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  2. cse156h Program Grade Checker - Grader Interface
  4. This interface is for graders
  5. Grade A Student's Program
  6. CSE Login
  7. CSE Password
  8. Student CSE Login
  9. Assignment
  11. Individual Grade Results
  12. Results for (Nathaniel Bauman) (nbauman)
  13. Homework 2
  14. [-] Test Suite CSCE 156H/RAIK 184H - Spring 2016 - Assignment 2 - EDI Phase - Grader Suite
  16. This is a test suite for Assignment 2, XML/JSON output.
  18. Note: random test cases are pulled from a larger pool. Different runs of the grader can result in different test cases; your program should be stable enough to handle any and all of them.
  20. [-] Source Files
  21. [-]
  23. package;
  24. public class Equipment extends Product {
  25. private double pricePerUnit;
  26. public Equipment(String code, char type, String name, double pricePerUnit) {
  27. super(code, type, name);
  28. this.pricePerUnit = pricePerUnit;
  29. }
  31. @Override
  32. public String toString() {
  33. String eq = "Equipment [pricePerUnit=" + pricePerUnit + "]";
  34. return super.toString() + " " + eq;
  35. }
  36. public double getPricePerUnit() {
  37. return pricePerUnit;
  38. }
  39. public void setPricePerUnit(double pricePerUnit) {
  40. this.pricePerUnit = pricePerUnit;
  41. }
  43. }
  45. [-]
  47. package;
  48. import java.util.Arrays;
  49. import com.thoughtworks.xstream.XStream;
  50. import;
  51. public class Person {
  52. @Override
  53. public String toString() {
  54. return "Person [" + (personCode != null ? "personCode=" + personCode + ", " : "")
  55. + (firstName != null ? "firstName=" + firstName + ", " : "")
  56. + (lastName != null ? "lastName=" + lastName + ", " : "")
  57. + (address != null ? "address=" + address + ", " : "")
  58. + (emails != null ? "emails=" + Arrays.toString(emails) : "") + "]";
  59. }
  60. private String personCode;
  61. private String firstName;
  62. private String lastName;
  63. private Address address;
  64. private String emails[];
  66. public Person(String personCode, String firstName, String lastName, Address address, String[] emails) {
  67. this.personCode = personCode;
  68. this.firstName = firstName;
  69. this.lastName = lastName;
  70. this.address = address;
  71. this.emails = emails;
  72. }
  73. public Person(String personCode, String firstName, String lastName, Address address) {
  74. this.emails = null;
  75. this.personCode = personCode;
  76. this.firstName = firstName;
  77. this.lastName = lastName;
  78. this.address = address;
  79. }
  80. public String getPersonCode() {
  81. return personCode;
  82. }
  83. public void setPersonCode(String personCode) {
  84. this.personCode = personCode;
  85. }
  86. public String getFirstName() {
  87. return firstName;
  88. }
  89. public void setFirstName(String firstName) {
  90. this.firstName = firstName;
  91. }
  92. public String getLastName() {
  93. return lastName;
  94. }
  95. public void setLastName(String lastName) {
  96. this.lastName = lastName;
  97. }
  98. public Address getAddress() {
  99. return address;
  100. }
  101. public void setAddress(Address address) {
  102. this.address = address;
  103. }
  104. public String[] getEmails() {
  105. return emails;
  106. }
  107. public void setEmails(String[] emails) {
  108. this.emails = emails;
  109. }
  111. //creates XML formatting for an individual Person
  112. public String toXML(){
  113. XStream xstream = new XStream();
  114. xstream.alias("person", Person.class);
  115. xstream.alias("address", Address.class);
  116. return xstream.toXML(this);
  118. }
  120. //creates XML formatting for an array of People
  121. public static String arrayToXML(Person[] people){
  122. String xml = "<persons>\n";
  123. for(Person p : people){
  124. xml += p.toXML() + "\n";
  125. }
  126. xml += "</persons>";
  127. xml = xml.replaceAll("string", "email");
  128. return xml;
  129. }
  131. //uses xStream and replaces incorrect formatting to create JSON data from the Customer
  132. public String toJSON(){
  133. XStream xstream = new XStream(new JsonHierarchicalStreamDriver());
  134. xstream.setMode(XStream.NO_REFERENCES);
  135. xstream.alias("person", Person.class);
  136. xstream.alias("address", Address.class);
  137. String json = xstream.toXML(this);
  138. String json2 = json.replace("{\"person\": {", "{");
  139. String json3 = json2.replaceAll("}}","},");
  140. return json3;
  141. }
  143. //indents all the lines in a String
  144. //used to correctly indent objects belonging to other objects when printing in JSON
  145. public static String addSpace(String s, int n) {
  146. String nLine,nnLine = "", str = "";
  147. String line[] = s.split("\n");
  149. //adds n number of spaces
  150. for(int i=0; i<n; i++) {
  151. str += " ";
  152. }
  154. //adds n number of spaces in front of each line
  155. for(int i=0; i<line.length; i++) {
  156. nLine = str + line[i];
  157. if(line[i] != line[line.length-1]) {
  158. nLine += "\n";
  159. }
  160. nnLine += nLine;
  161. }
  162. return nnLine;
  163. }
  165. //creates JSON formatting for an array of People
  166. public static String arrayToJSON(Person[] people){
  167. String xml = "{\n \"persons\": {\n \"person\": [\n";
  168. for(Person p : people){
  169. xml += addSpace(p.toJSON(),4) + "\n";
  170. }
  171. xml += " ]\n }\n}\n";
  172. xml = xml.replaceAll("},\n ]","}\n ]");
  173. return xml;
  174. }
  175. }
  177. [-]
  179. package;
  180. import;
  181. import;
  182. import;
  183. import java.util.Scanner;
  184. public class DataConverter {
  185. public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException{
  187. int i = 0;
  189. String line = "";
  190. //Scans and retrieves data from the persons file
  191. Scanner sc = new Scanner(new File("data/Persons.dat"));
  192. //retrieves the number of lines in the file
  193. int numberOfLines = Integer.parseInt(sc.nextLine());
  194. Person people[] = new Person[numberOfLines];
  196. //tokenizes and organizes data
  197. while (i<numberOfLines) {
  198. line = sc.nextLine();
  199. String tokens[] = line.split(";");
  201. String personCode = tokens[0].trim();
  203. String name[] = tokens[1].split(",");
  204. String firstName = name[1].trim();
  205. String lastName = name[0].trim();
  207. String add[] = tokens[2].split(",");
  208. String street = add[0].trim();
  209. String city = add[1].trim();
  210. String state = add[2].trim();
  211. String zip = add[3].trim();
  212. String country = add[4].trim();
  213. Address address = null;
  214. //zip may be empty, so check it before constructing Address using one of two constructors
  215. if(zip.isEmpty()){
  216. address = new Address(street, city, state, country);
  217. }else{
  218. address = new Address(street, city, state, zip, country);
  219. }
  221. //constructing using fields above
  222. if(tokens.length <= 3){
  223. people[i] = new Person(personCode, firstName, lastName, address);
  224. }else{
  225. String emails[] = tokens[3].split(",");
  226. for(String email:emails){
  227. email = email.trim();
  228. }
  229. people[i] = new Person(personCode, firstName, lastName, address, emails);
  230. }
  232. //System.out.println(people[i].toString());
  233. i++;
  234. }
  235. sc.close();
