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Mar 25th, 2019
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  1. 8. What is yet another step Russ Wichelman is taking in his job search that doesn’t seem to work out much these days either? He would often physically go to the potential employer to fill out an application
  2. 9. Where are most candidates encouraged to go and apply for a job? Why is that problematic? They go somewhere that doesn’t fit their skill
  3. According to the article, is it a good idea to know multiple programming languages? Explain why or why not. They might have an easier time finding an employee if they focused on just one of those programming skills, and planned to train the worker in the others.
  4. 10. Do companies like to spend money training new employees? No they do not
  5. 11. What are three adjectives companies are using to describe new tech employees? They are cheap, quick, and perfect
  6. 12. Companies are taking longer to hire new employees. Do you feel this to be a good idea or a bad one?
  7. 13. Matt Youngquist believes that young job seekers in the tech industry should have multiple what? He said they should have multiple resumes
  8. 14. In regards to question 14, why should new job seekers in the tech industry have multiple “what?”
  9. So they are more likely to make it through electronic screens
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