Guest User


a guest
Feb 13th, 2020
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  1. ###############################
  2. # #
  3. # CoreBot Config #
  4. # #
  5. ###############################
  6. Bot_Token: "Njc3Mjg0Mjk1OTQ5MTU2MzYz.XkSAgw.-yh2FPD1e5UpFGHCS0sNgOzoh-I"
  7. # This is your bot application's token. You can get this by going to discord's developer portal, creating an application, then turning the application into a bot.
  8. Bot_Key: "b9483c92-877f-4d8a-8597-124f0fdbe426"
  9. # This is the bot's key. You can get a key by joining our Discord ( and verifying that you purchased the bot.
  10. Bot_Prefix: "!"
  11. # This is the symbol you will have to use to run all of CoreBot's commands.
  12. Theme_Color: "#FF6347"
  13. # This is the HEX color that will be used in all the bot's embeds.
  14. Error_Color: "#f52c2c"
  15. # This is the HEX color that will be used in all error embeds (Wrong channel, syntax errors, etc.)
  16. Success_Color: "#25de1f"
  17. #
  18. Backup_System: true
  19. # Should the backup system be enabled (Backs up data files, config, and lang every 12 hours). Set to false to disable.
  22. ######################################
  23. # #
  24. # DATABASE #
  25. # #
  26. ######################################
  28. Database:
  29. Type: 'sqlite'
  30. # Set to mysql or sqlite
  31. MySQL:
  32. Host: ''
  33. User: ''
  34. Password: ''
  35. Database: ''
  36. # Only fill this out if you are using MySQL
  39. ######################################
  40. # #
  41. # JOIN EVENT #
  42. # #
  43. ######################################
  45. Join: "Randy"
  46. # Want to give multiple roles on join? Seperate each role with a comma. EX: "Member,Notifications,Unverified"
  47. # This is the role given to users when they join. Put false to not give a role on join.
  48. Join_Messages: false
  49. # This will enable or disable join messages.
  50. Channel: "welcome"
  51. # This is the channel welcome mesages will be sent in.
  52. Message: "embed"
  53. # This is the message sent in the join channel when a user joins. If you would like the message to be sent as an embed put "embed".
  54. DM_Message: false
  55. # This is the message DMed to users when they join. Put false to not DM a welcome message to users.
  57. Embed_Settings:
  58. ### EMBED OPTIONS ###
  59. # This requires the Join_Message setting to be "embed"
  60. # VARIABLES:
  61. # {user} - This will print the user's username.
  62. # {tag} - This will print the user's name with their Discord tag (Example: Test#1234)
  63. # {total} - This will print the total amount of members in the Discord server
  65. # Want to have a random embed color? Add a random option below and set it to "RANDOM" (Color: "RANDOM")
  67. Title: "Welcome"
  68. # This is the title of the embed
  69. Description: "Welcome to the Discord server, {user}! \n\n Total Members: {total}"
  70. # This is the description or main field of the embed. Want multiple, random join messages? Set the description to an array Ex: ["Welcome to the Discord, {user}", "Hello, {tag}!"]
  71. Footer: false
  72. # This is the footer of the embed. Put false to not have a footer in the embed.
  73. Timestamp: true
  74. # This will add the time the user joined at to the embed's footer if set to true
  75. Thumbnail: "{userPFP}"
  76. # Variables: {userPFP} {botPFP}
  78. Invite_Rewards:
  79. Enabled: true
  80. # This will enable or disable the invite rewards system.
  81. Invite_Rewards:
  82. 1: "Spark Inviter"
  83. 5: "Shock Inviter"
  84. 20: "Arc Inviter"
  85. 30: "Voltage Inviter"
  86. 50: "Bolt Inviter"
  87. 100: "Storm Inviter"
  88. 1000000: "Storm Inviter"
  89. # (Invites Needed): (Role)
  90. # These are the roles given to users when they reach a certain amount of invites. Use the amount of invites as the key and the role as the value.
  93. ######################################
  94. # #
  95. # LEAVE EVENT #
  96. # #
  97. ######################################
  99. Leave:
  100. Leave_Messages: false
  101. # This will enable or disable leave messages.
  102. Channel: "welcome"
  103. # This is the channel leave messages will be sent in.
