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a guest
Jun 23rd, 2018
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  1. LEAVE:
  2. PASSADMIN: <b>You must give the admin role to someone else first.
  3. NEGATIVEPOWER: <b>You cannot leave until your power is positive.
  4. TOLEAVE: to leave your faction.
  5. FORLEAVE: for leaving your faction.
  6. LEFT: '%s<i> left faction %s<i>.'
  7. DISBANDED: <i>%s<i> was disbanded.
  8. DISBANDEDLOG: The faction %s (%s) was disbanded due to the last player (%s) leaving.
  9. DESCRIPTION: \n &a&l» &7Leave your faction
  10. CLAIM:
  11. PROTECTED: <b>This land is protected
  12. DISABLED: <b>Sorry, this world has land claiming disabled.
  13. CANTCLAIM: <b>You can't claim land for <h>%s<b>.
  14. ALREADYOWN: '%s<i> already own this land.'
  15. MUSTBE: <b>You must be <h>%s<b> to claim land.
  16. MEMBERS: Factions must have at least <h>%s<b> members to claim land.
  17. SAFEZONE: <b>You can not claim a Safe Zone.
  18. WARZONE: <b>You can not claim a War Zone.
  19. POWER: <b>You can't claim more land! You need more power!
  20. LIMIT: <b>Limit reached. You can't claim more land!
  21. ALLY: <b>You can't claim the land of your allies.
  22. CONTIGIOUS: <b>You can only claim additional land which is connected to your first claim or controlled by another faction!
  23. FACTIONCONTIGUOUS: <b>You can only claim additional land which is connected to your first claim!
  24. PEACEFUL: '%s<i> owns this land. Your faction is peaceful, so you cannot claim land
  25. from other factions.'
  26. PEACEFULTARGET: '%s<i> owns this land, and is a peaceful faction. You cannot claim
  27. land from them.'
  28. THISISSPARTA: '%s<i> owns this land and is strong enough to keep it.'
  29. BORDER: <b>You must start claiming land at the border of the territory.
  30. TOCLAIM: to claim this land
  31. FORCLAIM: for claiming this land
  32. TOOVERCLAIM: to overclaim this land
  33. FOROVERCLAIM: for over claiming this land
  34. CLAIMED: <h>%s<i> claimed land for <h>%s<i> from <h>%s<i>.
  35. CLAIMEDLOG: '%s claimed land at (%s) for the faction: %s'
  37. DISABLED: <i>Over claiming is disabled on this server.
  38. TOOCLOSETOOTHERFACTION: <i>Your claim is too close to another Faction. Buffer required is %d
  39. OUTSIDEWORLDBORDER: <i>Your claim is outside the border.
  40. OUTSIDEBORDERBUFFER: <i>Your claim is outside the border. %d chunks away world edge required.
  41. CLICK:
  42. TO:
  43. CLAIM: Click to try to claim &2(%1$d, %2$d)
  44. MAP:
  45. OUTSIDEBORDER: '&cThis claim is outside the worldborder!'
  46. YOUAREHERE: You are here
  47. GENERIC:
  48. YOU: you
  49. YOURFACTION: your faction
  50. NOPERMISSION: <b>You don't have permission to %1$s.
  51. FPERM:
  52. NOPERMISSION: '&7Your faction leader does not allow you to %1$s.'
  53. DOTHAT: do that
  54. NOPLAYERMATCH: <b>No player match found for "<p>%1$s<b>".
  55. NOPLAYERFOUND: <b>No player "<p>%1$s<b>" could not be found.
  56. ARGS:
  57. TOOFEW: '<b>Too few arguments. <i>Use like this:'
  58. TOOMANY: '<b>Strange argument "<p>%1$s<b>". <i>Use the command like this:'
  59. DEFAULTDESCRIPTION: Default faction description :(
  60. OWNERS: 'Owner(s): %1$s'
  61. PUBLICLAND: Public faction land.
  62. FACTIONLESS: factionless
  63. SERVERADMIN: A server admin
  64. DISABLED: disabled
  65. ENABLED: enabled
  66. INFINITY: ∞
  67. CONSOLEONLY: This command cannot be run as a player.
  68. PLAYERONLY: <b>This command can only be used by ingame players.
  69. ASKYOURLEADER: '<i> Ask your leader to:'
  70. YOUSHOULD: '<i>You should:'
  71. YOUMAYWANT: '<i>You may want to: '
  73. VERSION: 'Translation: %1$s(%2$s,%3$s) State: %4$s'
  74. CONTRIBUTORS: 'Translation contributors: %1$s'
  75. RESPONSIBLE: 'Responsible for translation: %1$s'
  77. TOOSHORT: <i>The faction tag can't be shorter than <h>%1$s<i> chars.
  78. TOOLONG: <i>The faction tag can't be longer than <h>%s<i> chars.
  79. ALPHANUMERIC: <i>Faction tag must be alphanumeric. "<h>%s<i>" is not allowed.
  80. PLACEHOLDER: <This is a placeholder for a message you should not see>
  82. NOFACTION: '&cYou need a faction to use a warbanner!'
  83. COOLDOWN: '&cThe warbanner is on cooldown for your faction!'
  84. INVALIDLOC: '&cYou can only use warbanners in enemy land or the warzone'
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