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Aug 3rd, 2016
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  1. #==============================O==============================#
  2. # I---------------------------------------------------------I #
  3. # | Advanced Achievements 3.0 configuration - Readme | #
  4. # 1---------------------------------------------------------1 #
  5. #==============================o==============================#
  7. # You can use Achievements chat colors in Message|DisplayName|Goal, but include '' around the whole text: '&4Color'.
  8. # When using colours, you must also double apostrophes: '&2I''ve doubled apostrophes!'.
  9. # Only spaces, no tabs. Don't forget the indents, plugin won't work otherwise!
  10. # To check your file, use:
  11. # Do NOT delete any main achievement sections in the configuration file.
  12. # Possible items for rewards/Crafts/Places/Breaks:
  13. # Possible mobs for the Kills section:
  14. # Default config.yml file:
  15. # Visit the wiki for some additional documentation:
  17. #=============================O=O=============================#
  18. # II-------------------------------------------------------II #
  19. # | General settings | #
  20. # 2---------------------------------------------------------2 #
  21. #=============================o=o=============================#
  23. # Time in seconds between each /aach book.
  24. TimeBook: 900
  26. # Time in seconds between each /aach list.
  27. TimeList: 0
  29. # Check for update on plugin launch and notify when an OP joins the game.
  30. CheckForUpdate: true
  32. # Set to true to activate firework effects when a player receives an achievement.
  33. Firework: true
  36. FireworkStyle: BALL_LARGE
  38. # Number of players displayed in /aach top, week and month commands.
  39. TopList: 5
  41. # Set to true to activate particle effects when receiving book and for players in top list.
  42. AdditionalEffects: true
  44. # Set to true to activate sound effects when receiving book and for players in top list.
  45. Sound: true
  47. # Set the icon of the plugin (default: shamrock, '\u2618').
  48. Icon: '\u2618'
  50. # Set the color of the plugin (default: 5, dark purple).
  51. Color: '5'
  53. # Notify other connected players when an achievement is received.
  54. ChatNotify: true
  56. # Separator between name, description and date on a book page.
  57. BookSeparator: ''
  59. # Set the format of the achievement name in /aach list (default: '%ICON% %NAME% %ICON%').
  60. ListAchievementFormat: '%ICON% %NAME% %ICON%'
  62. # Stop stats from increasing when player in creative mode (except Connections and PlayedTime).
  63. RestrictCreative: true
  65. # Stop stats from increasing when player in a specific world (delete the [] before using).
  66. ExcludedWorlds: []
  67. # - yourWorld1
  68. # - yourWorld2
  70. # Ignore vertical dimension (Y axis) when calculating distance statistics.
  71. IgnoreVerticalDistance: true
  73. # Don't show these categories in the achievement GUI or in the stats output (delete the [] before using).
  74. # Also prevent obtaining achievements for these categories and prevent stats from increasing.
  75. # If changed, do a full server reload, and not just /aach reload.
  76. DisabledCategories: []
  77. # - Beds
  78. # - ItemBreaks
  79. # - Crafts
  81. # Obfuscate achievements that have not yet been received in /aach list.
  82. ObfuscateNotReceived: true
  84. # Obfuscate progressive achievements:
  85. # For categories with a series of related achievements where the only thing changing is the number of times
  86. # the event has occurred, show achievements that have been obtained and show the next obtainable achievement,
  87. # but obfuscate the additional achievements. In order for this to work properly, achievements must be sorted
  88. # in order of increasing difficulty. For example, under Places, stone, the first achievement could have a
  89. # target of 100 stone,# the second 500 stone, and the third 1000 stone. When ObfuscateProgressiveAchievements
  90. # is true, initially only the 100 stone achievement will be readable in the GUI. Once 100 stone have been placed,
  91. # the 500 stone achievement will become legible.
  92. ObfuscateProgressiveAchievements: true
  94. # Hide categories with no achievements yet received in /aach list.
  95. HideNotReceivedCategories: true
  97. # Hide the reward display in /aach list.
  98. HideRewardDisplayInList: true
  100. # Display achievement name and description as screen titles.
