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- #OpFreeSnowden - Twitterstorm Package!
- Take our PRIVACY BACK!
- Friday July 5th, 2013
- 10am pacific standard time
- * Copy + Paste these tweets. Steal other tweets with the same hashtag. Do not retweet - the hashtag will not trend.
- * If you are writing your own tweets, make sure to include the hashtag!
- * If you want to add a tweet on #OpFreeSnowden Tweet Package, you can to send this to @ekspct
- Follow @ekspct and @wattashit3 for details of a general #OpFreeSnowden Tweet Package
- ******************** #OpFreeSnowden - Tweet Set - English ********************
- "I can't allow the #US government to destroy privacy, internet freedom and basic liberties for people around the world." #OpFreeSnowden
- "The NSA has built an infrastructure that allows it to intercept almost everything." #Snowden #OpFreeSnowden
- "I do not want to live in a world where everything I do and say is recorded." #Snowden #OpFreeSnowden
- "I do not want to live in a world where privacy does not exist." #Snowden #OpFreeSnowden
- "Snowden is a free man and the sooner he chooses his final destination, the better it will be for us and for him." Putin. #OpFreeSnowden
- "If WE do not help Snowden, #US will kill him because he knows other confidential information." #Snowden #OpFreeSnowden
- (1/2) "Allowing the US. government to intimidate its people with threats..." #Snowden #OpFreeSnowden
- (2/2) "...of retaliation for revealing wrongdoing is contrary to the public interest." #Snowden #OpFreeSnowden
- "The great fear that I have regarding the outcome for America of these disclosures is that nothing will change." #Snowden #OpFreeSnowden
- "People won't be willing to take the risks necessary to stand up and fight to change things..." #Snowden #OpFreeSnowden
- "They've said they're going to kill Snowden." #Snowden #OpFreeSnowden
- "Which country will accept asylum Snowden? Which country will defend the Human Rights?" #Snowden #OpFreeSnowden
- "Even if you're not doing anything wrong, you're being watched and recorded." #Snowden #OpFreeSnowden
- "Everyone can decide for themselves whether they are willing to sacrifice their privacy to the surveillance state." #Snowden #OpFreeSnowden
- "I have no intention of hiding who I am because I know I have done nothing wrong." #Snowden #OpFreeSnowden
- "You can't come up against the world's most powerful intelligence agencies and not accept the risk." #Snowden #OpFreeSnowden
- "It's time to call the #NSA's mass surveillance programs what they are: criminal." @nytimes #Snowden #OpFreeSnowden
- "Any analyst at any time can target anyone. " #Snowden #NSA #PRISM #OpFreeSnowden
- (1/2) "No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks" #OpFreeSnowden
- (2/2) "upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law vs such interference or attacks." #OpFreeSnowden
- "Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country." #Snowden #OpFreeSnowden
- "@fhollande #France is the country of Human Rights? So, why do not you accept the asylum request to Snowden?" #Snowden #OpFreeSnowden
- "Edward Snowden is a Hero." #Snowden #OpFreeSnowden
- "How dit telling the truth become a crime ?" #Snowden #OpFreeSnowden
- "NSA : Stop spying our privacy" #Snowden #NSA #PRISM #OpFreeSnowden
- "Our privacy is a part of our freedom" #Snowden #NSA #PRISM #OpFreeSnowden
- "@fhollande France, don’t revoke your constitution : where are your human rights ?" #OpFreeSnowden
- "@fhollande France, don’t pledge allegiance to evil spies" #Snowden #OpFreeSnowden
- ******************** #OpFreeSnowden - Tweet Set - Français ********************
- (1/2) "Je ne peux pas, en mon âme et conscience, permettre au gouvernement des États-Unis de détruire la vie privée..." #OpFreeSnowden
- (2/2) " liberté sur internet et les libertés fondamentales des gens dans le monde entier." #Snowden #OpFreeSnowden
- "Snowden est un homme libre. Plus vite il choisira sa destination finale, mieux ce sera, et pour nous et pour lui" #Snowden #OpFreeSnowden
- "Je ne veux pas vivre dans un monde où tout ce que je fais et dis est enregistré." #Snowden #OpFreeSnowden
- "Je ne veux pas vivre dans un monde où la vie privée n’existe pas." #Snowden #OpFreeSnowden
- "Si NOUS n'aidons pas Snowden, Les USA le tueront parce qu'il connaît d'autres informations confidentielles." #Snowden #OpFreeSnowden
- "Ma grande peur concernant la conséquence de ces révélations pour l’Amérique, c’est que rien ne changera." #Snowden #OpFreeSnowden
- (1/2) "Les gens partout dans le monde comprennent maintenant à quel point les choses ont dégénéré, ils en parlent..." #OpFreeSnowden
