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Feb 18th, 2018
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  1. Jay-Z's references to Frank Sinatra and Biggie also play a role in what Eliade says are the metaphysics of the symbol of the moon, which is rebirth. The groupings of the many hierophanies are a rhythmic interweaving of fertility, periodic regeneration, time and destiny, change all leading to the climax of regeneration or rebirth. Throughout the song Jay-Z portrays each of these groupings. He also symbolizes the pathos of suffering and history. The cyclical rebirth is symbolized through his interaction with the ancestors of the rich and powerful in his musical world. He refers to Frank Sinatra, Bob Marley and Biggie throughout the song. Eliade said this symbolization through the myth of death is paramount to the conception of historical cycles. Jay-Z is the rebirth of the hope of the American Dream, like those ancestors before him, he came from the economicaly challenged margins of society to hold a place within the realm of the powerful and divine. Frank Sinatra was known as the `chairman of the board' and was a huge success story, who began in New York. In the video Jay-Z is seen standing in a board room in a skyscraper, looking down on the city. His normal gangster attire replaced by a suit and tie, he is now the chairman of the board. % A linkage to symbolism from another era, but telling the same myth of rags to riches success.
  2. Jay-Z refers to Biggie as the `King' and when Biggie's image is shown within the video it is from the perspective of Jay-Z looking down on him. The torch has been passed, a new king has arisen. Eliade states that this rhythm of change is a pattern of existence which eludes to the frailty of life, that who was once here, can disappear but will be restored in the `eternal returning.'\footcite{IntroRel4} The imagery of the ancestors, of those who came before, also provides a sense of hope for others, that they can place Jay-Z.
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