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Jul 28th, 2017
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  1. 1267, the city of Praven. Garreth was born and came onto this earth with-out any problems, the doctors said he would be
  2. a healthy male, father Peter and mother Ylsa where happy obiviously, they gave a feast which wouldn't be a problem for
  3. the wealthy family as the father would be a merchant and the mother a teacher. Both split their denars to create a nice
  4. feast for the neighbours and their friends embracing Garreth. Garreth had an overal good childhood he had strict parents but
  5. he had it good. His mother was a teacher and tried to learn Garreth to write and speak Swadian as best as she could.
  6. Garreth wasn't really intrested in it, but mother kept the fun in the teaching trying to make it as intresting as possible.
  7. Father was always away as he would out with his convoy trying to trade and sell as much as he could. As years would pass and
  8. Garreth would age he asked father if he could join the castle their garrison as he wanted to become a guard and learn to
  9. fight, father agreed but mother didn't like the idea she kept going for days about how dangerous it would be and that she
  10. didnt wanna lose her son, father tried talking her into it as it would please Garreth and make him stronger, having some sort
  11. of fighting skill would help. Mother finally agreed after some weeks and Garreth went on to apply as guard lucky for him father
  12. knew the captain of the castle and he would easily pas the basics to enter the training grounds. The captain was a well disciplined
  13. man and took everything serious, so serious he would kept a straight face with a good joke, he wasn't somebody you wanted to have
  14. fun with when you where training, Garreth kept on training for months untill the captain saw something in him and offered him a chance
  15. for more private training, Garreth agreed but wanted to wait untill he'd turn eighteen, the captain agreed and told him to have a break.
  16. Years would pass.
  18. 1286, Garreth would be busy training with the captain, his face full with sweat as he tries to beat the captain, fully conceantraded
  19. on trying to beat his master, he kept on fighting untill the captain eventualy beat him. Garreth became angry as he'd lose trying
  20. to be better then him yet the captain laughed and told him to cool down and get something to drink, Garreth sighed as he would walk
  21. around Praven, he was casually walking down the street while whisteling, looking around as he does his right hand gripped around
  22. the grip of his sword, the streets where busy as it would be in the middle of the day, the sun on its highest, Garreth kept on
  23. walking untill he saw a woman yell and scream "He took my purse!!!" Garreth flinched instantly chasing after the thief and catching
  24. up to him the thief was scared as he ran into an alley trying to shake Garreth off his tail, eventually the thief would enter some kind
  25. of underground dungeon Garreth was confused and kinda suprised as he dropped down into the shady dungeon, his hand ready to draw his
  26. sword he slowly made his way forward as it would be dark. He kept making his way forward untill he reaches a light source all of a sudden
  27. he heard a collapsing sound and he got hit by a heavy blunt weapon from behind, Garreth would lose his consicous. Garreth his body would
  28. be dragged further down the dungeons and chain him down into a cell. He would slowly gain his consicous realising he's chained down he tries
  29. to break himself free with out any succes, he heard clapping getting closer and closer untill a guy would stand infront of him wearing a fully
  30. black rope, Garreth looks at the guy in the ropes, terriefed of what would happen to him. The guy in the ropes laughed as he'd see the young
  31. terriefed boy, he'd slowly unsheath his dagger as he'd pierce it through his armor, making a small cut. Garreth bits onto his lips trying not to
  32. show he's weak. The guy in the ropes would start to talk. "So young man-... Who are you?" Garreth responded by spitting into his face angrly moving
  33. his arms and feet around to try breaking free out of the cuffs, the man would punch him several times untill he would fall down onto the ground.
  34. Gerrath in pain and grunting, the man in the ropes spits into his face saying "You fool-..." Garreth pushed himself back onto his feet, looking at
  35. the man with fear on his face. The man laughed as he cleaned his face from Garreth his face, strikking Garreth directly into his face to knock him out.
  36. Garreth grunted as he'd pass out.
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