  101. TitleScreen: true
  103. # Sort pages of the book in chronological order (false for reverse chronological order).
  104. BookChronologicalOrder: true
  106. # Do not take into account items broken with Silk Touch for the Breaks achievements.
  107. DisableSilkTouchBreaks: true
  109. #=============================OOO=============================#
  110. # III-----------------------------------------------------III #
  111. # | Database settings | #
  112. # 3---------------------------------------------------------3 #
  113. #=============================ooo=============================#
  115. # Make a daily backup of your local database (if sqlite).
  116. DatabaseBackup: true
  118. # Database type, sqlite, postgresql or mysql. Do a full server reload or restart to make this effective.
  119. DatabaseType: mysql
  121. # Prefix added to the tables in the database. If you switch from the default tables names (no prefix),
  122. # the plugin will attempt an automatic renaming. Otherwise you have to rename your tables manually.
  123. # Do a full server reload or restart to make this effective.
  124. TablePrefix: ''
  126. # Settings to link with MySQL database (ignore if sqlite or postgresql).
  127. MYSQL:
  128. Database: 'jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/Achievements'
  129. User: AchievementMan
  130. Password: HerpDerp
  132. # Settings to link with PostgresSQL database (ignore if sqlite or mysql).
  134. Database: 'jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/minecraft'
  135. User: root
  136. Password: root
  138. #============================OO=OO============================#
  139. # IV-------------------------------------------------------IV #
  140. # | Performance settings | #
  141. # 4---------------------------------------------------------4 #
  142. #============================oo=oo============================#
  145. # If any of the performance settings are changed, do a full server reload, and not just /aach reload.
  146. # Frequency of play time checks for players. Smaller values give more precision but more CPU usage.
  147. PlaytimeTaskInterval: 150
  149. # Calculates distance traveled by players. Smaller values give more precision but more CPU usage.
  150. DistanceTaskInterval: 5
  152. # Frequency of some statistics writes to the database.
  153. PooledRequestsTaskInterval: 60
  155. # Enable multithreading for database write operations.
  156. AsyncPooledRequestsSender: true
  158. #============================OOOOO============================#
  159. # V---------------------------------------------------------V #
  160. # | Action achievements | #
  161. # 5---------------------------------------------------------5 #
  162. #============================ooooo============================#
  164. # When a player connects during the day.
  165. Connections:
  166. '100':
  167. Message: You connected to our server for the Hundredth time!
  168. Name: connect_100
  169. DisplayName: Dedicated
  170. Reward:
  171. Command: p give PLAYER 100
  172. '1000':
  173. Message: You connected to our server for the Thousandth time!
  174. Name: connect_1000
  175. DisplayName: Obsessed
  176. Reward:
  177. Command: p give PLAYER 250
  178. '10000':
  179. Message: ...You connected alot.
  180. Name: connect_10000
  181. DisplayName: LoreCase Obsession
  182. Reward:
  183. Command: p give PLAYER 1000
  184. # When a specific block is placed (specify material name, lower case).
  185. Places:
  186. smooth_brick:
  187. '500':
  188. # Used in /aach list when achievement not yet received.
  189. Goal: 'Place 500 stone bricks.'
  190. # Description; displayed when receiving achievement, and in /aach book and /aach list.
  191. Message: '&4You have placed 500 stone bricks!'
  192. # Database name, must also be used in /aach delete and /aach check.
  193. Name: place_500_smooth_brick
  194. # Name; displayed when receiving achievement, and in /aach book and /aach list.