  104. Message: "embed"
  105. # This is the message sent in the leave channel when a user leaves. If you would like the message to be sent as an embed put "embed".
  107. ### EMBED OPTIONS ###
  108. # (NOTE: This requires the Message setting to be true)
  110. Embed_Settings:
  111. # VARIABLES:
  112. # {user} - This will tag the user
  113. # {tag} - This will print the user's name with their Discord tag (Example: Test#1234)
  114. # {total} - This will print the total amount of members in the Discord server
  116. # Want to have a random embed color? Add a random option below and set it to "RANDOM" (Color: "RANDOM")
  118. Title: "Goodbye"
  119. # This is the title of the embed
  120. Description: "Goodbye, {user}! It was fun having you around... \n\n Total Members: {total}"
  121. # This is the description or main field of the embed. Want multiple, random leave messages? Set the description to an array Ex: ["Goodybe, {user}", "See you later, {tag}!"]
  122. Footer: false
  123. # This is the footer of the embed. Put false to not have a footer in the embed.
  124. Timestamp: true
  125. # This will add the time the user joined at to the embed's footer if set to true
  126. Thumbnail: "{userPFP}"
  127. # Variables: {userPFP} {botPFP}
  129. ########################################
  130. # #
  132. # #
  133. ########################################
  135. Anti_Advertisement:
  136. Enabled: true
  137. # This will enable or disable the chat anti-advertisement
  138. Status_Antiadvertisement_System: true
  139. # This will enable or disable the status anti-advertisement
  140. Bypass_Role: "Bypass"
  141. #
  142. Status_Advertisement_Notification_Channel: "detected-advertisements"
  143. # This is the rank required to bypass the advertisment check. Users with this role will be able to advertise freely!
  144. Whitelisted_Websites:
  145. 1: ""
  146. 2: ""
  147. 3: ""
  148. # These are websites that bypass the advertisement check. Users will be allow to post links or use these websites in their statuses that are from these sites.
  149. Whitelisted_Channels:
  150. 1: advertisements
  151. # These are the channels advertisements can be sent in. Put [] for none.
  154. ########################################
  155. # #
  156. # COINS SYSTEM #
  157. # #
  158. ########################################
  160. Coin_System:
  161. Enabled: false
  162. # This will enable or disable the coin system.
  163. Coin_Amount: 10
  164. # This is the approximate amount of coins users will get per message.
  166. ### SHOP CONFIG ###
  168. Shop_System:
  169. Enabled: false
  170. # This will enable or disable the shop system. If disabled, this will disable both the shop and buy commands.
  172. Items:
  173. VIP RANK:
  174. role: "vip"
  175. # This is the role that will be given when a user purchases the item.
  176. name: "vip"
  177. # This is the name of the item. The user will use this name to buy the item.
  178. price: 3500
  179. # This is the coins the user must pay to purchase the item.
  180. description: "Cost: **3500** coins\nCommand: `-buy vip`"
  181. MVP RANK:
  182. role: "mvp"
  183. name: "mvp"
  184. price: 5000
  185. description: "Cost: **5000** coins\nCommand: `-buy mvp`"
  186. MVP+ RANK:
  187. role: "mvp+"
  188. name: "mvp+"
  189. price: 7500
  190. description: "Cost: **7500** coins\nCommand: `-buy mvp+`"
  192. Embed_Title: "**SERVER SHOP**"
  194. Embeds:
  195. Coin_Top:
  196. ### EMBED OPTIONS ###
  197. # Variables:
  198. # {page} - This will print the current page of the leaderboard you're viewing.
  199. # {totalcoins} - This will print the total amount of coins collected from all users
  201. Title: "Coin Leaderboard (Page #{page})"
  202. # This is the title of the embed
  203. Footer: "Total Coins Collected {totalcoins}"
  204. # Put false to not have a footer in the embed.
  207. ########################################
  208. # #
  209. # LEVEL SYSTEM #
  210. # #
  211. ########################################
  213. Level_System:
  214. Enabled: true
  215. # This will enable or disable the level system
  216. Approximate_XP_Per_Message: 10
  217. # Approximate_XP_Per_Message is that amount + a random number between 1 and 10 (for example, if the value was 50, the xp value would be between 50-60 per message)
  218. Level_Roles:
  219. 50000000: "Level 50000000"
  220. # These are the roles given to the user when they reach a certain level.
