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Aug 13th, 2017
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  1. 2011.04.24 20:34:44,120 INFO 10 l2.brick.Config Loading GameServer Configuration Files...
  2. 2011.04.24 20:34:44,184 INFO 10 l2.brick.util.L2Properties L2Properties: Missing property for key - DatapackRoot
  3. 2011.04.24 20:34:44,243 INFO 10 l2.brick.util.L2Properties L2Properties: Missing property for key - HellboundMaxLvl
  4. 2011.04.24 20:34:44,244 INFO 10 l2.brick.util.L2Properties L2Properties: Missing property for key - EnterHellBoundWithoutQuest
  5. 2011.04.24 20:34:44,244 INFO 10 l2.brick.util.L2Properties L2Properties: Missing property for key - LimitSummonsPailaka
  6. 2011.04.24 20:34:44,245 INFO 10 l2.brick.util.L2Properties L2Properties: Missing property for key - AllowExpGainCommand
  7. 2011.04.24 20:34:44,254 INFO 10 l2.brick.Config Loaded 6 Filter Words.
  8. 2011.04.24 20:34:44,254 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.GameServer -----------------------------------------------------------------=[ Database ]
  9. 2011.04.24 20:34:44,283 INFO 10 com.mchange.v2.log.MLog MLog clients using java 1.4+ standard logging.
  10. 2011.04.24 20:34:44,398 INFO 10 com.mchange.v2.c3p0.C3P0Registry Initializing c3p0-0.9.2-pre1 [built 27-May-2010 01:00:49 -0400; debug? true; trace: 10]
  11. 2011.04.24 20:34:44,840 INFO 10 com.mchange.v2.c3p0.impl.AbstractPoolBackedDataSource Initializing c3p0 pool... com.mchange.v2.c3p0.ComboPooledDataSource [ acquireIncrement -> 5, acquireRetryAttempts -> 0, acquireRetryDelay -> 500, autoCommitOnClose -> true, automaticTestTable -> connection_test_table, breakAfterAcquireFailure -> false, checkoutTimeout -> 0, connectionCustomizerClassName -> null, connectionTesterClassName -> com.mchange.v2.c3p0.impl.DefaultConnectionTester, dataSourceName -> 2w5t1w8f11ydoez1x18o8m|be0e27, debugUnreturnedConnectionStackTraces -> false, description -> null, driverClass -> com.mysql.jdbc.Driver, factoryClassLocation -> null, forceIgnoreUnresolvedTransactions -> false, identityToken -> 2w5t1w8f11ydoez1x18o8m|be0e27, idleConnectionTestPeriod -> 3600, initialPoolSize -> 10, jdbcUrl -> jdbc:mysql://localhost/l2brick, maxAdministrativeTaskTime -> 0, maxConnectionAge -> 0, maxIdleTime -> 0, maxIdleTimeExcessConnections -> 0, maxPoolSize -> 100, maxStatements -> 0, maxStatementsPerConnection -> 100, minPoolSize -> 10, numHelperThreads -> 3, numThreadsAwaitingCheckoutDefaultUser -> 0, preferredTestQuery -> null, properties -> {user=******, password=******}, propertyCycle -> 0, statementCacheNumDeferredCloseThreads -> 0, statementDestroyerNumActiveThreads -> -1, statementDestroyerNumConnectionsInUseAllUsers -> -1, statementDestroyerNumConnectionsInUseDefaultUser -> -1, statementDestroyerNumConnectionsWithDeferredDestroyStatementsAllUsers -> -1, statementDestroyerNumConnectionsWithDeferredDestroyStatementsDefaultUser -> -1, statementDestroyerNumDeferredDestroyStatementsAllUsers -> -1, statementDestroyerNumDeferredDestroyStatementsDefaultUser -> -1, statementDestroyerNumIdleThreads -> -1, statementDestroyerNumTasksPending -> -1, statementDestroyerNumThreads -> -1, testConnectionOnCheckin -> false, testConnectionOnCheckout -> false, unreturnedConnectionTimeout -> 0, usesTraditionalReflectiveProxies -> false ]
  12. 2011.04.24 20:34:44,867 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.GameServer L2J Server Version: Unsupported Custom Version.
  13. 2011.04.24 20:34:44,871 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.GameServer L2J Datapack Version: Unsupported Custom Version.
  14. 2011.04.24 20:34:44,900 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.idfactory.IdFactory Updated characters online status.
  15. 2011.04.24 20:34:45,079 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.idfactory.IdFactory Cleaned 0 elements from database in 0 s
  16. 2011.04.24 20:34:45,092 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.idfactory.IdFactory Cleaned 0 expired timestamps from database.
  17. 2011.04.24 20:34:45,101 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.idfactory.BitSetIDFactory IDFactory: 102912 id's available.
