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a guest
Jun 23rd, 2017
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text 1.83 KB | None | 0 0
  1. text:00000530 EXPORT start
  2. .text:00000530 start
  3. .text:00000530 PUSH {R0-R4,LR}
  4. .text:00000532 MOV.W R12, #0x96 ; 'û'
  5. .text:00000532 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6. .text:00000536 DCB 0xB
  7. .text:00000537 CODE16
  8. .text:00000537 DCB 0x68 ; h
  9. .text:00000538 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10. .text:00000538 LDR R2, [R0,#0x48]
  11. .text:0000053A MOVS R1, #1
  12. .text:0000053C MOVW LR, #0xB60D
  13. .text:00000540 LSLS R1, R2
  14. .text:00000542 STR.W LR, [SP]
  15. .text:00000546 UBFX.W R2, R3, #8, #8
  16. .text:0000054A UBFX.W LR, R3, #0x10, #8
  17. .text:0000054E MUL.W R12, R12, R2
  18. .text:00000552 MOVS R2, #0x4D ; 'M'
  19. .text:00000554 MLA.W R2, R2, LR, R12
  20. .text:00000558 AND.W LR, R3, #0xFF
  21. .text:0000055C MOV.W R12, #0x1D
  22. .text:00000560 MLA.W R3, R12, LR, R2
  23. .text:00000564 LSRS R2, R3, #8
  24. .text:00000566 ADD.W R3, R2, R2,LSL#8
  25. .text:0000056A MOVS R2, #4
  26. .text:0000056C STR R3, [SP,#4]
  27. .text:0000056E MOVS R3, #0
  28. .text:00000570 STR R3, [SP,#8]
  29. .text:00000572 LDR R0, [R0,#0x44]
  30. .text:00000574 BLX sub_518
  31. .text:00000578 CMP R0, #0
  32. .text:0000057A IT NE
  33. .text:0000057C MOVNE R0, 0xFFFFFFEA
  34. .text:00000580 ADD SP, SP, #0x14
  35. .text:00000582 POP {PC}
  36. .text:00000584 CODE16
  37. .text:00000584
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