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Nov 5th, 2018
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  1. # Define imports.
  2. from time import time, strftime
  3. from datetime import datetime
  4. from glob import iglob
  5. from os import path, system
  6. from sys import exc_info
  7. from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
  8. from curses import initscr, noecho, cbreak, echo, nocbreak, endwin
  9. from psycopg2 import connect
  11. # Function to format time.
  12. def formatTime(time):
  13. # Define the time variables.
  14. day = time // (24 * 3600)
  15. time = time % (24 * 3600)
  17. hour = time // 3600
  18. time %= 3600
  20. minutes = time // 60
  21. time %= 60
  23. seconds = time
  25. # Format and return the time.
  26. formatTime = "%d:%d:%d:%d" % (day, hour, minutes, seconds)
  27. return formatTime
  29. # Define local variables.
  30. run = True
  31. complete = False
  32. timeStart = time()
  33. root = path.abspath(path.dirname(__file__))
  35. # Define import variables.
  36. files = list()
  37. fileCheck = 0
  38. lineCheck = 0
  39. totalFiles = 0
  40. totalLines = 1
  41. totalErrors = 0
  43. # Define database variables.
  44. con = connect(host="localhost", user="**********", password="**********", dbname="**********")
  45. con.set_client_encoding("UNICODE")
  46. cur = con.cursor()
  48. # Initialize the script.
  49. system("clear")
  50. print("IMPORTER")
  51. print("A program to import credentials into a PostgreSQL database.\n")
  53. # Sanitize user input.
  54. try:
  55. location = input("Folder Path: ")
  56. except KeyboardInterrupt:
  57. # Quit the program.
  58. system("clear")
  59. run = False
  60. quit()
  62. if(location[len(location) - 1] == "/"):
  63. location = location[:len(location) - 1]
  65. # Change to cursor screen.
  66. screen = initscr()
  67. noecho()
  68. cbreak()
  70. # Check for folder.
  71. if(path.isdir(location)):
  72. # Loop through files recursively.
  73. for dir in iglob(location + "/**/*", recursive=True):
  74. # Check for exit.
  75. try:
  76. # Check for file.
  77. if(path.isfile(dir)):
  78. # Update the information.
  79. files.append(dir)
  80. totalFiles += 1
  81. totalLines += int(Popen(["wc", "-l", dir], stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0].decode().split(" ")[0])
  83. # Output live information.
  84. screen.clear()
  85. screen.addstr(0, 0, "INITIALIZING IMPORT...")
  86. screen.addstr(1, 0, "Getting things read to start importing.")
  87. screen.addstr(3, 0, "Files: " + str(totalFiles))
  88. screen.addstr(4, 0, "Lines: " + str(totalLines))
  89. screen.addstr(5, 0, "")
  90. screen.refresh()
  91. except KeyboardInterrupt:
  92. # Reset the screen
  93. screen.keypad(0)
  94. echo()
  95. nocbreak()
  96. endwin()
  98. # Break the loop
  99. run = False
  100. break
  101. # Check for file.
  102. elif(path.isfile(location)):
  103. # Add to array.
  104. files.append(location)
  105. totalFiles += 1
  106. totalLines += int(Popen(["wc", "-l", location], stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0].decode().split(" ")[0])
  107. else:
  108. # Reset the screen
  109. screen.keypad(0)
  110. echo()
  111. nocbreak()
  112. endwin()
  114. # Reset the screen.
  115. print("Cannot find specified location.")
  116. run = False
  117. quit();
  119. # Ensure the program is running.
  120. while run:
  121. # Handle errors.
  122. try:
  123. # Loop through all files in array.
  124. for i in range(0, len(files)):
  125. lineCount = 0
  126. lineFile = int(Popen(["wc", "-l", files[i]], stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0].decode().split(" ")[0])
  128. # Loop through lines in files
  129. file = open(files[i], encoding="latin-1", errors="surrogateescape")
  130. for line in file:
  131. try:
  132. # Increment the counters.
  133. lineCount += 1
  134. lineCheck += 1
  136. # Parse out the credentials.
  137. line = line.rstrip("\n")
  138. pos = line.find(":")
  139. if(pos == -1):
  140. pos = line.find(";")
  142. # Get the credential variables.
  143. username = line[:pos]
  144. password = line[pos+1:]
  146. # Output live information.
