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  69. \date{July 2016}
  71. \begin{document}
  72. \begin{resume}
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  86. %{\Huge Chinmay {Talegaonkar}}
  87. % }\bigskip\par
  88. %\vspace*{-8mm}
  89. %\begin{enumerate*}
  90. %$\diamond$ \textsc{github}
  91. % $\diamond$ \href{}{Github}: @chinmay0301
  92. % $\diamond$ \textsc{(+91) 8879178724}
  93. % $\diamond$ \href{}{}
  95. %\end{enumerate*}
  99. %\section{RESEARCH INTERESTS}
  100. %\begin{itemize}
  101. %Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Applications of Bipartite Graphs, Monte Carlo Methods, Parallel Computing, Stochastic Modelling, Image Processing
  102. %\end{itemize}
  103. % \section{Personal Data}
  104. % \begin{itemize}
  105. % \begin{tabular}{rl}
  106. % \textsc{Address:} & Hostel 2-36, IIT Bombay, India\\
  107. % \textsc{Github:} &\hyperlink{}{chinmay0301} \\
  108. % \textsc{email:} & \href{}{}
  109. % \end{tabular}
  110. % \end{itemize}
  111. %\vspace*{-10mm}
  112. %\section{EDUCATION}
  113. %\begin{itemize}
  116. %\item\textbf{Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay} \hfill\textbf{June'15-Present}\\\emph{Bachelor of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering }
  117. %\vspace*{-2mm}
  118. %\begin{itemize}
  119. %\item[\diamond] \textbf{Major CGPA:} 8.82
  120. %\vspace*{-2mm}
  121. %\item[\diamond] Pursuing a \textbf{Minor Degree} in Computer Science
  122. %\end{itemize}
  123. %\vspace*{-1mm}
  124. %\item\textbf{Jawaharlal Nehru School} \emph{Bhopal, India} %\hfill\textbf{April'15}\\\emph{High School}
  125. %\vspace*{-1mm}
  126. %\begin{itemize}
  127. %\vspace*{-1mm}
  128. %\item[\diamond] \textbf{Overall Performance:} 95.8\%
  129. %\end{itemize}
  130. %\end{itemize}
  131. %\vspace*{-11mm}
  133. \begingroup
  134. \fontsize{12pt}{12pt}\selectfont
  135. \textbf{\section{ ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENTS}}
  136. \endgroup
  137. \begin{itemize}
  139. \item Pursuing a minor in \textbf{Computer Science \& Engineering}
  140. \item Secured All India Rank \textbf{425} in entrance exam to the \textbf{IIT}s amongst \textbf{120,000} candidates \hfill[2015]
  141. \item Bagged a \textbf{Silver Medal} for India in the 10\textsuperscript{th} \textbf{International Junior Science Olympiad} \hfill[2013]
  142. %\item Ranked \textbf{1\textsuperscript{st}} in the state with a percentile of \textbf{99.99} all over India in JEE-mains\hfill[2015]
  143. \item Secured \textbf{1\textsuperscript{st}} position in Madhya Pradesh in \textbf{JEE-Mains} with a percentile of \textbf{99.99} all over India \hfill[2015]
  144. %\item Certified as the \textbf{Best Observer} during the \emph{Orientation cum selection} camp of Astronomy, 2013
  145. %\item \textbf{Gold Medallist} in the Indian National \textbf{Chemistry} Olympiad, 2015 \& Indian National \newline\textbf{Astronomy} Olympiad, 2015 for securing a position in \textbf{Top 35} out of \textbf{10,000+} participants
  146. \item Awarded a \textbf{branch change} to Electrical Btech. for exceptional academic performance in first year\hfill [2016]
  147. % \item Pursuing a Minor Degree in \textbf{Computer Science}
  148. %\item Received a \textbf{Gold Medal} for being in \emph{Top 35} of 10,000 participants in Indian National \newline Astronomy Olympiad'14
  149. % \item Recieved a \textbf{scholarship} for being an \textbf{International Olympiad medallist} by HBCSE in \hfill [2013]\usepackage{}\\ association
