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Apr 29th, 2016
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  1. <?
  5. define('ORA_CONNECTION_TYPE_NEW', 3);
  6. define('ORA_MESSAGES_NOT_CONNECTED', 'Not connected to Oracle instance');
  8. class ORACLE {
  9. private static $_instance;
  10. private $conn_handle;
  11. private $conn_data;
  12. private $errors_pool;
  13. private $statements = array();
  14. private $autocommit = false;
  15. private $fetch_mode = OCI_BOTH;
  16. private $last_query;
  17. private $var_max_size = 1000;
  18. private $execute_status = false;
  19. private $charset;
  20. private $session_mode = OCI_DEFAULT;
  22. /**
  23. * Set array fetching mode for Fetch methods
  24. *
  25. * @param mixed $mode
  26. */
  27. public function SetFetchMode($mode = OCI_BOTH){
  28. $this->fetch_mode = $mode;
  29. }
  31. /**
  32. * Set on|off auto commit option
  33. *
  34. * @param bool $mode
  35. */
  36. public function SetAutoCommit($mode = true){
  37. $this->autocommit = $mode;
  38. }
  40. /**
  41. * Set variable max size for binding
  42. *
  43. * @param int $size
  44. */
  45. public function SetVarMaxSize($size){
  46. $this->var_max_size = $size;
  47. }
  49. /**
  50. * Returns the last error found.
  51. *
  52. */
  53. public function GetError(){
  54. return @oci_error($this->conn_handle);
  55. }
  57. /**
  58. * Set nls_lang
  59. *
  60. * @param string $charset
  61. */
  62. public function SetNlsLang($charset = ORA_CHARSET_DEFAULT){
  63. $this->charset = $charset;
  64. }
  66. /**
  67. * Constructor
  68. *
  69. */
  70. public function __construct(){
  71. $this->SetNlsLang('CL8MSWIN1251');
  72. $this->SetFetchMode(OCI_ASSOC);
  73. $this->SetAutoCommit(false);
  74. }
  76. /**
  77. * Connect to Oracle DB
  78. *
  79. * @param string $host
  80. * @param string $user
  81. * @param string $pass
  82. * @param int $mode (OCI_DEFAULT, OCI_SYSDBA, OCI_SYSOPER)
  84. * @return bool
  85. */
  86. public function Connect($host = 'localhost', $user='', $pass='', $mode = OCI_DEFAULT, $type = ORA_CONNECTION_TYPE_DEFAULT){
  87. switch ($type) {
  89. $this->conn_handle = oci_pconnect($user, $pass, $host, $this->charset, $mode);
  90. }; break;
  92. $this->conn_handle = oci_new_connect($user, $pass, $host, $this->charset, $mode);
  93. }; break;
  94. default:
  95. $this->conn_handle = oci_connect($user, $pass, $host, $this->charset, $mode);
  96. }
  97. return is_resource($this->conn_handle) ? true : false;
  98. }
  100. /**
  101. * Destructor
  102. *
  103. */
  104. public function __destruct(){
  105. if (is_resource($this->conn_handle)) {
  106. @oci_close($this->conn_handle);
  107. }
  108. }
  110. /**
  111. * This function return last command exec status
  112. *
  113. * @return bool
  114. */
  115. public function GetExecuteStatus(){
  116. return $this->execute_status;
  117. }
  119. private function GetBindingType($var){
  120. if (is_a($var, "OCI-Collection")) {
  121. $bind_type = SQLT_NTY;
  122. $this->SetVarMaxSize(-1);
  123. } elseif (is_a($var, "OCI-Lob")) {
  124. $bind_type = SQLT_CLOB;
  125. $this->SetVarMaxSize(-1);
  126. } else {
  127. $bind_type = SQLT_CHR;
  128. }
  129. return $bind_type;
  130. }
  132. /**
  133. * Private method for execute any sql query or pl/sql
  134. *
  135. * @param string $sql_text
  136. * @param array | false $bind
  137. * @return resource | false
  138. */
  139. private function Execute($sql_text, &$bind = false){
  140. if (!is_resource($this->conn_handle)) return false;
  141. $this->last_query = $sql_text;
  143. $stid = @oci_parse($this->conn_handle, $sql_text);
