Guest User


a guest
Jan 23rd, 2018
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  1. #hld
  2. .wrapper
  3. != partial('partials/navbar', {object: session})
  5. .block.small.left
  6. .block_head
  7. .bheadl
  8. .bheadr
  9. h2 Account Information
  10. ul
  11. li
  12. .block_content
  13. - if (flash && flash.warn)
  14. .message.warning
  15. p= flash.warn
  16. form(action='/user/#{session.user.userId}', method='post')
  17. input(type='hidden', name='_method', value='put')
  18. p
  19. label Full Name:
  20. br
  21. input.text(type='text', name='user[fullName]', value='')
  22. p
  23. label E-mail Address:
  24. br
  25. input.text(type='text', name='user[email]', value='')
  26. p
  27. label Password:
  28. br
  29. input.text(type='password', name='user[password]', value='')
  30. p
  31. label Password (again):
  32. br
  33. input.text(type='password2', name='user[password2]', value='')
  34. p
  35. input.submit(type='submit', value='Save')
  36. .bendl
  37. .bendr
  38. .block.small.right
  39. .block_head
  40. .bheadl
  41. .bheadr
  42. h2 Shops
  43. ul
  44. li
  45. .block_content
  46. - if (flash && flash.warn)
  47. .message.warning
  48. p= flash.warn
  49. form(action='/user/#{session.user.userId}', method='post')
  50. input(type='hidden', name='_method', value='put')
  51. p
  52. input.submit(type='submit', value='Save')
  53. .bendl
  54. .bendr
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