  150. %with the Infosys Foundation and TIFR Endowment Fund
  151. \item Awarded the Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana Scholarship (\textbf{KVPY}), with an All India Rank \textbf{9}\hfill [2014] \\among over \textbf{50,000} candidates
  152. \item Holder of the \textbf{National Talent Search Scholarship} awarded to \textbf{1000} students in the country \hfill [2011]
  154. %\end{itemize}
  155. %\vspace*{-10mm}
  156. %\section{SCHOLARSHIPS \& AWARDS}
  157. %\begin{itemize}
  158. %\item \textbf{Infosys Award} - Recieved a scholarship for \textbf{International Olympiad, 2013} medallists by HBCSE \newline in association
  159. %with the \emph{Infosys Foundation} and \emph{TIFR} Endowment Fund
  160. %\item\textbf{KVPY 2013-14}: Received the Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana Scholarship Award \newline with an \textbf{All India Rank 9}
  161. %among over 50,000 candidates
  162. %\item \textbf{NTSE 2010-11}: Holder of the National Talent Search Scholarship awarded to \newline \textbf{1000 students} in the country
  163. \end{itemize}
  164. \vspace*{-10mm}
  165. \begingroup
  166. \fontsize{12pt}{12pt}\selectfont
  167. \textbf{\section{ POSITIONS OF RESPONSIBILITY}}
  168. \endgroup
  169. %\vspace*{-4mm}
  170. \begin{itemize}
  171. \begingroup
  172. \fontsize{12pt}{12pt}\selectfont
  173. \item\textbf{Editor}
  174. \endgroup - \emph{Insight, IIT Bombay} \hfill{Apr'17-Present}
  175. \begin{itemize}
  176. \vspace*{-2mm}
  177. \item[\diamond] Part of a 20 member team responsible for all publications \& events of \textbf{Insight}, the institute \\ media body
  178. with an online readership of about \textbf{half a million} users/year
  179. \item[\diamond] Interviewed \textbf{8} faculty members for the \textbf{Know Your Prof} web series regarding their views on \\ student life on campus and various issues published on the website reaching the entire institute
  180. \end{itemize}
  181. \begingroup
  182. \fontsize{12pt}{12pt}\selectfont
  183. \item\textbf{Resource Person and Student Facilitator}
  184. \endgroup - \emph{Astronomy Olympiad, HBCSE} \hfill{Apr'17-May'17}
  185. \begin{itemize}
  186. \vspace*{-2mm}
  187. \item[\diamond] Selected as a resource person for the Indian \textbf{Astronomy Olympiad} OCSC (Orientation-\\cum-Selection Camp) for \textbf{mentoring} students \& handling \textbf{academic} arrangements%and \\aiding in evaluations
  188. \item[\diamond] Involved in the selection and training of a team of 5 students to \textbf{represent India} at \\ the 11\textsuperscript{th}
  189. \textbf{International Olympiad for Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2017} in Thailand
  190. %\item[\diamond] Helped the Convener of the Olympiad with the back-end software and other proceedings
  191. \end{itemize}
  193. %\vspace*{-2mm}
  195. \begingroup
  196. \fontsize{12pt}{12pt}\selectfont
  197. \item \textbf{Academic Committee Member}
  198. \endgroup - \emph{International Olympiad of Astronomy and Astrophysics} \hfill{Dec'16}
  199. \begin{itemize}
  200. \vspace*{-2mm}
  201. \item[\diamond] Supervised the \textbf{Telescope Handling} test of more than \textbf{200} students
  202. \item[\diamond] Involved in the evaluation of \textbf{Theory} and \textbf{Analytical} exams of more than \textbf{50} students
  203. \item[\diamond] Assisted the Convener of the \textbf{Olympiad} with the \textbf{back-end} software and other \textbf{proceedings}
  204. \end{itemize}
  205. %\item\textbf{Teaching Assistant} - \emph{Physics Department, IIT Bombay} \hfill\textbf{Aug'16-Nov'16}