  145. $this->statements[$stid]['text'] = $sql_text;
  146. $this->statements[$stid]['bind'] = $bind;
  148. if ($bind && is_array($bind)) {
  149. foreach($bind as $k=>$v){
  150. oci_bind_by_name($stid, $k, $bind[$k], $this->var_max_size, $this->GetBindingType($bind[$k]));
  151. }
  152. }
  153. $com_mode = $this->autocommit ? OCI_COMMIT_ON_SUCCESS : OCI_DEFAULT;
  154. $this->execute_status = oci_execute($stid, $com_mode);
  155. return $this->execute_status ? $stid : false;
  156. }
  158. /**
  159. * select command wraooer
  160. *
  161. * @param string $sql the query text
  162. * @param array | false $bind array of pairs binding variables
  163. * @return resource | false
  164. */
  165. public function Select($sql, $bind = false){
  166. return $this->Execute($sql, $bind);
  167. }
  169. /**
  170. * Fetch array of select statement
  171. *
  172. * @param resource $statement valid OCI statement id
  173. * @return array
  174. */
  175. public function FetchArray($statement){
  176. return oci_fetch_array($statement, $this->fetch_mode);
  177. }
  179. /**
  180. * Function Returns a numerically indexed array containing the next result-set row of a query.
  181. * Each array entry corresponds to a column of the row. This function is typically called in a loop
  182. * until it returns FALSE, indicating no more rows exist.
  183. *
  184. * @param resource $statement valid OCI statement id
  185. * @return array Returns a numerically indexed array. If there are no more rows in the statement then FALSE is returned.
  186. */
  187. public function FetchRow($statement){
  188. return oci_fetch_row($statement);
  189. }
  191. /**
  192. * Fetch rows from select operation
  193. *
  194. * @param resourse $statement valid OCI statement identifier
  195. * @param int $skip number of initial rows to ignore when fetching the result (default value of 0, to start at the first line).
  196. * @param int $maxrows number of rows to read, starting at the skip th row (default to -1, meaning all the rows).
  197. * $return array
  198. */
  199. public function FetchAll($statement, $skip = 0, $maxrows = -1){
  200. $rows = array();
  201. oci_fetch_all($statement, $rows, $skip, $maxrows, OCI_FETCHSTATEMENT_BY_ROW);
  202. return $rows;
  203. }
  205. /**
  206. * Fetch row as object
  207. *
  208. * @param resource $statement valid OCI statement identifier
  209. * @return object
  210. * @author Sergey Pimenov
  211. */
  212. public function FetchObject($statement){
  213. return oci_fetch_object($statement);
  214. }
  216. /**
  217. * Fetches the next row (for SELECT statements) into the internal result-buffer.
  218. *
  219. * @param resource $statement valid OCI statement id
  220. * @return bool
  221. */
  222. public function Fetch($statement){
  223. return oci_fetch($statement);
  224. }
  226. /**
  227. * Returns the data from field in the current row, fetched by Fetch()
  228. *
  229. * @param resource $statement valid OCI statement id
  230. * @param mixed $field Can be either use the column number (1-based) or the column name (in uppercase).
  231. * @return mixed
  232. */
  233. public function Result($statement, $field){
  234. return oci_result($statement, $field);
  235. }
  237. /**
  238. * Associates a PHP variable with a column for query fetches using Fetch().
  239. *
  240. * @param resource $statement A valid OCI statement identifier
  241. * @param string $column_name The column name used in the query.
  242. * @param mixed $variable The PHP variable that will contain the returned column value.
  243. * @param int $type The data type to be returned.