  18. 2011.04.24 20:34:45,102 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.GameServer ------------------------------------------------------------------=[ Engines ]
  19. 2011.04.24 20:34:45,119 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.scripting.L2ScriptEngineManager Initializing Script Engine Manager
  20. 2011.04.24 20:34:45,145 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.scripting.L2ScriptEngineManager Script Engine: Mozilla Rhino 1.6 release 2 - Language: ECMAScript - Language Version: 1.6
  21. 2011.04.24 20:34:45,200 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.scripting.L2ScriptEngineManager Script Engine: java 1.6 - Language: java - Language Version: 1.6
  22. 2011.04.24 20:34:45,646 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.scripting.L2ScriptEngineManager Script Engine: jython 2.2.1 - Language: python - Language Version: 2.2.1
  23. 2011.04.24 20:34:45,761 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.scripting.L2ScriptEngineManager Script Engine: BeanShell Engine 1.1 - Language: BeanShell - Language Version: 2.0b5
  24. 2011.04.24 20:34:45,864 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.GameServer --------------------------------------------------------------------=[ World ]
  25. 2011.04.24 20:34:45,873 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.instancemanager.InstanceManager Initializing InstanceManager
  26. 2011.04.24 20:34:45,889 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.instancemanager.InstanceManager Loaded 146 instance names
  27. 2011.04.24 20:34:45,916 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.instancemanager.InstanceManager Multiverse Instance created
  28. 2011.04.24 20:34:45,916 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.instancemanager.InstanceManager Universe Instance created
  29. 2011.04.24 20:34:45,950 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.model.L2World L2World: (128 by 136) World Region Grid set up.
  30. 2011.04.24 20:34:45,963 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.GameServer -------------------------------------------------------------------=[ Skills ]
  31. 2011.04.24 20:34:45,978 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.datatables.EnchantGroupsTable EnchantGroupsTable: Loaded 5 groups.
  32. 2011.04.24 20:34:46,315 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.datatables.SkillTreeTable SkillTreeTable: Loaded 42988 skills.
  33. 2011.04.24 20:34:46,335 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.datatables.SkillTreeTable FishingSkillTreeTable: Loaded 109 general skills.
  34. 2011.04.24 20:34:46,336 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.datatables.SkillTreeTable DwarvenCraftSkillTreeTable: Loaded 8 dwarven skills.
  35. 2011.04.24 20:34:46,337 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.datatables.SkillTreeTable PledgeSkillTreeTable: Loaded 44 pledge skills
  36. 2011.04.24 20:34:46,337 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.datatables.SkillTreeTable TransformSkillTreeTable: Loaded 50 transform skills
  37. 2011.04.24 20:34:46,338 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.datatables.SkillTreeTable SpecialSkillTreeTable: Loaded 3 special skills
  38. 2011.04.24 20:34:52,013 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.model.L2Skill [weaponsAllowed] Unknown item type name: 16
  39. 2011.04.24 20:34:52,856 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.datatables.ResidentialSkillTable ResidentialSkillTable: Loaded 39 entities with associated skills.
  40. 2011.04.24 20:34:52,863 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.datatables.SubPledgeSkillTree SubPledgeSkillTree: Loaded 18 SubUnit Skills
  41. 2011.04.24 20:34:53,114 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.datatables.SummonSkillsTable PetSkillsTable: Loaded 1815 skills.
  42. 2011.04.24 20:34:53,115 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.GameServer --------------------------------------------------------------------=[ Items ]
  43. 2011.04.24 20:34:55,482 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.datatables.ItemTable Highest item id used:22172
  44. 2011.04.24 20:34:55,504 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.datatables.SummonItemsData Summon items data: Loaded 57 summon items.
  45. 2011.04.24 20:34:55,522 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.datatables.EnchantHPBonusData Enchant HP Bonus registered for 1892 items!
  46. 2011.04.24 20:34:55,526 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.datatables.MerchantPriceConfigTable MerchantPriceConfigTable: Loaded 28 merchant price configs.
  47. 2011.04.24 20:34:55,867 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.TradeController TradeController: Loaded 680 Buylists.
  48. 2011.04.24 20:34:56,456 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.datatables.MultiSell MultiSell: Loaded 193 lists.
  49. 2011.04.24 20:34:56,533 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.RecipeController RecipeController: Loaded 1000 recipes.
  50. 2011.04.24 20:34:56,538 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.datatables.ArmorSetsTable ArmorSetsTable: Loaded 198 armor sets.
  51. 2011.04.24 20:34:56,544 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.datatables.FishTable FishTable: Loaded 270 Fishes.
  52. 2011.04.24 20:34:56,544 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.GameServer ---------------------------------------------------------------=[ Characters ]
  53. 2011.04.24 20:34:56,555 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.datatables.CharTemplateTable CharTemplateTable: Loaded 103 Character Templates.
  54. 2011.04.24 20:34:56,560 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.datatables.CharNameTable CharNameTable: Loaded 0 char names.
  55. 2011.04.24 20:34:56,564 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.datatables.LevelUpData LevelUpData: Loaded 103 Character Level Up Templates.
