

Oct 20th, 2019
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  1. test:
  2. command: /test
  3. type: ICON_MENU
  4. iconmenu_title: '&6&lRänge'
  5. iconmenu_size: 27
  6. iconmenu_commands:
  7. - '10:COAL:0:/1buy:&6Amateur:&a50.000€'
  8. - '12:IRON_BLOCK:0:/2buy:&6Skilled:&a200.000€'
  9. - '14:GOLD_BLOCK:0:/3buy:&3Profi:&a500.000€'
  10. - '16:DIAMOND_BLOCK:0:/4buy:&5Master:&a1.000.000€'
  11. cost: 0
  12. permission-required: false
  13. 1buy:
  14. command: /1buy
  15. type: RUN_CONSOLE
  16. runcmd:
  17. - 'pex user $player group set Amateur'
  18. - '$broadcasttext$ &8&l[&c&lSYSTEM&8&l] &a $player ist nun &d&lAmateur&a!'
  19. cost: 10000
  20. permission-required: false
  21. 2buy:
  22. command: /2buy
  23. type: RUN_CONSOLE
  24. runcmd:
  25. - 'pex user $player group set Skilled'
  26. - '$broadcasttext$ &8&l[&c&lSYSTEM&8&l] &a $player ist nun &6&lSkilled&a!'
  27. cost: 50000
  28. permission-required: false
  29. 3buy:
  30. command: /3buy
  31. type: RUN_CONSOLE
  32. runcmd:
  33. - 'pex user $player group set Profi'
  34. - '$broadcasttext$ &8&l[&c&lSYSTEM&8&l] &a $player ist nun &3&lProfi&a!'
  35. cost: 200000
  36. permission-required: false
  37. 4buy:
  38. command: /4buy
  39. type: RUN_CONSOLE
  40. runcmd:
  41. - 'pex user $player group set Master'
  42. - '$broadcasttext$ &8&l[&c&lSYSTEM&8&l] &a $player ist nun &5&lMaster&a!'
  43. cost: 1000000
  44. permission-required: false
  45. queue:
  46. command: /queue
  47. type: RUN_COMMAND
  48. runcmd:
  49. - '/1vs1 join Basic'
  50. permission-required: false
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