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a guest
Apr 16th, 2018
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  1. "Settings.Passport" = "Telegram Passport";
  3. "Passport.Title" = "Passport";
  5. "Passport.RequestHeader" = "%@ requests access to your personal data to sign you up for their services.";
  7. "Passport.InfoTitle" = "What is Telegram Passport?";
  8. "Passport.InfoText" = "With **Telegram Passport** you can easily sign up for websites and services that require identity verification.\n\nYour information, personal data, and documents are protected by end-to-end encryption. Nobody, including Telegram, can access them without your permission.";
  10. "Passport.PassportInformation" = "PASSPORT INFORMATION";
  11. "Passport.RequestedInformation" = "REQUESTED INFORMATION";
  12. "Passport.FieldIdentity" = "Identity Document";
  13. "Passport.FieldIdentityDetailsHelp" = "Fill in your personal details";
  14. "Passport.FieldIdentityUploadHelp" = "Upload a scan of your passport or other ID";
  15. "Passport.FieldIdentitySelfieHelp" = "Take a selfie with your document";
  16. "Passport.FieldAddress" = "Residential Address";
  17. "Passport.FieldAddressHelp" = "Please provide your address";
  18. "Passport.FieldAddressUploadHelp" = "Upload proof of your address";
  19. "Passport.FieldPhone" = "Phone Number";
  20. "Passport.FieldPhoneHelp" = "Provide your contact phone number";
  21. "Passport.FieldEmail" = "Email Address";
  22. "Passport.FieldEmailHelp" = "Provide your contact email address";
  23. "Passport.PrivacyPolicy" = "You accept the [%1$@ Privacy Policy] and allow their @%2$@ to send you messages.";
  24. "Passport.AcceptHelp" = "You are sending your documents directly to %1$@ and allowing their @%2$@ to send you messages.";
  25. "Passport.Authorize" = "Authorize";
  27. "Passport.ChangePassword" = "Change Password";
  28. "Passport.DeletePassport" = "Delete Passport";
  29. "Passport.DeletePassportConfirmation" = "Are you sure you want to delete your Telegram Passport? All details will be lost.";
  31. "Passport.PasswordHelp" = "Please enter your Telegram Password\nto decrypt your data";
  32. "Passport.PasswordPlaceholder" = "Enter your password";
  33. "Passport.InvalidPasswordError" = "Invalid password. Please try again.";
  34. "Passport.FloodError" = "Limit exceeded. Please try again later.";
  36. "Passport.ForgottenPassword" = "Forgotten Password";
  37. "Passport.PasswordReset" = "All documents uploaded to your Telegram Passport will be lost. You will be able to upload new documents.";
  39. "Passport.PasswordDescription" = "Please create a password to secure your personal data with end-to-end encryption.\n\nThis password will also be required whenever you log in to Telegram on a new device.";
  40. "Passport.PasswordCreate" = "Create a Password";
  41. "Passport.PasswordNext" = "Next";
  43. "Passport.DeleteDocument" = "Delete Document";
  44. "Passport.DeleteDocumentConfirmation" = "Are you sure you want to delete this document? All details will be lost.";
  46. "Passport.Scans" = "SCANS";
  47. "Passport.Scans.Upload" = "Upload Scan";
  48. "Passport.Scans.UploadNew" = "Upload Additional Scan";
  49. "Passport.Scans.ScanIndex" = "Scan %@";
  50. "Passport.Scans.ScanUploaded" = "Uploaded %@";
  52. "Passport.Identity.TypePersonalDetails" = "Personal Details";
  53. "Passport.Identity.TypePassport" = "Passport";
  54. "Passport.Identity.TypePassportUploadScan" = "Upload a scan of your passport";
  55. "Passport.Identity.TypeIdentityCard" = "Identity Card";
  56. "Passport.Identity.TypeIdentityCardUploadScan" = "Upload a scan of your identity card";
  57. "Passport.Identity.TypeDriversLicense" = "Driver's License";
  58. "Passport.Identity.TypeDriversLicenseUploadScan" = "Upload a scan of your driver's license";
  60. "Passport.Identity.DocumentDetails" = "DOCUMENT DETAILS";
  61. "Passport.Identity.Name" = "First Name";
  62. "Passport.Identity.NamePlaceholder" = "First Name";
  63. "Passport.Identity.Surname" = "Last Name";
  64. "Passport.Identity.SurnamePlaceholder" = "Last Name";
  65. "Passport.Identity.DateOfBirth" = "Date of Birth";
  66. "Passport.Identity.DateOfBirthPlaceholder" = "Date of Birth";
  67. "Passport.Identity.Gender" = "Gender";
  68. "Passport.Identity.GenderPlaceholder" = "Gender";