  237. //reads in data from Customers file
  238. i = 0;
  239. String line2 = "";
  240. Scanner sc2 = new Scanner(new File("data/Customers.dat"));
  241. //retrieves the number of lines in the file
  242. int numberOfLines2 = Integer.parseInt(sc2.nextLine());
  243. Customer customers[] = new Customer[numberOfLines2];
  245. //tokenizes and organizes data
  246. while (i<numberOfLines2) {
  247. line2 = sc2.nextLine();
  248. String tokens[] = line2.split(";", 5);
  250. String customerCode = tokens[0].trim();
  252. char type = tokens[1].charAt(0);
  254. String personCode = tokens[3].trim();
  255. Person primaryContact = null;
  256. for(int j=0; j<people.length; j++){
  257. if(people[j].getPersonCode().equals(personCode)){
  258. primaryContact = people[j];
  259. }
  260. }
  262. String company = tokens[3].trim();
  264. String add[] = tokens[4].split(",", 5);
  265. String street = add[0].trim();
  266. String city = add[1].trim();
  267. String state = add[2].trim();
  268. String zip = add[3].trim();
  269. String country = add[4].trim();
  270. Address address = null;
  271. //test to see if there is a zip code
  272. if(zip.isEmpty()){
  273. address = new Address(street, city, state, country);
  274. }else{
  275. address = new Address(street, city, state, zip, country);
  276. }
  278. //constructs Customer using fields
  279. customers[i] = new Customer(customerCode, type, primaryContact, company, address);
  280. System.out.println(customers[i].toString());
  281. i++;
  282. }
  283. sc2.close();
  285. //Scans and retrieves data from the persons file
  286. i = 0;
  287. String line3 = "";
  288. Scanner sc3 = new Scanner(new File("data/Products.dat"));
  289. //retrieves the number of lines in the file
  290. int numberOfLines3 = Integer.parseInt(sc3.nextLine());
  291. Product products[] = new Product[numberOfLines3];
  293. //tokenizes and organizes data
  294. while (i<numberOfLines3){
  295. line3 = sc3.nextLine();
  297. String tokens[] = line3.split(";", 5);
  299. String productCode = tokens[0].trim();
  301. char type = tokens[1].charAt(0);
  303. String companyName = tokens[2].trim();
  305. //Tests to see which subclass of Product the object is and retrieves the object's unique variables and constructs the object
  306. if(type == 'E'){
  307. double pricePerUnit = Double.parseDouble(tokens[3].trim());
  309. Product E = new Equipment(productCode, type, companyName, pricePerUnit);
  310. products[i] = E;
  312. }else if(type == 'L'){
  313. double serviceFee = Double.parseDouble(tokens[3].trim());
  315. double annualLicenseFee = Double.parseDouble(tokens[4].trim());
  317. Product L = new License(productCode, type, companyName, serviceFee, annualLicenseFee);
  318. products[i] = L;
  320. }else if(type == 'C'){
  322. String personCode = tokens[3].trim();
  323. Person consultant = null;
  324. for(Person p : people){
  325. if(p.getPersonCode().equals(personCode)) {
  326. consultant = p;
  327. }
  328. }
  330. double hourlyFee = Double.parseDouble(tokens[4].trim());
  332. Product C = new Consultation(productCode, type, companyName, consultant, hourlyFee);
  333. products[i] = C;
  335. }
  336. System.out.println(products[i].toString());
  337. i++;
  338. }
  339. sc3.close();
  341. //writes the data to the respective file
  342. PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new File("data/Persons.xml"));
  343. pw.print(Person.arrayToXML(people));
  344. pw.close();
  346. PrintWriter pw2 = new PrintWriter(new File("data/Persons.json"));
  347. pw2.print(Person.arrayToJSON(people));
  348. pw2.close();
  350. PrintWriter pw3 = new PrintWriter(new File("data/Customers.xml"));
  351. pw3.print(Customer.arrayToXML(customers));
  352. pw3.close();
  354. PrintWriter pw4 = new PrintWriter(new File("data/Customers.json"));
  355. pw4.print(Customer.arrayToXML(customers));
  356. pw4.close();
  358. PrintWriter pw5 = new PrintWriter(new File("data/Products.xml"));
  359. pw5.print(Product.arrayToXML(products));
  360. pw5.close();
  362. PrintWriter pw6 = new PrintWriter(new File("data/Products.json"));
  363. pw6.print(Product.arrayToJSON(products));
  364. pw6.close();
  365. }
  366. }
  368. [-]
  370. package;
  371. import com.thoughtworks.xstream.XStream;
  372. import;
  373. public abstract class Product {
  374. private String code;
  375. private char type;
  376. private String name;
  379. public Product(String code, char type, String name) {
  380. this.code = code;
  381. this.type = type;
  382. = name;
  383. }
  385. @Override
  386. public String toString() {
  387. return "Product [" + (code != null ? "code=" + code + ", " : "") + "type=" + type + ", "
  388. + (name != null ? "name=" + name : "") + "]";
  389. }
  390. public String getCode() {
  391. return code;
  392. }
  393. public void setCode(String code) {
  394. this.code = code;
  395. }
  396. public char getType() {
  397. return type;
  398. }
  399. public void setType(char type) {
  400. this.type = type;
  401. }
  402. public String getName() {
  403. return name;
  404. }
  405. public void setName(String name) {
  406. = name;
  407. }
  409. //creates XML formatting for an individual Product
  410. public String toXML(){
  411. XStream xstream = new XStream();
  412. xstream.alias("person", Person.class);
  413. xstream.alias("address", Address.class);
  414. xstream.aliasField("productCode", Product.class, "code");
  415. xstream.alias("license", License.class);
  416. xstream.alias("equipment", Equipment.class);
  417. xstream.alias("consultation", Consultation.class);
  418. xstream.omitField(Product.class, "type");
  419. xstream.aliasField("fee", License.class, "serviceFee");
  420. xstream.aliasField("annualCost", License.class, "annualLicenseFee");
  421. xstream.aliasField("pricePerHour", Consultation.class, "hourlyFee");
  422. return xstream.toXML(this);
  424. }
  426. //creates XML formatting for an array of Products
  427. public static String arrayToXML(Product[] products){
  428. String xml = "<products>\n";
  429. for(Product p : products){
  430. xml += p.toXML() + "\n";
  431. }
  432. xml += "</products>";
  433. return xml;
  434. }
  436. //uses xStream and replaces incorrect formatting to create JSON data from the Product
  437. public String toJSON(){
  438. XStream xstream = new XStream(new JsonHierarchicalStreamDriver());
  439. xstream.setMode(XStream.NO_REFERENCES);
  440. xstream.alias("x", License.class);
  441. xstream.alias("x", Equipment.class);
  442. xstream.alias("x", Consultation.class);
  443. xstream.omitField(Product.class, "type");
  444. String json = xstream.toXML(this);
  445. String json2 = json.replace("{\"x\": {", "{");
  446. String json3 = json2.replaceAll("}}", "},");
  447. return json3;
  449. }
  452. //creates JSON formatting for an array of Products
  453. static String arrayToJSON(Product[] products){
  454. String xml = "{\n\"products\": [";
  455. for(Product p: products){
  456. xml += Person.addSpace(p.toJSON(), 2) + "\n";
  457. }
  458. xml += "]}";
  459. xml = xml.replaceAll("},\n]}", "}\n]}");
  460. return xml;
  461. }
  462. }
  464. [-]
  466. package;
  467. import com.thoughtworks.xstream.XStream;
  468. import;
  469. public class Customer {
  470. private String customerCode;
  471. private String companyName;
