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Apr 24th, 2018
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  1. Gamma - Last Sunday at 11:23 PM
  2. May I make a suggestion though in terms of the MA?
  3. darkfunnel - Last Sunday at 11:23 PM
  4. Shure :3 and MA? x'd
  5. Gamma - Last Sunday at 11:23 PM
  6. Mass Archive
  7. darkfunnel - Last Sunday at 11:23 PM
  8. Ah, herp.
  9. Gamma - Last Sunday at 11:24 PM
  10. Undo the nerfs we did to rebalance the site. It's evident to me by Sofia's regrade that the current staff team won't handle it the same way and therefore it's going to be unfair to members that did receive our more aggressive rebalancing of the system.
  11. darkfunnel - Last Sunday at 11:25 PM
  12. Okay :thinking: But, wasn't taht mostly to remove a huge amount of 0-tiers?
  13. Gamma - Last Sunday at 11:25 PM
  14. That's not a bad thing if you didn't do what we did. It's just unfair the way I see it to the people we did nerf heavier.
  15. It was. Yet I wrote up 1000+ word review for Sofia highlighting every issue because Sofia is a characrer that abuses many aspects of the system. She was never going to be reapproved as a 0-4++. Especially after we rated Kisuke and Shunsui as 1-1 and 0-4 respectively.
  16. darkfunnel - Last Sunday at 11:28 PM
  17. I think Shiz has been talking with Pam about Sofia :thinking: and yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh
  18. It doesn't help I have no trust for her at all =/
  19. Gamma - Last Sunday at 11:29 PM
  20. I saw the review he did. Not to sound mean. It was pathetic and didn't highlight any of her issues.
  21. darkfunnel - Last Sunday at 11:29 PM
  22. xD
  23. Gamma - Last Sunday at 11:30 PM
  24. Her ginto spheres can summon a beast matching her tier with broken abilities and replicate Jugram Haschwalth's Balance ability to an extent which was fundamentally broken.
  25. Don't even get me started on Aiko.... that app hurt my brain to look over.
  26. darkfunnel - Last Sunday at 11:32 PM
  27. I shan't get you started on Aiko
  28. xD
  29. I mean, if you want, I can tell staff about what you are recommending, but, a character and person abusing the system is gonna get punished by it
  30. Gamma - Last Sunday at 11:35 PM
  31. I'll consider it. The main issue with the MA now imo is that staff have a lot of bias in its current roster. JJ and Shizuo have a lot of 0-tiers and as I recall Shizuo not wanting to give up a lot of power in them I can see bias there.
  32. darkfunnel - Last Sunday at 11:35 PM
  33. I only have like one, technically two, and I didn't mind -shrug-
  34. ( second being Kimitsuki )
  35. Gamma - Last Sunday at 11:37 PM
  36. To be fair and no offence to you. Before all the shit Shuten was being reconsidered due to looking at her in comparison to the rest of our gradings. She was the only official 0-3 that had been approved at that point.
  37. darkfunnel - Last Sunday at 11:37 PM
  38. Naw, it's fine LOL
  39. Gamma - Last Sunday at 11:37 PM
  40. Just about everyone thought it didn't really fit.
  41. darkfunnel - Last Sunday at 11:39 PM
  42. -shrug- I mostly wanted Shikokai, and Frost lemme keep it and we discussed how she would be 0-3 in her Shikokai. I mean, maybe my writing ain't quite up to par, but she was my, and still is, longest app xD
  43. Gamma - Last Sunday at 11:41 PM
  44. Yeah. It was more a facet of the character design tbh which felt off. It wasn't length. It was looking at Shuten next to someone like Toshiro's bankai and Kyoraku didn't really fit tbh.
  45. Especially being an Assassin
  46. darkfunnel - Last Sunday at 11:41 PM
  47. -shrug-
  48. Gamma - Last Sunday at 11:42 PM
  49. How is Hayden being handled?
  50. He was another character which fit into the same group as Sofia tbh.
  51. darkfunnel - Last Sunday at 11:43 PM
  52. It was hard for me to think of a good bankai since, well, she was both sake and assassination
  53. Her bankai was sake, her Shikokai was assassination. But ye
  54. aaand, I am not sure, I think Henrex and JJ are gonna tackle it.
  55. Gamma - Last Sunday at 11:44 PM
  56. Curious to see the result then since I recall making all the problems known to Henrex and he seemed to agree.
  57. darkfunnel - Last Sunday at 11:45 PM
  58. Ah, okay.
  59. :thinking: Again, I can bring this up to staff. As much as Ari wants to dick Sofia down, she is busted LOL
  60. Gamma - Last Sunday at 11:47 PM
  61. Busted indeed. If need be just use my regrade post in the staff board on site.
  62. darkfunnel - Last Sunday at 11:50 PM
  63. I could do zat
  64. Tbh, it still sucks you left, but, -shrug- No worth crying over spilt milk.
  65. Gamma - Last Sunday at 11:53 PM
  66. Also the tier I was considering was tier 1-5 at best for her. I didn't want to leave. No staff member did before push came to shove. Unfortunately though and as my friend has been trying to make me come back as the site is now I have zero interest.
  67. darkfunnel - Last Sunday at 11:54 PM
  68. that sucks, and hmm, I dunno about 1-5, but, I agree 1-tier is good. Because she jumped to 0-tier so damn quick
  69. Gamma - Last Sunday at 11:56 PM
  70. She was approved at 1 tier which she shouldn't have even gotten nor were any problems even seen until the MA because Andy approved her straight up. Because honeypotting staff isn't below her I've learned which means Sofia should never have been the way she was dude.
  71. 1-5 is generous ino especially given Sofia being a prodigy.
  72. APRIL 23, 2018
  73. darkfunnel - Yesterday at 12:01 AM
  74. Yeah, I got one tier on Toshiko at the time, and Andy graded her as well. Sooo, -shrug-
  75. But, yeah, I dunno; it's hard to say how good Sofia's app was at the time
  76. it was just long
  77. Gamma - Yesterday at 12:02 AM
  78. I mean overall Andy was a pretty slack grader though. Even with the previous staff team Rawk and I were the "thorough" graders which is why I took Aiko and Sofia.
  79. darkfunnel - Yesterday at 12:02 AM
  80. xD
  81. Dang, and here I was told Andy was a tough grader
  83. I dunno, when I grade, I try to be fair; emphasis on try.
  84. But, I do make sure shit is balanced or I rip off some asses :3
  85. Send Ari after their buttholes
  86. lol
  87. Gamma - Yesterday at 12:09 AM
  88. Lol
  89. darkfunnel - Yesterday at 12:10 AM
  90. But, yeah, I do agree A certain shit known as Sofia should be nerfed hard
  91. Gamma - Yesterday at 12:27 AM
  92. I can agree
  93. I just apply the Chifuyu principle whenever someone wants to label themselves as a prodigy lmfao.
  94. "Chifuyu Principle"
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