  69. "Passport.Identity.GenderMale" = "Male";
  70. "Passport.Identity.GenderFemale" = "Female";
  71. "Passport.Identity.Country" = "Country";
  72. "Passport.Identity.CountryPlaceholder" = "Country";
  73. "Passport.Identity.DocumentNumber" = "Document #";
  74. "Passport.Identity.DocumentNumberPlaceholder" = "Document Number";
  75. "Passport.Identity.IssueDate" = "Issue Date";
  76. "Passport.Identity.IssueDatePlaceholder" = "Issue Date";
  77. "Passport.Identity.ExpiryDate" = "Expiry Date";
  78. "Passport.Identity.ExpiryDatePlaceholder" = "Expiry Date";
  79. "Passport.Identity.ExpiryDateNone" = "None";
  80. "Passport.Identity.DoesNotExpire" = "Does Not Expire";
  82. "Passport.Identity.ScansHelp" = "The document must contain: \n• Your photograph, first name and last name\n• Your date of birth\n• Document number\n• Country of issue and expiry date.";
  84. "Passport.Identity.SelfieTitle" = "SELFIE VERIFICATION";
  85. "Passport.Identity.Selfie" = "Selfie";
  86. "Passport.Identity.SelfieUpload" = "Add Selfie";
  87. "Passport.Identity.SelfieUploadNew" = "Retake Selfie";
  88. "Passport.Identity.SelfieHelp" = "Upload a selfie of yourself holding this document. Make sure the ID and your face are clearly visible.";
  90. "Passport.Address.TypePassportRegistration" = "Passport Registration";
  91. "Passport.Address.TypeUtilityBill" = "Utility Bill";
  92. "Passport.Address.TypeBankStatement" = "Bank Statement";
  93. "Passport.Address.TypeRentalAgreement" = "Rental Agreement";
  95. "Passport.Address.Address" = "ADDRESS";
  96. "Passport.Address.Street" = "Street";
  97. "Passport.Address.Street1Placeholder" = "Street and number, P.O. box";
  98. "Passport.Address.Street2Placeholder" = "Apt., suite, unit, building, floor";
  99. "Passport.Address.Postcode" = "Postcode";
  100. "Passport.Address.PostcodePlaceholder" = "Postcode";
  101. "Passport.Address.City" = "City";
  102. "Passport.Address.CityPlaceholder" = "City";
  103. "Passport.Address.Region" = "Region";
  104. "Passport.Address.RegionPlaceholder" = "State / Province / Region";
  105. "Passport.Address.Country" = "Country";
  106. "Passport.Address.CountryPlaceholder" = "Country";
  108. "Passport.Address.ScansHelp" = "The document must contain:\n• Your first name and last name\n• Your residential address\n• Stamp / barcode / QR code / logo\n• Issue date no more than 3 months ago";
  110. "Passport.Phone.Title" = "Phone Number";
  111. "Passport.Phone.UseTelegramNumber" = "Use %@";
  112. "Passport.Phone.UseTelegramNumberHelp" = "Use the same phone number as in Telegram.";
  113. "Passport.Phone.EnterOtherNumber" = "OR ENTER NEW PHONE NUMBER";
  114. "Passport.Phone.Help" = "Note: You will receive a confirmation code on the phone number you provide.";
  115. "Passport.Phone.Delete" = "Delete Phone Number";
  117. "Passport.Email.Title" = "Email";
  118. "Passport.Email.UseTelegramEmail" = "Use %@";
  119. "Passport.Email.UseTelegramEmailHelp" = "Use the same address as in Telegram.";
  120. "Passport.Email.EnterOtherEmail" = "OR ENTER NEW EMAIL ADDRESS";
  121. "Passport.Email.EmailPlaceholder" = "Enter your email address";
  122. "Passport.Email.Help" = "Note: You will receive a confirmation code on the email you provide.";
  123. "Passport.Email.Delete" = "Delete Email Address";
  124. "Passport.Email.CodeHelp" = "Please enter the confirmation code we've just sent to %@";
  126. "Notification.PassportValuesSentMessage" = "%1$@ received the following documents: %2$@";
  127. "Notification.PassportValuePersonalDetails" = "personal details";
  128. "Notification.PassportValueProofOfIdentity" = "proof of identity";
  129. "Notification.PassportValueAddress" = "address";
  130. "Notification.PassportValueProofOfAddress" = "proof of address";
  131. "Notification.PassportValuePhone" = "phone number";
  132. "Notification.PassportValueEmail" = "email address";
  134. "FastTwoStepSetup.HintSection" = "HINT";
  135. "FastTwoStepSetup.HintPlaceholder" = "Enter a hint";
  136. "FastTwoStepSetup.HintHelp" = "Please create an optional hint for your password.";
  138. "Passport.DiscardMessageTitle" = "Discard Changes";
  139. "Passport.DiscardMessageDescription" = "Are you sure you want to discard all changes?";
  140. "Passport.DiscardMessageAction" = "Discard";
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