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MrLou and D. Zune agument

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Sep 19th, 2019
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  1. u a chat mod on our server before this incident?
  2. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | D. Zune#6819 - si
  3. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | ????????#8982 - lol
  4. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | D. Zune#6819 - has nothing
  5. to do with it but yes
  6. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | Barthel#0072 - And thus you
  7. are a representation of MrLou and his community.
  8. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | ????????#8982 - Rust is abo
  9. ut revenge, having a purpose, Making enemies
  10. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | ????????#8982 - Tell me dif
  11. ferent..
  12. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | D. Zune#6819 - i mean his c
  13. hat is toxic 24/7
  14. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | D. Zune#6819 - and they tol
  15. d me only ban on really hard abuse or racism
  16. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | Barthel#0072 - Yeah so? Tha
  17. t doesnt allow you to be.
  18. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | MrLou#8240 - <@321587616401
  19. 063937> You applied for chat mod under <#592078974021140480>
  20. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | D. Zune#6819 - and i got mu
  21. ted without warning for 1 day for saying retarded?
  22. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | Barthel#0072 - Ive even bee
  23. n yelled at by Lou so dont think your some special case
  24. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | D. Zune#6819 - aplied cuz t
  25. ax told me to do if im interesting, interesdting is not begging
  26. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | Barthel#0072 - Fuck yeah yo
  27. ur lucky it was a day bud
  28. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | D. Zune#6819 - u acting lik
  29. e fridu now?
  30. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | Barthel#0072 - No im acting
  31. like a proper representative of the content creator whom i staff for.
  32. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | D. Zune#6819 - dont act lik
  33. e we are addicted to play on ur server, we piped up cuz its a joke muting someon
  34. e for saying retarded
  35. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | ????????#8982 - So hold up.
  36. .. We cant shit talk back and fourth in game in rust?
  37. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | Barthel#0072 - We treat eve
  38. ryone with respect. No matter how they shit on you
  39. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | D. Zune#6819 - u do barthel
  40. true but not the rest of ur staff
  41. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | ????????#8982 - I'm still f
  42. ailing to see why anyone got involved if both parties were shit talking..
  43. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | D. Zune#6819 - we didnt got
  44. any respect
  45. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | D. Zune#6819 - we got muted
  46. by no commentary
  47. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | D. Zune#6819 - shittalk is
  48. allowed u say right? i screened it, and we got muted for shittalking
  49. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | Barthel#0072 - So? You dont
  50. get it. You earn it and by calling people retarded or whatever you may have sai
  51. d, is not you earning respect
  52. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | D. Zune#6819 - wtf?
  53. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | ????????#8982 - No-one was
  54. being harmed.. Both parties happy to shit talk back and fourth
  55. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | D. Zune#6819 - again is shi
  56. ttalking allowed barthelö ingame? not iscord
  57. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | Barthel#0072 - <:peepoShrug
  58. :585019498789339146>
  59. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | MrLou#8240 - >purge 50
  60. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | D. Zune#6819 - u tryna lie
  61. now? read the logs and prrof me wrong
  62. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | D. Zune#6819 - why u tryna
  63. make my shit smell more than urs?
  64. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | MrLou#8240 - Maybe you shou
  65. ld of took a page from your own book. by piping down or calming down.
  66. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | D. Zune#6819 - hahahahahaha
  67. ha
  68. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | D. Zune#6819 - being trasht
  69. alking is a mutable reason lol
  70. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | Barthel#0072 - <:meh:434999
  71. 787075665921>
  72. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | ????????#8982 - You new to
  73. rust Lou?
  74. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | D. Zune#6819 - there wont b
  75. e any active servers when u keep muting people for trashtalking
  76. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | D. Zune#6819 - maybe people
  77. who only raid solo rich island bases think rust is full flower power
  78. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | MrLou#8240 - you have been
  79. trashtalking since wipe.
  80. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | D. Zune#6819 - who cares
  81. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | D. Zune#6819 - many people
  82. do
  83. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | Barthel#0072 - Not staff...
  84. .
  85. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | D. Zune#6819 - still no mut
  86. e reason even without a warning
  87. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | ????????#8982 - You're typi
  88. ng like it's only been us trash talking though?
  89. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | ????????#8982 - We trash ta
  90. lking ourselves?
  91. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | D. Zune#6819 - must be righ
  92. t
  93. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | D. Zune#6819 - guess he has
  94. the logs where i just trashtalk answer myself trashtalking me
  95. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | Barthel#0072 - The way you
  96. are acting right now justifies whatever disca Lou put on you.
  97. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | MrLou#8240 - you say your h
  98. appy with your mute but yet your still arguing?
  99. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | D. Zune#6819 - sure cuz i w
  100. anna know why u dont keep this policy on others?
  101. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | D. Zune#6819 - <@!161648838
  102. 518636545> i mean the way he acting shows me that he doesnt spend time in his se
  103. rver chat
  104. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | Barthel#0072 - No no no.
  105. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | Bon#3157 - lou u dont have
  106. to argue w/ these guys
  107. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | ????????#8982 - you playing
  108. this wipe lou?
  109. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | Barthel#0072 - You are acti
  110. ng like a fool. Plain and simple.