  472. private Address address;
  473. private Person primaryContact;
  474. private char type;
  478. public Customer(String customerCode, char type, Person primaryContact, String companyName, Address address) {
  479. this.customerCode = customerCode;
  480. this.type = type;
  481. this.primaryContact = primaryContact;
  482. this.companyName = companyName;
  483. this.address = address;
  484. }
  485. public String getCustomerCode() {
  486. return customerCode;
  487. }
  488. public void setCustomerCode(String customerCode) {
  489. this.customerCode = customerCode;
  490. }
  491. @Override
  492. public String toString() {
  493. return "Customer [" + (customerCode != null ? "customerCode=" + customerCode + ", " : "") + "type=" + type
  494. + ", " + (primaryContact != null ? "primaryContact=" + primaryContact + ", " : "")
  495. + (companyName != null ? "companyName=" + companyName + ", " : "")
  496. + (address != null ? "address=" + address : "") + "]";
  497. }
  498. public Address getAddress() {
  499. return address;
  500. }
  501. public void setAddress(Address address) {
  502. this.address = address;
  503. }
  504. public String getCompanyName() {
  505. return companyName;
  506. }
  507. public void setCompanyName(String companyName) {
  508. this.companyName = companyName;
  509. }
  510. public Person getPrimaryContact() {
  511. return primaryContact;
  512. }
  513. public void setPrimaryContact(Person primaryContact) {
  514. this.primaryContact = primaryContact;
  515. }
  516. public char getType() {
  517. return type;
  518. }
  519. public void setType(char type) {
  520. this.type = type;
  521. }
  523. //creates XML formatting for an individual Customer
  524. public String toXML(){
  525. XStream xstream = new XStream();
  526. xstream.alias("person", Person.class);
  527. xstream.alias("address", Address.class);
  528. if(this.getType() == 'G'){
  529. xstream.alias("governmentCustomer", Customer.class);
  530. }else if(this.getType() == 'C'){
  531. xstream.alias("companyCustomer", Customer.class);
  532. }
  533. xstream.omitField(Customer.class, "type");
  534. return xstream.toXML(this);
  535. }
  537. //creates XML formatting for an array of Customers
  538. public static String arrayToXML(Customer[] customer){
  539. String xml = "<customers>\n";
  540. for(Customer c : customer){
  541. xml += c.toXML() + "\n";
  542. }
  543. xml += "</customers>";
  544. xml = xml.replaceAll("string", "email");
  545. return xml;
  546. }
  548. //uses xStream and replaces incorrect formatting to create JSON data from the Customer
  549. public String toJSON(){
  550. XStream xstream = new XStream(new JsonHierarchicalStreamDriver());
  551. xstream.setMode(XStream.NO_REFERENCES);
  552. xstream.alias("c", Customer.class);
  553. xstream.alias("address", Address.class);
  554. xstream.omitField(Customer.class, "type");
  555. String json = xstream.toXML(this);
  556. String json2 = json.replace("{\"c\": {", "{");
  557. String json3 = json2.replaceAll("}}", "},");
  558. return json3;
  560. }
  562. //creates JSON formatting for an array of Customers
  563. public static String arrayToJSON(Customer[] customers){
  564. String xml = "{\n\"customers\": [\n";
  565. for(Customer c: customers){
  566. xml += Person.addSpace(c.toJSON(), 2) + "\n";
  567. }
  568. xml += "]}";
  569. xml = xml.replaceAll("},\n]}","}\n]}");
  570. return xml;
  571. }
  573. }
  575. [-]
  577. package;
  578. public class License extends Product {
  579. private double serviceFee;
  580. private double annualLicenseFee;
  582. public License(String code, char type, String name, double serviceFee, double annualLicenseFee) {
  583. super(code, type, name);
  584. this.serviceFee = serviceFee;
  585. this.annualLicenseFee = annualLicenseFee;
  586. }
  590. @Override
  591. public String toString() {
  592. String li = "License [serviceFee=" + serviceFee + ", annualLicenseFee=" + annualLicenseFee + "]";
  593. return super.toString() + " " + li;
  594. }
  595. public double getServiceFee() {
  596. return serviceFee;
  597. }
  598. public void setServiceFee(double serviceFee) {
  599. this.serviceFee = serviceFee;
  600. }
  601. public double getAnnualLicenseFee() {
  602. return annualLicenseFee;
  603. }
  604. public void setAnnualLicenseFee(double annualLicenseFee) {
  605. this.annualLicenseFee = annualLicenseFee;
  606. }
  609. }
  611. [-]
  613. package;
  614. public class Consultation extends Product{
  615. private Person consultant;
  616. private double hourlyFee;
  619. public Consultation(String code, char type, String name, Person consultant, double hourlyFee) {
  620. super(code, type, name);
  621. this.consultant = consultant;
  622. this.hourlyFee = hourlyFee;
  623. }
  624. @Override
  625. public String toString() {
  626. String con = "Consultation [" + (consultant != null ? "consultant=" + consultant + ", " : "") + "hourlyFee="
  627. + hourlyFee + "]";
  628. return super.toString() + " " + con;
  629. }
  630. public Person getConsultant() {
  631. return consultant;
  632. }
  633. public void setConsultant(Person consultant) {
  634. this.consultant = consultant;
  635. }
  636. public double getHourlyFee() {
  637. return hourlyFee;
  638. }
  639. public void setHourlyFee(double hourlyFee) {
  640. this.hourlyFee = hourlyFee;
  641. }
  644. }
  646. [-]
  648. package;
  649. public class Address {
  650. private String street;
  651. private String city;
  652. private String state;
  653. private String zip;
  654. private String country;
  655. public Address(String street, String city, String state, String country) {
  656. = null;
  657. this.street = street;
  658. = city;
  659. this.state = state;
  660. = country;
  661. }
  662. public Address(String street, String city, String state, String zip, String country) {
  663. this.street = street;
  664. = city;
  665. this.state = state;
  666. = zip;
  667. = country;
  668. }
  669. public String getStreet() {
  670. return street;
  671. }
  672. public void setStreet(String street) {
  673. this.street = street;
  674. }
  675. public String getCity() {
  676. return city;
  677. }
  678. public void setCity(String city) {
  679. = city;
  680. }
  681. public String getState() {
  682. return state;
  683. }
  684. public void setState(String state) {
  685. this.state = state;
  686. }
  687. @Override
  688. public String toString() {
  689. return "Address [street=" + street + ", city=" + city + ", state=" + state + ", zip=" + zip + ", country="
  690. + country + "]";
  691. }
  692. public String getZip() {
  693. return zip;
  694. }
  695. public void setZip(String zip) {
  696. = zip;
  697. }
  698. public String getCountry() {
  699. return country;
  700. }
  701. public void setCountry(String country) {
  702. = country;
  703. }
  705. }
  707. Running Test Module Commands...
  708. [-] Test Module Cinco Invoice System
  710. Checking for required files...
  711. [-] Pre Testing Commands
  712. [-] Zip Archive File Contents (did you build it right?)
  714. Archive:
  715. Length Date Time Name
  716. --------- ---------- ----- ----
  717. 606 2016-02-09 17:51 Project/.classpath
  718. 383 2016-02-09 17:48 Project/.project
  719. 598 2016-02-09 17:48 Project/.settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs
  720. 2037 2016-02-09 17:51 Project/bin/cse/unl/edu/Address.class
  721. 1666 2016-02-09 17:54 Project/bin/cse/unl/edu/Consultation.class
  722. 4404 2016-02-11 17:57 Project/bin/cse/unl/edu/Customer.class
  723. 6103 2016-02-11 18:27 Project/bin/cse/unl/edu/DataConverter.class
  724. 1160 2016-02-09 17:51 Project/bin/cse/unl/edu/Equipment.class
  725. 1420 2016-02-09 17:51 Project/bin/cse/unl/edu/License.class
  726. 4963 2016-02-11 17:58 Project/bin/cse/unl/edu/Person.class
  727. 3753 2016-02-11 17:58 Project/bin/cse/unl/edu/Product.class
  728. 56702 2016-02-08 19:08 Project/lib/jettison-1.0.1.jar
  729. 48224 2016-02-08 19:52 Project/lib/json-20151123.jar
  730. 7188 2016-02-08 16:23 Project/lib/xmlpull-
  731. 24956 2016-02-08 16:22 Project/lib/xpp3_min-1.1.4c.jar
  732. 538830 2016-02-08 16:04 Project/lib/xstream-1.4.8.jar
  733. 1366 2016-02-08 15:32 Project/src/cse/unl/edu/
  734. 861 2016-02-09 17:54 Project/src/cse/unl/edu/
  735. 3321 2016-02-11 17:57 Project/src/cse/unl/edu/
  736. 5788 2016-02-11 18:27 Project/src/cse/unl/edu/
  737. 574 2016-02-05 15:45 Project/src/cse/unl/edu/
  738. 878 2016-02-05 15:43 Project/src/cse/unl/edu/
  739. 3828 2016-02-11 17:58 Project/src/cse/unl/edu/
  740. 2710 2016-02-11 17:58 Project/src/cse/unl/edu/
  741. --------- -------
  742. 722319 24 files
  744. [-] Jar File Contents
  747. org/
  748. org/eclipse/
  749. org/eclipse/jdt/
  750. org/eclipse/jdt/internal/
  751. org/eclipse/jdt/internal/jarinjarloader/
  752. org/eclipse/jdt/internal/jarinjarloader/JIJConstants.class
  753. org/eclipse/jdt/internal/jarinjarloader/JarRsrcLoader$ManifestInfo.class
  754. org/eclipse/jdt/internal/jarinjarloader/JarRsrcLoader.class
  755. org/eclipse/jdt/internal/jarinjarloader/RsrcURLConnection.class
  756. org/eclipse/jdt/internal/jarinjarloader/RsrcURLStreamHandler.class
  757. org/eclipse/jdt/internal/jarinjarloader/RsrcURLStreamHandlerFactory.class
  758. cse/
  759. cse/unl/
  760. cse/unl/edu/
  761. cse/unl/edu/DataConverter.class
  762. cse/unl/edu/Equipment.class
  763. cse/unl/edu/Consultation.class
  764. cse/unl/edu/Person.class
  765. cse/unl/edu/License.class
  766. cse/unl/edu/Customer.class
  767. cse/unl/edu/Address.class
  768. cse/unl/edu/Product.class
  769. jettison-1.0.1.jar
  770. json-20151123.jar
  771. xmlpull-
  772. xpp3_min-1.1.4c.jar
  773. xstream-1.4.8.jar
  775. Running Test Cases...
  776. [-] Test Case Test Case 0 (student's own test case)
  777. Expected Output
  779. Data and output files handed in:
  782. Customers.dat:
  783. 6
  784. C001;G;Dept. of Wal-Mart;saslakdfj;6633 Thunder Panda Freeway, Judge Town, MB, R4D-5B5,CA
  785. C002;G;Dept. of Pizza Hut;sldkfje3;260 Bay Street,Smyrna,GA,30080,USA
  786. C003;C;Frito-Lay;flksd12;912 B Street,Philadelphia,OH,44663,USA
  787. C004;G;Dept. of Coca-Cola Co.;3lkjfds;6289 Silver Pines, Surprise Valley, MB, R2P-8B6,CA
  788. C005;C;Disney;lskdfj;400 Buttonwood Drive,Glendale Heights,IL,60139,USA
  789. C006;G;Dept. of Toys R Us;sldkf21;996 Cobblestone Court,New Berlin,WI,53151,USA
  790. Persons.dat:
  791. 20
  792. saslakdfj;Christensen, Hal;768 Main Street North,Fairborn,OH,45324,USA;
  793. sldkfje3;Obrien, Minh;826 Tanglewood Drive,Bluffton,SC,29910,USA;
  794. flksd12;Gallagher, Madelene;722 Durham Road,Hoboken,NJ,07030,USA;
  795. 3lkjfds;George, Joannie;996 Cobblestone Court,New Berlin,WI,53151,USA;
  796. lskdfj;Saunders, Hiroko;716 West Street,Wadsworth,OH,44281,USA;
  797. sldkf21;Moss, Lyle;331 Arlington Avenue,Hackettstown,NJ,07840,USA;
  798. 213dlkfj;Fox, Elliott;514 Park Place,Brownsburg,IN,46112,USA;,
  799. 234dfkjd;Martinez, Hannelore;260 Bay Street,Smyrna,GA,30080,USA;
  800. 2342kljf;Hampton, Hubert;283 Woodland Avenue,Cambridge,MA,02138,USA;
  801. 32kjlk2l;Lloyd, Mohammed;974 Lexington Drive,Kenosha,WI,53140,USA;
  802. dlkfjk32;Giles, Angie;400 Buttonwood Drive,Glendale Heights,IL,60139,USA;
  803. sldkfjlk3;Lyons, Edelmira;565 Fawn Court,Winter Springs,FL,32708,USA;
  804. fkjslkj32;Mora, Carletta;561 Edgewood Road,Solon,OH,44139,USA;
  805. s123askfj;Arellano, Horacio;912 B Street,Philadelphia,OH,44663,USA;
  806. dklfjkkl3;Wong, Kand;621 East Avenue,Brownsburg,IN,46112,USA;
  807. laskdfj;Marks, Ebonie;861 Jackson Avenue,Clemmons,NC,27012,USA;
  808. vnxcmvn8;Orr, Nobuko;6289 Silver Pines, Surprise Valley, MB, R2P-8B6,CA;
  809. dlskfj24;Soto, Thi;6633 Thunder Panda Freeway, Judge Town, MB, R4D-5B5,CA;
  810. slkdfjllj4;Campbell, Sharita;8807 Quiet Lane, Elephant Butte, YK, Y1O-8K0,CA;
  811. slkdfjlk2;Gillespie, Wilber;9590 Dusty Orchard, Red Wash, SK, S1X-1H7,CA;
  869. Products.dat:
  870. 9
  871. b29e;E;Cinco MIDI Organizer;2500.0
  872. ff23;E;Cinco-Fone;124.99
  873. fp12;E;Internette Discs;14.99
  874. 1239;E;Cinco Video Cube Playback System;5000.00
  875. 90fa;L;Cinco Long Distance Service;2000.00;12000.00
  876. 3289;C;Cinco-Fone Training;aef1;25.00
  877. 782g;C;Server System Setup;321nd;150.00
  878. 3294;L;Cloud SQL Hosting;0.00;35000.00
  879. 3295;L;Domain registration;350.00;1200.00
  880. Customers.xml:
  881. <?xml version="1.0"?>
  882. <customers>
  883. <governmentCustomer>
  884. <customerCode>C001</customerCode>
  885. <name>Dept. of Wal-Mart</name>
  886. <address>
  887. <street>6633 Thunder Panda Freeway</street>
  888. <city>Judge Town</city>
  889. <state>MB</state>
  890. <zip>R4D-5B5</zip>
  891. <country>CA</country>
  892. </address>
  893. <primaryContact>
  894. <personCode>saslakdfj</personCode>
  895. <firstName>Hal</firstName>
  896. <lastName>Christensen</lastName>
  897. <address>
  898. <street>768 Main Street North</street>
  899. <city>Fairborn</city>
  900. <state>OH</state>
  901. <zip>45324</zip>
  902. <country>USA</country>
  903. </address>
  904. <emails>
  905. <email></email>
  906. </emails>
  907. </primaryContact>
  908. </governmentCustomer>
  909. <governmentCustomer>
  910. <customerCode>C002</customerCode>
  911. <name>Dept. of Pizza Hut</name>
  912. <address>
  913. <street>260 Bay Street</street>
  914. <city>Smyrna</city>
  915. <state>GA</state>
  916. <zip>30080</zip>
  917. <country>USA</country>
  918. </address>
  919. <primaryContact>
  920. <personCode>sldkfje3</personCode>
  921. <firstName>Minh</firstName>
  922. <lastName>Obrien</lastName>
  923. <address>
  924. <street>826 Tanglewood Drive</street>
  925. <city>Bluffton</city>
  926. <state>SC</state>
  927. <zip>29910</zip>
  928. <country>USA</country>
  929. </address>
  930. <emails>
  931. <email></email>
  932. </emails>
  933. </primaryContact>
  934. </governmentCustomer>
  935. <companyCustomer>
  936. <customerCode>C003</customerCode>
  937. <name>Frito-Lay</name>
  938. <address>
  939. <street>912 B Street</street>
  940. <city>Philadelphia</city>
  941. <state>OH</state>
  942. <zip>44663</zip>
  943. <country>USA</country>
  944. </address>
  945. <primaryContact>
  946. <personCode>flksd12</personCode>
  947. <firstName>Madelene</firstName>
  948. <lastName>Gallagher</lastName>
  949. <address>
  950. <street>722 Durham Road</street>
  951. <city>Hoboken</city>
  952. <state>NJ</state>
  953. <zip>07030</zip>
  954. <country>USA</country>
  955. </address>
  956. <emails>
  957. <email></email>
  958. </emails>
  959. </primaryContact>
  960. </companyCustomer>
  961. <governmentCustomer>
  962. <customerCode>C004</customerCode>
  963. <name>Dept. of Coca-Cola</name>
  964. <address>
  965. <street>6289 Silver Pines</street>
  966. <city>Surprise Valley</city>
  967. <state>MB</state>
  968. <zip>R2P-8B6</zip>
  969. <country>CA</country>
  970. </address>
  971. <primaryContact>
  972. <personCode>3lkjfds</personCode>
  973. <firstName>Joannie</firstName>
  974. <lastName>George</lastName>
  975. <address>
  976. <street>996 Cobblestone Court</street>
  977. <city>New Berlin</city>
  978. <state>WI</state>
  979. <zip>53151</zip>
  980. <country>USA</country>
  981. </address>
  982. <emails>
  983. <email></email>
  984. </emails>
  985. </primaryContact>
  986. </governmentCustomer>
  987. <companyCustomer>
