriptParticleSystem -> m_controlPoint1 ( no ) [0x00000044]
  504. DT_TEScriptParticleSystem -> m_angles ( no ) [0x00000038]
  505. DT_CPropDoor -> m_cellX ( no ) [0x00000048]
  506. DT_CPropDoor -> m_cellY ( no ) [0x0000004c]
  507. DT_CPropDoor -> m_cellZ ( no ) [0x00000050]
  508. DT_CPropDoor -> m_localOrigin ( no ) [0x00000054]
  509. DT_CPropDoor -> m_localAngles ( no ) [0x00000428]
  510. DT_CPropDoor -> m_closedAngle ( no ) [0x00001370]
  511. DT_CPropDoor -> m_angle ( no ) [0x00001374]
  512. DT_CPropDoor -> m_startAngle ( no ) [0x00001378]
  513. DT_CPropDoor -> m_startAngleVel ( no ) [0x0000137c]
  514. DT_CPropDoor -> m_startMoveTime ( no ) [0x00001380]
  515. DT_CPropDoor -> m_isLocked ( no ) [0x00001384]
  516. DT_CPropDoor -> m_oppositeDoor ( no ) [0x00001388]
  517. DT_CPropDoor -> m_interactingPlayer ( no ) [0x000013d8]
  518. DT_CPropDoor -> m_interactingPlayerWantsOpen ( no ) [0x000013dc]
  519. DT_CPropDoor -> m_nModelIndex ( no ) [0x00000060]
  520. DT_CPropDoor -> m_fEffects ( no ) [0x00000040]
  521. DT_CPropDoor -> m_networkedFlags ( no ) [0x00000394]
  522. DT_CPropDoor -> m_usableType ( no ) [0x00000044]
  523. DT_CPropDoor -> m_nSkin ( no ) [0x00000e48]
  524. DT_CPropDoor -> m_skinMod ( no ) [0x00000e4c]
  525. DT_CPropDoor -> HighlightSettings ( no ) [0x00000000]
  526. DT_InfoTargetGravity -> DT_InfoTargetGravity ( no ) [0x00000000]
  527. DT_InfoTargetGravity -> m_gravityDirectionType ( no ) [0x00000a00]
  528. DT_InfoTargetGravity -> m_gravityPair ( no ) [0x00000a08]
  529. DT_InfoTarget -> m_cellX ( no ) [0x00000048]
  530. DT_InfoTarget -> m_cellY ( no ) [0x0000004c]
  531. DT_InfoTarget -> m_cellZ ( no ) [0x00000050]
  532. DT_InfoTarget -> m_localOrigin ( no ) [0x00000054]
  533. DT_InfoTarget -> m_localAngles ( no ) [0x00000428]
  534. DT_InfoTarget -> moveparent ( no ) [0x0000001c]
  535. DT_InfoTarget -> m_parentAttachmentType ( no ) [0x000007ec]
  536. DT_InfoTarget -> m_parentAttachmentIndex ( no ) [0x000007f0]
  537. DT_InfoTarget -> m_parentAttachmentHitbox ( no ) [0x000007f4]
  538. DT_InfoTarget -> m_parentAttachmentModel ( no ) [0x000007f8]
  539. DT_InfoTarget -> m_iTeamNum ( no ) [0x000003f0]
  540. DT_InfoTarget -> m_iName ( no ) [0x00000521]
  541. DT_InfoTarget -> m_scriptNameIndex ( no ) [0x00000628]
  542. DT_InfoTarget -> m_instanceNameIndex ( no ) [0x0000062c]
  543. DT_InfoTarget -> m_iSignifierName ( no ) [0x00000518]
  544. DT_InfoTarget -> m_hOwnerEntity ( no ) [0x0000043c]
  545. DT_InfoTarget -> m_firstChildEntityLink ( no ) [0x000009e0]
  546. DT_InfoTarget -> m_firstParentEntityLink ( no ) [0x000009e4]
  547. DT_Beam -> m_nBeamType ( no ) [0x00000a20]
  548. DT_Beam -> m_nBeamFlags ( no ) [0x00000a24]
  549. DT_Beam -> m_nNumBeamEnts ( no ) [0x00000a14]
  550. DT_Beam -> m_hAttachEntity ( no ) [0x00000a28]
  551. DT_Beam -> m_nAttachIndex ( no ) [0x00000a50]
  552. DT_Beam -> m_nHaloIndex ( no ) [0x00000a1c]
  553. DT_Beam -> m_fHaloScale ( no ) [0x00000a84]
  554. DT_Beam -> m_fWidth ( no ) [0x00000a78]
  555. DT_Beam -> m_fEndWidth ( no ) [0x00000a7c]
  556. DT_Beam -> m_fFadeLength ( no ) [0x00000a80]
  557. DT_Beam -> m_fAmplitude ( no ) [0x00000a88]
  558. DT_Beam -> m_fStartFrame ( no ) [0x00000a8c]
  559. DT_Beam -> m_fSpeed ( no ) [0x00000a90]
  560. DT_Beam -> m_flFrameRate ( no ) [0x00000a00]
  561. DT_Beam -> m_flHDRColorScale ( no ) [0x00000a04]
  562. DT_Beam -> m_clrRender ( no ) [0x00000050]
  563. DT_Beam -> m_clrRenderFriendly ( no ) [0x00000a08]
  564. DT_Beam -> m_nRenderFX ( no ) [0x00000441]
  565. DT_Beam -> m_nRenderMode ( no ) [0x00000451]
  566. DT_Beam -> m_flFrame ( no ) [0x00000a94]
  567. DT_Beam -> m_nClipStyle ( no ) [0x00000a98]
  568. DT_Beam -> m_vecEndPos ( no ) [0x00000a9c]
  569. DT_Beam -> m_iTeamNum ( no ) [0x000003f0]
  570. DT_Beam -> m_nModelIndex ( no ) [0x00000060]
  571. DT_Beam -> m_visibilityFlags ( no ) [0x000003e8]
  572. DT_Beam -> m_hOwnerEntity ( no ) [0x0000043c]
  573. DT_Beam -> m_localOrigin ( no ) [0x00000004]
  574. DT_Beam -> moveparent ( no ) [0x0000001c]
  575. DT_Beam -> m_parentAttachmentType ( no ) [0x00000020]
  576. DT_Beam -> m_parentAttachmentIndex ( no ) [0x000007f0]
  577. DT_Beam -> m_parentAttachmentHitbox ( no ) [0x000007f4]
  578. DT_Beam -> m_parentAttachmentModel ( no ) [0x000007f8]
  579. DT_Beam -> beampredictable_id ( no ) [0x00000000]
  580. DT_InfoTargetMinimap -> DT_InfoTargetMinimap ( no ) [0x00000000]
  581. DT_InfoTargetMinimap -> m_minimapData ( no ) [0x00000908]
  582. DT_BaseViewModel -> m_flModelScale ( no ) [0x00000f0c]
  583. DT_BaseViewModel -> m_nModelIndex ( no ) [0x00000060]
  584. DT_BaseViewModel -> m_hWeapon ( no ) [0x00001ac4]
  585. DT_BaseViewModel -> m_nBody ( no ) [0x00000e50]
  586. DT_BaseViewModel -> m_animSequence ( no ) [0x0000001c]
  587. DT_BaseViewModel -> m_animModelIndex ( no ) [0x00000018]
  588. DT_BaseViewModel -> m_animStartTime ( no ) [0x00000008]
  589. DT_BaseViewModel -> m_animStartCycle ( no ) [0x0000000c]
  590. DT_BaseViewModel -> m_bSequenceFinished ( no ) [0x00000f00]
  591. DT_BaseViewModel -> m_isAdsTransition ( no ) [0x00001ac1]
  592. DT_BaseViewModel -> m_animPlaybackRate ( no ) [0x00000010]
  593. DT_BaseViewModel -> m_animFrozen ( no ) [0x00000014]
  594. DT_BaseViewModel -> m_fEffects ( no ) [0x00000040]
  595. DT_BaseViewModel -> m_viewModelOwner ( no ) [0x000016d8]
  596. DT_BaseViewModel -> m_tracerAttachments ( no ) [0x00001ac8]
  597. DT_BaseViewModel -> m_tracerAttachmentsScoped ( no ) [0x00001ad0]
  598. DT_BaseViewModel -> m_nNewSequenceParity ( no ) [0x00000020]
  599. DT_BaseViewModel -> m_nResetEventsParity ( no ) [0x00000e5c]
  600. DT_BaseViewModel -> m_nRenderMode ( no ) [0x00000451]
  601. DT_BaseViewModel -> m_clrRender ( no ) [0x00000050]
  602. DT_BaseViewModel -> m_projectileIsVisible ( no ) [0x000016dc]
  603. DT_BaseViewModel -> m_bBlockEventLayer ( no ) [0x00001ac0]
  604. DT_BaseViewModel -> m_animOverlayIsActive ( no ) [0x00000008]
  605. DT_BaseViewModel -> m_animOverlayModelIndex ( no ) [0x00000080]
  606. DT_BaseViewModel -> m_animOverlaySequence ( no ) [0x000000a4]
  607. DT_BaseViewModel -> m_animOverlayStartTime ( no ) [0x00000014]
  608. DT_BaseViewModel -> m_animOverlayStartCycle ( no ) [0x00000038]
  609. DT_BaseViewModel -> m_animOverlayPlaybackRate ( no ) [0x0000005c]
  610. DT_BaseViewModel -> m_animOverlayWeight ( no ) [0x000000c8]
  611. DT_BaseViewModel -> m_animOverlayOrder ( no ) [0x000000ec]
  612. DT_BaseViewModel -> m_animOverlayAnimTime ( no ) [0x00000110]
  613. DT_BaseViewModel -> m_animOverlayFadeInDuration ( no ) [0x00000134]
  614. DT_BaseViewModel -> m_animOverlayFadeOutDuration ( no ) [0x00000158]
  615. DT_BaseViewModel -> m_overlayEventParity ( no ) [0x00001411]
  616. DT_BaseViewModel -> overlay_vars ( no ) [0x00000000]
  617. DT_BaseGrenade -> DT_BaseGrenade ( no ) [0x00000000]
  618. DT_BaseGrenade -> m_DmgRadius ( no ) [0x00002804]
  619. DT_BaseGrenade -> m_doesExplode ( no ) [0x00002801]
  620. DT_BaseGrenade -> m_parentAttachmentType ( no ) [0x00000020]
