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a guest
Jul 29th, 2018
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  1. 14:01:49 [WARNING] Event ProxyPingEvent(connection=[/] <-> InitialHandler, response=ServerPing(version=ServerPing.Protocol(name=BungeeCord 1.8.x-1.13.x, protocol=110), players=ServerPing.Players(max=50, online=4, sample=null), description=§f§3只是一个寻常又温暖的正版生存服务器 §f1.12.2 §§d, modinfo=ServerPing.ModInfo(type=FML, modList=[]))) took 328,330,472ns to process!
  2. 14:02:02 [INFO] [/] <-> InitialHandler has connected
  3. 14:03:28 [INFO] [/] <-> InitialHandler has connected
  4. 14:03:33 [WARNING] Event PluginMessageEvent(super=TargetedEvent(sender=net.md_5.bungee.ServerConnection@4fbb46f0, receiver=502_101), cancelled=true, tag=BTLP/Bridge) took 521,624,590ns to process!
  5. 14:04:20 [INFO] [/] <-> InitialHandler has connected
  6. 14:04:36 [INFO] [/] <-> InitialHandler has connected
  7. 14:04:45 [INFO] [/] <-> InitialHandler has connected
  8. 14:05:20 [INFO] [/] <-> InitialHandler has connected
  9. 14:05:47 [INFO] [/] <-> InitialHandler has connected
  10. 14:05:49 [INFO] [/] <-> InitialHandler has connected
  11. 14:05:49 [INFO] [/] <-> InitialHandler has connected
  12. 14:05:49 [WARNING] Event ProxyPingEvent(connection=[/] <-> InitialHandler, response=ServerPing(version=ServerPing.Protocol(name=BungeeCord 1.8.x-1.13.x, protocol=393), players=ServerPing.Players(max=50, online=4, sample=null), description=§f§3只是一个寻常又温暖的正版生存服务器 §f1.12.2 §§d, modinfo=ServerPing.ModInfo(type=FML, modList=[]))) took 448,731,530ns to process!
  13. 14:06:08 [INFO] [/] <-> InitialHandler has connected
  14. 14:06:19 [INFO] [/] <-> InitialHandler has connected
  15. 14:06:26 [INFO] [/] <-> InitialHandler has connected
  16. 14:06:26 [INFO] [/] <-> InitialHandler has connected
  17. 14:06:54 [INFO] [/] <-> InitialHandler has connected
  18. 14:07:21 [INFO] [/] <-> InitialHandler has connected
  19. 14:08:39 [WARNING] Event PluginMessageEvent(super=TargetedEvent(sender=net.md_5.bungee.ServerConnection@4fbb46f0, receiver=502_101), cancelled=true, tag=BTLP/Bridge) took 848,984,355ns to process!
  20. 14:08:50 [WARNING] Event PluginMessageEvent(super=TargetedEvent(sender=net.md_5.bungee.ServerConnection@4fbb46f0, receiver=502_101), cancelled=true, tag=BTLP/Bridge) took 512,990,706ns to process!
  21. 14:09:41 [INFO] [/] <-> InitialHandler has connected
  22. 14:10:21 [INFO] [/] <-> InitialHandler has connected
  23. 14:10:22 [INFO] [/] <-> InitialHandler has connected
  24. 14:10:25 [INFO] [B_Yangfan] <-> InitialHandler has connected
  25. 14:11:51 [WARNING] [Plan] com.djrapitops.plan.system.webserver.ResponseHandler Caught: com.djrapitops.plan.api.exceptions.connection.TransferDatabaseException: com.djrapitops.plan.api.exceptions.database.DBOpException: SQL Failed: SELECT id FROM plan_servers WHERE (uuid=?); Plan Connection Pool - Connection is not available, request timed out after 31359ms.
  26. 14:10:26 [INFO] [/] <-> InitialHandler has connected
  27. 14:11:56 [WARNING] [Plan] Exception can be viewed at
  28. 14:10:48 [INFO] [/] <-> InitialHandler has connected
  29. 14:10:49 [WARNING] Event ProxyPingEvent(connection=[/] <-> InitialHandler, response=ServerPing(version=ServerPing.Protocol(name=BungeeCord 1.8.x-1.13.x, protocol=340), players=ServerPing.Players(max=50, online=4, sample=null), description=§f§3只是一个寻常又温暖的正版生存服务器 §f1.12.2 §§d, modinfo=ServerPing.ModInfo(type=FML, modList=[]))) took 1,087,823,392ns to process!
  30. 14:11:38 [INFO] [/] <-> InitialHandler has connected
  31. 14:12:00 [INFO] [/] <-> InitialHandler has connected
  32. 14:13:30 [WARNING] Event ProxyPingEvent(connection=[/] <-> InitialHandler, response=ServerPing(version=ServerPing.Protocol(name=BungeeCord 1.8.x-1.13.x, protocol=393), players=ServerPing.Players(max=50, online=4, sample=null), description=§f§3只是一个寻常又温暖的正版生存服务器 §f1.12.2 §§d, modinfo=ServerPing.ModInfo(type=FML, modList=[]))) took 398,346,228ns to process!
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