  988. <customerCode>C005</customerCode>
  989. <name>Disney</name>
  990. <address>
  991. <street>400 Buttonwood Drive</street>
  992. <city>Glendale Heights</city>
  993. <state>IL</state>
  994. <zip>60139</zip>
  995. <country>USA</country>
  996. </address>
  997. <primaryContact>
  998. <personCode>lskdfj</personCode>
  999. <firstName>Hiroko</firstName>
  1000. <lastName>Saunders</lastName>
  1001. <address>
  1002. <street>716 West Street</street>
  1003. <city>Wadsworth</city>
  1004. <state>OH</state>
  1005. <zip>44281</zip>
  1006. <country>USA</country>
  1007. </address>
  1008. <emails>
  1009. <email></email>
  1010. </emails>
  1011. </primaryContact>
  1012. </companyCustomer>
  1013. <governmentCustomer>
  1014. <customerCode>C006</customerCode>
  1015. <name>Dept. Toys R Us</name>
  1016. <address>
  1017. <street>996 Cobblestone Court</street>
  1018. <city>New Berlin</city>
  1019. <state>WI</state>
  1020. <zip>53151</zip>
  1021. <country>USA</country>
  1022. </address>
  1023. <primaryContact>
  1024. <personCode>sldkf21</personCode>
  1025. <firstName>Lyle</firstName>
  1026. <lastName>Moss</lastName>
  1027. <address>
  1028. <street>331 Arlington Avenue</street>
  1029. <city>Hackettstown</city>
  1030. <state>NJ</state>
  1031. <zip>07840</zip>
  1032. <country>USA</country>
  1033. </address>
  1034. <emails>
  1035. <email></email>
  1036. </emails>
  1037. </primaryContact>
  1038. </governmentCustomer>
  1039. </customers>
  1041. Persons.xml:
  1042. <?xml version="1.0"?>
  1043. <persons>
  1044. <person>
  1045. <personCode>saslakdfj</personCode>
  1046. <firstName>Hal</firstName>
  1047. <lastName>Christensen</lastName>
  1048. <address>
  1049. <street>768 Main Street North</street>
  1050. <city>Fairborn</city>
  1051. <state>OH</state>
  1052. <zip>45324</zip>
  1053. <country>USA</country>
  1054. </address>
  1055. <emails>
  1056. <email></email>
  1057. </emails>
  1058. </person>
  1059. <person>
  1060. <personCode>sldkfje3</personCode>
  1061. <firstName>Minh</firstName>
  1062. <lastName>Obrien</lastName>
  1063. <address>
  1064. <street>826 Tanglewood Drive</street>
  1065. <city>Bluffton</city>
  1066. <state>SC</state>
  1067. <zip>29910</zip>
  1068. <country>USA</country>
  1069. </address>
  1070. <emails>
  1071. <email></email>
  1072. </emails>
  1073. </person>
  1074. <person>
  1075. <personCode>flksd12</personCode>
  1076. <firstName>Madelene</firstName>
  1077. <lastName>Gallagher</lastName>
  1078. <address>
  1079. <street>722 Durham Road</street>
  1080. <city>Hoboken</city>
  1081. <state>NJ</state>
  1082. <zip>07030</zip>
  1083. <country>USA</country>
  1084. </address>
  1085. <emails>
  1086. <email></email>
  1087. </emails>
  1088. </person>
  1089. <person>
  1090. <personCode>3lkjfds</personCode>
  1091. <firstName>Joannie</firstName>
  1092. <lastName>George</lastName>
  1093. <address>
  1094. <street>996 Cobblestone Court</street>
  1095. <city>New Berlin</city>
  1096. <state>WI</state>
  1097. <zip>53151</zip>
  1098. <country>USA</country>
  1099. </address>
  1100. <emails>
  1101. <email></email>
  1102. </emails>
  1103. </person>
  1104. <person>
  1105. <personCode>lskdfj</personCode>
  1106. <firstName>Hiroko</firstName>
  1107. <lastName>Saunders</lastName>
  1108. <address>
  1109. <street>716 West Street</street>
  1110. <city>Wadsworth</city>
  1111. <state>OH</state>
  1112. <zip>44281</zip>
  1113. <country>USA</country>
  1114. </address>
  1115. <emails>
  1116. <email></email>
  1117. </emails>
  1118. </person>
  1119. <person>
  1120. <personCode>sldkf21</personCode>
  1121. <firstName>Lyle</firstName>
  1122. <lastName>Moss</lastName>
  1123. <address>
  1124. <street>331 Arlington Avenue</street>
  1125. <city>Hackettstown</city>
  1126. <state>NJ</state>
  1127. <zip>07840</zip>
  1128. <country>USA</country>
  1129. </address>
  1130. <emails>
  1131. <email></email>
  1132. </emails>
  1133. </person>
  1134. <person>
  1135. <personCode>213dlkfj</personCode>
  1136. <firstName>Elliott</firstName>
  1137. <lastName>Fox</lastName>
  1138. <address>
  1139. <street>514 Park Place</street>
  1140. <city>Brownsburg</city>
  1141. <state>IN</state>
  1142. <zip>46112</zip>
  1143. <country>USA</country>
  1144. </address>
  1145. <emails>
  1146. <email></email>
  1147. <email></email>
  1148. </emails>
  1149. </person>
  1150. <person>
  1151. <personCode>234dfkjd</personCode>
  1152. <firstName>Martinez</firstName>
  1153. <lastName>Hannelore</lastName>
  1154. <address>
  1155. <street>260 Bay Street</street>
  1156. <city>Smyrna</city>
  1157. <state>GA</state>
  1158. <zip>30080</zip>
  1159. <country>USA</country>
  1160. </address>
  1161. <emails>
  1162. <email></email>
  1163. </emails>
  1164. </person>
  1165. <person>
  1166. <personCode>2342kljf</personCode>
  1167. <firstName>Hampton</firstName>
  1168. <lastName>Hubert</lastName>
  1169. <address>
  1170. <street>283 Woodland Avenue</street>
  1171. <city>Cambridge</city>
  1172. <state>MA</state>
  1173. <zip>02138</zip>
  1174. <country>USA</country>
  1175. </address>
  1176. <emails>
  1177. <email></email>
  1178. </emails>
  1179. </person>
  1180. <person>
  1181. <personCode>32kjlk2l</personCode>
  1182. <firstName>Mohammed</firstName>
  1183. <lastName>Lloyd</lastName>
  1184. <address>
  1185. <street>974 Lexington Drive</street>
  1186. <city>Kenosha</city>
  1187. <state>WI</state>
  1188. <zip>53140</zip>
  1189. <country>USA</country>
  1190. </address>
  1191. <emails>
  1192. <email></email>
  1193. </emails>
  1194. </person>
  1195. <person>
  1196. <personCode>dlkfjk32</personCode>
  1197. <firstName>Angie</firstName>
  1198. <lastName>Giles</lastName>
  1199. <address>
  1200. <street>400 Buttonwood Drive</street>
  1201. <city>Glendale Heights</city>
  1202. <state>IL</state>
  1203. <zip>60139</zip>
  1204. <country>USA</country>
  1205. </address>
  1206. <emails>
  1207. <email></email>
  1208. </emails>
  1209. </person>
  1210. <person>
  1211. <personCode>sldkfjlk3</personCode>
  1212. <firstName>Lyons</firstName>
  1213. <lastName>Edelmira</lastName>
  1214. <address>
  1215. <street>565 Fawn Court</street>
  1216. <city>Winter Springs</city>
  1217. <state>FL</state>
  1218. <zip>32708</zip>
  1219. <country>USA</country>
  1220. </address>
  1221. <emails>
  1222. <email></email>
  1223. </emails>
  1224. </person>
  1225. <person>
  1226. <personCode>fkjslkj32</personCode>
  1227. <firstName>Mora</firstName>
  1228. <lastName>Carletta</lastName>
  1229. <address>
  1230. <street>561 Edgewood Road</street>
  1231. <city>Solon</city>
  1232. <state>OH</state>
  1233. <zip>44139</zip>
  1234. <country>USA</country>
  1235. </address>
  1236. <emails>
  1237. <email></email>
  1238. </emails>
  1239. </person>
  1240. <person>
  1241. <personCode>s123askfj</personCode>
  1242. <firstName>Horacio</firstName>
  1243. <lastName>Arellano</lastName>
  1244. <address>
  1245. <street>912 B Street</street>
  1246. <city>Philadelphia</city>
  1247. <state>OH</state>
  1248. <zip>44663</zip>
  1249. <country>USA</country>
  1250. </address>
  1251. <emails>
  1252. <email></email>
  1253. </emails>
  1254. </person>
  1255. <person>
  1256. <personCode>dklfjkkl3</personCode>
  1257. <firstName>Kand</firstName>
  1258. <lastName>Wong</lastName>
  1259. <address>
  1260. <street>621 East Avenue</street>
  1261. <city>Brownsburg</city>
  1262. <state>IN</state>
  1263. <zip>46112</zip>
  1264. <country>USA</country>
  1265. </address>
  1266. <emails>
  1267. <email></email>
  1268. </emails>
  1269. </person>
  1270. <person>
  1271. <personCode>laskdfj</personCode>
  1272. <firstName>Ebonie</firstName>
  1273. <lastName>Marks</lastName>
  1274. <address>
  1275. <street>861 Jackson Avenue</street>
  1276. <city>Clemmons</city>
  1277. <state>NC</state>
  1278. <zip>27012</zip>
  1279. <country>USA</country>
  1280. </address>
  1281. <emails>
  1282. <email></email>
  1283. </emails>
  1284. </person>
  1285. <person>
  1286. <personCode>vnxcmvn8</personCode>
