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Nov 8th, 2019
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  1. /obj/bookshelf
  2. name = "bookshelf"
  3. desc = "A storage unit designed to fit a lot of books. Been a while since you've seen one of these!"
  4. icon = 'icons/obj/bookshelf.dmi'
  5. icon_state = "bookshelf_empty"
  6. anchored = 1
  7. density = 1
  8. var/variant = 1 //just used for normal shelves
  9. var/update_icon_suffix = "" //set to either "1" or "2" in New()
  10. var/capacity = 17 //how many books can it hold?
  11. var/top_shelf_cap = 6
  12. var/middle_shelf_cap = 5
  13. var/bottom_shelf_cap = 6
  14. var/list/bookshelf_contents = list() //idk if its important to have ordered bookshelf contents?
  16. //this is where we store pixel offsets (i know its ugly, sorry, but i promise this cuts down on duplicate code4
  17. //this one especially is a bit messy but thats because theres 2 variants on the same object i had to capture
  18. var/shelf_overlay_list = list(list(7,16,9,21),\
  19. list(7,16,12,21),\
  20. list(7,16,16,21),\
  21. list(7,16,19,21),\
  22. list(7,16,22,21),\
  23. list(7,16,25,21),\
  24. list(7,9,10,14),\
  25. list(7,9,14,14),\
  26. list(7,9,18,14),\
  27. list(7,9,21,14),\
  28. list(7,9,25,14),\
  29. list(7,2,9,7),\
  30. list(7,2,12,7),\
  31. list(7,2,16,7),\
  32. list(7,2,19,7),\
  33. list(7,2,22,7),\
  34. list(7,2,25,7),\
  35. list("sideways"),\
  36. list("sideways"),\
  37. list(7,16,15,21),\
  38. list(7,16,19,21),\
  39. list(7,16,22,21),\
  40. list(7,16,25,21),\
  41. list(7,9,12,14),\
  42. list("sideways"),\
  43. list("sideways"),\
  44. list(7,9,21,14),\
  45. list(7,9,25,14),\
  46. list(7,2,9,7),\
  47. list(7,2,13,7),\
  48. list(7,2,16,7),\
  49. list(7,2,19,7),\
  50. list(7,2,22,7),\
  51. list(7,2,25,7))
  53. New()
  54. ..()
  55. if (variant)
  56. update_icon_suffix = "[rand(1,2)]"
  58. proc/add_to_bookshelf(var/obj/item/W)
  59. bookshelf_contents += W
  60. W.set_loc(src)
  62. proc/take_off_bookshelf(var/obj/item/W)
  63. bookshelf_contents -= W
  64. W.set_loc(get_turf(src))
  66. ///////////////////////////////////////////////
  67. //icon crap its garbage just dont look ok? ok//
  68. ///////////////////////////////////////////////
  70. //sorry this whole thing is a bit messy but i commented the first part so hopefully its easier to understand?
  71. //only reason i did it like this is i felt like having 100+ iconstates would be really dumb and hard to work with
  72. //this is polished up A LOT from the last version
  73. //~adhara <3
  75. proc/update_icon()
  76. ClearSpecificOverlays("top_shelf", "middle_shelf", "bottom_shelf") //lets avoid any weird ghosts
  77. var/image/top_image = null //initialise these 3 so we can set them inside of the conditionals
  78. var/image/middle_image = null
  79. var/image/bottom_image = null
  81. if (bookshelf_contents.len) //were almost always drawing the top shelf
  82. var/icon/top = new(src.icon, "bookshelf_full_[update_icon_suffix]") //makes a new icon that we can crop from the full bookshelf icon
  83. var/list/top_crop = list() //creating this rn so we can modify it in an if thing while also being able to reference it outside of those ifs
  84. if (bookshelf_contents.len > top_shelf_cap) //lets see how to call our crop location proc, it returns a list of pixels that we crop to
  85. top_crop = book_overlay_logic_center(top_shelf_cap) //if theres more books on the shelf than on the top row, just generate the top row
  86. else
  87. top_crop = book_overlay_logic_center(bookshelf_contents.len) //if theres less than the shelf capacity, lets get the pixel locations for that
  88. if ("sideways" in top_crop) //some shelves have sideways books, i have custom icons for that scenario that we'll use instead of a crop
  89. if (bookshelf_contents.len == 1) //values for which there are sideways books in the full book icon