  222. Delete_Level_Up_Embed: true
  223. # If false, the level up message will not delete after a few seconds.
  225. Embeds:
  226. Level_Top:
  227. ### EMBED OPTIONS ###
  228. # Variables:
  229. # {page} - This will print the current page of the leaderboard you've viewing.
  230. # {totalxp} - This will print the total amount of XP collectted from all users.
  232. Title: "Level Leaderboard (Page #{page})"
  233. # This is the title of the embed.
  234. Footer: "Total XP Collected: {totalxp}"
  235. # Put false to not have a footer in the embed.
  238. ###########################################
  239. # #
  241. # #
  242. ###########################################
  244. Server_Backup_System:
  245. Save_Permission: "Admin"
  246. # The role required to save a backup
  247. Restore_Permission: "Admin"
  248. # The role required to restore a backup
  249. Save:
  250. roles: true
  251. channel_permissions: true
  252. channels: true
  255. ####################################
  256. # #
  258. # #
  259. ####################################
  261. Giveaway_System:
  262. Enabled: true
  263. # This will enable or disable the giveaway system
  264. Emoji: ":tada:"
  265. # This is Discord's emoji variable for the emoji that you want users to react to in order to enter the giveaway.
  266. Emoji_Unicode: "πŸŽ‰"
  267. # This is the emoji unicode for the emoji that you want users to react to in order to enter the giveaway.
  268. Max_Giveaways: 5
  269. # This is the maximum amount of giveaways you can have running that the same time.
  270. GCreate_Required_Rank: "Owner"
  271. # This is the rank required to run the gcreate command.
  272. GDelete_Required_Rank: "Owner"
  273. # This is the rank required to run the gdelete command.
  274. GReRoll_Required_Rank: "Owner"
  275. # This is the rank required to run the greroll command.
  276. Channel: "giveaways"
  277. # This is the channel giveaways will be posted in.
  280. ####################################
  281. # #
  283. # #
  284. ####################################
  286. Ticket_System:
  287. Enabled: true
  288. # This will enable or disable the ticket system.
  289. Ticket_Creation_Channel: false
  290. # This is the channel that tickets can be created in
  291. Ticket_Limit: 1
  292. # This is the limit of tickets a certain user can have open at one time.
  293. Require_Reason: false
  294. # If set to true, users will be required to add a reason when opening a ticket.
  295. Support_Role: "Support"
  296. # This is the role required to see the tickets, run the add, remove, and close command.
  297. Close_All_Role: "Admin"
  298. # This is the role required to close all tickets at once.
  299. Category: "Tickets"
  300. # This is the category tickets will be put in.
  301. Topic: "**User** {user} **Reason** {reason} **Time** {time} **ID** {id}"
  302. # Put false to not have a ticket topic.
  303. # VARIABLES:
  304. # {user} - User that created the ticket
  305. # {reason} - Reason the ticket was created for
  306. # {time} - Time the ticket was created at
  307. # {id} - ID of the ticket
  308. Close_All_Confirmation: true
  309. Close_Confirmation: true
  310. Transcripts:
  311. Enabled: true
  312. # Disable if using Ultimate Tickets Addon
  313. Logs_Channel: 'ticket-transcripts'
  314. DM_To_User: true
  315. Embed_Settings:
  316. # VARIABLES:
  317. # {user} - This will mention the user that opened the ticket
  318. # {reason} This will display the user's reason for opening the ticket
  320. Title: "Ticket"
  321. # This is the title of the embed
  322. Description: "{user}, thank you for creating a support ticket."
  323. # This is the description or main field of the embed
  324. Footer: "Ticket System"
  325. # This is the footer of the embed. Set to false to not have an embed.
  326. Timestamp: true
  327. # This will add the time the user joined at to the embed's footer if set to true
  328. Thumbnail: '{botPFP}'
  329. # Variables: {botPFP} {userPFP}
  332. ####################################
  333. # #
  335. # #
  336. ####################################
  338. Filter_System:
  339. Enabled: true
  340. # This will enable or disable the filter system.
