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My guide

a guest
Oct 14th, 2019
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  1. My Guide to a Restriction ED:
  3. Projected Weight Calculators:
  4. •Losertown:
  6. •JustCICO:
  10. BMI: Your Body Mass Index is a measure of your body fat based on weight and height. •The formula is kg/meters^2.
  11. •<18.5 = Underweight
  12. •18.5-25 = Normal Weight
  13. •25-30 = Overweight
  14. •30+ = Obese
  18. Body Fat Percentage: This is a measure of body fat based on body measurements.
  19. Men:
  20. •2-5% Essential Body Fat
  21. •6-13% Athlete
  22. •14-17% Fit
  23. •18-25% Average
  24. •25%+ Obese
  25. Women:
  26. •10-13% Essential Body Fat
  27. •14-20% Athlete
  28. •21-24% Fit
  29. •25-31% Average
  30. •32%+ Obese
  34. BMR: This is your Basal Metabolic Rate. This is how many calories you would burn by staying in bed all day.
  38. TDEE: This is your Total Daily Energy Expenditure. This is how many calories you burn in a day.
  42. General Information:
  43. •There are 3,500 calories in a pound of fat.
  44. •To lose weight you have to eat less than you burn. This does not mean that you have to exercise to burn off every calorie you eat. Your body burns calories by being alive, digesting food, through respiratory processes, etc. You must be in a calorie deficit to lose weight.
  45. •To create a deficit you have to eat less than your TDEE.
  46. •A 500 calorie deficit per day will make you lose 1 pound per week.
  47. •A 1,000 calorie deficit per day will make you lose 2 pounds a week.
  48. •Muscle burns more calories than fat. The more muscle you have the more calories you burn.
  49. •Fruits contain natural sugar. This does not cause abrupt blood sugar fluctuations like added sugar does because your body digests it slower. They also contain vital nutrients such as folate, potassium, and vitamins. The USDA recommends 2 cups of fruit a day.
  50. •Vegetables contain an array of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. The USDA recommends 2 1/2 cups of vegetables a day.
  51. •Carbs, sugar, or fat will not make you fat. Excessive calories is what will make you fat. If you eat 1,000 calories worth of chocolate per day, you'll lose weight.
  52. •1 gram of carbohydrates has 4 calories, 1g of fat has 9 and 1g of protein has 4.
  54. Hydration:
  55. •Water is important in keeping your body running; it can help you lose weight. "In adults, resting energy expenditure has been shown to increase by 24–30% within 10 minutes of drinking cold water. This lasts at least 60 minutes"°1°
  56. •Water is a natural appetite suppressant.
  57. •Your kidneys and liver use water gets rid of waste and toxins.
  58. •16 cups for men and 12 cups for woman of water intake is ideal. Keep in mind around 20% of this usually comes from food.
  59. •Water helps with digestion and bowel movements.
  60. •Your muscles are mostly water. If you're dehydrated your muscles will not work as well. Your athletic performance will decrease.
  61. •Your brain is mostly water and needs water to efficiently send messages to the body.
  62. •Water lubricates your tissues, spinal cord, and joints.
  63. •If you don't drink enough water your body will retain water and can hold onto multiple pounds of water weight.
  64. •If you are well hydrated your urine should be light yellow.
  65. •You can drink too much water. Water intoxication is rare but can happen if you drink too much water in a short period.
  66. •Aim to space your water out by about a cup every 15 minutes.
  68. Safe Fasting: For an underweight person or a person with an eating disorder fasting is not ideal. Your body needs electrolytes. These are the main 3 you need while fasting. If you aren't getting enough electrolytes you may feel dizzy, confused, tired, headaches, increased thirst and hunger, irregular hear beats, and elevated blood pressure. You need to take electrolytes for extended fasting. 3+ days.
  69. •Sodium: You can get this from table salt or a better source such as Pink Himalayan salt. You need this to regulate your blood pressure, contract muscles, and to direct nerve signaling. This should help you lessen the "seeing stars" feeling you get when standing up.
  70. •Magnesium: You need this for muscle contraction, your heartbeat, and for digestion. You can find supplements or magnesium salts for this but you won't absorb most of it.
  71. •Potassium: Helps stabilize blood pressure and heart health. You can find this in Nu-salt or supplements.
  73. Effects of Fasting:
  74. •If you are fasting you will quickly lose fluid weight. Body fat will be lost slower. The water weight will come back quickly when you start eating again.
  75. •Your BMR slows.
  76. •Fasting does not 'detox' the body. Your body is unable to flush out toxins if you're eating a diet low in nutrients.
