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Jun 17th, 2018
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  1. #define E_NO_HOUSES_OWNED "{F6F6F6}No tienes ninguna propiedad"
  2. #define I_HMENU "{F6F6F6}Escribe /menucasa para acceder al panel"
  3. #define E_H_ALREADY_OWNED "{F6F6F6}Esta casa ya tiene propietario"
  4. #define E_INVALID_HPASS_LENGTH "{F6F6F6}Contraseña incorrecta"
  5. #define E_INVALID_HPASS "{F6F6F6}Contraseña de acceso inválida. No tienes permiso"
  6. #define E_INVALID_HPASS_CHARS "{F6F6F6}La contraseña de tu casa tiene carácteres no permitidos como puede ser ({00BC00}%{F6F6F6}ó {00BC00}~{F6F6F6})."
  7. #define E_INVALID_HNAME_LENGTH "{F6F6F6}Longitud invalida del nombre de la casa"
  8. #define E_INVALID_HNAME_CHARS "{F6F6F6}El nombre de tu casa tiene carácteres no permitidos como puede ser ({00BC00}%{F6F6F6}ó {00BC00}~{F6F6F6})."
  9. #define I_HPASS_NO_CHANGE "{F6F6F6}Su contraseña es la misma"
  10. #define I_HPASS_REMOVED "{F6F6F6}La contraseña de su casa ha sido eliminada"
  11. #define E_NOT_ENOUGH_PMONEY "{F6F6F6}No tienes tanto dinero"
  12. #define E_INVALID_AMOUNT "{F6F6F6}Cantidad incorrecta"
  13. #define E_HSTORAGE_L_REACHED "{F6F6F6}No puedes depositar tanto dinero en el almacén. No puedes tener más de {00BC00}$25,000,000{F6F6F6}."
  14. #define E_NOT_ENOUGH_HSMONEY "{F6F6F6}No tienes tanto dinero en el almacén de tu casa"
  15. #define E_NO_WEAPONS "{F6F6F6}No tienes más armas para almacenar"
  16. #define E_NO_HS_WEAPONS "{F6F6F6}No tienes ningún arma en el almacén de tu casa"
  17. #define E_INVALID_HPASS_CHARS2 "{F6F6F6}La contraseña tiene carácteres no permitidos como puede ser ({00BC00}%{F6F6F6}ó {00BC00}~{F6F6F6})."
  18. #define E_C_ACCESS_SE_HM "{F6F6F6}No tienes aceso a los paneles de casas ajenas"
  19. #define E_NOT_IN_HOUSE "{F6F6F6}Necesitas estar en tu casa para poder usar este comando"
  20. #define E_NOT_HOWNER "{F6F6F6}Necesitas ser el dueño de esta casa para poder utilizar el comando"
  21. #define E_HCAR_NOT_IN_VEH "{F6F6F6}You need to be in a vehicle to add a house car."
  22. #define E_INVALID_HID "{F6F6F6}ID de casa inválida. Esta ID no existe"
  23. #define E_NO_HCAR "{F6F6F6}This house ID does not have a house car. Unable to delete."
  24. #define E_H_A_F_SALE "{F6F6F6}Esta casa está actualmente en venta. No puedes venderla"
  25. #define E_ALREADY_HAVE_HINTERIOR "{F6F6F6}Tu casa ya tiene este interior"
  26. #define E_HINT_WAIT_BEFORE_VISITING "{F6F6F6}Espere para poder ver más interiores"
  27. #define I_WRONG_HPASS1 "{F6F6F6}Has fallado al intentar entrar en casa de {00BC00}%s {F6F6F6}usando la contraseña {00BC00}%s{F6F6F6}."
  28. #define I_WRONG_HPASS2 "{00BC00}%s (%d) {F6F6F6}ha intentado entrar en tu casa utilizando la contraseña {00BC00}%s{F6F6F6}."