  206. %\begin{itemize}
  207. %\vspace*{-2mm}
  208. %\item[\diamond] Part of the \textbf{20} member expert student team responsible for assisting Physics Professors
  209. %\item[\diamond] Initiated active two-way learning by mentoring \textbf{43} undergraduate students
  210. %\item[\diamond] Involved in evaluation of exams and quizzes of the students
  211. %\end{itemize}
  212. \begingroup
  213. \fontsize{12pt}{12pt}\selectfont
  214. \item\textbf{Technical Summer School (TSS)}
  215. \endgroup - \emph{Career Cell, IIT Bombay} \hfill{Jun'17}
  216. \begin{itemize}
  217. \vspace*{-2mm}
  218. \item[\diamond] Conducted a \textbf{4 day} crash course on \textbf{Fundamentals of Machine learning} for \textbf{70} students
  219. %\item[\diamond]Outlined basic concepts of statistics, probability and regression
  220. \item[\diamond]Covered the theory and applications of popular algorithms like Neural Networks, Support \\ Vector Machines, Principal Component Analysis, and K means clustering in detail
  221. \end{itemize}
  224. \begingroup
  225. \fontsize{12pt}{12pt}\selectfont
  226. \item\textbf{Convener}
  227. \endgroup
  228. - \emph{Students' Technical Activities Body, IIT Bombay} \hfill{Apr'16-Mar'17}
  229. \begin{itemize}
  230. \vspace*{-2mm}
  231. \item[\diamond] Involved in Planning of events and the budget of \textbf{2 Lakh} INR of \textbf{Krittika, the Astronomy club}
  232. \vspace*{-1mm}
  233. \item[\diamond] Developed the official Website of the club using \textbf{Jekyll}
  234. \vspace*{-1mm}
  235. \item[\diamond] Conducted events like Lectures, Group Discussions, and Telescope handling sessions
  236. \vspace*{-1mm}
  237. \item[\diamond] Arranged visits to Nehru Planetarium and Giant Meter wave Radio Telescope, Pune
  238. %\item[--] Organized sessions for \emph{Telescope Handling} and Observation of notable celestial objects
  239. \end{itemize}
  242. \begingroup
  243. \fontsize{12pt}{12pt}\selectfont
  244. \item\textbf{Horizons Co-ordinator}
  245. \endgroup
  246. - \emph{Mood Indigo, IIT Bombay} \hfill{Apr'16-Dec'16}
  247. \begin{itemize}
  248. \vspace*{-2mm}
  249. \item[\diamond] Ideated \& executed Mood Indigo's \textbf{Fashion competition} catering to a crowd of over \textbf{2000}
  250. \vspace*{-1mm}
  251. \item[\diamond] Contacted \textbf{300+} Fashion colleges across India for organising a nation wide talent hunt
  252. \vspace*{-1mm}
  253. \item[\diamond] \textbf{Guided} a team of \textbf{20+ organizers} to execute events from the genres \textbf{Fashion, Music \& Food}
  254. \end{itemize}
  257. \end{itemize}
  260. \vspace*{-10mm}
  261. \begingroup
  262. \fontsize{12pt}{12pt}\selectfont
  263. \textbf{\section{ PROJECTS}}
  264. \endgroup
  265. %\vspace*{-5mm}
  266. \begin{itemize}
  268. %\item\textbf{Glowhockey} - \emph{Python,OpenCV}\hfill\textbf{May'16-July'16}\\\emph{Institute Technical Summer Project }\hfill \emph{Electronics Club, IIT Bombay}
  269. %\begin{itemize}
  270. %\vspace*{-2mm}
  271. %\item[\diamond] Developed a \emph{Semi-Virtual} Air Hockey game
  272. %\item[\diamond] Designed the gaming interface using \emph{Pygame}, a %gaming module in Python
  273. %\item[\diamond] Employed \emph{Blob Detection} and likewise Image %Processing features in \emph{OpenCV}
  274. %\item[\diamond] Wrote a script that detects co-ordinates of the %player's hand and relays them on screen
  275. %\end{itemize}
  276. %\vspace*{-2mm}
  277. \begingroup
  278. \fontsize{12pt}{12pt}\selectfont