  621. DT_BaseGrenade -> m_parentAttachmentHitbox ( no ) [0x000007f4]
  622. DT_BaseGrenade -> moveparent ( no ) [0x0000001c]
  623. DT_BaseGrenade -> m_parentAttachmentIndex ( no ) [0x000007f0]
  624. DT_BaseGrenade -> m_parentAttachmentModel ( no ) [0x000007f8]
  625. DT_BaseGrenade -> m_baseTakeDamage ( no ) [0x00000754]
  626. DT_BaseGrenade -> m_invulnerableToDamageCount ( no ) [0x00000758]
  627. DT_BaseGrenade -> m_cloakEndTime ( no ) [0x0000019c]
  628. DT_BaseGrenade -> m_cloakFadeInEndTime ( no ) [0x000001a0]
  629. DT_BaseGrenade -> m_cloakFadeOutStartTime ( no ) [0x000001a4]
  630. DT_BaseGrenade -> m_cloakFadeInDuration ( no ) [0x000001a8]
  631. DT_BaseGrenade -> m_cloakFlickerAmount ( no ) [0x000001ac]
  632. DT_BaseGrenade -> m_cloakFlickerEndTime ( no ) [0x000001b0]
  633. DT_BaseGrenade -> m_ziplineGrenadeExpectedEndPosition ( no ) [0x00002890]
  634. DT_World -> DT_World ( no ) [0x00000000]
  635. DT_World -> m_WorldMins ( no ) [0x00000a00]
  636. DT_World -> m_WorldMaxs ( no ) [0x00000a0c]
  637. DT_World -> m_bStartDark ( no ) [0x00000a18]
  638. DT_World -> m_statusEffectsGenerationNV ( no ) [0x00000a2c]
  639. DT_World -> m_worldFlags ( no ) [0x00000a34]
  640. DT_World -> m_timeshiftArmDeviceSkin ( no ) [0x00000a38]
  641. DT_World -> m_spTitanLoadoutUnlocks ( no ) [0x00000a3c]
  642. DT_World -> m_deathFieldIsActive ( no ) [0x00000a40]
  643. DT_World -> m_deathFieldOrigin ( no ) [0x00000a44]
  644. DT_World -> m_deathFieldRadiusStart ( no ) [0x00000a50]
  645. DT_World -> m_deathFieldRadiusEnd ( no ) [0x00000a54]
  646. DT_World -> m_deathFieldTimeStart ( no ) [0x00000a58]
  647. DT_World -> m_deathFieldTimeEnd ( no ) [0x00000a5c]
  648. DT_World -> m_teamRelationRulesForPVE ( no ) [0x00000a60]
  649. DT_World -> m_civilTeamsMask ( no ) [0x00000a68]
  650. DT_World -> m_rabidTeamsMask ( no ) [0x00000a80]
  651. DT_EntityLinkPage -> pageIndex ( no ) [0x00000a00]
  652. DT_EntityLinkPage -> next ( no ) [0x00000a04]
  653. DT_EntityLinkPage -> entity ( no ) [0x00000e04]
  654. DT_WaterLODControl -> DT_WaterLODControl ( no ) [0x00000000]
  655. DT_WaterLODControl -> m_flCheapWaterStartDistance ( no ) [0x00000a00]
  656. DT_WaterLODControl -> m_flCheapWaterEndDistance ( no ) [0x00000a04]
  657. DT_VGuiScreen -> DT_VGuiScreen ( no ) [0x00000000]
  658. DT_VGuiScreen -> m_flWidth ( no ) [0x00000a00]
  659. DT_VGuiScreen -> m_flHeight ( no ) [0x00000a04]
  660. DT_VGuiScreen -> m_fScreenFlags ( no ) [0x00000a34]
  661. DT_VGuiScreen -> m_nPanelName ( no ) [0x00000a10]
  662. DT_VGuiScreen -> m_nAttachmentIndex ( no ) [0x00000a2c]
  663. DT_VGuiScreen -> m_nOverlayMaterial ( no ) [0x00000a30]
  664. DT_VGuiScreen -> m_hPlayerOwner ( no ) [0x00000ab8]
  665. DT_PlayerVehicle -> DT_PlayerVehicle ( no ) [0x00000000]
  666. DT_PlayerVehicle -> vehicledriverdata ( no ) [0x00000000]
  667. DT_PlayerVehicle -> vehiclenondriverdata ( no ) [0x00000000]
  668. DT_PlayerVehicle -> m_vehicleDriver ( no ) [0x00001304]
  669. DT_PlayerVehicle -> m_vehiclePlayers[0] ( no ) [0x0000130c]
  670. DT_PlayerVehicle -> m_vehiclePlayers ( no ) [0x00000000]
  671. DT_PlayerVehicle -> m_vehiclePlayerCount ( no ) [0x0000131c]
  672. DT_PlayerVehicle -> m_vehicleActivated ( no ) [0x00001320]
  673. DT_PlayerVehicle -> m_blockDuckInput ( no ) [0x00001321]
  674. DT_PlayerVehicle -> m_vehicleFlags ( no ) [0x00001324]
  675. DT_PlayerVehicle -> m_vehicleType ( no ) [0x00001328]
  676. DT_PlayerVehicle -> m_vehicleLaunchTime ( no ) [0x00001330]
  677. DT_PlayerVehicle -> m_vehicleVelocity ( no ) [0x00001338]
  678. DT_PlayerVehicle -> m_overrideVehicleAngles ( no ) [0x00001358]
  679. DT_PlayerVehicle -> m_overrideVehicleAnglesUntilTick ( no ) [0x00001364]
  680. DT_PlayerVehicle -> m_pushingEnt ( no ) [0x0000138c]
  681. DT_PlayerVehicle -> m_localAngles ( no ) [0x00000428]
  682. DT_PlayerVehicle -> m_vecViewOffset.x ( no ) [0x00000034]
  683. DT_PlayerVehicle -> m_vecViewOffset.y ( no ) [0x00000038]
  684. DT_PlayerVehicle -> m_vecViewOffset.z ( no ) [0x0000003c]
  685. DT_TriggerNoZipline -> DT_TriggerNoZipline ( no ) [0x00000000]
  686. DT_TriggerNoGrapple -> DT_TriggerNoGrapple ( no ) [0x00000000]
  687. DT_BaseVPhysicsTrigger -> DT_BaseVPhysicsTrigger ( no ) [0x00000000]
  688. DT_BaseTrigger -> DT_BaseTrigger ( no ) [0x00000000]
  689. DT_BaseTrigger -> m_bClientSidePredicted ( no ) [0x00000a40]
  690. DT_BaseTrigger -> m_spawnflags ( no ) [0x00000094]
  691. DT_TESoundDispatch -> DT_TESoundDispatch ( no ) [0x00000000]
  692. DT_TESoundDispatch -> m_soundData ( no ) [0x00000028]
  693. DT_TEPhysicsProp -> DT_TEPhysicsProp ( no ) [0x00000000]
  694. DT_TEPhysicsProp -> m_vecOrigin ( no ) [0x00000028]
  695. DT_TEPhysicsProp -> m_angRotation.x ( no ) [0x00000034]
  696. DT_TEPhysicsProp -> m_angRotation.y ( no ) [0x00000038]
  697. DT_TEPhysicsProp -> m_angRotation.z ( no ) [0x0000003c]
  698. DT_TEPhysicsProp -> m_vecVelocity ( no ) [0x00000040]
  699. DT_TEPhysicsProp -> m_nModelIndex ( no ) [0x0000004c]
  700. DT_TEPhysicsProp -> m_nFlags ( no ) [0x00000054]
  701. DT_TEPhysicsProp -> m_nSkin ( no ) [0x00000050]
  702. DT_TEPhysicsProp -> m_nEffects ( no ) [0x00000058]
  703. DT_TEParticleSystem -> DT_TEParticleSystem ( no ) [0x00000000]
  704. DT_TEParticleSystem -> m_vecOrigin.x ( no ) [0x00000028]
  705. DT_TEParticleSystem -> m_vecOrigin.y ( no ) [0x0000002c]
  706. DT_TEParticleSystem -> m_vecOrigin.z ( no ) [0x00000030]
  707. DT_TEShatterSurface -> DT_TEShatterSurface ( no ) [0x00000000]
  708. DT_TEShatterSurface -> m_vecOrigin ( no ) [0x00000028]
  709. DT_TEShatterSurface -> m_vecAngles ( no ) [0x00000034]
  710. DT_TEShatterSurface -> m_vecForce ( no ) [0x00000040]
  711. DT_TEShatterSurface -> m_vecForcePos ( no ) [0x0000004c]
  712. DT_TEShatterSurface -> m_flWidth ( no ) [0x00000058]
  713. DT_TEShatterSurface -> m_flHeight ( no ) [0x0000005c]
  714. DT_TEShatterSurface -> m_flShardSize ( no ) [0x00000060]
  715. DT_TEShatterSurface -> m_nSurfaceType ( no ) [0x00000070]
  716. DT_TEExplosion -> DT_TEExplosion ( no ) [0x00000000]
  717. DT_TEExplosion -> m_fScale ( no ) [0x00000038]
  718. DT_TEExplosion -> m_nFrameRate ( no ) [0x0000003c]
  719. DT_TEExplosion -> m_nFlags ( no ) [0x00000040]
  720. DT_TEExplosion -> m_vecNormal ( no ) [0x00000044]
  721. DT_TEExplosion -> m_chMaterialType ( no ) [0x00000050]
  722. DT_TEExplosion -> m_nRadius ( no ) [0x00000054]
  723. DT_TEExplosion -> m_nInnerRadius ( no ) [0x00000058]
  724. DT_TEExplosion -> m_nMagnitude ( no ) [0x0000005c]
  725. DT_TEExplosion -> m_impactEffectTableIndex ( no ) [0x00000060]
  726. DT_TEExplosion -> m_surfaceProp ( no ) [0x00000064]
  727. DT_TEExplosion -> m_owner ( no ) [0x00000068]
  728. DT_TEExplosion -> m_victim ( no ) [0x0000006c]
  729. DT_TEEffectDispatch -> DT_TEEffectDispatch ( no ) [0x00000000]
  730. DT_TEEffectDispatch -> m_EffectData ( no ) [0x00000028]
  731. DT_TEBreakModel -> DT_TEBreakModel ( no ) [0x00000000]
  732. DT_TEBreakModel -> m_vecOrigin ( no ) [0x00000028]
  733. DT_TEBreakModel -> m_angRotation.x ( no ) [0x00000034]