  29. #define I_CORRECT_HPASS1 "{F6F6F6}Has entrado a la casa de {00BC00}%s {F6F6F6}utilizando la contraseña {00BC00}%s{F6F6F6}."
  30. #define I_CORRECT_HPASS2 "{00BC00}%s (%d) {F6F6F6}ha entrado en tu casa utilizando la contraseña {00BC00}%s{F6F6F6}!"
  31. #define E_TOO_MANY_HOUSES "{F6F6F6}Sorry, but there are already {00BC00}%d {F6F6F6}houses created.\nDelete one of the current ones or increase the limit in the script."
  32. #define I_H_CREATED "{F6F6F6}House ID {00BC00}%d {F6F6F6}created..."
  33. #define I_HCAR_EXIST_ALREADY "{F6F6F6}House ID %d {F6F6F6}already have a house car. Overwriting current one."
  34. #define I_HCAR_CREATED "{F6F6F6}House car for house ID {00BC00}%d {F6F6F6}created..."
  35. #define I_H_DESTROYED "{F6F6F6}House ID {00BC00}%d {F6F6F6}destroyed..."
  36. #define I_HCAR_REMOVED "{F6F6F6}House car for house ID {00BC00}%d {F6F6F6}removed..."
  37. #define I_ALLH_DESTROYED "{F6F6F6}All houses removed. ({00BC00}%d {F6F6F6}in total)"
  38. #define I_ALLHCAR_REMOVED "{F6F6F6}All house cars removed. ({00BC00}%d {F6F6F6}in total)"
  39. #define I_HSPAWN_CHANGED "{F6F6F6}You have changed the spawnposition and angle for house ID {00BC00}%d{F6F6F6}."
  40. #define I_TELEPORT_MSG "{F6F6F6}You have teleported to house ID {00BC00}%d{F6F6F6}."
  41. #define I_H_SOLD "{F6F6F6}You have sold house ID {00BC00}%d{F6F6F6}..."
  42. #define I_ALLH_SOLD "{F6F6F6}All houses on the server has been sold. ({00BC00}%d {F6F6F6}in total)"
  43. #define I_H_PRICE_CHANGED "{F6F6F6}The value for house ID {00BC00}%d has been changed to {00BC00}$%d{F6F6F6}."
  44. #define I_ALLH_PRICE_CHANGED "{F6F6F6}You have changed the value of all houses on the server to {00BC00}$%d. ({00BC00}%d {F6F6F6}in total)"
  45. #define I_HINT_VISIT_OVER "{F6F6F6}Your visiting time is over.\nDo you want to buy the house interior {00BC00}%s {F6F6F6}for {00BC00}$%d{F6F6F6}?"
  46. #define E_INVALID_HCAR_MODEL "{F6F6F6}Invalid car model. Accepted car models are between {00BC00}400 {F6F6F6}and {00BC00}612."
  47. #define I_HCAR_CHANGED "{F6F6F6}Car model for house ID {00BC00}%d {F6F6F6}changed to {00BC00}%d."
  48. #define HMENU_SELL_HOUSE2 "{F6F6F6}Type in how much you want to sell your house for below:"
  49. #define HMENU_CANCEL_HOUSE_SALE "{F6F6F6}Tu casa ya no está en venta"
  50. #define HMENU_HSALE_CANCEL "{F6F6F6}Click {00BC00}\"Remove\" {F6F6F6}to Cancelar the house sale for this house."
  51. #define E_H_NOT_FOR_SALE "{F6F6F6}Esta casa no está en venta"
  52. #define E_INVALID_HSELL_AMOUNT "{F6F6F6}Invalid amount. The price you want to sell your house for can not be higher than {00BC00}$"#MAX_HOUSE_VALUE" {F6F6F6}or lower than {00BC00}$"#MIN_HOUSE_VALUE"{F6F6F6}."
  53. #define I_H_SET_FOR_SALE "{F6F6F6}You have successfully set your house {00BC00}%s {F6F6F6}for sale for {00BC00}$%d{F6F6F6}."
