Guest User


a guest
Mar 19th, 2018
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  1. {
  2. "pools" : [ {
  3. "name" : " Stellite",
  4. "host" : "",
  5. "user" : "Se3115fe6E2VojgyxquTYMCPZLVr41WuTVvwErsj1KkCaAdmyP8QMR3HepNrcYpqc7fgwYzT98yhDGNS24WWfojG13EYTZfLE",
  6. "password" : "",
  7. "enableExtranonceSubscribe" : true,
  8. "appendWorkerNames" : false,
  9. "workerNameSeparator" : ".",
  10. "useWorkerPassword" : false,
  11. "weight" : 9,
  12. "isEnabled": true
  13. } ],
  15. "logDirectory" : "",
  16. "logLevel" : "INFO",
  17. "disableLogAppend": false,
  18. "stratumListenPort" : 6233,
  19. "stratumListenAddress" : "",
  20. "disableStratum": false,
  21. "getworkListenPort" : 8233,
  22. "getworkListenAddress" : "",
  23. "disableGetwork": false,
  24. "apiListenPort" : 8888,
  25. "apiListenAddress" : "",
  26. "disableApi": false,
  27. "poolSubscribeTimeout" : 60,
  28. "poolConnectionRetryDelay" : 5,
  29. "poolReconnectStabilityPeriod" : 5,
  30. "poolNoNotifyTimeout" : 240,
  31. "rejectReconnectOnDifferentHost" : false,
  32. "poolHashrateSamplingPeriod" : 600,
  33. "userHashrateSamplingPeriod" : 600,
  34. "connectionHashrateSamplingPeriod" : 600,
  35. "isScrypt" : true,
  36. "databaseDirectory": "",
  37. "hashrateDatabaseSamplingPeriod": 60,
  38. "hashrateDatabaseHistoryDepth": 7,
  39. "noMidstate": false,
  40. "apiLogLevel": "INFO",
  41. "validateGetworkShares": false, // Validate the shares submitted by Getwork workers before submitting the shares to the pool. Only works for SHA256 and Scrypt.
  42. "poolSwitchingStrategy": "priorityFailover",
  43. "weightedRoundRobinRoundDuration": 60,
  44. "apiUser": "gvalentin",
  45. "apiPassword": "111213",
  46. "apiReadOnlyAccessEnabled": true, // If an apiUser is set and this option is true, the read-only API methods are publicly accessible. The displayed GUI will be read-only and login will be required to access to admin features (modify/create/delete pools, ban users...)
  47. // The apiEnableSsl should be set to true or left commented if an apiUser is specified. If the apiEnableSsl option is not set, ssl is enabled when apiUser is set else it is disabled.
  48. "apiEnableSsl": true,
  49. "logRealShareDifficulty": false, // Take care, it is CPU intensive and it works only for SHA256 and Scrypt coins.
  50. "workerNumberLimit": 65536, // Only 1, 256 and 65536 values are supported.
  51. "ipVersion": "auto", // Valid values: auto, v4, v6. Force the use of the IP protocol version.
  52. "suggestedPoolDifficulty": 0.01 // Suggest this difficulty to the pool. The pool may ignore the suggested difficulty. (if not compatible or for any other reasons)
  53. }
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