  734. DT_TEBreakModel -> m_angRotation.y ( no ) [0x00000038]
  735. DT_TEBreakModel -> m_angRotation.z ( no ) [0x0000003c]
  736. DT_TEBreakModel -> m_vecSize ( no ) [0x00000040]
  737. DT_TEBreakModel -> m_vecVelocity ( no ) [0x0000004c]
  738. DT_TEBreakModel -> m_nModelIndex ( no ) [0x0000005c]
  739. DT_TEBreakModel -> m_nRandomization ( no ) [0x00000058]
  740. DT_TEBreakModel -> m_nCount ( no ) [0x00000060]
  741. DT_TEBreakModel -> m_fTime ( no ) [0x00000064]
  742. DT_TEBreakModel -> m_nFlags ( no ) [0x00000068]
  743. DT_TEBeamSpline -> m_nPoints ( no ) [0x000000e8]
  744. DT_TEBeamSpline -> m_vecPoints[0] ( no ) [0x00000028]
  745. DT_TEBeamSpline -> m_vecPoints ( no ) [0x00000000]
  746. DT_TEBeamRingPoint -> DT_TEBeamRingPoint ( no ) [0x00000000]
  747. DT_TEBeamRingPoint -> m_vecCenter ( no ) [0x00000068]
  748. DT_TEBeamRingPoint -> m_flStartRadius ( no ) [0x00000074]
  749. DT_TEBeamRingPoint -> m_flEndRadius ( no ) [0x00000078]
  750. DT_TEBeamRing -> DT_TEBeamRing ( no ) [0x00000000]
  751. DT_TEBeamRing -> m_nStartEntity ( no ) [0x00000068]
  752. DT_TEBeamRing -> m_nEndEntity ( no ) [0x0000006c]
  753. DT_TEBeamPoints -> DT_TEBeamPoints ( no ) [0x00000000]
  754. DT_TEBeamPoints -> m_vecStartPoint ( no ) [0x00000068]
  755. DT_TEBeamPoints -> m_vecEndPoint ( no ) [0x00000074]
  756. DT_TEBeamLaser -> DT_TEBeamLaser ( no ) [0x00000000]
  757. DT_TEBeamLaser -> m_nStartEntity ( no ) [0x00000068]
  758. DT_TEBeamLaser -> m_nEndEntity ( no ) [0x0000006c]
  759. DT_TEBeamFollow -> DT_TEBeamFollow ( no ) [0x00000000]
  760. DT_TEBeamFollow -> m_iEntIndex ( no ) [0x00000068]
  761. DT_TEBeamEnts -> DT_TEBeamEnts ( no ) [0x00000000]
  762. DT_TEBeamEnts -> m_nStartEntity ( no ) [0x00000068]
  763. DT_TEBeamEnts -> m_nEndEntity ( no ) [0x0000006c]
  764. DT_TEBeamEntPoint -> DT_TEBeamEntPoint ( no ) [0x00000000]
  765. DT_TEBeamEntPoint -> m_nStartEntity ( no ) [0x00000068]
  766. DT_TEBeamEntPoint -> m_nEndEntity ( no ) [0x0000006c]
  767. DT_TEBeamEntPoint -> m_vecStartPoint ( no ) [0x00000070]
  768. DT_TEBeamEntPoint -> m_vecEndPoint ( no ) [0x0000007c]
  769. DT_BaseBeam -> m_nModelIndex ( no ) [0x00000028]
  770. DT_BaseBeam -> m_nHaloIndex ( no ) [0x0000002c]
  771. DT_BaseBeam -> m_nStartFrame ( no ) [0x00000030]
  772. DT_BaseBeam -> m_nFrameRate ( no ) [0x00000034]
  773. DT_BaseBeam -> m_fLife ( no ) [0x00000038]
  774. DT_BaseBeam -> m_fWidth ( no ) [0x0000003c]
  775. DT_BaseBeam -> m_fEndWidth ( no ) [0x00000040]
  776. DT_BaseBeam -> m_nFadeLength ( no ) [0x00000044]
  777. DT_BaseBeam -> m_fAmplitude ( no ) [0x00000048]
  778. DT_BaseBeam -> m_nSpeed ( no ) [0x0000005c]
  779. DT_BaseBeam -> r ( no ) [0x0000004c]
  780. DT_BaseBeam -> g ( no ) [0x00000050]
  781. DT_BaseBeam -> b ( no ) [0x00000054]
  782. DT_BaseBeam -> a ( no ) [0x00000058]
  783. DT_BaseBeam -> m_nFlags ( no ) [0x00000060]
  784. DT_HardPointFrontierEntity -> DT_HardPointFrontierEntity ( no ) [0x00000000]
  785. DT_HardPointEntity -> m_localOrigin ( no ) [0x00000004]
  786. DT_HardPointEntity -> m_iTeamNum ( no ) [0x000003f0]
  787. DT_HardPointEntity -> m_state ( no ) [0x00000a04]
  788. DT_HardPointEntity -> m_estimatedCaptureTime ( no ) [0x00000a08]
  789. DT_HardPointEntity -> m_progressRefPoint ( no ) [0x00000a0c]
  790. DT_HardPointEntity -> m_teamMilitiaAICount ( no ) [0x00000a10]
  791. DT_HardPointEntity -> m_teamIMCAICount ( no ) [0x00000a14]
  792. DT_HardPointEntity -> m_teamMilitiaPlayerCount ( no ) [0x00000a18]
  793. DT_HardPointEntity -> m_teamIMCPlayerCount ( no ) [0x00000a1c]
  794. DT_HardPointEntity -> m_teamMilitiaPlayerTitanCount ( no ) [0x00000a20]
  795. DT_HardPointEntity -> m_teamIMCPlayerTitanCount ( no ) [0x00000a24]
  796. DT_HardPointEntity -> m_hardpointID ( no ) [0x00000a28]
  797. DT_HardPointEntity -> m_terminal ( no ) [0x00000a30]
  798. DT_HardPointEntity -> m_minimapData ( no ) [0x00000908]
  799. DT_Team -> m_iTeamTeamNum ( no ) [0x00000a14]
  800. DT_Team -> m_score ( no ) [0x00000a00]
  801. DT_Team -> m_score2 ( no ) [0x00000a04]
  802. DT_Team -> m_kills ( no ) [0x00000a08]
  803. DT_Team -> m_deaths ( no ) [0x00000a0c]
  804. DT_Team -> m_iRoundsWon ( no ) [0x00000a10]
  805. DT_Team -> m_szTeamname ( no ) [0x00000a38]
  806. DT_Team -> m_reservedPlayerCount ( no ) [0x00000b38]
  807. DT_Team -> m_connectingPlayerCount ( no ) [0x00000b3c]
  808. DT_Team -> m_loadingPlayerCount ( no ) [0x00000b40]
  809. DT_Team -> player_array_element ( no ) [0x00000000]
  810. DT_Team -> "player_array" ( no ) [0x00000000]
  811. DT_SpotlightEnd -> DT_SpotlightEnd ( no ) [0x00000000]
  812. DT_SpotlightEnd -> m_flLightScale ( no ) [0x00000a00]
  813. DT_SpotlightEnd -> m_Radius ( no ) [0x00000a04]
  814. DT_ImportantOnEntSound -> DT_ImportantOnEntSound ( no ) [0x00000000]
  815. DT_ImportantOnEntSound -> m_networkTableSoundID ( no ) [0x00000a00]
  816. DT_ImportantOnEntSound -> m_hAttachedToEntity ( no ) [0x00000a04]
  817. DT_ImportantOnEntSound -> m_beginTime ( no ) [0x00000a08]
  818. DT_ImportantOnEntSound -> m_hSuppressedClient ( no ) [0x00000a0c]
  819. DT_ImportantOnEntSound -> m_milesSignal ( no ) [0x00000a10]
  820. DT_ShieldProp -> DT_ShieldProp ( no ) [0x00000000]
  821. DT_ShieldProp -> m_impactEffectColorID ( no ) [0x00001340]
  822. DT_DeathBoxProp -> DT_DeathBoxProp ( no ) [0x00000000]
  823. DT_DeathBoxProp -> m_customOwnerName ( no ) [0x00001340]
  824. DT_DeathBoxProp -> m_scriptNetData ( no ) [0x00000734]
  825. DT_ScriptProp -> DT_ScriptProp ( no ) [0x00000000]
  826. DT_ScriptProp -> m_title ( no ) [0x00001360]
  827. DT_ScriptProp -> m_footstepType ( no ) [0x00001380]
  828. DT_ScriptProp -> m_minimapData ( no ) [0x00000908]
  829. DT_ScriptProp -> m_networkedFlags ( no ) [0x00000394]
  830. DT_ScriptProp -> m_nameVisibilityFlags ( no ) [0x00000958]
  831. DT_ScriptProp -> m_iHealth ( no ) [0x000003e0]
  832. DT_ScriptProp -> m_iMaxHealth ( no ) [0x00000510]
  833. DT_ScriptProp -> m_renderColorFriendlyIsValid ( no ) [0x000013c0]
  834. DT_ScriptProp -> m_renderColorFriendly ( no ) [0x000013c1]
  835. DT_ScriptProp -> m_armorType ( no ) [0x000013c8]
  836. DT_ScriptProp -> m_scriptPropFlags ( no ) [0x000013cc]
  837. DT_ScriptProp -> m_scriptPropSmartAmmoLockType ( no ) [0x000013d0]
  838. DT_PropSurvival -> m_cellX ( no ) [0x00000048]
  839. DT_PropSurvival -> m_cellY ( no ) [0x0000004c]
  840. DT_PropSurvival -> m_cellZ ( no ) [0x00000050]
  841. DT_PropSurvival -> m_localOrigin ( no ) [0x00000054]
  842. DT_PropSurvival -> m_localAngles ( no ) [0x00000428]
  843. DT_PropSurvival -> moveparent ( no ) [0x0000001c]
  844. DT_PropSurvival -> m_parentAttachmentType ( no ) [0x00000020]
  845. DT_PropSurvival -> m_parentAttachmentIndex ( no ) [0x000007f0]
  846. DT_PropSurvival -> m_parentAttachmentModel ( no ) [0x000007f8]
  847. DT_PropSurvival -> m_nModelIndex ( no ) [0x00000060]
  848. DT_PropSurvival -> m_nSkin ( no ) [0x00000e48]
  849. DT_PropSurvival -> m_skinMod ( no ) [0x00000e4c]
  850. DT_PropSurvival -> m_camoIndex ( no ) [0x00000e54]