  279. \item\textbf{Parallelizing Monte Carlo Simulations}
  280. \endgroup - \emph{Nvidia GPUs, CUDA, C++}\hfill{May'17-Jul'17}\\\emph{Prof. Dirk Kroese }\hfill \emph{University of Queensland, Australia}
  281. \begin{itemize}
  282. \vspace*{-2mm}
  284. %\item[\diamond] Explored research papers on \textbf{parallelizing} the \textbf{Cross Entropy (CE)} algorithm
  285. \item[\diamond] Devised a \textbf{data-parallel} implementation of the \textbf{Cross Entropy (CE)} optimization using CUDA
  286. \item[\diamond] Solved the \textbf{Max-Cut} problem \& maximized the output of a \textbf{peak detector} using CE optimization
  287. \item[\diamond] Obtained a \textbf{speed up} of \textbf{3000}x as compared to a CPU for the \textbf{peak detector} function
  288. %\item[\diamond] Investigated \textbf{Distributed computing} frameworks for Monte Carlo Simulations
  289. %\item[\diamond] Documented a report about optimizing the code for CE algorithm on CUDA
  290. \end{itemize}
  292. %\vspace*{-1mm}
  294. \begingroup
  295. \fontsize{12pt}{12pt}\selectfont
  296. \item\textbf{Stochastic Modelling of Server Caches}
  297. \endgroup
  298. - \emph{Graph Theory, Online Algorithms} \hfill{May'17-Jul'17}\\\emph{Prof. Sharayu Moharir }\hfill \emph{Electrical Engineering, IIT Bombay}
  299. \begin{itemize}
  300. \vspace*{-2mm}
  301. %\item[\diamond] Surveyed literature on graph theory \& applications of \textbf{Bipartite graphs} in online matching
  302. \item[\diamond] Studied the concepts of \textbf{modelling file storage} in server caches using \textbf{Bipartite Graphs} \\ and \textbf{online matching} of incoming requests for the files
  303. \item[\diamond] Simulated the \textbf{Hungarian Algorithm} \& the \textbf{online matching algorithm} for matching requests
  304. \item[\diamond] Devised an implementation of the \textbf{Two Suggested Matchings} algorithm based on \\ decomposing the max-flow in a boosted bipartite graph
  305. \end{itemize}
  306. %\vspace*{-1mm}
  308. \begingroup
  309. \fontsize{12pt}{12pt}\selectfont
  310. \item\textbf{Parkaway}
  311. \endgroup
  312. - \emph{Node.js, MySQL, GSM \& GPRS}\hfill{May'17-Jul'17}\\\emph{Summer Project, SINE Lab }\hfill \emph{Innovation Cell, IIT Bombay}
  313. \begin{itemize}
  314. \vspace*{-2mm}
  315. %\item[\diamond] Part of a 3 member team for developing an \textbf{IoT} based \textbf{automated No-Parking} lock system
  316. \item[\diamond] Developed an \textbf{admin interface} using \textbf{Node.js} and \textbf{MySQL} backend to facilitate communication \\ between the lock and server of an \textbf{IoT} based \textbf{automated No-Parking} lock system
  317. \item[\diamond] Incorporated \textbf{Google Maps} API with the backend interface for \textbf{real time} monitoring of the locks
  318. \item[\diamond] \textbf{Automated} sending commands to the lock by sending \textbf{SMS} from the sever
  319. %\item[\diamond]Supervising the development of an Android App for on-field managers of the system
  320. \end{itemize}
  321. %\item\textbf{Parkaway} - \emph{Node.Js, MySQL, GSM \& GPRS}\hfill\textbf{May'17-July'17}\\\emph{Summer Project, SINE Lab }\hfill \emph{Innovation Cell, IIT Bombay}
  322. %\begin{itemize}
  323. %\vspace*{-2mm}
  324. %\item[\diamond] Part of a 3 member team for developing an %\textbf{IoT} based \emph{automated} No-Parking lock system
  325. %\item[\diamond] Developed an admin interface using Node.js and MySQL backend to facilitate communication between the lock and server