  195. DisplayName: 'Stone Brick Layer'
  196. Reward:
  197. Command: p give PLAYER 5
  198. '2500':
  199. Goal: 'Place 2500 stone bricks.'
  200. Message: '&4You have placed 2500 stone bricks!'
  201. Name: place_2500_smooth_brick
  202. DisplayName: 'Stone Brick Architect'
  203. Reward:
  204. Command: p give PLAYER 50
  205. stone:
  206. '100':
  207. Message: '&4One hundred placed stones!'
  208. Name: place_100_stone
  209. DisplayName: Stone Addict
  210. Reward:
  211. Command: p give PLAYER 5
  212. '1000':
  213. Message: '&4One thousand placed stones!'
  214. Name: place_1000_stone
  215. DisplayName: Stone Master
  216. Reward:
  217. Command: p give PLAYER 10
  218. '9000':
  219. Message: '&4Over Nine thousand placed stones!!'
  220. Name: place_9000_stone
  221. DisplayName: Stone King
  222. Reward:
  223. Command: p give PLAYER 15
  224. '90000':
  225. Message: '&4...Your stone mad'
  226. Name: place_90000_stone
  227. DisplayName: Stone Insane
  228. Reward:
  229. Command: p give PLAYER 150
  230. # When a specific block is broken (specify material name, lower case).
  231. # Below, the notation log:1 means log item with metadata 1.
  232. Breaks:
  233. log:1:
  234. '100':
  235. Message: '&2You have cut dark oak 100 logs!'
  236. Name: break_1_log1
  237. DisplayName: Dark Oak Cutter
  238. Reward:
  239. Command: p give PLAYER 2
  240. '1000':
  241. Message: '&2You have cut dark oak 1000 logs!'
  242. Name: break_1000_log1
  243. DisplayName: Dark Oak Slicer
  244. Reward:
  245. Command: p give PLAYER 5
  246. '10000':
  247. Message: '&2You have cut dark oak 10000 logs!'
  248. Name: break_10000_log1
  249. DisplayName: Dark Oak Decimator
  250. Reward:
  251. Command: p give PLAYER 15
  252. stone:
  253. '1':
  254. Message: '&1The first time you went mining!'
  255. Name: break_1_stone
  256. DisplayName: Cobble!
  257. # Use semicolons for multiple command rewards. PLAYER will be replaced by player's name.
  258. Reward:
  259. Command: p give PLAYER 1
  260. '200':
  261. Message: '&1Your mining alot!'
  262. Name: break_200_stone
  263. DisplayName: Cobble!Cobble!
  264. # Use semicolons for multiple command rewards. PLAYER will be replaced by player's name.
  265. Reward:
  266. Command: p give PLAYER 5
  267. '2000':
  268. Message: '&1Your mining... alot!'
  269. Name: break_2000_stone
  270. DisplayName: Cobble!Cobble!Cobble!
  271. # Use semicolons for multiple command rewards. PLAYER will be replaced by player's name.
  272. Reward:
  273. Command: p give PLAYER 10
  274. '20000':
  275. Message: '&1Your mining... too much..alot!'
  276. Name: break_20000_stone
  277. DisplayName: Cobble!Cobble!Cobble!Cobble!
  278. # Use semicolons for multiple command rewards. PLAYER will be replaced by player's name.
  279. Reward:
  280. Command: p give PLAYER 20
  281. '200000':
  282. Message: '&1...You mined alot of stone.'
  283. Name: break_200000_stone
  284. DisplayName: Cobble!Cobble!Cobble!Cobble!Cobble!
  285. # Use semicolons for multiple command rewards. PLAYER will be replaced by player's name.
  286. Reward:
  287. Command: p give PLAYER 200
  288. # When a specific mob is killed (specify an entity name or poweredcreeper or player, lower case).
  289. Kills:
  290. zombie:
  291. '1':
  292. Message: '&8The first time you killed a zombie!'
  293. DisplayName: The Walking Dead
  294. Name: kills_1_zombie
  295. Reward:
  296. Command: p give PLAYER 1
  297. '50':
  298. Message: '&8Your killing zombies left and right!'
  299. DisplayName: The Walking Dead 2
  300. Name: kills_50_zombie
  301. Reward:
  302. Command: p give PLAYER 1
  303. '150':
  304. Message: '&8Did you watch the walking dead? #Notsponsoredbythewalkingdead'
  305. DisplayName: The Walking Dead 3
  306. Name: kills_150_zombie
  307. Reward:
  308. Command: p give PLAYER 2
  309. '1500':