  54. #define HSELL_BUY_DIALOG "{00BC00}Current House Owner: {F6F6F6}%s\n{00BC00}Current House Name: {F6F6F6}%s\n\nAre You Sure You Want To Buy This House For {00BC00}$%d{F6F6F6}?"
  55. #define HSELLER_CONNECTED_MSG1 "{F6F6F6}Your house {00BC00}%s {F6F6F6}has been sold to {00BC00}%s (%d){F6F6F6}.\n"
  56. #define HSELLER_CONNECTED_MSG2 "{00BC00}You receive: {F6F6F6}$%d\n{00BC00}House Storage: {F6F6F6}$%d\n{00BC00}House Price: {F6F6F6}$%d"
  57. #define HSELLER_OFFLINE_MSG1 "{F6F6F6}Your house {00BC00}%s {F6F6F6}has been sold to {00BC00}%s {F6F6F6}while you were offline.\n"
  58. #define HSELLER_OFFLINE_MSG2 "{00BC00}You receive: {F6F6F6}$%d\n{00BC00}House Storage: {F6F6F6}$%d\n{00BC00}House Price: {F6F6F6}$%d"
  59. #define E_NOT_HOUSECAR_OWNER "{F6F6F6}You can not drive this vehicle as it belongs to the owner of house ID {F6F6F6}%d which is {F6F6F6}%s."
  60. #define I_HOUSECAR_OWNER "{F6F6F6}Welcome to your vehicle, {00BC00}%s{F6F6F6}! This vehicle belongs to your house (ID {00BC00}%d{F6F6F6}) so therefore only you can drive it."
  61. #define I_TO_PLAYERS_HSOLD "{F6F6F6}This house has been sold.\nYou have been automaticly kicked out from the house."
  62. #define E_INVALID_HINT "{F6F6F6}Invalid house interior. Accepted house interiors are between {00BC00}0 {F6F6F6}and {00BC00}"#MAX_HOUSE_INTERIORS"{F6F6F6}."
  63. #define E_CMD_USAGE_CHANGEHINTSPAWN "Usage:{F6F6F6} /changehintspawn (house interior)"
  64. #define E_CMD_USAGE_CREATEHINT "Usage:{F6F6F6} /createhint (value) (name)"
  65. #define E_CMD_USAGE_REMOVEHINT "Usage:{F6F6F6} /removehint (house interior)"
  66. #define E_CMD_USAGE_CREATEHOUSE "Usage:{F6F6F6} /createhouse (house value) (optional: house interior)"
  67. #define E_CMD_USAGE_ADDHCAR "Usage:{F6F6F6} /addhcar (house id)"
  68. #define E_CMD_USAGE_REMOVEHOUSE "Usage:{F6F6F6} /removehouse (houseid)"
  69. #define E_CMD_USAGE_REMOVEHCAR "Usage:{F6F6F6} /removehcar (house id)"
  70. #define E_CMD_USAGE_CHANGEHCAR "Usage:{F6F6F6} /changehcar (house id) (modelid: 400-612)"
  71. #define E_CMD_USAGE_CHANGESPAWN "Usage:{F6F6F6} /changespawn (houseid)"
  72. #define E_CMD_USAGE_GOTOHOUSE "Usage:{F6F6F6} /gotohouse (houseid)"
  73. #define E_CMD_USAGE_SELLHOUSE "Usage:{F6F6F6} /sellhouse (houseid)"
  74. #define E_CMD_USAGE_CHANGEPRICE "Usage:{F6F6F6} /changeprice (houseid) (price)"
  75. #define E_CMD_USAGE_CHANGEALLPRICE "Usage:{F6F6F6} /changeallprices (price)"
  76. #define E_INVALID_HINT_ID "{F6F6F6}Invalid house interior ID."
  77. #define I_HINT_SPAWN_CHANGED "{F6F6F6}You have changed the spawn position and angel for house interior ID %d."
