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Apr 26th, 2018
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  1. Goretorium
  2. #0650
  5. the legend flyinghotpocket
  6. AKA[A-VNG] Flyinghotpocket
  7. Search
  9. This is the beginning of your direct message history with @the legend flyinghotpocket.
  10. Goretorium - Last Friday at 5:33 PM
  11. Yo I heard you were trying to get a hold of me
  12. the legend flyinghotpocket - Last Friday at 5:33 PM
  13. i am
  14. who dies
  15. dis
  16. Goretorium - Last Friday at 5:34 PM
  17. Gore from aovw
  18. the legend flyinghotpocket - Last Friday at 5:34 PM
  19. right
  20. Goretorium - Last Friday at 5:35 PM
  21. What's up tristan said you were trying to get ahold of me
  22. the legend flyinghotpocket - Last Friday at 5:36 PM
  23. tldr. offer please
  24. Goretorium - Last Friday at 5:37 PM
  25. For?
  26. the legend flyinghotpocket - Last Friday at 5:37 PM
  27. for us joining your side in the wardec
  28. Goretorium - Last Friday at 5:39 PM
  29. Were not seeking allies tbh were looking for amarr to continue beating minmatar. I told krysis to stay out of it too. We are just protecting our self from awoxers that do it repeatedly that being said our stance has always been to help anybody who faithfully crusades against the slaves.
  30. Tldr I'd rather you stay neut and shoot minnies tbh
  31. the legend flyinghotpocket - Last Friday at 5:40 PM
  32. whos doing the awoxing
  33. thats a commandment breaker
  34. Goretorium - Last Friday at 5:41 PM
  35. Tmocc repeatedly
  36. the legend flyinghotpocket - Last Friday at 5:41 PM
  37. can you provide evidence of this in eve
  38. Goretorium - Last Friday at 5:41 PM
  39. Yes lol
  40. the legend flyinghotpocket - Last Friday at 5:42 PM
  41. PLEASE send me a mail of these awoxs
  42. and i will consider it very seruiosly
  43. Goretorium - Last Friday at 5:42 PM
  44. Will do when I'm home from work but legit it's stupid and being blown way out of perportion
  45. the legend flyinghotpocket - Last Friday at 5:42 PM
  46. ok
  47. Goretorium - Last Friday at 5:43 PM
  48. Tmocc awoxed us plexing Arzad tried again the next night
  49. And we were ready
  50. That's like it
  51. This is either madness or Sparta idk which lol
  52. I just want amarr Victor
  53. Anyhow our offer as you say is if y'all just stay neutral we will continue to offer assistance like we do for anybody else in amarr that asks much like kprop citadel defenses we will actively help anybody actively helping the empress.if there's something specific you want from me just ask were a reliable and dependable group
  54. We're already pinging eytn defense and are already committed to be there
  55. the legend flyinghotpocket - Last Friday at 5:59 PM
  56. ok
  57. thanks for the assitance really
  58. Goretorium - Last Friday at 5:59 PM
  59. It's what we do
  60. Goretorium - Last Friday at 6:00 PM
  61. We also defended it before kprop were in team amarrica vs twisted that was funny because it was in our prime time zone autz
  62. Anywho we help people regardless were pro amarr in general
  63. the legend flyinghotpocket - Last Friday at 6:01 PM
  64. this awox
  65. was it a slicer comet, arbitrator
  66. 2 comets
  67. Goretorium - Last Friday at 6:02 PM
  68. Yeab
  69. That started the bs
  70. the legend flyinghotpocket - Last Friday at 6:03 PM
  71. did they reimburse that?
  72. Goretorium - Last Friday at 6:03 PM
  73. Lol no
  75. He did it because we took 3 systems in a day and 1 the day before from minmatar has been threatening for days to shoot anyone actually pushing minmatar then shot us when we were pushing arzad
  76. Hes literally been campaigning in militia chat for people to shoot friendly farmers and not shoot minmatar
  77. And came after us because we were deployed to plex arzad
  78. It's absolute lunacy tbh
  79. I signed up for fw to punish minmatar for the 2 years of oppression not to shoot amarr lol
  80. the legend flyinghotpocket - Last Friday at 6:09 PM
  81. yeah were decieded on wardecing thommc
  82. killing friendlies while plexing is the best way to get us to civil war dudes
  83. Goretorium - Last Friday at 6:11 PM
  84. Tbh idk much about team amarrica but I support anyone that supports amarr
  85. Shit I hate krysis but damn right I defend them lol
  86. the legend flyinghotpocket - Last Friday at 6:11 PM
  87. yeah there was one civil war back in 2014. were were literally destroyed a corp that was awoxing friendlies
  88. Goretorium - Last Friday at 6:13 PM
  89. Well it's good to know where you stand. And know that we stand right beside that ideology as well
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