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Flow like water, sting like a sock full of quarters

a guest
Jan 16th, 2018
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  1. Key: SephirothSage
  2. Character: Asphodel
  3. Skill: Flow Stance
  4. How well do you know the source material?(obviously not relevant if it's a transformation): Cowboy Bepop is the shit
  5. Reasoning: Asphodel is a fighter focused on skill already- as seen in his use of Sword Saint, a skill based buff that implies a high degree of finesse. In his case it's more a mater of relying on 'animal instinct' of a sort, combined with his high natural intellect (genius alien trait) to predict and react to foes actions. This would be the natural evolution of that style; driven by actual combat experience now refining his inborn talent and skill further, as well as use of his sensory ability to heighten his ability to predict his opponents maneuvers.
  7. TLDR: Use of sense + skill + instinct to evade others attacks precognitively, not through actual foresight but just leet skillz
  8. What is the moment: Fighting against Letta before the tourney, and getting trounced- seeing her artsy fighting style and notating it down. Observing numerous cage matches and analyzing everyone's fighting styles as they battle. Being totally, effortlessly, and completely dismissively defeated by Aikon in single combat when the other transformed. Being slightly less effortlessly trounced by a base-form Sefahn in a Cage match in the tournament.
  10. And of course, an overbearing desire to train himself so as to earn Mommy and Mommy's approval; Asphodel wants two things out of life.
  12. 1) To assimilate and learn as much data as possible
  13. 2) To make Mimi and Jorm love him more by making them proud.
  15. Right now winning matches in the tourney seems to be the best way to achieve number 2, cus Mimi told him to fight hard and do well.
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