

Oct 8th, 2017
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  1. Quoting from the [Reveal article](
  3. >"From **January 2008 to the end of 2016**, we identified **63 cases of Islamist domestic terrorism**... The vast majority of these (76 percent) were foiled plots... During the same period, we found that **right-wing extremists were behind nearly twice as many incidents: 115**. Just over a third of these incidents (35 percent) were foiled plots... Right-wing extremist terrorism was more often deadly: Nearly a third of incidents involved fatalities, **for a total of 79 deaths**, while 13 percent of Islamist cases caused fatalities. (**The total deaths associated with Islamist incidents were higher, however, reaching 90**, largely due to the 2009 mass shooting at Fort Hood in Texas.)"
  5. While Newsweek and Reveal don't account for size of the offenders' respective populations, that can be done easily. To calculate per capita statistics about terrorism, we need more information. According to [](, the US has approximately 325 million inhabitants as of 2017.
  7. *Note: to be as accurate as possible, one would use a population figure which was averaged from January 2008 to the end of 2016 for both groups. Not doing so will not have a significant effect on the data.
  9. [Pew defines 29% of the US population as "right wing".]( This proportion of the population (29% of 325 million is 94.25 million) was responsible for 115 cases of terrorism, nearly 33% of those incidents involved fatalities *(38 is almost 33% of 115)*, with a total of 79 deaths. This is assuming Reveal has accurately recorded incidences of "right-wing terrorism", which is not the case, Reveal has repeatedly categorized generic violent crime committed by white people, such as a bank robbery, as terrorism, despite the lack of any political or religious motive. Regardless, the figures here will be calculated as if Reveal's stats *were* accurate. Some might object to the use of Pew's figures on right-wing Americans, as this is not restricted to "white Christian right-wing Americans" (seen in contrast to "(generally Arab or Somali) Muslims", but Reveal would include a black sovereign citizen shooting a cop as right-wing terrorism. It is most accurate to be as broad with the population figure of "right-wing Americans" as Reveal is broad with their figures on "right-wing terrorism".
  11. [Mohammedans are 0.9%]( (2.925 million) of the US population and were involved in 63 cases of terrorism, 13% caused fatalities *(13% of 63 is 8.19, or simply 8)*, with a total of 90 deaths.
  13. Now for the mathematics, **you don't need to read this, you can skip to the "Comparing the raw per capita statistics" section below**:
  15. 1. There are 2.925 million Mohammedans, 100,000 goes into 2,925,000 29.25 times, if we divide the number of Mohammedan offenses by 29.25, we have the terrorist cases "per 100,000"; 100,000 acts as a common denominator, commonly used to measure "crime rates" (murder rates are almost always stated as, for example, 1.5/100,000). This gives **2.15 cases of Islamist terrorism/100,000 Mohammedans, 0.2735 cases involving fatalities/100,00 Mohammedans, and 3.08 deaths caused by Islamist terrorism/100,000 Mohammedans**. *63 incidents/2,925,000 population = 2.15 incidents/100,00. 8 incidents with fatalities/2.925 million = 0.2735 incidents with fatalities/100,00. 90 deaths caused/2.925 million = 3.0769 deaths caused/100,000.*
  17. *It is important to note that, at present, a relatively low proportion of Islamist terrorist incidents involve fatalities, but Mohammedans are only approximately 1% of the population. If the Mohammedan population tripled overnight, it would be impossible for our security services to ensure that the same proportion of the most radical Jihadists were involved in sting operations with fake bombs and so on, where no one is harmed. In short, as Mohammedans increase in proportion of population, proportionally fewer of those Jihadists planning attacks will have their attempts foiled without casualties.