  851. DT_PropSurvival -> m_nBody ( no ) [0x00000e50]
  852. DT_PropSurvival -> m_visibilityFlags ( no ) [0x000003e8]
  853. DT_PropSurvival -> m_networkedFlags ( no ) [0x00000394]
  854. DT_PropSurvival -> m_fEffects ( no ) [0x00000040]
  855. DT_PropSurvival -> m_fadeDist ( no ) [0x00000804]
  856. DT_PropSurvival -> m_CollisionGroup ( no ) [0x000004d8]
  857. DT_PropSurvival -> m_Collision ( no ) [0x00000458]
  858. DT_PropSurvival -> m_ammoInClip ( no ) [0x00001304]
  859. DT_PropSurvival -> m_customScriptInt ( no ) [0x00001308]
  860. DT_PropSurvival -> m_survivalProperty ( no ) [0x0000130c]
  861. DT_PropSurvival -> m_weaponNameIndex ( no ) [0x00001310]
  862. DT_PropSurvival -> m_modBitField ( no ) [0x00001314]
  863. DT_PropSurvival -> m_iSignifierName ( no ) [0x00000518]
  864. DT_PropSurvival -> m_usableType ( no ) [0x00000044]
  865. DT_PropSurvival -> m_usablePriority ( no ) [0x000008c8]
  866. DT_PropSurvival -> m_usableDistanceOverride ( no ) [0x000008cc]
  867. DT_PropSurvival -> m_usableFOV ( no ) [0x000008d0]
  868. DT_PropSurvival -> m_usePromptSize ( no ) [0x000008d4]
  869. DT_PropSurvival -> m_realmsBitMask ( no ) [0x000009e8]
  870. DT_DynamicPropLightweight -> m_cellX ( no ) [0x00000048]
  871. DT_DynamicPropLightweight -> m_cellY ( no ) [0x0000004c]
  872. DT_DynamicPropLightweight -> m_cellZ ( no ) [0x00000050]
  873. DT_DynamicPropLightweight -> m_localOrigin ( no ) [0x00000054]
  874. DT_DynamicPropLightweight -> m_localAngles ( no ) [0x00000428]
  875. DT_DynamicPropLightweight -> moveparent ( no ) [0x0000001c]
  876. DT_DynamicPropLightweight -> m_parentAttachmentType ( no ) [0x00000020]
  877. DT_DynamicPropLightweight -> m_parentAttachmentIndex ( no ) [0x000007f0]
  878. DT_DynamicPropLightweight -> m_parentAttachmentModel ( no ) [0x000007f8]
  879. DT_DynamicPropLightweight -> m_nModelIndex ( no ) [0x00000060]
  880. DT_DynamicPropLightweight -> m_nSkin ( no ) [0x00000e48]
  881. DT_DynamicPropLightweight -> m_skinMod ( no ) [0x00000e4c]
  882. DT_DynamicPropLightweight -> m_visibilityFlags ( no ) [0x000003e8]
  883. DT_DynamicPropLightweight -> m_networkedFlags ( no ) [0x00000394]
  884. DT_DynamicPropLightweight -> m_fEffects ( no ) [0x00000040]
  885. DT_DynamicPropLightweight -> m_fadeDist ( no ) [0x00000804]
  886. DT_DynamicPropLightweight -> m_CollisionGroup ( no ) [0x000004d8]
  887. DT_DynamicPropLightweight -> m_Collision ( no ) [0x00000458]
  888. DT_DynamicProp -> DT_DynamicProp ( no ) [0x00000000]
  889. DT_DynamicProp -> m_bUseHitboxesForRenderBox ( no ) [0x00001301]
  890. DT_DynamicProp -> m_bAnimateInStaticShadow ( no ) [0x00001302]
  891. DT_DynamicProp -> m_wantsScopeHighlight ( no ) [0x00001303]
  892. DT_DynamicProp -> m_lifeState ( no ) [0x00000730]
  893. DT_DynamicProp -> m_iTeamNum ( no ) [0x000003f0]
  894. DT_PostProcessController -> DT_PostProcessController ( no ) [0x00000000]
  895. DT_PostProcessController -> m_flPostProcessParameters ( no ) [0x00000a00]
  896. DT_PostProcessController -> m_bMaster ( no ) [0x00000a18]
  897. DT_PointCamera -> DT_PointCamera ( no ) [0x00000000]
  898. DT_PointCamera -> m_FOV ( no ) [0x00000a60]
  899. DT_PointCamera -> m_bFogEnable ( no ) [0x00000a88]
  900. DT_PointCamera -> m_bActive ( no ) [0x00000a89]
  901. DT_PlayerResource -> m_iPing ( no ) [0x00002c40]
  902. DT_PlayerResource -> m_bConnected ( no ) [0x00002e44]
  903. DT_PlayerResource -> m_boolStats ( no ) [0x00001410]
  904. DT_Player -> DT_Player ( no ) [0x00000000]
  905. DT_Player -> localdata ( no ) [0x00000000]
  906. DT_Player -> teamshareddata ( no ) [0x00000000]
  907. DT_Player -> m_lastJumpPadTouched ( no ) [0x00002b38]
  908. DT_Player -> m_launchCount ( no ) [0x00002b40]
  909. DT_Player -> pl ( no ) [0x00002118]
  910. DT_Player -> m_inventory ( no ) [0x000016b0]
  911. DT_Player -> m_ammoPoolCapacity ( no ) [0x0000219c]
  912. DT_Player -> m_melee ( no ) [0x00002c70]
  913. DT_Player -> m_grapple ( no ) [0x00002770]
  914. DT_Player -> m_grappleActive ( no ) [0x00002800]
  915. DT_Player -> m_platformUserId ( no ) [0x00002220]
  916. DT_Player -> m_hardware ( no ) [0x00002219]
  917. DT_Player -> m_classModsActive ( no ) [0x00002230]
  918. DT_Player -> m_passives[ 0 ] ( no ) [0x00002328]
  919. DT_Player -> m_passives ( no ) [0x00000000]
  920. DT_Player -> m_selectedOffhands ( no ) [0x00001716]
  921. DT_Player -> m_selectedOffhandsPendingHybridAction ( no ) [0x00001719]
  922. DT_Player -> m_playerFlags ( no ) [0x00002cac]
  923. DT_Player -> m_timeJetpackHeightActivateCheckPassed ( no ) [0x000030b8]
  924. DT_Player -> m_hGroundEntity ( no ) [0x000003dc]
  925. DT_Player -> m_titanSoul ( no ) [0x00001788]
  926. DT_Player -> m_petTitan ( no ) [0x00003144]
  927. DT_Player -> m_lifeState ( no ) [0x00000730]
  928. DT_Player -> m_iHealth ( no ) [0x000003e0]
  929. DT_Player -> m_iMaxHealth ( no ) [0x00000510]
  930. DT_Player -> m_bleedoutState ( no ) [0x00002348]
  931. DT_Player -> m_damageComboLatestUpdateTime ( no ) [0x000024f4]
  932. DT_Player -> m_damageComboStartHealth ( no ) [0x000024f8]
  933. DT_Player -> m_fFlags ( no ) [0x00000098]
  934. DT_Player -> m_iObserverMode ( no ) [0x00002fcc]
  935. DT_Player -> m_hObserverTarget ( no ) [0x00002fd0]
  936. DT_Player -> m_hViewModels ( no ) [0x00002848]
  937. DT_Player -> m_playerVehicle ( no ) [0x00002628]
  938. DT_Player -> m_entitySyncingWithMe ( no ) [0x00002668]
  939. DT_Player -> m_ubEFNoInterpParity ( no ) [0x00003a90]
  940. DT_Player -> m_hColorCorrectionCtrl ( no ) [0x00003a94]
  941. DT_Player -> m_bShouldDrawPlayerWhileUsingViewEntity ( no ) [0x00002f58]
  942. DT_Player -> m_flMaxspeed ( no ) [0x000003e4]
  943. DT_Player -> m_title ( no ) [0x00003ab8]
  944. DT_Player -> m_useCredit ( no ) [0x00002ca8]
  945. DT_Player -> m_damageImpulseNoDecelEndTime ( no ) [0x0000261c]
  946. DT_Player -> m_hasMic ( no ) [0x00002cb0]
  947. DT_Player -> m_inPartyChat ( no ) [0x00002cb1]
  948. DT_Player -> m_playerMoveSpeedScale ( no ) [0x00002cb4]
  949. DT_Player -> m_flDeathTime ( no ) [0x0000305c]
  950. DT_Player -> m_iSpawnParity ( no ) [0x00002fc4]
  951. DT_Player -> m_upDir ( no ) [0x0000266c]
  952. DT_Player -> m_lastDodgeTime ( no ) [0x00003098]
  953. DT_Player -> m_wallClimbSetUp ( no ) [0x0000276c]
  954. DT_Player -> m_wallHanging ( no ) [0x0000276d]
  955. DT_Player -> m_traversalType ( no ) [0x000026ec]
  956. DT_Player -> m_traversalState ( no ) [0x000026e8]
  957. DT_Player -> m_traversalRefPos ( no ) [0x00002724]
  958. DT_Player -> m_traversalForwardDir ( no ) [0x00002718]
  959. DT_Player -> m_traversalYawDelta ( no ) [0x00002750]
  960. DT_Player -> m_traversalYawPoseParameter ( no ) [0x00002754]
  961. DT_Player -> m_grappleHook ( no ) [0x00003140]
  962. DT_Player -> m_autoSprintForced ( no ) [0x00002600]
  963. DT_Player -> m_fIsSprinting ( no ) [0x00002604]
  964. DT_Player -> m_smartAmmoHighestLocksOnMeFractionValues ( no ) [0x00003b28]
  965. DT_Player -> m_smartAmmoHighestLocksOnMeEntities ( no ) [0x00003b38]