- (2/2) "...Ils peuvent décider s’ils veulent sacrifier leur vie privée au profit d’un État qui espionne ses citoyens." #OpFreeSnowden
- "N’importe quel analyste, n’importe quand, peut cibler n’importe qui." #Snowden #OpFreeSnowden
- (1/2) "Permettre au gouvernement des États-Unis d’intimider ses citoyens à coup de menaces..." #Snowden #OpFreeSnowden
- (2/2) " représailles pour avoir révélé des actes répréhensibles de sa part est contraire à l’intérêt public." #Snowden #OpFreeSnowden
- "Même si vous ne faites rien de mal, vous êtes épiés et enregistrés." #Snowden #OpFreeSnowden
- "Toute personne a le droit de quitter tout pays, y compris le sien, et de revenir dans son pays." #Snowden #OpFreeSnowden
- "Vous ne pouvez pas vous dresser contre l’agence de renseignement la plus puissante du monde sans en accepter les risques." #OpFreeSnowden
- "Ils ont dit qu'ils vont tuer Snowden." #Snowden #OpFreeSnowden
- "La #France, pays des droits de l'homme? Alors pourquoi n'acceptez-vous pas la requête d'asile de Snowden?" #Snowden #OpFreeSnowden
- "Edward Snowden est un Héro." #Snowden #OpFreeSnowden
- "Espionnage des communications privées : @fhollande rappelez à Paris « pour consultation » notre ambassadeur à Washington" #OpFreeSnowden
- "France, ne renie pas ta constitution : qu’as-tu fait de tes droits de l’homme ?" #OpFreeSnowden
- "@fhollande expulsez les dizaines d’agents de la CIA opérant en France connus des services français de contre-espionnage" #OpFreeSnowden
- "Non, les USA ne sont pas nos amis, sinon pourquoi nous espionnent-ils ?" #Snowden #OpFreeSnowden
- "@fhollande Il faut oser regarder les américains en face, ils finissent par s’y faire (De Gaulle)" #OpFreeSnowden
- "Edward SNOWDEN a dénoncé le scandale des interceptions mondiales de toutes les communications privées : c’est un HEROS" #OpFreeSnowden
- "Depuis quand dire la vérité est un délit ?" #Snowden #NSA #PRISM #OpFreeSnowden
- ******************** #OpFreeSnowden - Tweet Set - ITALIANO ********************
- "Non posso permettere che gli #usa distruggano la privacy, la libertà di Internet e quella di base delle persone nel mondo." #OpFreeSnowden
- "La NSA ha costruito un'infrastruttura che consente di intercettare quasi tutto." #Snowden #OpFreeSnowden
- "Io non voglio vivere in un mondo in cui tutto quello che faccio e dico è registrato." #Snowden #OpFreeSnowden
- "Io non voglio vivere in un mondo dove la privacy non esiste." #Snowden #OpFreeSnowden
- "Snowden è un uomo libero e prima sceglie la sua destinazione finale, meglio sarà per noi e per lui." Putin. #OpFreeSnowden
- "Se non aiutiamo Snowden, gli #USA lo uccideranno perché sa altre informazioni riservate." #Snowden #OpFreeSnowden
- (1/2) "Permettere agli USA di intimidire la sua gente con minacce ..." #Snowden #OpFreeSnowden
- (2/2) "... di ritorsione per atti illeciti rivelatore è in contrasto con l'interesse pubblico." #Snowden #OpFreeSnowden
- "La grande paura che ho per quanto riguarda le conseguenze di queste rivelazioni è che nulla cambierà." #Snowden #OpFreeSnowden
- "Le persone non saranno disposte a correre i rischi necessari per alzarsi e combattere per cambiare le cose ..." #Snowden #OpFreeSnowden
- "Hanno detto che uccideranno Snowden." #Snowden #OpFreeSnowden
- "Quale paese concederà a Snowden asilo? Quale paese difenderà i diritti umani?" #Snowden #OpFreeSnowden
- "Anche se non stai facendo niente di male, sei stato osservato e registrato." #Snowden #OpFreeSnowden
- "Tutti possono decidere da soli se sono disposti a sacrificare la loro vita privata per lo stato di sorveglianza." #Snowden #OpFreeSnowden
- "Non ho alcuna intenzione di nascondere chi sono, perché so che non ho fatto nulla di male." #Snowden #OpFreeSnowden
- "Non si può andare contro le agenzie di intelligence più potenti del mondo, e non accettare il rischio." #Snowden #OpFreeSnowden
- "E 'il momento di chiamare i programmi di sorveglianza del #NSA per quello che sono: criminali." #OpFreeSnowden
- "Qualsiasi analista, in qualsiasi momento può avere come bersaglio chiunque." #Snowden #NSA #PRISM #OpFreeSnowden
- (1/2) "Nessun individuo dovrebbe essere sottoposto ad intercettazioni arbitrarie nella sua vita privata " #OpFreeSnowden
- (2/2) " Ogni individuo ha diritto alla protezione della legge contro tali interferenze" # OpFreeSnowden
- "Ogni individuo ha diritto di lasciare qualsiasi paese, incluso il proprio, e di ritornarci." #Snowden #OpFreeSnowden
- "Edward Snowden è un eroe." #Snowden #OpFreeSnowden
- "Come puo la verità diventare un crimine?" #Snowden #OpFreeSnowden
- «NSA: basta spiare la nostra privacy" #Snowden #NSA #PRISM #OpFreeSnowden
- "La nostra privacy è una parte della nostra libertà" #Snowden #NSA #PRISM #OpFreeSnowden
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