  1287. <firstName>Nobuko</firstName>
  1288. <lastName>Orr</lastName>
  1289. <address>
  1290. <street>6289 Silver Pines</street>
  1291. <city>Surprise Valley</city>
  1292. <state>MB</state>
  1293. <zip>R2P-8B6</zip>
  1294. <country>CA</country>
  1295. </address>
  1296. <emails>
  1297. <email></email>
  1298. </emails>
  1299. </person>
  1300. <person>
  1301. <personCode>dlskfj24</personCode>
  1302. <firstName>Soto</firstName>
  1303. <lastName>Thi</lastName>
  1304. <address>
  1305. <street>6633 Thunder Panda Freeway</street>
  1306. <city>Judge Town</city>
  1307. <state>MB</state>
  1308. <zip>R4D-5B5</zip>
  1309. <country>CA</country>
  1310. </address>
  1311. <emails>
  1312. <email></email>
  1313. </emails>
  1314. </person>
  1315. <person>
  1316. <personCode>slkdfjllj4</personCode>
  1317. <firstName>Sharita</firstName>
  1318. <lastName>Campbell</lastName>
  1319. <address>
  1320. <street>8807 Quiet Lane</street>
  1321. <city>Elephant Butte</city>
  1322. <state>YK</state>
  1323. <zip>Y1O-8K0</zip>
  1324. <country>CA</country>
  1325. </address>
  1326. <emails>
  1327. <email></email>
  1328. </emails>
  1329. </person>
  1330. <person>
  1331. <personCode>slkdfjlk2</personCode>
  1332. <firstName>Wilber</firstName>
  1333. <lastName>Gillespie</lastName>
  1334. <address>
  1335. <street>9590 Dusty Orchard</street>
  1336. <city>Red Wash</city>
  1337. <state>SK</state>
  1338. <zip>S1X-1H7</zip>
  1339. <country>CA</country>
  1340. </address>
  1341. <emails>
  1342. <email></email>
  1343. </emails>
  1344. </person>
  1345. </persons>
  1347. Products.xml:
  1348. <?xml version="1.0"?>
  1349. <products>
  1350. <equipment>
  1351. <productCode>dm07</productCode>
  1352. <name>Devify</name>
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  2104. },
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  3119. ::::::::::::::
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  3130. },
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  3140. },
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  3146. },
  3147. {
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  3150. "hourlyFee": 25.0
  3151. },
  3152. {
  3153. "code": "782g",
  3154. "name": "Server System Setup",
  3155. "hourlyFee": 150.0
  3156. },
  3157. {
  3158. "code": "3294",
  3159. "name": "Cloud SQL Hosting",
  3160. "serviceFee": 0.0,
  3161. "annualLicenseFee": 35000.0
  3162. },
  3163. {
  3164. "code": "3295",
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  3166. "serviceFee": 350.0,
  3167. "annualLicenseFee": 1200.0
  3168. }
  3169. ]}
  3171. [-] Test Case 1 (case03)
  3172. Expected Output
  3174. Data and output files:
  3177. Customers.dat:
  3178. 6
  3179. C501;G;af1;University of Nebraska-Lincoln;Harper Hall,Lincoln,NE,68588,USA
  3180. C202;C;af1;James Stark Industries;Packer Drive,Green Bay,WI,54301,USA
  3181. C002;C;af1;Ventura Industry;1234 Ventura Way,San Francisco,CA,90200,USA
  3182. C009;G;af1;NSA;980 Savager Rd,Kansas City,MO,66111,USA
  3183. C015;C;af1;Van Industries;1060 North Madison,Chicago,IL,60602,USA
  3184. C006;C;af1;DR. Dre Inc.;2nd South Street,Lincoln,NE,67500,USA
  3188. Persons.dat:
  3189. 20
  3190. 94c;Cast, Star;1060 South Maddison Ave,Sayreville,NY,122,USA;,
  3191. 06a;Sam, Brockel;123 N ,Lincoln,NE,68116,USA;,
  3192. 55b;Brien, Mile;8753 West 8th St,Housten,TX,75305,USA;,
  3193. 42;OCyrus, Miley;123 Rude Street,Oklahoma City,OK,57011,USA;
  3194. af1;Geo, Gordo;2 Wall Street,New York,NY,10005-0012,USA;
  3195. 3f;Foxeyy, Budeeyyy;32 Bron Street,New York City,NY,10004,USA;,
  3196. ma1;Sve, Dalley;1 West Maddison Dr,Kansas City,MO,66111,USA;
  3197. 31f;Hart, Willi;11 West Maddison Street,Chicago,IL,60613,USA;,
  3198. nf3;Trow, Patty;100 SW Maddison St,Chicago,IL,60613,USA;,
  3199. 121eu;Pewee, Johny;3rd Front St, FairBanks, AK, 74849, USA;
  3200. 2;Boy,Tommy;2 Red Hawks Run, Kearny, MO, 64099, USA;,,,
  3201. 6dc;Hurndel, Dick;South West,Pheonix, AR, 00321,USA;,
  3202. 31d;Baka, C.J.;Nebraska Hall,Lincoln,NE,68503,USA;
  3203. 1svndr;Coy,Salle;12th Roosevelt Ave, Mushing, MN,78294,USA;,
  3204. 12t;Gann, Pauly;MetLife Stadium Drive, East Rutherford, NJ,07073,USA;,,
  3205. swdoc2;Kilkeny, Christopher;10 North 11th Rd, Brooklyn, NY,10451,USA;
  3206. 2estd;Ten, Davey;70022 N Dull Ave, St. Louis, MO, 60111,USA;,
  3207. wroc;Smity, Matty;333 Weast 35th St, Princeton, NY,20496,USA;,
  3208. bar;Traut, Kayle;3 North, St. Louis, MO, 65935,USA;
  3209. doyc05;Dave, Petey;12 Cabob Lucas, Los Cabos, BCS, , Mexico;
  3211. Products.dat:
  3212. 9
  3213. b2e;E;Uno PID Suplier;500.0
  3214. ff1;E;Cuatro-Pone;12.20
  3215. f12;E;Noternet Things;12.59
  3216. 139;E;Ocho Video Cubix;5000.00
  3217. 90f;L;Ocho Services;200.00;2400.00
  3218. 329;C;Cuatro-Pone Training;af1;20.00
  3219. 72g;C;Server System Meltdown;31f;53.10
  3220. 329;L;Your SQL Host;2.00;55000.00
  3221. 329;L;Yoname Registration;210.00;2000.00
  3223. Customers.xml:
  3224. <?xml version="1.0"?>
  3225. <customers>
  3226. <companyCustomer>
  3227. <customerCode>C006</customerCode>
  3228. <name>DR. Dre Inc.</name>
  3229. <address>
  3230. <street>2nd South Street</street>
  3231. <city>Lincoln</city>
  3232. <state>NE</state>
  3233. <zip>67500</zip>
  3234. <country>USA</country>
  3235. </address>
  3236. </companyCustomer>
  3237. <companyCustomer>
  3238. <customerCode>C015</customerCode>
  3239. <name>Van Industries</name>
  3240. <address>
  3241. <street>1060 North Madison</street>
  3242. <city>Chicago</city>
  3243. <state>IL</state>
  3244. <zip>60602</zip>
  3245. <country>USA</country>
  3246. </address>
  3247. </companyCustomer>
  3248. <governmentCustomer>
  3249. <customerCode>C501</customerCode>
  3250. <name>University of Nebraska-Lincoln</name>
  3251. <address>
  3252. <street>Harper Hall</street>
  3253. <city>Lincoln</city>
  3254. <state>NE</state>
  3255. <zip>68588</zip>
  3256. <country>USA</country>
  3257. </address>
  3258. </governmentCustomer>
  3259. <governmentCustomer>
  3260. <customerCode>C009</customerCode>
  3261. <name>NSA</name>
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  4968. "state": "NY",
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  4971. }
  4972. },
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  4974. },
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  5001. },
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  5006. "annualLicenseFee": 2000.0
  5007. }
  5008. ]}
  5010. [-] Test Case 2 (case11)
  5011. Expected Output
  5013. Data and output files:
  5016. Customers.dat:
  5017. 7
  5018. AB15;C;bfab;Madalay Industries;1060 West Addison,Springfield,IL,60601,USA
  5019. AB11;G;144a;University of Nebraska-Lincoln;420 University Terrace,Lincoln,NE,68588,USA
  5020. AB13;C;149ba;Dunder Mifflin Paper Company;123 Venture Way,Stranton,PA,10456,USA
  5021. AB16;C; ms42;Rockfort Inc.;456 West 7th St.,Rockfort,CA,98500,USA
  5022. AB12;C;499c;Stark Industries;184 Marvel Way,New York,NY,10453,USA
  5023. AB17;G;267a;Department of Motor Vehicles;625 N 46th St.,Lincoln,NE,68503,USA
  5024. AB14;G;344d;National Security Administration;9800 Savage Rd,Fort Meade,MD,20755,USA
  5026. Persons.dat:
  5027. 15
  5028. 144a;Reidesel,Charles;459 N 34th St, Lincoln, NE,68302, USA;,,
  5029. 55bb;Davis, Miles;8753 West 3rd Ave.,Dallas,TX,75001,USA;,
  5030. 321nd;Enders, William;1165 West Madison Street,Chicago,IL,60613,USA;,
  5031. 149ba;Williams, Darren;142 N 14th Street,Omaha,NE,68116,USA;,
  5032. ma12;Rediger, Tyler;435 N 51st Street,Lincoln,NE,68502,USA;
  5033. 499c;Sonford, Harry;1467 Addison Street,Stillwater,OK,60613,USA;,
  5034. bfab;Hanten, Mathias;320 West 6th Street, South Sioux city, NE, 68776,USA;
  5035. aef1;Monterroso, Richard;1 Wall Street,Indio,CA,9221-0012,USA;
  5036. 267a;Enders, Ryan;1162 West Madison Street,Chicago,IL,60613,USA;,
  5037. 321na;Lenz, Matthew;301 Front St W, Toronto, ON, M5V 2T6, Canada;
  5038. 344d;Connor, Bryan;344 Lincoln Street,New York,NY,10023,USA;,