  310. Message: '&8Thats alot of zombies!'
  311. DisplayName: The Walking Dead 4
  312. Name: kills_1500_zombie
  313. Reward:
  314. Command: p give PLAYER 5
  315. '9500':
  316. Message: '&8Zambies!'
  317. DisplayName: The Walking Dead 5
  318. Name: kills_9500_zombie
  319. Reward:
  320. Command: p give PLAYER 10
  321. '95000':
  322. Message: '&8Jinkies, son. Thats a ton of dead people. You sure they are zombies?'
  323. DisplayName: The Walking Dead 6
  324. Name: kills_95000_zombie
  325. Reward:
  326. Command: p give PLAYER 25
  327. player:
  328. '1':
  329. Message: '&8You killed him!'
  330. Name: Murderer
  331. Reward:
  332. Item: gold_nugget 1
  333. player:
  334. '100':
  335. Message: '&8Serial killer rampage!'
  336. Name: Masochist
  337. Reward:
  338. Item: gold_block 3
  339. zombie:
  340. '100':
  341. Message: '&8Apocalypse who?'
  342. Name: Survivor
  343. Reward:
  344. Item: gold_block 3
  345. blaze:
  346. '1':
  347. Message: '&8What was that?'
  348. Name: Ember
  349. Reward:
  350. Item: golden_nugget 1
  351. blaze:
  352. '100':
  353. Message: '&8Fire Extinguisher!'
  354. Name: Inferno
  355. Reward:
  356. Item: gold_block 3
  357. chicken:
  358. '1':
  359. Message: '&8Chicken Kicker!'
  360. Name: Chicken...
  361. Reward:
  362. Item: golden_nugget 1
  363. chicken:
  364. '100':
  365. Message: '&8Chicken Master!'
  366. Name: Or egg?
  367. Reward:
  368. Item: gold_block 3
  369. cow:
  370. '1':
  371. Message: '&8Cow Tipper!'
  372. Name: Moo?
  373. Reward:
  374. Item: golden_nugget 1
  375. cow:
  376. '100':
  377. Message: '&8Leather-worker!'
  378. Name: MOO?!
  379. Reward:
  380. Item: gold_block 3
  381. creeper:
  382. '1':
  383. Message: '&8Didnt see that coming!'
  384. Name: Fizzled
  385. Reward:
  386. Item: golden_nugget 1
  387. creeper:
  388. '100':
  389. Message: '&8Not today Joe!'
  390. Name: Damp Fuse
  391. Reward:
  392. Item: gold_block 3
  393. ender_dragon:
  394. '1':
  395. Message: '&8Beat the End!'
  396. Name: Dragon-Slayer
  397. Reward:
  398. Item: ender_pearl 30
  399. Item: diamond 20
  400. enderman:
  401. '1':
  402. Message: '&8Put that back!'
  403. Name: Ender-ender
  404. Reward:
  405. Item: golden_nugget 1
  406. enderman:
  407. '100':
  408. Message: '&8Look me in the eye!'
  409. Name: Teleport this!
  410. Reward:
  411. Item: gold_block 3
  412. ghast:
  413. '1':
  414. Message: '&8Why must I cry?!'
  415. Name: Assisted Suicide
  416. Reward:
  417. Item: golden_nugget 1
  418. guardian:
  419. '1':
  420. Message: '&8Held your breath!'
  421. Name: Diver
  422. Reward:
  423. Item: golden_nugget 1
  424. magma_cube:
  425. '1':
  426. Message: '&8Heating things up!'
  427. Name: Flare
  428. Reward:
  429. Item: golden_nugget 1
  430. magma_cube:
  431. '100':
  432. Message: '&8Back in the Lava!'
  433. Name: Firestorm
  434. Reward:
  435. Item: gold_block 3
  436. pig_zombie:
  437. '1':
  438. Message: '&8Out of its misery!'
  439. Name: Mutant Killer
  440. Reward:
  441. Item: golden_nugget 1
  442. pig_zombie:
  443. '100':
  444. Message: '&8Bring your friends!'
  445. Name: Genocide
  446. Reward:
  447. Item: gold_block 3
  448. rabbit:
  449. '1':
