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Nov 18th, 2019
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  1. Notes for edin:
  3. 00:43: Finish build that house first. After 2 houses, all villagers on sheep till you have 6 on sheep
  4. 1:43: Next 2 go on wood around the TC first (dont spend wood building lumbercamp yet)
  5. 2:15: Bring the other sheep much closer to TC, otherwise enemy scout can easily steal them.
  6. 4:30 Your villagers finished one sheep then stood idle while you brought in another. This won't be as much a problem if the sheep were closer to start with.
  7. - There are usually 2 pairs of sheep further away. Look for them, then always use scout to get them close to TC. You left two sheep unexplored at top left.
  8. - Research loom, then send 2 vils + scout to wall. Ctrl+shift+1 them so you can quickly toggle to them by double pressing 1 as soon as you hear the wolf alarm
  9. - Make sure scout is always close to villagers so he can help kill wolves.
  11. 6:22: always make sure you have extra houses to have a buffer of 10 vils to spare minimum. You got housed early on
  12. 6:33: Always send a vil to lure a boar while your vils are on their last 2 sheep. You vils stood idle too long after finished the last sheep.
  13. 7:20: You sent all your vils to the boar without building a mill right next to it. They wasted too much time walking back to TC
  14. 9:16: After you finished the first boar, your vils stood idle waiting for another boar to be lured. You could have put them on berries instead while you lured the other boar
  15. 9:38: The villager luring the boar should garrison in the TC as soon as the other vils start shooting the boar. This will often save its life. Use the g hotkey and click on the TC to garrison. Press g again immediately after to take the villager out, then use it to help kill the boar
  16. 11:16: After villagers finished the second boar, they stood idle too long
  17. RECURRING THEME: TOO MANY IDLE VILLAGERS TOO OFTEN. Get the idle villager mod so you can clearly notice when you have idles.
  18. 14:00: You clicked Feudal too early. You want at least 28 pop to be able to immediately go to castle after Feudal. Especially if not threatened by attacks.
  19. 14:00: Too few villagers on wood when you went to feudal, and none on stone. You need at least 2 on stone and 2 on gold before you go feudal so you can 1) go to castle quickly and 2) build enough TC's once you are in castle. I usually have at least 7 on wood before going feudal.
  20. 14:47: Farms:Lumberjack ratio too high, you will not be able to sustain your farms.
  21. RECURRING THEME: YOU ARE GETTING HOUSED TOO OFTEN. Always have 10 villager buffer
  22. 17:17: You would have been able to click castle by now if you had more villagers on gold early on. Also don't travel so far to build market at first, just build one next to TC so you can get to castle ASAP.
  23. 18:23: VIlalgers that finished berries stood idle too long. Put half on wood and half on farms.
  24. 21:43: Built second market too soon. When going to castle, you want to have around 900 wood so you can build 3 TC's right away. This market was a waste of precious early wood. Also, avoid repopulating farms to save for Castle age wood.
  25. 22:04: You are now in caslte age with only 170 stone. You want to have at least 400 at this point. Putting 2 villagers on stone in dark age would have solved that.
  26. 22:42: Should have put all the gold miners to help build the TC. 2 vils will take too long. You need a TC now more than you need gold.
  27. 23:16: Can't tell if you clicked to upgrade the lumbercamp but you should have done that while researching caslte age.
  28. 23:44: Too soon to build trade carts. You have plenty of gold mines and you need your wood to make TC's first.
  29. 24:17: STILL NO STONE MINERS?? You now have enough wood for a third TC but no stone miners so you are stuck
  30. 24:17: Two idle farms. Lumbercamp is now too far from treeline. Build 2 new lumbercamps right at tree line and delete old one. Villagers wasting too much time walking back and forth.
  31. 26:55: THe villagers that build the new farms should have been sent to stone instead
  32. 26:55: Vilalger that build the house is now idle. If you are gonna build a house, and you have wood to spare, always queue up at least 3 or 4 houses.
  33. 27:42: You have weigh more gold than any other resource. This should never be the case. Put more vils on food and wood. Gold is needed when you have boomed and are ready to build an army.
  34. 27:42: I villager building a far away? No man. Return on investment is too long. Have many villagers build a TC right next to a mine and also next to wood. Then pick a few of them to build farms around the TC while you send new vils on mine or on wood.
  35. 28:12: HOUSED
  36. 31:37: The new houses should be strategically placed to protect your base. Surround your farms with houses so if you get rushed, the houses prevent enemy from reaching the villagers.
  37. 37:29: HOUSED
  38. 39:12: You should be building a castle now so you can do the research to make army faster.
  39. 40:09: The idle vilalger that built your military buildings should be building a seige workshop. You want all military buildings available so you can create whatever units you need on demand.
  40. 40:33: HOUSED. Also look at lumberjacks. Too far from lumbercamp. Hotkeys help with this issue.
  41. 40:33: Doing the wall upgrade in university is superior to having more wall layers.
  42. 43:02: HOUSED. Also, enemy has tons of gunpowder units. The counter to these is skirmishers and seige onagers. In this case genitours would have worked well too. You should be building archery rangers and seige workshops, not stables.
  43. 45:25: You stone miners are now idle. Wheneve you see idle units like that, first reflect should be to send them to wood, then pick vils from wood later to send to any stray mines.
  44. 45:25: The villagers that finished building the archery range are idle. When you have enough wood, always queue up multiple buildings so this does not happen.
  45. 47:08: HOUSED
  46. 47:39: A few hussars lured your genitours away from where they really needed to be (helping younes kill the conquistadors). A better response would have been to start building barracks with your wood villagers and pumping out pikemen/halbs, and moving the villagers being attacked to the TC to use that as a weapon.
  47. 49:54: Two hussars remained and killed many more vils. Should have put vils in TC to kill the hussars with arrows. Also instead of building a castle, barracks and pikemen would have been faster and more effective.
  48. 51:31: You should be building a lot more archery ranges to pump out genitours faster. They are effective vs conquistadors but you need bigger numbers
  49. 52:46: Neither you or younes had any seige to defend again towers and castles. You could have easily built a few trebs and/or BBC. You have plenty of gold and wood.
  50. 54:20: Neither you or younes have any halbs to defends against hussars, which the red guy uses a lot of
  51. 56:20: It's pretty much GG at this point.
  52. Better luck next time!
  54. So the main take-aways are:
  55. - Resolve the idle villager issue by getting the idle villager mod.
  56. - Always be building houses. Your villager just finished building houses? Have him build more. Put another pair on another lotissement of houses at the same time. ALWAYS BE BUILDING HOUSES MAN!
  57. - Don't waste your wood to build markets before you have at least 3 TC. You need that wood to build TC's immediately after reaching caslte age.
  58. - Put 2 vils on stone from dark age
  59. - Have more vils on wood from feudal age
  60. - Don't go to feudal till you have at least 28 vils
  61. - Always build lumber camps closer to treeline, deleting old ones to make space for new buildings.
  62. - Build more military buildings in a row. A lot more.
  63. - Build all types of military buildings, and multiple of each type. Do the researches to upgrade your pikemen to halbs
  64. - Use seige units, You had none at all
  65. - Build units in response to enemy units
  66. - When your base is attacked, use TC as first line of defense when possible.
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