  244. * @return bool
  245. */
  246. public function DefineByName($statement , $column_name , &$variable, $type = SQLT_CHR){
  247. return oci_define_by_name($statement, $column_name, $variable, $type);
  248. }
  250. public function FieldIsNull($statement, $field){
  251. return oci_field_is_null($statement, $field);
  252. }
  254. public function FieldName($statement, int $field){
  255. return oci_field_name($statement, $field);
  256. }
  258. public function FieldPrecition($statement, int $field){
  259. return oci_field_precision($statement, $field);
  260. }
  262. public function FieldScale($statement, int $field){
  263. return oci_field_scale($statement, $field);
  264. }
  266. public function FieldSize($statement, $field){
  267. return oci_field_size($statement, $field);
  268. }
  270. public function FieldTypeRaw($statement, int $field){
  271. return oci_field_type_raw($statement, $field);
  272. }
  274. public function FieldType($statement, int $field){
  275. return oci_field_type($statement, $field);
  276. }
  278. /**
  279. * Insert row into table
  280. *
  281. * @param string $table name of table
  282. * @param array $arrayFieldsValues define pair field => value
  283. * @param array $bind define pairs holder => value for binding
  284. * @param array $returning define fields for returning clause in insert statement
  285. * @return mixed if $returnig is defined function return array of fields defined in $returning
  286. * @author Sergey Pimenov
  287. */
  288. public function Insert($table, $arrayFieldsValues, &$bind = false, $returning = false){
  289. if (empty($arrayFieldsValues)) return false;
  290. $fields = array();
  291. $values = array();
  292. foreach($arrayFieldsValues as $f=>$v){
  293. $fields[] = $f;
  294. $values[] = $v;
  295. }
  296. $fields = implode(",", $fields);
  297. $values = implode(",", $values);
  298. $ret = "";
  299. if ($returning) {
  300. foreach($returning as $f=>$h){
  301. $ret_fields[] = $f;
  302. $ret_binds[] = ":$h";
  303. $bind[":$h"] = "";
  304. }
  305. $ret = " returning ".(implode(",", $ret_fields))." into ".(implode(",",$ret_binds));
  306. }
  307. $sql = "insert into $table ($fields) values($values) $ret";
  308. $result = $this->Execute($sql, $bind);
  309. if ($result === false) return false;
  310. if ($returning === false) {
  311. return $result;
  312. } else {
  313. $result = array();
  314. foreach($returning as $f=>$h){
  315. $result[$f] = $bind[":$h"];
  316. }
  317. return $result;
  318. }
  319. }
  321. /**
  322. * Method for update data in table
  323. *
  324. * @param string $table
  325. * @param array $arrayFieldsValues
  326. * @param string | false $condition
  327. * @param array | false $bind
  328. * @return resource
  329. */
  330. public function Update($table, $arrayFieldsValues, $condition = false, &$bind = false, $returning = false){
  331. if (empty($arrayFieldsValues)) return false;
  332. $fields = array();
  333. $values = array();
  334. foreach($arrayFieldsValues as $f=>$v){
  335. $fields[] = "$f = $v";
  336. }
  337. $fields = implode(",", $fields);
  338. if ($condition === false) { $condition = "true";}
  339. $ret = "";
  340. if ($returning) {
  341. foreach($returning as $f=>$h){
  342. $ret_fields[] = $f;
  343. $ret_binds[] = ":$h";
  344. $bind[":$h"] = "";
  345. }
  346. $ret = " returning ".(implode(",", $ret_fields))." into ".(implode(",",$ret_binds));
  347. }
  348. $sql = "update $table set $fields where $condition $ret";
  349. $result = $this->Execute($sql, $bind);
  350. if ($result === false) return false;
  351. if ($returning === false) {
  352. return $result;
  353. } else {
  354. $result = array();
  355. foreach($returning as $f=>$h){
  356. $result[$f] = $bind[":$h"];
  357. }
  358. return $result;
  359. }
  360. }
  362. public function Delete($table, $condition, &$bind = false, $returning = false){
  363. if ($condition === false) { $condition = "true";}
  364. $ret = "";
  365. if ($returning) {
  366. foreach($returning as $f=>$h){
  367. $ret_fields[] = $f;
  368. $ret_binds[] = ":$h";
  369. $bind[":$h"] = "";
  370. }
  371. $ret = " returning ".(implode(",", $ret_fields))." into ".(implode(",",$ret_binds));
  372. }
  373. $sql = "delete from $table where $condition $ret";
  374. $result = $this->Execute($sql, $bind);
  375. if ($result === false) return false;
  376. if ($returning === false) {
  377. return $result;
  378. } else {
  379. $result = array();
  380. foreach($returning as $f=>$h){
  381. $result[$f] = $bind[":$h"];
  382. }
  383. return $result;
  384. }
  385. }
  387. /**
  388. * Gets the number of rows affected during statement execution.