  450. Message: '&8Why?!'
  451. Name: Bunny Killer
  452. sheep:
  453. '1':
  454. Message: '&8Its like shearing!'
  455. Name: Baa?
  456. Reward:
  457. Item: golden_nugget 1
  458. sheep:
  459. '100':
  460. Message: '&8Still no shears huh?'
  461. Name: BAA?!
  462. Reward:
  463. Item: gold_block 3
  464. skeleton:
  465. '1':
  466. Message: '&8Ash lives on!'
  467. Name: The Evil Dead
  468. Reward:
  469. Item: golden_nugget 1
  470. skeleton:
  471. '100':
  472. Message: '&8Anti-Necromancy!'
  473. Name: Bone-Slayer
  474. Reward:
  475. Item: gold_block 3
  476. shulker:
  477. '1':
  478. Message: '&8Missed me!'
  479. Name: Artful Dodger
  480. Reward:
  481. Item: golden_nugget 1
  482. shulker:
  483. '100':
  484. Message: '&8Nice shooting Tex!'
  485. Name: Neo
  486. Reward:
  487. Item: gold_block 3
  488. slime:
  489. '1':
  490. Message: '&8Its all sticky...'
  491. Name: Slimed
  492. Reward:
  493. Item: golden_nugget 1
  494. slime:
  495. '100':
  496. Message: '&8Caution! Wet Floor!'
  497. Name: Slimer
  498. Reward:
  499. Item: gold_block 3
  500. spider:
  501. '1':
  502. Message: '&8Its on the ceiling!'
  503. Name: Arachno-killer
  504. Reward:
  505. Item: golden_nugget 1
  506. spider:
  507. '100':
  508. Message: '&8Theyre coming through the walls!'
  509. Name: Arachnophobe
  510. Reward:
  511. Item: gold_block 3
  512. villager:
  513. '1':
  514. Message: '&8He just wanted a friend!'
  515. Name: Sadist
  516. Reward:
  517. Item: golden_nugget 1
  518. witch:
  519. '1':
  520. Message: '&8Nicely done Dorothy!'
  521. Name: Ruby Slippers
  522. Reward:
  523. Item: golden_nugget 1
  524. wither:
  525. '1':
  526. Message: '&8Why did you spawn that?!'
  527. Name: Master of Bosses
  528. Reward:
  529. Item: diamond_block 10
  530. # When a specific item is crafted (specify material name, lower case).
  531. Crafts:
  532. diamond_sword:
  533. '1':
  534. Message: The first time you crafted a diamond blade!
  535. Name: craft_1_diamondblade
  536. DisplayName: Diamond Apprentice
  537. Reward:
  538. Command: p give PLAYER 1
  539. '10':
  540. Message: Remember the last time we made one of these? Heh.
  541. Name: craft_10_diamondblade
  542. DisplayName: Diamond Abuser
  543. Reward:
  544. Command: p give PLAYER 2
  545. diamond_axe:
  546. '1':
  547. Message: You crafted a Diamond Axe!
  548. Name: Axe-Smith
  549. diamond_shovel:
  550. '1':
  551. Message: You crafted a Diamond Shovel!
  552. Name: Shovel-Smith
  553. dispenser:
  554. '1':
  555. Message: You crafted a Dispenser!
  556. Name: Dispensed
  557. bed:
  558. '1':
  559. Message: You crafted a Bed!
  560. Name: Goodnight!
  561. piston:
  562. '1':
  563. Message: You crafted a Piston!
  564. Name: Push it!
  565. tnt:
  566. '1':
  567. Message: You crafted some TNT!
  568. Name: Click Click BOOM!
  569. bookshelf:
  570. '1':
  571. Message: You crafted a Bookshelf!
  572. Name: Well Read
  573. torch:
  574. '1':
  575. Message: You crafted a Torch!
  576. Name: Flicker
  577. torch:
  578. '100':
  579. Message: You crafted a hundred Torchs!
  580. Name: Light 'em up
  581. torch:
  582. '1000':
  583. Message: You crafted a thousand Torchs!
  584. Name: Dawn-Bringer
  585. chest:
  586. '1':