  19. 2. There are approximately 94.25 million right-wing Americans (according to Pew polling), 100,000 goes into 94,250,000 942.5 times, we can use this to calculate the per capita statistics. This provides a rate of **0.12 cases of right-wing extremism/100,000 right wingers**, 33% of those were claimed to have involved fatalities. **There were 0.0403 cases of right-wing extremism involving fatalities/100,000 right wingers**, and **.084 deaths caused by right-wing extremists/100,000 right wingers.** *115 incidents/94.25 million = .12/100,00. 38 incidents with fatalities/94.25 million = .0403183/100,00. 79 deaths caused/94.25 million = .0838196*
  21. Comparing the raw per capita statistics (all per 100,000):
  22. * Incidences of terrorism:
  23. Islamic: 2.15
  24. Right-wing: 0.12
  26. Incidences of Islamic terrorism are 17.92 times more common than right-wing terrorism per capita.
  28. * Incidences of terrorism involving fatalities:
  29. Islamic: 0.27
  30. Right-wing: 0.04
  32. Islamic terrorism involving fatalities is 6.75 times more common than such right-wing terrorism per capita.
  34. * Deaths caused by terrorism:
  35. Islamic: 3.08
  36. Right-wing: 0.08
  38. There are 38.5 deaths caused by Islamic terrorism for every one death caused by right-wing extremism, per capita.
  40. Note: typically per capita statistics (e.g. 15 cases of felony assault/100,000) are based on the number of cases over a single year, all these statistics are based on the cases collected over the 8.9 year period Reveal provides.
  42. **If Mohammedans had an equal share of population with right-wing Americans** (presently the population of right-wing Americans, 94.25 million, is 32.22 times larger than the 2.925 million Mohammedans in the US):
  44. 1. There would be 17.65 times more cases of Islamic terrorism than right-wing terrorism. *94.25 million right wingers is a figure 32.22 times larger than 2.925 million Mohammedans, if there were 32.22 times more Mohammedans, we would expect their 63 cases of terrorism recorded to be similarly multiplied (at least), producing a figure of 2,029.9 Islamic terrorism cases. 2,029.9 Islamic cases with 94.25 million Muslims (hypothetical)/115 cases of right-wing terrorism per 94.25 million right wingers = Mohammedan terrorism cases would be 17.651 times greater in number.*
  46. 2. Cases of Islamic terrorism involving fatalities would be 2.241 times greater in number than the already exaggerated figures on right-wing terrorism (again, robbing a bank for economic reasons is not terrorism). *Multiplying the 8 incidents of Islamic terrorism that caused fatalities by 32.22 produces a figure of 257.76 incidents, 257.76 incidents of Mohammedan terrorism with a population of 94.25 million Mohammedans would be a figure 2.241 times larger than the 115 incidents recorded by Reveal as having been done by 94.25 million right-wing Americans. Alternatively, one could compare the .0403 incidences involving fatalities/100,000 right-wing Americans, to the 0.2735/100,000 Mohammedans, *
  48. 3. An incident of Islamic terrorism involving fatalities would occur, on average, every 12.64 days. *Multiplying the 8 incidents of Islamic terrorism that caused fatalities by 32.22 produces a figure of 257.76 incidents, Reveal states that their figures were recorded from the beginning of 2008 to the end of 2016, an almost 9 year period, a period with exactly 3,257 days. 3,257 days/257.76 hypothetical incidents (per such period) provides a figure of one Islamist incident involving fatalities, on average, every 12.64 days.*
  50. 4. Mohammedans would have killed 36.71 times more people via terrorism than (mostly Christian) right-wing Americans. *Multiplying the 90 deaths by Mohammedan terrorism times 32.22, to reach a common population denominator of 94.25 million with right-wing Americans, provides a figure of 2,899.8 deaths by Islamic terrorism compared to the 79 deaths attributed to approximately 94.25 million right wingers by Reveal. 2,899.8 fatalities attributable to Jihadists/79 fatalities attributable to right-wingers = 36.70633).
  52. 5. Mohammedans would kill 325.8 Americans per year, on average. *In #4, the number of deaths via Jihadist attacks over a 8.9 year period was recorded (3257 days/365 = 8.923 years), this was 2,899.8 deaths. 2899.8/8.923 yields a figure of 325.8 Americans killed per year, on average. Again, this is with a hypothetical Muslim population as large as the present population of right-wing Americans, so that would mean 32.22 times as many Muslims, and 32.22 times as many deaths by Muslim terrorism.*
  54. The per capita statistics completely rebuke the narrative these discredited anti-white news outlets were attempting to force on the public. Mohammedans cause 38.5 times more deaths per capita than right wingers and these (((journalists))) have the gall to complain about a "disproportionate" focus on Islamist terrorism? Relative to their propensity to commit terrorism, the focus on Mohammedan terrorists could only be inadequate. Despite the fact that Mohammedans caused 38.5 times more deaths than right wingers via terrorism per capita, guess which group the liberals want to bring in more of? I'll give you a hint: they're not shilling for Ukranian refugees to be brought into historically white countries, those are just privileged wh*te pipo, why would liberals care if they die in a civil war?