  326. %\item[\diamond] Incorporated \textbf{Google Maps} API with the backend interface to monitor locks in real time
  327. %\item[\diamond] Automated sending commands to the lock using SMS from the server
  328. %\item[\diamond]Supervising the development of an Android App for on-field managers of the system
  329. %\end{itemize}
  330. %\vspace*{-1mm}
  332. %\vspace*{-15mm}
  334. %Modelled ebola infection in a population a social network and how it spread into other social networksassociated with it{Simulated an affected city using graph data structure in python and visualized the resultsusing NetwokX library{Devised an effective solution to save a city by using MiniMax algorithm{Implemented the algorithm by applying Alpha-Beta pruning thus reducing computation timeby 60%
  335. %\item\textbf{Quad-Copter}\hfill\textbf{Feb'15-Mar'15} \\ \hfill \emph{Aeromodelling Club, IIT Bombay}
  336. %\begin{itemize}
  337. %\vspace*{-2mm}
  338. %\item[\diamond] Designed and built a remote controlled Quadcopter
  339. %\item[\diamond] Learnt about the aerodynamics, and controlling %mechanism of the bot
  340. %\item[\diamond] Optimized the design under the constraints of the %mechanics \& equipments used
  341. %\item[\diamond]Ascended successfully to a height of \textbf{20m} while maintaining its stability
  342. %\end{itemize}
  343. %\vspace*{-2mm}
  344. \begingroup
  345. \fontsize{12pt}{12pt}\selectfont
  346. \item\textbf{Virtual Air Hockey}
  347. \endgroup
  348. - \emph{Python, OpenCV}\hfill{May'16-Jul'16}\\\emph{Institute Technical Summer Project }\hfill \emph{Electronics Club, IIT Bombay}
  349. \begin{itemize}
  350. \vspace*{-2mm}
  351. %\item[\diamond] Developed a \emph{Semi-Virtual} Air Hockey game
  352. \item[\diamond] Developed and designed the prototype of a \textbf{Semi-Virtual} Air Hockey game
  353. \item[\diamond] Used \textbf{Blob \& Colour Detection} techniques to relay the co-ordinates of a player's hand on screen
  354. %\item[\diamond] Wrote a script that detects co-ordinates of the player's hand and relays them on screen
  355. \end{itemize}
  356. \end{itemize}
  358. %\textbf{Database Management Portal} - \emph{Python,Django}\hfill\textbf{September'16-October'16}\\ \hfill\emph{Mood Indigo, IIT Bombay}
  359. %\vspace*{-5mm}
  360. %\begin{itemize}
  361. %\end{itemize}
  362. %\vspace*{-10mm}
  365. \vspace*{-10mm}
  366. \begingroup
  367. \fontsize{12pt}{12pt}\selectfont
  368. \section{\textbf{COURSES UNDERTAKEN}}
  369. \endgroup
  370. \begin{itemize}
  371. \begingroup
  372. \fontsize{11pt}{11pt}\selectfont
  373. \item\textbf{Computer Science \& Engineering}
  374. \endgroup\\ Data Structures and Algorithms, Machine Learning, Computer Programming \& Utilization, Computer \\Networks, Operating Systems$^\star$, Digital Image Processing$^\star$
  375. \begingroup
  376. \fontsize{11pt}{11pt}\selectfont
  377. \item\textbf{Electrical Engineering}
  378. \endgroup\\ Data Analysis and Interpretation, Signals \& Systems, Digital Systems, Analog Circuits, Probability \\ \& Random Processes$^\star$, EM Waves$^\star$, Microprocessors$^\star$, Communication Systems$^\star$
  379. \begingroup
  380. \fontsize{11pt}{11pt}\selectfont
  381. \item\textbf{Mathematics}
  382. \endgroup\\ Linear Algebra, Calculus, Ordinary \& Partial Differential Equations, Complex Analysis
  383. %\item\t $ ^star$ \Processesextbf{Miscellaneous}\\ Economics$^\dagger$,Environmental Studies$^\dagger$, Electricity and Magnetism, Quantum Physics, \newline Engineering Drawing, Chemistry, Bio-Engineering.