  587. Message: You crafted a Chest!
  588. Name: Box Maker
  589. crafting_table:
  590. '1':
  591. Message: Ready to craft!
  592. Name: In the Beginning
  593. furnace:
  594. '1':
  595. Message: Lighting Fires!
  596. Name: Firestarter
  597. ladder:
  598. '1':
  599. Message: Going up in the world!
  600. Name: The first rung
  601. jukebox:
  602. '1':
  603. Message: Crafted a Jukebox!
  604. Name: Dancing Queen
  605. enchanting_table:
  606. '1':
  607. Message: Crafted an Enchanting Table!
  608. Name: Enchanter
  609. brewing_stand:
  610. '1':
  611. Message: Crafted a Brewing Stand!
  612. Name: Break Bad
  613. hopper:
  614. '1':
  615. Message: You crafted a Hopper!
  616. Name: Get Hopping
  617. diamond_helmet:
  618. '1':
  619. Message: You crafted a Diamond Helmet!
  620. Name: Headgear
  621. diamond_chestplate:
  622. '1':
  623. Message: You crafted a Diamond Chestplate!
  624. Name: Pec-Protector
  625. diamond_leggings:
  626. '1':
  627. Message: You crafted Diamond Leggings!
  628. Name: Who needs pants?
  629. diamond_boots:
  630. '1':
  631. Message: You crafted Diamond Boots!
  632. Name: Footgear
  633. boat:
  634. '1':
  635. Message: Going somewhere?
  636. Name: Sailor
  637. compass:
  638. '1':
  639. Message: Where am I?
  640. Name: Navigator
  641. clock:
  642. '1':
  643. Message: What time is it?
  644. Name: Watch-Maker
  645. shield:
  646. '1':
  647. Message: The best offense...
  648. Name: Defensive
  649. # When the player dies.
  650. Deaths:
  651. '1':
  652. Message: The first time you died!
  653. Name: deaths_1
  654. DisplayName: Rest in Peace
  655. Reward:
  656. Command: p take PLAYER 1
  657. '10':
  658. Message: You died about ten times!
  659. Name: deaths_10
  660. DisplayName: Your dead again.
  661. Reward:
  662. Command: p take PLAYER 10
  663. '25':
  664. Message: You died about twentyfive times!
  665. Name: deaths_25
  666. DisplayName: Your died, too.
  667. Reward:
  668. Command: p take PLAYER 25
  669. '100':
  670. Message: Death isnt a achievement!
  671. Name: deaths_100
  672. DisplayName: Aggressively dying
  673. Reward:
  674. Command: p take PLAYER 100
  675. '1000':
  676. Message: Your a dead one.
  677. Name: deaths_1000
  678. DisplayName: Deadness
  679. Reward:
  680. Command: p take PLAYER 1000
  681. '10000':
  682. Message: Yep, you died again.
  683. Name: deaths_10000
  684. DisplayName: Such a dead weight!
  685. Reward:
  686. Command: p take PLAYER 10000
  687. # When an arrow is shot.
  688. Arrows:
  689. '5':
  690. Message: '5 arrows shot!'
  691. Name: arrows_5
  692. DisplayName: Arrows Around the Place
  693. Reward:
  694. Command: p give PLAYER 5
  695. '100':
  696. Message: 'That last arrow, was a doozy!'
  697. Name: arrows_100
  698. DisplayName: Accidentally shooting grandma
  699. Reward:
  700. Command: p take PLAYER 5
  701. '1000':
  702. Message: 'Maybe we should stop being wasteful'
  703. Name: arrows_1000
  704. DisplayName: Violently shooting things
  705. Reward:
  706. Command: p take PLAYER 50
  707. '10000':
  708. Message: 'Your so good!'
  709. Name: arrows_10000
  710. DisplayName: Masterful Shooter
  711. Reward:
  712. Command: p give PLAYER 100
  713. # When a snowball is thrown.
  714. Snowballs:
  715. '1000':
  716. Message: '1000 snowballs thrown. That''s the spirit!'
  717. Name: snowballs_1000
  718. DisplayName: Winter Addict
  719. Reward:
  720. Command: p give PLAYER 25
  721. # When an egg is thrown.