  56. 2011.04.24 20:34:56,568 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.datatables.AccessLevels AccessLevels: Loaded 7 from database.
  57. 2011.04.24 20:34:56,573 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.datatables.AdminCommandAccessRights AdminCommandAccessRights: Loaded 464 from database.
  58. 2011.04.24 20:34:56,577 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.instancemanager.RaidBossPointsManager RaidBossPointsManager: Loaded 0 Characters Raid Points.
  59. 2011.04.24 20:34:56,932 INFO 10 PetDataTable: Loaded 49 Pets.
  60. 2011.04.24 20:34:56,932 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.GameServer --------------------------------------------------------------------=[ Clans ]
  61. 2011.04.24 20:34:56,946 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.communitybbs.Manager.ForumsBBSManager Loaded 4 forums. Last forum id used: 4
  62. 2011.04.24 20:34:56,947 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.datatables.ClanTable Restored 0 clans from the database.
  63. 2011.04.24 20:34:56,950 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.instancemanager.CHSiegeManager Initializing CHSiegeManager...
  64. 2011.04.24 20:34:56,958 CONFIG 10 l2.brick.gameserver.model.entity.ClanHall Fortress of Resistance siege scheduled for: Sun May 01 14:48:17 CEST 2011
  65. 2011.04.24 20:34:56,961 CONFIG 10 l2.brick.gameserver.model.entity.ClanHall Devastated Castle siege scheduled for: Sun May 01 14:48:17 CEST 2011
  66. 2011.04.24 20:34:56,970 CONFIG 10 l2.brick.gameserver.model.entity.ClanHall Bandit StrongHold siege scheduled for: Sun May 01 14:48:17 CEST 2011
  67. 2011.04.24 20:34:56,974 CONFIG 10 l2.brick.gameserver.model.entity.ClanHall Rainbow Springs siege scheduled for: Sun May 01 14:48:17 CEST 2011
  68. 2011.04.24 20:34:56,978 CONFIG 10 l2.brick.gameserver.model.entity.ClanHall Fortresss of the Dead siege scheduled for: Sun May 01 14:48:17 CEST 2011
  69. 2011.04.24 20:34:56,980 CONFIG 10 l2.brick.gameserver.instancemanager.CHSiegeManager CHSiegeManager: Loaded 5 conquerable clan halls
  70. 2011.04.24 20:34:56,981 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.instancemanager.ClanHallManager Initializing ClanHallManager
  71. 2011.04.24 20:34:56,985 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.instancemanager.AuctionManager Initializing AuctionManager
  72. 2011.04.24 20:34:57,022 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.instancemanager.AuctionManager Loaded: 38 auction(s)
  73. 2011.04.24 20:34:57,024 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.instancemanager.ClanHallManager Loaded: 0 clan halls
  74. 2011.04.24 20:34:57,024 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.instancemanager.ClanHallManager Loaded: 38 free clan halls
  75. 2011.04.24 20:34:57,025 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.GameServer ------------------------------------------------------------------=[ Geodata ]
  76. 2011.04.24 20:34:57,027 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.GeoData Geodata Engine: Disabled.
  77. 2011.04.24 20:34:57,027 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.GameServer ---------------------------------------------------------------------=[ NPCs ]
  78. 2011.04.24 20:34:57,768 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.datatables.NpcTable NpcTable: (Re)Loaded 10088 NPC template(s).
  79. 2011.04.24 20:35:03,247 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.datatables.NpcTable NpcTable: Loaded 513 Minions.
  80. 2011.04.24 20:35:03,345 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.datatables.NpcTable NPC AI Data Table: Loaded 10087 AI Data.
  81. 2011.04.24 20:35:03,393 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.datatables.NpcTable NPC Elementals Data Table: Loaded 10088 elementals Data.
  82. 2011.04.24 20:35:03,395 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.datatables.SpawnTable Initializing Walkers Routes Table.
  83. 2011.04.24 20:35:03,405 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.datatables.SpawnTable WalkerRoutesTable: Loaded 34 Npc Walker Routes.
  84. 2011.04.24 20:35:03,411 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.instancemanager.ZoneManager Loading zones...
  85. 2011.04.24 20:35:05,715 WARNING 10 l2.brick.gameserver.instancemanager.ZoneManager ZoneData: missing data for zone: 25253 in both XML and SQL, file: zone.xml
  86. 2011.04.24 20:35:06,876 WARNING 10 L2SiegeZone: Siegable clan hall with id 63 does not exist!
  87. 2011.04.24 20:35:07,850 WARNING 10 L2ClanHallZone: Clan Hall with id 63 does not exist!
  88. 2011.04.24 20:35:07,898 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.instancemanager.GrandBossManager Initializing GrandBossManager
  89. 2011.04.24 20:35:07,902 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.instancemanager.GrandBossManager GrandBossManager: Queen Ant(29001) status is 0.