  5039. 1svndr;McCoy,Travis;126-01 Roosevelt Ave, Flushing, NY,11368,USA;,
  5040. adhoc;Hammond, Richard;1 E 161st St, Bronx, NY,10451,USA;
  5041. ms42;Smydra, Kordel;Avery Hall,Lincoln,NE,68503,USA;
  5042. asn2;Smith, Matt;333 W 35th St, Chicago, IL,60616,USA;,
  5046. Products.dat:
  5047. 8
  5048. s42a;E;Jericho Missile;250000.0
  5049. ab23;E;Rockfort Jdisc;124.99
  5050. fp12;E;Mandalay Jtone;14.99
  5051. 1239;E;Rockfort GameBox;499.00
  5052. 90fa;L;Mandalay Long Distance Service;1899.00;17000.00
  5053. 3289;C;Mandalay-Jtone Training;aef1;32.00
  5054. 298K;C;MServer-Server System Setup and Assistance;321nd;180.00
  5055. 3294;L;MCloud Data Storage;40.00;3000.00
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  5059. <?xml version="1.0"?>
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  5065. <street>420 University Terrace</street>
  5066. <city>Lincoln</city>
  5067. <state>NE</state>
  5068. <zip>68588</zip>
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  5078. <state>NE</state>
  5079. <zip>68302</zip>
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  5084. <email></email>
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  5090. <customerCode>AB12</customerCode>
  5091. <name>Stark Industries</name>
  5092. <address>
  5093. <street>184 Marvel Way</street>
  5094. <city>New York</city>
  5095. <state>NY</state>
  5096. <zip>10453</zip>
  5097. <country>USA</country>
  5098. </address>
  5099. <primaryContact>
  5100. <personCode>499c</personCode>
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  5104. <street>1467 Addison Street</street>
  5105. <city>Stillwater</city>
  5106. <state>OK</state>
  5107. <zip>60613</zip>
  5108. <country>USA</country>
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  5116. <companyCustomer>
  5117. <customerCode>AB13</customerCode>
  5118. <name>Dunder Mifflin Paper Company</name>
  5119. <address>
  5120. <street>123 Venture Way</street>
  5121. <city>Stranton</city>
  5122. <state>PA</state>
  5123. <zip>10456</zip>
  5124. <country>USA</country>
  5125. </address>
  5126. </companyCustomer>
  5127. <governmentCustomer>
  5128. <customerCode>AB14</customerCode>
  5129. <name>National Security Administration</name>
  5130. <address>
  5131. <street>9800 Savage Rd</street>
  5132. <city>Fort Meade</city>
  5133. <state>MD</state>
  5134. <zip>20755</zip>
  5135. <country>USA</country>
  5136. </address>
  5137. <primaryContact>
  5138. <personCode>344d</personCode>
  5139. <firstName>Bryan</firstName>
  5140. <lastName>Connor</lastName>
  5141. <address>
  5142. <street>344 Lincoln Street</street>
  5143. <city>New York</city>
  5144. <state>NY</state>
  5145. <zip>10023</zip>
  5146. <country>USA</country>
  5147. </address>
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  5150. <email></email>
  5151. </emails>
  5152. </primaryContact>
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  5155. <customerCode>AB15</customerCode>
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  5158. <street>1060 West Addison</street>
  5159. <city>Springfield</city>
  5160. <state>IL</state>
  5161. <zip>60601</zip>
  5162. <country>USA</country>
  5163. </address>
  5164. <primaryContact>
  5165. <personCode>bfab</personCode>
  5166. <firstName>Mathias</firstName>
  5167. <lastName>Hanten</lastName>
  5168. <address>
  5169. <street>320 West 6th Street</street>
  5170. <city>South Sioux city</city>
  5171. <state>NE</state>
  5172. <zip>68776</zip>
  5173. <country>USA</country>
  5174. </address>
  5175. <emails>
  5176. <email></email>
  5177. </emails>
  5178. </primaryContact>
  5179. </companyCustomer>
  5180. <companyCustomer>
  5181. <customerCode>AB16</customerCode>
  5182. <name>Rockfort Inc.</name>
  5183. <address>
  5184. <street>456 West 7th St.</street>
  5185. <city>Rockfort</city>
  5186. <state>CA</state>
  5187. <zip>98500</zip>
  5188. <country>USA</country>
  5189. </address>
  5190. <primaryContact>
  5191. <personCode>ms42</personCode>
  5192. <firstName>Kordel</firstName>
  5193. <lastName>Smydra</lastName>
  5194. <address>
  5195. <street>Avery Hall</street>
  5196. <city>Lincoln</city>
  5197. <state>NE</state>
  5198. <zip>68503</zip>
  5199. <country>USA</country>
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  5203. </emails>
  5204. </primaryContact>
  5205. </companyCustomer>
  5206. <governmentCustomer>
  5207. <customerCode>AB17</customerCode>
  5208. <name>Department of Motor Vehicles</name>
  5209. <address>
  5210. <street>625 N 46th St.</street>
  5211. <city>Lincoln</city>
  5212. <state>NE</state>
  5213. <zip>68503</zip>
  5214. <country>USA</country>
  5215. </address>
  5216. <primaryContact>
  5217. <personCode>267a</personCode>
  5218. <firstName>Ryan</firstName>
  5219. <lastName>Enders</lastName>
  5220. <address>
  5221. <street>1162 West Madison Street</street>
  5222. <city>Chicago</city>
  5223. <state>IL</state>
  5224. <zip>60613</zip>
  5225. <country>USA</country>
  5226. </address>
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  5229. <email></email>
  5230. </emails>
  5231. </primaryContact>
  5232. </governmentCustomer>
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  5235. Persons.xml:
  5236. <?xml version="1.0"?>
  5237. <persons>
  5238. <person>
  5239. <personCode>149ba</personCode>
  5240. <firstName>Darren</firstName>
  5241. <lastName>Williams</lastName>
  5242. <address>
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  6806. },
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  6811. },
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  6817. },
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  6831. },
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  6837. },
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  6851. },
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  6862. "serviceFee": 40.0,
  6863. "annualLicenseFee": 3000.0
  6864. }
  6865. ]}
  6867. [-] Test Case 3 (case15)
  6868. Expected Output
  6870. Data and output files:
  6873. Customers.dat:
  6874. 7
  6875. C001;C;hsk3r;Gamerwear PC Repair; 724 North 1st Street,Minneapolis,MN,55401,USA
  6876. C002;G;nue78;University of Nebraska-Lincoln;259 Avery Hall,Lincoln,Ne,68588-0115,USA
  6877. C003;G;671gum;City of Seattle; 600 4th Ave. #4,Seattle,WA,98104,USA
  6878. C004;C;701gfk;Johnson and John's Son Computer Repair;1597 NorthWest Drive,Mobile,AL,36602,USA
  6879. C005;C;stl618;Mt Chiliad PC Repair; 1059 South 59th St,Los Angeles,CA,90019,USA
  6880. C006;C;a11r8w;Wayne Industries;1007 Mountain Drive,New York City,NY,13851,USA
  6881. C007;G;mlr891;City of Toronto;100 Queen St W,Toronto,ON,M5H 2N2,Canada
  6882. Persons.dat:
  6883. 10
  6884. 123abc;Smith, Ozzie; 700 Clark Ave, St Louis, MO, 63102, USA;
  6885. mlr891;Barneson, John; 333 West Camden Street, Baltimore, MD, 21201, USA;
  6886. a11r8w;Emmerson, Ralph; 401 East Jefferson Street, Phoenix, AZ, 85004, USA;
  6887. hweq51;Tavare,Chris; 115 Federal Street, Pittsburgh, PA, 15212, USA;
  6888. nue78;Richards, James; 2100 Woodward Avenue, Detroit, MI, 48201, USA;
  6889. hsk3r;Smith,Rickie; 2200 Texas Ave, Houston, TX, 77003, USA;
  6890. gqs1582;Fultz,Adam; 9256 S State St, Sandy, UT, 84070, USA;
  6891. 671gum;Donavon, Landon; 18400 Avalon Boulevard, Carson, CA, 90746, USA;,
  6892. 701gfk;Bartholomew, Alfred; 170 Prince's Blvd, Toronto, ON, M6K 3C3, Canada;
  6893. stl618;Palaganas, Brian; 1844 SW Morrison St, Portland, OR, 97205, USA;,
  6894. Products.dat:
  6895. 5
  6896. a27f;E;Ocho Flux Capacitor;30000.00
  6897. lb92;L;Netservice Web Assist;250.00;700.00
  6898. 23d9;E;Ocho Cassette Storage System;20.00
  6899. vp08;C;Systems Administration Training;123abc;35.00
  6900. me19;L;SafeGuard System Cleanup;0.00;1200.00
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  6902. <?xml version="1.0"?>
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  6910. <state>WA</state>
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  6918. <address>
  6919. <street>18400 Avalon Boulevard</street>