  384. \\
  385. % \smallskip
  386. % \small{\emph{\hfill( $^\dagger$to be completed by Nov'16)} }
  387. % \vspace*{-1mm}\newline
  388. \smallskip
  389. \small{\emph{\hfill($^\star$to be completed by Dec'17)} }
  390. \end{itemize}
  392. \vspace*{-15mm}
  393. \begingroup
  394. \fontsize{12pt}{12pt}\selectfont
  395. \section{\textbf{TECHNICAL SKILLS}}
  396. \endgroup
  397. \begin{itemize}
  399. \begingroup
  400. \fontsize{11pt}{11pt}\selectfont
  401. \item{\textbf{Programming Languages:}}
  402. \endgroup C++, Python, ngspice, Bash, VHDL %swift
  404. \begingroup
  405. \fontsize{11pt}{11pt}\selectfont
  406. \item{\textbf{Web Development:}}
  407. \endgroup HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, Angular-JS, Bootstrap, MySQL, MongoDB, Node.js
  409. \begingroup
  410. \fontsize{11pt}{11pt}\selectfont
  411. \item{\textbf{Softwares and Packages:}}
  412. \endgroup
  413. OpenCV, Git, Octave, Tensorflow, Quartus, Slurm, \LaTeX, CUDA
  414. \end{itemize}
  416. %\vspace*{-10mm}
  418. % \begin{itemize}
  419. % \item \textbf{Adventure and Sports}
  420. % \begin{itemize}
  421. % \vspace*{-2mm}
  422. % \item[\diamond]\textbf{ Mountaineering Adventure Course}
  423. % \vspace*{-1mm}
  424. % \begin{itemize}
  425. % \item Completed a \textbf{15 day course}, conducted by the Jawahar Institute of Mountaineering
  426. % \item Ascended successfully upto a \textbf{height of 9000ft} on foot
  427. % \item Trained in basic skills of \textbf{Rock craft, Snow craft, Rappelling and Crevasse Rescue}
  428. % \end{itemize}
  429. % \vspace*{-1mm}
  430. % \item[\diamond] Awarded a \textbf{Silver Medal} in the Institute Skating Open, 2015
  431. % \end{itemize}
  432. % \vspace*{-2mm}
  433. % \item \textbf{Technical Activities}
  434. % \begin{itemize}
  435. % \vspace*{-2mm}
  436. % \item[\diamond]\textbf{Mentored} 2 Freshmen teams for XLR8, an RC car making competition
  437. % \item[\diamond] Completed the \textbf{Microsoft Code.Fun.Do} campus hackathon successfully.