  90. 2011.04.24 20:35:07,902 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.instancemanager.GrandBossManager GrandBossManager: Core(29006) status is 0.
  91. 2011.04.24 20:35:07,904 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.instancemanager.GrandBossManager GrandBossManager: Orfen(29014) status is 0.
  92. 2011.04.24 20:35:07,906 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.instancemanager.GrandBossManager GrandBossManager: Antharas(29019) status is 0.
  93. 2011.04.24 20:35:07,908 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.instancemanager.GrandBossManager GrandBossManager: Baium(29020) status is 0.
  94. 2011.04.24 20:35:07,909 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.instancemanager.GrandBossManager GrandBossManager: Zaken(29022) status is 0.
  95. 2011.04.24 20:35:07,911 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.instancemanager.GrandBossManager GrandBossManager: Valakas(29028) status is 0.
  96. 2011.04.24 20:35:07,913 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.instancemanager.GrandBossManager GrandBossManager: Frintezza(29045) status is 0.
  97. 2011.04.24 20:35:07,914 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.instancemanager.GrandBossManager GrandBossManager: Sailren(29065) status is 0.
  98. 2011.04.24 20:35:07,915 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.instancemanager.GrandBossManager GrandBossManager: Antharas(29066) status is 0.
  99. 2011.04.24 20:35:07,917 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.instancemanager.GrandBossManager GrandBossManager: Antharas(29067) status is 0.
  100. 2011.04.24 20:35:07,918 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.instancemanager.GrandBossManager GrandBossManager: Antharas(29068) status is 0.
  101. 2011.04.24 20:35:07,921 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.instancemanager.GrandBossManager GrandBossManager: Loaded 12 Instances
  102. 2011.04.24 20:35:45,348 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.instancemanager.ZoneManager Done: loaded 24 zone classes and 2389 zones.
  103. 2011.04.24 20:35:45,351 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.datatables.DoorTable Searching clan halls doors:
  104. 2011.04.24 20:35:45,504 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.datatables.DoorTable DoorTable: Loaded 977 Door Templates for 19 regions.
  105. 2011.04.24 20:35:45,520 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.datatables.StaticObjects StaticObject: Loaded 29 StaticObject Templates.
  106. 2011.04.24 20:35:45,522 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.instancemanager.ItemAuctionManager ItemAuctionManager: Disabled by config.
  107. 2011.04.24 20:35:45,523 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.instancemanager.CastleManager Initializing CastleManager
  108. 2011.04.24 20:35:45,557 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.instancemanager.CastleManager Loaded: 9 castles
  109. 2011.04.24 20:35:45,560 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.instancemanager.FortManager Initializing FortManager
  110. 2011.04.24 20:35:47,405 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.instancemanager.DayNightSpawnManager DayNightSpawnManager: Day/Night handler initialized
  111. 2011.04.24 20:35:49,031 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.datatables.SpawnTable SpawnTable: Loaded 42097 Npc Spawn Locations.
  112. 2011.04.24 20:35:49,143 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.instancemanager.FortManager Loaded: 21 fortress
  113. 2011.04.24 20:35:49,182 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.instancemanager.FortSiegeManager Initializing FortSiegeManager
  114. 2011.04.24 20:35:49,824 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.datatables.NpcBufferTable NpcBufferSkillIdsTable: Loaded 1 buffers and 10 skills.
  115. 2011.04.24 20:35:49,874 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.instancemanager.RaidBossSpawnManager RaidBossSpawnManager: Loaded 186 Instances
  116. 2011.04.24 20:35:49,875 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.instancemanager.RaidBossSpawnManager RaidBossSpawnManager: Scheduled 0 Instances
  117. 2011.04.24 20:35:49,877 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.instancemanager.DayNightSpawnManager DayNightSpawnManager: Removed 0 night creatures
  118. 2011.04.24 20:35:49,890 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.instancemanager.DayNightSpawnManager DayNightSpawnManager: Spawned 232 day creatures
  119. 2011.04.24 20:35:49,918 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.instancemanager.GrandBossManager GrandBossManager: Initialized 16 Grand Boss Zones
  120. 2011.04.24 20:35:49,926 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.instancemanager.FourSepulchersManager FourSepulchersManager: loaded 20 Mysterious-Box spawns.
  121. 2011.04.24 20:35:49,985 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.instancemanager.FourSepulchersManager FourSepulchersManager: loaded 716 Physical type monsters spawns.
  122. 2011.04.24 20:35:50,038 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.instancemanager.FourSepulchersManager FourSepulchersManager: loaded 716 Magical type monsters spawns.
  123. 2011.04.24 20:35:50,050 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.instancemanager.FourSepulchersManager FourSepulchersManager: loaded 92 Church of duke monsters spawns.
  124. 2011.04.24 20:35:50,061 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.instancemanager.FourSepulchersManager FourSepulchersManager: loaded 68 Emperor's grave NPC spawns.