  341. Bypass_Role: "Bypass"
  342. # This is the rank required to bypass the filter system and say blacklisted words.
  344. Messages_Filter:
  345. Tasks:
  346. channel: "logs"
  347. # The channel that the logs should be sent to
  348. matches: "I need to .+"
  349. # You can input a Regular Expression for the message to match
  350. equals: "I need to do something"
  351. # The message will be logged if it equals exactly that (not case sensitive)
  352. includes: "I need to"
  353. # The message will be logged if it includes this phrase (not case sensitive)
  354. role: "Admin"
  355. # The author has to have this role for the message to be logged
  356. # Filter messages to a channel
  359. ########################################
  360. # #
  362. # #
  363. ########################################
  364. # NOTE: Be sure to make the Join_Role a role like "Unverified" or "Unregistered" and make that role have proper permissions to only see X channel(s)
  366. Verification_System:
  367. Enabled: false
  368. # This will enable or disable the verification system
  369. Verified_Role: "Verified"
  370. # This is the role users will get after verifying
  371. Type: "reaction"
  372. # Leave as "reaction" for now.
  373. Reaction:
  374. Emoji: "βœ…"
  375. # This is the emoji users must react with in order to get verified
  376. Message_ID: "677305167321890826"
  377. # This is the ID of the message users must react to in order to get verified
  380. ############################################
  381. # #
  382. # AUTO RESPONSE #
  383. # #
  384. ############################################
  386. Auto_Response_System:
  387. Enabled: false
  388. Auto_Responses:
  389. 'This is a test of the auto response system': 'This is a response, {user}! Your username is {username}.'
  390. # This is a list of auto-responses. The bot will respond with the specified phrase if it matches the first phrase.
  393. ####################################
  394. # #
  396. # #
  397. ####################################
  399. Announcements:
  400. Enabled: true
  401. Auto_Tag: true
  402. # This will auto tag @everyone in the announcements channel if set to true.
  403. Channel: "announcements"
  404. # This is the channel announcements will be sent to.
  406. Embed_Settings:
  407. Thumbnail: ""
  408. # This is the image link that will be put at the top right corner of the embed. Put false to not have a thumbnail in the embed.
  409. # Put "{Bot_PFP}" to use your bot's profile picture. Put "{Executor_PFP}" to use the command executor's profile picture.
  410. Footer: "RaptorMC"
  411. # This is the footer of the embed. Put false to not have a footer in the embed.
  412. Timestamp: true
  413. # This will add the time the announcement was posted to the embed's footer if set to true
  414. Footer_Avatar_Image: '{ExecutorPFP}'
  415. # This will add an image in the footer of the embed (Will be in a small circle).
  416. # Use {BotPFP} to put the bot's profile picture, or {ExecutorPFP} to use the profile picture of who ran the command
  417. Author_Avatar_Image: '{BotPFP}'
  420. ####################################
  421. # #
  422. # LINK COMMAND #
  423. # #
  424. ####################################
  426. Link:
  427. Enabled: true
  428. Links:
  429. Paradise Store: ""
  430. Store: ""
  431. Soon: "????"
  432. # Add more links by setting the name of the link as the key, and the actual link as the value
  434. Embed_Settings:
  435. Title: "Links"
  436. #
  437. Description: ":link: All links related to the server"
  438. #
  441. ####################################
  442. # #
  443. # ROLE MENU #
  444. # #
  445. ####################################
  447. Role_Menu:
  448. Enabled: false
  449. # This will enable or disable the role menu command.
  450. Menus:
  451. Server:
  452. πŸ‡Ί: "Updates"
  453. πŸ‡΅: "Polls"
  454. πŸ‡ͺ: "Events"
  455. πŸŽ‰: "Giveaways"
  456. Game:
  457. πŸ‡²: "Minecraft"
  458. πŸ‡«: "Fortnite"
  459. # Use the emoji as the key and the role as the value.