  966. DT_Player -> m_smartAmmoPreviousHighestLockOnMeFractionValue ( no ) [0x00003b48]
  967. DT_Player -> m_statusEffectsTimedPlayerNV ( no ) [0x00002350]
  968. DT_Player -> m_statusEffectsEndlessPlayerNV ( no ) [0x00002440]
  969. DT_Player -> m_activeZipline ( no ) [0x00002998]
  970. DT_Player -> m_ziplineState ( no ) [0x000029a8]
  971. DT_Player -> m_duckState ( no ) [0x0000262c]
  972. DT_Player -> m_leanState ( no ) [0x00002630]
  973. DT_Player -> m_canStand ( no ) [0x00002635]
  974. DT_Player -> m_StandHullMin ( no ) [0x00002638]
  975. DT_Player -> m_StandHullMax ( no ) [0x00002644]
  976. DT_Player -> m_DuckHullMin ( no ) [0x00002650]
  977. DT_Player -> m_DuckHullMax ( no ) [0x0000265c]
  978. DT_Player -> m_xp ( no ) [0x0000316c]
  979. DT_Player -> m_generation ( no ) [0x00003174]
  980. DT_Player -> m_rank ( no ) [0x00003178]
  981. DT_Player -> m_serverForceIncreasePlayerListGenerationParity ( no ) [0x0000317c]
  982. DT_Player -> m_isPlayingRanked ( no ) [0x00003180]
  983. DT_Player -> m_skill_mu ( no ) [0x00003184]
  984. DT_Player -> m_nextTitanRespawnAvailable ( no ) [0x00003188]
  985. DT_Player -> m_hasBadReputation ( no ) [0x000021a0]
  986. DT_Player -> m_communityName ( no ) [0x000021a9]
  987. DT_Player -> m_communityClanTag ( no ) [0x000021e9]
  988. DT_Player -> m_factionName ( no ) [0x000021f9]
  989. DT_Player -> m_hardwareIcon ( no ) [0x00002209]
  990. DT_Player -> m_happyHourActive ( no ) [0x000021a1]
  991. DT_Player -> portalnonlocaldata ( no ) [0x00000000]
  992. DT_Player -> m_gestureSequences ( no ) [0x000024fc]
  993. DT_Player -> m_gestureStartTimes ( no ) [0x0000251c]
  994. DT_Player -> m_gestureBlendInDuration ( no ) [0x0000253c]
  995. DT_Player -> m_gestureBlendOutDuration ( no ) [0x0000255c]
  996. DT_Player -> m_gestureFadeOutStartTime ( no ) [0x0000257c]
  997. DT_Player -> m_gestureFadeOutDuration ( no ) [0x0000259c]
  998. DT_Player -> m_gestureAutoKillBitfield ( no ) [0x000025bc]
  999. DT_Player -> m_viewOffsetEntity ( no ) [0x00002858]
  1000. DT_Player -> m_animViewEntity ( no ) [0x00002898]
  1001. DT_Player -> m_pilotClassIndex ( no ) [0x00003eb8]
  1002. DT_Player -> m_pilotClassActivityModifier ( no ) [0x00003ebc]
  1003. DT_Player -> m_vecAbsOrigin ( no ) [0x00000004]
  1004. DT_Player -> isLocalOriginLocal ( no ) [0x00000010]
  1005. DT_Player -> m_currentFramePlayer ( no ) [0x00001d18]
  1006. DT_Player -> m_Shared ( no ) [0x00003e70]
  1007. DT_Player -> m_isPerformingBoostAction ( no ) [0x00002a7d]
  1008. DT_Player -> m_ziplineValid3pWeaponLayerAnim ( no ) [0x000029a4]
  1009. DT_Player -> m_playerScriptNetDataGlobal ( no ) [0x0000403c]
  1010. DT_Player -> m_bZooming ( no ) [0x00001881]
  1011. DT_Player -> m_zoomToggleOnStartTime ( no ) [0x00001884]
  1012. DT_Player -> m_zoomBaseFrac ( no ) [0x00001888]
  1013. DT_Player -> m_zoomBaseTime ( no ) [0x0000188c]
  1014. DT_Player -> m_zoomFullStartTime ( no ) [0x00001890]
  1015. DT_Player -> m_decalIndex ( no ) [0x00000e58]
  1016. DT_Player -> m_armorType ( no ) [0x00004048]
  1017. DT_Player -> m_helmetType ( no ) [0x00004044]
  1018. DT_Player -> m_controllerModeActive ( no ) [0x0000404c]
  1019. DT_Player -> m_ziplineGrenadeBeginStationEntity ( no ) [0x00002a3c]
  1020. DT_Player -> m_ziplineGrenadeBeginStationAttachmentIndex ( no ) [0x00002a40]
  1021. DT_Player -> m_skydiveForwardPoseValueTarget ( no ) [0x00004068]
  1022. DT_Player -> m_skydiveSidePoseValueTarget ( no ) [0x00004074]
  1023. DT_Player -> m_freefallState ( no ) [0x00004098]
  1024. DT_Player -> m_skydiveDiveAngle ( no ) [0x000040b0]
  1025. DT_Player -> m_skydiveSpeed ( no ) [0x000040b8]
  1026. DT_Player -> m_skydiveStrafeAngle ( no ) [0x000040bc]
  1027. DT_Player -> m_skydivePlayerPitch ( no ) [0x000040d0]
  1028. DT_Player -> m_skydivePlayerYaw ( no ) [0x000040d4]
  1029. DT_Player -> m_skydiveIsDiving ( no ) [0x000040b4]
  1030. DT_StatueProp -> DT_StatueProp ( no ) [0x00000000]
  1031. DT_StatueProp -> m_hInitBaseAnimating ( no ) [0x00001380]
  1032. DT_StatueProp -> m_bShatter ( no ) [0x00001384]
  1033. DT_StatueProp -> m_nShatterFlags ( no ) [0x00001388]
  1034. DT_StatueProp -> m_vShatterPosition ( no ) [0x0000138c]
  1035. DT_StatueProp -> m_vShatterForce ( no ) [0x00001398]
  1036. DT_PhysicsProp -> DT_PhysicsProp ( no ) [0x00000000]
  1037. DT_PhysicsProp -> m_bAwake ( no ) [0x00001308]
  1038. DT_PhysicsProp -> m_ignoresCollisionWithPlayers ( no ) [0x00001309]
  1039. DT_PhysicsProp -> m_isRolling ( no ) [0x0000130a]
  1040. DT_PhysicsProp -> m_networkTableRollSoundId ( no ) [0x0000130c]
  1041. DT_PhysicsProp -> m_spawnflags ( no ) [0x00000094]
  1042. DT_PhysicsProp -> m_iPhysicsMode ( no ) [0x00001338]
  1043. DT_PhysicsProp -> m_fMass ( no ) [0x0000133c]
  1044. DT_PhysicsProp -> m_collisionMins ( no ) [0x00001340]
  1045. DT_PhysicsProp -> m_collisionMaxs ( no ) [0x0000134c]
  1046. DT_PhysBox -> DT_PhysBox ( no ) [0x00000000]
  1047. DT_PhysBox -> m_mass ( no ) [0x00000a00]
  1048. DT_ParticleSystem -> m_localOrigin ( no ) [0x00000004]
  1049. DT_ParticleSystem -> m_fEffects ( no ) [0x00000040]
  1050. DT_ParticleSystem -> m_hOwnerEntity ( no ) [0x0000043c]
  1051. DT_ParticleSystem -> moveparent ( no ) [0x0000001c]
  1052. DT_ParticleSystem -> m_parentAttachmentType ( no ) [0x00000020]
  1053. DT_ParticleSystem -> m_parentAttachmentIndex ( no ) [0x000007f0]
  1054. DT_ParticleSystem -> m_parentAttachmentHitbox ( no ) [0x000007f4]
  1055. DT_ParticleSystem -> m_parentAttachmentModel ( no ) [0x000007f8]
  1056. DT_ParticleSystem -> m_localAngles ( no ) [0x00000428]
  1057. DT_ParticleSystem -> m_iEffectIndex ( no ) [0x00000a00]
  1058. DT_ParticleSystem -> m_bActive ( no ) [0x00000a09]
  1059. DT_ParticleSystem -> m_bForceRenderAlways ( no ) [0x00000a0b]
  1060. DT_ParticleSystem -> m_nStopType ( no ) [0x00000a04]
  1061. DT_ParticleSystem -> m_flStartTime ( no ) [0x00000a0c]
  1062. DT_ParticleSystem -> m_bInSkybox ( no ) [0x00000a15]
  1063. DT_ParticleSystem -> m_killForReplay ( no ) [0x00000a16]
  1064. DT_ParticleSystem -> m_killIfOverLimit ( no ) [0x00000a17]
  1065. DT_ParticleSystem -> m_vServerControlPoints ( no ) [0x00000a1c]
  1066. DT_ParticleSystem -> m_hControlPointEnts ( no ) [0x00000a58]
  1067. DT_ParticleSystem -> m_controlPointAttachTypes ( no ) [0x00000a6c]
  1068. DT_ParticleSystem -> m_vServerControlPointColorIds ( no ) [0x00000a94]
  1069. DT_ParticleSystem -> m_parentAttachType ( no ) [0x00000a9c]
  1070. DT_ParticleSystem -> m_controlPoint1AttachmentIndex ( no ) [0x00000a84]
  1071. DT_ParticleSystem -> m_iTeamNum ( no ) [0x000003f0]
  1072. DT_ParticleSystem -> m_visibilityFlags ( no ) [0x000003e8]
  1073. DT_ParticleSystem -> m_realmsBitMask ( no ) [0x000009e8]
  1074. DT_NPC_SentryTurret -> DT_NPC_SentryTurret ( no ) [0x00000000]
  1075. DT_NPC_SentryTurret -> m_turretState ( no ) [0x00001a40]
  1076. DT_NPC_SentryTurret -> m_killCount ( no ) [0x00001a44]
  1077. DT_NPC_SentryTurret -> m_titanKillCount ( no ) [0x00001a48]
  1078. DT_NPC_SentryTurret -> m_eyeAttach ( no ) [0x00001a4c]