  125. 2011.04.24 20:35:50,061 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.instancemanager.FourSepulchersManager FourSepulchersManager: spawned Conquerors' Sepulcher Manager
  126. 2011.04.24 20:35:50,062 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.instancemanager.FourSepulchersManager FourSepulchersManager: spawned Emperors' Sepulcher Manager
  127. 2011.04.24 20:35:50,063 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.instancemanager.FourSepulchersManager FourSepulchersManager: spawned Great Sages' Sepulcher Manager
  128. 2011.04.24 20:35:50,064 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.instancemanager.FourSepulchersManager FourSepulchersManager: spawned Judges' Sepulcher Manager
  129. 2011.04.24 20:35:50,066 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.instancemanager.FourSepulchersManager FourSepulchersManager: Beginning in Attack time
  130. 2011.04.24 20:35:50,069 INFO 11 l2.brick.gameserver.instancemanager.FourSepulchersManager Sun Apr 24 20:35:50 CEST 2011 Atk announce scheduled to 35.0 minute of this hour.
  131. 2011.04.24 20:35:50,074 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.instancemanager.DimensionalRiftManager DimensionalRiftManager: Loaded 7 room types with 56 rooms.
  132. 2011.04.24 20:35:50,090 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.instancemanager.DimensionalRiftManager DimensionalRiftManager: Loaded 462 dimensional rift spawns, 0 errors.
  133. 2011.04.24 20:35:50,095 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.instancemanager.QuestManager Initializing QuestManager
  134. 2011.04.24 20:35:50,096 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.GameServer --------------------------------------------------------------------=[ Siege ]
  135. 2011.04.24 20:35:50,098 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.instancemanager.SiegeManager Initializing SiegeManager
  136. 2011.04.24 20:35:50,111 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.SevenSigns SevenSigns: Currently in the Competition (Quest Event) period!
  137. 2011.04.24 20:35:50,112 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.SevenSigns SevenSigns: The Seal of Avarice remains unclaimed.
  138. 2011.04.24 20:35:50,113 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.SevenSigns SevenSigns: The Seal of Gnosis remains unclaimed.
  139. 2011.04.24 20:35:50,113 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.SevenSigns SevenSigns: The Seal of Strife remains unclaimed.
  140. 2011.04.24 20:35:50,114 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.SevenSigns SevenSigns: The competition, if the current trend continues, will end in a tie this week.
  141. 2011.04.24 20:35:50,115 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.SevenSigns SevenSigns: Next period change set to Mon Apr 25 18:00:50 CEST 2011
  142. 2011.04.24 20:35:50,117 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.SevenSigns SevenSigns: Next period begins in 0 days, 21 hours and 24 mins.
  143. 2011.04.24 20:35:50,117 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.model.entity.Siege Siege of Gludio: Sun May 01 01:00:00 CEST 2011
  144. 2011.04.24 20:35:50,120 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.model.entity.Siege Siege of Dion: Sun May 01 01:00:00 CEST 2011
  145. 2011.04.24 20:35:50,121 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.model.entity.Siege Siege of Giran: Sun May 01 01:00:00 CEST 2011
  146. 2011.04.24 20:35:50,122 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.model.entity.Siege Siege of Oren: Sun May 01 01:00:00 CEST 2011
  147. 2011.04.24 20:35:50,122 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.model.entity.Siege Siege of Aden: Sun May 01 01:00:00 CEST 2011
  148. 2011.04.24 20:35:50,123 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.model.entity.Siege Siege of Innadril: Sun May 01 01:00:00 CEST 2011
  149. 2011.04.24 20:35:50,124 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.model.entity.Siege Siege of Goddard: Sun May 01 01:00:00 CEST 2011
  150. 2011.04.24 20:35:50,125 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.model.entity.Siege Siege of Rune: Sun May 01 01:00:00 CEST 2011
  151. 2011.04.24 20:35:50,126 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.model.entity.Siege Siege of Schuttgart: Sun May 01 01:00:00 CEST 2011
  152. 2011.04.24 20:35:50,131 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.instancemanager.TerritoryWarManager Initializing TerritoryWarManager
  153. 2011.04.24 20:35:50,141 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.instancemanager.CastleManorManager Initializing CastleManorManager
  154. 2011.04.24 20:35:50,147 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.instancemanager.CastleManorManager Manor System: Manor refresh updated
  155. 2011.04.24 20:35:50,148 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.instancemanager.CastleManorManager Manor System: New Schedule for manor refresh @ Mon Apr 25 20:00:00 CEST 2011
  156. 2011.04.24 20:35:50,149 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.instancemanager.CastleManorManager Manor System: Manor period approve updated
  157. 2011.04.24 20:35:50,151 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.instancemanager.CastleManorManager Manor System: New Schedule for period approve @ Mon Apr 25 06:00:00 CEST 2011
  158. 2011.04.24 20:35:50,152 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.instancemanager.MercTicketManager Initializing MercTicketManager
  159. 2011.04.24 20:35:50,158 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.instancemanager.MercTicketManager Loaded: 0 Mercenary Tickets
  160. 2011.04.24 20:35:51,741 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.model.L2Manor L2Manor: Loaded 258 Seeds.