  56. [Pew Projects Muslims will increase from 0.9% of the population to 2.1% by 2050](, and that's likely a massive underestimate if Trump can't secure the demographics of the voting population to give Republicans a chance going forwards. Projecting off of their existing propensity to commit an act of terrorism, and based off the figure that the US will have [approximately 438 million inhabitants in 2050](; 2.1% of 438 million is 9,198,000 Mohammedan invaders. In a hypothetical 8.9-year period (3,125 days) centered around 2050, we can expect that the 2.1% Mohammedan population (9.198 million Mohammedans) with 3.08 deaths caused via Islamist terrorism/100,000 Mohammedans (per year), would cause 283.3 fatalities over that period, meaning an average of one death by Muslim terrorism every 11.03 days, and this is assuming that the scope or frequency of Mohammedan terrorism would not increase. If US intelligence resources have to manage 9.2 million Mohammedans instead of 2.925 million, that's 3.15 times more potential terrorists to keep an eye on, will these intelligence agencies succeed in foiling as many plots, proportionally? Or will Mohammedans be emboldened by the fact that the intelligence community would be getting a weaker grasp of potential Islamist terrorists every day? If London as of 2017 was any indication, we can absolutely expect terrorism to become more common as Mohammedans become a greater proportion of the population.
  58. In response to the above statistics, a leftist would likely assert that "Muslims are right-wing, so hah! Checkmate xenophobes, now you have to surrender your country to low-IQ brown people" [According to PewResearch]( "When it comes to political and social views, Muslims are far more likely to identify with or lean toward the Democratic Party (70%) than the Republican Party (11%) and to say they prefer a bigger government providing more services (68%) over a smaller government providing fewer services (21%)." Mohammedans are economic leftists, if anyone is, even if they have some "socially conservative" views (although they're conserving Mohammedan social views, not historically American ones.) Pew was not including Mohammedans as generally right-wing (self-identified Democrats who want bigger government are not the demographic Pew considered "right-wing"), nor did Reveal, the objection that Mohammedans are right-wing is a semantic point that does not invalidate the fact that these generally nonwhite Muslims are statistically much more likely to engage in terrorism than white Christians who vote for Republican candidates.
  60. The above calculations were done on the assumption that Reveal's statistics were themselves accurate, but as has been alluded to repeatedly, this is not the case. Reveal's "investigators" (read: propagandists) outright lie about the nature of many of many crimes committed by non-Mohammedans, Reveal repeatedly characterizes spur of the moment acts of violence, or economically-motivated crime, as terrorism intended to advance a political agenda. Let's look at some of the supposedly right-wing terrorist incidents.
  64. * Joshua Cartwright, in Florida, is listed as "Miscellaneous Right Wing", Reveal mentions how he killed two deputies "sent to arrest him" and he then died in a highway shootout. A [FoxNews article]( explains the situation: Cartwright allegedly was involved in a physical fight with his wife over the location of his Clearasil, when two cops came to arrest him, he resisted arrest, and shot at them after they tazed him; if this qualifies as an act of terrorism, every #BLM dindu who hates "Drumpf" and resists arrest and then attacks police is a terrorist. There is no evidence to suggest that a political motive was the impetus for Cartwright's behavior. Liberal news sites pointed out at the time that Cartwright was worried that Obama was going to ban guns, but I am sure plenty of black criminals dislike Trump and have resisted arrest, did they resist arrest in an attempt to help themselves or to make a political statement? The crimes committed by Cartwright were obviously done on impulse, and not any sort of planned act of terrorism. None of the cases Reveal lists as right-wing terrorism in Florida involved terrorism charges.