  722. Eggs:
  723. '1000':
  724. Message: '1000 eggs thrown!'
  725. Name: eggs_1000
  726. DisplayName: Omelet Addict
  727. Reward:
  728. Command: p give PLAYER 15
  729. # When a fish is caught.
  730. Fish:
  731. '1':
  732. Message: The first time you caught a fish!
  733. Name: fish_1
  734. DisplayName: Time for Fish and Chips
  735. Reward:
  736. Command: p give PLAYER 3
  737. # When a tool/armor/weapon is broken.
  738. ItemBreaks:
  739. '1':
  740. Message: You broke your favorite tool!
  741. Name: itembreaks_1
  742. DisplayName: '&4Clumsy Guy'
  743. Reward:
  744. Command: p give PLAYER 1
  745. # When an item is eaten (excludes potions and milk).
  746. EatenItems:
  747. '1':
  748. Message: Just had a snack!
  749. Name: eatenitems_1
  750. DisplayName: First Snack
  751. Reward:
  752. Command: p give PLAYER 2
  753. # When a sheep is sheared.
  754. Shear:
  755. '100':
  756. Message: 100 sheep sheared!
  757. Name: shear_100
  758. DisplayName: '&1Wool Addict'
  759. Reward:
  760. Command: p give PLAYER 6
  761. # When a cow is milked.
  762. Milk:
  763. '1':
  764. Message: Just milked a cow!
  765. Name: milk_1
  766. DisplayName: First Milk
  767. Reward:
  768. Command: p give PLAYER 1
  769. # When a trade with a villager is made.
  770. Trades:
  771. '1':
  772. Message: Doing business with your first villager!
  773. Name: trades_1
  774. DisplayName: First Trade
  775. Reward:
  776. Command: p give PLAYER 1
  777. # When an anvil is used.
  778. AnvilsUsed:
  779. '1':
  780. Message: You just repaired your first item!
  781. Name: anvilsused_1
  782. DisplayName: First Repair
  783. Reward:
  784. Command: p give PLAYER 5
  785. # When an enchantment is performed.
  786. Enchantments:
  787. '5':
  788. Message: 5 objects enchanted!
  789. Name: enchantments_5
  790. DisplayName: '&5Wizard'
  791. Reward:
  792. Command: p give PLAYER 10
  793. # When a bed is entered.
  794. Beds:
  795. '5':
  796. Message: You entered a bed 5 times!
  797. Name: bed_5
  798. DisplayName: Sleepy guy
  799. Reward:
  800. Command: p give PLAYER 5
  801. # Maximum level reached.
  802. MaxLevel:
  803. '10':
  804. Message: Level 10 reached!
  805. Name: maxlevel_10
  806. DisplayName: '&4Rookie'
  807. Reward:
  808. Command: p give PLAYER 2
  809. # When a potion is consumed.
  810. ConsumedPotions:
  811. '100':
  812. Message: Drinking weird beverages all the time...
  813. Name: consumedpotions_100
  814. DisplayName: Alcoholic
  815. Reward:
  816. Command: p give PLAYER 12
  817. # Amount of time played on the server (in hours, use integers).
  818. PlayedTime:
  819. '1':
  820. Message: You played during one hour on the server!
  821. Name: playedtime_1
  822. DisplayName: First Hour
  823. Reward:
  824. Command: p give PLAYER 10
  825. # When a distance is traveled by foot.
  826. DistanceFoot:
  827. '1000':
  828. Message: You traveled 1000 blocks by foot!
  829. Name: distancefoot_1000
  830. DisplayName: Big Walker
  831. Reward:
  832. Command: p give PLAYER 10
  833. # When a distance is traveled on a pig.
  834. DistancePig:
  835. '100':
  836. Message: You traveled 100 blocks on a pig!
  837. Name: distancepig_100
  838. DisplayName: Carrot on a Stick Master
  839. Reward:
  840. Command: p give PLAYER 7
  841. # When a distance is traveled on a horse.