  161. 2011.04.24 20:35:51,742 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.GameServer -----------------------------------------------------------------=[ Olympiad ]
  162. 2011.04.24 20:35:51,754 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.model.olympiad.Olympiad Olympiad System: Loading Olympiad System....
  163. 2011.04.24 20:35:51,755 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.model.olympiad.Olympiad Olympiad System: Currently in Olympiad Period
  164. 2011.04.24 20:35:51,756 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.model.olympiad.Olympiad Olympiad System: 9564 minutes until period ends
  165. 2011.04.24 20:35:51,757 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.model.olympiad.Olympiad Olympiad System: Next weekly change is in 10058 minutes
  166. 2011.04.24 20:35:51,758 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.model.olympiad.Olympiad Olympiad System: Loaded 0 Nobles
  167. 2011.04.24 20:35:51,760 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.model.olympiad.Olympiad Olympiad System: Competition Period Starts in 0 days, 0 hours and 0 mins.
  168. 2011.04.24 20:35:51,761 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.model.olympiad.Olympiad Olympiad System: Event starts/started : Sun Apr 24 18:00:51 CEST 2011
  169. 2011.04.24 20:35:51,767 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.model.entity.Hero Hero System: Loaded 0 Heroes.
  170. 2011.04.24 20:35:51,768 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.model.entity.Hero Hero System: Loaded 0 all time Heroes.
  171. 2011.04.24 20:35:51,769 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.GameServer --------------------------------------------------------------------=[ Cache ]
  172. 2011.04.24 20:35:51,771 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.cache.HtmCache Cache[HTML]: Running lazy cache
  173. 2011.04.24 20:35:51,773 INFO 12 l2.brick.gameserver.model.olympiad.Olympiad Olympiad System: Olympiad Game Started
  174. 2011.04.24 20:35:51,785 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.cache.CrestCache Cache[Crest]: 0,000MB on 0 files loaded. (Forget Time: 300s , Capacity: 50)
  175. 2011.04.24 20:35:51,785 INFO 12 l2.brick.gameserver.model.olympiad.OlympiadGameManager Olympiad System: Loaded 88 stadiums.
  176. 2011.04.24 20:35:51,796 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.datatables.TeleportLocationTable TeleportLocationTable: Loaded 930 Teleport Location Templates.
  177. 2011.04.24 20:35:51,800 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.datatables.UITable UITable: Loaded 5 Categories.
  178. 2011.04.24 20:35:51,800 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.datatables.UITable UITable: Loaded 4 Keys.
  179. 2011.04.24 20:35:51,804 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.instancemanager.PetitionManager Initializing PetitionManager
  180. 2011.04.24 20:35:51,810 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.datatables.HennaTable HennaTable: Loaded 180 Templates.
  181. 2011.04.24 20:35:51,864 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.datatables.HennaTreeTable HennaTreeTable: Loaded 8136 Henna Tree Templates.
  182. 2011.04.24 20:35:51,867 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.datatables.HennaTable Helper Buff Table: Loaded 17 Templates.
  183. 2011.04.24 20:35:51,869 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.datatables.AugmentationData Initializing AugmentationData.
  184. 2011.04.24 20:35:51,920 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.datatables.AugmentationData AugmentationData: Loaded: 52 augmentation stats.
  185. 2011.04.24 20:35:51,921 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.datatables.AugmentationData AugmentationData: Loaded: 24 accessory augmentation stats.
  186. 2011.04.24 20:35:51,922 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.datatables.AugmentationData AugmentationData: Loaded: 17 blue, 107 purple and 54 red skills for lifeStoneLevel 0
  187. 2011.04.24 20:35:51,923 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.datatables.AugmentationData AugmentationData: Loaded: 17 blue, 107 purple and 54 red skills for lifeStoneLevel 1
  188. 2011.04.24 20:35:51,924 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.datatables.AugmentationData AugmentationData: Loaded: 17 blue, 107 purple and 54 red skills for lifeStoneLevel 2
  189. 2011.04.24 20:35:51,924 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.datatables.AugmentationData AugmentationData: Loaded: 17 blue, 107 purple and 54 red skills for lifeStoneLevel 3
  190. 2011.04.24 20:35:51,925 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.datatables.AugmentationData AugmentationData: Loaded: 17 blue, 107 purple and 54 red skills for lifeStoneLevel 4
  191. 2011.04.24 20:35:51,927 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.datatables.AugmentationData AugmentationData: Loaded: 17 blue, 107 purple and 54 red skills for lifeStoneLevel 5
  192. 2011.04.24 20:35:51,928 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.datatables.AugmentationData AugmentationData: Loaded: 17 blue, 107 purple and 54 red skills for lifeStoneLevel 6
  193. 2011.04.24 20:35:51,929 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.datatables.AugmentationData AugmentationData: Loaded: 17 blue, 107 purple and 54 red skills for lifeStoneLevel 7
  194. 2011.04.24 20:35:51,930 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.datatables.AugmentationData AugmentationData: Loaded: 17 blue, 107 purple and 54 red skills for lifeStoneLevel 8
  195. 2011.04.24 20:35:51,931 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.datatables.AugmentationData AugmentationData: Loaded: 17 blue, 107 purple and 54 red skills for lifeStoneLevel 9
  196. 2011.04.24 20:35:51,936 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.instancemanager.CursedWeaponsManager Initializing CursedWeaponsManager
  197. 2011.04.24 20:35:51,943 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.instancemanager.CursedWeaponsManager Loaded : 2 cursed weapon(s).