  1079. DT_NPC_SentryTurret -> m_controlPanel ( no ) [0x00001a50]
  1080. DT_NPC_Titan -> DT_NPC_Titan ( no ) [0x00000000]
  1081. DT_NPC_Titan -> m_inventory ( no ) [0x000016b0]
  1082. DT_NPC_Titan -> m_grapple ( no ) [0x00001a48]
  1083. DT_NPC_Titan -> m_selectedOffhands ( no ) [0x00001716]
  1084. DT_NPC_Titan -> m_titanSoul ( no ) [0x00001788]
  1085. DT_NPC_Titan -> m_grappleHook ( no ) [0x00001a40]
  1086. DT_NPC_Titan -> m_grappleActive ( no ) [0x00001ad8]
  1087. DT_NPC_Titan -> m_canStand ( no ) [0x00001ad9]
  1088. DT_NPC_Titan -> m_decalIndex ( no ) [0x00000e58]
  1089. DT_NPC_Dropship -> DT_NPC_Dropship ( no ) [0x00000000]
  1090. DT_NPC_Dropship -> m_titanSoul ( no ) [0x00001788]
  1091. DT_NPC_Dropship -> m_bJetWakeFXEnabled ( no ) [0x00001a80]
  1092. DT_NPC_Drone -> DT_NPC_Drone ( no ) [0x00000000]
  1093. DT_NPC_Drone -> m_bAttackTarget ( no ) [0x00001a40]
  1094. DT_NPC_Drone -> m_beamSpread ( no ) [0x00001a48]
  1095. DT_NPC_Drone -> m_scanTarget ( no ) [0x00001a44]
  1096. DT_MovieDisplay -> DT_MovieDisplay ( no ) [0x00000000]
  1097. DT_MovieDisplay -> m_bEnabled ( no ) [0x00000a00]
  1098. DT_MovieDisplay -> m_bLooping ( no ) [0x00000a01]
  1099. DT_MovieDisplay -> m_szMovieFilename ( no ) [0x00000a03]
  1100. DT_MovieDisplay -> m_szGroupName ( no ) [0x00000a83]
  1101. DT_MovieDisplay -> m_szExternalAudioFilename ( no ) [0x00000b03]
  1102. DT_MovieDisplay -> m_bStretchToFill ( no ) [0x00000b43]
  1103. DT_MovieDisplay -> m_bLetterbox ( no ) [0x00000b44]
  1104. DT_MovieDisplay -> m_bPausesWithClient ( no ) [0x00000b45]
  1105. DT_MovieDisplay -> m_bForcedSlave ( no ) [0x00000b46]
  1106. DT_MovieDisplay -> m_bUseCustomUVs ( no ) [0x00000b47]
  1107. DT_MovieDisplay -> m_flUMin ( no ) [0x00000b4c]
  1108. DT_MovieDisplay -> m_flUMax ( no ) [0x00000b50]
  1109. DT_MovieDisplay -> m_flVMin ( no ) [0x00000b54]
  1110. DT_MovieDisplay -> m_flVMax ( no ) [0x00000b58]
  1111. DT_TEGibEvent -> m_hVictim ( no ) [0x00000028]
  1112. DT_TEGibEvent -> m_attackDir ( no ) [0x0000002c]
  1113. DT_FuncMoveLinear -> DT_FuncMoveLinear ( no ) [0x00000000]
  1114. DT_FuncMoveLinear -> m_vecVelocity ( no ) [0x0000041c]
  1115. DT_FuncMoveLinear -> m_fFlags ( no ) [0x00000098]
  1116. DT_FuncBrushLightweight -> m_cellX ( no ) [0x00000048]
  1117. DT_FuncBrushLightweight -> m_cellY ( no ) [0x0000004c]
  1118. DT_FuncBrushLightweight -> m_cellZ ( no ) [0x00000050]
  1119. DT_FuncBrushLightweight -> m_localOrigin ( no ) [0x00000054]
  1120. DT_FuncBrushLightweight -> m_localAngles ( no ) [0x00000428]
  1121. DT_FuncBrushLightweight -> moveparent ( no ) [0x0000001c]
  1122. DT_FuncBrushLightweight -> m_parentAttachmentType ( no ) [0x00000020]
  1123. DT_FuncBrushLightweight -> m_parentAttachmentIndex ( no ) [0x000007f0]
  1124. DT_FuncBrushLightweight -> m_parentAttachmentHitbox ( no ) [0x000007f4]
  1125. DT_FuncBrushLightweight -> m_parentAttachmentModel ( no ) [0x000007f8]
  1126. DT_FuncBrushLightweight -> m_nModelIndex ( no ) [0x00000060]
  1127. DT_FuncBrushLightweight -> m_visibilityFlags ( no ) [0x000003e8]
  1128. DT_FuncBrushLightweight -> m_networkedFlags ( no ) [0x00000394]
  1129. DT_FuncBrushLightweight -> m_CollisionGroup ( no ) [0x000004d8]
  1130. DT_FuncBrushLightweight -> m_Collision ( no ) [0x00000458]
  1131. DT_FuncBrush -> DT_FuncBrush ( no ) [0x00000000]
  1132. DT_BreakableSurface -> DT_BreakableSurface ( no ) [0x00000000]
  1133. DT_BreakableSurface -> m_nNumWide ( no ) [0x00000a08]
  1134. DT_BreakableSurface -> m_nNumHigh ( no ) [0x00000a0c]
  1135. DT_BreakableSurface -> m_flPanelWidth ( no ) [0x00000a10]
  1136. DT_BreakableSurface -> m_flPanelHeight ( no ) [0x00000a14]
  1137. DT_BreakableSurface -> m_vNormal ( no ) [0x00000a18]
  1138. DT_BreakableSurface -> m_vUp ( no ) [0x00000a24]
  1139. DT_BreakableSurface -> m_vCorner ( no ) [0x00000a3c]
  1140. DT_BreakableSurface -> m_bIsBroken ( no ) [0x00000a48]
  1141. DT_BreakableSurface -> m_nSurfaceType ( no ) [0x00000a4c]
  1142. DT_BreakableSurface -> m_RawPanelBitVec ( no ) [0x00000a88]
  1143. DT_CascadeLight -> DT_CascadeLight ( no ) [0x00000000]
  1144. DT_CascadeLight -> m_shadowDirection ( no ) [0x00000a00]
  1145. DT_CascadeLight -> m_envLightShadowDirection ( no ) [0x00000a18]
  1146. DT_CascadeLight -> m_bEnabled ( no ) [0x00000a2c]
  1147. DT_CascadeLight -> m_bEnableShadows ( no ) [0x00000a2d]
  1148. DT_CascadeLight -> m_LightColor ( no ) [0x00000a2f]
  1149. DT_CascadeLight -> m_cloudMaskName ( no ) [0x00000a33]
  1150. DT_CascadeLight -> m_cloudOffset ( no ) [0x00000b38]
  1151. DT_CascadeLight -> m_cloudScale ( no ) [0x00000b44]
  1152. DT_EntityDissolve -> DT_EntityDissolve ( no ) [0x00000000]
  1153. DT_EntityDissolve -> m_flStartTime ( no ) [0x00000a08]
  1154. DT_EntityDissolve -> m_flFadeOutStart ( no ) [0x00000a0c]
  1155. DT_EntityDissolve -> m_flFadeOutLength ( no ) [0x00000a10]
  1156. DT_EntityDissolve -> m_flFadeOutModelStart ( no ) [0x00000a14]
  1157. DT_EntityDissolve -> m_flFadeOutModelLength ( no ) [0x00000a18]
  1158. DT_EntityDissolve -> m_flFadeInStart ( no ) [0x00000a1c]
  1159. DT_EntityDissolve -> m_flFadeInLength ( no ) [0x00000a20]
  1160. DT_EntityDissolve -> fadeColorR ( no ) [0x00000a2c]
  1161. DT_EntityDissolve -> fadeColorG ( no ) [0x00000a30]
  1162. DT_EntityDissolve -> fadeColorB ( no ) [0x00000a34]
  1163. DT_EntityDissolve -> m_nDissolveType ( no ) [0x00000a24]
  1164. DT_EntityDissolve -> m_vDissolverOrigin ( no ) [0x00000a3c]
  1165. DT_EntityDissolve -> m_nMagnitude ( no ) [0x00000a48]
  1166. DT_EntityDissolve -> m_isLethal ( no ) [0x00000a38]
  1167. DT_EnvWind -> DT_EnvWind ( no ) [0x00000000]
  1168. DT_EnvWind -> m_EnvWindShared ( no ) [0x00000a00]
  1169. DT_DynamicLight -> DT_DynamicLight ( no ) [0x00000000]
  1170. DT_DynamicLight -> m_Flags ( no ) [0x00000a00]
  1171. DT_DynamicLight -> m_LightStyle ( no ) [0x00000a01]
  1172. DT_DynamicLight -> m_Radius ( no ) [0x00000a04]
  1173. DT_DynamicLight -> m_Exponent ( no ) [0x00000a08]
  1174. DT_DynamicLight -> m_InnerAngle ( no ) [0x00000a0c]
  1175. DT_DynamicLight -> m_OuterAngle ( no ) [0x00000a10]
  1176. DT_DynamicLight -> m_SpotRadius ( no ) [0x00000a14]
  1177. DT_ColorCorrection -> DT_ColorCorrection ( no ) [0x00000000]
  1178. DT_ColorCorrection -> m_localOrigin ( no ) [0x00000a00]
  1179. DT_ColorCorrection -> m_hOwnerEntity ( no ) [0x0000043c]
  1180. DT_ColorCorrection -> m_MinFalloff ( no ) [0x00000a0c]
  1181. DT_ColorCorrection -> m_MaxFalloff ( no ) [0x00000a10]
  1182. DT_ColorCorrection -> m_flCurWeight ( no ) [0x00000a20]
  1183. DT_ColorCorrection -> m_flMaxWeight ( no ) [0x00000a1c]
  1184. DT_ColorCorrection -> m_flFadeInDuration ( no ) [0x00000a14]
  1185. DT_ColorCorrection -> m_flFadeOutDuration ( no ) [0x00000a18]
  1186. DT_ColorCorrection -> m_netLookupFilename ( no ) [0x00000a24]
  1187. DT_ColorCorrection -> m_bEnabled ( no ) [0x00000b28]
  1188. DT_ColorCorrection -> m_bMaster ( no ) [0x00000b29]
  1189. DT_ColorCorrection -> m_bClientSide ( no ) [0x00000b2a]
  1190. DT_ColorCorrection -> m_bExclusive ( no ) [0x00000b2b]
