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a guest
Jun 13th, 2018
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  1. spring:
  2. rabbitmq:
  3. host: localhost
  4. port: 5672
  5. username: *****
  6. password: *****
  7. cloud:
  8. stream:
  9. bindings:
  10. input: # configure message input
  11. destination: ${}-queue
  12. group: ${}-group
  13. binder: rabbit
  14. consumer:
  15. maxAttempts: 1 # enable dlq
  16. concurrency: 10 # input message consumer concurrency
  17. output:
  18. destination: ${}-queue
  19. group: ${}-group
  20. binder: rabbit
  21. fallback:
  22. destination: ${}-fallback
  23. group: ${}-group
  24. binder: rabbit
  25. binders:
  26. rabbit:
  27. type: rabbit
  28. rabbit:
  29. bindings:
  30. output:
  31. producer:
  32. declareExchange: false # disable auto declare exchanges because we already declare below
  33. consumer:
  34. declareExchange: false
  35. input:
  36. producer:
  37. declareExchange: false
  38. consumer:
  39. acknowledgeMode: MANUAL # if handlers are async for example but may be auto for exception driven ack
  40. republishToDlq : true # republish if failed
  41. autoBindDlq: true # auto create dlq for input queue
  42. deadLetterQueueName: dlq # set name for dlq
  43. delayedExchange: true # enable rabbit delay plugin
  44. prefetch: 10 # how much messages to fetch for processing
  45. maxConcurrency: 30 # how much messages to process concurrently
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