  111. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | Bon#3157 - you own the serv
  112. er your word is final
  113. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | D. Zune#6819 - ur word is f
  114. inal? AHAHAHAHA friduwulf that u?
  115. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | Barthel#0072 - Be the bigge
  116. r man and just stow it.
  117. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | Bon#3157 - uh, his word is
  118. final
  119. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | Bon#3157 - he owns the serv
  120. er moron
  121. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | D. Zune#6819 - ur right bar
  122. thel.... really right... like i said i enjoy the server not the person owning or
  123. palying on the server!
  124. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | D. Zune#6819 - moron? ban?
  125. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | Barthel#0072 - Then just fo
  126. okin move on and stop making yourself look worse.
  127. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | Barthel#0072 - <a:athink:40
  128. 1867345959714816>
  129. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | D. Zune#6819 - aight cox!!!
  131. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | ????????#8982 - I'm here to
  132. play rust and shit talk people
  133. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | ????????#8982 - I'll contin
  134. ue to do so
  135. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | Barthel#0072 - Then do that
  136. . In the game....
  137. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | D. Zune#6819 - we tried got
  138. muted
  139. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | ????????#8982 - I was but a
  140. pparently i got muted for a day hahaha
  141. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | Barthel#0072 - Then tone do
  142. wn your level of toxicity
  143. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | D. Zune#6819 - u retarded n
  144. ow? u literally we can shittalk and say then lower ur toxicity?
  145. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | D. Zune#6819 - toxicity is
  146. not shittalking
  147. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | D. Zune#6819 - its 2 differ
  148. ent things barthel...
  149. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | Barthel#0072 - Ard bud. Way
  150. to escalate it
  151. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | D. Zune#6819 - mb trued i t
  152. ake retarded back
  153. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | D. Zune#6819 - im in anger
  154. rn
  155. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | ????????#8982 - Don't know
  156. why it affects anyone if 2 parties are shit talking back and fourth..
  157. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | Barthel#0072 - Calling me r
  158. etarded was the worst move for you.
  159. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | MrLou#8240 - >purge 25
  160. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | ????????#8982 - LMFAO
  161. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | D. Zune#6819 - friduwulf
  162. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | MrLou#8240 - <@321587616401
  163. 063937> Please respect all staff, they are here to help.
  164. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | D. Zune#6819 - here to help
  165. ? im getting muted 1 DAY
  166. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | D. Zune#6819 - 1 DAY for sa
  167. ying retard?
  168. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | D. Zune#6819 - excuse me? n
  169. o warning no 30 min mute instant 1 day?
  170. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | ????????#8982 - Zero warnin
  171. g btw...
  172. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | ????????#8982 - Top modding
  173. lad
  174. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | MrLou#8240 - You have been
  175. Toxic all day! - Why do you think we removed your Chat Mod role?
  176. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | D. Zune#6819 - HAHAHAHAHA
  177. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | D. Zune#6819 - again retard
  178. = toxic?
  179. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | D. Zune#6819 - is ur police
  180. not "warning before u mute" and " give him a short mute before a longer one"
  181. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | D. Zune#6819 - but 1 of ur
  182. mods giving 3 people instant 1 day mutes?
  183. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | ????????#8982 - I'm cool wi
  184. th the mute, If it's rules then meh whatever, In the future make your rules more
  185. clear and don't select who the rules apply too, Zero warning either? That's new
  186. .. But whatever, you do you.
  187. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | D. Zune#6819 - i mean funny
  188. how ur mod (arvex) is able to trashtalk and shittalk in voice but keeps being a
  189. mod... i mean i made him ragequit after but nice policy
  190. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | MrLou#8240 - No it's not! M
  191. y policy is if admin/mod thinks something is worthy of a small mute 30 min/1 hou
  192. r they can do that, but if it's something that they think is worth of more time
  193. e.g. being annoying since wipe pretty much, picking a fight with anyone you can
  194. calling people. @ **10:40 PM D. Zune: D. Zune: fucking shitter.** they can do wh
  195. at they want in reason. btw we can see your chat logs.
  196. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | D. Zune#6819 - being shitta
  197. lking not getting warned is a 24 h mute? lol
  198. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | D. Zune#6819 - bro check ot
  199. her logs and ban them from ur server then
  200. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | ????????#8982 - LMFAO
  201. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | D. Zune#6819 - ill wait u t
  202. o do it
  203. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | D. Zune#6819 - spamming rac
  204. ist content and getting muted once for 30 m? lol
  205. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | D. Zune#6819 - shittalking
  206. is a part of rust...
  207. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | MrLou#8240 - Also, I've nev
  208. er seen <@321587616401063937> give anyone a warning. (Not saying he hasn't) Just
  209. a quick 10 second mute for someone calling him bad at the game, but that's all.
  211. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | D. Zune#6819 - i mean never
  212. mind bro, i enjoy ur server not the people on it.. keep my mute..but i hope i se
  213. e multiple incoming mate
  214. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | D. Zune#6819 - u joking on
  215. me? i always said pipe down or calm
  216. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | D. Zune#6819 - https://gyaz
  219. mutable?
  220. [DELETED MSG] MrLou's Discord Server #general-chat | Barthel#0072 - Done?
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