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text 9.26 KB | None | 0 0
  1. ; Executable name : hexdump2
  2. ; Version : 1.0
  3. ; Created date : 4/15/2009
  4. ; Last update : 4/20/2009
  5. ; Author : Jeff Duntemann
  6. ; Modified by : Emmanuel Benoist
  7. ; Date modification: 11/14/2016
  8. ; Description : A simple hex dump utility demonstrating the use of
  9. ; assembly language procedures
  10. ;
  11. ; Modification : Adapatation for 64-bit architecture
  12. ;
  13. ; Build using these commands:
  14. ; nasm -f elf64 -g -F stabs hexdump2.asm
  15. ; ld -o hexdump2 hexdump2.o
  16. ;
  18. SECTION .bss ; Section containing uninitialized data
  20. BUFFLEN EQU 10
  21. Buff resb BUFFLEN
  23. SECTION .data ; Section containing initialised data
  25. ; Here we have two parts of a single useful data structure, implementing
  26. ; the text line of a hex dump utility. The first part displays 16 bytes in
  27. ; hex separated by spaces. Immediately following is a 16-character line
  28. ; delimited by vertical bar characters. Because they are adjacent, the two
  29. ; parts can be referenced separately or as a single contiguous unit.
  30. ; Remember that if DumpLin is to be used separately, you must append an
  31. ; EOL before sending it to the Linux console.
  33. DumpLin: db " 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 "
  34. DUMPLEN EQU $-DumpLin
  35. ASCLin: db "|................|",10
  37. FULLLEN EQU $-DumpLin
  39. ; The HexDigits table is used to convert numeric values to their hex
  40. ; equivalents. Index by nybble without a scale: [HexDigits+eax]
  41. HexDigits: db "0123456789ABCDEF"
  43. ; This table is used for ASCII character translation, into the ASCII
  44. ; portion of the hex dump line, via XLAT or ordinary memory lookup.
  45. ; All printable characters "play through" as themselves. The high 128
  46. ; characters are translated to ASCII period (2Eh). The non-printable
  47. ; characters in the low 128 are also translated to ASCII period, as is
  48. ; char 127.
  49. DotXlat:
  50. db 2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh
  51. db 2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh
  52. db 20h,21h,22h,23h,24h,25h,26h,27h,28h,29h,2Ah,2Bh,2Ch,2Dh,2Eh,2Fh
  53. db 30h,31h,32h,33h,34h,35h,36h,37h,38h,39h,3Ah,3Bh,3Ch,3Dh,3Eh,3Fh
  54. db 40h,41h,42h,43h,44h,45h,46h,47h,48h,49h,4Ah,4Bh,4Ch,4Dh,4Eh,4Fh
  55. db 50h,51h,52h,53h,54h,55h,56h,57h,58h,59h,5Ah,5Bh,5Ch,5Dh,5Eh,5Fh
  56. db 60h,61h,62h,63h,64h,65h,66h,67h,68h,69h,6Ah,6Bh,6Ch,6Dh,6Eh,6Fh
  57. db 70h,71h,72h,73h,74h,75h,76h,77h,78h,79h,7Ah,7Bh,7Ch,7Dh,7Eh,2Eh
  58. db 2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh
  59. db 2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh
  60. db 2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh
  61. db 2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh
  62. db 2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh
  63. db 2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh
  64. db 2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh
  65. db 2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh,2Eh
  68. SECTION .text ; Section containing code
  70. ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
  71. ; ClearLine: Clear a hex dump line string to 16 0 values
  72. ; UPDATED: 4/15/2009
  73. ; IN: Nothing
  74. ; RETURNS: Nothing
  75. ; MODIFIES: Nothing
  76. ; CALLS: DumpChar
  77. ; DESCRIPTION: The hex dump line string is cleared to binary 0 by
  78. ; calling DumpChar 16 times, passing it 0 each time.
  80. ClearLine:
  81. push rax ; Save all used registers
  82. push rdx
  83. mov edx,15 ; We're going to go 16 pokes, counting from 0
  84. .poke: mov eax,0 ; Tell DumpChar to poke a '0'
  85. call DumpChar ; Insert the '0' into the hex dump string
  86. sub edx,1 ; DEC doesn't affect CF!
  87. jae .poke ; Loop back if EDX >= 0
  88. pop rdx ; Restore all used registers
  89. pop rax ;
  90. ret ; Go home
  93. ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
  94. ; DumpChar: "Poke" a value into the hex dump line string.
  95. ; UPDATED: 4/15/2009
  96. ; IN: Pass the 8-bit value to be poked in EAX.
  97. ; Pass the value's position in the line (0-15) in EDX
  98. ; RETURNS: Nothing
  99. ; MODIFIES: EAX, ASCLin, DumpLin
  100. ; CALLS: Nothing
  101. ; DESCRIPTION: The value passed in EAX will be put in both the hex dump
  102. ; portion and in the ASCII portion, at the position passed
  103. ; in EDX, represented by a space where it is not a
  104. ; printable character.
  106. DumpChar:
  107. push rbx ; Save caller's RBX
  108. push rdi ; Save caller's RDI
  109. ; First we insert the input char into the ASCII portion of the dump line
  110. mov bl,byte [DotXlat+eax] ; Translate nonprintables to '.'