  198. 2011.04.24 20:35:51,944 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.GameServer ------------------------------------------------------------------=[ Scripts ]
  199. 2011.04.24 20:35:51,953 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.instancemanager.AirShipManager AirShipManager: Loaded 0 private airships
  200. 2011.04.24 20:35:51,956 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.GameServer Loading Server Scripts
  201. 2011.04.24 20:35:51,956 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.scripting.L2ScriptEngineManager Load core and darapack scripts.
  202. 2011.04.24 20:35:58,112 INFO 10 Loaded Freya
  203. 2011.04.24 20:35:59,067 INFO 10 Loaded Hellbound: AnomicFoundry
  204. 2011.04.24 20:35:59,077 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.instancemanager.GrandBossManager GrandBossManager: Updated Beleth(29118) status to 0
  205. 2011.04.24 20:35:59,082 INFO 10 Loaded: Beleth
  206. 2011.04.24 20:35:59,083 INFO 10 Loaded Hellbound: Budenka
  207. 2011.04.24 20:35:59,098 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.instancemanager.HellboundManager HellboundManager: Loaded: 187 Npc Spawn Location(s).
  208. 2011.04.24 20:35:59,098 INFO 10 Loaded Hellbound: Chimeras
  209. 2011.04.24 20:35:59,100 INFO 10 Loaded Hellbound: Falk
  210. 2011.04.24 20:35:59,101 INFO 10 Loaded Hellbound: Teleport
  211. 2011.04.24 20:35:59,103 INFO 10 Loaded Hellbound: Hude
  212. 2011.04.24 20:35:59,105 INFO 10 Loaded Hellbound: Jude
  213. 2011.04.24 20:35:59,129 INFO 10 Loaded Hellbound: Kief
  214. 2011.04.24 20:35:59,130 INFO 10 Loaded Hellbound: Leodas
  215. 2011.04.24 20:35:59,133 INFO 10 Loaded Hellbound: LevelingSystem
  216. 2011.04.24 20:35:59,147 INFO 10 Loaded Hellbound: MarketTown
  217. 2011.04.24 20:35:59,148 INFO 10 Loaded Hellbound: NativeQuarySlaves
  218. 2011.04.24 20:35:59,150 INFO 10 Loaded Hellbound: Natives
  219. 2011.04.24 20:35:59,151 INFO 10 Loaded Hellbound: OutpostCapitan
  220. 2011.04.24 20:35:59,153 INFO 10 Loaded Hellbound: RemnantGhosts
  221. 2011.04.24 20:35:59,154 INFO 10 Loaded Hellbound: Sandstorm
  222. 2011.04.24 20:35:59,155 INFO 10 Loaded Hellbound: Shadai
  223. 2011.04.24 20:35:59,156 INFO 10 Loaded Hellbound: Solomon
  224. 2011.04.24 20:35:59,158 INFO 10 l2.brick.bflmpsvz.hellbound.TowerOfInfinitum Loaded Hellbound: TowerOfInfinitum
  225. 2011.04.24 20:35:59,159 INFO 10 Loaded Hellbound: TowerOfNaia
  226. 2011.04.24 20:35:59,189 INFO 10 Loaded Hellbound: TullyWorkshop
  227. 2011.04.24 20:36:07,055 INFO 10 Handy's Block Checker Event is enabled
  228. 2011.04.24 20:36:12,623 WARNING 10 l2.brick.gameserver.scripting.L2ScriptEngineManager Failed executing script: C:\Users\St3eT\Desktop\L2Brick_Datapack\gameserver\data\scripts\conquerablehalls\BanditStrongHold\ See for details.
  229. 2011.04.24 20:36:12,863 WARNING 10 l2.brick.gameserver.scripting.L2ScriptEngineManager Failed executing script: C:\Users\St3eT\Desktop\L2Brick_Datapack\gameserver\data\scripts\conquerablehalls\DevastatedCastle\ See for details.
