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a guest
Apr 20th, 2018
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  2. You can use this to create a key but in my opinion it isn't useful as you can use a Local Key and I haven't figured out a use for these keys yet.
  3. ==========================================
  4. voteKey {
  5. name="&3Vote Key"
  6. isVirtual=false
  7. item {
  8. id="minecraft:nether_star"
  9. name="&3Vote Key"
  10. }
  11. }
  12. ==========================================
  15. ==========================================
  16. Example Crate {
  17. cooldownSeconds=0
  18. effects { // Animations
  19. idle {
  20. particles=[
  21. {
  22. animationPreset=orbit
  23. color=[
  24. 0,
  25. 255,
  26. 0
  27. ]
  28. type="minecraft:redstone_dust"
  29. },
  30. {
  31. animationPreset=orbit
  32. color=[
  33. 255,
  34. 255,
  35. 0
  36. ]
  37. type="minecraft:redstone_dust"
  38. }
  39. ]
  40. }
  41. }
  42. free=false
  43. hologram {
  44. lines=[
  45. "&bExample Crate" //Name of the crate.
  46. ]
  47. }
  48. //This is where you create your key this works as a Local Key.
  49. localKey {
  50. id="minecraft:nether_star"
  51. name="&3Example Key"
  52. }
  53. name="&bExample Crate"
  54. slots=[
  55. {
  56. chance=7.0 //Chance rate of this working
  57. displayItem {
  58. count=5
  59. id="minecraft:dirt" // use the block id.
  60. name="You can name the reward here"
  61. }
  62. rewards=[
  63. {
  64. type=item //Refer to the wiki on how to make this a command.
  65. }
  66. ]
  67. }
  68. ]
  69. useLocalKey=true //Makes it so the create uses said localKey.
  70. viewType=instant //here you can use Instant, Spinner and Roulette (Refer to the wiki for more info)
  71. }
  73. =====================================
  75. HuskyCrates Config
  76. =====================================
  78. messages {
  79. balanceCommand {
  80. balanceRow="&7 - {key}&r&7: &a{amount}"
  81. noBalanceEntries="&7This user has no balances."
  82. noValidUser="&cNo valid user found to list the balance of."
  83. otherBalanceHeader="&6{player}'s Key Balances"
  84. selfBalanceHeader="&aYour Key Balances"
  85. userNotExist="&c{username} has never logged into this server."
  86. uuidBalanceHeader="&2Balance for {uuid}"
  87. }
  88. blockCommand {
  89. itemOnlyFailure="&cThe block you supplied could not be converted to an item. Please try again with a different block."
  90. noPlayersFound="&cNo valid players could be found to give a crate placement block to."
  91. }
  92. crate {
  93. rejectionCooldown="&cYou currently have {cooldown.remaining} second{cooldown.remaining.plural} out of {} remaining left in your cooldown."
  94. rejectionNeedKey="&cYou need {key.0.amountRequired} {}&r&c to use this crate."
  95. virtualKeyConsumed="&eYou just used {amount} {key}{amount.plural}&r&e from your key balance. You have {amountRemaining} {key}&r&e{amountRemaining.plural} left."
  96. }
  97. keyCommand {
  98. crateKeyVirtual="&cThe resolved key is virtual only. Please supply a key that can be a physical item, or use the \"v\" flag."
  99. crateNoLocalKey="&cThe supplied crate did not have a local key."
  100. keyDeliveryFail="&c{player} failed to receive their {amount} key{amount.plural}!"
  101. keyDeliverySuccess="&a{player} received {amount} key{amount.plural}."
  102. massKeyDeliverySuccess="&a{playerAmount} player{playerAmount.plural} received {amount} key{amount.plural}."
  103. noPlayersFound="&cNo valid players could be found to deliver keys to."
  104. receivedKey="&aYou received {amount} {key}{amount.plural}&r!"
  105. selfKeyDeliveryFail="&cFailed to give you keys!"
  106. selfKeyDeliverySuccess="&aYou were given {amount} key{amount.plural}."
  107. }
  108. }
  109. secureKeys=true
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