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Jul 22nd, 2018
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  1. SPBunny - Yesterday at 11:57 PM
  2. What are you offering in return?
  3. Zebby - Yesterday at 11:57 PM
  4. Depends on work done?
  5. SPBunny - Yesterday at 11:57 PM
  6. Hrm.
  7. Zebby - Yesterday at 11:57 PM
  8. Also what you ask for.
  9. SPBunny - Yesterday at 11:57 PM
  10. Iunno. I don't know what my work's worth
  11. I'll write it tomorrow and we'll decide. I gotta write a desc for the chracter I got as an early b-day present from a friend
  12. Zebby - Yesterday at 11:58 PM
  13. Ah...
  14. I'm working on it now.
  15. SPBunny - Yesterday at 11:58 PM
  16. I take it you need it done tonight? XD
  17. Zebby - Yesterday at 11:58 PM
  18. Yea, was a quick thought to ask if you wanted to do it. If not it's no biggie.
  19. I'll do it up.
  20. SPBunny - Yesterday at 11:58 PM
  21. Alright, I can do it
  22. Just gimme a second to exit my game
  23. What do you wanna see in the desc?
  24. July 23, 2018
  25. SPBunny - Today at 12:00 AM
  26. And is this your character or someone else's?
  27. Zebby - Today at 12:00 AM
  28. Art's someone elses.
  29. SPBunny - Today at 12:00 AM
  30. Then hard pass.
  31. Zebby - Today at 12:01 AM
  32. lol.. okay.
  33. "Hard pass"
  34. Gotcha.
  35. Because it's not my art, you didn't even ask me if I had permission or not to use it till my own art was finished.
  36. SPBunny - Today at 12:02 AM
  37. If you want me to write the desc by the time your art is done, I will
  38. Zebby - Today at 12:02 AM
  39. No need.
  40. Sorry to have pulled you from your game for nothing.
  41. Talk later.
  42. SPBunny - Today at 12:04 AM
  43. Zebby - Today at 10:58 PM
  44. Yea, was a quick thought to ask if you wanted to do it. If not it's no biggie.
  45. Zebby - Today at 12:04 AM
  46. ?
  47. SPBunny - Today at 12:04 AM
  48. I'mma fix your type. "Zebby - Today at 10:58 PM
  49. Yea, was a quick thought to ask if you wanted to do it. If not I'mma get hella butt hurt."
  50. Zebby - Today at 12:04 AM
  51. Eh?
  52. No
  53. It was the "Hard pass" comment that was bothersome.
  54. Once you realized it wasn't my art.
  55. SPBunny - Today at 12:05 AM
  56. Yes. How fucking dare I want to write a desc based on art that isn't your's and that will more than likely change
  57. *not want
  58. Zebby - Today at 12:05 AM
  59. That... really shouldn't matter if I'm paying for it.....
  60. =/
  61. SPBunny - Today at 12:05 AM
  62. Its not your art.
  63. Zebby - Today at 12:05 AM
  64. Nope, it's my friends who's letting me use it as place holder.
  65. SPBunny - Today at 12:06 AM
  66. Then when you get your actual art, let me know if you want me to write the desc
  67. Quite being butthurt cuz I don't want to write a desc based on art you don't own
  68. I have a right to say no for any reason
  69. Zebby - Today at 12:06 AM
  70. Bro, stop. I'm not butthurt.
  71. About you not doing it.
  72. I'm annoyed at the "Hard pass " comment.
  73. SPBunny - Today at 12:06 AM
  74. No, you're butthurt my sensabilities don't match your's
  75. All I mean by that is I don't want to, and you can't convince me to.
  76. Zebby - Today at 12:07 AM
  77. I'm not trying to convince you to do anything.
  78. So stop.
  79. SPBunny - Today at 12:07 AM
  80. No, you're being a butthurt bitch cuz you feel I'm insulting you or something
  81. Zebby - Today at 12:07 AM
  82. Don't try and twist things around to suit your narrative please. Thanks.
  83. SPBunny - Today at 12:07 AM
  84. This is all that ever happens with you
  85. You don't get what you want, and you get butthurt
  86. And you only talk to me when you want something, or I get on your ass for only talking to me when you want something
  87. Zebby - Today at 12:08 AM
  88. I only said the "Hard pass" was what upset me. Based on the fact that it's not my art, The "Hard pass" out of the gate was the miffed bit, that's it. Don't turn this into something else.
  89. SPBunny - Today at 12:08 AM
  90. I was being upfront and blunt
  91. I don't want to do it because it isn't your art.
  92. Zebby - Today at 12:09 AM
  93. I don't care if you do or do not do it. What annoyed me is how you said it.
  94. SPBunny - Today at 12:09 AM
  95. Get over yourself?
  96. Er, it
  97. Get over it.
  98. You're being butthurt cuz I was blunt
  99. That about it?
  100. Zebby - Today at 12:09 AM
  101. So stop making this sound like I'm upset over the fact you aren't doing it. I said from the start, if you did or didn't do it. that's entire;y fine. I thought you could use the money.
  102. Fuck me for being nice and asking if you needed so earn money right?
  103. Wtf ever man
  104. SPBunny - Today at 12:10 AM
  105. Yeah, fuck me for heeding your advice and being upfront about things
  106. You always bitch about how I'm never upfront enough
  107. I was upfront today, and you got butthurt
  108. Zebby - Today at 12:11 AM
  109. I also bitch about the backpeddling. I'd rather you have told me the reason, rather than just going "Hard pass" after finding out it's not my art.
  110. Also annoyed, ANNOYED. Not butthurt.
  111. SPBunny - Today at 12:11 AM
  112. How exactly did I fucking back peddle?
  113. I thought it was your art
  114. I asked, you said no
  115. So I said no
  116. And my stance hasn't changed
  117. Zebby - Today at 12:12 AM
  118. That's fine.
  119. I don't care if your stance changes or not. That's not what bothered me.
  120. SPBunny - Today at 12:12 AM
  121. That's like saying a pawnshop not buying your jewelry once they find out its stolen is backpeddling
  122. You're fucking upset cuz I said hard pass
  123. Zebby - Today at 12:12 AM
  124. Except it's not stolen.
  125. SPBunny - Today at 12:12 AM
  126. That's fucking retarded
  127. This is all happening cuz you are butthurt that I said it in a way you didn't like
  128. Simply put, get the fuck over it
  129. Zebby - Today at 12:13 AM
  130. Dude...
  131. STOP
  132. With the butthurt shit.
  133. SPBunny - Today at 12:13 AM
  134. What would you call it when you don't just say "okay" and make a big stink about it?
  135. Zebby - Today at 12:13 AM
  136. I'd just not call it anything.
  137. SPBunny - Today at 12:13 AM
  138. I am
  139. Its being butthurt
  140. Zebby - Today at 12:13 AM
  141. Rather than what I called it. Annoyed.
  142. SPBunny - Today at 12:13 AM
  143. Annoyed would be just to say "Okay"
  144. You are definitely butthurt
  145. Zebby - Today at 12:13 AM
  146. Bye.
  147. Going to bed.
  148. SPBunny - Today at 12:14 AM
  149. Bye.
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