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Jun 27th, 2017
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  1. I have picked the quote "He who does not hope to win has already lost" because I like the premise of it. It says to me that if you do not expect to do some thing and achieve you will not be able to achieve your goal. The quote is meaningful to me because I am really into racing video games and having the mindset that your going to win before you start a race is important . I have the same mindset for college I have to believe that I am going to be able to complete my courses with a great grade. If I were to say that i am not going to be able to win a race or complete college I would not be in the correct mindset to achieve your goal.
  2. This quote is all about frame of mind. Frame of mind when completing a task is crucial to success. If i am in a bad or negative frame of mind more than likely the task i am attempting to complete will not be successful. If i have a positive outlook on things i am more likely to succeed in my task i am attempting to complete. There have been times i have not been in such a great mood and not really positive. I would do a project and have a hard time being successful in that task because of the point of view i was in when I started the project.
  3. The quote i picked I feel fits my interests in life and the things that i am currently attempting. It is important to have the best positive outlook on life and the situations you are in. A positive outlook will help you push through hard times and things that you think you might not be able to accomplish. In short i feel this quote is about keeping positivity in your life and believe you can complete the obsticals that are presented to you.
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