  1191. DT_BreakableProp -> DT_BreakableProp ( no ) [0x00000000]
  1192. DT_BaseButton -> DT_BaseButton ( no ) [0x00000000]
  1193. DT_BaseButton -> m_usable ( no ) [0x00000a40]
  1194. DT_BaseToggle -> DT_BaseToggle ( no ) [0x00000000]
  1195. DT_BaseToggle -> m_vecFinalDest ( no ) [0x00000a14]
  1196. DT_BaseToggle -> m_movementType ( no ) [0x00000a20]
  1197. DT_BaseToggle -> m_flMoveTargetTime ( no ) [0x00000a24]
  1198. DT_SkyCamera -> DT_SkyCamera ( no ) [0x00000000]
  1199. DT_BaseEntity -> m_cellX ( no ) [0x00000048]
  1200. DT_BaseEntity -> m_cellY ( no ) [0x0000004c]
  1201. DT_BaseEntity -> m_cellZ ( no ) [0x00000050]
  1202. DT_BaseEntity -> m_localOrigin ( no ) [0x00000054]
  1203. DT_BaseEntity -> m_localAngles ( no ) [0x00000428]
  1204. DT_BaseEntity -> m_nModelIndex ( no ) [0x00000060]
  1205. DT_BaseEntity -> m_fEffects ( no ) [0x00000040]
  1206. DT_BaseEntity -> m_nRenderMode ( no ) [0x00000451]
  1207. DT_BaseEntity -> m_nRenderFX ( no ) [0x00000441]
  1208. DT_BaseEntity -> m_clrRender ( no ) [0x00000050]
  1209. DT_BaseEntity -> m_clIntensity ( no ) [0x00000054]
  1210. DT_BaseEntity -> m_bRenderWithViewModels ( no ) [0x00000440]
  1211. DT_BaseEntity -> m_iTeamNum ( no ) [0x000003f0]
  1212. DT_BaseEntity -> m_teamMemberIndex ( no ) [0x000003f4]
  1213. DT_BaseEntity -> m_squadID ( no ) [0x000003f8]
  1214. DT_BaseEntity -> m_grade ( no ) [0x000003fc]
  1215. DT_BaseEntity -> m_ignorePredictedTriggerFlags ( no ) [0x00000400]
  1216. DT_BaseEntity -> m_passThroughFlags ( no ) [0x00000404]
  1217. DT_BaseEntity -> m_passThroughThickness ( no ) [0x00000408]
  1218. DT_BaseEntity -> m_passThroughDirection ( no ) [0x0000040c]
  1219. DT_BaseEntity -> m_CollisionGroup ( no ) [0x000004d8]
  1220. DT_BaseEntity -> m_contents ( no ) [0x000004dc]
  1221. DT_BaseEntity -> m_collideWithOwner ( no ) [0x000004e0]
  1222. DT_BaseEntity -> m_hOwnerEntity ( no ) [0x0000043c]
  1223. DT_BaseEntity -> m_dissolveEffectEntityHandle ( no ) [0x000008b8]
  1224. DT_BaseEntity -> moveparent ( no ) [0x0000001c]
  1225. DT_BaseEntity -> m_parentAttachmentIndex ( no ) [0x000007f0]
  1226. DT_BaseEntity -> m_parentAttachmentModel ( no ) [0x000007f8]
  1227. DT_BaseEntity -> m_attachmentLerpStartTime ( no ) [0x000007cc]
  1228. DT_BaseEntity -> m_attachmentLerpEndTime ( no ) [0x000007d0]
  1229. DT_BaseEntity -> m_attachmentLerpStartOrigin ( no ) [0x000007d4]
  1230. DT_BaseEntity -> m_attachmentLerpStartAngles ( no ) [0x000007e0]
  1231. DT_BaseEntity -> m_iName ( no ) [0x00000521]
  1232. DT_BaseEntity -> m_scriptNameIndex ( no ) [0x00000628]
  1233. DT_BaseEntity -> m_instanceNameIndex ( no ) [0x0000062c]
  1234. DT_BaseEntity -> m_holdUsePrompt ( no ) [0x000006b0]
  1235. DT_BaseEntity -> m_pressUsePrompt ( no ) [0x000006b8]
  1236. DT_BaseEntity -> m_iSignifierName ( no ) [0x00000518]
  1237. DT_BaseEntity -> movetype ( no ) [0x00000000]
  1238. DT_BaseEntity -> movecollide ( no ) [0x00000000]
  1239. DT_BaseEntity -> m_Collision ( no ) [0x00000458]
  1240. DT_BaseEntity -> predictable_id ( no ) [0x00000000]
  1241. DT_BaseEntity -> m_fadeDist ( no ) [0x00000804]
  1242. DT_BaseEntity -> m_visibilityFlags ( no ) [0x000003e8]
  1243. DT_BaseEntity -> m_bossPlayer ( no ) [0x00000124]
  1244. DT_BaseEntity -> m_usableType ( no ) [0x00000044]
  1245. DT_BaseEntity -> m_usablePriority ( no ) [0x000008c8]
  1246. DT_BaseEntity -> m_usableDistanceOverride ( no ) [0x000008cc]
  1247. DT_BaseEntity -> m_usableFOV ( no ) [0x000008d0]
  1248. DT_BaseEntity -> m_usePromptSize ( no ) [0x000008d4]
  1249. DT_BaseEntity -> m_spottedByTeams ( no ) [0x000008e8]
  1250. DT_BaseEntity -> m_phaseShiftFlags ( no ) [0x00000750]
  1251. DT_BaseEntity -> m_baseTakeDamage ( no ) [0x00000754]
  1252. DT_BaseEntity -> m_invulnerableToDamageCount ( no ) [0x00000758]
  1253. DT_BaseEntity -> m_shieldHealth ( no ) [0x00000170]
  1254. DT_BaseEntity -> m_shieldHealthMax ( no ) [0x00000174]
  1255. DT_BaseEntity -> m_firstChildEntityLink ( no ) [0x000009e0]
  1256. DT_BaseEntity -> m_firstParentEntityLink ( no ) [0x000009e4]
  1257. DT_BaseEntity -> HighlightSettings ( no ) [0x00000000]
  1258. DT_BaseEntity -> m_bIsSoundCodeControllerValueSet ( no ) [0x0000038c]
  1259. DT_BaseEntity -> m_flSoundCodeControllerValue ( no ) [0x00000390]
  1260. DT_BaseEntity -> m_networkedFlags ( no ) [0x00000394]
  1261. DT_BaseEntity -> m_realmsBitMask ( no ) [0x000009e8]
  1262. DT_BaseCombatCharacter -> DT_BaseCombatCharacter ( no ) [0x00000000]
  1263. DT_BaseCombatCharacter -> bcc_localdata ( no ) [0x00000000]
  1264. DT_BaseCombatCharacter -> m_selectedWeapons ( no ) [0x00001700]
  1265. DT_BaseCombatCharacter -> m_latestPrimaryWeapons ( no ) [0x00001704]
  1266. DT_BaseCombatCharacter -> m_latestPrimaryWeaponsIndexZeroOrOne ( no ) [0x0000170c]
  1267. DT_BaseCombatCharacter -> m_latestNonOffhandWeapons ( no ) [0x00001714]
  1268. DT_BaseCombatCharacter -> m_lastCycleSlot ( no ) [0x0000171c]
  1269. DT_BaseCombatCharacter -> m_weaponGettingSwitchedOut ( no ) [0x00000008]
  1270. DT_BaseCombatCharacter -> m_showActiveWeapon3p ( no ) [0x00000010]
  1271. DT_BaseCombatCharacter -> m_contextAction ( no ) [0x00001764]
  1272. DT_BaseCombatCharacter -> m_weaponPermission ( no ) [0x00001724]
  1273. DT_BaseCombatCharacter -> m_weaponDelayEnableTime ( no ) [0x00001728]
  1274. DT_BaseCombatCharacter -> m_weaponDisabledInScript ( no ) [0x0000172c]
  1275. DT_BaseCombatCharacter -> m_weaponDisabledFlags ( no ) [0x00001751]
  1276. DT_BaseCombatCharacter -> m_hudInfo_visibilityTestAlwaysPasses ( no ) [0x00001752]
  1277. DT_BaseCombatCharacter -> m_networkedFlags ( no ) [0x00000394]
  1278. DT_BaseCombatCharacter -> m_nameVisibilityFlags ( no ) [0x00000958]
  1279. DT_BaseCombatCharacter -> m_lastFiredTime ( no ) [0x00001684]
  1280. DT_BaseCombatCharacter -> m_lastFiredWeapon ( no ) [0x00001688]
  1281. DT_BaseCombatCharacter -> m_raiseFromMeleeEndTime ( no ) [0x0000168c]
  1282. DT_BaseCombatCharacter -> m_sharedEnergyCount ( no ) [0x00001690]
  1283. DT_BaseCombatCharacter -> m_sharedEnergyTotal ( no ) [0x00001694]
  1284. DT_BaseCombatCharacter -> m_sharedEnergyLockoutThreshold ( no ) [0x00001698]
  1285. DT_BaseCombatCharacter -> m_lastSharedEnergyRegenTime ( no ) [0x0000169c]
  1286. DT_BaseCombatCharacter -> m_sharedEnergyRegenRate ( no ) [0x000016a0]
  1287. DT_BaseCombatCharacter -> m_sharedEnergyRegenDelay ( no ) [0x000016a4]
  1288. DT_BaseCombatCharacter -> m_lastSharedEnergyTakeTime ( no ) [0x000016a8]
  1289. DT_BaseCombatCharacter -> m_phaseShiftTimeStart ( no ) [0x00001790]
  1290. DT_BaseCombatCharacter -> m_phaseShiftTimeEnd ( no ) [0x00001794]
  1291. DT_BaseCombatCharacter -> m_minimapData ( no ) [0x00000908]
  1292. DT_BaseCombatCharacter -> m_cloakEndTime ( no ) [0x0000019c]
  1293. DT_BaseCombatCharacter -> m_cloakFadeInEndTime ( no ) [0x000001a0]
  1294. DT_BaseCombatCharacter -> m_cloakFadeOutStartTime ( no ) [0x000001a4]
  1295. DT_BaseCombatCharacter -> m_cloakFadeInDuration ( no ) [0x000001a8]
  1296. DT_BaseCombatCharacter -> m_cloakFlickerAmount ( no ) [0x000001ac]
