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Nov 17th, 2019
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  1. finalize: '&eParkour &c%parkour &eis ready to use.'
  2. start:
  3. - '&a&lParkour challenge started!'
  4. - '&aUse &e/parkour checkpoint &ato teleport to the last checkpoint or &e/parkour
  5. cancel &ato cancel!'
  6. reset: '&a&lReset your timer to 00:00! Get to the finish line!'
  7. started: '&c&lYou already started different parkour.'
  8. point: '&a&lYou reached &e&lCheckpoint #%point_id &a&lafter &e&l%time&a&l.'
  9. point-record: '&7You finished this part of the parkour in &6%point_time &7and beat
  10. your personal best of &7%point_best!'
  11. point-old: '&7You finished this part of the parkour in %point_time (personal best:
  12. %point_best).'
  13. point-new: '&7You finished this part of the parkour in &6%point_time&7.'
  14. finish-new: '&a&lCongratulations on completing the parkour! You finished in &e&l%time&a&l!
  15. &a&lTry again to get an even better record!'
  16. finish-old: '&a&lYour time of &e&l%time &a&ldid not beat your previous record of &e&l%time_best&a&l!
  17. Try again to beat your old record!'
  18. finish-record: '&a&lThat''s a new record of &e&l%time&a&l! Try again to get an even
  19. better record!'
  20. failed: '&c&lParkour challenge failed! You skipped a checkpoint!!'
  21. notify: '&a&lThis is the finish line for the parkour! Get to the start line and climb
  22. back up here!'
  23. disabled: '&c&lThis parkour is currently disabled!'
  24. rubber: '&eLast checkpoint of the &c%parkour &eparkour has been erased.'
  25. empty: '&eFirst you have to create any point.'
  26. create: '&ePoint for the &c%parkour &eparkour has been successfully created.'
  27. cancel: '&eCreation of the parkour &c%parkour &ehas been canceled.'
  28. error: '&eYou have to create more checkpoints to finalize this process.'
  29. mode: '&eYou are already in the creating mode.'
  30. exist: '&eParkour &c%parkour &ealready exist.'
  31. not-exist: '&eParkour &c%parkour &edoesn''t exist.'
  32. race: '&cYou are currently not in a parkour race.'
  33. teleport: '&a&lTeleported you to the start of the parkour!'
  34. cancelled: '&c&lParkour challenge cancelled!'
  35. enabled: '&eFirst you have to enable parkour.'
  36. delete: '&eParkour &c%parkour &ehas been removed.'
  37. unknown: '&eWrong arguments! Use &6/parkour &eto see a list of commands.'
  38. parkour:
  39. - This server is using LeakParkour version %version.
  40. - Use /parkour help to get command list.
  41. permission: '&eYou don''t have permissions to use that command.'
  42. list:
  43. - '%center&e&lParkours List'
  44. - '&6&l▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬'
  45. help:
  46. - '%center&e&lLeakParkour Help '
  47. - '&6&l▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬'
  48. - '&8/&eparkour create <name>'
  49. - ' &7» Use to create a new parkour.'
  50. - '&8/&eparkour delete <name>'
  51. - ' &7» Use to delete a parkour.'
  52. - '&8/&eparkour list'
  53. - ' &7» Use to print all parkours.'
  54. - '&8/&eparkour checkpoint'
  55. - ' &7» Return to the last checkpoint.'
  56. - '&8/&eparkour reset'
  57. - ' &7» Reset current parkour.'
  58. - '&8/&eparkour cancel'
  59. - ' &7» Cancel current parkour.'
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