  78. #define I_HINT_CREATED "{F6F6F6}House interior ID {00BC00}%d {F6F6F6}created...\n{00BC00}House Interior Value: {F6F6F6}$%d\n{00BC00}House Interior Name: {F6F6F6}%s"
  79. #define E_TOO_MANY_HINTS "{F6F6F6}Sorry, but there are already {00BC00}%d {F6F6F6}house interiors created.\nDelete one of the current ones or increase the limit in the script."
  80. #define E_INVALID_HINT_VALUE "{F6F6F6}Invalid house interior value. The value must be between {00BC00}$"#MIN_HINT_VALUE" {F6F6F6}and {00BC00}$"#MAX_HINT_VALUE"{F6F6F6}."
  81. #define E_INVALID_HINT_LENGTH "{F6F6F6}Invalid house interior name length. The length must be between {00BC00}"#MIN_HINT_NAME" {F6F6F6}and {00BC00}"#MAX_HINT_NAME"{F6F6F6}."
  82. #define I_HINT_DESTROYED "{F6F6F6}House interior ID {00BC00}%d {F6F6F6}has been deleted..."
  83. #define E_NO_HOUSESTORAGE "{F6F6F6}The house storage feature has been disabled in this server. You can not use it."
  84. #define I_HOWNER_HINFO_1 "{00BC00}House Name: {F6F6F6}%s\n{00BC00}House Location: {F6F6F6}%s\n{00BC00}Distance to house from you: {F6F6F6}%0.2f feet\n"
  85. #define I_HOWNER_HINFO_2 "{00BC00}House Value: {F6F6F6}$%d\n{00BC00}House Storage: {F6F6F6}$%d\n{00BC00}House Privacy: {F6F6F6}%s\n{00BC00}House ID: {F6F6F6}%d"
  86. #define HMENU_ENTER_PASS "{00BC00}House Name: {F6F6F6}%s\n{00BC00}House Owner: {F6F6F6}%s\n{00BC00}House Value: {F6F6F6}$%d\n{00BC00}House ID: {F6F6F6}%d\n\nEnter The Password For The House Below If You Wish To Enter:"
  87. #define I_HINT_DEPOSIT1 "{F6F6F6}You have {00BC00}$%d {F6F6F6}in your house storage.\n\nType in the amount you want to deposit below:"
  88. #define I_HINT_WITHDRAW1 "{F6F6F6}You have {00BC00}$%d {F6F6F6}in your house storage.\n\nType in the amount you want to withdraw below:"
  89. #define I_HINT_DEPOSIT2 "{F6F6F6}You have successfully deposited {00BC00}$%d {F6F6F6}Into your house storage.\n{00BC00}Current Balance: {F6F6F6}$%d"
  90. #define I_HINT_WITHDRAW2 "{F6F6F6}You have successfully withdrawn {00BC00}$%d {F6F6F6}From your house storage.\n{00BC00}Current Balance: {F6F6F6}$%d"
  91. #define I_HINT_CHECKBALANCE "{F6F6F6}You have {00BC00}$%d {F6F6F6}in your house storage."
  92. #define E_HINT_DOESNT_EXIST "{F6F6F6}Invalid house interior. This house interior does not exist."
  93. #define HMENU_BUY_HOUSE "{F6F6F6}Do you want to buy this house for {00BC00}$%d{F6F6F6}?"
  94. #define HMENU_BUY_HINTERIOR "{F6F6F6}Do you want to buy the house interior {00BC00}%s {F6F6F6}for {00BC00}$%d{F6F6F6}?"
  95. #define HMENU_SELL_HOUSE "{F6F6F6}Are you sure you want to sell your house {00BC00}%s {F6F6F6}for {00BC00}$%d{F6F6F6}?"
  96. #define I_SELL_HOUSE1_1 "{F6F6F6}You have successfully sold your house for {00BC00}$%d\n"
  97. #define I_SELL_HOUSE1_2 "{00BC00}Selling Fee: {F6F6F6}$%d\nThe {00BC00}$%d {F6F6F6}in your house storage has been transfered to your pocket."