  1297. DT_BaseCombatCharacter -> m_cloakFlickerEndTime ( no ) [0x000001b0]
  1298. DT_BaseCombatCharacter -> m_deathVelocity ( no ) [0x00000410]
  1299. DT_BaseCombatCharacter -> m_vecViewOffset.x ( no ) [0x00000034]
  1300. DT_BaseCombatCharacter -> m_vecViewOffset.y ( no ) [0x00000038]
  1301. DT_BaseCombatCharacter -> m_vecViewOffset.z ( no ) [0x0000003c]
  1302. DT_BaseCombatCharacter -> m_targetInfoIconName ( no ) [0x000017e4]
  1303. DT_BaseAnimatingOverlay -> DT_BaseAnimatingOverlay ( no ) [0x00000000]
  1304. DT_BaseAnimatingOverlay -> overlay_vars ( no ) [0x00000000]
  1305. DT_BaseAnimatingOverlay -> m_animOverlayIsActive ( no ) [0x00000008]
  1306. DT_BaseAnimatingOverlay -> m_animOverlayModelIndex ( no ) [0x00000080]
  1307. DT_BaseAnimatingOverlay -> m_animOverlaySequence ( no ) [0x000000a4]
  1308. DT_BaseAnimatingOverlay -> m_animOverlayStartTime ( no ) [0x00000014]
  1309. DT_BaseAnimatingOverlay -> m_animOverlayStartCycle ( no ) [0x00000038]
  1310. DT_BaseAnimatingOverlay -> m_animOverlayPlaybackRate ( no ) [0x0000005c]
  1311. DT_BaseAnimatingOverlay -> m_animOverlayWeight ( no ) [0x000000c8]
  1312. DT_BaseAnimatingOverlay -> m_animOverlayOrder ( no ) [0x000000ec]
  1313. DT_BaseAnimatingOverlay -> m_animOverlayAnimTime ( no ) [0x00000110]
  1314. DT_BaseAnimatingOverlay -> m_animOverlayFadeInDuration ( no ) [0x00000134]
  1315. DT_BaseAnimatingOverlay -> m_animOverlayFadeOutDuration ( no ) [0x00000158]
  1316. DT_BoneFollower -> m_cellX ( no ) [0x00000048]
  1317. DT_BoneFollower -> m_cellY ( no ) [0x0000004c]
  1318. DT_BoneFollower -> m_cellZ ( no ) [0x00000050]
  1319. DT_BoneFollower -> m_localOrigin ( no ) [0x00000054]
  1320. DT_BoneFollower -> m_localAngles ( no ) [0x00000428]
  1321. DT_BoneFollower -> m_nModelIndex ( no ) [0x00000060]
  1322. DT_BoneFollower -> m_CollisionGroup ( no ) [0x000004d8]
  1323. DT_BoneFollower -> m_Collision ( no ) [0x00000458]
  1324. DT_BoneFollower -> m_modelIndex ( no ) [0x00000a00]
  1325. DT_BoneFollower -> m_boneIndex ( no ) [0x00000a04]
  1326. DT_BoneFollower -> m_hOwnerEntity ( no ) [0x0000043c]
  1327. DT_BoneFollower -> m_networkedFlags ( no ) [0x00000394]
  1328. DT_BaseAnimating -> DT_BaseAnimating ( no ) [0x00000000]
  1329. DT_BaseAnimating -> m_animSequence ( no ) [0x0000001c]
  1330. DT_BaseAnimating -> m_animModelIndex ( no ) [0x00000018]
  1331. DT_BaseAnimating -> m_bSequenceFinished ( no ) [0x00000f00]
  1332. DT_BaseAnimating -> m_lockedAnimDeltaYaw ( no ) [0x00000f04]
  1333. DT_BaseAnimating -> m_nForceBone ( no ) [0x00000e90]
  1334. DT_BaseAnimating -> m_vecForce ( no ) [0x00000088]
  1335. DT_BaseAnimating -> m_nSkin ( no ) [0x00000e48]
  1336. DT_BaseAnimating -> m_skinMod ( no ) [0x00000e4c]
  1337. DT_BaseAnimating -> m_nBody ( no ) [0x00000e50]
  1338. DT_BaseAnimating -> m_camoIndex ( no ) [0x00000e54]
  1339. DT_BaseAnimating -> m_flModelScale ( no ) [0x00000f0c]
  1340. DT_BaseAnimating -> m_flPoseParameter ( no ) [0x00000024]
  1341. DT_BaseAnimating -> m_animPlaybackRate ( no ) [0x00000010]
  1342. DT_BaseAnimating -> m_animFrozen ( no ) [0x00000014]
  1343. DT_BaseAnimating -> m_bClientSideRagdoll ( no ) [0x00000084]
  1344. DT_BaseAnimating -> m_nRagdollImpactFXTableId ( no ) [0x00000b94]
  1345. DT_BaseAnimating -> m_flSkyScaleStartValue ( no ) [0x00000b98]
  1346. DT_BaseAnimating -> m_flSkyScaleEndValue ( no ) [0x00000b9c]
  1347. DT_BaseAnimating -> m_flSkyScaleStartTime ( no ) [0x00000ba0]
  1348. DT_BaseAnimating -> m_flSkyScaleEndTime ( no ) [0x00000ba4]
  1349. DT_BaseAnimating -> m_nNewSequenceParity ( no ) [0x00000020]
  1350. DT_BaseAnimating -> serveranimdata ( no ) [0x00000000]
  1351. DT_BaseAnimating -> m_SequenceTransitioner ( no ) [0x00000bc0]
  1352. DT_BaseAnimating -> m_passDamageToParent ( no ) [0x0000075c]
  1353. DT_BaseAnimating -> m_flEstIkOffset ( no ) [0x00000094]
  1354. DT_BaseAnimating -> m_animActive ( no ) [0x00000a2c]
  1355. DT_BaseAnimating -> m_animCollisionEnabled ( no ) [0x00000a2f]
  1356. DT_BaseAnimating -> m_animPlantingEnabled ( no ) [0x00000a30]
  1357. DT_BaseAnimating -> m_animNetworkFlags ( no ) [0x00000a28]
  1358. DT_BaseAnimating -> m_animRelativeData ( no ) [0x00000a34]
  1359. DT_BaseAnimating -> m_syncingWithEntity ( no ) [0x00000b24]
  1360. DT_BaseAnimating -> m_predictedAnimEventData ( no ) [0x00000b28]
  1361. DT_AmbientGeneric -> DT_AmbientGeneric ( no ) [0x00000000]
  1362. DT_AmbientGeneric -> m_networkTableSoundID ( no ) [0x00000a10]
  1363. DT_AmbientGeneric -> m_networkedSegmentEndpointWorldSpace ( no ) [0x00000a18]
  1364. DT_AmbientGeneric -> m_isEnabled ( no ) [0x00000a04]
  1365. DT_AmbientGeneric -> m_hasPolylineSegments ( no ) [0x00000a24]
  1366. DT_AmbientGeneric -> m_radius ( no ) [0x00000a00]
  1367. DT_TitanSoul -> m_titan ( no ) [0x00000a00]
  1368. DT_TitanSoul -> m_shieldHealth ( no ) [0x00000170]
  1369. DT_TitanSoul -> m_shieldHealthMax ( no ) [0x00000174]
  1370. DT_TitanSoul -> m_lastRodeoHitTime ( no ) [0x00000ba0]
  1371. DT_TitanSoul -> m_stance ( no ) [0x00000d68]
  1372. DT_TitanSoul -> m_playerSettingsNum ( no ) [0x00000d70]
  1373. DT_TitanSoul -> m_doomed ( no ) [0x00000d6c]
  1374. DT_TitanSoul -> m_invalidHealthBarEnt ( no ) [0x00000d78]
  1375. DT_TitanSoul -> m_bEjecting ( no ) [0x00000d79]
  1376. DT_TitanSoul -> m_isValidRodeoTarget ( no ) [0x00000d7a]
  1377. DT_TitanSoul -> m_nextCoreChargeAvailable ( no ) [0x00000ba8]
  1378. DT_TitanSoul -> m_coreChargeExpireTime ( no ) [0x00000bb0]
  1379. DT_TitanSoul -> m_coreChargeStartTime ( no ) [0x00000bb8]
  1380. DT_TitanSoul -> m_coreUseDuration ( no ) [0x00000bbc]
  1381. DT_TitanSoul -> m_damageComboLatestUpdateTime ( no ) [0x00000bc0]
  1382. DT_TitanSoul -> m_damageComboStartHealth ( no ) [0x00000bc4]
  1383. DT_TitanSoul -> statuseffectsdata_soul ( no ) [0x00000000]
  1384. DT_TitanSoul -> m_bossPlayer ( no ) [0x00000124]
  1385. DT_TitanSoul -> m_titanSoulScriptNetData ( no ) [0x00000a08]
  1386. DT_TitanSoul -> m_networkedFlags ( no ) [0x00000394]
  1387. DT_AI_BaseNPC -> DT_AI_BaseNPC ( no ) [0x00000000]
  1388. DT_AI_BaseNPC -> m_iHealth ( no ) [0x000003e0]
  1389. DT_AI_BaseNPC -> m_iMaxHealth ( no ) [0x00000510]
  1390. DT_AI_BaseNPC -> m_lifeState ( no ) [0x00000730]
  1391. DT_AI_BaseNPC -> m_inventory ( no ) [0x000016b0]
  1392. DT_AI_BaseNPC -> m_fireteamSlotIndex ( no ) [0x00001880]
  1393. DT_AI_BaseNPC -> statuseffectsdata_npc ( no ) [0x00000000]
  1394. DT_AI_BaseNPC -> m_title ( no ) [0x00001a11]
  1395. DT_AI_BaseNPC -> m_aiSettingsIndex ( no ) [0x00001a34]
  1396. DT_AI_BaseNPC -> m_subclass ( no ) [0x00001a38]
  1397. DT_AI_BaseNPC -> m_aiSprinting ( no ) [0x000019ea]
  1398. DT_AI_BaseNPC -> m_aiNetworkFlags ( no ) [0x00001a0c]
  1399. DT_AI_BaseNPC -> m_isHologram ( no ) [0x00001a10]
  1400. DT_AI_BaseNPC -> m_localOrigin ( no ) [0x00000004]
  1401. DT_AI_BaseNPC -> m_localAngles ( no ) [0x00000428]
  1402. DT_AI_BaseNPC -> m_hGroundEntity ( no ) [0x000003dc]
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