  66. * Curtis Wade Holley, Florida. According to Mark Potok, editor of a "Hatewatch blog" (read: not sympathetic to sovereign citizens), [there is no evidence that Curtis Holley was a sovereign citizen]( "In 2004, he was arrested outside Austin for driving with a suspended license, booked into the county jail and released the same day. He was convicted and fined $500. In 1980, when he was 19 years old, he got a speeding ticket in Franklin County, North Carolina, and paid a $50 fine." Holley had no history of political activism which one could use to infer that he was a sovereign citizen. The man set his home on fire and fired at first responders, the evidence we have that this could have been terrorism is that he had the opportunity to fire at civilians out of a uniform, but did not. He apparently was only targeting those in uniform, LEOs. The police broadly stated that Holley had "anti-government views", but there are plenty of both right- and left-wing ideologues who fall into that category, was he an anarcho-communist or a right-libertarian? The police didn't specify, so the assumption one way or the other is pure speculation; of course, the absence of public evidence that contradicts Reveal's biases means they'll fill in the blanks and decide that he was right-wing. [He was growing marijuana in his home, was about to be evicted, and decided to burn down his house and kill anyone who showed up to stop him]( Was this an unhinged man taking out his anger on his landlord's property and those who attempted to stop him, or was he was a left-libertarian who hated the cops who would have arrested him for growing marijuana? It's possible he was even a left-wing terrorist, a right-wing terrorist, or committing suicide by cop in the process of getting revenge, but Reveal has determined the possibility most convenient for their narrative is necessarily true.
  68. * Jimmy Lee Dykes, Alabama: **[Motives not disclosed](,** and yet Reveal's "investigators" assert that he was right-wing. It's known that he had "anti-government" views, but nothing further than that is known to the public. Granted, he was a white male Vietnam vet, so there certainly was a good chance he was right-wing, but the relevant details have not been provided publicly. If his motive was to draw attention to the CIA's involvement in drug smuggling, this is a possibility as his motives have not been disclosed, would that be an inherently right-wing or left-wing sentiment?
  70. * Chapel Hill shooting in North Carolina: "Our preliminary investigation indicates that the crime was motivated by an ongoing neighbor dispute over parking. Hicks is cooperating with investigators and more information may be released at a later time," [according to the local police.]( Reveal is (surprise) lying by asserting this is "right-wing terrorism." Reveal is not merely seizing upon an absence of evidence, as in the above instances, they are contradicting the evidence here.
  72. * Warren, Taylor, Virginia, claimed by Reveal to be a "Miscellaneous Right Wing" terrorist. "“There was no mission statement. No demands made. No purpose in what he was doing. There was no reason for any of it,” said Jimmy Oliver, 41, one of the hostages, who spoke with The Associated Press..." [No mission statement, no purpose](, this was an act of random violence by a deranged man, not terrorism.
  74. * Richard Poplawski, Pennsylvania, alleged by Reveal to be a right-wing terrorist: the man's mother threatened to kick him out of the house, and then called the police to have them remove him, when the police arrived, Poplawski murdered the arriving officers; while this is shameful behavior, it's not terrorism. ["Dispute leads to shooting" is how the story was reported](, not "Dispute leads to act of terrorism". While Poplawski wrote about his political views, "One can read the list of significant persons in government and in major corporations and see who is pulling the strings. One can observe the policies and final products and should walk away with little doubt there is Zionist occupation and -- after some further research & critical thinking -- will discover their insidious intentions." Anyone with strongly held political views who commits a crime of passion or opportunity and then violently resists arrests is a terrorist? That's the standard being applied here, if it is a valid standard, then black Americans (who are less than 14% of the population according to Census figures, and committed more than 51% of all murders in the US in 2015) are undoubtedly the largest cohort of terrorists in the United States. It's ridiculous to assert that all serious crimes committed by political dissidents are necessarily terrorism, but absurdity is no barrier to the biases of shitty liberal statisticians.
  76. * Bruce Turnidge, Joshua Turnidge, Oregon: Robbing a bank isn't terrorism.
  78. * Reveal also lists the Bundy ranch situation as a case of terrorism, but they do not list the vandalism of the [keystone pipeline]( as terrorism. It's activism when leftists protest Federal decisions (while breaking the law), and terrorism when right-wingers do it. Imagine my shock, more biased reporting on Reveal's part.
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