  90. top_image = SafeGetOverlayImage("top_shelf", src.icon, "2_sideways_1")
  91. else
  92. top_image = SafeGetOverlayImage("top_shelf", src.icon, "2_sideways_2")
  93. else
  94. top.Crop(top_crop[1], top_crop[2], top_crop[3], top_crop[4]) //this crops our icon, but it resets offsets back to 1,1
  95. top_image = image(top) //sets the image we made at the beginning to our cropped icon, we'll fix the offsets later
  97. if (bookshelf_contents.len > top_shelf_cap) //is the top shelf full? move onto the middle shelf
  98. var/icon/middle = new(src.icon, "bookshelf_full_[update_icon_suffix]")
  99. var/list/middle_crop = list()
  100. if (bookshelf_contents.len > (top_shelf_cap + middle_shelf_cap))
  101. middle_crop = book_overlay_logic_center(top_shelf_cap + middle_shelf_cap)
  102. else
  103. middle_crop = book_overlay_logic_center(bookshelf_contents.len)
  104. if ("sideways" in middle_crop)
  105. switch(bookshelf_contents.len)
  106. if (8)
  107. middle_image = SafeGetOverlayImage("middle_shelf", src.icon, "2_sideways_3")
  108. if (9)
  109. middle_image = SafeGetOverlayImage("middle_shelf", src.icon, "2_sideways_4")
  110. if (10)
  111. middle_image = SafeGetOverlayImage("middle_shelf", src.icon, "wall_sideways_1")
  112. if (11)
  113. middle_image = SafeGetOverlayImage("middle_shelf", src.icon, "wall_sideways_2")
  114. else
  115. middle.Crop(middle_crop[1], middle_crop[2], middle_crop[3], middle_crop[4])
  116. middle_image = image(middle)
  118. if (bookshelf_contents.len > (top_shelf_cap + middle_shelf_cap)) //is the middle shelf full? move onto the bottom shelf
  119. var/icon/bottom = new(src.icon, "bookshelf_full_[update_icon_suffix]")
  120. var/list/bottom_crop = book_overlay_logic_center(bookshelf_contents.len) //dont need the if because the bottom shelf is the last shelf!!
  121. if ("sideways" in bottom_crop)
  122. if (bookshelf_contents.len == 26)
  123. bottom_image = SafeGetOverlayImage("bottom_shelf", src.icon, "wall_sideways_3")
  124. else
  125. bottom_image = SafeGetOverlayImage("bottom_shelf", src.icon, "wall_sideways_4")
  126. else
  127. bottom.Crop(bottom_crop[1], bottom_crop[2], bottom_crop[3], bottom_crop[4])
  128. bottom_image = image(bottom)
  130. if (top_image) //now we handle offsets and updating the icon
  131. switch(update_icon_suffix) //theres so many variants with different pixel offsets that this is best, i think
  132. if ("1")
  133. top_image.pixel_x += 6
  134. top_image.pixel_y += 15
  135. if ("2")
  136. top_image.pixel_x += 6
  137. top_image.pixel_y += 15
  138. if ("wall")
  139. top_image.pixel_y += 16
  140. if ("L")
  141. top_image.pixel_x += 1
  142. top_image.pixel_y += 16
  143. if ("R")
  144. top_image.pixel_x += 1
  145. top_image.pixel_y += 16
  146. UpdateOverlays(top_image, "top_shelf")
  148. if (middle_image)
  149. switch(update_icon_suffix)
  150. if ("1")
  151. middle_image.pixel_x += 6
  152. middle_image.pixel_y += 8
  153. if ("2")
  154. middle_image.pixel_x += 6
  155. middle_image.pixel_y += 8
  156. if ("wall")
  157. middle_image.pixel_y += 9
  158. if ("L")
  159. middle_image.pixel_x += 1
  160. middle_image.pixel_y += 9
  161. if ("R")
  162. middle_image.pixel_x += 1
  163. middle_image.pixel_y += 9
  164. UpdateOverlays(middle_image, "middle_shelf")
  166. if (bottom_image)
  167. switch(update_icon_suffix)
  168. if ("1")
  169. bottom_image.pixel_x += 6
  170. bottom_image.pixel_y += 1
  171. if ("2")
  172. bottom_image.pixel_x += 6
  173. bottom_image.pixel_y += 1
  174. if ("wall")
  175. bottom_image.pixel_y += 2
  176. if ("L")
  177. bottom_image.pixel_x += 1
  178. bottom_image.pixel_y += 2
  179. if ("R")
  180. bottom_image.pixel_x += 1
  181. bottom_image.pixel_y += 2
  182. UpdateOverlays(bottom_image, "bottom_shelf")
