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a guest
Apr 11th, 2018
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  1. "" => "§cWe detected that you have not linked an email to your account - it is advised that you link one at in case you forget your password.",
  2. "" => "§cYou must link an email to your account at § §cin order to continue joining §eNether§6Games§c.",
  3. "boost" => "boost",
  4. "command.blocked" => "§cThat command is blocked.",
  5. "command.blocked.db.error" => "§cThat command is currently blocked due to a database error. Please try again later.",
  6. "command.restricted" => "§cThat command is restricted.",
  7. "db.error" => "§cAn unexpected database error occurred while connecting to the database. Please try again later.",
  8. "db.notsaved" => "§l§cAn unexpected error occurred while connecting to the database. Your data will not be saved for this session.",
  9. "doublexp" => "Double XP weekend",
  10. "" => "§9Party Manager",
  11. "" => "Disable/enable party chat",
  12. "" => "§cYour party is full!",
  13. "" => "§eYour party information:",
  14. "" => "§bParty host: §e",
  15. "" => "§bParty players: §e",
  16. "" => "Invite more players:",
  17. "" => "Decline/accept invite by §b",
  18. "" => "Kick a player:",
  19. "" => "§cSorry, you need the §7[§3Voter§7]§c rank to use this function!",
  20. "" => "§bVote for us at §§b! Then press §6'Submit'§b to confirm your vote or simply run §6/vote",
  21. "" => "Quit the party",
  22. "" => "Start your party by inviting someone with the §7[§3Voter§7]§f rank or higher.",
  23. "forms.reporter" => "§cReporter",
  24. "forms.reporter.category" => "Category:",
  25. "forms.reporter.nostaff" => "§cThere are currently no staff members online to review your report. Please report players to § §cor §6#report §con our Discord server - §",
  26. "forms.reporter.players" => "Players online right now:",
  27. "forms.reporter.reason" => "Reason:",
  28. "forms.switcher" => "§eAccount Switcher",
  29. "forms.switcher.oldpw" => "Type your old password:",
  30. "forms.switcher.oldun" => "Type your old username:",
  31. "forms.switcher.welcome" => "Welcome to the account switcher! If you have an old account, you can use this interface to transfer your old data to your new account.",
  32. "forms.teleporter" => "§eNether§6Games §bTeleporter",
  33. "forms.teleporter.full" => "§cFULL",
  34. "forms.teleporter.offline" => "§cOFFLINE",
  35. "" => "§2ONLINE",
  36. "" => "Select a minigame:",
  37. "forums.linked.already" => "§cYour in-game account is already linked to a forums account.",
  38. "forums.linked.authenticated" => "§aAccount check complete - successfully authenticated. Linking your account...",
  39. "forums.linked.error" => "§cAn unknown error occurred while checking your account.",
  40. "forums.linked.incorrect" => "§cYour username/email or password is incorrect.",
  41. "forums.linked.succesfull" => "§aSuccessfully linked your forums and in-game accounts.",
  42. "kills" => "Kills",
  43. "kit.given" => "§aYou've been given the §b",
  44. "maintenance" => "§cMaintenance in progress. Follow us on Twitter for updates - §6@NetherGamesMC",
  45. "menu.blocked" => "§cYou don't have permission to use that menu.",
  46. "outdated.client" => "§cPlease update your client to the latest version to play §eNether§6Games§c.",
  47. "outdated.server" => "§eNether§6Games §chasn't updated to the latest version yet. Follow us on Twitter for updates - §6@NetherGamesMC",
  48. "overloaded" => "§cTo stop the server from overloading we have limited the amount of player joins per second - please try joining again.",
  49. "participation" => "Participation",
  50. "party.alreadyhosting" => "§cYou're already hosting a party. Use §b/party leave §cto close the party and then create a new one",
  51. "" => "§cis already in a party!",
  52. "party.alreadyin.player" => "§cYou're already in a party. Use §b/party leave §cto quit the party and then create a new one.",
  53. "party.alreadyinvited" => "§cYou have already invited §b",
  54. "party.created" => "§aCreated a new party. Use §b/party invite §ato invite other players to your party!",
  55. "" => "§6has declined your party invite.",
  56. "party.decline.player" => "§6Declined the party invite from §b",
  57. "" => "§aEnded your party.",
  58. "party.invite" => "§6has invited you to join their party! Use §c/party accept {%1} §6to accept the invitation.",
  59. "party.invited" => "§aInvited §b{%1} §ato your party.",
  60. "party.join" => "§6joined the party.",
  61. "party.joingame" => "§cYou're currently in a party. Wait for your party host to decide which game to play!",
  62. "party.kicked" => "§cYou have been kicked from the party by §b",
  63. "party.leave.player" => "§aYou left the party.",
  64. "party.leave.players" => "§6left the party.",
  65. "party.max" => "§cYou can't invite more of §65 §cin your party!",
  66. "party.noinvite" => "§cThat player hasn't sent an invite to you.",
  67. "party.nothosting" => "§cYou're not hosting a party!",
  68. "party.notin" => "§cYou're not in a party!",
  69. "party.stillingame" => "§cis still in a match. Wait for them before you join another one!",
  70. "party.welcome" => "§6Welcome to §b{%1}'s §6party!",
  71. "server.full" => "§cThat server is currently full. Please try again later.",
  72. "server.offline" => "§cThat server is currently full or offline. Please try again later.",
  73. "server.restart" => "§o§l§eN§6G§r§7: §eNether§6Games §bhas restarted!",
  74. "skin.notvalid" => "§cYour skin is not valid to play on §eNether§6Games§c.\nPlease choose another one.",
  75. "skin.notvalid.rejoin" => "§cYour skin is not valid to play on §eNether§6Games§c.\nPlease choose another one and rejoin.",
  76. "staff.impersonating" => "§cImpersonating staff members is not allowed.",
  77. "track.on" => "§cYou are currently tracking a player. Use §b/track off §cor §b/track exit §cto exit tracking mode.",
  78. "vote.announcement" => "§bvoted for us at § §bthen ran §6/vote §band got a voter rank!",
  79. "vote.claimed" => "§cYou've already voted and claimed your rank today.",
  80. "vote.claiming" => "§6Thanks for voting! Claiming your rank...",
  81. "vote.error" => "§cAn unknown error occurred while checking your vote status.",
  82. "vote.notyet" => "§cYou haven't voted yet today. Vote at §§c, then come back and claim your rank.",
  83. "vote.succesfull" => "§aSuccessfully claimed your rank. Thanks for voting for §eNether§6Games§a!",
  84. "win" => "Win",
  85. "world.command.blocked" => "§cThat command is blocked in this world.",
  86. "world.noperm" => "§cYou do not have permission to build in this world.",
  87. "world.noperm.db.error" => "§cBuilding is currently disabled due to a database error. Please try again later.",
  88. "" => "§cYou must vote to access Mega Creative.",
  89. "xp.summary" => "Experience Summary",
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