  98. #define I_SELL_HOUSE2 "{F6F6F6}You have successfully sold your house {00BC00}%s {F6F6F6}for {00BC00}$%d.\n{00BC00}Selling Fee: {F6F6F6}$%d"
  99. #define I_BUY_HOUSE "{F6F6F6}You have successfully bought this house for {00BC00}$%d{F6F6F6}!"
  100. #define I_HPASSWORD_CHANGED "{F6F6F6}You have successfully set the house password to {00BC00}%s{F6F6F6}!"
  101. #define I_HNAME_CHANGED "{F6F6F6}You have successfully set the house name to {00BC00}%s{F6F6F6}!"
  102. #define I_VISITING_HOUSEINT "{F6F6F6}You're now visiting the house interior {00BC00}%s{F6F6F6}.\nThis house interior costs {00BC00}$%d{F6F6F6}.\nYour visit time will end in {00BC00}%d {F6F6F6}minute%s."
  103. #define E_CANT_AFFORD_HINT1 "{F6F6F6}You can not afford to buy the house interior {00BC00}%s{F6F6F6}.\n{00BC00}House Interior Price: {F6F6F6}$%d\n"
  104. #define E_CANT_AFFORD_HINT2 "{00BC00}You have: {F6F6F6}$%d\n{00BC00}You Need: {F6F6F6}$%d"
  105. #define I_HINT_BOUGHT "{F6F6F6}You have bought the house interior {00BC00}%s {F6F6F6}for {00BC00}$%d."
  106. #define I_HS_WEAPONS1 "{F6F6F6}You have successfully stored {00BC00}%d {F6F6F6}weapon%s in your house storage."
  107. #define I_HS_WEAPONS2 "{F6F6F6}You have successfully received {00BC00}%d {F6F6F6}weapon%s from your house storage."
  108. #define E_INVALID_HVALUE "{F6F6F6}Invalid house value. The house value must be between {00BC00}$"#MIN_HOUSE_VALUE" {F6F6F6}and {00BC00}$"#MAX_HOUSE_VALUE"{F6F6F6}."
  109. #define I_HOPEN_FOR_VISITORS "{F6F6F6}You have successfully opened your house for visitors."
  110. #define I_CLOSED_FOR_VISITORS1 "{F6F6F6}You have successfully closed your house for visitors.\n{00BC00}Total visitors kicked out: {F6F6F6}%d"
  111. #define I_CLOSED_FOR_VISITORS2 "{00BC00}%s (%d) {F6F6F6}has closed their house for visitors. Automaticly exiting house..."
  112. #define E_MAX_HOUSES_OWNED "{F6F6F6}You already own {00BC00}%d {F6F6F6}house%s. Sell one of your others before buying a new."
  113. #define E_CANT_AFFORD_HOUSE "{F6F6F6}You can not afford to buy this house.\n{00BC00}House Value: {F6F6F6}$%d\n{00BC00}You Have: {F6F6F6}$%d\n{00BC00}You Need: {F6F6F6}$%d"
  114. #define I_SUCCESSFULL_BREAKIN1_1 "{00BC00}%s (%d) {F6F6F6}has successfully broken into your house {00BC00}%s {F6F6F6}in {00BC00}%s{F6F6F6}."
  115. #define I_SUCCESSFULL_BREAKIN1_2 "{F6F6F6}Someone has successfully broken into your house {00BC00}%s {F6F6F6}in {00BC00}%s{F6F6F6}."
  116. #define I_SUCCESSFULL_BREAKIN2 "{F6F6F6}You have successfully broken into this house.\n{00BC00}House Name: {F6F6F6}%s\n{00BC00}House Owner: {F6F6F6}%s"
  117. #define E_FAILED_BREAKIN1_1 "{00BC00}%s (%d) {F6F6F6}has failed to breakin to your house {00BC00}%s {F6F6F6}in {00BC00}%s{F6F6F6}."