  184. proc/book_overlay_logic_center(var/book_count) //this proc lets us just go through and get coordinates of where to crop our book image to
  185. if (variant && update_icon_suffix == "2")
  186. book_count += 17 //to deal with variants on the og bookshelves
  187. return shelf_overlay_list[book_count]
  189. attackby(obj/item/W as obj, mob/user as mob)
  190. if (istype(W, /obj/item/paper/book))
  191. if (!(bookshelf_contents.len >= capacity))
  192. boutput(user, "you shelf the book")
  193. user.drop_item()
  194. add_to_bookshelf(W)
  195. update_icon()
  196. else
  197. boutput(user, "too full")
  198. else
  199. boutput(user, "not a book")
  201. attack_hand(mob/user as mob)
  202. if (bookshelf_contents.len > 0)
  203. var/book_sel = input("What book would you like to take off \the [src]?", "[src]") as null|anything in bookshelf_contents
  204. if (!book_sel)
  205. return
  206. boutput(user, "you deshelf the book")
  207. take_off_bookshelf(book_sel)
  208. user.put_in_hand_or_drop(book_sel)
  209. update_icon()
  210. else
  211. boutput(user, "shelf is empty ding dong")
  213. /obj/bookshelf/long
  214. icon_state = "bookshelf_empty_long"
  215. variant = 0
  216. update_icon_suffix = "wall"
  217. top_shelf_cap = 9
  218. middle_shelf_cap = 10
  219. bottom_shelf_cap = 10
  220. capacity = 29
  222. shelf_overlay_list = list(list(1,17,3,22),\
  223. list(1,17,7,22),\
  224. list(1,17,10,22),\
  225. list(1,17,14,22),\
  226. list(1,17,20,22),\
  227. list(1,17,26,22),\
  228. list(1,17,29,22),\
  229. list(1,17,32,22),\
  230. list("sideways"),\
  231. list("sideways"),\
  232. list(1,10,10,15),\
  233. list(1,10,13,15),\
  234. list(1,10,16,15),\
  235. list(1,10,19,15),\
  236. list(1,10,22,15),\
  237. list(1,10,25,15),\
  238. list(1,10,29,15),\
  239. list(1,10,32,15),\
  240. list(1,3,3,8),\
  241. list(1,3,6,8),\
  242. list(1,3,9,8),\
  243. list(1,3,12,8),\
  244. list(1,3,16,8),\
  245. list(1,3,19,8),\
  246. list("sideways"),\
  247. list("sideways"),\
  248. list(1,3,28,8),\
  249. list(1,3,32,8))
  251. /obj/bookshelf/long/end_left
  252. icon_state = "bookshelf_empty_end_L"
  253. update_icon_suffix = "L"
  254. top_shelf_cap = 9
  255. middle_shelf_cap = 9
  256. bottom_shelf_cap = 9
  257. capacity = 27
  259. shelf_overlay_list = list(list(2,17,4,22),\
  260. list(2,17,7,22),\
  261. list(2,17,11,22),\
  262. list(2,17,14,22),\
  263. list(2,17,17,22),\
  264. list(2,17,21,22),\
  265. list(2,17,24,22),\
  266. list(2,17,28,22),\
  267. list(2,17,32,22),\
  268. list(2,10,4,15),\
  269. list(2,10,8,15),\
  270. list(2,10,11,15),\
  271. list(2,10,14,15),\
  272. list(2,10,17,15),\
  273. list(2,10,20,15),\
  274. list(2,10,24,15),\
  275. list(2,10,28,15),\
  276. list(2,10,32,15),\
  277. list(2,3,5,8),\
  278. list(2,3,8,8),\
  279. list(2,3,12,8),\
  280. list(2,3,15,8),\
  281. list(2,3,19,8),\
  282. list(2,3,22,8),\
  283. list(2,3,25,8),\
  284. list(2,3,28,8),\
  285. list(2,3,32,8))
  287. /obj/bookshelf/long/end_right
  288. icon_state = "bookshelf_empty_end_R"
  289. update_icon_suffix = "R"
  290. top_shelf_cap = 9
  291. middle_shelf_cap = 9
  292. bottom_shelf_cap = 9
  293. capacity = 27
  295. shelf_overlay_list = list(list(1,17,4,22),\
  296. list(1,17,7,22),\
  297. list(1,17,10,22),\
  298. list(1,17,13,22),\
  299. list(1,17,16,22),\
  300. list(1,17,20,22),\
  301. list(1,17,23,22),\
  302. list(1,17,27,22),\
  303. list(1,17,31,22),\
  304. list(1,10,3,15),\
  305. list(1,10,7,15),\
  306. list(1,10,11,15),\
  307. list(1,10,15,15),\
  308. list(1,10,19,15),\
  309. list(1,10,22,15),\
  310. list(1,10,25,15),\
  311. list(1,10,28,15),\
  312. list(1,10,31,15),\
  313. list(1,3,4,8),\
  314. list(1,3,8,8),\
  315. list(1,3,11,8),\
  316. list(1,3,14,8),\
  317. list(1,3,18,8),\
  318. list(1,3,21,8),\
  319. list(1,3,24,8),\
  320. list(1,3,27,8),\
  321. list(1,3,31,8))
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