  462. ####################################
  463. # #
  464. # TEMP CHANNELS #
  465. # #
  466. ####################################
  468. Temp_Channels:
  469. Enabled: false
  470. # Set to 'false' to disable temp channels
  471. Join_To_Create: 'Temp Channel'
  472. # The voice channel that users should join to create a temp channel
  473. Category: 'Temp Channels'
  474. # The category that temp voice channels should go under
  477. ####################################
  478. # #
  479. # SUGGESTIONS #
  480. # #
  481. ####################################
  483. Suggestions:
  484. Enabled: true
  485. Channel: "suggestions"
  486. # This is the channel suggestions will be set to.
  487. Type: "normal"
  488. # Types: "normal", "revivenode"
  489. # Normal: Suggestions are be made by running the -suggest command
  490. # Revivenode: Suggestions are made by messaging in the suggestions channel
  491. Accept_Suggestions_Emoji: "⭐"
  492. # Emoji (In unicode form) used when reacting to suggestions for accept emojis
  493. Deny_Suggestions_Emoji: "πŸ”’"
  494. # Emoji (In unicode form) usedd when reacting to suggestions for denying emojis
  495. Accepted_Suggestions_Channel: false
  496. # If false, suggestions that are accepted will stay in the suggestions channel and the embed will be modified to show that it was accepted
  497. # If set to the name of a channel, accepted suggestions will be sent to that channel
  498. Denied_Suggestions_Channel: false
  499. # If false, suggestions that are denied will stay in the suggestions channel and the embed will be modified to show that it was denied
  500. # If set to the name of a channel, denied suggestions will be sent to that channel
  501. Embed_Settings:
  502. # VARIABLES: {tag}, {executorPFP}, {botPFP}
  503. # {tag} - Shows the tag of the user sending the suggestion
  504. # {executorPFP} - Shows the profile picture of the user sending the suggestion
  505. # {botPFP} - Shows the bot's profile picture
  506. Title: 'Suggestions'
  507. Footer: 'From: {tag}'
  508. Footer_Avatar_Image: '{executorPFP}'
  509. Timestamp: true
  512. ####################################
  513. # #
  514. # IP COMMAND #
  515. # #
  516. ####################################
  518. IP:
  519. Enabled: true
  520. Server_IP: ""
  521. # This is the IP that will be shown in the embed when running the ip command.
  522. Embed:
  523. Author: 'Server IP'
  524. Author_Avatar_Image: ''
  526. ####################################
  527. # #
  528. # SLOTS COMMAND #
  529. # #
  530. ####################################
  532. Slots_System:
  533. Emojis:
  534. ":lemon:":
  535. Chance: 35
  536. Coins: 0.05
  537. ":skull:":
  538. Chance: 5
  539. Coins: 1
  540. ":heart:":
  541. Chance: 35
  542. Coins: 0.05
  543. ":large_blue_diamond:":
  544. Chance: 25
  545. Coins: 0.5
  546. # The main value is the emoji.
  547. # The Chance value is the chance out of 100 that this emoji will picked.
  548. # The Coins value is the amount of coins multiplied by the gambled amount that the user will get if this emoji is picked.
  549. # Remember that 9 emojis will be picked.
  550. # The Chance values MUST all add up to 100.
  552. ####################################
  553. # #
  555. # #
  556. ####################################
  558. Status:
  559. Enabled: false
  560. Server_Name: "Storm"
  562. Server_Status:
  563. RaptorMC Eco Survival:
  564. bungee: true
  566. # Set to true if this server is the main bungee server
  568. PingURL: ""
  569. QueryURL: ""
  571. # Query port should be set in your file
  572. Hypixel:
  573. PingURL: ""
  574. QueryURL: ""
  575. Example:
  576. PingURL: ""
  577. QueryURL: ""
  579. ####################################
  580. # #
  582. # #
  583. ####################################
  585. Lock_Unlock:
  586. Enabled: true
  587. Whitelisted:
  588. 1: "Owner"
  589. 2: "Admin"
  590. 3: "Mod"
  591. 4: "Helper"
  592. 5: "Staff"
  593. 6: "CoreBot"
  594. 7: "Bot"
  595. # These are roles that the bot will allow to send messages in the channel you lock (All other roles will not be able to speak if locked, unless they're in the ignore setting,)
  596. Ignore:
  597. 1: "Muted"
  598. 2: "Blacklisted"
  599. 3: "CoreBot"
  600. 4: "Bot"
  601. # These are roles the bot will ignore when changing permissions to the channel. Permissions for these channels will not change at all.