  6920. <city>Carson</city>
  6921. <state>CA</state>
  6922. <zip>90746</zip>
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  6937. <state>AL</state>
  6938. <zip>36602</zip>
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  6942. <personCode>701gfk</personCode>
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  6945. <address>
  6946. <street>170 Prince&apos;s Blvd</street>
  6947. <city>Toronto</city>
  6948. <state>ON</state>
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  6957. <companyCustomer>
  6958. <customerCode>C005</customerCode>
  6959. <name>Mt Chiliad PC Repair</name>
  6960. <address>
  6961. <street>1059 South 59th St</street>
  6962. <city>Los Angeles</city>
  6963. <state>CA</state>
  6964. <zip>90019</zip>
  6965. <country>USA</country>
  6966. </address>
  6967. <primaryContact>
  6968. <personCode>stl618</personCode>
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  6970. <lastName>Palaganas</lastName>
  6971. <address>
  6972. <street>1844 SW Morrison St</street>
  6973. <city>Portland</city>
  6974. <state>OR</state>
  6975. <zip>97205</zip>
  6976. <country>USA</country>
  6977. </address>
  6978. <emails>
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  6984. <companyCustomer>
  6985. <customerCode>C006</customerCode>
  6986. <name>Wayne Industries</name>
  6987. <address>
  6988. <street>1007 Mountain Drive</street>
  6989. <city>New York City</city>
  6990. <state>NY</state>
  6991. <zip>13851</zip>
  6992. <country>USA</country>
  6993. </address>
  6994. <primaryContact>
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  6996. <firstName>Ralph</firstName>
  6997. <lastName>Emmerson</lastName>
  6998. <address>
  6999. <street>401 East Jefferson Street</street>
  7000. <city>Phoenix</city>
  7001. <state>AZ</state>
  7002. <zip>85004</zip>
  7003. <country>USA</country>
  7004. </address>
  7005. <emails/>
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  7012. <street>100 Queen St W</street>
  7013. <city>Toronto</city>
  7014. <state>ON</state>
  7015. <zip>M5H 2N2</zip>
  7016. <country>Canada</country>
  7017. </address>
  7018. <primaryContact>
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  7021. <lastName>Barneson</lastName>
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  7024. <city>Baltimore</city>
  7025. <state>MD</state>
  7026. <zip>21201</zip>
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  7029. <emails/>
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  7033. <customerCode>C002</customerCode>
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  7036. <street>259 Avery Hall</street>
  7037. <city>Lincoln</city>
  7038. <state>Ne</state>
  7039. <zip>68588-0115</zip>
  7040. <country>USA</country>
  7041. </address>
  7042. <primaryContact>
  7043. <personCode>nue78</personCode>
  7044. <firstName>James</firstName>
  7045. <lastName>Richards</lastName>
  7046. <address>
  7047. <street>2100 Woodward Avenue</street>
  7048. <city>Detroit</city>
  7049. <state>MI</state>
  7050. <zip>48201</zip>
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  7055. </emails>
  7056. </primaryContact>
  7057. </governmentCustomer>
  7058. <companyCustomer>
  7059. <customerCode>C001</customerCode>
  7060. <name>Gamerwear PC Repair</name>
  7061. <address>
  7062. <street>724 North 1st Street</street>
  7063. <city>Minneapolis</city>
  7064. <state>MN</state>
  7065. <zip>55401</zip>
  7066. <country>USA</country>
  7067. </address>
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  7069. <personCode>hsk3r</personCode>
  7070. <firstName>Rickie</firstName>
  7071. <lastName>Smith</lastName>
  7072. <address>
  7073. <street>2200 Texas Ave</street>
  7074. <city>Houston</city>
  7075. <state>TX</state>
  7076. <zip>77003</zip>
  7077. <country>USA</country>
  7078. </address>
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  7086. Persons.xml:
  7087. <?xml version="1.0"?>
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  7090. <personCode>mlr891</personCode>
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  7092. <lastName>Barneson</lastName>
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  7094. <street>333 West Camden Street</street>
  7095. <city>Baltimore</city>
  7096. <state>MD</state>
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  7101. </person>
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  7105. <lastName>Smith</lastName>
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  7109. <state>TX</state>
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  7124. <state>MI</state>
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  7143. <emails/>
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  7152. <state>PA</state>
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  7164. <address>
  7165. <street>170 Prince&apos;s Blvd</street>
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  7167. <state>ON</state>
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  7182. <state>OR</state>
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  8247. [-] Test Case 4 (case13)
  8248. Expected Output
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  8256. C002;G;613h;Federal Bureau of Investigation;935 Pennsylvania Avenue,NW Washington DC,D.C.,20535-0001,USA
  8257. C003;G;bbc1;Department of Defense;1000 Defense Pentagon,Washington DC,D.C.,20301-1000,USA
  8258. C004;C;935z;Treyarch;3420 Ocean Park Blvd Suite 1000,Santa Monica,CA,90405,USA
  8260. Persons.dat:
  8261. 5
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  8263. 343i;Alden,Jonah;7614 Velvet Butterfly Parade,Runnymeade,NM,87084-6259,USA;,
  8264. 505t;Spear,Kenneth;9545 Quaking Farm,Quicktown,NM,88354-7661,USA;,
  8265. 935z;Wallis,Hervey;4382 Thunder Drive,Ohm,WY,82288-1728,USA;
  8266. bbc1;Odell,Reid;1209 Wishing Manor,Splitlog,NM,87925-3025,USA;,,
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  8269. 5
  8270. ff45;E;Internet Router;300.0
  8271. d3d2;L;Cinco Long Distance Calling;1500.0;13500.0
  8272. 44r3;E;Cinco Game Box;450.0
  8273. wqer;C;Teaching: Advanced Computing;505t;125.0
  8274. rr49;C;System Maintenance;505t;250.0
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  9184. "street": "9545 Quaking Farm",
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  9197. ]}
  9199. [-] Test Case 5 (case10)
  9200. Expected Output
  9202. Data and output files:
  9205. Customers.dat:
  9206. 3
  9207. C001;G;1fd5;University of Southern California;University Park Campus,Los Angeles, CA, 90089-0911,USA
  9208. C002;C;21f3;Google Inc;1600 Amphitheatre Parkway,Mountain View, CA, 94043,USA
  9209. C003;C;920A;Sandhills Publishing;120 W Harvest Dr,Lincoln, NE, 68521,USA
  9214. Persons.dat:
  9215. 6
  9216. 1fd5;Scott, Dan;2016 J St,Omaha,NE,68116,USA
  9217. 21f3;Henry, Lucas;4012 N 72 St,Lincoln,NE,68522,USA;,
  9218. 920A;Decker, Kayli;529 N 9th St,Lincoln,NE,68544,USA
  9219. 389W;Walsh, Billy;809 Folsom St,San Diego,CA,90210,USA;
  9220. 302q;Chase, Eric;201 Queens Blvd, New York City,NY,10221,USA;
  9221. 021p;Williams, Chris;201 Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles,CA,90212,USA
  9222. Products.dat:
  9223. 4
  9224. 39fn;E;Cinco Visual Interface;500.0
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  9226. f942;C;Internette Discs;389W;14.99
  9227. gj40;L;Cinco Music Shuffler System;500;2500
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  9287. <street>University Park Campus</street>
  9288. <city>Los Angeles</city>
  9289. <state>CA</state>
  9290. <zip>90089-0911</zip>
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  9293. <primaryContact>
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  9296. <lastName>Scott</lastName>
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  9299. <city>Omaha</city>
  9300. <state>NE</state>
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  9651. Program Output
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  9994. nbauman
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