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Jun 27th, 2017
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  2. JangπŸŽ€πŸŽ€πŸŽ€πŸŽ€πŸŽ€πŸŽ€ - Today at 1:14 PM
  3. Hello
  4. Pomchi - Today at 1:32 PM
  5. Hello.
  6. Sorry ill be late replies im at work
  7. How can i help
  8. JangπŸŽ€πŸŽ€πŸŽ€πŸŽ€πŸŽ€πŸŽ€ - Today at 1:35 PM
  9. Hello, I was wondering if I can trial again. First time I was in ama I was really inactive in the guild due too school. Was my first semester as a mechanical engineer senior.
  10. Many many projects and I had senior design
  11. But as of now I have all the time in the world
  12. Pomchi - Today at 1:40 PM
  13. We did see u playing quite often after with other ppl. What are your thoughts
  14. JangπŸŽ€πŸŽ€πŸŽ€πŸŽ€πŸŽ€πŸŽ€ - Today at 1:41 PM
  15. So i usually get home around
  16. midnight or after midnight at the time
  17. usually saturday and friday i had most time when i went to school
  18. and idk if officers knew or you, but at the time i recently transfered to MT
  19. so I played with friends that were helping me get use to the dungeon
  20. Pomchi - Today at 1:43 PM
  21. Were u aware u were going to have less time before u applied to ama
  22. JangπŸŽ€πŸŽ€πŸŽ€πŸŽ€πŸŽ€πŸŽ€ - Today at 1:44 PM
  23. I thought I could manage, but naa I prioitized school
  24. Pomchi - Today at 1:44 PM
  25. Irl is always a priority however(edited)
  26. The biggest thing was the lack of communucation abt it
  27. What are ur thoughts
  28. JangπŸŽ€πŸŽ€πŸŽ€πŸŽ€πŸŽ€πŸŽ€ - Today at 1:45 PM
  29. I agree, I didn't comminute much the only person that I told about my school is
  30. i believe xpect
  31. but other than that none of the other officers kenw
  32. Pomchi - Today at 1:46 PM
  33. Ok
  34. What do u feel you will do differently this time
  35. JangπŸŽ€πŸŽ€πŸŽ€πŸŽ€πŸŽ€πŸŽ€ - Today at 1:47 PM
  36. If any officers need me ill run, I have 2 geared tanks Tokurino and Hueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  37. not just that
  38. spend more time in discord
  39. getting to know everyone
  40. I have tons of free time now
  41. Pomchi - Today at 1:48 PM
  42. What if things get busy again?
  43. JangπŸŽ€πŸŽ€πŸŽ€πŸŽ€πŸŽ€πŸŽ€ - Today at 1:48 PM
  44. I'll for sure let you know
  45. But definetly won't be busy as my last semester
  46. Pomchi - Today at 1:48 PM
  47. Ok
  48. Illl discuss this with the officers and get bk to u tomorrow
  49. JangπŸŽ€πŸŽ€πŸŽ€πŸŽ€πŸŽ€πŸŽ€ - Today at 1:49 PM
  50. Alright, Thanks!
  51. Pomchi - Today at 1:49 PM
  52. Np
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