  603. ####################################
  604. # #
  606. # #
  607. ####################################
  609. Applications:
  610. Channel_Format: 'application-%tag%'
  611. # The channel name when an application is created, placeholders are %username%, %id%, and %tag%
  612. Category: 'Applications'
  613. # The category to put applications in
  614. Reviewer_Role: 'Leader'
  615. # The role that can view applications and accept/deny them
  616. Mention_Reviewer_Role: false
  617. # Should the reviewer role be mentioned when an application is opened. Set to false to disable.
  618. New_Embed:
  619. Description: "%ping%, thank you for creating an application. Fill out these questions and our team will review your application as soon as possible."
  620. # The description for the embed. %ping% is the only placeholder as of now
  621. Title: "Storm Application"
  622. # The embed sent in a new application
  623. Position_Embed:
  624. Description: "What position would you like to apply for? The current positions are %positions%"
  625. Title: "Position"
  626. Application_Complete:
  627. Description: "Your application is complete. A staff member will look over it and make a decision as soon as possible."
  628. Title: "Application Complete"
  629. # The embed for the question to ask what position they want to apply for
  630. Delete_Embeds_And_Send_Answers: true
  631. Logs:
  632. Enabled: true
  633. Channel: 'application-logs'
  634. Paste_Site: ''
  635. # Should the messages all be deleted and send an embed with a list of answers?
  636. Positions:
  637. Skyblock:
  638. Role: "Member"
  639. Questions:
  640. - "What is your IGN?"
  641. # Just ask the question
  642. - Question: "What is your age?"
  643. RegExp: '\d+'
  644. Failed_RegExp: 'That is not a valid age.'
  645. # Ask the question and make sure it matches a Regular Expression
  646. - "Do you have any experience with Competetive Skyblock? (In Years)"
  647. - "What is your time schedule? Try and be as detailed as possible."
  648. - "Rate your expertise in building grinders from 1 - 10"
  649. - "Rate your expertise in building farms from 1 - 10"
  650. - "For servers that have a hard cane eco are you willing to be a cane slave?"
  651. - "Why do you want to join Storm?"
  652. - "Is there anything unique you can contribute to us?"
  653. - "Is there anything else you would like to tell us? Extracurriculur Activites? etc"
  656. ####################################
  657. # #
  658. # PERMISSIONS #
  659. # #
  660. ####################################
  662. Permissions:
  663. Bot_Management_Commands:
  664. Set_Status: "Admin"
  665. Set_Prefix: "Owner"
  666. Bot_Update: "Owner"
  667. Prefix: "Owner"
  668. Debug: "Owner"
  669. Module: "Owner"
  670. Eval:
  671. - '273679641087180802'
  672. # IDs that can use the eval command, set to [] to disable. Keep in mind the eval command is dangerous and can do many things to your Discord server. Only give it to trusted users that know what they're doing.
  673. Staff_Commands:
  674. Announce: "Admin"
  675. Rolemenu: "Admin"
  676. Ban: "Mod"
  677. Unban: "Mod"
  678. Kick: "Mod"
  679. Filter: "Admin"
  680. Staffhelp: "Staff"
  681. Clear: "Helper"
  682. Say: "Admin"
  683. Accept_Deny_Suggestions: "Admin"
  684. Update: "Admin"
  685. Vote: "Admin"
  686. Lock: "Admin"
  687. Unlock: "Admin"
  688. Mute: "Mod"
  689. Unmute: "Mod"
  690. Blacklist: "Mod"
  691. Tempmute: "Mod"
  692. Tempban: "Mod"
  693. Msg: "Admin"
  694. Give: "Admin"
  695. Take: "Admin"
  696. Warn: "Helper"
  697. Topic: "Admin"
  698. Slowmode: "Mod"
  699. Createrole: "Admin"
  700. Deleterole: "Admin"
  701. Removewarn: "Mod"
  702. History: "Mod"
  703. User_Commands:
  704. Google: "Member"
  705. Remindme: "Member"
  706. Suggest: "Member"
  707. Dog: "Member"
  708. Serverinfo: "Member"
  709. Roleinfo: "Member"
  710. Ticket_Commands:
  711. New: "Member"
  712. Add: "Member"
  713. Remove: "Member"
  714. Close: "Member"
  715. Closeall: "Admin"
  718. ####################################
  719. # #
  720. # OTHER #
  721. # #
  722. ####################################
  724. Help_Menu_Type: 'normal'
  725. # Types: 'categorized', 'normal'
  726. Staff_Help_Menu: true
  727. # This enables or disables the staff help embed. This embed gets sent when you run the -staffhelp command.
