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a guest
Jul 16th, 2019
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text 11.97 KB | None | 0 0
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  196. },
  197. },
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  200. ["custom"] = "",
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  202. },
  203. },
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  205. ["trigger"] = {
  206. ["type"] = "custom",
  207. ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START",
  208. ["event"] = "Health",
  209. ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL",
  210. ["custom"] = "function()\\n if aura_env.check[1] == 0 or aura_env.check[1] == 45 then\\n = {}\\n for i=1, GetNumGroupMembers() do\\n aura_env.check[1] = GetNumGroupMembers()\\n local name, rank, subgroup, level, class = GetRaidRosterInfo(i)\\n if name ~= nil then\\n race, raceEn = UnitRace(name)\\n if raceEn == \\\"BloodElf\\\" then\\n table.insert(aura_env.duration, GetTime()+0)\\n table.insert(aura_env.duration2, GetTime()+0)\\n table.insert(aura_env.activecheck, 0)\\n table.insert(, name)\\n end\\n end\\n end\\n \\n \\n \\n \\n if table.getn( > 0 then\\n return true\\n else \\n return false\\n end\\n end\\n for i=1,getn(aura_env.activecheck) do\\n if aura_env.activecheck[i] == 2 then\\n if aura_env.duration[i] - GetTime() <= 0 then\\n aura_env.activecheck[i] = 3\\n end\\n elseif aura_env.activecheck[i] == 3 then\\n if aura_env.duration2[i] - GetTime() <= 0 then\\n aura_env.activecheck[i] = 0\\n end\\n end\\n end\\nend\\n\\n\\n",
  211. ["check"] = "update",
  212. ["genericShowOn"] = "showOnActive",
  213. ["custom_type"] = "status",
  214. ["custom_hide"] = "timed",
  215. },
  216. ["untrigger"] = {
  217. ["custom"] = "function()\\n if aura_env.check[1] == 50 then\\n = {}\\n aura_env.check[1] = 45\\n return true\\n end\\nend\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n",
  218. },
  219. },
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  222. },
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  240. ["conditions"] = {
  241. },
  242. ["cooldown"] = true,
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  244. }
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