  438. % \item[\diamond] Contributed to an \href{}{online wiki} developed by the \emph{Web and Coding Club, IIT Bombay}
  439. % \item[\diamond] Designed and successfully built a remote controlled quadcopter
  440. % \end{itemize}
  441. % \vspace*{-2mm}
  442. % \item\textbf{Literary Arts}
  443. % \begin{itemize}
  444. % \vspace*{-2mm}
  445. % \item[\diamond] Contributed 3 poems to the literary magazine of the institute
  446. % \item[\diamond] Led a team of 5 freshmen for an article on 'Positions of Responsibilites in 2\textsuperscript{nd} year'\\which was published in the Freshmen newsletter
  447. % \item[\diamond] Secured \textbf{1\textsuperscript{st} position} in the Bhopal Regional Science Centre Quiz \textbf{3 times in a row}
  448. % \item[\diamond] Winner of the \textbf{Wild Wisdom Quiz, 2010} at the \textbf{State Level}
  449. % \end{itemize}
  450. % \vspace*{-2mm}
  451. % \item \textbf{Cultural Activities}
  452. % \begin{itemize}
  453. % \vspace*{-2mm}
  454. % \item[\diamond] \textbf{Runners-Up} in Freshiezza 2015, a group dance competition for freshmen
  455. % \item[\diamond] \textbf{Sophomore Music League}, part of a 4 member band as an acoustic guitarist
  456. % \end{itemize}
  458. % \end{itemize}
  459. \vspace*{-10mm}
  460. \begingroup
  461. \fontsize{12pt}{12pt}\selectfont
  462. \section{\textbf{EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES}}
  463. \endgroup
  465. \begin{itemize}
  466. \begingroup
  467. \fontsize{11pt}{11pt}\selectfont
  468. \item \textbf{Adventure and Sports}
  469. \endgroup
  470. \begin{itemize}
  471. \vspace*{-2mm}
  472. %\item[\diamond]\textbf{ Mountaineering Adventure Course}
  473. %\vspace*{-1mm}
  474. \item[\diamond] Awarded a \textbf{Silver Medal} in the \textbf{Institute Skating Open}, 2015
  475. \item[\diamond] Completed a \textbf{15 day Mountaineering course} conducted by the Jawahar Institute of Mountaineering
  476. \end{itemize}
  477. \vspace*{-1mm}
  478. \begingroup
  479. \fontsize{11pt}{11pt}\selectfont
  480. \item \textbf{Technical Activities}
  481. \endgroup
  482. \begin{itemize}
  483. \vspace*{-2mm}
  484. %\item[\diamond]\textbf{Mentored} 2 Freshmen teams for XLR8, an RC car making competition
  485. \item[\diamond] \textbf{Teaching Assistant} for PH 107 - \textbf{Quantum Physics} course for \textbf{40+ students} under \emph{Prof. Uma Sankar}
  486. \item[\diamond] Completed the \textbf{Microsoft Code.Fun.Do} campus hackathon successfully
  487. \item[\diamond] Contributed to an \href{}{\textbf{online wiki}} developed by the \textbf{Web and Coding Club, IIT Bombay}
  488. \item[\diamond] Designed and successfully built a remote controlled \textbf{quadcopter}
  489. \end{itemize}
  490. \vspace*{-1mm}
  491. \begingroup
  492. \fontsize{11pt}{11pt}\selectfont
  493. \textbf{\item Cultural and Literary Activities}
  494. \endgroup
  495. \begin{itemize}
  496. \vspace*{-2mm}
  497. %\item[\diamond] Led a team of 5 freshmen for an article on 'Positions of Responsibilites in 2\textsuperscript{nd} year'\\which was published in the Freshmen newsletter
  498. %\item[\diamond] Secured \textbf{1\textsuperscript{st} position} in the Bhopal Regional Science Centre Quiz \textbf{3 times in a row}
  499. \item[\diamond] \textbf{Runners-Up} in Freshiezza 2015, a group dance competition for freshmen
  500. \item[\diamond] Winner of the \textbf{Wild Wisdom Quiz, 2010} at the \textbf{State Level}
  501. \item[\diamond] \textbf{Sophomore Music League}, part of a 4 member band as an acoustic guitarist
  506. %\item[\diamond] Contributed 3 poems to the literary magazine of the institute
  507. \end{itemize}
  508. \end{itemize}
  509. \end{resume}
  510. \end{document}
  513. %Involved in the Planning of events and the budget of 1.6 lakh INR of the club.
  514. %Arranged visits to Nehru Planetarium, Giant Meter wave Radio Telescope %(GMRT) and other
  515. %places, invited leading scientists for lectures on various topics
  516. %Delivered lectures on cosmology and astrophysics
  517. %Designed and Created the posters for various events for attracting audience
  518. %Conducted various events including lectures, night sky observations, star party, and
  519. %telescope handling session
  520. %Participated in the Inter IIT Messier Marathon and won 2 nd prize
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