  389. *
  390. * @param resource $statement
  391. * @return int
  392. */
  393. public function NumRows($statement){
  394. return oci_num_rows($statement);
  395. }
  397. /**
  398. * Synonym for NumRows()
  399. *
  400. * @param resource $statement
  401. * @return int
  402. */
  403. public function RowsAffected($statement){
  404. return $this->NumRows($statement);
  405. }
  407. /**
  408. * Gets the number of columns in the given statement.
  409. *
  410. * @param resource $statement
  411. * @return int
  412. */
  413. public function NumFields($statement){
  414. return oci_num_fields($statement);
  415. }
  417. /**
  418. * Synonym for NumFields()
  419. *
  420. * @param resource $statement
  421. * @return int
  422. */
  423. public function FieldsCount($statement){
  424. return $this->NumFields($statement);
  425. }
  427. // Support Lob
  429. /**
  430. * Allocates resources to hold descriptor or LOB locator.
  431. *
  432. * @param resource $connection
  433. * @param int $type Valid values for type are: OCI_DTYPE_FILE, OCI_DTYPE_LOB and OCI_DTYPE_ROWID.
  434. * @return OCI-Lob
  435. */
  436. public function NewDescriptor($type = OCI_DTYPE_LOB){
  437. return oci_new_descriptor($this->conn_handle, $type);
  438. }
  440. /**
  441. * Allocates a new collection object
  442. *
  443. * @param string $typename Should be a valid named type (uppercase).
  444. * @param string $schema Should point to the scheme, where the named type was created. The name of the current user is the default value.
  445. * @return OCI-Collection
  446. */
  447. public function NewCollection($typename, $schema = null){
  448. return oci_new_collection($this->conn_handle, $typename, $schema);
  449. }
  451. // Support stored procedures and functions
  453. /**
  454. * Method for execute stored procedure
  455. *
  456. * @param mixed $name
  457. * @param string $params
  458. * @param mixed $bind
  459. * @return resource
  460. */
  461. public function StoredProc($name, $params = false, &$bind = false){
  462. if ($params) {
  463. if (is_array($params)) $params = implode(",", $params);
  464. $sql = "begin $name($params); end;";
  465. } else {
  466. $sql = "begin $name; end;";
  467. }
  468. return $this->Execute($sql, $bind);
  469. }
  471. /**
  472. * Methos for execute stored function
  473. *
  474. * @param mixed $name
  475. * @param string $params
  476. * @param mixed $bind
  477. * @return mixed
  478. */
  479. public function Func($name, $params = false, $bind = false){
  480. if ($params) {
  481. if (is_array($params)) $params = implode(",", $params);
  482. $sql = "select $name($params) as RESULT from dual";
  483. } else {
  484. $sql = "select $name from dual";
  485. }
  486. $h = $this->Execute($sql, $bind);
  487. $r = $this->FetchArray($h);
  488. return $r['RESULT'];
  489. }
  491. /**
  492. * Method execute cursor defined in stored proc
  493. *
  494. * @param string $stored_proc stored proc where cursor is defined
  495. * @param string $bind binding for out parameter in stored proc
  496. * @return resource
  497. * @example Cursor("utils.get_cursor", "dataset"); //begin utils.get_cursor(:dataset); end;
  498. */
  499. public function Cursor($stored_proc, $bind){
  500. if (!is_resource($this->conn_handle)) return false;
  501. $sql = "begin $stored_proc(:$bind); end;";
  502. $curs = oci_new_cursor($this->conn_handle);
  503. $stmt = oci_parse($this->conn_handle, $sql);
  504. oci_bind_by_name($stmt, $bind, $curs, -1, OCI_B_CURSOR);
  505. oci_execute($stmt);
  506. oci_execute($curs);
  507. $this->FreeStatement($stmt);
  508. return $curs;
  509. }
  511. /**
  512. * Invalidates a cursor, freeing all associated resources and cancels the ability to read from it.