  77. •Ketosis occurs after a couple days of fasting. This is when your body switches from using carbohydrates as fuel to using fat.
  79. Effects of Purging:
  80. It would be great to say that purging is ineffective as this would deter people from this dangerous behavior. This in not true though. There is an over generalization that you retain around 50% of the calories after purging, but this is not true. Some people may retain 12%, some 36% and some 50%. This is different for different people. "Rather, the “50%” likely results from the fact that the average number calories retained after purging (approx. 1,200) were about half of the calories of the average binge (around 2, 200 calories) among the study participants." °2°
  81. Purging may cause:
  82. •Seizures
  83. •Addiction to purging
  84. •Lesions at the corners of your mouth
  85. •Swollen salivary glands; puffy cheeks.
  86. •Tooth decay, cavities, mouth sores, you will eventually lose your teeth.
  87. •Swollen and sore throat. Esophageal erosion. You may get ulcers. It may bleed and your esophagus may rupture. This is rare but fatal.
  88. •Irregular heartbeat
  89. •Heart burn and acid reflux symptoms
  90. •Stomach ulcers and bleeding
  91. •Gum disease
  92. •Kidney and Liver damage. Possible death
  93. •Muscle weakness and spasms
  94. •Bowel muscle damage
  95. •Electrolyte imbalances
  97. Effects of Restricting:
  98. Your BMR is how many calories your brain, kidneys, heart, lungs and nervous system need to work properly. Fatigue, nutrient deficiency, infertility, loss of menstrual cycle, weakened bones, and weakened immune system.
  100. Effects of Laxatives:
  101. Using laxatives does not rid your body of calories.
  102. •Melanosis Coli
  103. •Cathartic colin
  104. •Loss of colon function. You may need an ostomy bag or surgery.
  106. Effects of Diuretics:
  107. "The temporary loss of 2–4 pounds with consequent dehydration from the diuresis is followed by reflex fluid retention, weight gain, and the impulse to continue diuretics."
  108. •Low potassium
  109. •Electrolyte imbalances
  110. •Edema
  112. Effects of Binging:
  113. •Headaches
  114. •Gallbladder issues
  115. •High blood pressure
  116. •Insomnia
  117. •Joint and muscle pain
  119. Effects of Being Underweight:
  120. •Weakened immune system
  121. •Heart disease
  122. •Loss of Menstrual cycle
  123. •Diabetes (Eating unhealthily can give you diabetes at any weight.)
  124. •Anemia
  125. •Infertility
  126. •Osteoporosis
  127. •Erectile Dysfunction in people who are assigned male at birth.
  128. •Arrhythmia
  129. •Heart failure
  130. •Sudden weakness
  131. •Feeling cold, decrease in body temperature
  132. •Muscle weakness
  133. •Hair loss
  134. •Brittle nails
  135. •Arthritis
  136. •Death
  138. Effects of Protein Deficiency:
  139. Muscle loss, hair thinning, and brittle nails. More severely, edema, fatty liver, liver failure, weakened bones, and weakened immune system.
  141. Effects of Excessive Exercise:
  142. •Increased resting heart rate
  143. •Fatigue
  144. •Muscle pain
  145. •Joint pain
  146. •Difficulty sleeping
  147. •Weakened immune system
  148. •Mood swings
  150. Effects of Excessive Caffeine:
  151. 100 mg of caffeine is the recommend max for adolescents, 200mg for pregnant people, 400 for healthy adults.
  152. •Dizziness
  153. •Diarrhea
  154. •Increased heart rate
  155. •Anxiety
  156. •Increased thirst
  157. •Insomnia
  158. •Headache
  159. •Fever
  160. •Irritability
  161. •Breathing trouble
  162. •Vomiting
  163. •Hallucinations
  164. •Confusion
  165. •Chest pain
  166. •Convulsions
  167. •Uncontrollable muscle movements
  169. Recovery:
  170. Recovery is possible. Truthfully talk with your doctor about your eating disorder. You will never feel like you are ready, so you shouldn't wait to reach out.
  172. This is NOT a diet. This is a serious disorder that can lead to death. This disorder WILL hurt you, your family, and your friends. Your thoughts will not leave the topic of food and numbers. Your personality will slowly leave you.
  174. Grammar: This isn't part of the guide, but I see these mistakes frequently. You LOSE weight and you have LOOSE shoe laces.
  175. You are TOO cold or have to go TO the store TOO. (Also or extra)
  177. Quote sources:
  178. 1:
  179. 2:
  181. 3:
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