  118. #define E_FAILED_BREAKIN1_2 "{F6F6F6}Someone has failed to breakin to your house {00BC00}%s {F6F6F6}in {00BC00}%s{F6F6F6}."
  119. #define E_FAILED_BREAKIN2 "{F6F6F6}You have failed to breakin to this house.\n{00BC00}House Name: {F6F6F6}%s\n{00BC00}House Owner: {F6F6F6}%s"
  120. #define E_NO_HOUSE_BREAKIN "{F6F6F6}The breakin feature has been disabled in this server. You can not use it."
  121. #define E_KICKED_NOT_IN_HOUSE "{F6F6F6}This player is not in your house."
  122. #define I_KICKED_FROM_HOUSE1 "{F6F6F6}You have kicked out {00BC00}%s (%d) {F6F6F6}from your house."
  123. #define I_KICKED_FROM_HOUSE2 "{F6F6F6}You have been kicked out from the house by {00BC00}%s (%d){F6F6F6}."
  124. #define E_ALREADY_HAVE_HOUSEKEYS "{F6F6F6}You have already given the house keys for this house to this player."
  125. #define I_HOUSEKEYS_RECIEVED_1 "{F6F6F6}You have given {00BC00}%s (%d) {F6F6F6}house keys to this house."
  126. #define I_HOUSEKEYS_RECIEVED_2 "{F6F6F6}You have been given house keys to {00BC00}%s {F6F6F6}in {00BC00}%s {F6F6F6}by {00BC00}%s (%d){F6F6F6}."
  127. #define E_DOESNT_HAVE_HOUSEKEYS "{F6F6F6}This player does not have the house keys for this house."
  128. #define I_HOUSEKEYS_TAKEN_1 "{F6F6F6}You have taken away {00BC00}%s's (%d) {F6F6F6}house keys to this house."
  129. #define I_HOUSEKEYS_TAKEN_2 "{00BC00}%s (%d) {F6F6F6}has taken away the house keys to his house {00BC00}%s {F6F6F6}in {00BC00}%s{F6F6F6}."
  130. #define E_NONE_IN_HOUSE "{F6F6F6}There isn't anyone in your house."
  131. #define E_CANT_ROB_OWN_HOUSE "{F6F6F6}You can not rob your own house."
  132. #define E_ALREADY_HAVE_ALARM "{F6F6F6}You have already bought a house alarm for this house."
  133. #define E_ALREADY_HAVE_CAMERA "{F6F6F6}You have already bought a security camera for this house."
  134. #define E_ALREADY_HAVE_DOG "{F6F6F6}You have already bought a security dog for this house."
  135. #define E_ALREADY_HAVE_UPGRADED_HLOCK "{F6F6F6}You have already bought a better doorlock for this house."
  136. #define E_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY_ALARM "{F6F6F6}You do not have enough money to buy a house alarm for your house."
  137. #define E_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY_CAMERA "{F6F6F6}You do not have enough money to buy a security camera for your house."
  138. #define E_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY_DOG "{F6F6F6}You do not have enough money to buy a security dog for your house."
  139. #define E_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY_UPGRADED_HLOCK "{F6F6F6}You do not have enough money to buy a better doorlock for your house."
  140. #define I_HUPGRADE_ALARM "{F6F6F6}You have bought a alarm for your house.\nThis alarm will warn you when someone tries to or succeed in either robbing or breaking into your house.\n{00BC00}Note: {F6F6F6}It does not notify you of who it is."
  141. #define I_HUPGRADE_CAMERA "{F6F6F6}You have bought a security camera for your house.\nThis security camera will warn you when someone tries to or succeed in either robbing or breaking into your house.\n{00BC00}Note: {F6F6F6}It does notify you of who it is."
  142. #define I_HUPGRADE_DOG "{F6F6F6}You have bought a security dog for your house.\nThis security dog will try to kill anyone who tries to either rob or breakin to your house."
