

Apr 25th, 2019
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  1. Pika is getting nutted in tonight,
  2. Pika is sleeping on the couch tonight,
  3. This is a wipe,
  4. This is a kill,
  5. Sean is gonna rage,
  6. This boss would be dead if Sean got a haircut,
  7. Lumi was the backbone of Wildcard Gaming,
  8. A shoey a day keeps the boss kills away,
  9. Prostate orgasms are most certainly not Alpha,
  10. Pika wears the pants in this house,
  11. Imagine losing to Limit every tier,
  12. 8 balls in your mouth pussy,
  13. Leave me the fuck alone,
  14. nine3cubed is #1 in our hearts,
  15. Who needs world first when you have friendship,
  16. I miss the good old days when Sean tanked and actually contributed,
  17. Praise Cleo our supreme overlord,
  18. If you just get the boss to 0% before you get to 0% you win,
  19. Fuck that strat has been hotfixed,
  20. Just wait for the nerfs,
  21. Scuffed DPS,
  22. I dunno. It might be a kill and it might not be a kill. I'm not fucking psychic.,
  23. Masturbation prevents mid raid hand cramps. Safety first.,
  24. /me has left the guild.,
  25. Interrupts are hard. Cut them some slack guys.,
  26. Chat's LFR raid strats are clearly better than Sean's.,
  27. Chrysta L. Meth,
  28. Snape kills Dumbledore,
  29. Your attempts to kill this boss are Fa'thuul,
  30. Sean would be nothing without his mods. His very livelihood depends on them being the best mods ever.,
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