  230. 2011.04.24 20:36:13,107 WARNING 10 l2.brick.gameserver.scripting.L2ScriptEngineManager Failed executing script: C:\Users\St3eT\Desktop\L2Brick_Datapack\gameserver\data\scripts\conquerablehalls\FortressOfResistance\ See for details.
  231. 2011.04.24 20:36:13,347 WARNING 10 l2.brick.gameserver.scripting.L2ScriptEngineManager Failed executing script: C:\Users\St3eT\Desktop\L2Brick_Datapack\gameserver\data\scripts\conquerablehalls\FortressOfTheDead\ See for details.
  232. 2011.04.24 20:36:15,028 INFO 10 Loaded Pailaka: Song Of Ice And Fire
  233. 2011.04.24 20:36:15,196 INFO 10 instances.PailakaDevilsLegacy.PailakaDevilsLegacy Loaded Pailaka: Devils Legacy
  234. 2011.04.24 20:36:15,375 INFO 10 Loaded Pailaka: Injured Dragon
  235. 2011.04.24 20:36:15,746 WARNING 10 l2.brick.gameserver.scripting.L2ScriptEngineManager Failed executing script: C:\Users\St3eT\Desktop\L2Brick_Datapack\gameserver\data\scripts\instances\SeedOfDestruction\ See for details.
  236. 2011.04.24 20:36:15,975 INFO 10 Loaded: Seed Of Destruction - Energy Seeds
  237. 2011.04.24 20:36:16,096 INFO 10 Loaded: Seed Of Destruction - Mutation Drake
  238. 2011.04.24 20:36:18,363 WARNING 10 l2.brick.gameserver.scripting.L2ScriptEngineManager Failed executing script: C:\Users\St3eT\Desktop\L2Brick_Datapack\gameserver\data\scripts\handlers\ See for details.
  239. 2011.04.24 20:36:32,856 INFO 10 Next TerritoryWarTime: Sat Apr 30 20:00:00 CEST 2011
  240. 2011.04.24 20:36:41,525 INFO 10 [EnhanceYourWeapon] Loaded 54 Soul Crystal data.
  241. 2011.04.24 20:36:41,525 INFO 10 [EnhanceYourWeapon] Loaded 238 npc Leveling info data.
  242. 2011.04.24 20:36:44,326 WARNING 10 l2.brick.gameserver.scripting.L2ScriptEngineManager Failed executing script: C:\Users\St3eT\Desktop\L2Brick_Datapack\gameserver\data\scripts\quests\Q641_AttackSailren\ See for details.
  243. 2011.04.24 20:36:49,366 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.GameServer Compiled Scripts Cache is disabled.
  244. 2011.04.24 20:36:49,366 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.instancemanager.QuestManager Loaded: 615 quests
  245. 2011.04.24 20:36:49,367 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.instancemanager.TransformationManager Loaded: 105 transformations.
  246. 2011.04.24 20:36:49,369 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.ItemsAutoDestroy Initializing ItemsAutoDestroy.
  247. 2011.04.24 20:36:49,447 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.SevenSignsFestival SevenSignsFestival: The first Festival of Darkness cycle begins in 2 minute(s).
  248. 2011.04.24 20:36:49,473 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.script.faenor.FaenorEventParser Event ID: (Valentines Event) has passed... Ignored.
  249. 2011.04.24 20:36:49,474 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.GameServer AutoChatHandler: Loaded 32 handlers in total.
  250. 2011.04.24 20:36:49,474 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.GameServer AutoSpawnHandler: Loaded 133 handlers in total.
  251. 2011.04.24 20:36:49,496 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.instancemanager.MailManager Mail Manager: Successfully loaded 0 messages.
  252. 2011.04.24 20:36:49,498 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.GameServer IdFactory: Free ObjectID's remaining: 1879000435
  253. 2011.04.24 20:36:49,499 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.model.entity.TvTManager TvTEventEngine[TvTManager.TvTManager()]: Engine is disabled.
  254. 2011.04.24 20:36:51,048 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.GameServer GameServer Started, free memory 647 Mb of 989 Mb
  255. 2011.04.24 20:36:51,063 INFO 13 l2.brick.gameserver.LoginServerThread Connecting to login on
  256. 2011.04.24 20:36:51,076 INFO 10 CommunityServerThread: Deactivated by config.
  257. 2011.04.24 20:36:51,338 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.GameServer Maximum Numbers of Connected Players: 100
  258. 2011.04.24 20:36:51,338 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.GameServer Server Loaded in 126 seconds
  259. 2011.04.24 20:36:51,342 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.taskmanager.AutoAnnounceTaskManager AutoAnnoucements: Loaded 0 Auto Annoucement Data.
  260. 2011.04.24 20:36:51,343 INFO 10 l2.brick.gameserver.GameServer Telnet server is currently disabled.
  261. 2011.04.24 20:36:51,770 INFO 13 l2.brick.gameserver.LoginServerThread Registered on login as Server 1 : Bartz
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