  111. mov byte [ASCLin+edx+1],bl ; Write to ASCII portion
  112. ; Next we insert the hex equivalent of the input char in the hex portion
  113. ; of the hex dump line:
  114. mov ebx,eax ; Save a second copy of the input char
  115. lea edi,[edx*2+edx] ; Calc offset into line string (ECX X 3)
  116. ; Look up low nybble character and insert it into the string:
  117. and eax,0000000Fh ; Mask out all but the low nybble
  118. mov al,byte [HexDigits+eax] ; Look up the char equiv. of nybble
  119. mov byte [DumpLin+edi+2],al ; Write the char equiv. to line string
  120. ; Look up high nybble character and insert it into the string:
  121. and ebx,000000F0h ; Mask out all the but second-lowest nybble
  122. shr ebx,4 ; Shift high 4 bits of byte into low 4 bits
  123. mov bl,byte [HexDigits+ebx] ; Look up char equiv. of nybble
  124. mov byte [DumpLin+edi+1],bl ; Write the char equiv. to line string
  125. ;Done! Let's go home:
  126. pop rdi ; Restore caller's RDI
  127. pop rbx ; Restore caller's RBX
  128. ret ; Return to caller
  131. ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
  132. ; PrintLine: Displays DumpLin to stdout
  133. ; UPDATED: 4/15/2009
  134. ; IN: Nothing
  135. ; RETURNS: Nothing
  136. ; MODIFIES: Nothing
  137. ; CALLS: Kernel sys_write
  138. ; DESCRIPTION: The hex dump line string DumpLin is displayed to stdout
  139. ; using INT 80h sys_write. All GP registers are preserved.
  141. PrintLine:
  142. push rax ; Save all used registers
  143. push rbx ; Save all used registers
  144. push rcx ; Save all used registers
  145. push rdx ; Save all used registers
  146. mov eax,4 ; Specify sys_write call
  147. mov ebx,1 ; Specify File Descriptor 1: Standard output
  148. mov ecx,DumpLin ; Pass offset of line string
  149. mov edx,FULLLEN ; Pass size of the line string
  150. int 80h ; Make kernel call to display line string
  151. pop rdx ; Restore all caller's registers
  152. pop rcx ;
  153. pop rbx ;
  154. pop rax ;
  155. ret ; Return to caller
  158. ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
  159. ; LoadBuff: Fills a buffer with data from stdin via INT 80h sys_read
  160. ; UPDATED: 4/15/2009
  161. ; IN: Nothing
  162. ; RETURNS: # of bytes read in EBP
  163. ; MODIFIES: ECX, EBP, Buff
  164. ; CALLS: Kernel sys_write
  165. ; DESCRIPTION: Loads a buffer full of data (BUFFLEN bytes) from stdin
  166. ; using INT 80h sys_read and places it in Buff. Buffer
  167. ; offset counter ECX is zeroed, because we're starting in
  168. ; on a new buffer full of data. Caller must test value in
  169. ; EBP: If EBP contains zero on return, we hit EOF on stdin.
  170. ; Less than 0 in EBP on return indicates some kind of error.
  172. LoadBuff:
  173. push rax ; Save caller's EAX
  174. push rbx ; Save caller's EBX
  175. push rdx ; Save caller's EDX
  176. mov eax,3 ; Specify sys_read call
  177. mov ebx,0 ; Specify File Descriptor 0: Standard Input
  178. mov ecx,Buff ; Pass offset of the buffer to read to
  179. mov edx,BUFFLEN ; Pass number of bytes to read at one pass
  180. int 80h ; Call sys_read to fill the buffer
  181. mov ebp,eax ; Save # of bytes read from file for later
  182. xor ecx,ecx ; Clear buffer pointer ECX to 0
  183. pop rdx ; Restore caller's EDX
  184. pop rbx ; Restore caller's EBX
  185. pop rax ; Restore caller's EAX
  186. ret ; And return to caller
  189. GLOBAL _start
  191. ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  193. ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
  194. _start:
  195. nop ; No-ops for GDB
  196. nop
  198. ; Whatever initialization needs doing before the loop scan starts is here:
  199. xor esi,esi ; Clear total byte counter to 0
  200. call LoadBuff ; Read first buffer of data from stdin
  201. cmp ebp,0 ; If ebp=0, sys_read reached EOF on stdin
  202. jbe Exit
  204. ; Go through the buffer and convert binary byte values to hex digits:
  205. Scan:
  206. xor eax,eax ; Clear EAX to 0
  207. mov al,byte[Buff+ecx] ; Get a byte from the buffer into AL
  208. mov edx,esi ; Copy total counter into EDX
  209. and edx,0000000Fh ; Mask out lowest 4 bits of char counter
  210. call DumpChar ; Call the char poke procedure
  212. ; Bump the buffer pointer to the next character and see if buffer's done:
  213. inc esi ; Increment total chars processed counter
  214. inc ecx ; Increment buffer pointer
  215. cmp ecx,ebp ; Compare with # of chars in buffer
  216. jb .modTest ; If we've processed all chars in buffer...
  217. call LoadBuff ; ...go fill the buffer again
  218. cmp ebp,0 ; If ebp=0, sys_read reached EOF on stdin
  219. jbe Done ; If we got EOF, we're done
  221. ; See if we're at the end of a block of 16 and need to display a line:
  222. .modTest:
  223. test esi,0000000Fh ; Test 4 lowest bits in counter for 0
  224. jnz Scan ; If counter is *not* modulo 16, loop back
  225. call PrintLine ; ...otherwise print the line
  226. call ClearLine ; Clear hex dump line to 0's
  227. jmp Scan ; Continue scanning the buffer
  229. ; All done! Let's end this party:
  230. Done:
  231. call PrintLine ; Print the "leftovers" line
  232. Exit: mov eax,1 ; Code for Exit Syscall
  233. mov ebx,0 ; Return a code of zero
  234. int 80H ; Make kernel call
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