  147. screen.clear()
  148. screen.addstr(0, 0, "IMPORTING CREDENTIALS...")
  149. screen.addstr(1, 0, "Importing the data into the database.")
  150. screen.addstr(3, 0, "FILES")
  151. screen.addstr(4, 0, "Path: " + files[i])
  152. screen.addstr(5, 0, "Username: " + username[:40])
  153. screen.addstr(6, 0, "Password: " + password[:40])
  154. screen.addstr(7, 0, "Lines: " + str(lineCount) + "/" + str(lineFile))
  155. screen.addstr(8, 0, "Rate: " + str(round(lineCount / (time() - timeStart), 3)) + " str/s")
  156. screen.addstr(10, 0, "TOTAL")
  157. screen.addstr(11, 0, "Files: " + str(fileCheck) + "/" + str(totalFiles))
  158. screen.addstr(12, 0, "Lines: " + str(lineCheck) + "/" + str(totalLines))
  159. screen.addstr(13, 0, "Errors: " + str(totalErrors))
  160. screen.addstr(14, 0, "Rate: " + str(round(lineCheck / (time() - timeStart), 3)) + " str/s")
  161. screen.addstr(15, 0, "Time: " + formatTime(round(time() - timeStart)))
  162. screen.addstr(16, 0, "Complete: " + str(round((lineCheck / totalLines) * 100, 3)) + "%")
  163. screen.addstr(17, 0, "")
  164. screen.refresh()
  166. # Import to the database.
  167. cur.execute("INSERT INTO clear(username, password) VALUES(%s, %s);", [username, password])
  168. con.commit()
  169. except KeyboardInterrupt:
  170. raise
  171. except:
  172. # Check if the files exists.
  173. if(path.exists(root + "/errors.log") == False):
  174. new = True
  175. else:
  176. new = False
  178. # Log the error's log.
  179. log = open(root + "/errors.log", "a")
  180. if(new):
  181. log.write("{0:<20}".format("TIME"))
  182. log.write("{0:<30}".format("FILE PATH"))
  183. log.write("{0:<10}".format("LINE"))
  184. log.write("{0:<25}".format("USERNAME"))
  185. log.write("{0:<25}".format("PASSWORD"))
  186. log.write("{0:<30}".format("TYPE"))
  187. log.write("{0:<100}\n".format("INFO"))
  189. # Log the error.
  190. log.write("{0:<20}".format(strftime("%x") + " " + strftime("%X")))
  191. log.write("{0:<30}".format(files[i]))
  192. log.write("{0:<10}".format(str(lineCount)))
  193. log.write("{0:<25}".format(username[:20]))
  194. log.write("{0:<25}".format(password[:20]))
  195. log.write("{0:<30}".format(str(exc_info()[0])))
  196. log.write("{0:<100}\n".format(str(exc_info()[1])))
  197. log.close()
  199. # Increment the counters.
  200. totalErrors += 1
  202. # Resume on error.
  203. pass
  204. file.close()
  205. fileCheck += 1
  207. # Check for end of files array.
  208. if i == len(files) - 1:
  209. # Reset the screen
  210. screen.keypad(0)
  211. echo()
  212. nocbreak()
  213. endwin()
  215. # Close the database connection.
  216. cur.close()
  217. con.close()
  219. # Break the loop
  220. complete = True
  221. run = False
  222. except KeyboardInterrupt:
  223. # Reset the screen
  224. screen.keypad(0)
  225. echo()
  226. nocbreak()
  227. endwin()
  229. # Close the database connection.
  230. cur.close()
  231. con.close()
  233. # Break the loop
  234. run = False
  236. # Output final information.
  237. system("clear")
  238. if(complete):
  239. print("IMPORT COMPLETE\n")
  240. else:
  241. print("IMPORT CANCELED\n")
  242. print("Files: " + str(fileCheck) + "/" + str(totalFiles))
  243. print("Lines: " + str(lineCheck) + "/" + str(totalLines))
  244. print("Errors: " + str(totalErrors))
  245. print("Time: " + formatTime(round(time() - timeStart)))
  246. print("Rate: " + str(round(lineCheck / (time() - timeStart), 3)) + " str/s")
  247. print("Complete: " + str(round((lineCheck / totalLines) * 100, 3)) + "%")
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