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a guest
Feb 17th, 2018
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  1. lists, fruits, books, forks, rope, gum
  2. 4, 2, 3, 0, 2, 2
  4. Manhattan Produce Market
  5. id, fruit, color
  6. 1, orange, orange
  7. 2, apple, red
  9. Books
  10. id, book, pages
  11. 1, Webster’s Dictionary, 1000
  12. 2, Tony the Towtruck, 20
  13. 3, The Twelfth Night, 144
  15. Rope
  16. id, rope, length, diameter, color
  17. 1, hemp, 12-feet, .5, green
  18. 2, sisal, 50-feet, .125, brown
  20. Kings County Candy
  21. id, flavor, color, big-league
  22. 1, grape, purple, yes
  23. 2, mega mango, yellow-orange, no
  25. import csv, re
  26. header = []
  27. table = []
  29. with open('toy.csv', 'r') as blob:
  30. reader = csv.reader(blob)
  31. curr = reader.__next__()
  32. while True:
  33. prev = curr
  34. try:
  35. curr = reader.__next__()
  36. except StopIteration:
  37. break
  38. if not ['id', ' book', ' pages'] == curr:
  39. continue
  40. else:
  41. header.append(prev)
  42. table.append(['title'] + curr)
  43. while True:
  44. try:
  45. curr = reader.__next__()
  46. if curr == []:
  47. break
  48. else:
  49. table.append(header[0] + curr)
  50. except StopIteration:
  51. break
  53. [['title', 'id', ' book', ' pages'],
  54. ['Books', '1', ' Webster’s Dictionary', ' 1000'],
  55. ['Books', '2', ' Tony the Towtruck', ' 20'],
  56. ['Books', '3', ' The Twelfth Night', ' 144']]
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