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Mar 27th, 2017
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  154. <body bgcolor="black">
  155. <center><font color="white" size=5 face='VT323'>
  156. <h1>HACKED BY Fix404</h1></center>
  158. <font color="red" size=5 face='Audiowide'>99 Syn<font color="white" size=5 face='Audiowide'>dicate</font>
  159. <center>
  163. <font face='Quicksand' size='4' color='white'> \!/X3n0n1337 - Fix404 - Mr.S4K1T_H4T1 - ./LuNg53t - Mr.CodeX404 -
  165. ./boatosai - r00t666h0st - Gl0Bz Attacker - ./D14 - MR.N()TFOUND - ./s3cre3t - 1n72overt Tersakiti - G3L4P GUR1T4 -
  167. ./Mr.ucoX18 - X-Code 404 </font><hr>
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  198. <font color='cyan' size='4' face='Quicksand'>- Please Patch Your System , Security DOWN ! , Keep Calm And Crots :*- <br>It's Okey say , Aku Akan Tetep Disini Kok Sampe Shell ini Dihapus Dari site nya :*<br> Contact Me : </font><br>
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  274. <h2 class="frame-11"><br>Hallo Admin ^_^</h2>
  275. <h2></h2>
  276. <h2 class="frame-1"><br>Numpang Galau :'(</h2>
  277. <h2 class="frame-2"><br> You Got Hacked :'( </h2>
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