  143. #define I_HUPGRADE_UPGRADED_HLOCK "{F6F6F6}You have bought upgraded the doorlock for your house.\nIt will now be harder to breakin to your house."
  144. #define E_FAILED_HROB1_1 "{00BC00}%s (%d) {F6F6F6}has failed to rob your house {00BC00}%s {F6F6F6}in {00BC00}%s{F6F6F6}."
  145. #define E_FAILED_HROB1_2 "{F6F6F6}Someone has failed to rob your house {00BC00}%s {F6F6F6}in {00BC00}%s{F6F6F6}."
  146. #define I_HROB_STARTED1_1 "{F6F6F6}Someone is currently robbing your house %s {F6F6F6}in %s{F6F6F6}."
  147. #define I_HROB_STARTED1_2 "{00BC00}%s (%d) {F6F6F6}is currently robbing your house %s {F6F6F6}in %s{F6F6F6}."
  148. #define I_HROB_STARTED2 "{F6F6F6}You have started the robbery of {00BC00}%s's {F6F6F6}house {00BC00}%s {F6F6F6}in {00BC00}%s{F6F6F6}.\n\n{00BC00}Stay alive and do not leave the house until the robbery finishes!"
  149. #define E_HROB_OWNER_NOT_CONNECTED "{F6F6F6}You can not rob this house since the owner of it is not connected."
  150. #define I_HROB_FAILED_DEATH "{F6F6F6}You have died.\nThe attempt to rob the house {00BC00}%s {F6F6F6}has failed."
  151. #define I_HROB_FAILED_HEXIT "{F6F6F6}You have left the house.\nThe attempt to rob the house {00BC00}%s {F6F6F6}has failed."
  152. #define I_HROB_FAILED_NOT_IN_HOUSE "{F6F6F6}You are not in the house you were attempting to rob.\nThe attempt to rob the house {00BC00}%s {F6F6F6}has failed."
  153. #define E_FAILED_HROB2 "{F6F6F6}House robbery failed."
  154. #define I_HROB_COMPLETED1_1 "{F6F6F6}Your house {00BC00}%s {F6F6F6}in {00BC00}%s {F6F6F6}has been robbed for {00BC00}$%d{F6F6F6}."
  155. #define I_HROB_COMPLETED1_2 "{00BC00}%s (%d) {F6F6F6}has robbed your house {00BC00}%s {F6F6F6}in {00BC00}%s {F6F6F6}for {00BC00}$%d{F6F6F6}."
  156. #define I_HROB_COMPLETED2 "{F6F6F6}Has robado una casa\nTe largas con {00BC00}%d$ {F6F6F6}de  {00BC00}%s's {F6F6F6}casa {00BC00}%s {F6F6F6}in {00BC00}%s{F6F6F6}."
  157. #define HROB_FAILED1 "{F6F6F6}Los agentes de seguridad te vieron\nAl no conocerte te dispararon y llamaron a una ambulancia"
  158. #define HBREAKIN_FAILED1 "{F6F6F6}Los agentes de seguridad te vieron\nAl no conocerte te dispararon y llamaron a una ambulancia"
  159. #define E_WAIT_BEFORE_BREAKIN "{F6F6F6}Por favor espera para poder volver a forzar una cerradura de una propiedad"
  160. #define E_WAIT_BEFORE_ROBBING "{F6F6F6}Por favor espera para poder volver a robar una propiedad"
  161. #define E_ALREADY_ROBBING_HOUSE "{F6F6F6}Ya estás robando una casa"
  162. #define HROB_FAILED2 "{F6F6F6}Los agentes de seguridad te vieron\nAl no conocerte te dispararon y llamaron a una ambulancia"
  163. #define HBREAKIN_FAILED2 "{F6F6F6}Los agentes de seguridad te vieron\nAl no conocerte te dispararon y llamaron a una ambulancia"
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