  728. Chat_Logs: true
  729. # Should the chat logs be enabled. Set to false to disable.
  730. Slowmode_Default_Amount: 2
  731. # Amount is in seconds
  732. Cooldowns:
  733. experience: 5
  734. coins: 5
  735. report: 120
  736. # Cooldown is in seconds
  737. Cooldown_Bypass: 'Cooldown Bypass'
  738. # The role (and above) that can bypass cooldowns
  741. ### Command Enabler/Disabler ###
  742. Command_Enabler:
  743. # Commands that are a part of a system can only be disabled by disabling the system.
  744. # Commands that have a specific config section can be disabled there
  745. Set_Prefix: true
  746. Set_Status: true
  748. Ban: true
  749. Blacklist: true
  750. Unban: true
  751. Unmute: true
  752. Kick: true
  753. Mute: true
  754. Tempmute: true
  755. Tempban: true
  756. Clear: true
  757. Warn: true
  758. Topic: true
  759. Slowmode: true
  760. Createrole: true
  761. Deleterole: true
  762. Staffhelp: true
  763. Removewarn: true
  764. History: true
  766. Update: true
  767. Vote: true
  768. Say: true
  770. Msg: true
  771. Give: true
  772. Take: true
  774. Ping: true
  775. Report: true
  776. Remindme: true
  777. Google: true
  778. Bug_Report: true
  779. Help: true
  780. Avatar: true
  781. Lock_Unlock: true
  782. Userinfo: true
  783. Dog: true
  784. Serverinfo: true
  785. Roleinfo: true
  788. ### CHANNELS ###
  789. Channels:
  790. Bug_Reports: "bug-reports"
  791. # This is the channel bug reports will be sent to.
  792. Updates: "updates"
  793. # This is the channel updates will be sent to.
  794. Vote: "polls"
  795. # This is the channel votes will be sent to.
  796. Reports: "reports"
  797. # This is the channel reports will be sent to.
  800. ### LOGS ###
  801. Logs:
  802. Punishments:
  803. Enabled: true
  804. Channel: "logs"
  805. Tickets:
  806. Enabled: true
  807. Channel: "logs"
  808. MessageEdit:
  809. Enabled: true
  810. Channel: "logs"
  811. MessageDelete:
  812. Enabled: true
  813. Channel: "logs"
  814. Chat_Logs:
  815. Enabled: true
  816. Blacklisted_Channels:
  817. - staff
  818. # If the channel is not in the blacklist, all messages will get logged to the /logs/(date).txt file
  819. # Set to [] to not blacklist any channels
  822. ### COMMANDS ###
  823. Commands:
  824. Remove_Command_Messages: true
  825. # If set to true the bot will delete user's messages when they execute a command.
  826. Require_Commands_Channel: false
  827. # Require Commands to be sent in the bot spam channel
  828. Allow_Commands_In_Tickets: true
  829. # Allow commands to be sent in tickets (only if Require_Commands_Channel is true)
  830. Command_Channels:
  831. - botcommands
  832. - botspam
  833. # A list of channels that commands are allowed in
  834. Bypass_Commands_Channel: "Staff"
  835. # This is the rank required in order to run commands outside of the commands channel.
  836. Ignore_Case: true
  837. # If set to true, commands can be any capitalization
  838. Disable_XP: true
  839. # If set to true, users won't be given XP when they run commands
  842. ### PUNISHMENT SYSTEM ####
  843. Punishment_System:
  844. Punish_Staff: false
  845. # Should banning staff be allowed? Note: You will only be able to ban staff under you
  846. Mute_Role: "Muted"
  847. # This is the role given to muted users.
  848. Blacklist_Role: "Blacklisted"
  849. # This is the role given to blacklisted users.
  854. BOT_VERSION: "4.0.0"
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