  842. DistanceHorse:
  843. '500':
  844. Message: You traveled 500 blocks on a horse!
  845. Name: distancehorse_500
  846. DisplayName: The Avener
  847. Reward:
  848. Command: p give PLAYER 12
  849. # When a distance is traveled in a minecart.
  850. DistanceMinecart:
  851. '100':
  852. Message: You traveled 100 blocks in a minecart!
  853. Name: distanceminecart_100
  854. DisplayName: Carting Fan
  855. Reward:
  856. Command: p give PLAYER 2
  857. # When a distance is traveled in a boat.
  858. DistanceBoat:
  859. '200':
  860. Message: You traveled 200 blocks in a boat!
  861. Name: distanceboat_200
  862. DisplayName: Great Sailor
  863. Reward:
  864. Command: p give PLAYER 1
  865. # When a distance is traveled with elytra.
  866. # (ignored on Minecraft versions prior to 1.9)
  867. DistanceGliding:
  868. '100':
  869. Message: You traveled 100 blocks with elytra!
  870. Name: distancegliding_100
  871. DisplayName: Angel
  872. Reward:
  873. Command: p give PLAYER 10
  874. # When an item is dropped on the ground.
  875. ItemDrops:
  876. '15':
  877. Message: You're killing the planet!
  878. Name: itemdrops_15
  879. DisplayName: Polluter
  880. Reward:
  881. Command: p give PLAYER 1
  882. # When soil is plowed with a hoe.
  883. HoePlowings:
  884. '10':
  885. Message: You plowed the ground 10 times!
  886. Name: hoeplowings_10
  887. DisplayName: Farmer
  888. Reward:
  889. Command: p give PLAYER 1
  890. # When bone meal is used to fertilise plants.
  891. Fertilising:
  892. '15':
  893. Message: You used bone meal on plants 15 times!
  894. Name: fertilising_15
  895. DisplayName: Gardener
  896. Reward:
  897. Command: p give PLAYER 1
  898. # When an animal is tamed.
  899. Taming:
  900. '1':
  901. Message: You tamed your first animal!
  902. Name: taming_1
  903. DisplayName: Tamer
  904. Reward:
  905. Command: p give PLAYER 5
  906. # When a potion is brewed.
  907. Brewing:
  908. '1':
  909. Message: You brewed your first potion!
  910. Name: brewing_1
  911. DisplayName: Alchemist
  912. Reward:
  913. Command: p give PLAYER 1
  914. # When a firework is launched.
  915. Fireworks:
  916. '10':
  917. Message: You launched 10 fireworks!
  918. Name: fireworks_10
  919. DisplayName: Pyrotechnist
  920. Reward:
  921. Command: p give PLAYER 12
  922. # When a music disc is played.
  923. MusicDiscs:
  924. '1':
  925. Message: One jukebox used!
  926. Name: musicdiscs_1
  927. DisplayName: DJ
  928. Reward:
  929. Command: p give PLAYER 1
  930. # When a player teleports with an enderpearl.
  931. EnderPearls:
  932. '10':
  933. Message: 10 teleportations with ender pearls!
  934. Name: enderpearls_10
  935. DisplayName: Teleport Man
  936. Reward:
  937. Command: p give PLAYER 1
  938. #===========================OOO=OOO===========================#
  939. # VI-------------------------------------------------------VI #
  940. # | Command achievements | #
  941. # 6---------------------------------------------------------6 #
  942. #===========================ooo=ooo===========================#
  944. # Let achievement commands be given several times.
  945. MultiCommand: true
  947. # A player with achievement.give (or the console) can use /aach give yourAch1 PLAYER to give
  948. # yourAch1 achievement to PLAYER. The /aach give command does NOT work with other achievements.
  949. Commands:
  950. yourAch1:
  951. Message: You took part in the special event!
  952. Name: yourAch1
  953. DisplayName: Special Event Achievement!
  954. Reward:
  955. Command: p give PLAYER 25
  956. #===========================OOOOOOO===========================#
  957. # VII-----------------------------------------------------VII #
  958. # | Parameters to appear in future versions | #
  959. # 7---------------------------------------------------------7 #
  960. #===========================ooooooo===========================#
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