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a guest
Jun 20th, 2018
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  1. /*
  2. * call-seq:
  3. * PKCS12.create(pass, name, key, cert [, ca, [, key_pbe [, cert_pbe [, key_iter [, mac_iter [, keytype]]]]]])
  4. *
  5. * === Parameters
  6. * * +pass+ - string
  7. * * +name+ - A string describing the key.
  8. * * +key+ - Any PKey.
  9. * * +cert+ - A X509::Certificate.
  10. * * * The public_key portion of the certificate must contain a valid public key.
  11. * * * The not_before and not_after fields must be filled in.
  12. * * +ca+ - An optional array of X509::Certificate's.
  13. * * +key_pbe+ - string
  14. * * +cert_pbe+ - string
  15. * * +key_iter+ - integer
  16. * * +mac_iter+ - integer
  17. * * +keytype+ - An integer representing an MSIE specific extension.
  18. *
  19. * Any optional arguments may be supplied as nil to preserve the OpenSSL defaults.
  20. *
  21. * See the OpenSSL documentation for PKCS12_create().
  23. p12 = OpenSSL::PKCS12.create("password", "key", pkey, cert)
  24. p12_bytes = p12.to_der
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