  513. *
  514. * @param resource $statement valid OCI statement id
  515. * @return bool
  516. */
  517. public function Cancel($statement){
  518. return oci_cancel($statement);
  519. }
  521. /**
  522. * Free resource of OCI statement identifier
  523. *
  524. * @param resource $stid
  525. * @return bool
  526. * @author Sergey Pimenov
  527. */
  528. public function FreeStatement($stid){
  529. unset($this->statements[$stid]);
  530. return oci_free_statement($stid);
  531. }
  533. /**
  534. * Free array of resources of OCI statement identifier
  535. *
  536. * @param array $array_stid
  537. * @return bool
  538. * @author Sergey Pimenov
  539. */
  540. public function FreeStatements($array_stid){
  541. if (is_array($array_stid)) foreach($array_stid as $stid) {
  542. unset($this->statements[$stid]);
  543. oci_free_statement($stid);
  544. }
  545. return true;
  546. }
  548. /**
  549. * Commit transaction
  550. *
  551. * @return bool
  552. * @author Sergey Pimenov
  553. */
  554. public function Commit(){
  555. if (is_resource($this->conn_handle))
  556. return @oci_commit($this->conn_handle);
  557. else
  558. return false;
  559. }
  561. /**
  562. * Rollback transaction
  563. *
  564. * @return bool
  565. * @author Sergey Pimenov
  566. */
  567. public function Rollback(){
  568. if (is_resource($this->conn_handle))
  569. return @oci_rollback($this->conn_handle);
  570. else
  571. return false;
  572. }
  574. /**
  575. * Enables or disables internal debug output.
  576. *
  577. * @param bool $mode
  578. */
  579. public function InternalDebug($mode){
  580. oci_internal_debug($mode);
  581. }
  584. public function GetStatement($stid){
  585. return $this->statements[$stid] ? $this->statements[$stid] : false;
  586. }
  588. /**
  589. * Get sql text operation
  590. *
  591. * @param resource $stid valid OCI statement id
  592. * @return string
  593. */
  594. public function QuerySnapshot($stid = false){
  595. if ($stid) return $this->statements[$stid]['text']; else return $this->last_query;
  596. }
  598. /**
  599. * Get Oracle Server version
  600. *
  601. * @return string | false
  602. */
  603. public function ServerVer(){
  604. if (is_resource($this->conn_handle))
  605. return @oci_server_version($this->conn_handle);
  606. else
  607. return false;
  608. }
  610. public function SetAction(string $action_name){
  611. return @oci_set_action($this->conn_handle, $action_name);
  612. }
  614. public function SetClientID(string $client_id){
  615. return @oci_set_client_identifier($this->conn_handle, $client_id);
  616. }
  618. public function SetClientInfo(string $client_info){
  619. return @oci_set_client_info($this->conn_handle, $client_info);
  620. }
  622. public function SepPrefetch(int $rows){
  623. return oci_set_prefetch($this->conn_handle, $rows);
  624. }
  626. /**
  627. * Returns a keyword identifying the type of the OCI statement.
  628. *
  629. * @param resource $statement
  630. * @return string (ALTER, BEGIN, CALL, CREATE, DECLARE, DELETE, DROP, INSERT, SELECT, UPDATE, UNKNOWN) return false on error
  631. */
  632. public function StatementType($statement){
  633. return oci_statement_type($statement);
  634. }
  636. public function DumpQueriesStack(){
  637. var_dump($this->statements);
  638. }
  640. public function Bye(){
  641. $this->__destruct();
  642. }
  644. public function get_handle(){
  645. return $this->conn_handle;
  646. }
  647. }
  648. ?>
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